Your greatest challenge is…
spending enough time with loved ones
The way forward is…
to understand that as satisfying as personal ambition is, it can never replace the rewards and fulfillment of close personal relationships.
You’re drawn to people born on…
April 21 to May 21
You share a passion for adventure and surprises, and this can create an intense and exciting bond.
Luck maker
Go out of your way
Offer your help when people are down on their luck. This is the time they most need your help, and you will have the luck and happiness that friendship brings with it for life.
People born on March 18 are blessed with great courage, resilience and the ability to recover from adverse circumstances not once but time after time. They have remarkable physical, emotional and spiritual strength and, if they can learn the lessons from each setback, they’ve the potential to become inspirational motivators and leaders.
People born on this day are intelligent, multi-talented and resourceful. They will use their considerable energy and will-power to overcome all obstacles. Their life may have been particularly challenging during their youth and these early knocks have given them the resilience they need to succeed. They have a knack of being in the right place at the right time, a great sense of humor and an optimistic outlook; as a result, people find them appealing but also exhausting, as they tend to live at a fast pace.
The danger for these people is that their preoccupation with moving forward or bouncing back can cause them to neglect not just important details but also the feelings of others. It is important for them to pay greater attention to details so these don’t create problems later and to make sure the demands of those close to them are met. Before the age of thirty-two they are likely to be more confident and assertive but also more obsessive and chaotic in their approach to their goals. After the age of thirty-three they are likely to slow down a little and become more through, secure and settled.
The recuperative powers of people born on this day are remarkable. This is partly due to their spiritual strength and patience; they have an unshakable belief that however tough things are now they will be better tomorrow. More often than not, life rewards this positive attitude and things improve significantly. Once these generous, courageous and resourceful people learn to avoid a tendency toward ruthlessness, they can earn the admiration and support of others. Whatever field they choose to work in, the lives of those they touch will be changed forever by their intensity and bravery.
On the dark side
Obsessive, needy, ruthless
At your best
Powerful, resilient, courageous
Love Thrill of the chase
People born on March 18 like an element of danger in their relationships, tending to be attracted to individuals who will challenge them physically, mentally and emotionally. Because they love a challenge, partners should let them do most of the pursuing and be prepared for plenty of surprises. Once they are in a committed relationship, however, they treasure their partner’s loyalty and return it in full.
Health Family atmosphere
People born on this day generally enjoy life and this is reflected in their health, which tends to be good. They do, however, run the risk of becoming self-obsessed, which can alienate them from friends and family. It is important for them to make sure they spend enough time relaxing and unwinding in the company of people they care about. As far as diet is concerned, they tend to eat on the go and would benefit from sitting down at a table, preferably with company, as this, along with chewing their food properly, will help them digest their food and its nutrients and also give them time to slow down. Vigorous exercise, preferably team sports—to work off energy and encourage them to flourish in a team—is also recommended. Wearing, meditating on or surrounding themselves with the color green will restore their energies, encouraging greater harmony in themselves and others.
Career Born arbitrators
These people have an ability to see the bigger picture and multiple points of view; for this reason they can make great mediators, agents, negotiators, debaters, and arbitrators. They may also be suited to careers in which their resilience will serve them well: the entertainment world, politics, business and teaching. Careers that involve travel and working with the public will also suit them, as will movie-making, design and architecture.
Destiny To inspire others by their own courageous example
The life path of people born on this day is to put the focus less on their own personal goals and desires and more on the needs of others. Once they have learned to temper their ruthless streak, their destiny is to influence and inspire others to rise above challenges and achieve personal success.
Power Thought
“Today I will seek out opportunities to be kind”
March 18
Signs & symbols
Sun sign: Pisces
Ruling planet: Neptune, the speculator
Symbol: Two Fishes
Birth date ruler: Mars, the warrior
Tarot card: The Moon (imagination)
Favorable numbers: 3, 9
Lucky days: Thursday and Tuesday, especially when this day falls on 3 and 9 of the month
Lucky colors: Turquoise, scarlet
Birthstone: Aquamarine