August 11 Zodiac Sign

August 11 Zodiac Birthday Signs – Action, inspiration, and creativity are some of the qualities associated with your birthday. With a pioneering spirit, you are an interesting mixture of idealism and a desire for money and status. As a Leo, you have charm and vitality, and with your friendly and gregarious personality, you are often described by others as an optimistic extrovert.

The subinfluence of your decanate ruler, Sagittarius, implies that because you are idealistic yet practical, you usually have the vision and ingenuity to turn your dreams into reality. This influence also indicates that your decisive attitude can be an important factor in your ability to overcome obstacles and periods of adversity. Jupiter’s effect also points out that you have some exceedingly good ideas that can bring financial rewards.

The strong emphasis on relationships and partnerships linked to your birthday implies that although you can be mentally determined and single-minded, you may need to learn the art of compromise in order to benefit from what others have to offer. Friendly and enterprising, with a fondness for material comforts, you frequently seek associations that can bring you gain and further advancement. Lack of funds or a fear of not having enough money, however, can influence your otherwise good prospects, and you must avoid being materialistic or ruthless;

From the age of eleven, when your progressed Sun moves into Virgo for thirty years, there is an increasing need for a practical approach to life. You may gradually desire to become more efficient and discriminating with your time and energy. There is a turning point for you at the age of forty-one, when your progressed Sun enters Libra. At this time you may want to become more involved in your close personal relationships and may turn from practical considerations to more aesthetic ones. When you are age seventy-one, your progressed Sun enters Scorpio, and you may experience a new period of emotional change and transformation.

Your Secret Self


A strong need for recognition ensures that you want to be out front both materially and emotionally. Since you possess the power to achieve in a big way, it may be important to use this for emotional satisfaction as well as just material success. You may find your greatest fulfillment in satisfying your need to do something for the benefit of others.

With an inner sense of harmony, you desire life to be peaceful and contented, emphasizing the need for your home to be a safe and secure retreat from the world. This harmony can also stimulate musical, artistic, or creative skills that may be just waiting to be developed. Entertaining and sociable, you usually know how to relax and enjoy yourself. Just be careful that you do not compromise too much to keep the peace or allow anxiety to creep in and spoil your fun. Developing your inner sixth sense may be the key to using the tremendous latent abilities inherent in your birthday.

DEGREE: 18°-19° LEO



Star’s name: Merak

Degree position: 18°29’–19°34’ Leo
between the years 1930 and

Magnitude: 2

Strength: ****

Orb; 2° 10’

Constellation: Alpha Ursa Major

Applicable days: August 10, 11, 12, 13, 14

Star qualities: Mars

Description: a white giant star located
on the side of the Great Bear



Merak imparts a love of command and leadership abilities, although it may also indicate an inclination to be overly dominant. Your determination means that you are likely to achieve much in life and succeed where others may fail.

Linked to your Sun’s degree, this star bestows courage, assertiveness, and hot-blooded vitality. The power of attainment that is associated with this star ensures that your life will be full of activity. Merak’s influence carries opportunities and possible fame and honors.

Positive: love of life, active and creative, ambition, courage

Negative: hastiness, stubbornness, overstrain

Work & Vocation


Friendly and generous, you have idealistic inclinations that may lead you to seek work that involves you with others. If you believe in a cause, you can be quite forceful or persuasive; as a philanthropist, you have the power to do good in the community. In business, you have a flair for sales and promotion and can successfully negotiate contracts and business deals. Similarly, you can excel as an agent or business advisor. With your strong will and determination, you have much energy to direct toward accomplishment, and although you possess strong leadership skills, you may prefer to work in cooperation with others. You can also do well in the entertainment world, writing, or music.

Famous people who share your birthday include actress Arlene Dahl, wrestler Hulk Hogan, writers Enid Blyton and Alex Haley, and musician Phil Ochs.



The special vibration of the master number 11 birthday suggests that idealism, inspiration, and innovation are highly important to you. A blend of humility and confidence challenges you to work toward self-mastery both materially and spiritually. Through experience you learn how to deal with both sides of your nature and develop a less extremist attitude by trusting your own feelings. Usually you are highly charged and enjoy vitality, but must avoid becoming overly anxious or impractical. The subinfluence of the number 8 month indicates that you can be determined and ambitious, with foresight and executive abilities. When you are creative and original you become optimistic, hardworking, and enthusiastic; however, you must learn to complete what you start and not leave a job half done. As fear often relates to being insecure about money and power, you may need to overcome a tendency to be arrogant or calculating. Learn to express your unique talent in order to unleash your true potential.

Positive: focused, objective, enthusiastic, inspirational, spiritual, intuitive, intelligent, outgoing, inventive, artistic, service, healing ability, humanitarian, psychic

Negative: superiority complex, aimless, overemotional, easily hurt, highly strung, selfish, lack of clarity

Love & Relationships


An ability to communicate your creative thoughts attracts you to artistic people. You are warm, friendly, and highly sociable. In your personal relationships you are especially drawn by powerful and intelligent individuals, although you may have to be careful not to become involved in arguments with loved ones. You are likely to be extremely generous with those you love and can be very loyal as a friend and lover. Usually willing to work hard to keep a relationship alive, you still need to keep some form of personal freedom.



For security, mental stimulation, and love, you might want to begin looking for those born among the following dates.

Love & friendship: Jan. 3, 5, 23, Feb. 3, 11, 21, Mar. 9, 19, 28, 31, Apr. 7, 17, 26, 29, May 5, 15, 24, 27, 29, 31, June 3, 13, 22, 25, 27, 29, July 1, 11, 20, 23, 25, 27, 29, Aug. 9, 18, 21, 23, 25, 27, Sept. 7, 16, 19, 21, 23, 25, Oct. 5, 14, 17, 19, 21, 23, Nov. 3, 12, 15, 17, 19, 21, Dec. 1, 10, 13, 15, 17, 19

Beneficial: Jan. 3, 4, 10, 21, Feb. 1, 2, 8, 19, Mar. 6, 17, 30, Apr. 4, 15, 28, May 2, 13, 26, June 11, 24, July 9, 22, Aug. 7, 20, Sept. 5, 18, Oct. 3, 16, 31, Nov. 1, 14, 29, Dec. 12, 27

Fatal attractions: Jan. 22, 28, Feb. 8, 9, 10, 20, 26, Mar. 18, 24, Apr. 16, 22, May 14, 20, June 12, 18, July 10, 16, Aug. 8, 14, Sept. 6, 12, Oct. 4, 10, Nov. 2, 8, Dec. 6

Challenging: Jan. 11, 20, Feb. 9, 18, Mar. 7, 16, Apr. 5, 14, May 3, 12, 30, June 1, 10, 28, July 8, 26, 31, Aug. 6, 24, 29, Sept. 4, 22, 27, Oct. 2, 20, 25, Nov. 18, 23, Dec. 16, 21

Soul mates: Jan. 26, Feb. 24, Mar. 22, 30, Apr. 20, 28, May 18, 26, June 16, 24, July 14, 22, Aug. 12, 20, Sept. 10, 18, Oct. 8, 16, Nov. 6, 14, Dec. 4, 12


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