Numerology Compatibility Number 28

Compatibility with the 28th Birthday


Please refer to the 1st and 28th birthdays.


Please refer to the 2nd and 28th birthdays.


Please refer to the 3rd and 28th birthdays.


Please refer to the 4th and 28th birthdays.


Please refer to the 5th and 28th birthdays.


Please refer to the 6th and 28th birthdays.


Please refer to the 7th and 28th birthdays.


Please refer to the 8th and 28th birthdays.


Please refer to the 9th and 28th birthdays.


This combination is the same as the 1st and 28th birthdays. The 10 reduces to a 1, (1 + 0 = 1). The Zero in the 10th day does not add any new features, nor does it take away any characteristics of the 1 vibration. At most, it may emphasise certain 1 features.


Please refer to the 11th and 28th birthdays.


Please refer to the 12th and 28th birthdays.


Please refer to the 13th and 28th birthdays.


Please refer to the 14th and 28th birthdays.


Please refer to the 15th and 28th birthdays.


Please refer to the 16th and 28th birthdays.


Please refer to the 17th and 28th birthdays.


Please refer to the 18th and 28th birthdays.


Please refer to the 19th and 28th birthdays.


This combination is the same as the 2nd and 28th birthdays. The Zero in the 20th day does not add any new features or subtract any features of the 2 vibration. In some instances it may emphasise certain existing features.


Please refer to the 21st and 28th birthdays.


Please refer to the 22nd and 28th birthdays.


Please refer to the 23rd and 28th birthdays.


Please refer to the 24th and 28th birthdays.


Please refer to the 25th and 28th birthdays.


Please refer to the 26th and 28th birthdays.


Please refer to the 27th and 28th birthdays.


Following the principle of like attracting like one would expect persons born on the 28th day to be attracted to each other. There are, however, many exceptions to this rule. A Twenty-Eight/Twenty-Eight relationship will be a clear exception. Some measure of success may be achieved in a business arrangement as long as each holds strictly separate areas of responsibility, but compatibility in an intimate relationship is not likely to be achieved. To say the least, an alliance of any form between such partners is inadvisable as similarities in their temperaments are such that they are bound to create competition and confrontation. Individual Twenty-Eights benefit greatly from the vibratory forces that comprise their personality, but in an intimate relationship, desirable qualities of cooperation, equality, flexibility and agreeability are not parts of their personality structure. Contrary features of decisiveness, leadership, authority, assertiveness, organisation and management are essential aspects of the Twenty-Eight. In other words, these personalities need to be in charge of situations in which they find themselves.

The Twenty-Eight is a qualified One personality (2 + 8 = 10 = 1). Their 1 and 8 aspects exercise an overall influence on their thoughts and actions. Both forces are of a controlling nature. Operating together in a single personality their powers are greatly enhanced. The gentle 2 vibration modifies certain abrasive features although it does not alter their application or direction. There is a streak of stubbornness in the Twenty-Eight which only needs the wrong person to bring it out. Another Twenty-Eight will certainly be such a person. All Twenty-Eights possess prominent egos, competitiveness and ambition for high achievement in public life. Their identities are threatened in any position of dependability or any attempt by others to run their lives. As competition is so natural to their nature they view all persons as competitors and act accordingly. They respond to assertiveness with assertiveness or aggression with aggression. People with strong egos need to feel different and even better than others. Twenty-Eights fall into this class. They set high standards in the judgment of themselves and of others. As most Twenty-Eights concentrate on success in public life, hardly any time will be left for attention to domestic responsibilities. They can only function to their full potential when relieved of domestic duties. A Twenty-Eight confined to domestic life will feel restricted and unfulfilled. Their frustrations may be shown in strict discipline, and excess of authority in the running of their homes and the lives of their dependants. They are essentially providers and not nurturers.

Their conduct in social life too will reflect their self-determined and competitive ways. Competition for an influential role in society will take place, not only between them, but also with all others. Despite the fact that these personalities are of independent minds they are not without the need for company. Many Twenty-Eights do not see that people are different from one another and especially from themselves. They often find it difficult to appreciate the points of view held by others. In spite of these restrictions they become popular figures in their social circle. People reach out to them, not only for leadership, but also for their practical advice and expertise in business and legal matters. Such help is given generously, but not before examination of the motives behind those who approach them. No one can take advantage of a Twenty-Eight’s time and skills. Their choice of friends and acquaintances will be made from practical and business-minded people and not usually from those interested in artistic, imaginative or religious and spiritual matters. They do not allow the opinions of others to deter them from doing what they want to do, or do not want to do. They are generally conservative by nature and upholders of the establishment. Twenty-Eight partners are likely to move in separate directions in a social scene rather than work as a comfortable twosome. For the most part, Twenty-Eights are outspoken people. Their directness of speech is part of their success in organisation, administration, delegation of authority and general efficiency. An authoritative tone is inevitable even though there may be no intention to be offensive, critical or scornful. In business as well as in private life they insist on being clearly understood. In general conversation and in instruction and orders they are precise in speech, strictly avoiding unnecessary preliminaries or digression. They could be quite eloquent and impressive in business matters but rather tongue-tied and unromantic in personal and emotional issues.

The competitive nature of the Twenty-Eight will also be displayed in the variety of recreational activities they undertake. Physical fitness is important to these pragmatic people. Self-discipline and wholehearted attention will be given to training and participation in sport. Engagement in sport will not be merely for expenditure of surplus energy but also for self-satisfaction, prestige and often for financial consideration associated with sport. The same principles of commitment employed in business will be applied to their sporting activities. This is one aspect of their relationship in which these partners will not be competing with each other. They do not dissipate their time and skills in a variety of sports but choose to concentrate on one, or at the most two, in which they can gain expertise and fame. When their playing days are over they do not seek other avenues for recreation, rather often continuing their interests as coaches, commentators, administrators and keen followers. A great deal of emotion is injected into their participation as players or supporters. They are not always gracious losers as they enter into a game confident of winning; therefore losses take a heavy toll on their emotions. So much time and energy will be spent by these partners on outside or extra domestic activities that very little time will be left for home maintenance and gardening. They are in fact good handypersons with fine manual skills but lack of time will always remain their problem. Curiosity and imagination accompanied by an urge to probe into and discover the nature of things do not motivate a Twenty-Eight as much as the need to organise and undertake functional and constructive affairs of life. Twenty-Eights may spend their holidays in accustomed locations because they are not adventurous enthusiastic travellers. In any case, they are often too heavily engaged in their public commitments to take time off for unplanned and extensive travel.

All Twenty-Eights are competent money managers, with a judicious attitude towards money and its usage. Their skills are not confined to private life but extended into their professions or business affairs. Finance certainly plays a central role in their scheme of things. Many Twenty-Eights are found as treasurers, accountants, brokers and in similar professions relating to buying, selling and investment. In private life they endeavour to keep a tight rein on unnecessary or extravagant spending. They may avoid non-essentials but are generous with essentials. It is difficult to envisage how pairs of Twenty-Eights will handle their finances. They may range from complete agreement to total disagreement. Although their ideas may not be too different, one may not be prepared to abide by decisions made by the other.

Most Twenty-Eights engage in a constant battle with their emotions. On the one hand, they find it hard to keep their emotions in check, and on the other hand, they are greatly disturbed and embarrassed by outbursts of emotions by themselves or by others. Impatience with people who do not meet with their standards of conduct and efficiency often leads to these demonstrations of emotion. Twenty-Eight partners may feel drained when they spend too much time in each other’s company. Yet, they are people who take great pride in their family and the achievement of family members. Although they are careful money managers they spend generously on education and family welfare in general.


These birthdays may follow one another, although this position in the calendar is not an indication of similarity or congruence between their vibratory forces. On the contrary, their combined energies operate from almost opposite poles. Consequently, Twenty-Eight and Twenty-Nine personalities are in many respects very different people. The Twenty-Eight functions, for the most part, at mental and physical levels with practical, industrious and businesslike principles. The Twenty-Nine, on the other hand, functions on mental, emotional and spiritual levels with a strong attraction to cultural and humanitarian interests. In other words, Twenty-Eights deal in hard facts as concrete and tangible qualities predominate in their overall personality structure. There may be a noticeable absence of abstract, imaginative and visionary thought in this personality. Twenty-Nines possess sensitivity and awareness of planes of existence beyond physical matter. The master vibration 11 influences them in very positive ways (2 + 9 = 11). Mystical and spiritual qualities may predominate in many Twenty-Nines with a diminution of manual skills and a detachment from a purely materialistic outlook on life.

Twenty-Eights are qualified One personalities (2 + 8 = 10 = 1). The 1 and 8 vibrations wield a controlling influence upon the individual. Some of their characteristics are complementary and others are comparable. Operating together in the Twenty-Eight they become inseparable and indistinguishable, and their effect on the personality is greatly enhanced. The 1 vibration creates outright leaders, pioneers and innovators and the 8 vibration creates natural planners, administrators and organisers. People influenced by the 1 vibration are usually solo performers while those controlled by the 8 possess the ability to successfully delegate responsibility while remaining in overall control. A Twenty-Eight is therefore a combination of self-reliance and teamwork. Both forces introduce ambition, authority, competitiveness, willpower, mental and physical energy, dependability and efficiency, but above all, prominent and assertive egos. These are invaluable asserts for high achievement in public life, but they need to be curtailed and softened in private life, especially in the domestic scene. The 2 vibration will help to some extent by refining the dogmatic manner in which 1 and 8 features are expressed. All Twenty-Eights are by nature providers and protectors. There is a strong protective element which makes them feel wholly responsible for the care and welfare of their loved ones. A Twenty-Eight partner will at an early stage give notice of their intention of taking overall charge. However, in a relationship with a Twenty-Nine their intentions will be frustrated and eventually fail.

Freedom of thought, speech and action form the very essence of the personality of all persons born on the 29th day. They cannot be possessed or governed, nor do they claim possession or undue authority over others. They are in many ways emancipated people who allow all persons the same freedom they demand for themselves. They are unencumbered by bonds of self-importance and possessiveness and are free from rigid social conventions and religious dogma. Expanded horizons of heart and mind enable them to enjoy freedom without loss of love, loyalty and responsibility towards loved ones. They do not lead desultory lives. On the contrary, they are guided by high ethical principles, well above arbitrary ways adapted by ego-conscious individuals. As they desire is to live in unison and equality any attempts to take charge of their lives will be met with firm resistance. The position they take will actually be one of inaccessibility and elusiveness and not one of an aggressive or combative nature. The fundamental difference in ego-consciousness between Twenty-Eight and Twenty-Nine individuals establishes the different attitudes in their obligations towards others. Competitiveness in one and non-competitiveness in the other is one obvious feature. Prominent egos symbolise strong individualism and separateness while diminished or sublimated egos represent consensus and unity. In other words, the stronger the ego is, the stronger the idea of non-connection. The more elevated the ego, the greater the knowledge of oneness.

Twenty-Eights may be leaders in professional and business life, but Twenty-Nines are invariably leaders in social life. These partners are not likely to be attracted to or move in the same social circles. Twenty-Eights prefer to remain among friends and acquaintances connected with their public life. They are to some degree closed in, but not necessarily reclusive or unsocial. They cannot be regarded as curious and adventuresome people seeking new and exciting social contacts. They are popular figures within their chosen circle for the considerable practical knowledge they willingly share with others. Twenty-Nines, on the other hand, with ample social graces move in society with an openness and friendliness that place few restrictions on their choice of company. The only exceptions will be uncouth, vulgar and purely materialistic individuals or groups. Their company will be keenly sought after for their honesty, generosity and trustworthiness. While people with practical needs seek the help of the Twenty-Eight, people with emotional, psychological and spiritual problems do not hesitate to open out to the Twenty-Nine. All Twenty-Nines are perennial students of ethical, philosophical and spiritual aspects of life, constantly expanding their knowledge, and are always willing to share it with others. Friends and acquaintances will not be allowed to take advantage of the Twenty-Eight’s generosity, but Twenty-Nines may expose themselves to the selfish and demanding ways of some people. Twenty-Eights are more worldly-minded and do not hesitate to question the motives behind the speech and action of others, whereas Twenty-Nines are often too trusting and forbearing for their own good. They are often let down as they naively expect the same degree of honour and trust they give to others.

As conversationalists these partners fall, once again, into different groups. Following their ego-conscious mentality, the Twenty-Eight’s speech is usually confined to their own affairs. They seldom lend an interested or sympathetic ear to what others have to say about themselves. Conversation could be one-sided when a Twenty-Eight is present in a group. They are usually impatient and intolerant of prolonged complaint by people who do not make an effort to help themselves. Whoever approaches a Twenty-Eight for help will not be refused, although they need to be quick and precise in stating what they need. Their naturally authoritative nature is displayed in their choice of words and in assertive body language. People do not find it easy to enter into a free and easy discussion with most Twenty-Eights. While these personalities are quite fluent and knowledgeable in business matters they could become tongue-tied in intimate conversation with loved ones. They are not true romantics. Summoning the correct choice of words to express their feelings is always a problem. Twenty-Nines, on the other hand, are consummate conversationalists. They are patient and sympathetic listeners as well as fluent and flexible speakers. They do not monopolise conversation, nor do they burden others by dwelling constantly on their own affairs. Romance and sentiment are also evident in their speech. Periods of silence are rare when a Twenty-Nine is present. They are not only enthusiastic talkers but they also draw out shy and generally taciturn people into conversation. They may be restricted in technical, mechanical or strictly business matters, but they are open and expansive in all other topics. The wisdom to differentiate between argument and intelligent discussion is another of their valued assets.

Hobbies and other recreational activities chosen by these partners will not be the same. The Twenty-Eight’s source of happiness is of an exterior nature and found in the pursuit of excellence and fame in whatever activity they undertake. As competitive people they take great pride in their achievements. They participate in sport as players, ardent supporters, umpires, coaches, commentators and administrators. A good deal of their time and energy will be put into physical fitness so that they can excel in their chosen sport. Little change or variety will enter into their habits. While Twenty-Eights are good club people who may have a lifelong interest in sport, Twenty-Nines will not show the same interest or dedication towards this aspect of life. Many do not participate in highly competitive sport, and those few who do, turn to other interests early in life. As they possess a much more comprehensive and impersonal view of the world their interests are spread over a variety of activity. Their source of happiness is not only external but also internal. Their time will be divided between humanitarian causes, exploration of new territory within physical and non-physical realms and in meditative practices. Literature, music, poetry, dance and study groups will play major roles in the cultural and spiritual advancement of these active and alert people. Mystical and paranormal faculties may appear early in life in many Twenty-Nines. If these are acknowledged and encouraged, many Twenty-Nines take up avocations as psychics, mediums, palm readers, astrologers and other esoteric practitioners. Such interests are usually looked upon with a degree of fear, complete disbelief and scorn by most Twenty-Eight partners. Twenty-Eights who hold spiritual beliefs are conservative in their religious devotions, but Twenty-Nines are open to diverse spiritual beliefs which are not necessarily taken from orthodox religious institutions. They are free souls who cannot adhere to a particular religious persuasion. Prompted by their open-minded interest in humanity all Twenty-Nines are keen travellers. There is a clear distinction between a traveller and a holiday-maker. Twenty-Nines belong to the former class and Twenty-Eights to the latter. While educational and inspirational travel into varied destinations motivates the Twenty-Nine, Twenty-Eights prefer regular holidays at familiar locations for comfort and relaxation. Regardless of discomfort and inconvenience, Twenty-Nines are ever ready to pack up and journey from one out-of-the-way place to another. Twenty-Eights need to plan their holidays and stay put wherever to they go.

A different sense of values in regard to money and its uses will be a frequent source of dispute and unhappiness. Twenty-Eights are cautious and responsible money managers. Much thought and planning takes place before they part with their money. Twenty-Nines are impulsive spenders who show very little interest in looking for bargains or putting aside regular amounts for future needs. While financial security is essential to the wellbeing of the Twenty-Eight, it is not a high priority in the mind of the Twenty-Nine. Twenty-Eights place faith in their own efforts to gain wealth. They view their income as hard earned and therefore not to be given out without obtaining full value in anything they purchase or invest in. Twenty-Nines place faith in the law of attraction or compensation. They spend generously on themselves and on others in the firm belief that they will be looked after by these universal laws. It can be said that most Twenty-Nines have two pockets or purses; one for receiving and the other for giving or paying out. They lack the third retaining pocket possessed by the Twenty-Eight. Their lavish spending habits will certainly disturb Twenty-Eight partners. Attempts by the Twenty-Eight to monitor and curtail their spending habits will merely lead to increased argument and resistance.

Many of the differences between these partners are created by conflicting evaluations of themselves and others. Twenty-Eights, as a rule, look upon themselves and others as physical entities, while Twenty-Nines are intuitively aware that there is also a non-physical element present that cannot be overlooked. Rightly or wrongly, Twenty-Eights are self-assured people who look outwards rather than inwards. Twenty-Nines, who are not as self-assured, need privacy and space for critical evaluation of themselves and their purpose in life. They need to gain an understanding of their own identity before passing judgment or seeking authority over others. Both Twenty-Eights and Twenty-Nines are swayed by emotion and their sentiments are therefore open to injury. Twenty-Eights are likely to keep a record of any insult or harm done to them, but Twenty-Nines find it easier to forgive and forget. Twenty-Eights take pains to conceal their emotions as pride prevents them from exposing their feelings. Twenty-Nines do not suffer from this obstruction. They can give vent to joy, sorrow or anger with a greater degree of freedom. Essentially, the Twenty-Nine is a much more volatile character than the self-controlled Twenty-Eight. An emotional struggle between a need for intimacy and a need for space is experienced by both. Due to the greater degree of flexibility and adaptability in the Twenty-Nine, these personalities do not hesitate to opt out of an intolerable situation and re-establish themselves in new ones. Twenty-Eights dislike admitting failure in any undertaking as their self-esteem prevents them from doing so. They take much more time to recover and re-establish themselves if they are forced to change their circumstances.


Please refer to the chapter on the 3rd and 28th birthdays. The Zero in the 30th day does not add any new features or take away any existing features of the 3 vibration. At most, it may emphasise certain 3 characteristics.


The relationship between a person born on the 28th day and another born on the 31st day will be the same as that between a couple where one is born on the 28th and the other is born on the 13th. It should be noted that the influence of the 3 vibration is slightly stronger in the Thirty-One than in the Thirteen, as it appears first, but this does not make any appreciable difference in their interaction with a Twenty-Eighth personality.

The chapter on 13th and 28th birthdays should be consulted.