Numerology Compatibility Number 21

Compatibility with the 21st Birthday


Please refer to the 1st and 21st birthdays


Please refer to the 2nd and 21st birthdays


Please refer to the 3rd and 21st birthdays


Please refer to the 4th and 21st birthdays


Please refer to the 5th and 21st birthdays


Please refer to the 6th and 21st birthdays


Please refer to the 7th and 21st birthdays


Please refer to the 8th and 21st birthdays


Please refer to the 9th and 21st birthdays


This combination is the same as the 1st and 21st birthdays. The 10 reduces to a 1, (1 + 0 = 1). The Zero in the 10th day does not add any new features, nor does it take away any characteristics of the 1 vibration. At most, it may emphasise certain 1 features.


Please refer to the 11th and 21st birthdays


Please refer to the 12th and 21st birthdays


Please refer to the 13th and 21st birthdays


Please refer to the 14th and 21st birthdays


Please refer to the 15th and 21st birthdays


Please refer to the 16th and 21st birthdays


Please refer to the 17th and 21st birthdays


Please refer to the 18th and 21st birthdays


Please refer to the 19th and 21st birthdays


Please refer to the chapter on 2nd and 21st birthdays. The Zero in the 20th day does not add any new features or subtract any features of the 2 vibration. In some instances it may emphasise certain existing features.


Qualified Three personalities are formed by this birthday (2 + 1 = 3). Qualification is normally an indication of limitation or restriction of a condition. This is not quite the situation in a multiple digit birthday, such as the 21st. While it is a fact that concentration or centralisation of characteristics of the 3 vibration are not a feature in Twenty-One personalities they are nevertheless expanded, strengthened and enriched by the effects of the 1 and 2 forces in the foreground of their personality. The combination of 1, 2 and 3 vibrations creates a sharpened sensitivity in all levels of life. They symbolise the physical, emotional and mental planes, resulting in a balanced personality structure. The Twenty-One usually acts as a unitary force because the three vibrations are so evenly mixed that no singular aspect has a stronger influence than the others. However, in some of life’s situations the strength of one aspect is needed more than the others.

A couple who are both Twenty-One personalities will generally remain on the same wavelength, and more so if the birth month happens to be the same. Different birth months, which will usually be the case, are certain to introduce certain variations, as would other areas of influence. However, the fundamental personality formed by the birthday vibrations will not be too dissimilar. For instance, both partners will display a youthful mentality and a zestful outlook on life. For them the great wide world exists for exploration and experience. With relatively similar dispositions Twenty-One partners can combine to form a progressive relationship filled with imagination, adventure and enterprise. However, this happy condition can be achieved only after certain hard adjustments are made by both. The nature of the Twenty-One is to do things themselves and not delegate or share responsibility with others. It is inevitable that when a well matched man and woman meet, their egos almost instantly fall into self-assertive, competitive and defensive modes, resulting in an inevitable explosion of wills. A strong sense of identity is the most prominent feature in Twenty-Ones. Their thoughts and actions revolve primarily around satisfying personal wants. With egos that need frequent nourishment, an ‘I’ and ‘My’ consciousness takes precedence over a We’ andUs’ consciousness. In partnership with another they could be unmindful of the need to consult, compromise and share. The natural tendencies of their 1 and 3 aspects are to run their own lives and to take charge of the lives of their loved ones, dismissing any opposition to their authority. Recalcitrance and stubbornness have to be overcome when consultation and compromise are called for. This adjustment should be regarded as an expansion rather than an encroachment upon their personality. To their advantage Twenty-Ones possess elements within their 2 aspect that can be evoked and employed to give their partners the same privileges they claim for themselves. Peace, harmony, cooperation and compromise are salient features of the 2 vibration. They can be used to reduce rivalry and strengthen concerted action. Although Twenty-Ones initially think in terms of their own needs and ambitions they are not selfish, indifferent or ungenerous people. Positive qualities of love, support, large-heartedness, loyalty and devotion to their commitments are strong. As their integral personality has been refined by many genteel qualities they are also courteous and considerate in their dealings.

What has to be realised is that Twenty-Ones are quick to resist any external pressures or influences due to their thoughts and actions being motivated almost entirely by personal resolve. Often oblivious to the effects their speech and actions may have on others their ‘sins’ are usually ones of omission rather than those of commission. At the same time their commanding ways could be subdued by a patient and tactful approach. A residue of resistance could easily be removed if they are made to feel that major decisions have ultimately been made by them. They are not immune to subtle manipulation. They are not naturally inconsiderate people. Though a fair degree of self-centredness is evident they are not devious or selfish individuals. The moment they are reminded of likely adverse effects their actions may have on others they do not hesitate to adjust. Accuracy, honesty and fair play are stronger characteristics. They are also people who possess a greater than average need for the admiration and approval of their loved ones. They would not act in ways that could deprive them from these needs.

Twenty-Ones are generally happy people. Energised by the sparkle of youth they make friends easily and form an ever expanding social circle. There is always a risk that their professional responsibilities, social engagements, and recreational activities may overtake time spent in domestic duties and family life. The urge to move around and mix with people is stronger than a need to relax in their homes. However, Twenty-Ones do have an aspect of their personality that favours togetherness, peace and tranquillity in their lifestyle. A good balance can be affected if they evoke this aspect of their personality. As they are exceptionally fast workers all domestic tasks can be performed with speed and efficiency. Having a keen sense of colour, beauty, accuracy and artistry, their homes will be a reflection of these assets.

All Twenty-Ones can be identified in any social scene by their upright posture, self-assured manner, fluency of speech and fine sense of humour. Being natural optimists they have little time and tolerance towards melancholy and pessimistic people. They are polite and confident society leaders and trend setters in the world of fashion who gather around them a following of loyal supporters and admirers. Twenty-One partners are fairly certain to contest each other for the centre of attention in company.

The potential to express themselves effortlessly through the spoken word and the written word is a gift enjoyed by all Twenty-Ones. Using either medium they make their points of view or issue instructions clearly and accurately, leaving little room for argument or misunderstanding. As they concentrate on what they say they strongly resent interruption. They are better talkers than listeners. They may, for the sake of courtesy, listen to others for a limited time but will soon resort to speaking enthusiastically about their own affairs. Although speech can easily be used as a weapon of attack or defence they do their best to refrain from controversy. They are seldom engaged in argument but are always happy to listen to quiet explanation. As they are not quarrelsome people by nature they can agree to disagree without being disagreeable. The need for friendship, companionship and the refined aspects of their 2 and 3 forces deter any hurtful criticism or unfair accusations.

Following their youthful nature younger Twenty-Ones tend to identify themselves with the external world of matter, while the internal world of spirit usually remains in potential until maturity or some special circumstance creates an earlier recognition of this aspect of life. Being multi-talented people replete with energy, imagination and enthusiasm they find it hard to keep still. Maximum use of their free time will be made by all Twenty-Ones. Apart from body contact sport which may be avoided they excel in all other games. They are not usually fierce competitors as they are motivated by a high sense of fair play and sportsmanship. The social aspect of sport is enjoyed as much as participation. Many creative and performing artists are found among Twenty-Ones. A Twenty-One couple can greatly enrich their lives through their musical, artistic and literary talents. These are partners who can work together in trust for economic security. Incomes can be derived from regular employment and from avocations in art, music and fashion designing. Good money management skills are present in both. Despite the fact that they may be self-indulgent to some degree with expensive tastes, extravagant and impulsive spending will not be indulged in. Their spending habits display both generosity and thrift. Money is incidental to their goals in life and the accumulation of it for its own sake is not an ultimate aim.

Twenty-Ones face life’s problems with as little emotional interference as possible. While a measure of sensitivity is always present, their observations and conclusions originate from mental and pragmatic reasoning. Although they are true romantics their love, loyalty and feelings are restricted by undemonstrative aspects of their personality. Loving and devoted thoughts may pass from one to the other without the medium of demonstrative body language. Those in long term relationships recognise the strength of character in each other and soon agree to work as a team, thus overcoming the disruption and stress of rivalry and competition. Intimate association would have modified individualistic habits.


Although the numbers 21 and 22 are reduced to 3 and 4 respectively (2 + 1 = 3 and 2 + 2 = 4) the 21st and 22nd days do not form centralised Three and Four personalities. Their integral personalities are qualified by several additional influences that distinguish them from those born on the 3rd or 4th days of the month. Consequently, a Twenty-One/Twenty-Two combination is much more complicated than one between a Three and Four couple. People with several facets to their personalities think and act on a wider and more varied scale, and therefore spread their wings further afield than those with concentrated attributes. Twenty-Ones and Twenty-Twos, in particular, belong to this diversified type. The immediate problem that arises when two widespread and energetic minds get together is the harmonising of their multitude of thoughts and actions. Self-expression and general expectations will not be near enough in similarity to make this an easy task. Nonetheless, a good measure of compatibility can be established due to these not being weak individuals who give up a challenge easily. In their different ways, using their individual attributes, they can agree to reconcile dissimilarities that may threaten or interrupt a happy and loving relationship.

The Twenty-One is a harmonious blend of the 1, 2 and 3 vibratory forces. There are no conflicting features here because characteristics of these vibrations complement each other to create a strong and uniform integral personality. Qualities such as initiative, self-confidence, sensitivity, adaptability, versatility and extroversion are present in equal strength as all levels of expression are open to the Twenty-One. The physical is expressed through the 1, the emotional through the 2, and the mental through the 3. These are, at the same time, vibrations that represent an egocentric stage of life, and are therefore manifested as such in their subjects. Concern for personal welfare and absorption in their ambitions usually take precedence over attention to the needs and desires of others. However, a subtle difference between selfishness and self-centredness has to be noted here. Twenty-Ones are by no means people who selfishly hold onto their possessions or refuse to give of their time in service to others. They are, in fact, quite the opposite. They are generous with their possessions and their time once a request is made to them. All that is needed is a gentle reminder of a special need by a partner, dependant or friend.

It should surprise no one if they revert back to their normal state thereafter. Although Twenty-Ones are multisided and all-round individuals they are not complicated people with contradictory elements that cause inner turmoil and uncertainty as to who or what they are. As mentioned before, they function as well-integrated units. This would be the case regardless of the influence of the important vibration of their birth month. An additional 1, 2 or 3 here will increase the effectiveness of this vibration without noticeably altering the harmony of the overall personality structure.

The Twenty-Two personality falls into an exceptional class because the 22nd day is governed by a master vibration. Unlike the Twenty-One personality, which is already formed by the birthday and does not depend as much on the birth month for a clear identity, the nature of the Twenty-Two varies according to the vibration of the birth month. Consequently, there are Twenty-Twos of various types. Some function with positive execution of their manifold talents towards considerable personal fulfilment and benefit to a wide range of people. Others may suffer several negative features which inhibit natural gifts and give rise to self-created problems in their interaction with others. Major failings in these negative Twenty-Twos are abnormal self-consciousness, hypersensitivity, personal insecurity, and an unreliable psychic sense. They do not function at the level of the master vibration but fall back as negative Four personalities. Creations of a powerful negative imagination are often projected onto others and seen and reacted to as though they belong to them. The result is rash, unfair and invariably wrong judgment of the motives and actions of others. Twenty-Twos born on the 2nd or 5th months are especially subject to these negative features. Despite those personality defects their practical skills remain unimpaired.

Positive Twenty-Twos are those born in the 1st, 10th, 11th or 12th months. These individuals have the potential to lift themselves to the full implementation of the features of the master vibration. Many may not, due to contrary family habits, cultural background and other environmental restrictions. However, they are certain to function as strong positive Fours, superior in every way to those born on the 4th day. Twenty-Twos born in the other months vary according to the nature of the vibration of the particular month. Those born in the 3rd month are exceptionally artistic, while the 4th month introduces additional practical talents and a material outlook on life. The 5th month creates Twenty-Twos who are versatile, emotional, restless and changeable in temperament. The 6th month creates a Twenty-Two who is home and family oriented. The 7th month will bring out the true spiritual enquirer and practitioner of spiritual values. Emotion is well under control with these individuals. Those born in the 8th month generate a great deal of emotion which could be expressed aggressively more often than is desirable. They insist on an organised lifestyle and are keen on material wealth and holding of power over others. The 9th month will produce the true internationalist. Cultural, artistic, ethical and spiritual values take precedence over all other considerations.

When a Twenty-One enters into a relationship with someone born on the 22nd day he or she acquires a partner who could be one of several types. On the other hand, when Twenty-Twos enter into partnership with Twenty-Ones they meet a single personality type. It is not possible to detail the degree of compatibility that could exist between a Twenty-One and each type of Twenty-Two in this type of work. Clearly a partnership with a positive Twenty-Two will have the best chance of success because in this individual emotion is not allowed to govern reason, nor is self-consciousness allowed to interfere with rational evaluation of persons and situations. The truth is that a Twenty-One will be more compatible with a practical and homely Four personality than they would with a Twenty-Two who aspires to the heights of their master vibration. The chapter dealing with the 4th and 12th birthdays should be of interest.

The ambitions of a Twenty-One are confined to personal achievement while those of a full-blown or positive Twenty-Two are largely impersonal, humanitarian and international. Personal advantage is very much a secondary issue and in some cases, non-existent. Application of spiritual values seldom enters into the actions of a Twenty-One, but positive Twenty-Twos constantly seek to harmonise spiritual and worldly values. A wider and deeper interest in other faiths and cultures distinguish them from the average Twenty-One, and in fact, from most other personality types. Contrast between the personal and impersonal could lead to misunderstanding and some degree of conflict between Twenty-Ones and Twenty-Twos.

The Twenty-One’s method of leadership and decision making is clear and precise. They are not plagued by fears and doubts, especially those that are imaginary or irrational. The combined force of the 1 and 3 vibrations bring out genuine leadership attributes and make them natural leaders. The 2 prevents any arbitrary or dictatorial elements affecting their demeanour. Twenty-Twos, whether they swing between characteristics of the 4 vibration or the master vibration, are not usually instant decision makers or clear and outright leaders. They may lead by example, being good organisers. They prefer to take their time arranging matters and could display hesitancy when faced with the need to make sudden decisions. In a Twenty-One/Twenty-Two relationship the Twenty-One will usually take care of decisions on short term matters while the Twenty-Two will take care of decisions on long term matters. The toughest problem faced by the Twenty-One is the Twenty-Two’s easily hurt feelings. A Twenty-One quite naturally cannot be expected to take particular care to nurture the Twenty-Two’s feelings at all times. While they are naturally courteous and refined in their manner they are also straightforward and realistic in speech and body language. This may not always be sufficient in dealing with some Twenty-Twos who take umbrage easily due to a vivid imagination that could be geared negatively. Yet, these same Twenty-Twos could be dogmatic, opinionated and overbearing in their own approach to others. With a badly negative Twenty-Two the Twenty-One will not be dealing with a realistic logical partner, but rather with one who is bursting with pride, vanity and prejudice. At the same time, they would be dealing with one who is practical and versatile in handling both delicate hand work and heavy manual labour. A Twenty-Two would easily outlast a Twenty-One in monotonous work that also requires manual skills. All Twenty-Twos possess surprising inner resources which help them to patiently survive hard times. The Twenty-One is essentially an ideas person, although not without practicality, while Twenty-Twos are essentially practical persons although not without ideas of their own. In regard to abstract and spiritual thought many Twenty-Twos are far ahead of the Twenty-One. Being practical idealists and visionaries there is inevitably some degree of conflict between the upward pull of their spiritual nature and the downward draw of their physical and material desires. Twenty-Ones do not suffer from these extremes.

Both partners are essentially career oriented. But some Twenty-Twos, especially those born in the 6th month and to a lesser degree the 2nd and 4th months, may be content to follow a domestic lifestyle. Patience and understanding will be required by both partners to ensure an equal distribution of domestic tasks. Unlike some couples where one partner is better at a domestic task than the other, both Twenty-Ones and Twenty-Twos are equally capable of doing anything within the domestic scene. The problem they may face is the availability of time, as both may be heavily involved in their careers and other public undertakings.

Motivated by a healthy form of optimism and a bustling confidence in themselves Twenty-Ones are popular social figures. They do not see others as a threat to their wellbeing, or look upon them as competitors to be watched. In fact, they regard others with the same assurance they regard themselves. The same can be said of all positive Twenty-Twos, but not of those who suffer from various forms of negativity. These negative Twenty-Twos distrust themselves and transfer their distrust on to others. They could be quite critical of people and are seldom socially popular. While positive Twenty-Twos can be motivated by thoughts and feelings of expansion and strong benevolent objectives, their negative counterparts submit to those of contraction and self-absorbing habits. The suggestive influences of a good environment, heredity, and education have, without doubt, considerable bearing on all Twenty-Ones and Twenty-Twos. They help positive individuals to maximise their potential and negative individuals to overcome or minimise their defects. The lead in social activity will be generally taken by the Twenty-One in all light-hearted entertainment. All Twenty-Twos prefer interaction of a more profound nature and could easily be put off by frivolity or surface entertainment. Their sense of humour is not as free and spontaneous as that of the Twenty-One.

An extensive vocabulary, fluency of speech, with confidence and ability to hold the attention of an audience are special attributes of the Twenty-One. Within this relationship the Twenty-One will be the talkative partner dealing with topics ranging from the frivolous and humorous to practical matters. Romance is also a delightful aspect of their personality which is apparent in their speech, body language and personal interests, such as romantic music and literature. Twenty-Twos may not respond equally to the Twenty One’s degree of oral expression and romantic overtures. Their pragmatic nature plus their attraction to metaphysical and spiritual matters do not summon the need for much speech or emotional demonstration. However, while Twenty-Ones may outdo them in romantic actions, Twenty-Twos may surpass them in sexual performance. Like most good Fours they are strong physical partners in the proper place and at the proper time.

One aspect of life in which Twenty-Ones and all Twenty-Twos would find common ground will be in the hobbies and avocations they undertake. Both are creative artists as well as performing artists with a keen sense of beauty, form and design. The sense of beauty and accuracy may be stronger in the Twenty-One while the sense of form and design is keener in the Twenty-Two. A truly rewarding combination can be formed in music, drama, art and literature. Self-expression can be spontaneous in the Twenty-One with little or no hesitation towards occupying the spotlight. Most Twenty-Twos may prefer to execute their creative talents in the background. Both partners possess the potential to excel as composers of music, conductors and leaders of orchestras, fashion designers, writers of romantic novels and humour, beauticians, calligraphers, dancers and dancing instructors. They can also succeed as florists, sign writers, cartoonists, choreographers, fashion models, jewellers, and sculptors. Spiritual investigation and practice is an area in which some Twenty-Twos will branch out and not be followed by their Twenty-One partners. The hallmark of the number 22 as the symbol of a master vibration is its blend of spirituality and practicality. Circumstances may create some inner conflict and indecision in many Twenty-Twos as a result of moral, ethical and spiritual values coexisting with material and physical desires. Reconciliation of the two aspects will be a perennial battle. Almost all Twenty-Twos possess precognitive, intuitive and clairvoyant gifts which can be used beneficially in their own affairs as well as helping the needs of others. Twenty-One partners may not be attracted as readily to this aspect of a Twenty-Two’s activities, but they would not be hostile or opposed to it. Twenty-Ones, by virtue of the 2 aspect of their personality are able to develop clairvoyance and other related features and join their Twenty-Two partners, but in most instances, they may be too busy in other activities to be able to do so successfully.

Both partners are equally capable of contributing a comfortable income to the household. They are also able to manage their finances responsibly. Twenty-Ones may tend to spend more upon themselves, particularly in dress and other accessories. They enjoy variety and need to keep up with all modern trends. Many Twenty-Ones set new trends in fashion. Twenty-Twos can vary from generosity to outright meanness. Neither partner will agree to be restricted or controlled in their spending. It is, therefore, important that each has the freedom to spend a certain amount of money without one being held accountable to the other.

As neither partner can be kept under control, considerable freedom of movement and action must be accorded to each for their relationship to succeed. Furthermore, as mentioned earlier, this is not a conventional combination in which similar needs and aspirations predominate. Every effort needs to be made to emphasise and expand those features they have in common, and an understanding of those in which they do not share an interest. Almost all Twenty-Ones are a healthy combination of modern and traditional values. Remaining within the bounds of convention does not inhibit their talents and expansive ideas. Many Twenty-Twos, in contrast, could seek an unconventional lifestyle. Often at war with the established order of society they are not intentionally rebellious, but rather their bohemian habits often place them outside the pale of conventional society. There also some Twenty-Twos who take the other extreme and lead strictly conventional and insular lifestyles.


A cursory glance at this birthday combination reveals, not merely an abundance of talent but also the availability of several outlets for successful execution of these natural gifts. Twenty-One and Twenty-Three personalities, on the one hand, have much in common with the promise of an exciting future. On the other hand, the manner in which they employ their several assets will differ. Mutual attraction may not take place on the basis of an interchange of attributes. Rather it will be for the activities they can jointly engage in. The relationship will not be without its share of confrontation and competition due to their ability to perform any task with equal competence. Constant watchfulness will be needed to prevent an excess of competition and argument from damaging their intimacy. Whatever happens, this will not be a relationship that would flounder though boredom or loss of interest in life as a whole, or in each other. If at all, there would be a need for both partners to harness their activities in such a way that their varied interests will keep them functioning as a team as much as possible. The temptation to strike out on their own may often lead each along an individual course, as personal freedom in different ways is an essential need for these individuals.

As the desire for independent action is alive in every strand of their personality structures these are not dependent individuals. They may certainly enjoy each other’s company, although they do not necessarily depend on each other for fulfilment of their ambitions. They resent being held accountable to anyone for their actions. Inevitably, a frequent shifting, combining and separating of their time together will take place. As they need to retain a good portion of their time for personal use they should not be expected to commit themselves totally to domestic responsibilities. There is a pertinent difference between these birthdays that has a bearing on the relationship between Twenty-One and Twenty-Three partners. The 21st day contains the 1 vibration which, among other things, provides strength of purpose, direction, persistence and tenacity. In other words, the strength to resist other temptations and the determination to stick to a task or undertaking until it has been successfully completed. As the 23rd day does not provide this directing and stabilising force, Twenty-Three personalities are changeable individuals who may allow themselves to be pulled in different directions by the multiplicity of their talents and desires. Those Twenty-Threes born in the 1st, 10th, 11th and 12th months are able to minimise this tendency and harness their natural skills constructively and maintain a steady course. They are also able to exercise better control over their emotional nature. Other Twenty-Threes are likely to be too temperamental for the comfort of a Twenty-One partner, and also for their own welfare. In such instances the Twenty-One will be forced to readjust many of their expectations for a lifestyle based on organisation and regularity. They are quite flexible, but most Twenty-Ones insist on accuracy and completion, and seldom or never acquire the habit of leaving any loose ends. It is difficult to typify the Twenty-Three unless one regards them as interesting, dynamic and attractive individuals with an infectious vitality and active curiosity, and as persons whose actions and reactions cannot be taken for granted. While Twenty-Ones enjoy a state of mind in which reason and feeling are generally in harmony, in Twenty-Threes impulse and emotion exercise a stronger hold over the personality.

The Twenty-One’s pattern of leadership and decision making is more consistent than that of the Twenty-Three. The urge to take charge and run things their own way is stronger in the Twenty-One. Twenty-Threes, on the other hand, do not insist on outright control over persons and situations. They are skilled at getting things done through various methods of persuasion and even skilful manipulation. With extra powers of persuasion they usually convert others to their ways of thinking. But this method will not succeed with a Twenty-One partner. Although Twenty-Threes may not insist on taking charge they would refuse to turn over responsibility for decision making to the Twenty-One, especially when any decision has a bearing on their freedom of movement.

Personal freedom is more important to the Twenty-Three than responsibilities of leadership. Many prefer to do as they please and not be restricted to rules of conduct which a Twenty-One partner is likely to impose.

A domestic arrangement by which an equal share of responsibility is allocated to each will be difficult to establish due to the Twenty-Three’s involvement in a variety of activities away from home, and their general indifference to following a set sequence of duties. Twenty-Ones too will be attracted to outside interests, although not to the extent of a Twenty-Three. The Twenty-One may be obliged to shoulder a larger share of domestic work. However, the versatility of the Twenty-Three plus their natural ability to cope with emergencies and sudden changes will always be available. They may not understand fairness in terms of equal distribution of domestic tasks, but would willingly undertake any form of work with great enthusiasm in intermittent sessions.

Both partners need the company of others and can be expected to involve themselves in an active social life. A quiet life with periods of silence is not conducive to their wellbeing. Twenty-Threes in particular, find it difficult to put up with their own company, but Twenty-Ones can do so to some small extent. The Twenty-One’s social life will be orderly and governed by a carefully set social calendar. As Twenty-Threes are much more changeable, adaptable and easily moved by boredom and motivated by a stronger desire for life’s experiences they do not confine themselves to a regular social network. With a sharpened awareness of things, situations and persons, and the capacity to cope with swiftly moving social changes their presence has an enlivening impact on any group. A Twenty-One’s presence is not without a similar effect, although it is not as rapid or instantly gripping as that of a Twenty-Three. Both partners are able to blend mental and emotional behaviour, but they do so in different proportions. Mental control is stronger in Twenty-Ones while emotional release is easier in all Twenty-Threes. Neither partner will choose to remain as part of a crowd or group, or adjust their behaviour to conform to group expectations. Sooner or later they emerge into the limelight on their own terms. Both, unconsciously for the most part, generate their own amusements if a social scene does not conform to their idea of entertainment. It is at this stage that competition to hold the centre of attention will arise between them. By and large, the Twenty-One possesses more inner security and is able to remain themselves rather than put on a facade to suit a particular situation. Being natural actors the capacity to put on many faces is a special skill with all Twenty-Threes. Many need to do so in order to cover up an inner insecurity.

Speech is a particular form of self-expression that both partners are amply favoured with. Once again, this is another gift that is used in different ways. A good measure of control, both mentally and emotionally, is exercised over speech and body language by the Twenty-One. They do not suffer from an urge to talk, but when they do speak out, they do so with a fine tonal quality, natural authority and a finality on any chosen subject. Not many people choose to contradict them, nor are they tolerant of contradiction or protracted argument. The Twenty-Three’s habits, on the other hand, are almost the opposite. Many feel an incessant urge for conversation and an inner and outer restlessness when circumstances force them to remain silent. Their speech has a distinct emotional content accompanied by demonstrative body language. Their manner is usually quite convincing due to a natural talent for showmanship. Animated facial expression plus an exceptional skill in the use of words and phrases distinguish them as persuasive and influential speakers who could instantly capture the attention of an audience. They are usually very successful salespersons. Although they speak with conviction they may not always be as knowledgeable about their subject matter as they make out. At the same time, it is not easy to corner them or hold them to account, because their skill at wrangling out a tight situation is quite remarkable. Despite a disinclination to do so, the Twenty-One partner will be drawn into frequent argument with a Twenty-Three. Twenty-Ones may be forced to repeat whatever statement they make in the first instance with a quiet obstinacy instead of countering the variety of diversions which the Twenty-Three would introduce in order to avoid facing the main issue. While the speech of most Twenty-Ones will remain relatively the same, the Twenty-Three’s oral expression may vary according to the nature of the vibration of their birth month. Self-dramatisation and exuberance will be less in those born in the 4th 6th and 7th months, but emphasised in those born in other months, in varying degrees. Communication by touch will be more natural and spontaneous with all Twenty-Threes as they are less restricted in demonstration of emotion. Twenty-Ones do not show their feelings as easily and would feel embarrassed when sentiment is expressed in their presence by others.

Both partners follow their natural inclinations in the choice of hobbies and other activities during non-working hours. Being alert, imaginative and resourceful individuals they are free to engage in a variety of interests, ranging from mental to physical activities. To specify how they would spend their time would only indicate some degree of limitation However, Twenty-Ones could excel as entertainers and Twenty-Threes as actors and entertainers. As it is possible that each will be drawn into individual pursuits, it is important that these partners should set aside short periods of the day for couple time and family togetherness. While both enjoy a keen appetite for life’s experiences the manner in which they do so will, as usual, differ according to their temperaments. The Twenty-One will exercise a good measure of balance and control while the movement and actions of the Twenty-Three, especially those born in the 5th and 9th months, will be extensive, short-lived, changeable and uninhibited. Having no fear of the unforeseen or of complexity and complications, their taste for change seldom diminishes. The experiences they gather in life will always be above average.

An important part of a relationship that could create harmony or disharmony is its financial side. It is here that Twenty-Ones and Twenty-Threes will find themselves in frequent discord unless each is financially independent. They are not types who could share a common pool of money or agree to a common budget. Both spend generously on personal needs. While Twenty-Ones do not deprive themselves of anything, they do exercise a degree of caution in their spending habits. Twenty-Threes are unrestricted spenders and rather more self-indulgent. Twenty-Ones will show reasonable care for future security through saving and good investment, but Twenty-Threes do not feel the need for insurance in any form. With their first priority being an enjoyable lifestyle, money is handled in a non-possessive manner as only a means to an end.

A Twenty-One/Twenty-Three relationship is admittedly one in which a harmonious rhythm of life will not be easy to achieve unless a constant conscious effort is made to reduce discords and increase concords. Both partners possess the alertness and sensitivity to register subtle vibrations that may escape others. Instead of unconsciously using this faculty for personal advantage they could consciously use it to monitor and relate to each other’s feelings and needs. As reality is a matter of personal perception, full agreement in all matters is not to be expected, but a good measure of understanding can be gained. Although these partners may be opinionated, they are not aggressive, stubborn or narrow-minded people. On the contrary, both possess a capacity for compromise and adjustment. All they need is a circumstance or situation that calls for the need to reach out to each other.


The law of attraction of opposites will be responsible for the commencement and development of a relationship between Twenty-One and Twenty-Four personalities. The Twenty-One has an essentially youthful nature that will be attracted to the Twenty-Four for the warmth, care and homeliness which are the natural qualities of this personality. The Twenty-Four, in turn, will be drawn to the Twenty-One by their vibrant, optimistic, humorous and self-assured ways. In other words, the Twenty-One secretly or subconsciously feels rested and cared for in the company of a Twenty-Four, and the Twenty-Four feels uplifted and elated in the company of a Twenty-One. The reason for these different impacts is the predominance of active vibrations in the Twenty-One who is fundamentally a Three personality (2 + 1 = 3), and the receptive forces which form the Twenty-Four, who is basically a Six personality (2 + 4 = 6). The temperaments of these partners may differ, but not in ways that could create disharmony. A

reciprocal course of action is much more consistent with their temperaments than is confrontation or rivalry. Competition or challenge in any form will not mar or hinder the interchange of all their positive qualities. The Twenty-Four, in particular, will be the least interested in asserting authority over the Twenty-One.

Both partners are multi-talented individuals with several outlets for easy execution of their talents. The Twenty-One is likely to move faster than the Twenty-Four due to the presence of the energetic 1 vibration as part of their integral personality structure. This vibration introduces several self-motivating as well as certain self-centred traits. The absence of this force in the Twenty-Four indicates an individual who is neither domineering nor self-promoting. A prominent ego which is a natural feature of the Twenty-One is in sharp contrast to the toned down ego of the Twenty-Four. Twenty-Ones are swift thinkers who are swift in their actions while Twenty-Fours are deliberate thinkers and methodical in their ways. They need to weigh and consider all practical and profitable aspects of an issue before making a decision. Spontaneity in one and deliberation in the other will no doubt have a salutary effect on their relationship, but not before a measure of compromise and adjustment is made by both. Willingness to make these concessions will be easier to the temperament of the Twenty-Four than to the Twenty-One.

The personality structure of the Twenty-One is well-rounded by the 1, 2 and 3 vibrations which represent the physical, emotional and mental planes. Their versatility is not only derived from this fortunate disposition of forces but also energised by the 1 aspect which provides the impetus for maximum employment of their attributes. This vibration also introduces a strong element of ego-consciousness which is not discouraged by the qualities of the 2 and 3 aspects of their personality. Most Twenty-Ones are likely to think and act from a personal viewpoint before they consider the position of others. There is, however, an ambivalent condition in most Twenty-Ones in regard to giving and receiving goods and services. They are not ungenerous or selfish by nature. Although their natural orientation towards self creates a greater desire to receive than to give, they are in fact quite generous once they are reminded of their obligations.

The integral personality of the Twenty-Four is also a well-rounded one. The physical, emotional and mental planes are extensively represented. However, as the compelling force of the 1 vibration is not present, qualities such as competitiveness, high ambition, self-promotion, egotism, instant decision, and direct leadership qualities are not usual characteristics. These are replaced by patience, persistence, order, loyalty, balance and a peaceful temperament governed by logical and practical thought processes. The combination of the 4 and 6 vibrations is responsible for these pragmatic qualities. Imagination is confined to practical and functional processes. While the general disposition of most Twenty-Ones is cheerful and active, that of the Twenty-Four is placid and easygoing. The Twenty-One meets life’s events with optimism and confidence while the Twenty-Four does so with caution and practical interpretation of events. Twenty-Fours do not promote themselves as leaders or assume arbitrary authority. Rather, they allow others to lead their own lives as long as they are allowed the same freedom. They are, however, natural teachers, guides, guardians, demonstrators and instructors. A Twenty-One partner is better equipped to assume the role of decision maker with the tacit consent of the Twenty-Four, but any decision that would be contrary to the Twenty-Four’s wellbeing or the stability of their partnership, especially in financial and family matters, will be stubbornly resisted. Diplomacy is a special skill that can be developed by the Twenty-Four provided they overcome a tendency towards stubbornness. It can be used effectively to solve family problems as it will be this partner who will be approached to solve such matters. Day-to-day decisions in regard to domestic affairs will invariably be made by the Twenty-Four who is most likely to take over a larger share of home and family responsibilities. Domesticity is an intrinsic quality in the 4 and 6 vibrations as well as in the 2. Attachment to home and family will therefore be the hallmark of the Twenty-Four. If circumstances make them do so, these partners will capably perform the dual task of breadwinner and homemaker. A career in public life will be more attractive to the extroverted Twenty-One than a role as a homemaker. While Twenty-Ones would take up occupations demanding originality and creativity, Twenty-Fours generally move into the helping and caring professions, such as teaching, medicine, and the administration of law and order.

A well planned social life will be a matter of course with these partners. A prominent social position will normally be taken by the Twenty-One while the Twenty-Four chooses a comfortable position as an observer and occasional performer. The Twenty-One is more concerned with self-expression and entertaining others while the Twenty-Four would rather be entertained and enjoy self-expression in the form of service to others. A Twenty-Four is more likely to feel confident and capable in familiar situations and uncomfortable in others. They are sensitive to the feelings and needs of others and are prepared to adjust their behaviour, within reason, to suit a set of circumstances. Twenty-Ones are usually concerned as to how a social scene suits them and will not hesitate to change or influence it to suit themselves. As they are much more extroverted they reach out to a wider range of people without waiting for others to reach out to them. They find it easier to ask others for favours or assistance while Twenty-Fours are often reluctant to make the first move or ask for favours. They would rather do things themselves or do without if they are not offered help. They would also do things which a Twenty-One could do but do not if they could find others to do it for them.

An obvious difference in these personalities will be observed in the manner in which they express themselves through the medium of speech. The Twenty-One will be seen as the talker and the Twenty-Four as the listener and selective talker. Twenty-Ones possess an extensive command of words and phrases delivered with a ring of authority. They believe that what they have to say is important and that others should pay attention. They could vary their manner of speech and body language to suit different situations. Twenty-Fours, on the other hand, use their vocabulary carefully, maintaining a strict rationalist position without seeking to impose their views on others. They are, however, much more persistent and adamant in argument. They usually maintain a fixed pattern of speech and point of view with the ability to remain silent at the right time. As they lack the flexibility of the Twenty-One they may often resort to common clichés which may not always convey what they wish to say. They do not indulge in or generate humour as much as the Twenty-One, choosing to sit back and enjoy the humour introduced by others. Basically the Twenty-One is a cheerful and imaginative conversationalist while the Twenty-Four emerges in conversation as an adviser, instructor and teacher, more interested in conveying practical and realistic facts than in light entertainment. The Twenty-One is certainly not without practical and rationalistic thoughts but the combination of light-hearted and serious speech distinguishes them from the Twenty-Four. In a social scene or in private life the Twenty-Four is unlikely to challenge the Twenty-One’s greater urge for oral expression unless the Twenty-One resorts to unrealistic or unprofitable ideas. In such instances the Twenty-Four will interrupt with down-to-earth contributions.

Hobbies and avocations taken up by these partners, while reflecting their different temperaments, will be fulfilling as well profitable individually and collectively. Although they are not without practical skills the Twenty-One is likely to be attracted to mentally oriented pastimes such as music, drama, literature and sporting activities that do not expose them to much body contact. Twenty-Fours, in contrast, prefer to combine mental creativity with physical creativity. While maintaining appreciation for the fine arts they derive greater satisfaction in the use of their hands by converting their own and the ideas of others into physical form. They are natural handypersons who will willingly undertake a greater share of home maintenance and improvement. They are also community oriented persons who do not hesitate to volunteer their services for community needs. Twenty-Ones are more likely to spend their time in personal interests, but they could be influenced by their Twenty-Four partners to fall into community projects. All Twenty-Fours have an above average fondness for food. Cooking will automatically become one of their special hobbies. Twenty-One partners will not have the patience to spend as much time in the kitchen, but when they do so they usually favour specialised dishes and decorative cooking. The artist in the Twenty-One emerges in whatever they do. Twenty-Fours are home oriented and are not compelled to travel while Twenty-Ones have no objection to periodic trips around the country.

Both partners can use their avocations to supplement their regular income. The Twenty-Four will, without doubt, play the major role in administering the partnership’s finances. The Twenty-One is neither disinterested nor incapable of doing so, but the Twenty-Four’s greater desire to handle this aspect of the partnership’s affairs, and their precautionary habits will eventually see the Twenty-One concede this responsibility, at least in day-to-day expenditure. Twenty-Ones are likely to initiate and be involved in major expenditure but not without careful censorship by the Twenty-Four. The Twenty-One’s spending habits are usually more liberal than those of the Twenty-Four who is a much more discriminating spender. Twenty-Ones spend more on personal adornment and the latest fashions while Twenty-Fours go for simplicity and durability. Saving and investment will be the special preserve of the Twenty-Four who may even maintain a savings account or nest egg unbeknown to the Twenty-One. This will be done not for selfish reasons but purely for meeting emergencies.

By and large a good deal of emotional tranquillity can be established in this relationship, particularly at the insistence of the peace loving Twenty-Four. The Twenty-Four’s occasional lapse into pessimism or despondency will be helped by the positivity and optimism of the Twenty-One. The nature of the Twenty-Four, at the same time, is such that they are able to accept, within reason, certain unalterable conditions they may have to live with. But Twenty-Ones are more inclined to resist them. The Twenty-Four’s way of life is regulated to a much greater degree by conventional thinking and the established order of society. Another problem with many is that they could get caught up with too much reasoning and analysis and lose touch with romance and light-hearted living. This relationship will blossom through the energy and initiative of the Twenty-One and the patience, tolerance, practicality and devotion to duty of the Twenty-Four.


Both birthdays create multi-talented personalities with several outlets through which nature’s abundant gifts can be exploited. The inevitable quandary resulting from this type of combination is the reluctance of these partners to follow or consult each other, as both are self-sufficient individuals able to rely on their own capabilities. Vibrations symbolised by odd numbers control both personalities. The problem they are faced with is that, while even numbers favour bonding, odds favour individuality and competition. On the one hand, this combination can turn out to be one in which both partners strive to overcome individualistic and competitive urges and combine their talents to live life to the fullest. On the other hand, they could be constantly at loggerheads. The outcome may depend largely on the degree in which they have either benefited from a genteel family background or been disadvantaged by an upbringing of neglect. In any event, both personalities do possess an innate wisdom to eventually see that their blending will create greater solidarity and productivity than will be gained from individual effort. The connecting link in this combination that can assist in cooperation is the 2 vibration which calls for peace, reconciliation, companionship, sharing and other gentle features that are so conducive to a state of togetherness.

Both individuals are soon cramped in their style by narrow circumstances and forced interaction with commonplace and insular-minded mentalities. Fortunately, there isn’t the slightest chance of these conditions arising within their relationship. On the contrary, their interaction will serve to widen already extensive horizons.

As Twenty-Ones are basically Three personalities (2 + 1 = 3), opportunities for self-expression are open in the physical (1), emotional (2) and mental (3) planes of expression. Their most prominent feature is a forceful ego introduced by the 1 vibration which provides the impetus for self-promotion, self-reliance and other self-centred attributes. Independent thought and action, inventiveness, concentration, persistence and acquisition are other natural features. Sharing or joint ventures are not instinctive qualities of the 1 vibration. The 3 vibration is rather similar in this respect. Independent self-expression is a basic 3 quality as it is in the 1. The 3, however, is a youthful force, and following its youthful nature, introduces the need for admiration, applause and the desire of its subjects to occupy the centre of attention. In this respect there is a dependence on others which the 1 aspect does not possess. As individuality is reinforced by the blending of the 1 and 3 vibrations, the Twenty-One personality’s reluctance to share or partake in a mutually consenting basis can be understood. As the 2 aspect of the Twenty-One represents opposite characteristics, and as it may not be forceful enough to counteract the joint forces of the 1 and 3, a genuine effort has to be made by a Twenty-One to listen to a partner’s needs and points of view. The 2 aspect will receive some from the 3, and despite its many similarities with the 1, it has certain common features with the 2, such as courtesy, cultivated speech and the absence of aggression and acquisitiveness. An atmosphere of ‘Yours’ and ‘Mine’ can be changed by the influence of the 2 into one of ‘Ours’.

If the Twenty-One is seen as having a rather complex personality structure, the Twenty-Five will be revealed as a much more involved personality. Despite the Twenty-One’s abundance and variety of personality traits, their reactions outwardly and inwardly to life’s events are generally predictable – a condition which facilitates accord within a relationship. This is not always the position with a Twenty-Five. While the three vibrations forming the integral personality of the Twenty-One are complementary rather than contradictory those of the Twenty-Five have strong contradictory elements which account for the degree of unpredictability within the personality. Many of their characteristics are not readily known to a casual observer or acquaintance. They are basically Seven personalities (2 + 5 = 7) qualified by the qualities of the 2 and 5 vibrations. While the 7 introduces reserved, aloof and almost introverted features, the 5 is an extroverted force which demands free and frequent expression on the physical, emotional and mental planes. Tranquillity, peace and the need for privacy are special features of the 7, but restlessness, change, impulsive action and openness are natural features of the 5. The 7 helps its subjects to remain content with their own company, absorbed in exclusive activities while the 5 seeks variety and frequent change of scene which invariably includes interaction with all sorts of people. Eventually the 7 aspect prevails, but not before some internal turmoil. The 2 aspect acts as an ambivalent force. On the one hand, it needs movement, company and support while giving as much as it receives. This aspect favours the 5. On the other hand, it demands a harmonious atmosphere free from noise, tension and turmoil. This aspect favours the 7. The mentality of the Twenty-Five may be described as old, yet new, extroverted as well as introverted.

Although attributes of leadership and quick decision are expressed spontaneously by the Twenty-One any attempts to assume a controlling role in this relationship will not succeed. Twenty-Fives do not show interest in assuming a dominant role, nor do they submit to one that is subservient. Freedom to exercise their skills is what they expect. If such freedom is denied them unexpected inner resources emerge to resist any form of arbitrary authority. At the same time, they could be manipulative though not dominant. As loss of independence will not be tolerated by either partner a relationship of equals is their only option. It may be said that, while the Twenty-One favours control over people, the Twenty-Five takes control over circumstances. While the Twenty-One’s ego likes to be flattered from time to time, the Twenty-Five’s ego remains self-sufficient and often inaccessible. A factor that may distinguish the Twenty-Five from the Twenty-One is an underlying element of spirituality which comes to the fore every so often without conscious effort. This is not absent in the Twenty-One, although it is in many cases obscured by a stronger attraction to physical and mental pleasures.

A domestic way of life is not a compelling need for either partner. Their attraction to careers in public life will leave them little time for domestic duties. The burden of such work has to be shared equally because neither will be prepared to take on more than the other. The Twenty-Five will, however, treasure their home and garden as a retreat from the hustle and bustle of public life; a need that is not as urgent in the Twenty-One.

While the sociability of the Twenty-One remains constant and predictable, that of the Twenty-Five cannot be taken for granted. The 7 aspect pulls the Twenty-Five from time to time away from social intercourse into solitary pastimes. It is during these periods of withdrawal that they take to their gardens, books, music, fishing, bushwalking and other activities that do not call for interaction with people. The 2 aspect responds either way. Qualities such as curiosity, awareness, knowledge and aloofness are projected by the Twenty-Five and account for a degree of inscrutability in this personality. Sociability in the Twenty-One is derived from the combination of the 2 and 3 vibrations and supported by the 1. They carry about them an atmosphere of youthfulness, good humour, and optimism which contribute largely to their social popularity. People respond to the Twenty-One as they would to an entertainer and to a Twenty-Five as they would to an instructor. In their different ways both are seldom far from the centre of attention. While the Twenty-One is rarely a social rebel, the actions of a Twenty-Five may not be as regulated by conventional thinking and behaviour. They do not seek popular applause or social recognition as much as a Twenty-One does. Twenty-Ones, however, are much more likely to develop lasting friendships at a more frequent rate than a Twenty-Five is likely to do.

Twenty-Ones do not hesitate to make maximum use of the gift of speech. Despite the fact that their conversation is often centred on their own affairs they emerge as light-hearted, jovial and imaginative talkers. Twenty-Fives are much more objective in their choice of topics. Unlike the Twenty-One, much of their conversation is confined to practical or profound topics, avoiding ordinary chit-chat or personal disclosures. It is much easier for a Twenty-Five to resort to periods of silence. They are also adept at using restrained but very effective body language to convey any thoughts and feelings they do not wish to verbalise, or have difficulty articulating. Periods of silence a Twenty-Five will indulge in should not be misunderstood by the Twenty-One as moodiness. Twenty-Ones do not resort to much body language as they possess a greater fluency of speech and a much keener urge for verbal expression. Communication by touch between these partners will be kept at a minimum. Their desire to convey their feelings by this means is often thwarted by an equal disinclination to do so.

As these are individuals with independent thought and action, they will automatically take control over their private lives and engage in a variety of pastimes during their non-working hours. Intellectual rapport will ensure that interests they develop in common will exceed any that may separate them. While, physical, emotional and mental elements are easily balanced in the Twenty-One, the spiritual element as mentioned earlier, is an additional force active or prominent in the Twenty-Five and underlies their thoughts and actions. It gives them the ability to tune into their intuitive side without much effort. While Twenty-Ones with a keen artistic touch are able to appreciate and create beauty in their surroundings, they are, by comparison with a Twenty-Five, less sensitive to non-physical aspects of life. They are by no means devoid of an intuitive side but this may be obscured by physical and intellectual activity. They usually fall into a category of people whose strong egos avoid enquiry into inner realities, as such pursuits usually involve temporarily putting aside ego-consciousness. The Twenty-One is essentially a creator and the Twenty-Five is an investigator. In short, while man-made creations attract the Twenty-One, nature’s creations attract the Twenty-Five. The very nature of the Twenty-Five urges them to probe into things deeper and further.

These are not types that would struggle to earn a living. Both are capable of contributing income from more than one source. They are generous spenders but not to the extent of extravagance. There is an inbuilt precautionary component in each that cries halt to excessive or impulsive spending. In most relationships one partner usually takes up the responsibility of money management, but in this partnership it is not easy to say who will choose to do so. It is more likely that each will retain access to a portion of their income for independent spending while the disposal of the larger portion is done by mutual consent. This should not be difficult as selfishness, distrust and greed are not negative qualities suffered by either. Money will not be placed before personal dignity and self-esteem or allowed to interfere with harmony in their relationship.

Happiness or unhappiness depends on the way we meet events in life rather than the nature of the events. Both these partners face life’s challenges with a positive attitude and a spirit of adventure. Consequently, in the course of their association they will extract a good deal out of life. Their positive auras will attract thought waves and reactions from others that are in harmony with their own. Affection for each other will not depend upon agreement at all times and in all things. In fact, differences in opinion should keep their relationship vibrant and challenging.


The interesting feature in this combination of birthdays is, on the one hand, the connecting link of the number 2 which creates an empathy between Twenty-One and Twenty-Six personalities, and on the other hand, there are other elements within their personality structures that are subject to the law of attraction of opposites. Both conditions contribute generously to the formation of a compatible and successful relationship, in which love and loyalty will remain the most prominent features.

The Twenty-One is motivated, for the most part, by energetic and active forces with a smaller component of receptive and placid features. The Twenty-Six is formed by receptive and accommodating forces along with a liberal quantity of resolution, analysis and stability. An optimistic and positive self-image and an essentially youthful attitude will be demonstrated by the Twenty-One while a rational, systematic, and worldly-wise approach to life will be seen in the Twenty-Six. Consciousness of self is a stronger feature in the Twenty-One, along with the need for attention and admiration. Self-consciousness and the need for approval, by comparison, are much less in the Twenty-Six. While Twenty-Ones may be positive and emphatic they are at the same time fond of being cared for. While Twenty-Sixes are neither assertive nor competitive they are self-sufficient in regard to their personal needs, physically and psychologically. They would rather care for than be cared for.

All Twenty-Ones are multi-talented people with avenues for self-expression within the physical, emotional and mental planes. Their temperaments are well integrated because the 1, 2 and 3 vibrations that form their basic personality complement each other. These individuals do not suffer from contrary traits that may pull them in different directions. Acting as a unified and self-directing unit all Twenty-Ones possess the power to complete any undertaking despite opportunities or temptations to enter into other ventures. Vibratory forces from their birth month and birth year which add to the overall personality structure extend their versatility. The energetic and ambitious part of the Twenty-One arises from the 1 and 3 vibrations and is much more self-assertive than the gentle 2 aspect. Nevertheless, the 2 aspect does exercise a moderating influence over tendencies towards individualistic and noncooperative attitudes inherent in the 1 and 3.

The three vibrations forming the Twenty-Six personality are all receptive forces. Giving and serving rather than receiving and being served are natural tendencies. Cooperation, non-competition, sociability, companionship, guardianship, parenting and domesticity are special features of the 2 and 6 vibrations. As the Twenty-Six is basically an Eight personality (2 + 6 = 8) the characteristics of the 8 vibration operates in the background of the personality. Many 8 features complement the 6 aspect, such as system, organisation and rationality. The 8 is also an ambitious and competitive force – features that are not usual in other receptive vibrations. Individuals with strong 6 and 8 features are drawn into public life as administrators or teachers, also into law and any form of business dealing with food, accommodation and household products. A Twenty-Six is, therefore, capable of undertaking the combined roles of breadwinner, parent and homemaker. Although they may suffer some anxiety in performing these multiple roles and reconciling their ambitions in both directions, they do possess the capacity to wisely apportion their time and energy so that both public and private responsibilities are handled successfully.

Most Twenty-Ones are fond of having their own way. When they want something they go after it by taking a direct route. They are seldom hesitant in informing others of their needs and desires. With undisputed qualities of leadership and decision making this partner will attempt to assume an authoritative position, but success will be limited with a Twenty-Six partner. They will not easily counter the practical, realistic and methodical habits of the Twenty-Six or their reasoning skills. While Twenty-Ones choose to run their own lives as well as lead others, the Twenty-Six prefers to organise their lives and help in the organisation of the lives of people they are responsible for. They do not like being ordered about but are always willing to lend a helping hand. They achieve their wants by pursuing an orderly and well planned course of action.

There is a greater degree of flexibility in the Twenty-One which helps them adapt easily to changing circumstances without adverse reactions. Twenty-Sixes generally need a clearly defined field of operation and set out to establish such conditions. They do not adapt to change as easily as does the Twenty-One. This partner will certainly exercise more influence in day-to-day management of domestic affairs. They are not likely to be challenged by a Twenty-One for this position, not only due to the Twenty-One’s lack of interest, but also to their dedication to a career and other personal interests. Some Twenty-Sixes may be inclined to attach undue importance to household duties, especially those born in the 6th month. House, home and family with these people could become their sole source of happiness, or unhappiness if they are prevented from having their way.

As both partners are extroverted individuals, a happy social life can be enjoyed together. The nature of the Twenty-One’s extroversion is usually more emphatic and spontaneous while that of the Twenty-Six is composed and controlled. Most Twenty-Ones enjoy making an impact on an audience and taking a prominent role in any social gathering. The Twenty-Six will choose an active but less prominent role. They are moved by a greater desire to observe the drama of life without necessarily becoming actors in the scene. Different sets of social values, greater or lesser desire for interaction with people, or competition for the centre of attention are problems that will not cause friction between these partners. There is ample room for both to accommodate themselves in the same social scene, thus forming a popular and productive team. They are unlikely to burden themselves with distasteful company. As positive and no-nonsense people they choose and attract company of the same temperament as themselves. Social interaction will be a matter of quality rather than quantity. Twenty-Ones are essentially modern and experimental while Twenty-Sixes are somewhat conservative. Despite these differences, both strive to live up to society’s expectations. A good sense of humour inherent in both will always remain an occupational and social advantage. Twenty-Ones shine as entertainers and Twenty-Sixes as sympathetic listeners and ‘friends when in need’ who will readily shelve their own troubles in order to listen to others and help when possible.

The extent of emotional and sentimental expression is almost equal in both partners. Consequently, the ability to talk things over in a rational and analytical manner and maintain a distinction between what is logical and objective and what is emotional and subjective is present in both. The position may vary if the Twenty-Six happens to be born in the 2nd, 5th or 8th months. Emotion will have a greater hold over the personalities of these individuals.

Oral expression in the Twenty-One is brisk and decisive. The Twenty-Six seldom uses an authoritative tone but speaks out with a voice that captures attention and invites few objections or challenges from others. While the speech of the Twenty-One is generally optimistic, and may include a touch of satire when the mood hits them, that of the Twenty-Six has a tone of seriousness and the authority of a teacher, adviser or instructor. Twenty-Ones may be precipitate in their judgments or opinions, whereas Twenty-Sixes prefer to defer them until they are acquainted with as many facts as they can obtain. They possess a greater capacity to see more sides of an issue. Twenty-Ones may not be able to endure for long any conversation in which they or their affairs are excluded, whereas the Twenty-Six does not usually feel the need to introduce their personal affairs unless invited to do so.

The ability to sever themselves from public and domestic responsibilities and enjoy recreational activities comes easier to the Twenty-One. As they are not strictly mercenary or materialistic in their outlook, most Twenty-Ones, given a choice, usually participate in sport as amateurs. Self-confidence and natural talent invariably place them as winners and rarely as losers. They are also found among creative artists. Many make a name for themselves as painters, writers and musicians. With a flair for fashion they insist on keeping up with the latest trends in dress and deportment, while making their own contribution as designers and promoters. Twenty-Sixes are too often work-oriented people. They can easily become attached to their public responsibilities or domestic duties at the expense of personal recreation. They are generally not travellers, and who would rather choose home based hobbies and local community activity. The Twenty-Six will willingly associate with their Twenty-One partners in all the fine arts. In addition, their talents will extend into the culinary arts and all things relating to food and accommodation. The Twenty-Six’s interest in cooking will merely add to their domestic attachment. While Twenty-Ones are usually satisfied with mental, emotional and physical enjoyment of their hobbies, Twenty-Sixes look for some tangible reward for their time and labour. To a greater or lesser degree one uses the gift of imagination and the other the gift of practicality.

The capacity to earn money is equally good in both partners. But the ability and the need to handle and manage finances judiciously are keener in the Twenty-Six. While Twenty-Ones are always willing to make bold moves in investment, Twenty-Sixes would need to give careful consideration before acting. When things go wrong Twenty-Ones are likely to blame others, whereas Twenty-Sixes would usually blame themselves. The Twenty-One’s personal expenditure will, for the most part, be higher than that of the Twenty-Six. They expect to have their wants fulfilled as they arise, although their partners are less demanding and willing to set priorities. The Twenty-Six is likely to take over the management of their finances without opposition from the Twenty-One, provided that the Twenty-One is allowed a fair portion for independent spending.

Positive or negative self-expression could often be tied up with the nature of a person’s environment. The removal of factors that stand in the way of positivity is often left to the capacity of the individual. A Twenty-One will find it easier to do so while a Twenty-Six, who may at times be inclined to self-doubt despite their maturity, may need some injection of optimism into their outlook. This will be automatically provided by a Twenty-One partner. The Twenty-Six should take care of being too self-analytical and emulate some of the spontaneity of the Twenty-One. At the same time, the steadfast and resolute ways of the Twenty-Six will influence and control any impulsive actions of the Twenty-One.


The number 2 present in both the 21st and 27th birthdays is an indication of a degree of affinity between individuals born on these days. However, despite the presence of this connecting link, dissimilarities in the nature of outer forces within these days outnumber similarities. Still, these differences are such that they do not give rise to disharmony in a relationship between Twenty-One and Twenty-Seven partners. The various vibrations or personality traits that will intermingle are neither aggressive nor recalcitrant forces. They can be guided into a mutual exchange of natural gifts and not directed into power struggles or competition. Unrestricted expression of natural potential on the physical, emotional and mental planes is not provided by all birthdays. Some give access to all, whereas others concentrate on one or two with restricted or limited access to others. The 21st day provides free access to all three. The freedom to enter the spiritual plane is also present, as it is in all birthdays. The 27th day provides unhindered access to all four planes with the spiritual having a significant attraction over the personality. Herein lies the main difference between Twenty-One and Twenty-Seven personalities. While interest in the spiritual plane has to be evoked by the Twenty-One it is a spontaneous feature in the Twenty-Seven. Another fundamental difference between these personalities which needs to be understood by both is the ego consciousness of the Twenty-One and the subdued and expanded ego of the Twenty-Seven. In other words, the ‘I’ and ‘My’ consciousness of the former compared to the ‘Us’ and ‘They’ consciousness of the latter. The subjectivity of the Twenty-One creates an emphasis on personal gain and the objectivity of the Twenty-Seven, while not excluding personal needs, expands into humanitarian interests.

The 1, 2 and 3 vibrations that form the substance of the Twenty-One personality (2 +1 = 3) are naturally ego-centred forces which demand self-satisfaction before other considerations. The 1 and 3 provide motivation to go out and get what they want and the 2 provides the urge to gather and look after their belongings, whether material or otherwise. Despite such apparently self-centred traits the Twenty-One is not selfish, ungenerous or grasping by nature. A mild reminder is all they need to display generosity. The fact that they are naturally geared by nature to think of themselves first creates their individualistic ways. Their temperament generates a greater desire than most for personal achievement and acknowledgment by others of their successes. With a flair for forthright action, quick decision and self-confidence, success in all their ventures seldom eludes them. Confident of their own judgments, and such confidence is usually justified, they do not take kindly to advice or contrary opinions. They expect a leading role in whatever activity they undertake, and if denied, they soon lose enthusiasm and look into other avenues of activity.

The Twenty-Seven is a complex and rather perplexing mixture of the 2, 7 and 9 vibrations. There are many powerful elements that unify this personality and others that create differences and even a degree of conflict. Twenty-Sevens are basically Nine personalities (2 + 7 = 9), but 9 characteristics are not always in harmony with the 2 and 7. Between the 2 and 7 also there are certain features in common but others of a contrasting nature. The 9 introduces an impersonal, worldwide and active humanitarian mentality. It is a liberated and extroverted force, which in human terms creates the giver and server rather than the go-getter and receiver. The 2 is a sensitive and self-conscious force representing the gatherer. Its nature is to look after and be looked after. Giving and receiving includes not merely material things but also understanding, compassion, service, protection and love. The 7 aspect which exercises a powerful influence upon the integral personality is inclined more towards the 9 in many respects. It is largely an impersonal and self-sufficient force that does not demand much attention from others. In addition, its influence differs fundamentally from the 9 as it is also an introverted, retiring and reserved force. Such features create distaste for indiscriminate public activity and a corresponding urge for privacy and silence. Along with these contrasting elements there is a unifying force which enhances the fascinating nature of the Twenty-Seven. All three vibrations that form the personality are sensitive to the non-physical aspects of life as well as being irresistibly drawn to these. While Twenty-Sevens may be immersed in the practicalities of life they are, depending on age and environment, seldom separated from an awareness of mystical factors underlying all manifestation. In this relationship the Twenty-One with a relatively uncomplicated personality is confronted with a partner having considerable depth of personality. A Twenty-Seven will have less difficulty understanding the Twenty-One, but the reverse may take some time. Absence of a real desire to do so may be the main problem with the Twenty-One. However, the Twenty-One will always be attracted to and held by the aura of mystery surrounding the Twenty-Seven, who in turn, will be uplifted by the optimism, vivacity and youthfulness of the Twenty-One.

The natural tendency of the Twenty-One to take charge of situations in which they find themselves will need to be restrained in a partnership with a Twenty-Seven. These individuals do not show interest in assuming a leadership role as their destiny is to lead by example and precept rather than by direct command. Both partners possess strong individualistic traits which can only be preserved by not attempting to crowd one another. Their personal space needs to be understood and respected by others. It should not be difficult in this partnership because neither will feel the need to impose their intimate thoughts upon each other in circumstances outside strict privacy. The emotional content in each, although quite considerable, does not manifest in much outward demonstration. Consequently, one would not be pressured by excessive demonstration by the other. An equal share of domestic responsibility will need to be agreed upon as neither will be prepared to perform more than the other. They are not domesticated people who can confine their lifestyle to home and close community activity. Both look towards involvement in public life in work as well as in recreation.

Almost all Twenty-Ones are socially oriented people. They are natural entertainers who not only create entertainment and goodwill but also derive pleasure from the attention they receive in return. It is never a problem for a Twenty-One to occupy the centre of attention in any gathering. They are neither shy, sensitive nor silent in mixed company or in the company of various personality types. Their egos are much too strong and self-protected to be affected by the actions and reactions of others. With a natural tendency to concentrate on the present moment they are able to enjoy themselves without mental or sentimental distractions.

Twenty-Sevens fall into a different category as regards social activity. While the 2 and 9 aspects of their personality complement the Twenty-One in this sphere of life, the influence of the 7 does not. Consequently, the Twenty-Seven as a whole cannot be placed in the same order as the Twenty-One in regard to sociability. This personality is not controlled as much by ego-consciousness and the need to have their egos nourished They are sensitive to human presence and this sensitivity makes them intolerant of superficial mentalities and selective of the company they keep. Periods of privacy are much more essential to their wellbeing than to the Twenty-One. Forced by circumstances into company not of their choice they would remain distant from friendliness around them. A large part of their attraction is not only an aura of mystery but also their availability in times of spiritual and psychological need. By and large, people are attracted to a Twenty-One for entertainment and to the Twenty-Seven for guidance they offer in moral and spiritual matters.

Everyone carries around them the atmosphere of their own desires. Twenty-Ones, in the first instance, reveal the expectation to be listened to and to be given acknowledgement of their views. Twenty-Sevens, on the other hand, capture the attention of an audience without any expectation. They may not attract as many listeners as a Twenty-One, although those that they do attract are people of their own enquiring minds. They do not volunteer information but speak usually on invitation. Most Twenty-Ones possess an extensive vocabulary which can be used constructively as well as destructively. They express their opinions with confidence and without expectation of contradiction. They are usually impatient listeners due to the urge to express their own thoughts being too strong to resist. Despite this partiality, they are able to hold the attention of their listeners with their natural sense of humour, imagination and optimistic views on life. Twenty-Sevens are not particularly vocal. They do not feel the same need to press their opinions on others. At the same time, they are able to make a significant impact when they choose to speak out. Unlike the Twenty-One they do not give away much about themselves, not only due to a certain distaste for doing so, but also their objective minds steer them away from personal affairs. With a voice that is seldom raised in authority or reproof they command attention through the element of mystery and general dignity of their personality. The extent to which these qualities are expressed will naturally depend on the individual’s educational background. Communication between Twenty-Ones and Twenty-Sevens can be kept on an even keel. Although Twenty-Ones are often self-opinionated they are neither argumentative nor quarrelsome. Once they have given out their opinions they lose interest in further discussion. Differences of opinion are quickly forgotten as goodwill and friendship are more important to them than winning an argument. All Twenty-Sevens with their natural wisdom are aware of the futility of argument. Consequently, discussions between these partners will be on a reasonable and refined level. They may often agree to disagree without a residue of resentment.

As their choice of recreational activity will follow the natural bent of their personalities there are bound to be periods of individual or separate activity. But such activity need not interfere with their basic unity. The Twenty-One’s interest will be divided between physical and mental activities. Natural skills will be revealed in all manner of sport as well as in the realms of art, music and literature. Twenty-Seven partners may not engage in the same amount of physical activity, and instead will associate with the Twenty-One in their mental interests and even outdo them in this sphere due to fewer distractions emerging from the physical level. A separation of interest, at least during the early stages of their relationship, will be found in the Twenty-Seven’s attraction to the metaphysical aspects of life. While Twenty-Ones possess a powerful imagination Twenty-Sevens are gifted with inspiration. This is a gift received by letting go of excessive ego-consciousness. Due to the Twenty-Seven’s ability to do this with less difficulty, the degree of inspiration manifests to a greater extent. There is a fundamental need in the Twenty-Seven to obtain respite from the material world by recourse to the spiritual. Twenty-Ones do not necessarily feel this need until the influence of a Twenty-Seven partner awakens an appreciation of its value. Although Twenty-Sevens participate in a number of activities they ensure that some time is left for themselves. They take great delight in scenes of natural beauty and tranquillity. Gardening will certainly be one of their private and cherished hobbies. They are also natural investigators. Research will be spread over physical and non-physical realms, for example, archaeology and mysticism. Intuitive knowledge of non-physical aspects of life is also present in the Twenty One, although not displayed as often. The Twenty-Seven has evolved to a stage in which this knowledge is easily liberated, while in the average Twenty-One its latency needs to be activated.

In general, the ability to reduce possessiveness is another trait most Twenty-Sevens display as they grow older, although this may yet remain latent in the Twenty-One. In the Twenty-Seven’s scale of values no possession, vocation or achievement can be as good as being a whole human being, especially in one who has had the opportunity to realise their full potential. Possessiveness in the Twenty-One is due purely to their natural desire to enjoy the good things of life, and this makes them go out and get things for themselves. Having acquired what they have sought after they are always prepared to share. This attitude is reflected in the manner in which they acquire and handle their finances. All Twenty-Ones possess the capacity to make money from more than one source. They also exhibit the tendency to spend money, particularly on luxury goods or the latest fashions. Physical possession of anything is needed by the Twenty-One in order to enjoy it. Objective or detached enjoyment of a thing which a Twenty-Seven is able to do, cannot be done by a Twenty-One. Twenty-Sevens maintain a responsible but detached attitude towards wealth. While acknowledging the need for money in mundane affairs they do not let the inadequacy of money or its excess alter the course they have set for themselves in their life as a whole.

As mentioned earlier, a necessary challenge to be met and overcome by these partners is the understanding and tolerance of the personal temperament of the Twenty-One and the largely impersonal temperament of the Twenty-Seven. The love and loyalty of a Twenty-One will be concentrated on their partners. These qualities in the Twenty-Seven are as strong but may be extended beyond their partners and dependants. The Twenty-One may take some time to accept the Twenty-Seven’s humanitarian outlook, while the Twenty-Seven, in turn, will need to exercise tolerance of the Twenty-One’s strong sense of selfhood. Both are capable of making these adjustments and acknowledging each other’s individuality without surrendering much of their own. A Twenty-Seven partner, in particular, is capable of developing their own personality while at the same time helping others to do the same. A Twenty-One partner should not hesitate to draw upon the natural wisdom of a Twenty-Seven while continuing to contribute all their own positive features towards success of their relationship.


All persons born on the 21st day are qualified Three personalities (2 + 1 = 3). Characteristics of the 3 vibration which operate at the foundation of their personality are enhanced and enriched by those of the 1 and 2. The advantage held by these individuals is the complementary nature of these vibratory forces. Without the least resistance they blend to form a strong and well-balanced integral personality structure. The Twenty-One personality is a self-confident and self-sufficient individual who cannot be led, overruled or dominated. They are, at the same time, neither aggressive, dictatorial nor recalcitrant by nature. What they expect in life, without interference, is freedom to release their natural talents such as leadership, decision, innovation, and creativity. When this expectation is met, a relationship with a Twenty-One partner will prove to be a loyal, romantic and loving experience as well as a highly resourceful one. In partnership with a person born on the 28th day, the Twenty-One may not immediately receive all the freedom of action they hope for. The opportunity to run things their own way may not be available due to the many individualistic and leadership qualities they demonstrate being also found in the Twenty-Eight.

The Twenty-Eight personality is a qualified One (2 + 8 = 10 = 1). Characteristics of the 1 vibration such as the ability to stand on one’s own feet, to make one’s own decisions and to organise one’s own lifestyle are equally strong in the Twenty-Eight. Attempts to relegate these personalities to a secondary role, however nicely attempted, will be firmly rejected. In addition to the 1 vibration, the qualities of the 8 vibration which hold a firm grip upon the integral personality does not take kindly to being told what should or should not be done. The natural consequence of independent and authoritative traits in both the Twenty-One and the Twenty-Eight will be a clash between two strong wills. However, along with their self-willed qualities both possess seeds of negotiation and compromise as well as the need for a prosperous, loyal and loving relationship. When these aspects of their personalities are evoked the potential for success cannot be doubted.

The Twenty-One’s outlook on life is essentially youthful, fearless, optimistic, enthusiastic, imaginative and ambitious. In general, the happiest person is one who thinks the happiest thoughts. This state of mind can be observed in most Twenty-Ones. They are also self-conscious and self-centred in their outlook and the main aspect of their youthfulness is the demand for attention. To use a common phrase – ‘Number One’ comes first in their mode of thought. Yet, the Twenty-One is not a selfish and grasping individual. Once their needs are satisfied they can be most generous with their goods and services. Although their egos are strong they are not self-sufficient in the sense that they can get by without company. Interaction with people is essential to their wellbeing. If the Twenty-One is not paid sufficient attention in company they make it a point to have their presence felt. They cannot be relegated for long to restricted or subordinate positions which inhibit self-expression. The 1 and 3 aspects of their personality, in particular, are innovative forces constantly seeking avenues for implementation of new ideas. The 2 aspect is an adaptable and collaborative force which can accommodate these ideas.

The fundamental desire of the Twenty-Eight is to lead a well organised life, and in doing so they tend to organise the lives of those within their sphere of influence. Rather similar qualities of leadership and authority created by the 1 and 3 vibrations in the Twenty-One are provided by the 8 and 1 in the Twenty-Eight. However, the 3 vibration in the Twenty-One and the 8 in the Twenty-Eight introduce other features that are responsible for creating dissimilarities in their integral personality structures. It is the 3 aspect that introduces youthfulness in the Twenty-One and the 8 aspect that introduces maturity in the Twenty-Eight. The former promotes imagination and impetuosity while the latter introduces deliberation and action along practical and constructive lines. Again, the former promotes an optimistic view of the future while the latter creates a mindfulness of the future. Willpower, competitiveness and ambition are prominent features in both. However, their use is more persistent and inflexible in the Twenty-Eight. The sense of self or ego-consciousness is not as strong in the Twenty-Eight. The Twenty-One makes decisions without feeling the need to consult a partner, and unintentionally overlooks a partner’s sentiments. Decisions made by a Twenty-Eight are tempered by the consciousness of their duty and obligations towards those under their care, whether in public or private life.

This is obviously not a relationship in which one partner assumes the role of leader in most aspects of life and the other remains content as the follower. A partnership of equals is their only option. Both know that they are capable of solving their own problems without reliance on the other, and in most instances they do so. However, this tendency should not be stretched too far as action following consultation will always be more successful than independent effort. The fact that they may occasionally disagree would lead to stimulation rather than a stalemate. As method and organisation are strong points of the Twenty-Eight they should resist the desire to organise the life of the Twenty-One. In turn, the Twenty-One should not initiate change into their lifestyle before considering the conservative habits of the Twenty-Eight. Twenty-Ones, for the most part, enjoy life on a day-to-day basis combining work and play. Most Twenty-Eights, on the other hand, have their eyes set on the destination. Concentration on final achievement is more important than diversionary pleasures. The acquisitive instinct is stronger in the Twenty-Eight. The acquirement of power, material possessions and devotion to a career or business may become the central object of their lives. In this partnership neither partner is likely to volunteer for household duties or outdoor tasks such as house and garden maintenance, as these are not domesticated individuals. Exceptions will be found among those born in the 6th or 7th months. The 6 creates an attraction to home duties and the 7 to the garden.

The social life of these partners will not be disrupted by any significant differences in their needs and preferences. The Twenty-One has a stronger urge for social interaction, and their friendly manner has a cheerful impact on any social gathering. With a knack of getting the best out of a social scene they are usually sought after for their good humour and conviviality. They are also able to keep their business and social lives in separate spheres. Twenty-Eights may not display the same degree of sparkle, nor would many Twenty-Eights successfully separate their business associates with others unconnected with their working life. They tend to evaluate persons and situations slowly and carefully. They are often too busy to indulge in close friendships and many could expose themselves to the danger of becoming too absorbed in their public affairs at the expense of friendships and even family togetherness. They may cultivate fewer friendships, although these will be based on a foundation of loyalty and mutual respect. They become known for the sound advice and practical help readily given to those who approach them.

The conversational skills of these partners are similar to their social attributes. Twenty-Ones are imaginative and versatile conversationalists. A shortage of topics or a struggle for words is seldom a problem. However, some may be inclined to dominate conversation with their personal affairs. Twenty-Eights are selective conversationalists and not as subjective as the Twenty-One. They may enthusiastically converse on matters relating to public life in which they may have a connection, but not necessarily on personal matters. They are direct and matter-of-fact in speech, avoiding flowery and ambiguous language. Concealed behind an authoritative facade is a great deal of emotion. Unlike the Twenty-One who is generally light-hearted and seldom agitated when challenged, Twenty-Eights react angrily and even aggressively if their authority is irrelevantly questioned. By and large, Twenty-Ones and Twenty-Eights are persons who would rather agree to disagree than enter into protracted and unresolved arguments. However, such situations are not likely to arise too often as neither partner is likely to propose a course of action that is not beneficial to their partnership.

The competitive spirit, keen in both partners, will be reflected not only in public life but also in their recreational activities. A difference in emphasis may, however, be observed. Much more emotion and dedication will be injected into their sporting activities by the Twenty-Eight in addition to a determination to win at all costs. Demonstration of real dejection and frustration at their losses will be quite common. In addition, there is a commercial element in the Twenty-Eight which converts them into professionals at an early stage. In general, the act of participation and the social aspects of sport may be more relevant to the Twenty-One than always winning and making money out of their achievements. Many become champions through natural talent rather than sheer determination. As the mercenary aspect is much less in Twenty-Ones, many choose to remain as amateurs for recognition rather than profit. Sport will not be the only interest taken up by the Twenty-One, although this may be the case with many Twenty-Eights. The artistic, literary and musical aspects of life will exercise a strong pull on the Twenty-One. Twenty-Eights may continue their sporting interests as coaches, umpires and administrators long after their playing days are over. Their minds are geared to the scientific and practical aspects of any activity they undertake. Consequently, those Twenty-Eights who do not take to sport engage in hobbies of a practical, productive and profitable nature. They are good business people who apply their business acumen to their hobbies.

One aspect of this partnership where the Twenty-Eight may insist on taking a more decisive role will be in management of their finances. There should not be much resistance from the Twenty-One as long as they are allowed a fair amount of money for personal needs. Twenty-Ones are inclined to spend more on themselves and worry less about the future than a Twenty-Eight. Although many Twenty-Eights may prove to be better managers of other peoples’ money as accountants, more so than their own, they would still insist on a greater control over larger transactions and investments in their relationships. The Twenty-One’s enterprise and the Twenty-Eight’s judgment, when combined, could ensure lasting prosperity. This can be done when the Twenty-One conforms a little to the Twenty-Eight’s deliberation and the Twenty-Eight, in turn, adapts a little to the Twenty-One’s optimism and eagerness for modernisation. Basically, Twenty-Ones measure life in terms of pleasant experiences and the Twenty-Eights in terms of success and wealth.

A Twenty-Eight may not respond as promptly to the naturally romantic nature of the Twenty-One. Although their emotional nature is more extensive, it is held back by other forces or aspects of their personality which find emotional demonstration embarrassing or distasteful. Many Twenty-Eights hide a vulnerable sentimentality behind blunt and commonsense behaviour. This should not be misunderstood by the Twenty-One, because they are loyal and faithful partners. However, outbursts of anger may not be uncommon with many Twenty-Eights. In general, Twenty-Ones and Twenty-Eights will naturally maintain space between their togetherness. Another aspect of the Twenty-Eight which could lead to misunderstanding is their dedication to work at the expense of family togetherness. Despite this mode of conduct they are generously supportive of family and proud of the achievements of its members. Decisions of the heart often override those of the head despite their businesslike temperaments. They have greater perception of the needs and problems of others and should therefore be mindful of the Twenty-One’s greater need for the friendship aspect of marriage or a relationship, and its accompanying entertainment activities.


A Twenty-One/Twenty-Nine combination is one in which a great deal of activity will be generated in almost all departments of life. The physical, emotional, mental and spiritual realms can be entered into with freedom of expression and competence. Although these personalities will enjoy a variety of features in common, variation in emphasis on each plane will certainly be evident. The Twenty-One is essentially of a youthful nature and is one in whom the desire to receive in the first instance is more prominent than the desire to give. The Twenty-Nine, on the other hand, has a greater degree of maturity insofar as the desire to give is stronger than the wish to receive. Giving and receiving in this context includes the need for personal attention, attachment or non-attachment to personal possessions and the willingness to be of service to others. While the vibrations forming the Twenty-One personality tend towards an ego-centred mentality which concentrates for the most part on personal wants, those of the Twenty-Nine create impersonal attitudes and a wide universal outlook on life. Variations in the general conduct of Twenty-Ones and Twenty-Nines arise from these fundamental differences.

Most Twenty-Ones demonstrate better practical skills, while many Twenty-Nines may not be as competent on the physical plane, and may even show a measure of indifference to such skills. The emotional content in the Twenty-Nine is much more sensitive and extensive. However, their emotional nature is not as evenly balanced as that of the Twenty-One. Consequently, the outcome of their emotional reactions is displayed in highs and lows. They could also be quite impulsive in their actions. The best months for Twenty-Nines are those with the physical vibrations 1, 4 or 7, as these will exercise control over emotion and introduce more practicality and down-to-earth attitudes. Both partners, however, are very much alive, alert and functional on the mental plane. A powerful creative imagination is the birthright of the Twenty-One while wisdom and intuition are natural gifts bestowed on the Twenty-Nine. The Twenty-One functions mostly from an even mixture of qualities of the physical, emotional and mental planes. The Twenty-Nine’s attributes, on the other hand, are not as evenly proportioned. Not only is there an excess of emotion which can be used in positive as well as negative ways, but also the personality is profoundly influenced by the qualities of the spiritual plane. It will also be influenced by the master number 11 when the need arises (2 + 9 = 11). These influences can manifest in various ways, both consciously and unconsciously. The Twenty-Nine may be said to be predominantly a mixture of emotion, mind and spirit.

In general, it will be found that Twenty-Ones have to go out and get what they want in life, whereas Twenty-Nines can usually attract to themselves many of the good things they desire. In other words, this is the working of the law of cause and effect. As the Twenty-Nine is a natural giver they are compensated in equal measure. They are easily moved to help anyone in distress either with material goods or with practical help and psychological counselling. Twenty-Ones are generous with their goods and services once they have satisfied their own needs and once they have been gently made aware of their obligations. If a choice has to be made for a decision maker and popular leader, in all circumstances a Twenty-One personality will stand out as such a person. If a choice has to be made for a free spirit with no desire to either take control or to be led, the Twenty-Nine will be a leading candidate. The Twenty-One’s natural tendency to take control by using direct as well as subtle ways will naturally not succeed in a relationship with a Twenty-Nine partner, either in public life or in an intimate relationship. Although Twenty-Nines are not leaders in a conventional sense they are unquestionably leaders by example. They occupy a unique position in life with their understanding ways and compassionate actions.

Both Twenty-Ones and Twenty-Nines are easily cramped by narrow circumstances and arbitrary restrictions placed upon them. The Twenty-Nine, in particular, despite their generosity, would revolt against any self-centred demands upon their time and resources by ego-centred partners. For this relationship to flourish the Twenty-One will need to curb some of their ego-centred and demanding habits, and allow themselves time to appreciate the profound wisdom of the Twenty-Nine. They should not make decisions before finding out how their partner thinks and feels about a particular issue. Many Twenty-Nines, in turn, may suffer from hesitancy, impetuosity and impracticality. They should, therefore, compromise with the Twenty-One’s capacity to make quick decisions and give clear directions, particularly in situations that call for instant action.

A domestic way of life will not attract either of these personalities. Although both will readily accept a share of responsibility they will not be fulfilled solely in the role of homemaker. Public duties will be much more in line with their temperaments and skills than the cares, perplexities and responsibilities of domestic duties The Twenty-Nine, in particular, needs to be in constant contact with all sorts of people and conditions of life despite the fact that such situations may cause much stress and emotional turmoil at times. There is an infectious vitality in the Twenty-One which cannot be confined to routine and timetables, so important to a stable domestic scene. To realise their highest possibilities both partners need to involve themselves in public activity. Decisions regarding domestic matters will need to be made by mutual consultation because one partner will not take kindly to arbitrary decisions made by the other. A Twenty-One is likely to overlook the need for mutual discussion more frequently than will the Twenty-Nine.

These partners’ need for interaction with people is not confined to their working life and is extended into the social scene. Both are endowed with ample social graces and invariably sparkle in most social gatherings. While the Twenty-One may choose to move among a few intimates, the Twenty-Nine will be involved in a more extended and cosmopolitan range of friends and acquaintances. A certain amount of competition for the limelight may take place when these partners are together in a normal social gathering. Twenty-Ones look forward to and enjoy popular applause and recognition while Twenty-Nines do not give much indication of dependence on social popularity. They derive greater pleasure in giving of their goods and services without anticipating equal returns or the plaudits of society. As they are less concerned for their own needs they are also in a better position to take notice of other peoples’ needs and reactions, and act according to the demands of a particular situation. Both partners are natural entertainers, and consequently develop into generous hosts and hostesses.

The several similarities in the personality structure of these partners can be observed in oral expression and other communication skills. However, there will always be differences in the degree of expression depending on the nature of conversational topics. Twenty-Ones are usually more accurate and specific in what they say or relate, and less inclined to change their opinions once they have given them out. They could be vague and disinterested in discussing anything pertaining to metaphysical discussions. Twenty-Nines often unconsciously fail to attach much importance to accuracy or remain factual when telling of their experiences or giving out their opinions. They could, however, hold firm and knowledgeable views on ethical and spiritual matters. Twenty-Ones may try to impose their views on others as well as their partners but Twenty-Nines may express their beliefs only when invited to do so. The Twenty-One’s general beliefs are usually confined to practical things and therefore explainable and demonstrable, whereas those of the Twenty-Nine extend into areas that are not demonstrable or settled in argument. Twenty-Nines themselves do not acquire their beliefs this way, rather doing so through their own intuitive processes. Good humour is an attribute enjoyed by both. Twenty-Ones are often natural comics while Twenty-Nines are deeply appreciative of the funny side of life.

Hobbies and other recreational activities taken up by these partners are likely to reveal certain basic differences in their temperaments. In general, most Twenty-Ones relate to and enjoy physical and mental activity. Anything that calls for emotional demonstration is seldom undertaken, such as acting the part of others in tragic circumstances. The metaphysical aspects of life, with its many ramifications, do not attract most Twenty-Ones unless a Destiny or Life Path is indicated by the numbers 7, 9, 11 or 22. The average Twenty-One is not without consciousness of the spiritual factor in life. It is their heavy involvement in practical, artistic and romantic aspects of life that consumes their day, leaving little or no time for entering into reflective and receptive states, so important to spiritual practices. Although they live comfortably among things they can see and touch without concern for abstract matters, their artistic talents take them close to the borders of mystical life. Twenty-Nines, on the other hand, are naturally propelled towards contemplation, study and practice of metaphysical and mystical aspects of life. Much of their spare time will be devoted to this end in private as well as in group activity. While Twenty-Ones may not willingly associate with them in meditative and other practices the Twenty-Nine will find time and interest in all the artistic activities taken up by the Twenty-One. Both partners are sensitively organised, but the Twenty-Ones sensitivity for beauty, colour and form is usually confined to the physical realm while that of the Twenty-Nine extends from the physical into the non-physical. Spirituality is innate in everyone although it manifests only in the degree we are able to respond or keep ourselves open to its impulses. Twenty-Nines are naturally more receptive to these subtle impulses from their surroundings and from within themselves. Ethical and spiritual values along with physical pleasures are central to their wellbeing. Many Twenty-Nines will involve themselves voluntarily in good causes and other public movements beneficial to the community at large.

The earning capacity of these partners is quite extensive, but so are their spending habits. Both are capable of contributing to the partnership’s finances from more than one source of income. Although they are free spenders it is possible that, on a relative basis, the Twenty-One will show a little more concern for their financial security. They are more thoughtful spenders than Twenty-Nines, who may show much less concern for obtaining full value for money they spend. They are not discriminating in their purchases compared to the Twenty-One. Both partners need freedom to spend a fair portion of their income without having to account to each other for their actions. The Twenty-Nine is likely to display more thoughtfulness and generosity in gifts to their partners and to their friends and relations.

This relationship will be a good blend of intellect and intuition. While both are subject to a rush of ideas the implementation of their ideas will often be left to the Twenty-One. At the same time, while Twenty-Ones are multi-talented and versatile in practical things, Twenty-Nines possess surprisingly strong inner resources which enable them to overcome any setbacks in life and are more able to rebuild their lives after adversity. Strong romantic sentiments are evident in both. The Twenty-One’s demonstration of love and devotion remains generally on an even keel, but the Twenty-Nine may exhibit fluctuations in the expression of their love. This difference is due to the evenly distributed emotions within the Twenty-One’s personality structure and an overflow of emotion in the Twenty-Nine’s. Twenty-Ones are much less likely to lose control of themselves in a highly charged emotional scene, whereas Twenty-Nines may go off at a tangent with uncontrolled emotional demonstration. Differences in personal styles may not always keep them in complete harmony, although in general, dissention and unhappiness will not be a feature that will mar their relationship.


Please refer to the chapter on the 3rd and 12th birthdays. The Zero in the 30th day does not add any new features or take away any existing features of the 3 vibration. At most, it may emphasise certain 3 characteristics.


The relationship between a person born on the 21st day and another born on the 31st day will be the same as that between a couple where one is born on the 12th and the other is born on the 13th. The positioning of the 2 before the 1 does not alter the vibrations of the 21st birth date although it should be noted that the influence of the 3 vibration is slightly stronger in the Thirty-One than in the Thirteen, as it appears first, but this does not make any appreciable difference in their interaction with a Twenty-One personality.

The chapter on 12th and 13th birthdays should be consulted.