Zodiac Compatibility

As you will discover in this there are many more Sun Signs with which we have the potential for easy compatibility, sympathy and understanding than those with which we may find some degree of tension, antipathy or lack of communication… . . more opportunities for love and compassion than for hatred and mistrust in the harmonics of our solar system.

Yet concerned men and women in all walks of Life, from geologists and ecologists to prophets and astrologers, persistently predict the possibility of approaching cataclysms, both man-made and natural, bringing the danger of annihilation before the critical next decade has passed on this waning planet, so fast losing light. We have been warned, but few have heeded the warning. We have been called, but few have answered. For the Earth to wax again, clearly a miracle is needed.

By learning to use the wisdom of the planets, our co-Creators’ code to Universal Truth, we may each create a fragment of the rainbow-spectrum message of Peace on Earth to men … and women … of good will caroled by celestials over Bethlehem two thousand years ago to usher in the Pisces Age of the gentle Nazerene, who asked us only to “love one another,” promising that what he did, we could “then do also.”

It’s not too late, for the joyous message of angelic hosts (not yet identified) still rings its clarion call today … now ushering in the Aquarian Age … heralding hope to those who watch the skies and listen for the music. There could be, I think, no greater prelude to a miracle so needed, perhaps approaching sooner than we guess, than to employ the art of ancient wise men to pave the way for his return with a new Star Quest for love … love of man for woman … and of both together then for every living plant and creature. For love alone has the power to bring peace at history’s twilight hour to Earthlings of good will.


aries and aries aries and taurus aries and gemini aries and canceraries and leo aries and virgo aries and libra aries and scorpioaries and sagittarius aries and capricorn aries and aquarius aries and pisces


aries and taurus taurus and taurus taurus and gemini taurus and cancer taurus and leo taurus and virgo taurus and libra taurus and scorpio taurus and sagittarius taurus and capricorn taurus and aquarius taurus and pisces


Gemini and Aries Gemini and Taurus Gemini and Gemini Gemini and Cancer Gemini and Leo Gemini and Virgo Gemini and Libra Gemini and Scorpio Gemini and Sagittarius Gemini and Capricorn Gemini and Aquarius Gemini and Pisces


Cancer and Aries Cancer and Taurus Cancer and Gemini Cancer and Cancer and Cancer and Leo Cancer and Virgo Cancer and Libra Cancer and Scorpio Cancer and Sagittarius Cancer and Capricorn Cancer and Aquarius Cancer and Pisces


Leo and aries Leo and Taurus Leo and Gemini Leo and Cancer Leo and Leo Leo and Virgo Leo and Libra Leo and Scorpio Leo and Sagittarius Leo and Capricorn Leo and Aquarius Leo and Pisces


Virgo and Aries Virgo and Taurus Virgo and Gemini Virgo and Cancer Virgo and Leo Virgo and Virgo Virgo and Libra Virgo and Scorpio Virgo and Sagittarius Virgo and Capricorn Virgo and Aquarius Virgo and Pisces


Libra and Aries Libra and Taurus Libra and Gemini Libra and Cancer Libra and Leo Libra and Virgo Libra and Libra Libra and Scorpio Libra and Sagittarius Libra and Capricorn Libra and Aquarius Libra and Pisces


Scorpio and Aries Scorpio and Taurus Scorpio and Gemini Scorpio and Cancer Scorpio and Virgo Scorpio and Leo Scorpio and Libra Scorpio and Scorpio Scorpio and Sagittarius Scorpio and Capricorn Scorpio and Aquarius Scorpio and Pisces


Sagittarius and Aries Sagittarius and Taurus Sagittarius and Gemini Sagittarius and Cancer Sagittarius and Leo Sagittarius and Virgo Sagittarius and Libra Sagittarius and Scorpop Sagittarius And Sagittarius Sagittarius And Capricorn Sagittarius And Aquarius Sagittarius And Pisces


Capricorn and Aries Capricorn and Taurus Capricorn and Gemini Capricorn and Cancer Capricorn and Leo Capricorn and Virgo Capricorn and Libra Capricorn and Scorpio Capricorn and sagittarius Capricorn And Capricorn Capricorn And Aquarius Capricorn And Pisces


Aquarius and Aries Aquarius and Taurus Aquarius and Gemini Aquarius and Cancer Aquarius and Leo Aquarius and Virgo Aquarius and Libra Aquarius and Scorpio Aquarius and sagittarius Aquarius And Aquarius Aquarius And Aquarius Aquarius And Pisces


Pisces and Aries Pisces and Taurus Pisces and Gemini Pisces and CancerPisces and Leo Pisces and Virgo Pisces and Libra Pisces and Scorpio Pisces and Sagittarius Pisces and Capricorn Pisces and Aquarius Pisces and Pisces
