November 05 Zodiac Signs

November 5 Zodiac Birthday Signs – Intelligent and receptive, you are an astute Scorpio with deep feelings and strong inner powers. Inquisitive, with a discerning mind, you often attempt to gain strength through knowledge. Although outwardly calm, with a gentle composure, you can become intense, and your sharp criticism can at times be brutally frank. Determined and persistent, you also have strong convictions and a resolute attitude that can sometimes be interpreted as stubbornness.

The subinfluence of your decanate ruler, Pisces, adds power to your sensitivity and implies that you have the ability to instinctively comprehend issues. An ability to concentrate on one issue at a time indicates that you can specialize in one particular field of research or have original interests. Imaginative, with keen senses, you assimilate all that is around you. Although this influence suggests that you can be emotionally excessive or prone to fluctuating moods, you can achieve inner equilibrium by creating a balanced and harmonious atmosphere.

Your need for personal contacts means that, as a networker, you have a flair for people-related activities and usually thrive on new opportunities and contacts. Being mentally active, you enjoy a good intellectual challenge. An inclination to be argumentative, however, implies that when you do not get your own way you can become quarrelsome. Nevertheless, a desire to succeed or become involved in financial ventures indicates that you can benefit from associations or working for others.

After the age of seventeen, when your progressed Sun moves into Sagittarius, you start to become more optimistic. This may lead you to expand your mental outlook on life, take chances, or travel. Alternatively, you may desire more inner freedom and have a greater psychological interest in truth, philosophy, or the meaning of life. After the age of forty-seven, when your progressed Sun moves into Capricorn, you become more organized, industrious, and realistic, with a greater understanding of your goals and ambitions in life. From the age of seventy-seven, when your progressed Sun enters Aquarius, you begin to place more importance on companionship, freedom, and independence.

DEGREE: 12°30’-13°30’ SCORPIO




Acrux, Alphecca



Star’s name: Acrux

Degree position: 10°54’-11°50’ Scorpio between the years 1930 and 2000

Magnitude: 1

Strength: **********

Orb: 2°30’

Constellation: Alpha Crux

Applicable days: November 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7

Star qualities: Jupiter

Description: a blue-white triple star, the brightest star in the Southern Cross

Your Secret Self


An interesting combination of high ideals and deep thought mixed with a practical desire for money, prestige, and luxury indicates that you may vacillate between these two extremes. Very strong-willed and determined when you have a goal in mind, you can impress others with your power and resolve. A good strategist, you possess the energy and determination for outstanding personal achievement, although you may find greater happiness using your focused willpower for the good of others.

Although you can often have an exceptionally perceptive mind, your tendency to alternate between ambition and inertia can challenge your otherwise great potential. Nevertheless, with your powers of concentration, need for recognition, and willingness to take on difficult and challenging work, you can be hardworking and dedicated. A strong need for harmony can be reflected in an appreciation or talent for art and music or by expression of a universal spirit.



Acrux bestows a love of knowledge, harmony, and justice. This star imparts an interest in philosophy, metaphysics, and astrology as well as granting psychic abilities. You have an inquisitive mind and probably an insatiable appetite for books or a desire to travel. Acrux may lead you toward research and education, the social sciences, philosophy, and religion.

Linked to your Sun’s degree, Acrux suggests a sensitive and sentimental nature. This star imparts broadminded humanitarian beliefs, and you may be a seeker of justice. You may become a leader in your profession and can excel or gain a high position in affairs that concern humankind.

Positive: justice, love toward your fellow man, compassion

Negative: revenge, injustice, lack of feelings

See Appendix for additional fixed star readings.

Work & Vocation


Through your natural diplomatic skills and ability to make contacts, you are able to excel in careers that involve negotiation or arbitration, such as public relations, liaison and agency work, or business advising. You may also be particularly good at selling or promoting an idea or product. Totally determined once committed to a project, you have shrewd business sense and organizational skills that are likely to aid your success in whatever career you choose. Although you may prefer to work for yourself, you also realize the benefits of working cooperatively with others. Alternatively, a need for recognition may push you into the limelight in some capacity.

Famous people who share your birthday include singer Bryan Adams, playwright/actor Sam Shepard, actresses Vivien Leigh and Tatum O’Neal, singer/songwriter Art Garfunkel, and labor organizer Eugene Debs.



Strong instincts, an adventurous nature, and a desire for freedom are all indicated by the number 5 birthday. The willingness to explore or try anything new and an enthusiastic approach suggest that life will have a lot to offer you. Travel and many opportunities for change, some unexpected, may lead you to undergo a real transformation of views and beliefs. With a number 5 birthday, you need to feel that life is exciting; however, you may also have to develop a responsible attitude and avoid tendencies such as unpredictability, excessiveness, and restlessness. You can achieve success by avoiding premature or speculative actions and through learning patience. The natural talent of a number 5 individual is knowing how to go with the flow and staying detached. The subinfluence of the number 11 month indicates that you are intuitive, with strong instincts. Intelligent and direct, you can communicate your ideas in a crystal-clear manner. Although you are receptive and sensitive to others, your humorous viewpoint can at times blend with your skepticism and produce a cynical wit.

Positive: versatile, adaptable, progressive, strong instincts, magnetic, lucky, daring, freedom-loving, quick and witty, curious, mystical, sociable

Negative: unreliable, changeable, procrastinator, inconsistent, undependable, overconfident, headstrong



You might come close to finding your true match with someone born on one of the following dates.

Love and friendship: Jan. 2, 3, 23, Feb. 11, 21, Mar. 9, 19, 28, 31, Apr. 7, 17, 26, 29, May 5, 15, 24, 27, 28, 29, 31, June 3, 13, 22, 25, 26, 27, 29, July 1, 11, 20, 23, 25, 27, 29, Aug. 9, 18, 21, 23, 25, 27, Sept. 7, 16, 19, 21, 23, 25, Oct. 5, 14, 17, 19, 21, 23, Nov. 3, 12, 15, 17, 19, 21, Dec. 1, 10, 13, 15, 17, 19

Beneficial: Jan. 3, 4, 10, 21, Feb. 1, 2, 8, 19, Mar. 6, 17, 30, Apr. 4,15, 28, May 2, 13, 26, June 11, 24, July 9, 22, Aug. 7, 20, Sept. 5, 18, Oct. 3, 16, 31, Nov. 1, 14, 29, Dec. 12, 27

Fatal attractions: Jan. 22, 28, Feb. 20, 26, Mar. 18, 24, Apr. 16, 22, May 3, 4, 5, 6, 14, 20, June 12, 18, July 10, 16, Aug. 8, 14, Sept. 6, 12, Oct. 4, 10, Nov. 2, 8, Dec. 6

Challenging: Jan. 11, 20, Feb. 9, 18, Mar. 7, 16, Apr. 5, 14, May 3, 12, 30, June 1, 10, 28, July 8, 26, 31, Aug. 6, 24, 29, Sept. 4, 22, 27, Oct. 2, 20, 25, Nov. 18, 23, Dec. 16, 21

Soul mates: Jan. 26, Feb. 24, Mar. 22, 30, Apr. 20, 28, May 18, 26, June 16, 24, July 14, 22, Aug. 12, 20, Sept. 10, 18, Oct. 8, 16, Nov. 6, 14, Dec. 4, 12

Love & Relationships


Sensitive, with powerful emotions, you usually have a curious nature, with fixed beliefs and strong principles. As you admire powerful and independent people, you need a strong partner who can stand up to you and not be intimidated by your forceful personality. Although friendly and sociable, you may strike out on your own and try new challenges. Since you need to exercise your cerebral power, you prefer the company of intelligent individuals.


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