Compatibility with the 2nd Birthday
Please refer to 1st and 2nd Birthdays.
The 2 vibration is the polarised opposite of the Primeval 1 vibration – opposite poles being needed for the purpose of creation. The 1 represents the active and generative force and the 2 the receptive and nurturing force. This polarity is found in electricity as the positive and negative currents.
Just as active One persons (see chapter on 1st and 1st birthdays) are not attracted to each other and, more often than not, detract from each other, receptive Two people find themselves in the same situation. A close association between people under this receptive vibration functioning at its elemental stage will therefore be exceptional due to the absence of natural affinity caused by the attraction of opposites. Surprisingly, at the same time, such an association if it happens to arise could be intimate and harmonious yet lack energy, drive and growth and may easily subside into an unfruitful existence. Both personalities are subject to the need to feel protected, and a complementary mate should be a dominant type rather than a similar passive type. The birth month will play a significant part in determining whether any measure of success will be achieved with these exceptions. In the rare situation where both parties may also share the same birth month their personality styles will be too much alike to benefit from exchange of different personality traits and talents. Almost similar situations will arise if these partners share birth months of other even numbers. However, when the birth months of both parties have odd numbers they will be endowed with greater variety of characteristics of the active sort and chances of a fruitful relationship are much improved. In the event of one partner having an even numbered birth month and the other an odd numbered birth month it will be found that the partner with the odd number will assume the controlling role.
There is little doubt that a pair of Two personalities will get on well together on account of the peaceful nature of the 2 vibration and the many other characteristics they have in common. But beyond an atmosphere of harmony not much else will be achieved. One will look to the other for qualities of leadership, decision and initiative and fail to find them. The chances are that negative Two qualities are likely to be emphasised as neither party will provide the other with the drive needed for positive action. Their basic outlook, especially in the case of an individual without the One vibration in the birth month, will be one of pessimism and anticipation of malice from others. Fluctuation of mood and hesitation will also be among other drawbacks that will impair concerted action. Both individuals are likely to go hot and cold, or have emotional highs and lows at different times, thus frustrating sustained development. Paradoxically, the 2 vibration represents balance and equilibrium as well as change and alteration. This is seen in the frequency of these personalities changing their minds. Indecision is another Two personality weakness that is certain to hinder progress. Many opportunities will pass them by while these partners try to make up their minds and summon sufficient self-confidence to act. Hesitation can range from an ordinary everyday event such as making a simple purchase to the more important issues of life. They could also be critical and fussy over petty matters as well as important questions without offering constructive remedies. Inconsistency in behaviour is directly related to a poor self-image and uncertainty as to what they can accomplish. As a result they become anxious and willing to subordinate themselves to others. This situation is worsened by their sensitivity and fear of opinions. On the one hand their feelings are easily hurt and on the other they take great pains to avoid hurting others. They may be found crying upon each other’s shoulder as crying is one of their favourite forms of emotional release. They will also share the Two personality’s over-concern for emotional illnesses. The more negative types will exhibit tendencies of the typical hypochondriac and acquire a particular fondness for psychosomatic illnesses.
Despite these weaknesses, Two personalities are ambitious. Their ambitions are usually fulfilled in social life on account of their genteel manner, but in the competitive world of business and against the aggressive demands of public life their abilities often fall short of their ambitions. If a Two personality is found in a public position he or she may not have the strength and fortitude to hold against aggressive opposition. These persons need the support of a strong partner in their private lives and this will not be found in this combination. Success comes easier to these people in professions that are non-competitive or in those where diplomacy, liaison, subtlety and a degree of intrigue is required. They are more domesticated than career and business oriented. As neither party can be hurried, their home life will be noted for its easy pace and the inevitable absence of punctuality.
As ‘twin’ personalities, their hobbies will be almost identical. The question of your time and my time will not arise. One will need the companionship of the other in all aspects of living. All Two personalities are natural collectors and a combination of outright Two individuals is certain to produce some outstanding collections. At the extreme, a ‘Steptoe’ junkyard may be the result for a negative Two couple. There are several other avenues where these partners can very easily combine. They are natural water lovers certain to seek living quarters near water and enjoy all activities associated with water. As the body and mind of each are replete with harmony and rhythm they make natural dancers and acrobats, and excel in any sport or activity requiring rhythmic movements. They also share literary ability and appreciation for good literature, and will find much pleasure in the written word through their own efforts and the efforts of others. Their powerful imagination and fantasy making ability will provide them pleasurable and profitable outlets in reading and writing romantic literature. An active psychic sense, natural to all Two personalities is certain to get them involved in studies relating to extrasensory perception and other psychic practices.
These partners will also find much pleasure as well as pain in a varied social life. Being usually shy and diffident persons, they suffer from a degree of social inadequacy and fear of rejection, and as result prefer to observe and be entertained rather than engage in frontline performance. Nevertheless, they will not hesitate to participate in group activity where the spotlight is not concentrated on them but spread over a number of persons. Their main contribution to society will be as helpers and quiet achievers in the background of activity. Once again the lack of resistance in this partnership and the partners’ desire to conform to group opinion and practices will leave them open to abuse by unprincipled persons who are certain to take advantage of their generosity, hospitality and impressionability. They are pleasant conversationalists who seldom initiate topics of conversation but courteously and tactfully follow subjects introduced by others. Negative Twos, if allowed to do so, will insist on discussing their many illnesses. Recognising their mutual sensitivity, average Two personalities refrain from hurting each other but always remain vulnerable to real or imagined injury from the speech and actions of others. They are usually not able to help each other in such situations. Their sense of humour is subtle and will always be used in a kindly manner so as to avoid causing each other and others discomfort.
Emotion and decisions of the heart control their actions and reactions, and this is most evident in their intimate lives. Uncertainty and lack of organisation will damage the practical side of this partnership. They are emotionally demanding persons who give willingly of their services and time but in return demand, in their own perverse way, a great deal of attention and consideration from their loved ones. A pair of Two persons will experience genuine suffering when they find that their respective partners do not respond adequately to their sentimental claims. They are likely to seek solace outside the partnership. At the same time the Two personality’s deep regard for the value of shared experiences will give them an equal degree of pain when they part from each other for any length of time. Their sex lives are likely to be unsatisfactory due to the predominance of passive and receptive elements in their psychological makeup. Unlike their One counterparts, constancy is not a strong quality with Two personalities. Their love is not deep-seated. They fall in love and out of love easily. Both parties in a double Two partnership could have affairs of the heart with other persons and yet continue their own relationship.
If either one, or the other, or both partners are born on the 1st, 10th or 11th months a good measure of strength will be brought into the partnership by the 1 vibration with better chances of success. The repetition of the 2 vibration in the 12th month will weaken the power of the 1 and emphasise the qualities of the 2. The practical nature of the 4 and 7 vibrations will help in the event of one or both partners being born on 2/4 or the 2/7. The mental nature of the 3, 6, and 9 vibrations coupled with the emotional 2 will not provide strength on the physical and practical side of life in the case of the 3rd, 6th and 9th months. Those born on 2/2, 2/5 and 2/8 will be over-sensitive, over-emotional and over-active, and will not be able to contribute to the stability of an association of any sort.
Two personalities characteristically suffer anxiety over the financial side of life. In a Two/Two combination these anxieties may materialise as Twos are not generally efficient money managers. Their fondness for accumulating things does not usually extend to money as other traits, such as spontaneity, impulsiveness, impressionability and generosity govern their spending habits and very little is left for future security.
The number 3, representing the vibration of youth, is the direct issue of the interaction between the active 1 and receptive 2 vibrations. All Three personalities spontaneously reveal a strong vein of youthfulness in their behaviour, which is not obscured by maturity and age. While possessing many unique features of its own, the 3 vibration also discloses many inherited features of its parentage, as will be observed in a combination of a Two and Three personality partnership.
Extroversion is one of the distinguishing features of both the 2 and 3 vibrations. These extroverted characteristics manifested in opposite ways will ensure that Two and Three personalities meet and mingle and avail themselves of ample opportunities to get to know each other. Such a combination is one in which we see the interplay of a strong receptive vibration and a versatile active vibration. The receptive qualities of the 2 operate by means of a gathering in and storage of energy and the active qualities of the 3 operate by a diversified expenditure of energy. These differences are exhibited by the Two personality in a quiescent or passive form of extroversion. The Two, at all times, has great need for companionship, especially of a single member of the opposite sex. In general company the Two finds enjoyment as an onlooker, or as a worker or participant in the background of activity. The diffident nature of the Two always avoids the spotlight, except in group activity. Companionship and social connections are essential to the wellbeing of the Two as this personality type is not meant to live alone.
The Three is another type that cannot live alone and therefore actively seeks not only the companionship of a partner but the society of a variety of friends and acquaintances. The number 3, among other things, is the vibration of friendship and all Three personalities are able to cope with a diversified social life. Their form of extroversion is almost opposite to that of the Two. Threes delight in the spotlight or as the centre of attention. Positive Threes automatically find themselves in this position and the negative ones usually create situations whereby the attention of others is drawn to them. Two and Three personalities will not take long to understand each other’s ways. Their different modes of conduct and expression will serve to complement their association, thus avoiding a clash of wills and competition for a favourable or prominent position in the partnership. By and large, the Two partner will be happy to let the Three assume the conspicuous role.
Both these personalities are egocentric and consequently draw attention to themselves. The Two does so in subtle ways and will be content with sentimental considerations. The Three will not only expect their partners and others to pay attention to them but also give deference to their views. A Two partner needs to feel protected and financially secure before the best qualities of this personality can blossom. Not all Threes are able to fulfil these needs. A positive Three will do so effortlessly, using natural talents as a leader and instant decision maker. A negative Three on the other hand, needs a strong partner to provide direction, practicality and stability, and contrary to expectations, will come to depend on the Two, who will need to be a very positive personality in order to cope with an inconsistent partner.
Both personalities have powerful imaginations, and if this is not balanced by practical vibrations in other areas of their personality it could be used negatively both upon themselves and upon each other. The imagination of the Three, especially a positive Three, is creative and can be applied to a wide range of artistic work, The negative Three loses a good deal of artistic potential through a lack of self-confidence This is usually displayed through an inflated self-image that turns a powerful imagination inward, resulting in self-indulgence and delusions of grandeur. The imagination of all Two persons is all too frequently associated with self-consciousness and sensitivity and also turned inward causing pre-occupation with health, personal looks and the opinions of others. The stronger ones are more objective and are able to use their imagination in all forms of literary work and any activity requiring rhythm and delicacy of touch. Needless to say, a combination of a negative Two and a negative Three will lead to disaster, while a pair of positive personalities can combine to produce some outstanding artistic creations.
Both partners share a sense of delicacy both in relation to living things and objects of beauty. The Two takes great pains to avoid being hurt or causing hurt and is attracted to persons of refinement and objects of precision and daintiness. The Three is a natural artist with a high sense of beauty and colour. These personalities are totally compatible in their interests in the fine arts.
Both are generous with their time, energy and money. They are not unpleasant or quarrelsome people as politeness, good manners and refined speech and tact are qualities inherent in both. The Two seeks peace and harmony and The Three seeks friendship and gaiety. The Three acts from a desire for self-expression and popularity, and the Two from kindness, unselfishness and often from fear of unpopularity. Their generosity and fairness to each other will be beyond doubt, even in unpleasant circumstances. Neither party can be regarded as mercenary. These attitudes will also be carried outside the partnership leaving them open to abuse by time-serving individuals.
Though both personalities will be attracted to an active social life, the speed and variety of interests that will attract the Three partner may often bring pressure on the Two partner whose emotional condition may not stand up to the stress and pressures of indiscriminate interaction with different sorts of people. The Three is able to handle a variety of personality types without being affected by them. The Two is comfortable and relaxed only in refined and genteel company. The combination of a Two and Three enables these partners to play host with great success. The Three will entertain in the foreground and the Two will be busy organising and helping in the background. Both in social life and in interaction between themselves, the Three will be the talker and the Two generally the listener. As the 3 vibration gives power to the spoken word and the 2 vibration to the written word, self-expression of the Three is displayed at its best when in command of an audience and that of the Two with the power of the pen. Each, in their different ways, will acquire social popularity. The natural optimism of the Three will give this individual many advantages over the Two, who is often subject to pessimistic attitudes. The Three has also an exceptionally dry sense of humour and can be depended upon to sustain a jovial atmosphere in most situations. As the Two is subject to moodiness and the weakness of referring matters to self, this partner will not initiate humour consciously and may not always take a Three’s humour in the spirit it is given.
Being companionable individuals those partners will not expect of each other periods of private time. Their preference would be to spend time together in the social, artistic and aesthetic activities that will engage their joint attention. However, there will be one area in the life of the Two that will not interest the Three partner. Two personalities are born collectors and this habit will not attract the participation of the Three partner. The principle of receptivity or of gathering in which distinguishes the 2 vibration from all others creates an obsession for collecting things. Those influenced by the 3 vibration on the contrary are more inclined to scatter their goods, money, time and even opportunity.
As Two persons need financial security in addition to domestic harmony before they can bring out their best qualities, they set about, very early in a partnership, to establish this condition. Threes, on the other hand, are generally free spenders and give little thought to future needs. Self-confidence and optimism carry them through life. As the Two partner will not share the optimism of the Three, and the Three, in turn, will not live up to the Two’s expectations, problems are certain to arise in their joint financial affairs. Although money in the hands of the Three will go out almost as fast as it comes in, the Two will find some comfort when the Three displays a greater earning power.
The two most romantic of all personality types are found in this combination. Aided by their powerful imagination, often bordering on the fantastic, both the Two and Three need to be emotionally involved and therefore thrive in a romantic atmosphere. When not actually experiencing such situations they create them in their minds. Both parties have a great need to be loved and cared for. The Two will be turned off if variety and change is not offered by a partner. These conditions will he readily provided by the versatile and restless Three. The Three, in turn, demands an unfailing devotion and response to the love they give, and this too will be provided by the loving nature of the Two partner. The sexual activity of the Three will always exceed that of the Two, who may experience some problems in coping with these demands later in life. Though the Three will always indulge in some innocent flirtation basic loyalty to the Two partner need not be doubted provided the Three’s love is reciprocated. Generally the Two will be content to play second fiddle to the dynamic Three, especially to a positive Three. The position will be reversed in the case of a positive Two and a negative Three. The negative Three will still be allowed to put on a decisive front, but the positive Two will be the real controller behind the scenes. The Two partner will always put more into the partnership through qualities of self-sacrifice, forgiveness and patience.
To be positive personalities Twos and Threes should be born on the 1st, 10th, 11th or 12th months. The 1 vibration in the birth month is needed to give them self-confidence and drive. A combination of these personalities will be successful in personal relations as well as a productive unit. In a partnership in which only one partner has the 1 vibration in the birth month, it will be this partner that will take control. A combination of Twos and Threes born in the 2nd, 3rd, 5th, 6th, and 9th months will be unstable and lack the essential requirement of practicality. The 4th and 7th months will provide physical vibrations and practicality but not self-confidence. However, a hasty negative conclusion should be avoided as the 1 vibration may be operating strongly in other areas of the numerological chart.
Even numbers symbolise receptive vibrations and a combination of these vibrations will understandably result in an overloading of receptive and passive qualities in a partnership, and at the same time reveal the need for forward active qualities. In the case of Two and Four persons, though governed by even numbers, there will be some basic differences in the presentation of these qualities as their particular vibrations operate on distinct planes; the 2 on the emotional and the 4 on the physical. The 2 is also a fluid vibration and is seen in Two persons by their rhythmic motions and love of water. The 4 is a solid earthly vibration displayed in Four persons by their love of the land and its produce and their desire to sink roots wherever their destiny places them. One has a sentimental and subjective approach to life, the other a practical and objective approach.
Although some initial sympathy may be shown towards each other, it is unlikely that these personalities will remain attracted to one another. The magnetic pull that exists between opposite polarities, which is so conducive to a lasting and enlivening relationship, is not present. If an exception does take place a routine and commonplace lifestyle is the likely outcome. Furthermore, the emotionally demonstrative Two will be disillusioned in the company of the emotionally unresponsive Four. The Four, in turn, whose emotions are always well contained, will be embarrassed by the emotional pressures of the Two.
Passive qualities such as patience, deliberation, hesitation, calmness, regularity and self-sacrifice will highlight the absence of active qualities such as leadership, decision, ambition, competition, self-assertion and speed. Both personalities are, by nature, followers who are adept at carrying out instructions and following the blueprints laid out by individuals with a creative imagination. This partnership will suffer from the lack of strong leadership. Both parties are influenced by vibrations infused with the spirit of support, protection, guardianship, assistance and cooperation. They are too fond of regularity in their way of life to introduce of their own accord any potentially beneficial changes. Found at crossroads in life, both will choose the familiar path. They are usually confused by sudden changes or unexpected situations. These problems arise from the Two’s sensitivity, fear of opinions and inadequate self-confidence and the Four’s lack of ambition, breadth of vision and adaptability.
Security in every form is eagerly sought by both parties. While giving willing support, the Two personality will prefer a partner to be the main source of income and protection. The Four personality will forge ahead on their own and through sheer hard work acquire and provide the partner with a comfortable lifestyle.
Personality contrasts between these two on account of the different planes on which they are motivated tend to divide them rather than create bonds through mutual interaction. The Two personality, although fond of the status quo, is potentially flexible and adaptable, and when circumstances demand, can be persuaded to alter a routine way of life. The Four is steeped in fixed habits and will stubbornly resist change of routine. The fanciful imagination of the Two, often turned inwards and then projected on to others, stands out in sharp contrast with the down-to-earth and matter-of-fact treatment of things by the Four. The absence of sparkle, variety and romance in the nature of the Four may incline the Two partner to seek these qualities in others. The Two expects pleasant surprises, mild excitement and frequent romantic interludes. The practical and thrifty Four will resent these demands of the Two’s sentimental nature.
The 2 vibration is subject to the ever changing phases of the moon and the 4 to the earth. Consequently, Twos are subject to changes in mood and changes of mind. Fours remain even-tempered and firm in their opinions and decisions. The Two will avoid starting a task until the right mood hits them. A sense of duty is the only guiding factor in the case of the Four. The pliant Two is easy to impress and convince. By contrast, the resolute Four is hard to convince and will not be swayed by fast talk or other seemingly desirable attractions. The emotional Two is also subject to impulsive action, a habit which is quite alien to the nature of the cautious Four who uses commonsense, deliberation and objectivity before acting. The Four is never moved by the whim of the moment.
The gift of clairvoyance in the 2 vibration prompts the Two personality to rely both consciously and unconsciously on this asset for many decisions. The earthly Four who does not possess this sensitivity will summarily dismiss this tendency as the fancy of an impractical dreamer. Problems will arise from their different attitudes to work. The Four partner, especially one who is strong and positive, enjoys hard physical work and will often work to excess, leaving little time for relaxation and pleasure. A negative Four will take an opposite attitude and display laziness and lethargy. The Two, whether negative or positive, will always demand equal time for work and pleasure and will recoil from physical work. The Four gives and expects punctuality, efficiency and dedication in all practical tasks, while the Two will be relaxed, easygoing and frequently a late starter. Although self-sacrifice is a strong quality in both parties, each in their own way, self-discipline is a strong quality in the Four and a weak one in the Two. Twos need the influence of vibrant partners to evoke the many entertaining qualities latent in their nature. Fours, who are not given to spontaneous enjoyment and light-heartedness, will disappoint Two partners, who in turn will be accused by the Fours of dreaminess and impracticality.
Both parties possess a strong attachment to the comforts and seclusion of home and the protection it affords from turbulent world affairs. In comparison to many other personality types, neither party has the high ambition, competitiveness and drive needed to attain the heights of a chosen career. They are good and steady workers of a middle order. Both will agree upon a lifestyle that is balanced between personal ease and success in public life. The number 4, among other things, indicates reliability and shrewdness in business. The Four partner has all the attributes for success in almost any type of family business. The support of the Two will be invaluable in the secretarial and public relations aspect of the business. Decision making in business affairs will be taken over by the hard-headed Four, though such decisions will be slow in the making and usually confined to ‘no risk’ commitments.
These are mildly extroverted persons who conceal their egos within personal service and hard work in the background of activity and usually give more to others than they receive. There will be hardly any dissention between these partners in their social activities as neither will carry this aspect of their lives to excess. It will be most unusual to have one of them strike out on some personal pastime without inviting participation of the other. They are both comfortable in group activity and joint involvement in community affairs. As hosts these partners will provide ample food and drink accompanied by personal attention. However, entertainment will be left to the guests themselves as the Two and Four personalities are not lively conversationalists, humorists or entertainers. As guests they are quietly spoken and well mannered but should not be counted upon to be the ‘life of the party’. By and large, they are listeners rather than talkers. Both parties avoid argument for reasons of their own. The Two in order to keep the peace at any cost and the Four has no desire to either project on others their own fixed views or be influenced by them to change their own. In their relationship with each other, conciliation and compromise will be left to the more agreeable Two partner who is always willing to talk things over and is able to defuse unpleasantness with a nice turn of phrase.
Intermittent humour between these partners will be at a minimum due to the Two’s fragile feelings and the Four’s seriousness. Self-consciousness in both parties will prevent spontaneous outbursts of laughter that could cause the attention of others to be drawn to them. Despite motivation on different planes of expression, these partners could willingly get together and enjoy many mutually satisfying hobbies. The Two’s penchant for collecting things will be supported by the thrifty and value conscious Four. The Two’s love of water and the Four’s love of the land can be combined to widen their range of interests. Also, the Two’s aptitude with precision instruments and other delicate hand work will complement the Four’s aptitude with heavy machinery, mechanics and engineering. They can combine profitably in other hobbies such as pottery, ceramics and sculpture.
The finances of this partnership will be safest in the hands of the value and profit conscious Four partner. This partner is not only able to make money at a steady pace but is also able to put it aside for future use. The Four, who is not a gambler or an impulsive buyer will always demand full value for money spent. The Two, on the other hand, is not always conscious of value for money spent and can suffer from periods of impulsive buying. A spending spree usually boosts the Two during spells of depression.
The distinct planes on which these partners are motivated will be the direct cause of problems in their intimate lives. As mentioned earlier the romantic and sentimental Two will not receive from the prosaic Four the little attentions that are expected from a loved one. The down-to-earth Four will find these sentimental expectations a bit of a bore. In place of the little tokens of affection expected by the Two, the Four will return total loyalty, solidity, security, physical comforts and unstinted sexual satisfaction. The 4 is the most reliable and enduring sex vibration. The Two’s impressionable nature will be a constant worry. This partner will be willing to be led astray in a desire to look for change from the regular habits of the Four partner. In most matters the Two is reluctant to express a definitive ‘no’ and consequently runs the risk of becoming a victim of everyone else’s wants and desires. On the occasions the Two may say ‘no’ they follow through with long explanations that may suggest that they could be persuaded to reverse their decisions.
The best combinations between Twos and Fours will be when both partners are born with the 1 vibration in their birth months. This will give both strength of purpose and the ability to make firm decisions. If one of the partners has this advantage, it will be this partner who will take the leading role in the partnership. If neither party has the 1 vibration in the birth month, this vibration should be sought in other spheres of influence in their numerological chart. The absence of this vibration in strength in the charts of both parties will inevitably lead to a tentative and weak partnership.
The vibrations forming these birthdays represent two of the strongest on the emotional plane. Although the 2, as an even number, is a receptive vibration, and the 5, as an odd number, is an active vibration, the attraction of opposite polarities will be neutralised by the close emotional relationship. The moods of the Two personality work in an ebb and flow, usually following the phases of the moon, and the unpredictable nature of the Five is the result of the influence of the planet Mercury, known for its volatile qualities. Any intimate association between these persons will be accidental rather than through natural attraction or plan, and could only result in a strange combination of emotional behaviour in which the ingredients that contribute to a compatible and durable relationship may lie dormant in both parties.
The Two personality, for the most part, is moved by decisions of the heart as this personality type rarely departs from the hold of the emotional plane. This individual’s emotional expression is of a passive nature. The Five, whose expression of emotion issues outwards and is often demonstrative and overpowering, has a greater advantage over the Two partner insofar as this personality is able to relate to conditions, not only on the emotional plane, but also on the mental and physical and thus gain an immense ascendancy over the Two partner. Not only are the Two and Five opposites in their methods of expressing their emotions, they are also so in most other forms of self-expression. The mercurial, volatile and buoyant nature of the 5 vibration makes it difficult to contain, fix permanently or define in collective terms the character of a Five person. The 2 vibration, on the other hand, has easily definable and predictable characteristics and Two personalities flourish only in certain favourable conditions. The Five, unlike the sensitively organised Two, is not dependent on prevailing conditions or atmosphere to give out its best or worst. This personality can adapt to strange and changing conditions as well as manipulate conditions quite openly to suit their personal wishes.
The tranquil and slow moving pace adopted by the Two in the performance of any task will stand out in sharp contrast with the alert, speedy and high tension style of the Five. The Two, unconsciously for the most part, attunes itself to the law of attraction and looks towards luring to itself the good things of life through the efforts of others while readily playing a supportive role. The Five is a go-getter involved in constant activity directed towards satisfying a great variety of personal wants. Unfortunately, the speedy Five will react with impatience and intolerance towards the leisurely ways of the Two partner. Though the Two can be impulsive in matters of the heart, its placid nature and fear of failure prevents impulsive action in other areas. As long as it takes place without suddenness, the Two is also fond of a certain degree of movement and change. The Two partner will find it extremely trying to keep up with the impulsiveness, daring and restlessness of the Five. Quick reflexes, oral dexterity and plenty of bluff enable Fives to recover quickly whenever impulsiveness and sudden changes have placed them in difficult situations. In all emergencies the Five partner will provide rapid decisions and prompt action, while the Two, especially one inclined to negativity, will be confused, hesitant and disoriented. However, the personal worth of the Two personality should not be judged too harshly as, in this combination, the Two is matched with the most alert, versatile and resourceful of all personality types whose impressions and reactions have the combined strength of three planes of expression.
The Two is inclined towards pessimism and feelings of inadequacy and as a result seldom initiates action. The Five, who rarely entertains thoughts of failure, takes the opposite course and is driven to action by optimism, enthusiasm and personal magnetism. If signs of success do not appear in spite of all efforts, the Five will refuse to succumb but use these qualities to overcome possible failure or promptly turn to better alternatives. Once the Five conceives an idea or plan, and this personality conceives of a great many, they do not remain content until it is put into effect. In the Five’s headlong race for gathering as many experiences as possible from all aspects of life the Two partner will have no alternative but to string along or fall by the wayside, as it were. It may be said that Fives are attracted to everything but are held down by nothing.
Periods of silence and vibratory conditions of calmness needed by the Two partner will not be found in the company of the high tension Five partner. The Two will soon realise the Five is an incessant talker whose speech is infused with enthusiasm, emotion and strong body language. The voice of the Two is always kept low and moderate and will stand out in contrast with the high-pitched and often strident tones of the Five. Oral communication between these partners will be, for the most part, one-sided. The volubility of the Five combined with an innate propensity to organise the lives of others will overcome many attempts by the Two to put in a word or two. The Two will need to resort to its subtlest resources in order to be heard. We see in this partnership a combination of a non-competitive individual and a highly competitive one. Any form of confrontation between them for the authoritative position need not be anticipated. However, the easily embarrassed Two partner will be often discomforted by the Five’s confrontation with others whenever a challenge or objection is encountered.
A sense of urgency which accompanies the constant activity of the Five releases a tremendous amount of nervous energy creating an aura of high tension which could be hurtful to the delicately balanced sensitivity of the Two. The home loving Two will face a really uphill task to hold the Five partner to domestic attractions. Interests outside home will always have a greater pull on the Five and these could range from income earning activities to merely pleasurable ones. The Two will suffer from the lack of general stability of home life while the Five will be oblivious to these conditions. The Two is neither a competitive or dedicated career person nor shrewd in business. Success in public life does not elude the Two but the related pressures often take its toll. The Two would prefer a partner to be the principal income earner. This responsibility may be taken up by a good positive Five provided that the Two takes over almost all domestic duties. However, if the Two is associated with a Five who is inclined towards this vibration’s negative qualities the Two’s expectations of a regular income and stable home live may not be fulfilled. Every Five, even negative Fives, have a great capacity for earning or acquiring money, one way or another. However, the negative Fives, due to extreme restlessness, changeability and abnormal insistence on personal freedom, are not regular earners. All Fives are unable to save money and this could lead to further problems with a Two partner.
Although both personalities are extroverts, noticeable differences in their forms of extroversion and attitude towards people will be the cause for conflict and adjustment. The Two is fond of company with physical activity taking second place. The Five’s priorities are reversed. Physical activity takes first place and the friendships and acquaintances, as an accompaniment of these interests, take second place.
The Two is slow in making friends, takes pains to retain them and places great value on old friendships and acquaintance. The Five, who is generally a ‘hail fellow well met’ type has a quick turnover of friends and acquaintances and has no hesitation in dropping someone who does not measure up to the Five’s standards. Both partners acquire social popularity; the Two as an inoffensive and cooperative individual and the Five as a good mixer and motivator who can be depended upon for instant action and organisation. These partners are faced with the alternative of pooling their talents and enjoying an exciting social life, or going their separate ways. The Five may agree to slow down to the pace of the Two, but it for the most part, it will be left to the Two partner to adjust within reason to the speedier and involved commitments of the Five.
Both partners enjoy oral communication but once again there is a marked difference in their methods. The Two is a participant on the basis of a free exchange of ideas and enjoys nothing better than to have the conversational ball kept rolling. The Five takes over in a commanding way leaving little opportunity for others to present their points of view. The alert mind of the Five is fortified by quick wit and repartee. The diffident Two partner will not attempt to face up to a verbal contest against the Five’s overpowering fluency of speech and strong body language.
Their different approaches to sport and other outdoor activities are likely to send them in opposite directions in their spare time. The facile communication the Five has with the physical, emotional and mental planes gives this individual an all-round capacity to excel in any form of sport and to flirt with risk and danger. The Two, who is generally confined to the emotional plane will be attracted to activities requiring rhythmic movement and will avoid vigorous body contact sport. The Five will also find much pleasure in one or more forms of gambling, a hobby that is not likely to attract the Two partner. These contrasts in their personalities will prevent them from getting together to share a common hobby. Travel may be the only exception. Here again, the Two will prefer safety and physical comfort while the Five will look for adventure and will not be deterred by physical discomfort. Two personalities are patient and devoted collectors of artefacts. The laws of attraction and receptivity governing the 2 vibration are responsible for this habit. However, collection of material objects holds no attraction to the restless and fast moving Five. Insatiable curiosity about all aspects of life is a deep-seated urge which makes the Fives collectors of knowledge and experience rather than objects.
The nature of the Two personality is such that they find comfort and security within an intimate alliance and even surrender many personal dues for the sake of unity and peace. The Five, on the other hand, needs to maintain personal freedom at any cost. The Two partner is bound to feel insecure in the knowledge that the Five will not offer the degree of togetherness expected. Many stormy emotional scenes, followed by disorganisation in their lives, may be expected in this partnership of emotionally active persons. Both are fond of being melodramatic and could say and perform a great deal more than they mean whenever they are upset. The Five especially is able to articulate the full extent of their feelings. Twos cry easily. In the short term they will be generous with their affections to each other and lavish in their expressions of love and caring. The Two partner will make many sentimental claims and expect the Five to be always by its side. The restless and freedom loving Five, who will not be possessed, will react strongly against these demands and invent strategies to enjoy independent activity. Although the Five will provide variety and excitement, the Two partner will not always be included in all the Five’s activities. The Two will experience periods of loneliness during the Fives absence from home. The Two will find that the Five is attracted to and is attracted by members of the opposite sex to a greater degree than the average. The Five’s desire for new experiences and refusal to put up with monotony or intolerable situations, will be too strong to confine this partner to standards of propriety and self-sacrifice expected by the Two.
Successful partnerships by these personalities can be formed if they are both born in the 1st, 10th, 11th and 12th months. The 1 vibration will give strength to tie Two and stability to the Five. The 4th and 7th months will also be helpful in controlling the emotional problems of these people. Twos and Fives born in the 2nd, 5th and 8th months are bound to make disastrous unions due to an excess of emotion, and those born on the 3rd, 6th and 9th months will also have many problems from the lack of a practical approach to life. A Five partner born on the 1st, 10th, 11th or 12th months will automatically take over from a Two. However, if the position is reversed, the Two will still have to use very subtle means to control the restless Five.
Vibrations represented by these receptive numbers contain many remarkably similar qualities, as well as others that are not quite of the same complexion as a consequence of the separate planes of expression to which they belong. Although both are clearly receptive vibrations, the 2 belongs to the emotional plane and the 6 to the mental plane. Many characteristics exhibited by subjects of these vibrations that appear different are in fact similar, but seem different because the Two personality expresses them from an emotional centre which is the heart, and the Six personality from a mental centre, the head. This is a combination of sentiment on the one hand and reason on the other. Overall, however, these vibrations have more in common with regards to compatibility than most other combinations. They cover not only positive qualities but also many that will be considered negative in their own relationship as well as in their contact with others.
The magnetic attraction of opposites that takes place between persons with odd and even numbered birthdays, or active and receptive personalities, cannot occur here. Instead, a form of kinship and predisposition for the same tastes, interests and aims brings them together. The 2 vibration, influenced by the moon, on the one hand symbolises balance and harmony, and on the other hand due to the moon’s changing phases the 2 is also a vibration of fluctuation and contrast. The 6 vibration, influenced by the planet Venus is exclusively one of harmony and equilibrium. These qualities of harmony and ease are the hallmarks of the Two and Six personalities. Not only do they unconsciously radiate an aura of calmness, but both also consciously set out to establish peace and accord in their environment. The emotionally reactive Two, however, has a more difficult task. This personality is susceptible to changes in atmosphere and is able to flourish only in harmonious conditions. They recoil in conditions of discord and hostility. The Two has to face up to much personal strengthening and objective thinking before setting out to correct imbalance in the environment, and many positive Twos are successful in doing so. The mentally oriented Six is not disturbed or disoriented by changes in atmosphere but generates and spreads vibrations of harmony and comfort. Their basically different methods of thinking – one with the heart and the other with the mind – is the only real problem that will need to be overcome at the early stages of their relationship. The soft-hearted Two will find the Six’s level-headed attitudes hard to accept, while the Six may be inclined to deride many of the Two’s views as illogical. Should they succeed in adjusting to each other’s natural ways of thinking, and there is no reason why they should not, this couple will find the harmony and accord they seek in their personal lives. The Six’s logical thought processes will eventually prevail over the Two’s emotionally oriented views. The situation will be assisted by the Two who is usually indecisive when presented with alternatives and will be inclined to leave final decisions to the Six partner. The Six vibration may be regarded as a mature 2, containing many 2 qualities devoid of emotional agitation.
Although the Six is an argumentative character there will be no argument between them as the Two personality avoids argument at all cost. By and large, this will be a slow moving partnership as the Six is a cautious and deliberate thinker whose analytical mind examines any issue from all angles with logic and deliberation. Risky, impulsive and hurried decisions will not be made. This method suits the Two partner who will be shaken by sudden changes in lifestyle.
The Two/Six combination is one that is not often successful when opportunities need to be grasped with alertness and speed. They are not able to give each other instant positive feedback in an emergency or highly competitive situation. Despite different planes of expression the personality traits, needs and aspirations they have in common are far in excess of those containing the possibilities of dissension. Individually, they are excellent marriage partners for persons controlled by active vibrations, but not necessarily for themselves because both are influenced by passive vibrations. This is especially so if an exciting, progressive and adventure-filled partnership is envisaged. They have too many placid and easy-going qualities to court danger or take chances. Both Twos and Sixes are warm-hearted and moderately extroverted personalities whose happiness is based on sharing and companionship and a fine rhythm of life instead of an emphasis on individuality.
Besides those already mentioned, other typical features shared by them are a tendency to withdraw within themselves if hurried or crowded into decision making, love of physical comforts, a common interest in various forms of teaching and healing, strong paternal and maternal instincts, unselfishness, kindness, generosity, impartiality, diplomacy, tolerance, hospitality and guardianship. They are inoffensive and non-aggressive in their behaviour and always display delicacy and refinement in their tastes. They are potential connoisseurs of the finer things of life. They are also conservatives who do not ‘rock the boat’ but conform to the prevailing ideas of right and wrong. They make good club persons who work successfully in associations, fellowships, fraternities and other similar institutions. When these several common characteristics are applied within the partnership harmonious relationship is the natural result. They also share some qualities on the negative side, such as over concern for financial security, periods of melancholy, irrational worry over trivial matters, (and this is despite the Six’s logical mind), lack of high ambition and the spirit of competition. Both have distaste for physical work.
The mating urge is equally strong in these people. It will be most unusual for either of them to remain single unless tied down to the care of an aged parent or near relative. A hasty marriage is always a danger in their desire to seek a home of their own. Although a union between a pair of even numbered (receptive) persons is not as enterprising and lively as one between an odd and even pair, their mutual love of home should give them much peace and happiness. The Six will stand out as the partner with the strongest domestic ties. Attachment of these personalities to home and family life is seen even as children, and as adults their first priority is to establish a comfortable home and intimate family life. The Two who is not far behind in these needs and expectations will play a strong supportive role.
Both partners will avoid a career or business involving ruthless competition, high tension, dubious trade practices, instant decisions, speculation and risk. They are both suited for professions requiring service and dedication, or in small businesses dealing in clothing, music, food and accommodation. This is an ideal combination for a family business in the hospitality industry where a comfortable income and not sudden riches can be expected. Alternatively, both partners are attracted to the medical and teaching professions.
As mildly extroverted persons of the same polarity their social aspirations will be generally in the same direction. They will however merge into their social roles following the characteristics of their different planes of expression. The Two partner revealing sensitivity and shyness will prefer person to person contact and activity away from the spotlight. The Six will mix into a group or groups of people with a quietly confident and easy manner and not hesitate to address them in a casual and assured way of speaking. These partners, strengthened by natural hospitable qualities, can merge their different approaches to social life and enjoy a great deal of success as hosts and hostesses. As both are fond of cooking and do not grudge personal service, their hospitality will become well known and perhaps be taken advantage of by less generous persons. As guests or visitors they are always pleasant company and never overstay their welcome. Both partners take to home entertainment and indoor activity rather than rigorous outdoor pastimes.
They can be depended upon to participate in and provide good conversation. Their conversation and humour will always display courtesy and consideration. In addition, their body language is non-authoritative and lends towards comfort, informality and ease. No form of vulgarity and coarseness will discolour their choice of words or choice of subject. Between themselves there should be no communication problems. Though strongly inclined towards argument due to keen reasoning faculties, the Six will be gracious and patient when presenting a point of view to the Two or correcting an inaccuracy in a statement made by the Two when emotionally disturbed. The Six will always be conscious and tolerant of the Two’s easily hurt feelings. The Six is also a natural storyteller and the Two is an avid listener but they could, quite naturally, reverse these roles from time to time.
Their hobbies will be concentrated within the home and close community connections. The beautification of their home will be taken up with enthusiasm and fine artistic touches. All their interests will be taken up in a spirit of togetherness as these are personality types who will be quite miserable acting on their own. Good literature, the culinary arts and music will play a large part in their leisure hours. As both partners are types that are able to relax their bodies and minds, they will also spend many mutually rewarding hours in peaceful, natural surroundings, especially by the sea.
Both partners will show a constant anxiety over their financial position, even though it may actually be quite stable. The Six partner will reveal better financial acumen and judgment in purchasing and investing. The Two is impressionable and can be moved to purchase things of dubious value and usage. By and large there should be no serious dissention between them over financial matters. Neither party will indulge in risky financial ventures or take up any form of gambling as a pastime.
There is little doubt that these partners can develop great devotion to each other in an atmosphere of caring and camaraderie. The loving nature of the Six, governed by Venus the planet of love, though undemonstrative, is deep and comprehensive. That of the Two is well demonstrated but is not as profound and has the tendency to shift if the partnership is incompatible. However, there is little danger of the Two straying from a Six partner who will without effort fulfil most of the Two’s expectations. A negative Six, however, who takes on common negative 6 qualities such as extreme jealousy and a nagging nature, is sure to lose the loyalty and love of the Two. Living on their positive sides, both partners are self-sacrificing individuals. One will not demand of the other any more than he or she is prepared to give in return. Also, in the event of one needing more attention, on account of illness or some other unfortunate circumstance, such help would be readily given. The Six partner’s love of home and family will be too strong to leave room for any clandestine affairs.
The best partnerships between these personalities will be formed when both are born on the 1st, 10th, 11th or 12th months. The 1 vibration of the birth month will add strength and self-confidence to their personalities. If one partner is born in one of these months, it will be this partner that will take over the leadership role. Serious problems of indecision and impracticality will arise if these partners are born in the 3rd, 6th or 9th months. To these problems will be added emotionalism if they are born on the 2nd, 5th and 8th months. Those born on the 4th and 7th months will have practical values and practical ability.
Two forces act in unison to attract subjects of these vibrations. On the one hand, there is the fundamental magnetic pull of opposite polarities (odd and even – active and receptive), and on the other, a combination of several similar and sympathetic characteristics tend to draw these persons together. These latter tendencies exist despite the fact that the 2 is a receptive vibration on the emotional plane and the 7 is an active vibration on the physical plane. In addition, the 7 vibration represents the mystic elements in life and the 2 is the most sensitive of all vibrations to the psychic side of life.
The merger of these harmonising forces has the potential to produce an interlocking and enduring relationship of opulence and strength, particularly in all the refined aspects of living. While those qualities the 2 and 7 vibrations have in common will immediately help in this process, those that are supplied by either one and lacking in the other will need understanding and acceptance while the relationship matures.
Some unaffected personality traits of the Two personality that will attract the attention of a Seven are modesty, gentleness, moderation, patience, diplomacy, gallantry, charm, courtesy and grace. Other qualities of like nature in the Seven that find instant favour with a Two are, a soft spoken manner, a love of silence and a need for peace and harmony in personal life, detachment from rank materialism, wisdom and learning, an appreciation and understanding of the subtle forces of life and love of nature.
The Two needs companionship of a partner and the society of pleasant people. This personality is an extrovert but is not an outgoing, exuberant type of extrovert. The Two, who is essentially an observer and listener, avoids the spotlight unless as part of a group. The Seven’s form of extroversion has noticeable similarities, but this personality does not necessarily rely on companionship and the society of people, however pleasant, for personal fulfilment. The Seven has a quality of self-sufficiency and attunement with its inner self and Mother Nature which this personality enjoys more than the society of people. The Seven chooses its own company and rejects without the slightest misgiving the company of disturbing persons, a task the Two has great difficulty in performing. This ability to penetrate the facade put on by others and reject undesirable persons is invaluable in a partnership with a Two, who is easily influenced and who has difficulty getting out of intolerable situations. Just as a dreamy detachment may be observed in the Two in company, a pensive aloofness is characteristic of the Seven. The Two chooses to retire into a wonderful world of fantasy while the Seven resorts to contemplative withdrawal. Regardless of the degree of personal advancement or cultural background these characteristics create a quality of winsomeness and charm in the Two and an aura of dignity and poise in the Seven.
Both personalities are disturbed by and display extreme distaste towards loud spoken, tense, generally hyperactive and inquisitive persons. The Seven, in particular, is a private individual who reveals little in speech and body language and is, as a result, often misunderstood by anyone without keen perception. The deep-seated goodness of the Seven, which is obscured by a certain cool remoteness, will stand out in contrast with the Two’s unfeigned, yet shy sentimentality. The Two also reveals its vulnerability in emotional life while that of the Seven is well concealed. The patient and tactful Two will not take long to penetrate and appreciate the depths of the Seven personality and the elevated thoughts of this partner. The biggest problem the Two will have to cope with is the strict limitation of emotional expression in the Seven partner. The discerning Seven, on the other hand, almost immediately sees through the open-hearted Two, but has difficulty understanding and tolerating the Two’s changeable nature and emotional highs and lows. However, before attempting to assess each other, these partners should first establish a favourable self-image of their own. For different reasons, these personalities tend towards unfavourable self-valuation. The Seven is too self-probing, self-critical and unforgiving of self, and may project these tendencies of thought on to the Two partner. The Two lacks self-assurance and may become more eager to take the easier road of surrender of a good part of individuality rather than dare to be themselves.
Neither partner will contend for a firm position of leadership. The Two will rather assume the role of follower, supporter or collaborator than assert power as a superior. The Seven, as a strong individualist, is not interested in exercising authority for authority’s sake, nor will this personality submit contentedly to the authority of another. The Seven, without displaying any domineering traits, will assume the decision making role. The Two is often guided by whim and emotional reaction, while the Seven subjects all things to keen mental analysis. The Two, who is also hesitant and indecisive by nature, will follow the decisions of the Seven but will not always find them easily acceptable. The Seven is not conditioned by circumstances or excessively concerned with the impression made on others. The Two follows the opposite course and often yields to group opinion. Twos are also disposed towards explaining their actions while Sevens give an account of their actions to no one but themselves. This tendency in the Two to try to please everyone is bound to come into some conflict with a Seven partner. However, the Seven’s objective point of view eventually prevails.
In public life both partners will avoid stress, rivalry and noise. The Two will always seek to be a good team member and the Seven to work alone or independent of close authority, and away from crowded conditions. Both will show an aversion to the fiercely competitive ways of the world and seek to escape from its tension and turmoil into the peace and quietude of home and surroundings. Their attachment to family, home and garden will intertwine their lives at more than one level. The seemingly distant and unapproachable manner of the Seven will be sooner or later softened by the Two’s tenderness and genuine need for sharing experiences. Although the Seven does not have a similar need for sharing, this partner can easily move into an intimate condition with the affable and self-sacrificing Two personality. A concerted effort will be made by both to establish, whenever possible, a home in a secluded locality. These are ideal partners for any family business relating to the produce of the land. The Seven has an excellent business mind and the Two expertise in public relations.
Some minor pressures may be felt by both parties in their social contacts. The gregarious nature of humankind is found at its lowest in the Seven personality. The Seven partner will always be critically selective of the company they move in and especially of those that are invited to their home. The Two will need to exercise constant caution in selecting the number and type of guests and the frequency of their visits, and at no time take the Seven’s sociability for granted. The Two not only needs companionship of a partner but also the society of other genteel persons. The Two will be attracted to clubs and other fraternities and associations while the Seven will find such involvements quite distasteful. They may not be the most popular or sought after couple in society and this will worry the Two but not cause a ripple in the life of the Seven. However, their intrinsic worth will be known to a few special friends. Once again, the influence of the Seven will prevail in their selection of company.
In general company as well as within the partnership the Two will always be a fluent and engaging conversationalist while the Seven will need to be drawn out word by word, especially when this partner disapproves of the topic of conversation or of the participants. The Two partner should at all times avoid trivial chatter as this will be the quickest way to irritate the Seven. Sevens, who talk little but say much, are reticent in their personal affairs and take care to direct their limited conversation away from themselves. Questions usually exceed statements in their conversation. The eloquence of silence rather than the eloquence of words distinguishes the Seven from other personality types. The Two, on the contrary, can tend to talk much and say little and is deeply interested in personal matters relating to themselves and others. The Two, despite considerable diplomatic skills, will experience difficulty in establishing dialogue with a Seven partner whenever some delicate matter needs airing. Even though the Seven may wish to cooperate this personality is often unable to give adequate expression to inner feelings and is intolerant of emotional exhibitionism by others. The Two and Seven will not be found engaging in verbal duelling as both speak with an unhurried voice and mellowed tones that are never intrusive or harsh. Many of their problems may be solved by silent self-adjustment. As a generally studious and serious personality type, the Seven is not easily moved to laughter and is scornful of superficial attempts at humour. A joke has to be really subtle to move the high-minded Seven. The uncritical Two is easily turned to laughter, but not when made the subject of humour.
Their differences in manner are more emphasised in their approach to others than to themselves. In their relationship with each other these differences should not be seen as limitations that divide them but as reciprocal strengths that unite them. This is especially so not only in their peaceful home life but in their hobbies. Their love of nature should make them enthusiastic gardeners. The Seven will display an exceptional fondness for old things and when this is combined with the Two’s craving for collecting things, they could find pleasure and profit in many interesting collections. The Two will be a willing student and collaborator in the Seven’s endeavours to probe the inner side of life. The elusive Seven is easily driven away into some form of solitary or exclusive pastime. However, this is not likely to take place with a cooperative and companionable Two partner. The Two is the more flexible personality and will adapt to a new hobby willingly, while the Seven will not be prepared to join the Two in something that does not suit its tastes. All Sevens need some time to be alone to communicate with their inner selves. The Two, who also has this need but not to the same extent, will show understanding and not intrude during these periods that are so precious to the Seven. These personalities are not keen tourists in the popular sense but are genuine travellers in historical towns, archaeological sites, museums and places of great natural beauty.
The Seven is a reliable and protective marriage partner and these qualities will be directly reflected on to the Two who will respond in like manner. The most successful partnerships with a Seven are those in which the spouse participates with genuine interest in the serious side of life. Superficial and materialistic minds cannot cope with the Seven’s need to probe into these deeper currents. The Two has the capacity to join the Seven in these metaphysical adventures. This union will be based not only on physical relations but with equal emphasis on mental and spiritual compatibility. The romantic nature of the Two will be satisfied by the Seven, who, despite a reserved exterior, is a gentle and refined lover. The Seven needs a proper setting and atmosphere for physical lovemaking. Correct lighting, colours, silence and privacy. These requirements will suit most Twos but the Seven’s insistence on total privacy for any form of love expression may tax the emotional Two’s self control. At the early stages of their relationship the warm-hearted Two may be distressed by the Seven’s emotionally undemonstrative nature and distaste for physical closeness in public, but the wise Two will soon overcome this problem when it becomes evident that the Seven is limited in its ability to demonstrate emotion or express sentiment in the presence of others. Twos like being fussed over by their partners and readily return these attentions. Sevens do not express nor do they welcome such attentions. The Two should be careful to avoid flirtatious behaviour or take a ‘hard to get’ attitude. The Seven is a possessive lover and if rebuffed will instantly turn cold and creep into unreachable depths of aloofness.
All Sevens have an exceptional money sense. Though not fond of money for its own sake, the Seven has the talent to handle large sums of money with confidence, wisdom and safety. The Two needs financial security but is not always reliable in the management of money. The Seven partner will automatically take over the financial side of their partnership.
Twos who are born on 2/1, 2/4, 2/6, 2/7, 2/10, 2/11, and 2/12 will make ideal partners with Seven personalities. Those born on 2/2, 2/5, 2/8 and 2/9 will be too emotional for the cool Seven partner. A Seven born on 7/7 will be too introverted for the friendly Two.
In a combination of two receptive vibrations one would normally expect to observe many related characteristics forming personality types that are basically similar in nature. However, in the case of Two and Eight persons, despite the fact that they are governed by receptive vibrations, both operating on the emotional plane, we find two individuals who can hardly be grouped together as comparable personalities. The fact is, they are governed by vibrations at the opposite ends of the chain of receptive vibrations. The 2 represents the beginning of receptive energies and is manifested through such qualities as service, cooperation, nurturing, self-sacrifice, peace and harmony. The 8, as the highest single digit receptive vibration, represents success, power and material progress. Receptive qualities displayed in the primal 2 vibration have escalated or developed by successive stages of growth to a degree at the 8 stage as to be almost unrecognisable as receptive by nature. Many characteristics associated with active vibrations will be seen in the Eight personality. Some of them are authority, ambition, aggressiveness, leadership, competition, self-reliance and strength of purpose. Nevertheless, many receptive qualities remain intermingled with these active qualities.
A strong receptive quality shared by these personalities is the ability to see two or more sides of an issue. This gift gives the Two personality powers of negotiation, mediation and diplomacy, but not always decision and finality. The Two’s problem is an inability or reluctance to decide between alternatives. The Eight has overcome this negative trait of indecision and progressed into the capacity for deliberation followed by the ability to make firm decisions using sound judgment. Both are emotionally oriented individuals with the need to watch emotional reactions in personal matters. The Eight, who is guided by heart as well as the mind, has more success than the Two, who is for the most part guided by the heart. They do not find it difficult to discuss personal problems from several angles without haste or undue impulse, and with the aid of the Eight’s ability to bring an issue to a fair conclusion, are able to find mutually acceptable solutions.
In all emergencies and other important crossroads in life the Eight will emerge as the self-assertive dependable partner, while the dependability and expertise of the Two will be displayed in essential day-to-day responsibilities. The executive mentality of the Eight delegates duties even in the domestic scene and there is none better than a Two with a secretarial frame of mind to faithfully carry out his or her portion of responsibility. A sharp contrast in their processes of thought is seen in relation to the practical side of life. The Two, prompted by a powerful imagination is sensitive to the romantic aspects of life which results in a degree of dreaminess and fantasy becoming mixed up with or taking precedence over hard practical issues. They are also prone to fuss over things that usually do not matter. The Eight’s thinking is always along constructive lines, building for the future, and devoid of the distractions of a powerful imagination. They interpret events with a positive attitude while Twos are inclined to be anxious and tentative in their views. The Eight should take particular care to avoid using with their Two partner, or any other for that matter, the same authoritative manner they are accustomed to using in public life.
Needless to say, in a partnership between Two and Eight partners there will be no contest for the authoritative role as the Eight, with a natural tendency to manage the affairs of others without realising it, will take over. The Two, just as naturally, will assume a supporting or corroborative role. The Eight is an ambitious career or business oriented individual who will be restless and inhibited in a domestic environment. If defined by circumstance to domesticity the Eight will rule the household with a near dictatorial manner venting many frustrations on members of the family. The Two, on the other hand, is home loving and non-competitive. This partnership will flourish if the Eight is the principal income earner and the Two is the homemaker or, if necessary, a part-time worker. Most Eights, however, are highly successful in their chosen fields and seldom call upon their partners for regular financial support. They are always mindful of the future and establish definite goals to which they work with dedication and enthusiasm, expending a great deal of emotional and nervous energy. More often than not, dedication to work keeps them away from home and family responsibilities and personal pleasures for longer than desirable. A Two partner with a self-sacrificing nature usually fills in the breach caused by the Eight’s frequent absence from home. This situation, however, cannot be carried too far.
The Eight may be regarded as a generally one-dimensional character who measures life in terms of material success, power and fame. The Eight will have difficulty realising that the Two will not sacrifice basic needs such as companionship, peace and harmony, romance, literary and artistic pursuits and other refinements of life for the mere thrust for power and prosperity. The Eight may show intolerance towards the many informal and placid ways of the Two, and the Two, in turn, will strain to keep up with the ambitious drive of the Eight. The unpleasant vibrations of strain, frustration and tension experienced by the Eight in public life are promptly picked up by the sensitive Two and an unstable atmosphere is created in the home. The Eight has ample perception and feeling for the problems of others and if their partner learns to slow down from time to time and give their personal life a close scrutiny many overdue adjustments can be made.
Both partners are sociable and friendly persons. Eights, in particular, have more self-assurance and make acquaintances with greater ease while the diffident Twos usually wait for the other party to make the first moves. However, once acquaintance or friendship has been made the Two finds the time and makes an effort to keep up with them while the Eight, though not forgetful or disloyal, will usually be too busy to maintain continuity of association. It will therefore be left to the Two partner to organise their social calendar taking careful note of the Eight’s availability. The Eight should not resist these efforts as such engagements are not only needed for the happiness of the Two but are also greatly beneficial to the wellbeing of the Eight. Relaxation at frequent intervals in conditions unrelated to the work scene is essential for the general health of the Eight. Though both are good mixers they will confine themselves to the conservative elements of society.
These are not noisy or incessant talkers. The Two has a soft and gentle manner of speech and often slips into reflective moods. Positive Twos are tactful and courteous while the negative Twos are often devious. Most Twos, whether positive or negative, are not often accurate in reporting facts or stating their opinions. They often say things with scant regard for accuracy in order to avoid causing offence. The Eight on the other hand, using authoritative tones, is direct and accurate in speech and is incapable of evasive, contradictory or flowery language. The Eight, who is no match for the Two in the interplay of words and ideas, will have the last word through sheer force of authority and reason. Being emotionally oriented persons they are sensitive to humour directed towards themselves. They will respect each other’s sensitivity and not indulge in criticisms at each other’s expense.
The choice of hobbies is an area in which these partners may find themselves moving in different directions. Apart from periodic holiday making together, the chances are that little or no sharing of personal time will take place. The Eight will either allow work to take over, allowing no opportunity for developing or participating in a hobby, or the taking up some competitive and vigorous sporting activity. However, this is a strong sporting vibration and many Eights will be keen sportspersons. Those Eights who can no longer compete will take up positions as coaches and administrators. The Eight’s recreation is seldom centred on the home and so further periods of absence from family are likely to occur. The Two’s pastimes are essentially homebound. A keen interest in collecting things, reading, writing, music and gardening are among many such hobbies taken up by the Two.
All financial dealings and the management of family business will naturally be taken over by the well organised and business minded Eight. These personalities are not gamblers and seldom attract money through good fortune, but acquire their wealth through their own unceasing efforts. As a result, they gain a healthy respect for the value of money. They cannot be reached for handouts but will always help someone in real difficulty. They prefer to give someone in difficulty the opportunity to earn rather than give them temporary financial relief. Twos need continued financial security so that they can develop their full potential but, are not always able to provide this for themselves as they do not go all out for the acquisition of wealth and power. Partnered with an Eight personality who is the principal income earner this problem is easily overcome. If the position is in the reverse, the Eight partner’s management skills will help greatly towards securing financial stability. The Two is impressionable and may spend unwisely, but under the guidance of the Eight, who is neither niggardly nor ungenerous, the Two will acquire greater caution in spending. It will be found that the Two is inclined to spend often on little things while the Eight seldom spends, but when this partner does so it will be on something big. The one real factor that can damage the intimate life of these partners will, as mentioned earlier, be the Eight’s absorption in work. Most Eight’s are loyal and true partners who love deeply but soon find themselves caught up in business plans and ambitions and do not retain their romantic attitudes for long. While providing ample material benefits, these personalities unwittingly for the most part, extract from their partners more self-sacrifice than do other personality types. The Two personality, who is generous with affection and profuse in expressing love, needs constant companionship. Their attitude towards life does not obscure or disregard the need for frequent romantic interludes. This is a sacrifice the Two may have to make in return for security and organisation provided by the Eight. However, a wise Eight partner can make life much easier and beneficial to both if more time and attention is given to their intimate lives. Though the Eight is a warm-hearted and highly sexed individual, sexual activity is kept aside for a proper time and place and never mixed with business activity. The Two should avoid being demanding at unsuitable and inconvenient times.
The best partnerships between these persons will be formed when both are born on the 1st, 10th or 11th months. A positive feedback will be enjoyed by both partners. Other months will produce individuals who tend towards negative qualities of their numbers. If the Eight partner alone is born in one of the months containing the 1 vibration the partnership will survive with the Eight firmly in charge and the Two taking a subservient role, and in this event, the support a positive Eight needs from a partner will not be found. If the Two only is born in one of these months, personality clashes may be expected as the positive Two will not submit to the authority of a negatively inclined Eight. If neither party is born in one of these months the partnership may flounder through lack of positive direction. The situation will be particularly difficult when both are born in the 2nd, 5th or 8th months. An excess of emotion will cause unending problems.
People born on the 2nd day of any month are natural personalities distinguished by the straightforward and easily predictable nature of the pure 2 vibration. This is not the case with a Nine personality. As the 9 is the highest single digit vibration it represents completeness insofar as it contains within itself a combination of all the qualities of the preceding single digit vibrations. The unique characteristics of the 9 are the result of this mixture. People born on the 9th day, despite a single digit birthday, are not only complex personalities but ones in whom all angular points of character have been rounded off.
There are further basic differences in these vibrations. The 2 is receptive by nature and belongs to the emotional plane while the 9 is an active vibration on the mental plane. There are certainly receptive qualities mixed up in the 9 but active qualities predominate. The 2 stands for companionship extending into association with clubs, fraternities and any other form of localised social intercourse. The 9 stands for internationalism and personal freedom, and expands itself without limitation or restriction.
In spite of marked differences in the structure of these vibrations there are many agreeable qualities common to both that can bring about an affinity between Two and Nine persons at their early acquaintance. However, many adjustments will be needed by both parties, particularly the Two, if a long-term association is to succeed. They may be said to be poles apart in their general outlook on life. Generally, the Two remains part preoccupied with their own personality and personal needs and relating all extraneous things to their sensitive egos. Unfortunately they seldom outgrow this self-consciousness. They are prepared to give of themselves in service to their loved ones but in return expect companionship, solicitude, acknowledgement and other sentimental attentions. In short, they like to be fussed over. Young Nines pass through this self-centred stage but with maturity acquire impersonal attitudes. Their thought processes take up the broadest possible horizons which absorb much of the ego-centredness of the individual. However, an important fact to be noted in this combination is that the Two partner matures early in life and in the right condition is able to give of its best qualities. The Nine, despite much innate wisdom, is a late starter and goes through a process of self-understanding and adjustment involving insecurity, restlessness and many changing moods before a clearly defined self-image is formed.
The contrast in their outlook on life will become evident early in their association. Before they distance themselves in their modes of living they should attempt to bridge this gap by realising that there are no fundamental differences in the reasons behind the Two’s dedication to homely and local concerns and the Nine’s humanitarian and altruistic ideas. The contrast lies mainly in the range of application of several related qualities. Some of these qualities being sensitivity, compassion, forbearance forgiveness, unselfishness, charity and service on the one hand, and a keen appreciation always contributing to the promotion of their individual and joint welfare, such as the tendency to give unwisely of their time and possessions when their emotions are aroused, impressionability, dreaminess, moodiness, indecision, deferment of definitive and constructive action and distaste for physical work. Both parties take pleasure in balancing and comparing things – a habit that contributes to their indecision. Both need to develop and maintain more self-assurance and self-assertiveness as well as emotional control. The partnership is weakened through their vulnerability to deceit by unscrupulous persons.
Using their individual methods of approach these personalities are messengers of peace and goodwill with uncritical and kindly thoughts. The 2 and 9, amongst many other things, are healing vibrations. These partners will be sensitive to each other’s physical, mental and emotional wellbeing and will not neglect their spiritual welfare. Their sensitivity extends beyond the physical, emotional and mental aspects of life. As neither party will be interested in taking up an authoritative role in the partnership they both may lack strong leadership and positive direction. Indecision being a common problem, much time will be spent in circuitous approaches to issues. Eventually, decisions will be made through the wisdom and broadmindedness of the Nine. The partnership will always be based on egalitarian principles. They will always be ready to talk over and show willingness to retract mistaken opinions.
A lack of commercial and business acumen is another weakness shared by both personalities. They are really non-competitive persons who do better in professions than in the hard world of business. The Two partner will blend easily into a comfortable and peaceful country or suburban way of life. The domestic tendency is strong in this personality but hardly evident in the Nine partner. The security and pleasures of quiet home life holds no attraction to the idealistic Nine. Wider horizons constantly entice the Nine away from household and close community ties. The partnership will be unbalanced if the Two is the principal income earner and the Nine the homemaker. The position should be reversed for both partners to find fulfilment. While the first priority of the Two is harmony and security in private life, the Nine needs the widest possible contact with people and the opportunity to fulfil their ideals in fields such as education, medicine and other humanitarian and cultural activities. Domestic felicity is too often neglected. The Two takes pleasure in physical comforts and possessions but in a partnership with Nine, the Two should not expect much progress in the way of material wealth. This may yet come as a spin-off of other activities but it is not the aim of the Nine who places greater emphasis on human relations. If the Two supports the Nine’s endeavours, and this partner can easily do so, both partners will gain self-respect and the high esteem of others which they would not have gained from the pursuit and acquisition of wealth. Twos and Nines, who are positive personalities, have the potential to weather the storms and tempests of life. The Nine, especially, is not defeated by adversity but has the capacity to make a come-back or re-establish a new direction in life. The Two is also a very resilient personality and can be a tower of strength as long as the moral support of a partner is received.
As in other aspects of life their social preferences will reflect the disparity in their range of thought. The Two will be content with friends and associates found within the local scene while the Nine will seek to venture into the world at large. Twos customarily select people of their own conservative nature and take some considerable time to feel at ease in the company of persons who are not of the same social and cultural order. They rarely speak to strangers and if brought suddenly into unknown or foreign company they remain tentative and not relaxed. The actions and reactions of the Nine are the opposite. All Nines are truly cosmopolitan by nature and therefore free from prejudice and irrational suspicions and fears of the unknown. They actually seek out people of different backgrounds and are at ease in the company of strangers. They take advantage of those meetings to broaden their general knowledge of humanity. The Two partner’s outlook will need lifting in order to contend with the scope of the Nine as this partner will not be held down to a limited social scene.
These are not, by nature, secretive personalities, nor do they have speech restrictions of any sort. Oral communication should flow at an easy pace. Their choice of topics, however, may once again reveal the personal and localised nature of the Two’s thought and the wider sweep of that of the Nine’s. However, as both parties are imaginative and reflective rather than mercenary and practical they will be in agreement on topics that reflect their idealistic and abstract views. The Nine will be the more forceful and magnetic communicator always anxious to disclose a vast store of wisdom and general knowledge. An appreciative and courteous listener will be found in the Two partner, who will benefit from the Nine’s profound knowledge and progressive ideas.
The Two partner, who will always be much less involved in public life, will have more personal time to pursue a variety of hobbies. These hobbies will be usually home based. The Nine, on the other hand, will invariably be too busy involved in sporting, religious, charitable or humanitarian organisations to find time to join the Two in personal hobbies. The slower pace of life favoured by the Two and the constant need for companionship in all aspects not of a partnership will not be compatible with the Nine’s impersonal attitudes and distaste for any form of confinement within narrow fields of activity. The Nine is also a confirmed traveller and this is one area in which they could enjoy each other’s company, provided that the Two is not kept away from home for long periods of time.
The financial side of life is an area in which neither party will be able to help each other. Being open-hearted, impulsive and impressionable people they can be prevailed upon to part with their money. They are impulsive buyers who do not always consider the need for their purchases or the value of the items purchased. The Nine will be the more frequent offender as this individual holds no fears of the future and has no attachment to money for money’s sake. The Two is always concerned with present and future financial security and the nature of the collector in this individual will strive to put away a nest egg without the knowledge of the Nine partner.
The gentle and romantic Two will find in the Nine many qualities it looks for in the ideal partner, such as tolerance, understanding, compassion, generosity, devotion and romance. In return for these high-minded qualities the Two has to overcome the desire for constant companionship and become reconciled to the non-possessive love of the Nine and this partner’s need for freedom of action and movement. To the degree the Two lifts its own outlook to meet the broadmindedness of the Nine and participates in cultural and humanitarian activities, will the Two gain the love, respect and devotion of the Nine. The Nine will not succeed in a partnership with an inferior or petty-minded person. Although they are both romantic persons their fervour and powers of endurance vary to a noticeable degree. The love and set activity of the Nine will show a greater intensity. As in all other things, in the matter of sex also, the Two will need to lift itself to meet the greater energy and power of the Nine partner.
The best partnerships between Twos and Nines will be formed when both are born in the 1st, 10th, 11th and 12th months. These will be positive personalities able to give the best qualities of the 2 and 9 vibrations. Their partnership will be formed on principles of equality and mutual respect. If only one partner is born in one of these months the role of decision maker and leader will be taken up by this partner; the 1 vibration giving the impetus. If both are born without the 1 vibration in their birth month, the partnership will lack decision and direction. The position will be worse between partners born in the 2nd, 5th and 8th months. Too much emotion will have hold of their personalities.
These birthdays are essentially the same as the 2nd and the 1st. People born on the 10th day are One personalities. The Zero does not symbolise particular characteristics. However, when it is present in the birthday as in the case of those born on the 10th, 20th and 30th, it tends to emphasise the characteristics of the number it is associated with. It could therefore, increase the positivity or negativity of the integral personality.
Ten personalities born in the 2nd, 3rd, 5th, 6th and 9th months are positive as well as companionable persons. The overbearing nature of the 1 vibration is tempered by the flexibility of the vibration of the birth month. Ideal partnerships will be formed by these Tens and Twos who are born in the 1st, 10th, 11th and 12th months. These are positive Twos who are able to take rank with their Ten partners.
Flexibility is replaced by discipline and intolerance in the case of the Tens born on 10/4, 10/7 and 10/8. Many splendid Two qualities will be restrained by these dominant Tens resulting in the Two forming a poor self-image.
The repetition of the 1 vibration in the cases of the Tens born in the 10th, 11th and 12th months increases rigidity of personality. Unimaginative and unyielding attitudes of these Tens will deny expression of the positive Two’s best qualities.
Negative Twos born on the 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th, 6th, 7th, 8th, and 9th months will voluntarily submit to the authority of their Ten partners.
The picture that instantly presents itself here is the placement of the pure 2 vibration alongside the compounded 11. The unusual features of this combination are made evident when the nature of the 11 vibration is examined. Beyond the vibrations represented by the single digit spectrum – 1 to 9, there are two more vibrations of higher frequencies symbolised by the multiple numbers 11 and 22. These are known as master vibrations or master numbers on account of the masterful nature of their influence. (Some numerologists admit a still higher master vibration symbolised by the number 33. While not denying the existence of this vibration we do not accept that humanity has yet reached the stage of refinement to benefit from its influence.)
The 2 has the lowest frequency of all passive or receptive vibrations, and when it is seen in conjunction with a master vibration the obvious difference in energy output will lead us to anticipate complications in a close relationship between Two and Eleven personalities. However, the situation is usually not as difficult in reality as very few individuals with this master number live up to its full potential. When the power of the master number is not operating, these personalities revert to the influence of the base vibration 2. Others fluctuate in varying degrees between the ascendancy of the 11 and the forces of the basic 2. These birthdays therefore present, more often than not, a pair of Two personalities, but they are Two personalities of significantly different temperaments.
The low frequency of the 2 vibration fashions individuals with the unmistakable receptive qualities such as sensitivity, gentleness, moderation, patience, tact, courtesy, agreeability, forgiveness, and above all, a calm and leisurely pace of life. Their degree of self-esteem is seldom adequate, and constant inducement is needed to believe in themselves as worthy contributors to the human drama. In the case of the Eleven, whether or not this personality lives up to the power of the master vibration, the strong energies of the two 1 vibrations in the forefront of the 11 will always provide good active traits such as willpower, decision, independence, authority, inventiveness, vital energy, ambition, and an attitude to life that is dedicated to progress. In addition, many sharp edges and exacting qualities of the pure 1 vibration such as aggressiveness, egotism, and ‘me first’ attitudes are tempered and rounded off by the underlying influences of the receptive 2 vibration.
Needless to say, in a relationship with a Two, the Eleven personality, geared by these strong active characteristics, will always be the dominant partner. As the nature of the Two is supportive rather than commanding, the Eleven will not be challenged, but, on the contrary, be given much needed support from the Two’s home oriented habits. Two personalities who enter into partnerships with Elevens take a gamble in their expectations. The complex nature of the 11 vibration does not produce standard personality types. Environmental conditioning and opportunities play an important role in giving rise to a particular type of Eleven. Life with an Eleven partner, regardless of type, will not provide the peaceful and secure conditions the Two expects in a relationship. This can hardly occur in a combination of partners on widely different wavelengths.
Intuition, inspiration and revelation are natural gifts enjoyed by positive Elevens. They are also sensitive to all psychic phenomena. (These qualities are stifled in Elevens inclined to negative thinking. This happens when the birth date has an excess on the 1 vibration such as 11/1, 11/10 and 11/11). Many Elevens get carried away by these non-worldly qualities and adopt a non-materialistic and idealistic way of life. Two personalities are able to understand these Elevens but do not necessarily keep up with them. Twos too, have strong psychic tendencies that appear through their sensitivity and their passive dispositions, and are favourably disposed to accepting conditions of life other than the purely physical and material. Problems do arise, however, when the enthusiasm of the Eleven overlooks mundane priorities. They can easily become engrossed in their visions and ideals at the expense of practical responsibilities. Some become self-appointed evangelists, reformers and preachers with their heads in the clouds. The two 1 vibrations in the Eleven causes a vertical urge to grow, change and unfold, and a ceaseless desire for reaching forward to new forms of growth. These Elevens take a long period of searching before they establish some form of personal direction. This problem has immediate adverse effects on the Two who needs a strong partner to provide decision, strength and stability in their practical affairs before abstract considerations are taken up. The easy-going Two who is usually content with personal and family comforts and community interests will experience considerable stress as a result of the Eleven’s restlessness and mixed up state of affairs at the early stages of their relationship.
There are other Elevens who do not go in for abstract and theoretical arguments, but rather direct their inspirational and intuitive powers into the empirical sciences as well as artistic pursuits. Others direct their active minds into philosophy, psychology, psychiatry, astronomy, astrology, and other related subjects. All Elevens possess, to a greater degree, the creativity and inventive genius of the plain One personality. Depending on their background, their originality and creative powers will cover a wide range of products. For instance, most Elevens will design and produce their own clothes and constantly think up ways and means of making life more comfortable by inventing and improvising.
The receptive tendencies of the Two complement the creative urge of the Eleven. The Two partner has the ability to associate with the Eleven in any of these fields, but will not do so with the one-pointedness of the Eleven. Elevens, whose ideas are unconventional and usually in advance of the times, have a habit of going off on a tangent when a new interest takes hold of them. These sudden turns are sure to upset the Two partner who expects an even way of life. Elevens in any situation are intolerant of people who do not possess their foresight and who cannot immediately appreciate their point of view.
The vitalised mental, physical and spiritual energies of the Eleven need an in-depth form of expression, and this is usually found outside the confines of home. Self-expression takes precedence over domestic felicity and no half-way measures are shown when the Eleven sets out on a course of action. They are swept away by their enthusiasm and sincere belief in the superiority of the schemes. The progress of the Two partner will be just the opposite. Self-expression is always sacrificed for domestic harmony and the welfare of loved ones. A greater share of domestic duties will fall to the lot of the Two. Elevens are neither disloyal nor irresponsible in domestic matters, but their involvement in other activities usually prevents them from taking up a fair share of routine work in the home.
Both Twos and Elevens are sociable individuals who acquire popularity within their social circle; the Two as a diplomat, peacemaker, mediator and confidant, and the Eleven as a vast store of information. As their views on life vary only to a degree, there will be mutual agreement in their choice of company. Indoor social contact will appeal to both more than outdoor activity. Following a different nature, the Two avoids being the centre of attention and takes up an unobtrusive role. Their contribution to conversation will be on a person to person basis and as keen listeners. They prefer to be entertained by the talents and enthusiasm of others rather than do the entertaining themselves. They may appear dreamy and preoccupied at times but do not cut themselves off from conversation that they do not approve of. Elevens, on the other hand, take up an active role as enthusiastic talkers who sincerely believe in what they say. They revel on an imaginary platform propounding their pet theories of right and wrong in animated tones. As speakers, they can range from average to inspired and magnetic orators. They are poor listeners who will cut themselves off from general conversation that does not appeal to them. These attitudes are also reflected in their personal relations. The Eleven will be inclined to ‘preach’ and frequently not practice what they preach. Knowing well the Elevens need to speak out, the patient Two will be tactful enough to listen and later disregard much of what the Eleven has said.
Elevens who take to investigation and study of psychic phenomena and other related subjects such as spiritual healing and mediumship will receive strong support from their Two partners. This is one area they can use to strengthen the bonds of their relationship, as a good deal of their spare time can be spent in a mutual interest in which both partners can make a significant contribution. A common interest can also be found within the orthodoxy of one of the churches, and in literature and music. Elevens who take to scientific hobbies may not always find their Two partners showing the same enthusiasm. The 2 vibration has the nature of the gatherer and so the Two partner will be a natural collector. Positive Twos are selective and tidy, while the negative Twos are indiscriminate and disorganised in their collections. Differences may arise if the Eleven is associated with a negative Two as all Elevens, whether positive or negative, expect clean and orderly conditions in their environment.
The fulfilment of ideals and a spiritual destination takes precedence over material gain in the case of a true Eleven personality, and peaceful and harmonious living is the first priority of the Two personality. With these attitudes to life little energy will be spent securing a strong financial position. The Eleven can be influenced to part with money on account of altruistic and humanitarian sympathies and could even overlook family needs when their emotions are aroused. The Two, who is easily touched by sentiment, will spend freely on family members. Both partners will need to understand that charity begins at home, that is, within the partnership, and learn proper financial management. The self-confident Eleven is able to persist in the face of frustration and adversity and is able to recover and re-establish in the event of financial loss. The Two, who needs to feel secure in every aspect of life, is likely to resort to worry and depression and take a much longer time to recover from the loss of affluence. A vivid imagination is responsible for many of the Twos self-generated worries.
Unless supported by strong, emotionally expressive vibrations in other areas of the numerological chart, as a partner, the Eleven’s emotional life is held in check. If emotional release is triggered off by some unusual event a swift recovery is made. This is a difficult situation to cope with for the emotionally demonstrative and responsive Two. The intimate zone of the Eleven is more distant than that of the Two. The Two enjoys and is comfortable in physical closeness with a partner but the Eleven needs more space.
The Eleven is likely to confine oral as well as physical expressions of love to a proper place and time of their own choosing, and not let this aspect of their relationship interfere with other creative activities. When the Eleven is engaged in one of many favourite projects concentration is pin-pointed. They resent disturbance, digression or interference. The Two, who does not become engrossed in any one thing to this extent, will find itself deprived of the Eleven’s attention, often in time of need. However, as a compensation for the Eleven’s lack of sentimental attention the Two may be assured of this partner’s loyalty and dedication to duty. As in other matters, there is nothing superficial in the Eleven whose loving nature is profound and constant, but the double strength of the 1 vibration, despite the underlying 2, holds back emotional expression. Unfortunately, marital adjustments are not seen by the Eleven as a mutual responsibility. Being ego-centred personalities they go their merry ways expecting their partners and all others who come into contact with them to adapt to their ways of thinking. Most Elevens will say, “that’s me” or “that’s how I am”. The romantic Two personality in particular, will be constrained to forego many expectations on the sentimental side of life.
Compatibility with the Eleven partner is seldom easy unless one is of the same vibratory rate. Positive Twos born in the 1st, 10th, 11th and 12th months have the best chances of making successful unions with Elevens. These Twos can intelligently adjust their lives to suit conditions imposed by the uncompromising Eleven, and also use subtle means to influence their Eleven partners to take up their share of adjustment. Twos who are inclined to negativity will take up subservient positions in a partnership with an Eleven.
Adherents of the geocentric theory consider that the earth is the centre of the universe and view the universe as all things earthly. In like manner, geocentric individuals view life from, and relate all things to the centre point of their egos. It is only when they are pressed to do so that they emerge on occasions out of the personal into the impersonal. The vibrations 1, 2 and 3 are egocentric by nature and, to the degree that individuals are influenced by them, will they be egocentric in their outlook. The egocentricity of the 1 and the 3 vibrations is exhibited in an active way by commanding the attention of others. That of the 2 is attracting the consideration of others in a passive way by various subtle means.
Persons born on the 2nd and 12th, who are Two and Three personalities respectively, have this characteristic of egocentricity in common. However, any form of confrontation or loss of empathy between them need not be feared as, in their integral make-up, they are fundamentally of opposite polarities, and this will bring about a magnetic attraction between the pair. The uncomplicated, receptive 2 vibration produces a straightforward Two personality while the 1, 2, and 3 vibrations functioning in unison within the Twelve presents a complex individual. (The inner meaning of numbers indicates that the active 1 vibration represents the father principle and the receptive 2 vibration represents the mother principle which combine to form the 3 vibration representing the active forces of youth). The essentially youthful Twelve will be attracted to the receptive and nurturing qualities of the Two, while the companionable Two who needs a counterpart preferably of the opposite polarity to be fulfilled and to feel protected will be attracted to the reliable and self-confident qualities of the Twelve.
The straightforward Two personality, though flexible and adaptable within a limited range, does not possess a ready safeguard against manipulation by domineering and exacting persons. In fact, their cooperative and peaceful temperaments often attract people with dominant natures. The Two will not be exposed to this situation in a relationship with a Twelve, although the Twelve will almost certainly take charge and remain the decision maker. The Twelve personality stands firmly on its own feet while the Two needs companionship and support and in return gives in full measure of these same qualities. Within the integral structure of the Twelve the qualities of leadership and individuality are supplied by the 1 and the 3 vibrations. At the same time the genteel qualities of the Two modifies many aggressive and egotistic traits of the pure 1 vibration. In a nutshell, the number 1 represents the will, the number 2 represents sensitivity, and the number 3 an even mixture of will and sensitivity. The Twelve is therefore a fine mixture of the best qualities of the 1 and 2 vibrations with unique features of the basic 3 vibration. Some of these special features are extroversion, friendliness, loyalty, good manners, self-expression, charm, vitality, enthusiasm, optimism, gaiety, generosity, and above all a youthful spirit that is not diminished with age. These are among many Twelve traits that will attract a Two personality. The Two also personifies many similar qualities of refinement which will attract and serve as a firm foundation for a happy relationship with a Twelve. Such qualities are gentleness, romance, courtesy, gallantry, cooperation, forgiveness and self-sacrifice.
The remarkable feature of the 12th birthday is that it provides a vibration of equal strength on the physical, emotional and mental planes. Twelve personalities do not depend on other numbers in other areas of their numerological chart to give them self-confidence, good self-image, ambition, versatility, refinement and imagination. The 1, 2, and 3 vibrations provide all this. Twelves are already positive people having the activator number 1 in their birthday. Furthermore, the presence in their birthday of three vibrations from different planes ensures that negative attitudes do not arise from the repetition of a number in the birth month and year. Birthdates such as 12/1/1911, 12/2/1922, and 12/3/1933 do not produce negative personalities though the influence of the 1, 2, and 3 vibrations in each case would be strong.
Not only is the behaviour of the Twelve more variable but they are more able to reach out and respond to an extensive range of incentives and stimuli. The Two, whose behaviour is less variable and hence more predictable, will flourish under the positive influence and wider horizons of a Twelve partner. There is every possibility that the Twelve will expect the Two partner to defer to their views. This could be done and sometimes overcome by the Two without loss of individuality by the use of tact and patience, qualities with which the Two is amply endowed. A relationship of this nature is what the Two needs in order to bring out its best supportive qualities. Self-assurance is high in the Twelve but Twos are much less sure of themselves. The Twelve will always be a good foil for the Two’s habit of downgrading their capabilities.
The Twelve is an ambitious, optimistic and constructive thinker who, once set upon a course of action, is not deterred by competition or other obstacles. Propelled by dynamic mental and physical energy this personality is always ready to take on new challenges. For the greater material benefit of the partnership and the wellbeing of the partners themselves, it would be better if the Twelve is the principle income earner and the Two the homemaker. The Two is certainly capable of bringing in a steady income but the fact is that this partner is the more home oriented individual. The Twelve may remain the nominal head of the household, but the family-minded Two, especially a positive Two, will always resume and retain firm control over household management. With a negative Two partner the Twelve may not be relieved of all the domestic responsibility. Day-to-day decisions will be difficult for a negative Two, and the Twelve will be called upon to take up a greater share of home management.
Both parties enjoy social life. The Twelve is an accomplished social mixer while the Two plays a quieter role as an observer. They will be distinguished by others by the friendly and unobtrusive manner of the Two, and the extrovert and dashing ways of the Twelve. Poor self-esteem often prompts Twos to project their ideas of themselves on to others and assume that others have the same inferior opinion of them. The well integrated Twelve with a strong self-image will be a good anchor and inducement for lifting the Two’s self-esteem and correcting false notions. The Twelve can also use a good sense of humour to prevent the Two from concentrating excessively on real or imagined personal defects.
These partners would rather do things together than take up individual hobbies. They are both artistically inclined and could find much pleasure in music, literature and the fine arts. The Twelve, though not an incessant talker, finds it easy to strike up a conversation with most people. They usually decide upon the topic and do not hesitate to politely interrupt a speaker who labours a point for long. The Two, on the other hand, is a better listener than a talker, usually a bashful personality, goes along with a topic that has been introduced by another and is loath to interrupt a boring or egotistical speaker. Between themselves, they should be able to communicate without arousing hostility, suspicion or anxiety. The approach of the Twelve, though direct, is not peremptory and can be countered by patience and savoir-faire so natural to the receptive nature of the Two. Though the Twelve may prefer to do so, matters are not resolved with a Two in the first presentation. The Two needs time for further discussion and may have a change of mind many times before final settlement. The emotional reactions and emotionally tinged judgements of the Two need to be taken into consideration by the essentially mentally oriented Twelve.
Aided by the money conscious 1 vibration the Twelve partner will exercise greater control over the financial side of the partnership. However, there should be no real dissention over money matters as neither party desires money for money’s sake. Both are fond of spending but do not go to extremes. They are generous, hospitable and fashion conscious, and will not hesitate to spend on themselves and on gifts for others. The saving habit is not strong in either. The lack of funds may worry the Two but not the optimistic Twelve. The law of attraction is very effective through the 2 vibration and as both partners are influenced by it, opportunities for a steady income will always be presented.
The 2 vibration is one of the most favourable for marriages. The need for companionship is so strong that they fall in love easily and become miserable when alone and unloved. As this vibration is shared by both partners they will be held together by the attraction of like natures in this respect. This hold will be in addition to the attraction of the opposite polarities of their integral personalities. Another binding force will be the romantic nature of the 2 and 3 vibrations. Both need attentive partners and sentimental interludes in their personal lives. Each will gladly humour the other’s romantic needs. A further factor in common is a vivid imagination. Some misunderstandings and false notions of each other may be conceived if their imaginative powers are not handled positively and rationally. Should there be problems in their relationship, the Two will be the one to yield and make sacrifices and take the first steps towards restoring the friendship. These overtures will be gratefully and graciously received by the open-minded Twelve. The yielding of the Two may be only temporary as this personality may eventually get its way in the long term by using tact and diplomacy. As the Twelve is propelled by the vital energy of the 1 vibration and the youthful zest of the 3, the sexual demands of this partner will exceed those of the Two and will last well into advancing years.
The best partnerships will be formed between Twelves and positive Twos. Positive Twos are those born in the 1st, 10th, 11th and 12th months. These are worthy partners for the well integrated Twelve. Twos born in the 4th and 7th months are practical but shy and reticent, and could still make good supportive partners. Those born in the 3rd and 6th months are impractical and indecisive but will share artistic pleasures with their Twelve partners. Those born in the 2nd, 5th, 8th and 9th months will be indecisive as well as emotionally demanding.
A comparison between a single digit birthday and a multiple digit birthday reflects the difference between a relatively straightforward personality type and a distinctly complex personality. An individual with a single digit birthday personifies the qualities of the particular vibration of that birthday along with the strengthening or weakening influences from the birth month and year. A person with a multiple digit birthday, such as the 13th, is not only influenced by the vibrations of the birth month and birth year but is firstly the product of three different interacting vibrations comprising the birthday. These need to be considered separately in the first instance and then viewed as a whole. Though the three vibrations constantly intermingle in relatively equal strength there are times when the force of any one could take over in order to face a situation or accomplish a purpose that calls for its particular powers.
Considerable differences will be seen when the simple Two personality and the complex Thirteen are examined with a view of ascertaining their compatibility. Besides the contrast in the vibratory structure of the Twos and Thirteens there is a marked difference in their planes of expression. The Two is squarely placed on the emotional plane, and if further emotional numbers appear in the birth month and the birth year, the emotionality of the individual will be increased causing negative attitudes. The Thirteen, on the other hand, has no emotionally expressive numbers, but if one is found in the birth month and year, particularly in the birth month, the individual will be beautifully balanced and therefore effective on all three planes of expression (mental, physical, emotional). The 1 and the base vibration 4 are the strongest physical vibrations, and the 3 the most vibrant of all mental vibrations. The Thirteen is therefore a rare combination of creative talent. The inventive and imaginative forces of the 1 and 3 vibrations combine with the 4’s ability to put into physical form the blueprints drawn up by creative minds. The absence of emotionally expressive vibrations will not hinder extensive self-expression on the mental and physical planes.
Although the Thirteen is basically a Four personality and of the same polarity of the Two, the attraction of opposite polarities will still take place between Twos and qualified Fours. The totally receptive Two will not remain unaffected by the magnetic pull of the active 1 and 3 vibrations which predominate in the Thirteen. Reciprocally, the Thirteen will be drawn to the receptive forces of the Two. Furthermore, the 2 vibration is in harmony with the basic 4 and this will act as a complimentary force. Once drawn to one another they will not be without the need to face certain personality differences. The Thirteen, whose emotions are kept on an even keel, will need to adjust to a partner whose emotions are like the tides which run high and low. Heart and sentiment guide the actions and reactions of the Two while mind and practicality guide the Thirteen.
The nature of the Two is to give support to a supportive partner. This personality is attracted to strong outgoing partners to whom an essential backup from the background can be given. The power behind the throne is a role best suited to a Two partner, especially a positive Two. This role can be found in a partnership with a Thirteen. The Thirteen is undoubtedly a powerful and extroverted personality equipped with enhanced leadership qualities provided by the 1 and 3 vibrations and the pragmatism of the 4. The Two and Thirteen are personalities who perceive things in different ways. The Two is overly responsive to other people’s evaluations rather than their own. Thirteens form their own opinions and abide by them. While the Two is generally reactive, the Thirteen initiates action. However, there are some specific roles in which the Two initiates action and these are as peacemakers, mediators, negotiators, and confidants.
The Two partner’s first step towards adjusting to life with the multi-talented Thirteen is to accommodate to a wide diversity of interests. The Two does favour some variety in life but this will have to be expanded to cope with the Thirteen’s range of activity. The Thirteen is already a positive person as the mixture of three vibrations within the birthday prevents negative influences entering through the overloading of a number from the birth month and birth year. The Two is not as fortunate as it depends on the 1 vibration that may exist in the birth month and birth year to give it positivity so that the best two qualities can manifest. If not, negative attitudes such as indecision and poor self-esteem will diminish the Two’s supportive powers. The Two is also liable to negativity from the repetition of this vibration in the birth month and birth year.
A cause for frequent conflict will be the Thirteen’s insistence on speed, exactitude and punctuality. These personalities cannot resist correcting people or deriding a delay in their behaviour. The Two has a mind that likes to take its time over things and does not place much store on these matters. Their lack of time consciousness and the slower pace they set could be most aggravating to the speedy Thirteen.
The Thirteen partner will understandably take over the decision making role in all business matters without objection from the Two. However, when this practice is unconsciously applied to their personal and social lives the Two will invent strategies to make the Thirteen decide in their favour. With natural tactful, winning ways the Two will always know the proper thing to say and the proper time to say it. Their savoir-faire is instinctive and so is their ‘savoir-vivre’, especially in the case of positive personalities. The negative Twos use flattery, cunning, psychosomatic illnesses and other devious means to gain their ends.
The high energy output of the Thirteen will demand the opportunity for self-actualisation in public life. The lower energy output of the Two will seek fulfilment in the domestic scene and in non-competitive fields of activity. While the tension and turmoil of goal seeking and attendant rivalries not only leave the Thirteen unaffected, they spur them on to further efforts. These conditions tend to have a damaging affect on the wellbeing and productivity of the Two. This personality’s expertise lies in maintaining a well organised and harmonious situation in the background, while an outgoing and self-assertive business partner or spouse faces the hurly-burly of public life. The partnership will be well balanced if these divisions of responsibility prevail. If the situation is reversed the Two may be constantly urged on by the ambitious Thirteen to extend themselves beyond their capabilities to the detriment of personal health and their good fellowship. The Two will find it hard to resist or combat these influences as their willpower falls far short of that of the Thirteen. This is another factor that reveals a marked difference in these personalities. Both the 1 and the 3 vibrations give the Thirteen strong willpower and the underlying 4, stubbornness. By contrast, the Two is a fluid vibration representing balance and equilibrium. There is nothing more important to the Two than conditions of harmony, and nothing more unsettling than a discordant environment.
Both partners take to social life but for different reasons and assume roles in company according to their levels of self-expression and self-esteem. The Thirteen plays a prominent part displaying a self-assured and authoritative but courteous manner. They usually have strong voices with good tonal quality as well as a power with words. It is known that the greater the self-confidence, the greater the sense of humour, and Thirteens do not fall short of having a sharp sense of humour. They do not worry about how they come across when they speak and so they speak out without fear of disapproval or rejection. As they do not conform to patterns of thinking and behaviour characteristics of their social circle they have a greater capacity of enjoying themselves than their reserved Two partners. Twos are listeners and observers rather than actors. They will shy away from the spotlight or an audience while the Thirteen will revel in this situation. The Two is not a competitive or envious personality and will not hinder the Thirteen’s efforts to stay in the limelight. On the contrary, the Two will gain much pleasure through the Thirteen’s achievements, and provide any backing that is needed. These partners are certain to gain social popularity as their combination can be depended upon to provide not only hospitality and entertainment but also loyalty and generosity.
The absence of oral inhibition in both partners gives them the opportunity to discuss personal matters without fear of misunderstanding or deadlock. The Thirteen, however, may not always choose to use their power with words in personal affairs as this personality prefers physical action to express feelings towards a loved one. The Two, on the other hand, uses words, both spoken and written, in order to share feelings. By recognising these different preferences they could use them as reciprocal characteristics and so strengthen their bonds rather than as obstacles that may separate them. The voice of the Two is usually kept low and modulated, and acts as a foil for the Thirteen’s high-spirited and high-toned vocal powers. The Two can be driven to emotional outbursts if the Thirteen ignores their easily hurt feelings, and who insists at the wrong moment in maintaining down-to-earth and emotionally detached views. If the Thirteen respects this partner’s sensitivity they can always engage in lively conversation on a variety of topics.
The Two partner will be involved in more indoor and home-based hobbies than the energetic Thirteen. The Two’s penchant for collecting things will not be shared by the Thirteen who will be more interested in creating new things. However, a great deal of enjoyment can be found in the mutual love of music, dancing, and the theatre. Twos welcome participation with their partners in leisure activities but Thirteens do not necessarily have the same need. This can be seen particularly in outdoor interests and activities. With a highly competitive nature, strong leadership and ample vital energy the Thirteen will be attracted to a variety of vigorous sports and other physical outlets. They may not look for the company of their Two partners who chose easier outlets for expenditure of energy. Two’s avoid physical activity that requires strong competition, physical force and close body contact. They are drawn to the activities that require fluid and rhythmic movement. While there is every chance of these partners taking up separate outdoor pursuits they will remain in close contact in the social life associated with them.
Neither party will show a strong attachment to money but will not deprive each other of the comforts of life. The desire for saving is not as strong as their desire for spending. At the same time, both can agree to put aside some money for the future. Thirteens possess greater earning power and conditions should be adjusted to allow this partner to do so. Although many suggestions will be put forward by the Two, decisions in regard to major items of expenditure will be made by the Thirteen. Where a negative Two is involved, decisions, even in minor matters, will be made by the Thirteen. On the other hand, the Two can make many impulsive purchases and waver considerably between several alternatives before making a decision to purchase something. These habits will test the patience and tolerance of the Thirteen who looks for value and need before considering a purchase. They do not ponder over alternatives once a decision to buy has been made.
Although the Two is an emotionally responsive individual and a Thirteen a relatively distant one, both partners possess a strong romantic streak. They should take care to prevent the pressures of day-to-day living from obscuring this delicate quality in their makeup. In the Thirteen, the 1 and 4 vibrations may tend to restrain the romance of the 3 vibration to some degree, but romantic qualities such as the love of beauty, youthfulness, charm and imagination enable them not to be held back for long. These qualities will be reciprocated by the pure romance of the Two partner. As in other aspects of life the dominant role in their sex lives will be taken by the active Thirteen. Physical compatibility is assured once this position is accepted, and the Thirteen shows consideration for the Two’s sensitivity. As service to spouse and family is one of the Two’s strongest qualities more personal attention will be given to the Thirteen. The Two may not receive as much in return and will suffer thereby. However, in the long term, this partner will benefit from the Thirteen’s loyalty, which is one of the hallmarks of this personality.
The strongest and most successful partnerships will be made between Thirteens and those Twos who are born in the 1st, 10th, 11th and 12th months. These Twos will be positive personalities able to match their wits with Thirteen partners. Two’s born in the 4th and 7th months will be good practical partners but may lack self-confidence. Those born in the 3rd and 6th months will be emotionally and mentally oriented and lack balance on the practical side of life. They may also have a poor self-image though they will be intelligent and talented individuals. Twos born in the 2nd, 5th, 8th and 9th months will also be very talented but will have an excess of emotion and lack self-confidence. This is likely to cause problems with their Thirteen partners.
People with single digit birthdays are disadvantaged in some ways when they are matched with those having multiple digit birthdays, especially multiple digit birthdays containing the One vibration. The 2nd and 14th birthdays are good illustrations of the less favoured position of the single digit personality. Although the 2nd provides concentrated Two qualities the positive manifestation of these qualities is dependent on the presence of the activator number One in other areas of influence. When this vibration is present, the way in which it manifests and the degrees of strength and drive received by the individual will depend on the particular area or areas of influence in which it is found. The safest position to have this vibration is in the birth month. If the vibration is not present in an effective way negative Two qualities will take over. The Two personality is also exposed to the other form of negativity resulting from the repetition of the same vibration in the birth month and birth year, as in the birth dates 2/2/1940 or 2/4/2000. The Fourteen, on the other hand, is not only favoured with the activator 1 vibration but with three vibrations which mingle harmoniously to produce a multi-faceted individual. Furthermore, this personality is not exposed to the danger of negativity through repetition of any one of the numbers of the birthday as the others will provide balance within the personality. Birthdates such as 14/4/1944, 14/1/1911 or 14/5/1955 do not produce negativity though the influence of the repeated number will be enhanced.
Twos and Fourteens can certainly evoke positive feelings for each other. The Two is attracted to the overall strength of the Fourteen and the Fourteen by the warm-hearted nature of the Two. The attraction of opposites as well as the affinity between sympathetic vibrations will operate here. The combination of active 1 and 5 qualities in the Fourteen will attract and be attracted by the powerful receptive pull of the Two. In addition, the 2 and 4 vibrations, both receptive by nature, are among those vibrations that are in harmony with each other. Success of this relationship can be predicted from early patterns of behaviour even while many inevitable adjustments are being made by both parties. The Two is a friendly, open personality and once its sensitivity and emotional highs and lows are understood, the Fourteen will have little difficulty in adjusting to life with this helpful partner. On the other hand the Fourteen has a forthright manner in dealing with people. Although Two personalities favour a circumspect approach, the Two partner who has accepted the Fourteens directness as a natural trait, will not only cope with this habit but will be influential in moderating it to some degree. Elements of aggression, egotism, selfishness and brash mannerisms likely to appear in stronger Fourteens will be softened by the gentle yet effective influence of the tactful Two. Strong Fourteens are those born in the 1st, 4th, 8th 10th, 11th, and 12th months. On the other hand, the Two who has a strong element of anxiety when facing new situations, will depend on the Fourteen’s spirit of enterprise, fearlessness and willpower during all major developments in their lives.
Qualities such as willpower, individuality, leadership, decision, confidence, aggression, independence and love of personal freedom will place the Fourteen at the head of the partnership. Qualities such as cooperation, agreeability, diplomacy, self-sacrifice, peace and harmony, patience and the love of companionship will find the Two willingly accepting a secondary role. Whether this role becomes one of support and collaboration or submission and subservience, will depend on the degree of positivity or negativity in the Two personality.
The Fourteen will extend the world of the Two beyond what this partner’s unaided efforts could achieve, particularly in the physical realm, as practical issues dominate the mind of the Fourteen. The emotions of this partner are held in check by two very earthly and pragmatic vibrations, namely the One and Four. The base Five vibration, however, is the most expressive and communicative of all vibrations and though the One and Four will tend to draw the Fourteen’s self-expression into the physical plane, the soothing influence of the emotionally rich Two personality will not fail to touch the heart-strings of the Fourteen through the Five.
The Fourteenth birthday may be regarded as one of the strongest, if not the strongest combination of vibrations providing physical energy. This enormous pool of energy which is activated by the creativity of the One, the practicality of the Four and versatility of the Five will need outlets within and beyond the domestic scene. If confined to domesticity this individual’s pent-up energy will emerge in dictatorial attitudes, an excess of discipline and restlessness, and even in anti-social behaviour. This is an individual whose potential for hard work, both mental and physical is far above average. In a partnership with a Two the ideal arrangement would be for the Fourteen to take over as the chief provider. Not only will the Fourteen remain a tireless and dedicated worker but this position will be assumed with pride and responsibility. Most Fourteen’s also enjoy work for work’s sake. They will always be found fixing things around the home. Although not strictly home oriented, family pride is strong and the Fourteen’s dedication to the welfare of home and family is unquestionable. What this personality needs is a good manager in the domestic scene, particularly one who will find contentment at home. A Two partner will fit into this situation with natural ease. Compared with a Fourteen, Twos have less potential for rapid advancement in public life. They cannot match the drive, ambition, willpower, vital energy, tenaciousness and competitive spirit needed for material success. Twos however make good professionals who can be depended upon for a regular but modest income.
Both partners are mildly extroverted individuals. Neither one will bring pressure on the other by excessive commitment to social needs and obligations. The Two has a greater dependency on company while the Fourteen is more self-sufficient and does not fret during periods of isolation from society. The Two does not approach strangers and waits for the first move towards acquaintanceship to be made by others. The Fourteen though not overly gregarious will confidently make the first move to acquaint themselves with someone whose society they consider worthwhile. Both partners hold fast to traditional and conventional behaviour and will not impose on each other company that either party may find disquieting or offensive. The Fourteen will be quite protective of the Two partner during their social outings while the Two will admire and defer to the Fourteen’s self-assurance and command of any situation they find themselves in. The Fourteen, who is not afraid to express their opinions openly and fearlessly, may not receive the same degree of admiration from some people. The Two may occasionally be called upon to defuse a potentially explosive situation caused by the Fourteen’s firm assertion of their opinions and contradiction of the sentiments of others.
As the Two expresses feelings through speech and the Fourteen through action some degree of frustration by the Two and irritation by the Fourteen will be experienced. Being essentially practical people, Fourteens do not find time for much personal and general conversation. The Two will often need to draw out this partner into conversation and still not succeed in keeping the Fourteen within a mutual exchange of thoughts and feelings. The Fourteen will sooner or later slip into talking about their own activities and other practical matters and mostly disregarding the Two’s affairs and wishes. Conversation could be one-sided as dogmatic views held by the Fourteen will not be challenged by the argument-hating Two. The Fourteen is usually too down-to-earth to be enthralled by romantic, sentimental and reminiscent topics introduced by the imaginative Two. However, the Fourteen’s difficulty in oral expression and lack of imagination caused by the close-lipped 1 and 4 vibrations can be overcome with a little effort when the powerful communicative powers and curiosity of the underlying 5 vibration are summoned into use.
The basic differences in their integral organisation which permanently affects their manner of thinking, feeling and acting are reflected in their choice of leisure activities. The physically strong Fourteen has a marked preference for communication and self-expression through action, and the sensitively organised Two finds its best expression through speech, writing and milder forms of physical exercise. The Fourteen needs to expend an excess of energy in physical recreation before settling down to enjoy the more genteel forms of social intercourse. This is essentially an outdoor person who has the determination and endurance to face the discomfort, risks and challenges not only of highly competitive sport but also in non-competitive undertakings such as mountaineering, deep sea diving, aerobatics and travel in remote places. The Two maintains a balance between indoor social life and less vigorous forms of physical activity. Unlike the concentrated expenditure of energy shown by the Fourteen, fluidity of movement and rhythm are attributes used by the Two in physical expression. They make outstanding dancers, swimmers, acrobats and gymnasts. The different forms of activity taken up by these partners should not lead to a separation of interests but to a healthy interchange of ideas and mutually rewarding achievements.
The 1 and 4 vibrations are among the safest and most cautious money vibrations. They give cost consciousness as well as value consciousness to their subjects. The 4, in particular, gives the ability to live economically and save for the future. Being in the majority, these vibrations will control the Fourteen partner in all money matters, and in turn the partnership. The Two partner will find the financial security it seeks with a Fourteen partner, but may not always be pleased by the restrictions in spending placed by the cost conscious Fourteen. The Two is impressionable and the Fourteen will soon see that this partner could be persuaded to buy unwisely and hastily.
The contrast in their emotional natures has a direct bearing on their intimate relations. The same degree of efficiency shown in other activities is also displayed by the Fourteen in their sex lives. Their powerful emotions are normally well contained but released only at the proper time and place with concentration on performance rather than speech and romantic overtures. The Two will find considerable depth and constancy in the Fourteen’s loving nature as well as a certain sternness and possessiveness which will not tolerate any form of flirtation or competition from a third party. The Two’s emotions are always on the surface and subject to ebb and flow. Failure to pay attention to many sentimental expectations of the Two is the surest way to hurt this partner’s delicate feelings, and the busy Fourteen may often do so unwittingly. The loyalty and constancy of the Two rest on the Fourteen providing, not only security, but also frequent romantic diversions. The Fourteen’s physical needs are greater than their emotional needs and conversely, the Two’s emotional needs are greater than their physical needs.
Twos born in the 1st, 10th, 11th and 12th months are able to take rank with their Fourteen partners and form very successful relationships. Twos born in other months will lack self-confidence and tend to depend too much on their partners. Fourteens will find the excessively emotional Twos born in the 2nd, 5th, 8th and 9th months rather burdensome. The excess of emotion will cause instability. The mentally oriented Twos born on the 3rd and 6th months will also cause problems due to their lack of practicality. Those born in the 4th and 7th months will be helpful but their self-confidence will need strengthening before they equal their counterparts born with the 1 vibration in the birth month.
The wide differences between the relatively uncomplicated and predictable nature of the Two personality produced by the 2nd birthday and the highly complex nature of people born on the 15th will be appreciated as soon as their vibratory influences are set side by side and closely examined. Analysis of the 2nd birthday is simple as the 2 is a straightforward receptive vibration on the emotional plane. However, there are some significant difficulties facing the Two personality that are unknown to the Fifteen. The 2 is a dualistic vibration in the sense that it needs union with its polar opposite in order to function at optimum capacity. This polar opposite is the 1 vibration and is needed within the integral structure of the Two. A Two personality without the 1 vibration in the birthday (the century with a 1 is not counted as it is in too weak a position to be effective) will need this vibration appearing plentifully in areas of influence in the name in order to achieve self-integration. When this number appears in the birth month the Two personality is fully integrated and is usually referred to as a positive Two. In addition, all Twos whether positive or not, attract and are attracted to partners in whom the active 1 vibration, and to a lesser degree other active vibrations, control the personality.
The 15th birthday is a compound of two of the most energetic vibrations as well as the receptive 6. The complexity and diversity of the integral personality becomes evident when it is also realised that these vibrations cover three different planes of expression. The activator 1 vibration is a mentally strong force expressing itself on the physical plane. The 5 is a combination of the mental, emotional and physical forces operating on the emotional plane of expression and the underlying 6 is a pure mental vibration. These vibrations give the Fifteen not only considerable mobility in self-expression but also their balanced influence produces a high degree of consistency of behaviour. The Fifteen is already a well integrated personality. The two active forces represented by the 1 and 5 work in harmony and the responsible nature of the 6 produces the balancing effect. Though basically a Six personality, the active forces are so much in control that the Fifteen will have little resemblance to an outright Six born on the 6th day. However, 6 influences will always remain in the background and come to the fore when the time and circumstances are appropriate for the manifestation of such qualities. They usually take a firmer grip as the individual grows older.
All the ingredients for a successful relationship are present in a combination of a Two and Fifteen. Not only will the magnetism of opposite polarities draw the Two and Fifteen together but the close affinity between the related receptive qualities of the 2 vibration and the fundamental 6 should ensure a certain empathy between these partners. Firstly, the qualities of leadership, decision, courage, adventure, confidence, vital energy, aggression, alertness, enthusiasm and enterprise contributed by the active forces within the Fifteen will automatically take the dominant role. These strong extroverted forces are to a large extent tempered and rounded off by the 6 vibration to a condition that is fitting and attractive to the unobtrusive Two personality. Despite this rounding off there are some characteristics in the Fifteen such as speed, outspoken habits, diversified physical activity, unexpected changes and unpredictability that may disturb the placid nature of the Two. The Fifteen will undoubtedly seek a partner prepared to play a secondary/role and this will be filled in admirably by the Two, especially a positive Two. Qualities in the Two that the active forces of the Fifteen will seek out and find comfort in are warm-heartedness, sympathy, patience, unselfishness, self-sacrifice, cooperation, patience, domestic reliability and the ability to faithfully carry out delegated duties. Some Two characteristics that will irritate the Fifteen are anxiety, sentimentality, and lack of a sense of urgency, indecision and fear of opinions.
Two personalities perform best in a settled environment alongside a steady and self-confident partner. The nature of the Two is to place reliance on others for their wellbeing, while the Fifteen assumes personal responsibility for their wellbeing. Feelings of insecurity and anxiety in many Twos lead to a tendency to evaluate themselves poorly. This in turn makes them shy away from forward or conspicuous roles in social and public life. If this habit is not checked many splendid Two qualities become atrophied. The stimulation of the stronger Fifteen, who maintains a good self-image, will provide positive reinforcements to the Two partner and create conditions in which latent Two potentialities can become active powers.
As the 2 and 6 vibrations are among the strongest domestic forces, the Two and Fifteen will soon enjoy a common interest in home and family. However, the quantity of time and energy each partner will devote to the home will vary on account of their different vibratory structures. The unmixed Two, who is not disturbed or pulled in several directions by the drive of multiple vibrations, will settle down with ease and willingness to a domestic life and also find time to engage in home-based hobbies and local activities. The Fifteen, on the other hand, despite attachment to domesticity inherited from the 6 vibration, will suffer conflict between interest in the home and vocational ambitions. The ideal situation for a Fifteen is to be involved in an escalating career and have a partner who can assume the greater share of domestic responsibility. Most Two personalities are content to play this role. If both partners are in the work force for economic reasons with an arrangement for one to drop off eventually, it will be better if the Two partner does so. This partner is better suited to running a home and family. The Fifteen makes the better provider. A reversed situation will not be as successful as the Fifteen will need wider scope for the use of authoritative powers and opportunity for spending physical energy through movement and travel. Twos do not have this urge for authoritative roles and competition. Their expertise lies as quiet organisers and achievers behind frontal scenes of activity.
One is considered an extroverted individual when one’s pattern of interests is centred, by and large, outside oneself, in the physical and social environment. The Fifteen fits fairly well into this classification. The self-assurance of the 1 vibration, the curiosity and flexibility of the 5 and the gregarious nature of the 6 all combine to make this partner a convivial and socially well adjusted individual. No excesses will be found in the Fifteen’s social behaviour due to an underlying sense of responsibility. However, their social activity will exceed in scope that of the Two partner. The Two is generally an ego-centred individual who could spend much time in a world of fantasy – the positive ones in happy worlds and the negative ones in worlds filled with anxiety. At the same time the Two is unable to cope with loneliness. They need companionship of a partner as well as the society of true and trusted friends. Their natural desire to play a secondary role is carried into the social scene as well. They take great pains to avoid the focus of attention and quietly merge their individuality in a group. They can conform easily to group standards and yield to group opinion. The Fifteen, who is independent of group standards may find the Two’s self-restrictions and fears of social judgment rather frustrating and will make every attempt to widen the Two’s perspectives and encourage greater liberty of action. The Fifteen makes a quick recovery from emotional shock and is generally regarded as an unflappable individual. They are the best types to have around in emergencies and other complicated events. The Two’s invaluable contribution to any social group will be unstinted help in the background of activity. This couple can easily combine their social talents and gain popularity and enjoyment in their social life.
Neither the Two nor the Fifteen should experience emotional blockades when communicating with each other. They can use eloquent body language as well as fluent speech to express their feelings and points of view. Once again, differences in their methods soon become evident. The ready and direct manner and speech of the Fifteen will contrast sharply with the unhurried and non-committal speech of the Two. The Two is fond of examining many alternatives before final agreement. Both partners are subject to emotional reaction but the swift recovery by the Fifteen and use of a logical and balanced approach gives this partner many advantages over the Two who remains enmeshed in emotional considerations. The opinions and decisions of the Fifteen usually prevail as the Two will not face up to logical disputation of an issue. As the Two sees many alternatives and is guided by kind-heartedness, a wise Fifteen will take heed of the Two’s views. In communication with each other as well as with others the Fifteen will ‘go on the attack’, as it were, when overlooked or criticised, while the Two will be inclined to recoil from neglect, criticism or ridicule.
The Fifteen may certainly be considered an outdoor person who has also a strong attachment to home. Though many of their leisure activities may take them away from home the strong domestic pull of the 6 vibration will see that none of their domestic responsibilities will be neglected. The 1 and 5 vibrations are both adventure loving and highly competitive forces. Under their influence the Fifteen will take up any sort of physical adventure involving risk and danger, as well as all forms of competitive sport. The chances are that this partner will be involved in outdoor pastimes without the company of the Two, who will choose indoor hobbies and less vigorous physical activity. Younger Twos who disagree with the Fifteen’s choice of outdoor activity and attempt to change them may not succeed. With patience they will find that the Fifteen will become more home oriented and home based with maturity when the urge for vigorous physical action decreases.
The Fifteen’s responsible attitude in all financial matters will act as a foil against the Two partner’s generous and spontaneous spending habits. The value conscious 1 and 6 vibrations are inbuilt safeguards against impulsive spending, which is the nature of the 5 vibration. Nevertheless, the weight of the 5 is not entirely obscured as the Fifteen can be quite liberal when the need arises. More than any other, the Two personality needs financial security in order to bloom and is prepared to give unstinted support to a partner who is able to provide this security. The Two can hardly find a better partner or associate than a Fifteen for security as well as generosity in a responsible way.
These partners will develop an emotional closeness that is not found in many other combinations. Both personalities are emotionally expressive and will fulfil their physical needs with the accompaniment of emotional release. The friendship aspect of marriage will also be heightened as both can communicate on intimate terms and engage in a variety of interests. The Fifteen would normally have held back much emotional display with another personality type, but not with the warm-hearted and open-armed Two. The nurturing qualities of the Two will cut across the Fifteen’s unconscious fears of self-surrender. In return, the quality of guardianship, so strong in the Fifteen, will provide conditions best suited for the finest Two qualities to manifest. This is an ideal partnership for an interlocking relationship on the physical and emotional planes. Some problems on the abstract side of life can be expected on account of the Fifteen’s logical mode of thinking and the Two’s emphasis on the sentimental side of life.
The best partnerships that will be formed between Twos and Fifteens will be those in which the Two partner is born in the 1st, 10th, 11th and 12th months. These will be positive Twos who, without a feeling of dependence, will make worthy partners who in their own right will contribute an equal share of positive attributes to the partnership. Twos born in other months will be dependent on their partners. The excessively emotional ones born in the 2nd, 5th, 8th and 9th months will certainly be difficult to cope with. Those born in the 4th and 7th months will be practical individuals but a lack of self-confidence will take away much of their usefulness. Those born in the 3rd and 6th months will be good partners in the social scene but their lack of practicality will cause problems in the home.
The principal factor motivating a Two personality is the need for companionship, and accompanying this need are many accommodating qualities which make a positive Two one of the most desirable and helpful partners to have in any form of relationship or association. Some of these qualities are cooperation, patience, adaptability, compliance, courtesy, gallantry, charm, diplomacy, hospitality and open-heartedness. Although the Two personality is governed entirely by a passive vibration they are able to adapt to and succeed in a relationship with persons influenced by either active or passive vibrations.
People, on the one hand, are attracted to one another on the basis of their similarity, on the other hand they are attracted on the basis of the extent to which they lack certain qualities and find them in each other. In a Two’s relationship with another who is also the subject of a passive birthday, peace and tranquillity will prevail, but much progress will not be made due to the absence of the driving forces of active vibrations, such as aggression, self-assurance, ambition and enterprise. A relationship with a subject of an active birthday will be a combination of opposite polarities which will produce a healthy exchange of talent. Such a partnership will be progressive and productive as soon as their different talents and idiosyncrasies have been recognised and put into best use. In a partnership with a Sixteen the Two meets the best of both alternatives as the Sixteen is a mixture of the active 1 and 7 vibrations and the passive 6 vibration. While not reducing the motive power of the 1 and 7, the 6 introduces many splendid passive characteristics into the integral personality, such as domesticity, guardianship and the ability to slow down and enjoy the good things of life in the mental, physical and spiritual fields. The Sixteen is basically a Seven personality and is easily recognised by the predominantly active qualities of the combined 1 and 7. These forces will be attracted to the magnetism of the pure Two personality. Once the Two and Sixteen get together they will not take long to reach a fruitful and harmonious relationship, as between these partners there are no vibrations that stand out in direct conflict with each other. They are either complementary or sympathetic to one another. The immediate and possibly the most difficult problem these partners face will arise from the emotional orientation of the Two on the one hand, and the combined physical and mental orientation of the Sixteen on the other. The heart controls the Two and consequently sentiment overshadows their thoughts and actions, while the mind and reason govern the Sixteen. As a result of the contrast in their temperaments they view and experience the world quite differently. The Two is also egocentric in thought and faces the world not only from an emotional centre but habitually relates all experiences to themself. They comprehend situations in which they are involved as being either for them or against them and as a consequence form subjective judgements. The Sixteen, on the other hand, while retaining consciousness of their individuality are able to detach themselves from situations and perceive the world with greater awareness and objectivity. In short, the Two lives a life of sensation and the Sixteen one of thought.
The partnership will be quite outstanding if the Two is a positive personality as problems associated with emotional orientation will be kept under control. With the advantage of three different vibrations including the activator number 1, the Sixteen is already a positive individual. The Two will need to have the number 1 in the birth month or as the destiny number (the result of adding together all digits – the day, month and year of the birth date), or in other areas of influence in the name in order to have a measure of positive control over the characteristics of the 2 vibration and especially a grip on emotional attitudes. One way or another, Sixteens should be alert to the extent of emotionalism in their Two partners and Twos, for their part, should endeavour to enter the mental orbit of the Sixteen. Both will profit by this exchange.
A contest for the authoritative position will not take place here. The Sixteen will remain in overall control while the Two will be content to play a supportive role. Most Twos have a need to feel protected and are attracted to self-assured and sometimes to dominant personality types. While the Sixteen cannot be said to be a dominant or aggressive type they are certainly self-assured and highly responsible people. The pride of ownership is strong in the 1 vibration. When this quality is associated with the love of guardianship in the 6 vibration and the seriousness of the 7, the Sixteen partner emerges as a conscientious head of any form of association. However, these same qualities give rise to the troublesome trait of possessiveness. The Sixteen may be inclined to take charge of the Two partner and their joint affairs and unwittingly smother or prevent many splendid Two qualities and talents from being used. It is important for the Sixteen to realise that the best Two talents have to be drawn out and this is best done when the Two is made to feel needed.
The nature of the receptive Two personality is to gather in the good things of life and they succeed in doing so as they are subject to the law of attraction. They have no desire to go out and do battle for these things in the tension and turmoil of world affairs. They let others do their fighting for them. Given the option, they choose a non-competitive career or profession in which they could concentrate their talents in a cooperative and collaborative fashion, free of the tensions of rivalry and confrontation. Alternatively, Twos will opt for a domestic way of life in which their nurturing qualities could be put to full use. Despite the single-mindedness and ambition of the 1 vibration, the Sixteen is also a relatively non-competitive individual with none of the aggressiveness of the plain One personality. The poised mental processes of the 6 vibration and the strong spiritual or non-material element in the 7 are responsible for tempering many self-seeking qualities of the 1. These two vibrations have much in common with the 2 vibration. Both are clearly non-competitive. The 6 gives an even stronger attraction to domesticity than the 2, and the 7 favours work in the background of activity. However, the love of home and family contributed by the 6 will not hold the Sixteen back for pursuit of a career or business ventures. Neither the 1 nor the 7 is inclined to domesticity and the combination of these will send the Sixteen out into business or the professions. The three stable vibrations forming the Sixteen offer a wide field of opportunity. The leadership of the 1, the mental balance of the 6 and the natural dignity of the 7 ensure success in any chosen field.
Twos are group oriented individuals who are ready to surrender a degree of personal identity in exchange for identity they receive from a group. As truly clubbable personalities they are popular in their groups due to their courteous and obliging ways. The Sixteen, on the other hand, is a socially independent person who neither avoids nor seeks out social contacts. The fiercely individualistic 1 and 7 vibrations combine to overcome gregarious 6 characteristics. While the Two will be involved in the lives of friends and acquaintances the Sixteen will be more inclined to take up a detached stand, having little need to identify with individuals or groups. The Two personality on its own can be influenced by fast talk and their generous and hospitable nature can be taken advantage of by unscrupulous persons. They are also more responsive to other people’s evaluations rather than their own. The presence of the discerning Sixteen will certainly be a guiding influence on the Two partner. Sixteens are able to say ‘no’ in a firm but friendly manner and instinctively make their own evaluations of people and circumstances. They are by no means unfriendly or inhospitable people but their rationality may sometimes portray them as such to the Two. They are merely discriminating people who are conscious of the need to safeguard themselves and their loved ones from unwarranted intrusion upon their privacy and resources. However, there should not be much dissension between these partners in regard to their social activity as neither party is likely to take their inclinations or disinclinations to extremes.
Both partners have subdued speech and this is a quality they appreciate in each other, just as they are put off by the manner of loud spoken individuals. Although the Two’s speech contains much emotion, especially in facial expressions, their voices are kept low and unhurried. On rare occasions only, when they are driven into a corner, as it were, they do raise their voices with a good deal of emotional demonstration. They subside just as quickly into a placid state. They are impartial and attentive conversationalists, though the negative Twos will be somewhat vague and inclined to dwell too much upon their real or imagined illnesses. While the Two partner plays between alternatives and enjoys lengthy discussions, the Sixteen arrives at the heart of an issue almost immediately and makes definitive conclusions. They are able to combine thought and action and dispense with protracted debate and negotiation. The Sixteen is also sparing in compliments, and the absence of emotion and body language in their speech are features that will worry the affectionate Two. The Two needs warmth in all aspects of behaviour including speech and this is an area in which the Sixteen may not be able to accommodate the Two’s needs. However, as the 1 vibration produces the pioneer, the 6 the teacher, and the 7 the researcher, the Sixteen has the potential to accumulate a great fund of knowledge on a wide horizon. As the Two is an excellent listener this partner can gain much pleasure and information from conversations with the Sixteen. The wise Sixteen will make use of the Two’s capacity to see many sides of an issue before making a final judgment on any matter.
All Two persons are instinctive collectors and most of them will be engrossed in more than one type of collection. They will no doubt have other hobbies, but those closest to their hearts will be their collections. The Sixteen is more likely to be a collector of knowledge than a collector of artefacts. The Two may depend on the Sixteen for support and encouragement in collections relating to books and antiquarian objects. Neither of these partners will insist upon spending their spare time in doing their own thing, but both will appreciate some privacy. Arrangements can be made without resentment on the part of either to accommodate this need. When they do get together in their leisure time, (and they will do so more often than not), their choice of indoor as well as outdoor interests will not be dissimilar. The combination of their skills and needs provides a wide field for self-expression, especially in literature, the fine arts, gardening, home maintenance and excursions into natural surroundings. The Two will favour the sea and the Sixteen the mountains and streams.
The Sixteen may be considered to be one of the soundest in regard to finance. All three vibrations controlling the personality provide unusual skills in raising and handling money. There will be no sudden gains but the achievement of prosperity will be done by steady progress. No risks are taken by them, nor do they resort to gambling or unscrupulous dealings. Natural business acumen is used for success in this field. The Two, who is not financially astute will reap the benefits of the Sixteen’s talents in this regard. Twos are subject to feelings of anxiety in regard to their financial position, as they do in other matters. They will be relieved of this uneasiness by the security provided by the Sixteen, who will without doubt, take charge of the family budget. The Two partner will also find that the Sixteen is not niggardly but shows caution and responsibility in handling money. Their decisions are based on a stable set of values and impulsive spending habits of the Two will soon be brought under control.
Sixteens are non-committal and undemonstrative about their feelings. They instinctively hide warmer sentiments behind a somewhat remote exterior. This is the main problem the sentimental and romantic Two will face in their intimate lives. There is a marked contrast in the degree of tolerance each partner has for close physical or body contact, or, in other words, their comfort zone. Although distant with strangers the Two is comfortable in and receptive to close body contact with loved ones. They have a close comfort zone. The Sixteen on the other hand has a distant comfort zone with all people and will clearly feel discomfort if this is encroached upon when they are unprepared. The Two partner will be disappointed initially by the absence of frequent outward displays of affection. However, the Two’s intuition will soon gain a clear perception of the depth of the Sixteen’s loving nature. The Two is a personality type, who, more than others, will react according to the characteristics of their partners. Once the Two has become accustomed to the Sixteen’s undemonstrative nature, their qualities of constancy, trustworthiness and loyalty will elicit the best Two.
Sixteens and positive Twos who are born in the 1st, 10th, 11th and 12th months will make the most successful partnerships. Real problems will be faced with the emotional Twos who are born in the 2nd, 5th, 8th and 9th months. The Sixteens will be most intolerant of their instability on the mental and physical planes. Twos born in the 4th and 7th months will have practical talents that will suit the Sixteen partner and lead to a better balance in the partnership. Those Twos born in the 3rd and 6th months will find much in common with the Sixteen on the mental level but the partnership will not be balanced on the physical level.
People born on the 2nd and the 17th day of any month are instinctively sensitive to each other’s vibratory structure and soon develop positive feelings for one another. Without doubt, the attraction of opposites takes place here. The 2nd produces Two personalities who are entirely receptive and passive by nature and are attracted to and draw to themselves others who are totally or predominantly the subjects of active or outgoing forces. The Seventeen is an unusual compound of the 1 and 7, which are two of the most strong-willed and individualistic of all active vibrations, and the 8, which is the most powerful of all receptive vibrations. In fact, all three vibrations represent, among other things, authority and power expressed in different ways according to the nature of each vibration. The power of the 1 is expressed through ego-centred and autocratic leadership qualities. Plain Ones have an irresistible urge to give orders, whether qualified to do so or not. Subjects of the 7 are neither interested in giving orders nor taking them. With a detached personal dignity, they are individuals who are sufficient unto themselves and look for inner forces rather than extraneous elements for self-esteem and fulfilment. Rather than conflicting with each other the 1 and 7 vibrations are complementary forces. The 7 curtails the aggressiveness of the 1, and the 1 in turn opens out reclusive attitudes in the 7. The intermingling of these vibrations in the foreground of the personality adds beneficial powers to the organisational and administrative talents of the underlying 8 vibration. Though the Seventeen is basically an Eight personality the 1 and 7 vibrations cannot be overlooked. The distinguishing qualities of each of these vibrations disappear in the integral personality. The Seventeen is often a late starter as the materialism of the 1 and 8 vibrations and the non-materialistic attitudes of the 7 take some time to settle down into a cohesive whole.
Twos and Seventeens are not on the same level in regard to the exercise of authority and decision making. The Seventeen will naturally assume the leading role and the Two, who does not seek authoritative positions, will not see this as a violation of their rights. The leadership of the Seventeen will be based on the power of the intellect and sound judgment. The emotionally oriented Two may, in the first instance, feel that many of the Seventeen’s decisions lack sympathy and generosity but upon reflection they will find that such decisions have been made with sound judgment and consideration of practical values. The Seventeen is not only concerned with immediate goals but also with distant objectives. They are neither self-complacent nor indolent persons but are ready to take on responsibility and work steadily towards set goals. Although they will work hard to establish a home in which peace and privacy will be the main features they are not prepared to divide their time between family responsibilities and their public duties. They are almost exclusively careerists or business people who do best in all forms of financial management and real estate. The personality of the Seventeen suits the role requirements of a provider while that of the Two, by and large, suits the role requirements of a homemaker. This could be one of the most compatible relationships if such a pattern can be established. The best Two qualities will surface and flourish in an atmosphere of security provided by the responsible Seventeen. The receptive and nurturing qualities of the 2 vibration are best suited for work within a well established framework either in the home or public life. The Two is supportive and collaborative rather than initiative and innovative. They do not give orders in a direct manner but set an example which others follow. They use diplomacy and tact to get others to do their bidding. They are best suited to a passive form of leadership in which they take sole charge of running a well organised and orderly family unit or office system. In the domestic scene the Seventeen can easily become dependent on the efficiency of a positive Two partner.
These are not partners who are forward and adventuresome in social life. Both parties feel secure when they follow traditional patterns of behaviour and consequently seek friends and acquaintances of similar tastes and manners. Many self-assertive traits in the Seventeen are reserved for business affairs and are seldom displayed in the social scene where a certain aloofness or remoteness can be expected. This is especially so in company they do not approve of. As self-sufficient people they are not as dependent on the society of others as many other personality types. They are neither fearful nor shy in new circumstances and will not hesitate to reject or cut out anyone whose conduct does not conform to their ideas of propriety. Their social life is well regulated and confined to the company of mentally oriented persons. The Two partner is not as strict in their choice of company and is also less capable of freeing themselves of undesirable elements. As Twos are not as self-contained as their Seventeen partners they seek out the fellowship of others in order to find contentment. They gain a good measure of security by feeling similar to others with whom they can share their views and interests and therefore seek affiliation with groups. The Seventeen is usually unaware of any need do to so, and in any case, their tendency towards direct action will find conformity with group expectations and regulations intolerable. The Two partner will find friendship amongst emotionally oriented persons of refined sentiments and artistic tastes. By and large, Twos and Seventeens will be comfortable in each other’s choice of friends and acquaintances. Both parties will steer clear of loud spoken, boastful and vulgar people, even though these persons may be placed in positions of authority and influence. They can remain happy and contented in each other’s company. The Seventeen will be drawn to the warm and companionable nature of the Two and will find little need for the casual society of others. The Two, for the most part, will enjoy the quiet strength and positivity of the Seventeen.
Neither of these partners will be found taking an active part in general conversation. The usually diffident Two is, by preference, more of an onlooker and listener than a ready contributor to conversation. They can animate and sustain the enthusiasm of a speaker by patient attention and pertinent questioning but usually hesitate to give an emphatic opinion of their own. They are usually soft spoken and often adapt conciliatory measures to avoid argument of any sort. The Seventeen, for different reasons, is also seldom prominent in conversation. They are fond of speaking their minds whenever they speak out – a trait not found in their Two counterparts. Seventeens often anticipate the thoughts and words of others and are easily bored by repetition, trivialities, irrelevancies and other commonplace remarks. They retreat within themselves if they cannot find some way of escape from boredom. They speak only when they have something they consider worthwhile saying, and do so with a tone of authority and knowledge. They often exhibit a curious mixture of practical and philosophic views of life which can also be seen in their actions as well as speech. They are not often tolerant of opposing views. The mode of communication between these partners will be similar to their attitudes in conversation with others. The Two needs to talk things over and consider many alternatives before acting. This habit may annoy the Seventeen who prefers direct action. Furthermore, the Two’s tendency to hesitate and to accentuate the negative side whenever anything new is proposed may also aggravate the positive nature of the Seventeen.
Both partners relish a measure of privacy, and mutual respect for this desire will prevent encroachment on each other’s personal time. As neither the Two nor the Seventeen is an actively extroverted person much of their leisure time will, nevertheless, be spent together. They are able to participate in or support each other in several hobbies. Reading will be one in which a good deal of mutual pleasure will be found. The Two will take to romance, travel and psychical subjects while the Seventeen may choose scientific and metaphysical lines. Both will share a keen interest in history and the natural sciences. The Two’s proclivity for collecting things will be enthusiastically supported by the Seventeen, especially when these collections relate to antiquated objects. They should be able to maintain a balance between outdoor and indoor activity as a tendency to emphasise one over the other does not exist in either of these partners. The highly competitive nature of the 1 and 8 vibrations within the Seventeen is restrained by the non-competitive nature of the irresistible 7 vibration. As the Two is also a non-competitive person, in an individual way, these partners will not be drawn away from each other by one of them participating in a highly competitive activity. However, they may join forces as keen followers and supporters of a variety of competitive and non-competitive sport. As the team spirit is natural to the Two while the Seventeen is essentially an individualist their contributions and reactions to situations will show marked differences, but these differences should not lead to argument due to the placid nature of the Two and the Seventeen’s distaste for controversy.
As each of the three numbers forming the 17th day represent highly competent financial ability, their combination makes the Seventeen personality totally reliable in this aspect of living. The Two on the other hand is not oriented towards the struggle for pecuniary gain or competent financial management. This personality depends on a partner for long-term financial stability. The Seventeen habitually shows caution and responsibility in expenditure and cannot be influenced by others while the Two may be influenced both by impulse, advertisement and activation of their compassionate nature. The Seventeen will understandably take over the business side of the partnership with the full consent of the Two and show generosity in spending whenever money is used for a constructive purpose.
Their intimate relations will not be marred by any incompatible differences. They will be more inclined to seek each other out for emotional comfort than look elsewhere. Their sense of togetherness will be strengthened once the Two partner, who has no difficulty in getting their feelings across, understands that the Seventeen is not unduly demonstrative by nature and is often reluctant to discuss emotionally charged matters. The Seventeen, in turn, should become accustomed to the sensitivity, sentimentality and romanticism of the Two. The emotionally oriented thoughts of the Two frequently result in hasty and faulty judgments. The Seventeen, who is more emotionally secure, is less prone to misunderstanding and hasty judgment, may experience frustration and intolerance from the Two’s lack of a pragmatic approach to their personal affairs. The Two has the disadvantage of openly revealing their vulnerability, but also possesses the advantage of a quick recovery from emotional upset. The Seventeen, on the other hand, has the advantage of concealing their vulnerability, but is disadvantaged by a protracted period of recovery from emotional upset. Their sex lives should be very compatible due to the strong receptive nature of the Two and the vigorous active forces within the Seventeen. Here again a good balance can be maintained as neither party will make inordinate demands upon the other. Though the Seventeen will have the stronger sexual urges this partner will be able to exercise consideration and propriety in these needs.
The most successful partnerships will be formed when the Two partner is born in the 1st, 10th, 11th or 12th months. These Twos will be positive personalities in whom the best Two qualities will be displayed. Twos who are born in the 4th and 7th months will also make good partners to Seventeens and will need the Seventeen’s aid in decision making. Twos born in the 3rd, 6th and 9th months will tend towards the mental side of life and will not measure up on practical issues. The emotional Twos born in the 2nd, 5th and 8th months are certain to cause many problems to the practical and down-to-earth Seventeens.
Regardless of the numbers of the birth month and year, people born on the 18th day possess the advantage of forceful vibrations that can lead them to success in all their undertakings including advancement as superior human beings. We cannot always equate success in a particular field with being successful as human beings, but the Eighteen has the potential to achieve both distinctions. Having the natural gift of positivity, they are able to manage their own lives at a very early stage. They also attempt, without being conscious of doing so, to manage the lives of those around them. The 1 and 8 vibrations give the greatest potential for the acquisition of worldly goods and personal progress into influential and powerful positions in public life. The basic 9, which makes the Eighteen essentially a Nine personality, is the most comprehensive of all vibrations, insofar as it is an amalgam of the vibrations 1 to 8. As such, it represents completeness, and the direct outflow of this completeness is the outstanding human quality of wisdom in all persons having the 9 vibration controlling a significant sphere of influence. The influence of the 8 and 9 vibrations introduce strong emotions into the motive power of the Eighteen while the 1 and 8 vibrations contribute unlimited physical, mental and nervous energy to fulfil the high ambitions of the integral personality. The wisdom of the 9 also gives breadth of vision and exercises a restraining effect on the aggressiveness and dominance natural to the plain 1 and 8 vibrations. The tendency to meet aggression with aggression is controlled to large extent and replaced by understanding and diplomacy. Any remaining aggressive tendencies are made to work for and not counter to the welfare of the individual. Eighteens are enthusiastic about life and want all they can get out of it, and rather than wait for opportunity to turn up, they go out and seek the things they desire.
A Two companion, whose personality is in direct contrast to that of the extroverted Eighteen, will almost immediately recognise a polar opposite and both consciously and unconsciously take comfort in the dynamic and resourceful nature of the Eighteen. An attraction of opposite types does, in fact, take place here as the main characteristics of the Two are sufficiently different to those of the complex Eighteen to create a reciprocal affinity. The Two is an individual with the need to feel secure and protected and is therefore attracted to dominant personality types. Fundamentally, the strength of the Eighteen lies in the power to do battle, to compete and overcome outside forces through the combination of drive and sound judgment, while the strength of the Two is held by the power to attract to itself many good things of life others have to strive for, and also the ability to get others to work for them by the use of tact and various other subtle means. Twos are at their best creating for themselves positions of power and indispensability behind the scenes of activity. Many a successful public figure is dependent on a faceless Two associate either in business or domestic life, or in both.
These partners perceive future situations in different ways; the Eighteen with optimism and enterprise and the Two with patience and a touch of anxiety. Though the Two may find association with an Eighteen rather overwhelming at times and consequently allow this partner to gain an ascendancy over them, the principal side effects of this association will be an increase in self-confidence through the unconscious process of identification with the positive nature of the Eighteen. They learn to maintain their identity as individuals and take charge of themselves and their affairs with more self-assurance than they otherwise would have shown. Twos are often too ready to subordinate their identities to more forceful persons. Eighteen’s on the other hand, are self-directed and do not apologise, explain or seek approval of their actions. Twos habitually do so. Freedom from guilt and uncertainty are other qualities enjoyed by Eighteens and not by most Twos.
Despite their high potential to evolve as superior persons Eighteens have certain personality traits that lead them to experience a good degree of frustration and a Two partner could be exposed, from time to time, to these pent-up emotions. Though a high incidence of emotional problems is natural to both partners the Eighteen’s emotions are more intense. As in other characteristics, the Two’s emotions are shown in passive ways while those of the Eighteen are openly exhibited both mentally and physically. Eighteens become emotionally involved in whatever they undertake and show intolerance towards slow-moving people who are unable to keep up with their constructive minds and active bodies. Negatively inclined Two partners who lack initiative and confidence in the future and who cannot stand up for themselves, will often feel the full force of their Eighteen partner’s frustrations. While Two personalities recoil painfully from criticism, opposition and rivalry, Eighteens respond with aggression in these situations. An indirect and tactful manner will be used by the Two partner to avoid ruffling their feathers. Both personality types are inclined to indulge in self-condemnation self-analysis but the Eighteen recovers faster and does not reveal the fact that they have gone through this process. Twos seldom make a full recovery and have a habit of broadcasting any real or imagined inadequacies they find in themselves.
Frustrations of the Eighteen will be aggravated if, by change of circumstances, this partner is prevented from leading an energetic life in public affairs. While Eighteens take great pride in the family name and achievements of loved ones and are always prepared to provide unstinted support in all their efforts, these personalities are not domesticated by nature. Their energies need outlets well beyond daily domestic responsibilities. Domineering and exacting ways as well as moodiness will result if they are restricted to domestic life. The Two, on the other hand, finds contentment within the domestic scene, away from the turmoil and competition of public life. While a partnership of equal authority will not emerge here, a very satisfactory division of responsibility can be effected if the Eighteen takes over the role of main provider and the Two takes charge of the home and family. A reversed situation may not be as successful in the material sense as the Two does not have the enormous capacity of the Eighteen for achievement of power and the acquisition of material possessions, nor, on the other hand, has the Eighteen the patience and self-sacrifice and slower rate of vibration needed for success in the home. The Eighteen will, one way or another, become involved in outside activities to the neglect of routine and essential domestic responsibilities. The Eighteen is not a self-sacrificing individual and gives much less of themselves than their Two partners. Outsiders may receive more of their time than family members. The Two will always feel that the Eighteen should slow down and relax more with the family. However, Eighteens can be depended upon to take instant charge of all major issues and emergencies.
The Eighteen partner looms larger in the social scene having the greater capacity to adjust to all levels of society. The planning and organising part of their social life will be taken up by this partner. The personal magnetism and social success of the Eighteen is nourished and promoted by natural qualities of leadership, sound judgment broad horizons and enthusiasm that is quickly passed on to others. In their attitude towards loved ones, friends and associates they can be tactful and gentle as well as forceful and positive, having a keen perception of the feelings and problems of others. This unusual combination of authority and understanding is another factor that brings in their popularity. They do not compliantly merge into a social pattern or settle and adapt to prevailing customs and rules. They will resist anything the Twos also consider outdated, irrelevant or unjust. Twos also gain social popularity through charm, gallantry, and cooperative ways, though they avoid prominent roles in social life. They confine themselves to small groups and personal friendships. They are non-authoritative, natural people who do not set up expectations they have to live up to. They usually choose to stay with the same group of friends and acquaintances and not branch out into new circles. The Eighteen, on the other hand, does not actively seek new scenes but has no hesitation in entering new scenes when the occasions arise. While the Two partner will be content to follow the Eighteen’s lead in their social life, some adjustments will be required to balance their preferences for outdoor and indoor activity. The Eighteen is essentially an outdoor person while the Two is, by and large, an indoor socialite.
Except on rare occasions, the Eighteen will not be seen indulging in lively conversation and tolerating a free exchange of ideas when in a group. They would rather have their say, often in the form of a harangue, and then turn to some form of physical activity than patiently listen to the several opinions of a number of people or even that of an individual. A combination of knowledge, emotional expression and body language enriches their speech to an extent that they are always able to hold the attention of an audience. The Two, on the other hand, is a patient listener always interested in the thoughts and doings of others. They do not as a rule make emphatic pronouncements and are constantly on guard against topics that may lead to heated argument. They may also be found to be equivocal and evasive in their responses. In their private lives as well, the Eighteen and Two will adapt the same habits. Few words and even fewer explanations will be forthcoming from the Eighteen, often to the chagrin of the Two. Many of the Eighteen’s intentions and decisions will be made and announced without the Two’s opinion being sought. The Two will not only wish to be consulted but would also like to spend some time examining all angles of a proposition before a decision is made. The Two will also be deprived of simple conversation on casual day-to-day topics, especially on matters concerning relatives, friends and acquaintances. Eighteens have their thoughts focused on constructive and profitable issues and are intolerant of reiteration, reminiscence or discussion of any matter that does not produce some direct benefit either to themselves or to others.
In their leisure activities various forms of competitive sport will be taken up by the highly energetic and ambitious Eighteen, whose aim will always be to win. The Two on the other hand, is essentially a non-competitive person whose ego is not injured by defeat as participation is seen as the more important aspect of any activity. Twos and Eighteens may not always spend their leisure time together due to the fundamental differences in their need to discharge their energies. The Eighteen, being constitutionally an outdoor person, needs physical activity to discharge energy and pent-up emotion. The Two, who is disturbed by an excess of physical energy prefers indoor pastimes and their emotions are released in conversation, literature, music, affection for pets and family life in general. However, one area in which outdoor activity can be enjoyed together will be the sea or a large expanse of water to which the Two has a magnetic attraction. This partner can equal or surpass the Eighteen in all water sports. Patience and skills in all forms of fishing is a special Two characteristic. This may be one water sport in which the participation of the restless Eighteen cannot be counted on.
The Eighteen’s expertise in financial management is such that the participation of the Two in this aspect of their partnership will not be called on. Even when the Two is a contributor to the family finances, whether as the chief provider or part-time earner, it will fall to the Eighteen to take charge of the family budget. Although conscious of the value of money the Eighteen is not attached to riches and is therefore ready to spend freely to ensure their personal welfare and that of the family. The wisdom and generosity displayed by the Eighteen in handling their money matters will soon earn the trust and respect of the Two partner who will be happy to be relieved of this responsibility.
A comparison of the emotional expression of these partners shows that the Eighteen is a passionate individual while the Two is highly sensitive. The emotions of the Eighteen have considerable depth and once aroused, they take some time to settle down. Whether they are expressed positively or negatively, their effects are clearly noticeable on the individual as well as on those around them. Those of the Two remain constantly on the surface and are therefore easily excited, but they are just as easily appeased by the application of neutralising forces. They do not have the same stimulating or damaging effects, as the case may be, caused by the arousal of the Eighteen’s emotions. In many Twos emotion is sublimated in a world of imagination and fantasy. These differences in emotional expression are clearly reflected in their intimate lives. The Eighteen is sexually demanding but their needs are so well regulated that the Two partners know where they stand in regard to the Eighteen’s habits. Eighteens are able to separate their physical needs from other activities of life. The Two on the other hand is more romantically demanding than physically demanding and could be capricious in their needs and favours. While a purely sensual approach will inhibit the delicate sentiments of the Two they make excellent lovers in a romantic setting.
Twos born in the 1st, 10th, 11th and 12th months will emerge as strongly supportive partners. They will be able to summon sufficient strength to stand up to a demanding life with an Eighteen. All other Twos will be submissive and indecisive. Those born on the 2nd, 5th and 8th months will bring too much emotion into the partnership. The combination of the Eighteen’s emotionalism with that of the excessively emotional Two will cause problems in all aspects of their lives. Twos born in the 4th and 7th months will be helpful partners in the practical side of life but will need constant direction by the Eighteen. Those born in the 3rd, 6th and 9th months will lack practical application as well as self-confidence.
As the 19th day produces a basic One personality (1+9 = 10 =1) this is the third combination of One and Two, or Two and One personalities. The previous two being subjects of the birthdays 1st and 2nd and 10th and 2nd. While interaction between partners of the first two sets of birthdays is essentially the same, there are some significant differences in a Two/Nineteen combination as many new positive factors are introduced into the relationship by the Nineteen partner and responded to by the Two. However, this chapter should be read in close conjunction with the chapter on 1st and 2nd birthdays.
The Nineteen is no longer a straightforward One personality who is urged on by untouched 1 characteristics, some of which, though attractive to the Two, may yet cause some distress to their sensitive dispositions. Although the Nineteen has the 1 vibration working in the foreground of the personality as well as in the background, the radiations of the comprehensive 9 vibration in the foreground exercise a moderating influence on many aggressive and acquisitive 1 characteristics as well as an expanding influence on many rigid and blinkered ones. At the same time the 9 enhances the quality of all positive traits. The Nineteen may confidently be regarded as a superior One personality.
While being relieved of the need to tactfully round off several rough edges found in the plain One, a Two’s relationship with a superior One introduces the responsibility on the Two to lift their act, as it were, in order to take rank with a more accomplished One partner. To aid them in doing so, qualities such as compassion, forgiveness, generosity, service and extrasensory perception already existing in the Two are introduced into the Nineteen by the 9 vibration. The magnetic force that will draw these individuals to each other and keep them together will be strengthened rather than weakened by these common bonds.
The ingrained propensity of subjects of the 1 vibration to act as protectors and guides is enriched in the Nineteen by the subtle qualities of intuition and diagnosis. They possess a keen understanding of the frailties of human nature in general, and in particular, their own and those of their partners. They are much less ego-centred and self-opinionated than their straightforward counterparts, and, as such, possess the finesse to adjust their perspectives and remain open to new experiences and sympathetic to the opinions of others. The Two partner finds ideal ground for evoking the best 2 qualities. The best 2 qualities do not automatically emerge for use by a Two personality. Peaceful, harmonious and stable conditions are needed for these qualities to be activated. With straightforward Ones the Two faces the risk of being taken for granted and many of their talents and services may go unrecognised. The humanitarian and generous nature of the 9 vibration within the Nineteen will not only appreciate the Two’s worth but also openly acknowledge their dependency on the Two’s contribution to the partnership. The easy-going and emotional nature of the Two may still cause irritation with the fast moving Nineteen, but less intolerance will be shown.
The position between Twos and Nineteens in regard to public and domestic life is identical to that between Twos and plain Ones. However, the Nineteen can be expected to engage in a wider range of activity than the One counterpart. The plain One’s preference for concentration on one thing at a time will be replaced by the ability for involvement in several activities. The Nineteen also has a greater capacity to restore itself after personal loss or business failure. They are also able to adapt to changes in the personality of their partners with greater ease.
The social needs and prospects of those in a Two/ Nineteen partnership are not quite the same as those in a Two/One partnership. Once again, due to the influence of the 9 vibration, the Nineteen has shed excessively individualistic characteristics of the plain One and taken on broadminded and socially compliant ways. As the Nineteen no longer thinks within a framework of fixed ideas and prejudices they are able to cope with a wider circle of social contact and yet maintain independence, self-assurance and a certain dignity of manner. These changes bring about greater mutual satisfaction in the social life of these partners. The guiding and steadying influence that the Nineteen has upon the Two is also enhanced.
The mentally oriented 9 vibration also opens out conversational skills in the Nineteen that are not found in the One. The chances of the Two seeking out others for relaxation in pleasant conversation will be greatly reduced. With fewer self-imposed standards, easier oral expression and an inquiring mind the Nineteen is more accessible and willing to enter into general conversation and discussion of particular issues. The Two’s opinions will be given consideration though the Nineteen’s views may prevail in most discussions.
As many self-centred ways habitual to the plain One have been changed in the Nineteen, this partner will be found joining in most of the leisure activities undertaken by the Two. The Nineteen’s interests will not be confined to practical work and physical activities. Mental and spiritual interests will replace many physical activities. A keen interest will be taken in the delights of abstract knowledge, travel and all cultural activities in which the willing cooperation of the Two partner will always be enjoyed. By and large, a greater degree of togetherness will be established in this aspect of their relationship.
Unless helped by an emotional vibration in the birth month, the Nineteen has no outlet for demonstration of emotion. The absence of this aspect of behaviour and the associated problems it has with the sentimental Two partner is basically the same with a Nineteen as with a plain One personality. However, while the plain One, operating wholly on the physical plane, is able to divert emotion into physical activity and also disguise and contain emotion, the Nineteen is not always able to do so. Due to their keener perceptions, their emotions are easily aroused and drawn up into the mental realm by the 9 vibration where disguise and containment become difficult. However, while the Nineteen is more likely to suffer from bouts of ill-temper for release of their emotions, they can also be more responsive to the needs of the sensitive and romantic Two. Romance will enter into the partnership through the advantages of imagination and adaptability the Nineteen has over its One counterpart. There interaction will be basically the same in regard to the upbringing of children and handling of finances. However, the Nineteen being more broadminded and generous, will place less restrictions on family activities. The changes in the relationship due to the vibration of the birth month will be the same as those in a Two/One partnership.
While the 2nd day of any month produces standard Two personalities, the 20th day produces individuals with intensified Two characteristics. The Zero is responsible for this intensification, as it is in the case of the 10th and 30th days of the month. However, the number or numbers of the birth month always determines the degree of positivity or negativity by which a Two or Twenty will be infused. As the situation between a Two and Twenty partnership will be based on the same interactions as that between a Two and Two partnership the chapter on 2nd and 2nd birthdays should be also referred to. However, the heightened 2 qualities, negative or positive, in the Twenty should be kept in mind as this will have some bearing on their relationship. The influence of a positive Twenty, for instance, can be expected to be stronger upon a positive Two, but this will also depend on other areas of influence. The Two may have a given name with a stronger vibration than the given name of the Twenty which could neutralise the influence of the Twenty’s intensified vibration.
Interaction between a straightforward Two personality and a qualified Three personality will be seen in this combination. Their relationship will be the same as that between a Two and another qualified Three, namely an individual born on the 12th day of any month. It may be mentioned that the influence of the 2 vibration is slightly stronger in the Twenty-One than in the Twelve because the 2 comes before the 1, but this does not make any appreciable difference in their interaction with a Two personality.
The chapter on 2nd and 12th birthdays should be consulted.
As receptive vibrations control both these birthdays the affinity that exists between opposite polarities is not found here. People born on these days may frequently meet and mingle and not experience the excitement or agitation of mental, emotional, physical or psychic faculties that will be felt by those of predominantly opposite polarities. If circumstances constantly place them together, the best interaction that may take place is a mutual sympathy and understanding on account of their susceptibility to similar influences. Their personal relationship will be of a passive nature rather than one with a fruitful and sometimes fiery exchange of different characteristics. Chapters relating to 2nd and 2nd birthdays and 2nd and 4th birthdays should be read in conjunction with this chapter. Thereafter, further details that follow relative to a Two/Twenty-Two combination can be considered.
Although the qualities of the 2 vibration are common to both birthdays there are wide differences in the dispositions of the Two and Twenty-Two personalities. Full control of the personality by the emotionally oriented 2 vibration is found only in persons born on the 2nd. The 22nd has a more complex structure. Apart from the double effect of the 2, there is the base digit 4 which makes a significant contribution to the integral structure of the Twenty-Two. In addition, the 22nd birthday should also be viewed as an un-reduced number in its significance as a master vibration. (The master vibrations 11 and 22 are intense and powerful forces on frequencies higher than any of those symbolised by the single digits. Only a few advanced individuals are able to remain permanently on these high vibratory levels. Some may fluctuate between the influences of the master number and the base digit. For the most part, the majority revert to the influence of the double 1 and base digit 2 in the case of the 11 or the double 2 and base digit 4 in the case of the 22).
An immediate difficulty arises as a result of these complications in the 22nd birthday. How does one determine whether the Twenty-Two partner operates under the control of the double 2 and basic 4, or under the unreduced power of the master number or, is there a fluctuation between these states? These are not easy questions to answer unless there is good knowledge of this partner’s background and present circumstances. However, to begin with, the Twenty-Two’s full birth date will indicate whether or not this individual is positively structured or negatively structured. When positively structured we may consider the personality in terms of the potential of the master vibration. When negatively structured we assess the personality as a Four who is strongly influenced by the double 2 vibration. The activator number 1 as usual determines these conditions. The same principle is used to ascertain whether the Two partner is positively or negatively oriented. The influence of the vibrations of the birth month usually plays the deciding role. The absence of the activator 1 vibration in the birthday or birth month, or the repetition of the birthday number or numbers in the birth month are the usual causes of negative attitudes. However, when the 1 vibration is not present in the birthday as in the case of the 2nd and 22nd but is found in the birth month, positive expression of the characteristics of the vibrations of the birthdays can be expected. (Positive expression can also be gained from other areas of influence but there is greater certainty when the 1 appears in the birth month).
Positive Twos and Twenty-Twos are those born in the 1st, 10th and 11th months. While we can expect a positive Two to automatically express the full potential of the 2 vibration, we should be hesitant to extend this expectation to the master vibration. Rather, we should grant that latent potentialities of the master vibration can become active powers in the proper environment. When an individual lives up to the potential of the 22 he or she cannot be identified with normal 2 or 4 characteristics but with a special or superior set of powers peculiar to this master vibration. The plain Two’s relationship with a Twenty-Two partner will be significantly different to a relationship with the Twenty-Two operating as a Four. Whether or not the Twenty-Two operates on the master vibration, the basic 4 or fluctuates between the two states, this partner will stand out besides a plain Two partner. The high intensity of The Twenty-Two’s vibrations, whether positive or negative, causes an increased energy output and a more demanding nature than the low intensity vibrations of the Two partner.
A spontaneous adjustment of levels of authority and responsibility will take place in a partnership between these personalities. Twos do not seek dominant or authoritative roles. Even equalitarian roles are not expected. As their expertise lies in secondary and supportive roles they look for strong and dependable partners who can provide leadership, guardianship and companionship. In return, they offer unquestioned cooperation and even self-sacrifice. Every effort will also be made to maintain a warm and peaceful relationship. As the composition and direction taken by subjects of the 22nd birthday may vary considerably, a Two partner cannot expect to find this ideal situation with anyone born on the 22nd. Many Twenty-Twos are late starters. They take longer than normal to establish personal identity and direction in life and anyone associated with them while they are in the process of self-seeking can expect an unsettled and perhaps turbulent life. Though most Twenty-Twos have the capacity to successfully combine spiritual, psychic, idealistic and practical activities they are not always free from an internal struggle between the upward lift of their higher nature and the downward draw of their physical nature. In other words, younger Twenty-Twos are tossed around by the powerful forces of the master number until they are able to gain some understanding of themselves. A Twenty-Two who has established self-identity and personal direction becomes a superior, energetic and ambitious personality with high ideals and the practical ability to fulfil these ideals. They may, on the one hand overwhelm the placid Two partner, or on the other hand succeed in evoking the best Two qualities and keeping them at optimum levels of expression. The Two will not in any case be allowed to follow its natural easy-going ways but will be prevailed upon to keep pace with the speed and constantly expanding activities of the Twenty-Two. A positive Two will be able to measure up to these pressures but a negative Two is likely to fall behind. They may end up downgrading their self-image to an extent that will make them a liability rather than an asset to a Twenty-Two partner.
Twos and Twenty-Twos born in the 12th month have difficulty in expressing many of their positive qualities due to an overloading of the 2 vibration. However, with some effort on their part this problem can be overcome. Those born in the 2nd, 5th, and 8th months will be weighed down by an excess of emotion and several obsessions. Hypersensitivity and a powerful imagination will draw exaggerated conclusions from slight observations causing misunderstanding and heartache to themselves and to those associated with them. Rational thought is often immobilised by overreaction. Emotional reaction and obsessive habits may be lessened in those born in the 3rd, 4th, 6th, 7th and 9th month but indecision, lack of self-confidence and poor self-image will be the causes that will prevent many of their talents being put to best use.
All Twenty-Twos are not naturally homebound. Positive individuals especially, feel frustrated when tied down to domestic responsibilities. They demand a wider field of activity where some choose to satisfy ambitions for power and material possessions while others find fulfilment in humanitarian projects. Many adverse reactions will arise if limitations are placed on opportunity and freedom of movement by their partners or environmental conditioning. A harmonious and successful partnership in which a Twenty-Two is the homemaker and the Two partner the breadwinner is difficult to imagine. Even more difficult is one with a negatively inclined Two as the breadwinner. Some measure of success can be achieved when the Two assumes control of domestic responsibilities. This is an area where the Two will be most comfortable and use some of their best talents. It should be mentioned, however, that the Two is quite capable of bringing in a steady income and gaining distinction in the professions, but in a partnership with a Twenty-Two, the establishment of peace, harmony and orderliness has a better chance with a Two in charge of the domestic scene.
Both partners are sensitively organised, with keen insight into the nature of things, especially human conduct. They are able to avoid situations that may evoke emotional stress in one another and communicate with each other without arousing hostility and argument. As both are intuitively aware of each other’s needs lengthy explanations and discussions can be prevented. Individual and mutual problems can be aired and confronted with diplomacy and tact. Uncontrolled and noisy scenes will be avoided. The Twenty-Two will have the advantage of an expanded consciousness and their judgments will be made from a wider frame of reference. Their emotions are usually displayed in different ways. Those of the Two are often in conflict with many highs and lows and are demonstrated outwardly. Positive Twenty-Twos who have established self-identity are exceptionally well adjusted emotionally. Their emotions are seldom displayed. The underlying 4 vibration is responsible for keeping emotion under control. Negatively inclined Twenty-Twos have their emotions churning within themselves causing much personal discontent and damage to their powers of judgment. The emotional relationship between a positive Two and a positive Twenty-Two can be rich and rewarding, but if one or both are negatively oriented, many emotionally caused problems will damage their sense of purpose and direction.
In the social scene the positive Twenty-Two will be seen as a self-assured and extroverted person with a touch of aloofness and inapproachability. They are also unconventional in thought and action. If they are not in control of situations in which they find themselves they will sooner or later succeed in taking charge or else changing the situations. All Twos and those Twenty-Twos who are basically Four personalities are mildly extroverted. They choose the conservative elements of society and view unfamiliar persons and situations with a mixture of suspicion and anxiety. They are group-oriented people who can conform to and participate in organisations that have already been formed by others.
Most Twenty-Twos see a spiritual destination for themselves and endeavour to include their partners in these spiritual pathways. This will not be difficult with a Two partner as most Twos are also predisposed to searching in the non-phenomenal world. While most of the Two’s hobbies will be home and community based, the Twenty-Two will be involved in the widest possible fields of activity. In the management of finances all Twenty-Twos possess an inbuilt safeguard against inefficiency and excess. This safeguard is provided by the thrifty 4 vibration. The Two partner does not have this protection and will therefore depend on the Twenty-Two for some measure of control of their tendency towards impulsive and unwise spending. Both partners are generous with their money and personal time when their sympathies are aroused, but the Twenty-Two, who has the capacity to judge a situation with greater objectivity, will not be moved by persuasion or the influence of unprincipled people.
The 2 vibration endows both the Two and all Twenty-Twos with personal warmth – a quality which is most attractive to those with a strong psychological need to take shelter within these endearing vibrations. They may be considerate and kindly to each other in their intimate lives, but the vibrant, tempestuous and exploratory relationship that exists between persons of opposite polarities will not be experienced in this partnership. They may attract others to themselves rather than raise a magnetic attraction to each other.
The single vibration of the 2nd birthday produces a personality bearing distinct 2 characteristics. The 23rd on the other hand, presents an individual with a combination of 2, 3 and 5 characteristics. It should not be difficult to visualise the problems a Two personality, who thinks, feels and acts in terms of the placid qualities of a single receptive vibration, will face with an associate in public life or a partner in private life who is controlled by predominantly active forces of a multiple birthday. Though the 23rd birthday cannot be identified in terms of a few standard characteristics the three vibrations controlling it are complementary rather than contradictory. Many of their attributes are interrelated and their integration in the 23rd birthday produces an astonishing blend of extroversion, emotion, restlessness, changeability, speed, versatility, alertness, freedom of action and a very accurate eye for detail. The powers of the active 3 and 5 vibrations take control of the personality overshadowing many serene 2 qualities. However, the sensitivity and emotionalism of the 2 vibration are not restrained but added to the integral character of the Twenty-Three. The chapters on the 2nd and 3rd birthdays and 2nd and 5th birthdays, though not quite the same as the present combination, will nevertheless provide some interesting information.
The sensitive Two personality suffers excessively from insecurity, discord, speed and frequent changes in living conditions. They function best in stable conditions and in traditional roles and do not challenge tried-and-true methods of doing things. They look for steady and dependable partners and a calm and peaceful environment. They are prepared to undergo a good deal of self-sacrifice to assist a partner who has the initiative and potential to set up a stable and harmonious lifestyle. Twos are not constituted for aggressive, competitive and dominant roles in public or domestic life. Their resilience, resourcefulness, adaptability and service are best suited in supportive or back-up roles. A Two may not find this ideal situation in a partnership with a Twenty-Three. The average Twenty-Three will not look with favour or understanding upon a dependent partner or one who looks to the other to make the first move in any matter. While maintaining their own independence, personal freedom and initiative, they will expect their partners to do the same. It is just not within their nature to provide the anchorage a Two partner looks for. They are largely free of expectations and too much should not be expected of them by their partners. Although the Twenty-Three will not pose as an authority figure they use their immense powers of speech and body language to get what they want.
As the Two operates, by and large, within a set range of vibratory frequencies, this personality finds it easier to settle down to a domestic way of life. They are not tossed around here and there or pulled in different directions by hyperactive vibrations. The characteristics of the Two are more conducive to a family atmosphere of love and self-sacrifice than the hurly-burly of competitive public life. The Twenty-Three, on the other hand, functions on a much wider range of vibratory frequencies and is able to cope with a complicated pattern of events. Qualities such as adaptability, versatility, alertness, curiosity, enthusiasm, optimism, impulsiveness and excessive mental and nervous energy make it difficult for this personality to maintain a constant course of action or direction in life. Though multi-talented, the Twenty-Three is not always a self-assured and positive personality. An inner insecurity may often lie hidden behind an outwardly carefree facade. This will be especially so if the ego-strengthening 1 vibration is not found in the birth month or in some other significant area of the numerological chart. Several talents may go unrecognised or scattered indiscriminately. The Twenty-Three is exposed to the danger of moving from one thing to another before any degree of specialisation or expertise has been acquired. They form few attachments and trust in their ability to re-establish and adapt to new circumstances. While this personality may revel in these conditions the Two partner finds it hard to cope with the uncertainty of this lifestyle. The restless spirit of the Twenty-Three is not out for the responsible duties of family life. The 3 and 5 vibrations, which in fact control the personality, have no domestic attributes. They are totally extroverted and dynamic forces which keep the Twenty-Three constantly engaged in the challenges and excitement of public and social activity. Something that is quite alien to the Two’s character is the Twenty-Three’s readiness to take chances and take them with a smile and laugh when they lose. Although the Twenty-Three may not provide the constancy in earning power expected by the Two partner, a better balance in their overall relationship will be formed if the Twenty-Three goes out as the provider and the Two remains as the homemaker, or part-time wage earner. There will be highs and lows in the Twenty-Three’s career and a part-time earning capacity by the Two will be helpful.
A Two/Twenty-Three combination will be popular within a wide circle of friends and acquaintances. The Twenty-Three will invariably take the lead in their social activity as this partner’s need for individual self-expression is much more pressing than that of the Two. While the Two looks for periods of quietude and rest in between social commitments, the Twenty-Three will persist in an unending round of activity. They are generally present-moment oriented people who follow the impulse of the moment and enjoy themselves without hoping for better times to come their way at some future date. They know how to laugh and create laughter. Self-expression on a solo basis is natural to a Twenty-Three who has gained self-confidence. They are at once observers and performers due to greatly expanded powers of observation and self-expression. Their stimulating company adds piquancy to any relationship. The result of all this motion on the quiet Two partner is a partial eclipse of the Two’s personality. This will not upset the generous Two, who is in any case more of a listener and onlooker. They will express themselves more as a group performer. They will be content to let their Twenty-Three partners operate in the forefront of activity.
Both partners enjoy conversation, but a two-way conversation between them will be rare as the speed, urgency and expressive body language of the Twenty-Three will once again overwhelm the relaxed manner of the Two. This will often prevent them from making joint decisions. Twos will seldom be allowed to finish their sentences. Their comments and replies will be anticipated, and the Twenty-Three will be inclined to hop from one subject to another to the confusion of the Two’s regular way of thinking. Twenty-Threes are inclined to talk too much and say too little, and the more they speak the deeper will the Two retire in bewilderment into an internal world of placidity. Twos prefer to weigh and consider one thing at a time and could become emotionally upset and confused by a rush of words and ideas. The Twenty-Three who is able to articulate to the full extent of their feelings should resist the urge to talk for hours on end and especially avoid a natural tendency to engage in and win a battle of words. Their immense powers of speech give them a tremendous advantage over Two partners, whose self-expression, in any case, is best displayed through the written word and not the spoken word.
Leisure activities and hobbies taken up by these partners may keep them apart. This will hurt the Two partner who looks for companionship in every aspect of life, but not the Twenty-Three who prefers changes of scene and mixed company. Twos can find their centre in the home and their hobbies are long lasting. The Twenty-Three’s natural aptitude is in many directions and their youthful energy and good-natured competition plus a constant desire for new experiences will see them involved in several activities and frequent changes. They may often be kept away from home and domestic responsibilities.
Very little or no control will be exercised in the financial side of this partnership as wise money management is foreign to the nature of both parties. The many enterprising talents of the Twenty-Three will be used to bring in a comfortable income, but this will seldom be done in a consistent manner expected by a Two partner. A Two partner is capable of earning a regular income but this may not be adequate for the many expensive tastes of the Twenty-Three who is unlikely to subordinate personal wants for the welfare of the partnership. Both partners are fond of spending and may part with their money on impulse. The Two will attempt to put aside something for future needs or for some specific purpose, but their indiscriminate spending habits will make saving a difficult task. Fluctuations of fortune will be experienced on a regular basis.
Both the Two and Twenty-Three are romantically inclined. The love of the Two, in particular, calls for the admiration, encouragement and appreciation of their value by their partners. The love of the Twenty-Three involves no imposition of values on their loved ones. The lifestyle of the Two is less involved and they instinctively devote themselves to their loved ones and expect equal devotion in return. The Twenty-Three is nowhere near as self-sacrificing and their diverse activities take up much of their time and make them unwittingly neglectful of their loved ones. The Two will show patience and tolerance of the Twenty-Three’s transgression, and these individuals will be guilty of quite a few! They will always be involved with people in public and social life. Their personal popularity, their love of beauty, variety, excitement, exploration and flirtation will expose them to frequent compromising situations. Generally, a stimulating, yet unsettled and turbulent love life will exist between these two. Although these partners cannot really be regarded as compatible in the ideal sense, the positive personalities born in the 1st, 10th, 11th and 12th months can achieve a good measure of success. If both parties are negatively inclined, or if one is negatively inclined, the partnership will lack internal guidance and will beset by a variety of problems.
The first thing observed in these birthdays is that even numbers or receptive vibrations are the controlling forces. Viewed another way, odd numbers or active vibrations are conspicuous by their absence. The immediate consequence of this situation is that the magnetic link and interaction formed between opposite polarities will not occur in the case of subjects of these birthdays. They are not likely to experience the lively, stimulating and often tempestuous exchange of opposite characteristics and talents which keep partners of opposite polarities alert and progressive.
Twos and Twenty-Fours may still form attachments on the basis of like attracting like. They are so much alike in many respects that peace and harmony will be the basis of their relationship. On the debit side, however, the partnership may lack vitality, excitement, romance and adventure, as their first priority will always be to secure and maintain a comfortable niche for themselves. Similar situations may occur between subjects of 2nd and 2nd, 2nd and 4th and 2nd and 6th birthdays. The chapters relating to these birthdays will provide much information that can be applied to the present combination.
While there are many remarkable similarities between the vibrations forming the 2nd and 24th birthdays, the latter, as a multiple digit birthday covers a much wider field of expression. The characteristics of Two personalities are seen in a more exclusive form. The full spectrum of receptive vibrations is built upon the original 2 in an escalating fashion. The 4 is a 2 in double strength on the physical plane. The 6 has the triple strength of the 2 on the mental plane and the 8 contains the fourfold strength of the 2 on the emotional plane. The 8 is more often than not referred to as a double 4. The 24th birthday has the advantage of nearly the full range of receptive vibrations operating in strength on the physical, emotional and mental planes. The power of the Two personality is seen in situations requiring concentrated 2 qualities while the widespread talents of the Twenty-Four can extend over situations demanding versatility. They are the genuine handypersons who are constantly called upon for help by less resourceful people.
The cooperative spirit of the 2 vibration, the practicality of the 4 and the responsible nature and guardianship of the 6 combine to make the Twenty-Four an eminently acceptable helpmate to a Two Partner. Any sort of behaviour associated with noise, sudden changes and speed that disturb the peaceful nature of the Two is not found in the Twenty-Four. They go about their work and other affairs with a quiet air of efficiency and dedication. While the Two has no safeguard against emotional injury and spontaneous emotional expression, the Twenty-Four’s emotions are held in control by the physical and mental vibrations which have a firm grip on the personality. Unlike the Two, the Twenty-Four does not get emotionally involved in whatever they experience. As a result, they do not take offence easily and are able to contain their reactions, and approach and overcome problems that may seem insurmountable to a Two.
Twenty-Fours are not overly confident or egotistic persons. They neither project nor downgrade their self-image, but instead, accept themselves without complaint and display a high degree of consistency in their behaviour. They may, at times, fortify their self-image with stubbornness. They will not be found manipulating others, nor will they let themselves be manipulated. The self-image of the Two is never strong and a habitual underestimation of their talents hinders them from giving out their best. Both personalities can benefit from a positive reinforcement of their self-image from time to time, especially in relation to their dealings with the outside world. The chances are, however, that they may not be able to help each other out when one or the other is in need of a strong boosting of self-confidence.
Authority will usually be shared in this partnership, though emotionally based decisions of the Two partner will be promptly but calmly rejected. The Twenty-Four cannot be hurried into action that is not rational or beneficial. A sudden impulsive and unplanned approach to matters is not in their style of behaviour. They use their great capacity for patience, practical know-how and critical faculties of the mind before making any move. Their decisions consequently carry more weight than those of the Two.
Though the attainment of material wellbeing is dear to both partners, neither of them is strongly competitive or over ambitious. The Twenty-Four has more determination and is able to doggedly forge ahead in pursuit of goals. They enjoy responsibility, choose to play safe and avoid risk and danger. They are not readily receptive to new ideas and changes, and choose familiar procedures rather than involve themselves in innovative schemes. The sensitive Two complements these conservative attitudes perfectly. Domestic ties in both partners are very strong and much of their effort will be directed towards maintaining a happy and comfortable home front. Both possess the capacity to resolve any conflict that may arise between the demands of public life and home life. This is a partnership that will be highly successful in a home-based businesses dealing in food, accommodation and other home related products. The Two will prefer periods away from the workforce with the option of re-entry whenever there is need to do so. The Twenty-Four is better suited for the responsibility of bringing in a steady income.
These partners are moderately extroverted individuals who fit easily into the mores of the community. They merge into social life as part of a group rather than in positions of prominence. Their best expression is displayed in service to local activities. As their tastes are very similar, no conflict of interests or separation will take place in their social life. They will usually be found working contentedly together in the background of activity. As individuals and as a team they will be known for the courtesy, hospitality and willingness to contribute their time and talents towards a variety of social, educational and church events. The combination of their hospitable and genial dispositions makes them splendid hosts and hostesses. Both partners will show an interest in culinary arts.
One of the few areas in which marked differences will be observed between these partners is in their oral expression and general conversation. Twos are good listeners, but they also resort to extended periods of casual conversation purely for the sake of maintaining a line of communication. As natural peacemakers they make courageous attempts to settle conflicts, but when matters go beyond their powers they withdraw from further participation. They avoid involved issues and any that may cause dissension and argument. They also carefully refrain from making any remark or opinion that they imagine may cause hurt or misunderstanding. As a result, the more negatively inclined Twos become rather devious and careless in their use of facts. In spite of those efforts, their irresistible urge to divulge information that comes their way is often the cause of embarrassment and other complications. If permitted to do so, they delight in elaborating details of day-to-day events and especially dwell on the state of their health. The Twenty-Four takes an almost opposite form of expression. They are patient listeners provided conversation is not of an illogical or frivolous nature. They are straightforward in their speech with little or no body language. As their thoughts present themselves in down-to-earth and rational directions they are more concerned with giving out facts than worrying about how they are received. When challenged, they obstinately maintain their point of view by uncompromising argument. The Two partner very seldom offers a challenge, but tries persuasion by quiet words and perhaps a few tears instead. Although Twenty-Four’s do not have the slightest intention of causing pain, their forthright delivery often hurts the Two’s sensitive nature. In spite of the Two’s efforts, there will often be periods of silence between them. The Two recovers quickly from an emotional hurt and endeavours to resume communication, but the Twenty-Four takes more time during which negative emotions are released in physical action. Twos enjoy talking about themselves and their affairs as the 2 vibration belongs to the self-centred trio 1 to 3. Twenty-Fours are more objective and talk less of themselves and more of others as the 4 belongs to the group-centred trio 4 to 6.
Being family oriented people a high regard is held by them for the value of shared experiences. Hence, their leisure time is invariably spent in mutually rewarding pastimes. Most of their hobbies will be home based. The Two partner’s interests in reading, writing and collecting things will be keenly supported by the Twenty-Four, while the latter’s interests in fixing things around the house will receive equal support and encouragement. A mutual love of water will confine most of their outdoor activities to a variety of aquatic sports. They are not people who are prompted by a constant urge to be on the move. Apart from movement within the local scene they are happiest when established and participating in community activities.
The financial position of the partnership will be soundly secured by the efforts of the money conscious and frugal habits of the Twenty-Four. More than any other aspect of life, the Twenty-Four gives considerable thought and hesitation before parting with money. While the Two partner will, on the one hand enjoy the security of good financial management their spending habits will be severely restricted by the Twenty-Four. Twos are generous spenders and can be influenced to part with their money by impulse and sales promotion. They will frequently be caught spending on non-essentials. The Twenty-Four, on the other hand, will not be so persuaded and will be constantly on the look about for bargains and demand full value for money spent.
Both personalities possess considerable personal warmth and a loving relationship can safely be predicted. The Twenty-Four will display an ingrained capacity to act as a guardian and protector and the Two as a helpmate, supporter and collaborator. The feelings of the Two are openly demonstrated, but the Twenty-Four evinces shyness and reticence in showing stronger emotions, especially in the presence of others. While the Two is truly romantic by nature and is most concerned with the delicacies and refinements of personal relations, the Twenty-Four, while retaining an appreciation of the romantic side of life, pays more attention to the practical and rational considerations. On the negative side, the Two is inclined to suffer from periods of melancholy, and the Twenty-Four from spells of moodiness. The Two’s problems may be more frequent, but the Two is able to quickly snap out of these melancholy spells. The Twenty-Four takes a longer time to emerge from their moods. These partners are not always able to help each other during these periods of introversion. As a result progress in their affairs is slowed down. Twos and Twenty-Fours born in the 1st, 10th, 11th and 12th months will possess adequate self-confidence and better self-esteem than those born in months without the 1 vibration. The presence of this vibration is an assurance of a good degree of positivity in the personality. These partners have an excellent chance of establishing a successful relationship. If one partner only is born in one of these months it will be this partner who will take over the authoritative role. The partnership will not arrange itself into one of equality. In a partnership where both partners do not have the 1 vibration in the birth month, the partnership will be weakened by lack of resolution in both.
While unmixed and unfeigned 2 characteristics appear in subjects of the 2nd birthday, a highly complex personality structure is seen in those born on the 25th. Multiple digit birthdays may produce either a personality composed of complementary vibrations which work together as a cohesive whole, or one with contrary vibrations which tend to conflict with one another giving rise to an unpredictable and sometimes volatile nature. The 25th birthday is a good example of the latter. Unhindered by internal conflict, Two personalities produced by the 2nd birthday have, not only greater chances of gaining self-knowledge, but also present themselves to others as understandable personality types. Those associated with them will invariably know how or where they stand. This will not be the case with a Twenty-Five. Not only are others puzzled in their attempts to identify the Twenty-Five as a particular personality type, but Twenty-Fives themselves often have difficulty understanding their own changeable natures. In the Twenty-Five the 2 and 5 vibrations on the emotional plane and the 7 on the physical plane do not mix and mingle in a manner that forms a well-knit personality in whom individual characteristics of these vibrations are evenly integrated. Instead, a loosely linked personality is presented in whom these vibrations coexist more or less independently, and inevitably contest each other for independent expression. This situation explains the paradoxical nature of the average Twenty-Five. The 2 vibration demands constant companionship. The 5 vibration looks for freedom of movement and the 7 seeks solitude. The different images presented by the Twenty-Five are, all too frequently, the source of misunderstanding and confusion. A Two partner, who is at once patient and perceptive, will eventually understand, appreciate and adapt to the changing aspects of the Twenty-Five’s personality. Those not intimately known to them cannot however take their actions and reactions for granted.
Although firmly set on the emotional plane the 2 and 5 vibrations have little in common. The qualities of the former are passive and receptive, and represent a force that attracts to itself most of its needs. The latter is an active and energetic vibration that urges its subjects to go out and get what they want by direct means or by devious means if they are negatively inclined. The 2 aspect of the Twenty-Five personality seeks ease and comfort in the gentle pursuits of life which can be gained without exertion of much physical energy and tense rivalry. The 5 aspect drives them constantly into the expenditure of a great deal of nervous energy in a wide range of physical activity. The only common factor is their emotional background. Here again, their emotions are expressed differently. The 2 aspect is sensitive, not complex, and easily hurt, and induces the personality to blame itself rather than retaliate to injuries or insults, real or imagined. Emotions are released in imaginative pastimes, literature and music. The 5 aspect is highly competitive, rejects defeat, retaliates vigorously and does not indulge in the downgrading of self-esteem. They expend emotion in physical activity and frequent changes of scene.
The 2 and 5 are both extroverted vibrations. Extroversion of the 2 is oriented towards people as a need for company and that of the 5 towards action and movement. People that come their way are incidental. The characteristics of the introverted 7 vibration pull the personality away from constant interaction with people and incessant activity, and demands periods of relaxation and contemplation in natural surroundings or in private study. A detached personal dignity and seriousness counteracts many impulsive and impetuous characteristics of the 2 and 5 vibrations. Thought processes of the Twenty-Five are externalised by the 2 and 5, and internalised by the 7.
Without other distracting features, the one-dimensional Two partner will choose between a few occupational categories and specialise in one. The vastly extended field of awareness, curiosity and versatility of the multi-dimensional Twenty-Five leads them into a multiplicity of roles and sudden changes. Specialisation becomes a problem unless the influence of the specialist 7 vibration is used to overcome their restlessness. While the Twenty-Five is able to handle a complicated pattern of events, the Two becomes agitated when life becomes too varied and demanding. The disposition and lifestyle of the Two is better suited to fit the role requirements of homemaking and parenting. The Twenty-Five is much too restless to take up full-time domestic duties to the exclusion of a variety of public and business activity. They are capable of holding more than one position or running more than one business at any given time. Having a good eye for opportunity, advancement and pleasurable pastimes, they are ready to venture into new occupations and challenges. Twos often react to the unfamiliar with hesitation and are inclined to doubt their capacity to cope with new situations and challenges. They choose conventional roles and pleasures instead.
Twos enjoy social intercourse at a conversational level and are also attracted to types of indoor and outdoor activities that call for rhythmic movement, such as dancing and aquatic sports. The Twenty-Five has a greater need for physical activity, and social intercourse is accepted as part and parcel of their outdoor activities. They are socially more independent. They do not avoid social contacts, nor do they seek them out. The Two is able to participate happily in group activity, but the Twenty-Five prefers more personal freedom. They are basically private people and not the socially active types that others mistakenly take them to be. Though they are certainly not rebels in any way their submission to social rules and regulations may irritate their independent spirit. Social arrangements in this partnership will not remain one-sided or be taken to excess by either party as both look for intermittent periods of quietude. Their entertainment program will arrange itself in a manner that will provide these periods in which both can spend time together away from social life. In the company of people they will seek each other out and enjoy each other’s company rather than avail themselves of the opportunity to stay apart. As both possess considerable personal charm, courtesy and tact, they will always enjoy social popularity as individuals and as a team.
Communication between them will be easy as both have the capacity to express their views and feelings in words and enter into intimate consultation and discussion. As their individual levels of tolerance differ, the Two being the more tolerant personality, the Twenty-Five will be more persistent in argument. However, their peaceful and fair-minded dispositions will prompt them to settle their differences by mutual agreement and concession rather than silently and reluctantly put up with unpleasant habits one may find in the other. At the early stages of their relationship they may surprise each other by the added insight of psychic understanding. Thereafter, their psychic sensitivity will be used as an additional means of communication, especially when they are in the presence of others. Although both parties may be wary of strangers, they will be readily approachable to close friends and loved ones who will never experience difficulty in striking up conversation with either or both partners.
The greater variety of sport and other outdoor pastimes taken up by the energetic and versatile Twenty-Five will not necessarily keep them apart from their Two partners. The generous and adaptable Two will happily concede the extra time required by the Twenty-Five. If they do not actually participate in many of the Twenty-Five’s activities, they will offer them their support and encouragement. As mentioned earlier the Two’s talents are displayed in activities demanding rhythmic and flowing movements. The Twenty-Five is also agile and free from bodily stiffness and is equally good at such activities. Being emotionally close and friendly partners they are certain to extend their togetherness into all their leisure activities.
Money matters will not cause disagreement as both have supportive features in regard to income and expenditure. The 2 vibration, functioning in both partners, gives generosity and fondness for spending as well as the contrary element of concern for their financial security. This creates a good balance in their spending habits. The enterprising 5 vibration in the Twenty-Five will open out several opportunities for making money and in all these ventures the active support of the Two can be depended upon. The basic 7 vibration makes the Twenty-Five an excellent money manager with a sharp eye for good investment.
The 7 vibration within the Twenty-Five may cause some emotional restraint but it will not be strong enough to block all physical show of affection. The demonstrative abilities of the 2 and 5 vibrations combined allow adequate emotional release. The Two partner has not the slightest hindrance to emotional release. Both partners are able to respond to each other’s needs with tenderness and spend time in a private world they make for themselves into which others will not be welcome. The fragile feelings of the sensitive Two cannot be concealed and this may be the source of some irritation to the Twenty-Five. The feelings of the Twenty-Five are as easily disturbed but every effort is made by them to keep their emotions in check. The 7 vibration’s distaste for disclosing emotion is used. This does not always succeed as the Twenty-Five is well known for sudden outbursts of temper. However, they calm down as quickly and do not bear ill will or resentment towards the cause of their outburst. Ongoing quarrels or differences of opinion between these partners will be really exceptional due to their peace loving dispositions. As both hold a deep insight into each others’ inner needs, knowledge and understanding of their fluctuating moods they will also be successful in harmonising their sexual needs. This will be an important factor contributing to overall compatibility.
More information relating to the interaction between the 2, 5 and 7 vibrations in people can be gained from the chapters relating with the 2nd and 2nd, 2nd and 5th and 2nd and 7th birthdays. The most successful partnerships will be formed when both the Two and Twenty-Five are born in the 1st, 10th, 11th or 12th months. These will be positive personalities who will be able to form strong and productive partnerships. If one partner is born in any one of these months, it will be this partner who will take up the decision making role. If neither partner is born in one of these months, the Twenty-Five is likely to take charge through the down-to-earth qualities of the 7 vibration.
Since even numbers or receptive vibrations govern both birthdays, relationships between people born on these days will be formed on the basis of like attracting like. This attraction on the basis of similar dispositions does not take place as frequently as the attraction of opposites. However, when it does happen, particularly with partners having even numbered birthdays, they settle down, with a minimum of adjustments, to a life of tranquillity and unity. This situation is almost certain in the case of couples born on the 2nd and 26th. They are so much alike in their outlook and expectations that their lives begin interlocking at several levels from early stages of their relationship. Using traditional means and avenues of expression their first priority will always be to establish and maintain comfort and security in their lifestyle. They do not, as do people of opposite polarities, go through extended periods of storm and excitement during which they discover, compromise and benefit from each other’s different characteristics and expectations. Their partnership will settle down within certain self-imposed limitations to one of peace and comfort. They may certainly lack the enterprise and flexibility derived from opposite sets of talents.
The Twenty-Six is the product of the simple 2 and the 6 and 8 vibrations. In a relationship with this personality the straightforward Two, born on the 2nd day, is confronted with a partner in whom fundamental 2 qualities exist in a greatly escalated form. The 2 vibration is so intensified in the 6 and 8 that many of its prominent characteristics are unrecognisable at first sight. The 6 vibration is firmly placed on the mental plane and the emotional orientation, so characteristic of the original 2, is replaced by balanced and logical mental attitudes, devoid of emotional interference. Mind has taken over from the emotions. However, all other 2 qualities such as diplomacy, courtesy, kindliness, serenity, domesticity, guardianship, sociability and companionship remain firmly entrenched in the personality. The non-competitive and fair-minded nature of the 2 is also carried over in the 6 vibration. The 8 vibration, though a member of the emotional trio (2, 5 & 8), has several powerful and practical qualities more akin to physically oriented vibrations (1, 4 & 7), which disguise its emotional centre. Some of these qualities, seemingly unrelated to the 2 and 6, are competitiveness, aggression, ambition, authority, leadership, self-assertiveness and organisational and management talents. These qualities found at the fundamental levels of the Twenty-Six are heavily tempered by the milder 2 and 6 qualities, and the emotional centre of the 8 vibration is revealed in indirect ways through enthusiasm and dedication to whatever work they undertake. Heart as well as mind is put into all their efforts. The three vibrations comprising the Twenty-Six do not conflict with one another, but merge easily into a cohesive force, producing an individual with superior characteristics of heart and mind. These intensified qualities will inevitably loom larger than those in the plain Two and introduce what may possibly be seen as the main obstacle these partners will need to overcome when the distribution of authority and responsibility is taken up. In a straight confrontation, Twos are likely to resort to submissive or evasive reactions. The Twenty-Six may unwittingly overshadow, cramp or restrict their Two partners in many ways unless both take particular care to recognise and preserve the Two’s easily overpowered individuality. The Twenty-Six can do so by restraining their enthusiasm for orderliness, punctuality and desire to manage the lives of others. The more easy-going Twos would need to make every effort to be themselves and not always follow, emulate or identify themselves with their Twenty-Six partners. However, these are partners who will instinctively recognise that marital adjustments are a mutual responsibility, and as such, will have no difficulty following a goodwill approach to their problems as well as a willingness to trust each other.
Being strongly home oriented and family minded individuals, neither party will expect or take up an exclusively occupational role, leaving domestic responsibility to the other. Either party is capable of dividing time and talent between domestic and public life. The Twenty-Six, being a many-sided personality will show a greater capacity to cope with extended responsibilities in both areas of life. The partnership can achieve more material progress if this partner takes over the role of breadwinner. Two personalities often feel threatened in an environment filled with aggression, competition and self-seeking attitudes of others. They are also too fond of seeking advice without trusting their own judgments. Their best qualities emerge in non-competitive fields and in the domestic scene. The Twenty-Six may take time to make up their minds but they succeed in making logical and critical evaluations and standing by them. This gives them an advantage over the Two in public affairs.
Twos and Twenty-Sixes are group-oriented people with an uncritical acceptance of conventional values. They reduce their levels of anxiety by holding fast to traditional ways, and gain much pleasure involving themselves in the lives of others with similar attitudes as themselves. Well endowed with all the graces of genteel social interaction they acquire popularity in social circles as good confidants, conversationalists, hosts and hostesses and organisers of all forms of local functions. Although their individual efforts will be considerable they will usually be recognised for their contribution in a team. While holding on to old friendships they are always enthusiastic at the prospect of meeting new people. The Two partner may be somewhat reticent at the first impact with strangers, but they are soon able to be their charming selves under the bolder influence of the more gregarious Twenty-Six.
Being equally good as listeners and talkers, oral communication between them will proceed with the greatest ease. They are good storytellers and will always enjoy an exchange of experiences. Despite a few difficulties arising from emotionally based argument, they will always show a willingness to talk things over and communicate without hostility and distrust. Twos are generally soft spoken, courteous, tactful and circumspect, with free expression of emotion. They avoid argument and will not be found interrupting, interjecting or monopolising conversation. The Twenty-Six has the same refinements of polite conversation but the circumspect approach of the Two is replaced by a direct approach through the influence of the 6 and 8 vibrations. The influence of these forces also makes the Twenty-Six argumentative and intolerant of emotionally based points of view. They refuse to enter discussions that are not rational and of some material benefit. The Two partner will sooner or later yield to the clearer reasoning faculties of the Twenty-Six and trust their judgment rather than engage in verbal duelling.
The need for shared experiences, both in action and in speech, is one of the strongest traits common in both partners. Not only will domestic responsibilities be amicably interchanged, but leisure activities and hobbies will be shared by them. On the few occasions when one partner may temporarily choose some independent interest, the other will not feel isolated, resentful or restless. Generosity and understanding will be shown. Both will be aware that home and family ties are too strong to keep either one interested in a self-centred direction for too long. Indoor interests such as cooking, home maintenance and decoration, home entertainment, music, dancing, literature, psychic investigation and spiritual healing will be among many activities that will hold a stronger attraction than outdoor interests. The 2 vibration’s penchant for collecting things exists in both partners. Profit as well as pleasure can be gained if this is encouraged. In the outdoor arena they share a mutual love of water and all sorts of activities associated with a large body of water.
Caution and deliberation is shown in all financial and other business matters by subjects of the 6 vibration and the 8 vibration produces astute and successful money managers. The Twenty-Six will therefore measure all things in monetary terms and automatically assume responsibility for all the business affairs of the partnership. Twos, who often suffer from an unaccountable anxiety over money matters, will gladly surrender this responsibility. Unwise spending habits caused by the Two’s openheartedness and impressionability will be checked when a Twenty Six has influence over expenditure.
Genuine sentimentalists are found among straight Two personalities. They will readily subordinate material gain for romance, tenderness and warmth in their intimate lives. Allied to a Twenty-Six partner, they may enjoy the best of both aspects of life. Though the Twenty-Six is certainly not as sentimental, and may not display their emotional needs as openly as the Two, they have the same desire and need for loving attention, peace, kindliness and tranquillity in their intimate lives. The Two’s efforts to establish an environment of warmth will be understood and supported. Compatibility between Twos and Twenty-Sixes will not be too dissimilar to that between Twos and Twos, Twos and Sixes and Twos and Eights. The chapters on the 2nd and 2nd, 2nd and 6th and 2nd and 8th birthdays will provide further useful information.
The strongest partnerships will be formed when both Twos and Twenty-Sixes are born in the 1st, 10th, 11th or 12th months. These will be positive personalities, able to make independent contributions to the partnership. If one partner is born in one of these months, the decision making role will sooner or later devolve on this partner. If neither of them is born in one of these months, they will be too dependent on each other to make much real progress in the material sense.
A one digit birthday provides a single major facet to the personality of an individual. The numbers of the birth month and birth year provide the minor facets. A multiple digit birthday, on the other hand, has a trinity of major facets as well as the minor ones. A cursory glance at the 2nd and 27th birthdays shows a mismatch in terms of a variety of personality facets. The 2nd birthday is exclusively controlled by receptive characteristics of the single 2 vibration, while the Twenty-Seventh has, in addition to the 2, the active qualities of the comprehensive 7 and 9 vibrations.
As the fixed numerological grid indicates, the 2 vibration is the first of the emotional trio 2, 5 & 8, and the second of the self-centred trio 1, 2 & 3. As a result, pure Two personalities are emotionally oriented and tend towards pre-occupation with their own personality. This pre-occupation is overcome to a large extent if they are kept busy with other attractions and duties. In the Twenty-Seven these characteristics are obscured to a large extent by the 7 vibration on the physical plane and the 9 on the mental plane. Thought processes of subjects of the 7 and 9 are projected out of themselves, out of parochial limitations into the phenomenal world at large and the non-phenomenal world. Despite operation on different planes of expression, the three vibrations forming the Twenty-Seven are not in conflict with each other. The majority of their characteristics are, in fact, complementary. This saves the Twenty-Seven from much internal conflict and assists in achieving proper direction in life. Unlike the sensitive Two, they are able to view and handle events with a greater degree of personal detachment. The basic difference between them is the subjective outlook of the Two and the greater objectivity of the Twenty-Seven.
There is no doubt that Twos and Twenty-Sevens will be attracted to each other. They will do so not only on the basis of the natural attraction of active and receptive vibrations, but also from a remarkable number of harmonising characteristics present in the 2, 7 and 9 vibrations. A quaint blending of personality traits will take place between this pair. The Two partner, with unqualified and spontaneous 2 qualities such as adaptability, self-sacrifice, agreeability, consideration and generosity will have little difficulty accommodating to the more complex ways of the Twenty Seven. Characteristics such as crudeness, vulgarity, violence, cruelty, tension and speed which inhibit the genteel and sensitive nature of the Two are not found in the Twenty-Seven. A cultural and spiritual overtone existing in everything the Twenty-Seven says and does evokes the best positive responses from the Two. Twenty-Sevens, for their part, will soon discover that they have chosen sentimental companions and to the degree they accommodate themselves to this idiosyncrasy, will they receive the support of one of the most companionable and helpful of all partners. The introvert or semi-recluse tendencies of the 7 vibration and the extrovert and international outlook of the 9 are built into the single individual having the 27th birthday. The 7 aspect is inclined towards private self-development and the retention of revealed knowledge to themselves, while the 9 aspect goes public in all activities with a keen desire to spread knowledge. The flexible 2 vibration within the Twenty-Seven has qualities that adapt to and support both aspects and bring about a satisfactory balance between the two. To this extent and in this respect one may suspect a degree of inconsistency within the personality of the Twenty-Seven. The outer person and first impressions generally give out 7 and 2 qualities of aloofness and reflective manners, while extroverted and broad horizons of the 9 vibration supported by other aspects of the 2 hold firm control over fundamental levels of the Twenty-Seven. Unfortunately, many active 9 characteristics are held back by self-diminishing attitudes. This is a problem found within the Two partner as well. Both partners need each other’s support in raising their self-image to fairer levels as their potential far exceeds their belief in themselves. They could do with some of the driving force and ego-lifting traits of the 1 vibration.
Combative, competitive, aggressive and self-assertive qualities which usually promote rapid success in public life are not found in strength in either of these personalities. Quality of life, especially in a non-material sense, is more important to them than the constant pursuit of power and material gain. They are better suited for the professions than the competitive world of business. Though both are capable of gaining high distinction in these largely non-competitive fields, neither of them will neglect family responsibility for professional advancement. Both have a strong attachment to home and family. It is likely that the Two will willingly assume the greater share of day-to-day domestic affairs as the desire of this partner for a life of ease, quietude and security is stronger than the need for involvement in a variety of activity. The influence of the knowledge-seeking 7 and 9 vibrations in the Twenty-Seven may direct this partner into specialisation in whatever field of employment they may undertake. People subject to these vibrations are not really domesticated but will always have a strong attachment to home as a place where they can confidently expect peace. Negative Twos will be too dependent on their Twenty-Seven partners for day-to-day decisions and will therefore involve them in more than their share of domestic responsibility.
There is a paradoxical element in the social needs of these partners. On the one hand, both have a natural fondness for mingling with people of their own genteel dispositions, and on the other hand, neither of them can cope with uncontrolled or disorganised social involvement. Both look for planned periods of quietude and privacy in each other’s company. In the presence of others there is a reserved manner characteristic of both partners. They are keen listeners and observers who avoid the centre of attention. Two personalities, especially, fear loneliness, and need the presence of their partners during the periods they spend away from social contact. They become agitated if left alone at home for too long, or in the company of strangers. Their shyness easily isolates them in unknown company as they will not move around or make the initial move to get to know people. They are usually content to remain as part of a familiar group. The Twenty-Seven, on the other hand is able to enjoy periods of solitude, especially in natural surroundings, and does not feel lost when they find themselves in the company of strangers. As they are so much alike in their basic attitudes these slight differences in manner do not harm the social life of these partners. They are actually quite solicitous of each other in company. The Two’s fear of being left alone will not eventuate with a Twenty-Seven partner. The most enduring quality they have in common is their value of human relations over the struggle that comes with acquiring material possessions and power. They are attentive not only to their own relationship but also to their kinship with others.
Both partners have rich emotional natures. Twos satisfy their emotions through involvement in the lives of family members, through fantasy, romance and intimate conversation. The Twenty-Seven does so through aesthetic pursuits such as poetry, music, art and esoteric spiritual activities. The emotions of the Two, which are always on the surface, are allowed to run freely, while those of the Twenty-Seven are held in check by the down-to-earth aspects of the 7 vibration and mentally oriented aspects of the 9. As they constantly strive to keep their emotions from exceeding what may be regarded as acceptable limits of expression, Twenty-Sevens may be classed as more emotionally mature than their Two counterparts. The winsome manner of the Two stands out in contrast to an aloof and poised stance natural to the Twenty-Seven. The differences in their emotional natures are reflected in oral expression and body language. Twos, for instance, understand and appreciate the volume of communication that could be made through the sense of touch, and so habitually use this means with loved ones. The Twenty-Seven is not unresponsive to this form of expression and may often initiate it themselves.
Oral communication between them will always be easy with the Two given to more emotionally expressive words and phrases. The voices of these partners will always be toned down and free from crude and egoistic speech. Arguments will be extremely rare due to their conciliatory and flexible natures. Left on their own they are not excessive talkers as they not only use body language to communicate but also make use of strong psychic and intuitive links. They become more talkative under the stimulation of the lively company of friends.
As Two personalities take delight in companionship in everything they do they will expect their Twenty-Seven partners to join them in their hobbies and other leisure activities. The Twenty-Seven will not feel under pressure to do so as things that interest the Two such as music, literature, dancing, group entertainment and sporting activities that do not include body contact and fierce competition, will also interest them. Many Twenty-Sevens interest themselves in the pursuit of abstract knowledge. Twos may not proceed as deeply as their partners, but will certainly offer support and encouragement in this direction. The Twenty-Seven will avoid their Two partners during their leisure periods only if the Twos are excessively negative and expose a nagging disposition which is characteristic of the negative side of these personalities. If the three vibratory forces comprising the Twenty-Seven are separated and considered independently, their compatibility with a Two partner will not be too different to the compatibility to be found between a Two and an integral Twenty-Seven. The chapters on the 2nd and 2nd, 2nd and 7th and 2nd and 9th birthdays will provide much useful information, not only in their hobbies and spare-time activities, but also in all other aspects of their relationship.
The generous and compassionate qualities found in both partners will have a significant influence on their money spending habits. Both parties will need to exercise constant care to prevent too many inroads into their financial reserves as a result of impulsive action. Though the 7 vibration within the Twenty-Seven provides good financial acumen, the powers of the liberal 2 and 9 vibrations will often override the caution given by the 7aspect of the personality. The support of a money-wise vibration such as a 1, 4, 6 or 8 in the birth month or other significant area of the numerological chart in either one or both individuals in the partnership will be needed to ensure continuous financial security.
The feelings of the Twenty-Seven are not as often hurt as those of the Two on account of the reasoning powers of the 7 and the wisdom of the 9. The Twenty-Seven’s feelings run much deeper and any injuries received will remain much longer. Twos have no protection against their sensitivity and are hurt easily, but they overcome their emotional injuries much sooner. These differences will be observed in their intimate lives. However, these are not personalities who intentionally or callously cause psychological or emotional pain to their partners. Also, base physical behaviour is alien to both. Strong currents of romance and refinement influence their physical relations. The Twenty Seven will certainly be the more passionate partner while the Two will be the more sentimental partner.
The most successful partnerships will emerge when both are born in the 1st, 10th, 11th, or 12th months. An equal division of authority and responsibility will take place as both will be positive personalities able to make use of their full potential. If one partner is born in one of these months, greater responsibility will evolve on this partner. If neither partner has the activator 1 vibration in the birth month they will both suffer from poor self-esteem and not make full use of their potential.
At first glance these birthdays appear to be governed entirely by even numbers or receptive vibrations. However, closer examination will reveal that at fundamental levels this is a combination of opposites. The 2nd day of any month brings out a personality with easily recognisable receptive qualities of the 2 vibration. The vibratory structure of those born on the 28th, however, is not as readily identifiable. When the multiple number of this day is reduced to a single digit (2+8=10=1) we find that this birthday produces a One personality. Twenty-Eights are nevertheless qualified One personalities on account of the undeniable influence of the 2 and 8 vibrations. Consequently, the relationship between a Two and a Twenty-Eight will not be quite the same as that between a Two and a straightforward One, born on the 1st or 10th day of any month. However, reference to the chapters relating to their compatibilities will provide good background knowledge for appreciating the current combination.
The most conspicuous difference between the personality of a Twenty-Eight/One and the straightforward One arises from the emotional plane. The Twenty-Eight is fortified by two strong emotional vibrations, namely the 2 and 8. This gives the personality ample emotional expression and emotional accessibility. However, negative aspects of emotionalism will appear if emotional numbers 2, 5, or 8 appear in the birth month. The down-to-earth 1 vibration has control over the integral personality, but this remains in the background of the personality and has to be evoked from time to time to control emotion.
The Two will find in the Twenty-Eight the underlying strength of character all Twos look for in their partners before they are themselves able to use their full potential. This strength of character in the Twenty-Eight is provided, not only by the basic 1 vibration, but also by the powerful 8 vibration. Subjects of these two vibrations have a good deal in common, with differences observable only in technique and procedure. Some comparable traits are authority, leadership, willpower, determination, ambition, self-reliance and self-assertiveness, all of which are directed to the pursuit of power and the acquisition of material wealth. In addition, the egoistic drive of the 1 is also found in the 8 but this is tempered by a broader outlook, sensitivity and high sense of justice. The receptive qualities of the 8 are at a high evolutionary stage and are rather deceptive, insofar as they bear greater resemblance to the original 1 than to other receptive vibrations. There is however a refinement and roundness that is developed in the 8 which is not found in the pure 1. The 2 vibration in the Twenty-Eight should not be forgotten as it constantly tempers the forms of aggression found in the 1 and 8 vibrations. The presence of these strong qualities in the foreground as well as the background of a single individual makes the Twenty-Eight a potentially superior personality. The Two partner who, by nature, prefers to follow up and support action initiated by others, will gladly take shelter, as it were, under the resourceful and energetic Twenty-Eight, and within this shelter display the best supportive and collaborative qualities of the 2 vibration. The Two may find the presence of the Twenty-Eight somewhat overshadowing but not necessarily restrictive. The Twenty-Eight partner, on the other hand, will undoubtedly depend on the personal sacrifice and backing of the Two in order to arrive anywhere near achievement of their high ambition.
Most Twenty-Eights come well equipped for the hustle and bustle of public life. In addition to the outgoing positive characteristics mentioned earlier, the 8 and 1 vibrations are among the strongest in competition, rivalry, survival against odds and also in organisation, administration, planning and in relentless effort towards fulfilment of ambition. Motivated by these powerful resources the Twenty-Eight is ideally suited for life in the business world. On the other hand, a Twenty-Eight who undertakes domestic duties will run a well organised, well disciplined and financially sound home. However, this partner may not be personally fulfilled when confined to domestic duties. Such responsibilities which use up the energy resources of most homemakers will not absorb all those of a Twenty-Eight. There will be quite an overflow of energy seeking action outside the domestic scene. With the 1 and 8 vibrations, to think is to act, and the Twenty-Eight’s constant mental creations need ample scope for independent expression. The Two/Twenty-Eight partnership will have greater stability, harmony and success if the Twenty-Eight is the principal income earner. Although the Two can achieve success and acquire fame in a variety of occupations, they are not as decisive, strong-willed and self-reliant as the Twenty-Eight. Almost all Twos will happily accept the leadership of a Twenty-Eight partner in regard to work and money matters while they assume control of household responsibilities. If both partners happen to be professionally qualified and engaged in full-time employment, they will still be capable of organising domestic responsibilities between themselves. The 2 vibration shared by both parties provides the spirit of cooperation.
None of the forces governing these personalities tend towards social rebellion, bohemianism or socially unconventional attitudes. Both become integrated in the established social order. They are mildly extroverted persons whose sensitivity plays an important part, not only in their personal relations, but also in their social behaviour. Both are more conscious than others whether they are welcome or not in any social gathering or whether any gathering suits their fragile sentiments. Twos are more dependent on companionship and social intercourse than their Twenty-Eight partners. They tend to value human relations more than material possessions. Twenty-Eights are more socially independent and so do not seek out the society of others. Often the company they keep is connected with their business or public life. They place a higher priority on the pursuit of success, power and possessions than on nurturing friendships. The Two’s sensitivity adds many stresses to their lives often misleading them into wrong interpretation of the conduct and motives of others. Not having great faith in their own judgments they also tend to seek approval of their own behaviour. The Twenty-Eight, on the other hand, has little time for approval seeking and does not feel the need to explain themselves, as Twos often do. Though not intentionally hurtful, Twenty-Eights instinctively trust their judgments and hold honesty to be more important than tact and diplomacy. They are able to stand on their own feet and not model their behaviour on standards set by others. Twos are fond of identifying themselves with strong personalities, and Two partners will be well advised to emulate this self-assured aspect of the Twenty-Eight.
Unlike all straightforward Ones, the Twenty-Eights are able to verbalise their feelings and join with their partners in communicating through the spoken word as well as the written word. With this combined method of communication a Two/Twenty-Eight partnership will enjoy an intimacy that will be the envy of many other couples. Neither partner will be tongue-tied when faced with emotionally complex issues. Though many of their discussions relating to mundane matters may be emotionally charged, practical solutions will eventually be provided by the Twenty-Eight partner. Communication between them is also facilitated by rich body language and unspoken thoughts. Their sensitivity opens further means of understanding and communication through extrasensory perception of each other’s needs. The body language of the Two is often defensive and apologetic while the gestures and facial expressions of the Twenty-Eight are animated, decisive and authoritative. Although these partners have no difficulty communicating with each other they cannot be classed as vibrant and interesting conversationalists in social circles. Being only mildly extroverted and sensitive natured they do not seek prominence in general conversation. Much of the Twenty-Eight’s authority and self-assurance is expended in public life and a considerably mellowed aspect of this personality is seen in social activity. They are quite gracious when things are going their way but without hurtful intention, they could still be forthright when opposed or contradicted. Twos are natural listeners and observers. They are pleasant and warm personalities who keep their conversation to a person to person basis. On rare occasions only will they venture to take in a group of persons.
As the spirit of competition is strong in the Twenty-Eight, this partner will be involved in many competitive recreational activities. Mere participation will not be sufficient. They will always be determined to win and often become despondent and self-critical when they fail to do so. For Two personalities, participation can be an end in itself. They usually avoid highly competitive games and take up activities that do not call for heavy physical contact. In spite of these different attitudes, these partners will carry their spirit of togetherness into their leisure activities. Rather than demand personal freedom, these are personality types who, within reason, will choose to enjoy their recreation together. Although the Twenty-Eight will generally be the outdoor partner and the Two the indoor partner, they will find many mutually acceptable outlets for joint participation. For instance, all water sports and all forms of dancing will attract both partners.
The underlying power of the money conscious 1 vibration within the Twenty-Eight will, without doubt, be the guiding influence on the financial side of this partnership. Subjects of this vibration demand full value for the money they give out. They are not influenced by sales promotion, but go after the best bargains they can get and invariably succeed in obtaining them. In addition, the 8 vibration provides advanced expertise in money management and investment. Subjects of the 1 and 8 vibrations do not rely on ‘luck’ or good fortune They do not gamble or take uncalculated risks, but set about the accumulation of money through their own efforts. They have practical, self-reliant and energetic business minds that create opportunity for advancement. A good deal of forethought and planning goes into the many bold steps they take in this direction. In their personal relations they are generous and subject to a degree of impulsive action through the combined influences of the emotional aspects of the 2 and 8 vibrations. However, there is a safeguard against excess from the 1 vibration. Furthermore, there are aspects of both the 1 and 8 vibrations which do not accept or give handouts but would themselves accept and offer others the opportunity to stand on their own feet and work for their needs. The Twenty-Eight’s well balanced approach to money matters will be a good foil for the Two partner’s unprotected money sense. Twos have to depend on other areas of influence for strengthening their capacity to spend judiciously. Though the Two personality looks for financial security and often suffers anxiety in regard to their financial position, they are at the same time easily influenced to part with their money.
On the whole, the Twenty-Eight personality accepts personal responsibility for their happiness and material welfare. Twos are dependent on their partners to provide a setting for a peaceful and secure lifestyle (some to an alarming degree). They do not, of course, sit back while their partners do the needful, but in a potentially successful set-up they enthusiastically enter into their full share and often assume more of the responsibility. The Two needs someone who is a support, confidant and ultimate decision maker. These requirements will be fulfilled by a Twenty-Eight partner and result in bringing out the best Two characteristics and talents. As these partners do not suffer communication problems they will not be found operating at cross-purposes. Being emotionally warm personalities, the physical aspect of their intimate lives should be compatible. Their sensitivity may give rise to frequent petty misunderstandings, but these will be quickly overcome as neither partner is capable of keeping up an ongoing argument or difference of opinion. No doubt, there will be a greater degree of compliance on the part of the peace loving Two partner. At the same time the high sense of fairness and justice of the Twenty-Eight prevents them from taking advantage of the Two’s over-compliant nature. A goodwill and trustful approach by one will automatically evoke an appropriate response from the other.
The closest and strongest relationships will be formed when both partners are born in the 1st, 10th, 11th and 12th months. The 1 vibration in the birth month will ensure positive attitudes in the Two partner and give added strength to the Twenty-Eight. The partnership will be equally successful if only the Two partner is born in one of these months. Twenty-Eights can stand on their own feet without the presence of a 1 vibration in the month. A Two who is born in any other month will be much more dependent on their Twenty Eight partners.
A good deal of boldness is needed to suggest that people born on these birthdays hold a natural attraction for each other. An even greater degree of courage is needed to forecast the extent of success they could achieve in a long-term or permanent relationship. The problem faced is the absence of exchangeable characteristics so that each could benefit from the other’s qualities. There are more vibrations in these birthdays with polarities that repel or render themselves ineffective than those with magnetic attraction needed for growth and productivity. The clear-cut Two personality born on the 2nd day has distinguishable and predictable 2 characteristics based on an emotional and ego-centred structure. Many subjective actions and reactions resulting from this self-consciousness can be self-restricting and to some extent, burdensome in a relationship with a generally objective and open-minded personality. The ego-centredness of the Two takes to the passive nature of a receptive vibration rather than that of the ego pushing habits of an active vibration.
The 29th day produces a complicated personality structure. The complexity of the personality becomes apparent when seen in relation to the straightforward Two partner. In the first instance, the outer personality of the Twenty-Nine is governed by the 2 and 9 vibrations. The emotional aspects of the 2 retain a strong hold on the personality, but the ego-centred and parochial aspects are transformed by the comprehensive 9 vibration into an altruistic and worldwide mode of thought. Secondly, in many Twenty-Nines the transformation is speeded up and maintained at a high vibratory rate by the underlying master vibration 11. The number 29 is reduced as follows: 2 + 9 = 11 = 2. In many cases the reduction ceases at the master vibration and the inner or basic personality is considered in terms of this master vibration. In others, this aspect of the personality may be considered in terms of a strong 2. This is not the original 2 vibration but one that is derived from an 11. As such, it has inherited many active qualities of the double 1. The social and cultural background of the Twenty-Nine must be considered to determine whether the master vibration or the 2 is to be applied. The individual could more often than not, fluctuate between the 11 and the 2. Whatever approach is used, the complexity of the integral Twenty-Nine as compared to the straightforward Two partner becomes clearly evident.
The expanded consciousness of the Twenty-Nine follows a more emancipated mode of thought, and is often the cause of a higher incidence of personal problems among many younger individuals when they feel the impact of the established order of society. The complexity of their personality structure creates confusion, restlessness and defective self-understanding. In other words, they go through an identity crisis. When the early stages of maturity have been reached they usually free themselves from many environmental restrictions. Taking greater charge of their lives, they proceed to convert their ideals to practical form. Most mature Twenty-Nines also become aware of a spiritual destination to be reached and, in accordance with their background, make assorted efforts to do so. Their partners inevitably have a difficult time during the uncertain earlier years, and Two partners, who of all people need an established lifestyle in order to flourish, may suffer most of all. At the later stages of the Twenty Nine’s development the Two partner will be obliged to follow the many schemes and changes in the Twenty-Nine’s lifestyle. These are not dominant or autocratic personalities, but an in-depth involvement in their personal schemes carries them on a crest of a wave, as it were. They unconsciously include others in their line of thought and are consequently disillusioned if they find their partners are not on level with their ideals. Although their enthusiasm for particular projects may not last, their partners usually have no alternative but to join them or lead independent lives. The Two personality is not equipped to live an independent life and will inevitably follow the lead of the Twenty-Nine. Twenty-Nines are able to take new experiences as they come, without pondering over them. Their Two partners let too many imaginative fears interfere with their reactions and performance. The Two personality, influenced by the low frequency 2 vibration, will always have difficulty keeping up with the high frequencies of the vibration comprising the Twenty-Nine. A break up of the vibrations forming the 29th day and the Two’s relationship with each, is found in the chapters dealing with the 2nd and 2nd, 2nd and 9th, and 2nd and 11th birthdays. A perusal of these chapters will provide some guidance towards understanding the 2nd and 29th combinations discussed here.
The emotional orientation of both parties is manifestly the biggest drawback in this combination. As the heart governs their actions and reactions for the most part, down-to-earth attitudes, so necessary for efficiency in practical living, will not be contributed to any appreciable degree by either party. The emotionalism of the Two partner is largely predictable and definable, and to some extent manageable. Due to the interaction of complex vibrations within the single personality, that of the Twenty-Nine is unpredictable. The enigmatic nature of the Twenty-Nine will be a problem not only to a Two partner but to a partner of any other personality type.
Both the Two and Twenty-Nine are prone to marked variations in mood and seldom find themselves in a position to help each other during their emotional highs and lows. Their individual levels of tolerance also differ considerably. Those of the Two are usually passive, defensive and complaining, while the Twenty-Nine could be fiery, assertive and decisive. They are seldom able to contain anger in the face of frustration. However, Twenty-Nines show a quick recovery after their flare-ups and the capacity to look back and see the humorous side of most situations.
The Twenty-Nine will, no doubt, assume a larger portion of responsibility for decision making. Though not strictly business minded, they will nevertheless take up the business affairs of the partnership. This partner has the greater capacity and need to function in the world at large. Despite physical and emotional repercussions from frustration and intolerance in their relations with others, they revel in the mainstream of public life, and display considerable resilience in coping with their public responsibilities. The resilience of the Two is also extensive, but is generally confined to domestic life. They find contentment in a home environment due to a constitutional aversion to the tension and turmoil of competitive public life.
Egoistical attitudes are foreign to the nature of these partners. On the contrary, both may suffer a general tendency to evaluate themselves poorly. Although their sensitivity is one of their greatest assets, the over-development or over-emphasis of this quality makes them self-critical and vulnerable to psychological hurts. In family affairs and in social life the Two partner usually falls in with the wishes of others and takes the trouble to please them. Twenty-Nines are no different except when they are engaged in one of their pet schemes. These are socially popular partners who are more interested in good human relations than in seeking material advantages from their social contacts. Neither partner is able to cope with loneliness. When deprived of one another’s company they will seek the comfort of friends and relations. The degree of extroversion exhibited by them is directly related to the vibratory structure of their personalities. Both recoil from any form of grossness in people. They easily drop into place in social circles of their choice. The Two does so in an unobtrusive manner and stays as a welcome member of a group. The Twenty-Nine has greater social mobility and makes a wider impact on the social scene. They are able to handle and take pleasure from a greater variety of personality types. Both partners will be well known for their generosity and hospitality. Here again, they may not be able to protect each other when unscrupulous persons take advantage of their good nature and impressionability.
Non-competitive sporting activities will attract both partners. Indoor games will be more attractive to them than outdoor sport. However, both will enjoy holidays by the sea due to the 2 vibration’s strong attraction to water. The Twenty-Nine has an urge to travel and uses such occasions for cultural development. Positive Twos are ideal travelling companions, while negative Twos may be inclined to be complaining, fussy and lacking in the spirit of adventure. Both partners possess a keen psychic sense which can be converted into non-verbal or telepathic communication between themselves. They may also experience sudden insights into the inner side of life without having recourse to reasoning. Their oral communication will be gentle and refined. Whenever a difference of opinion arises, they will be prepared to talk things over. However, if matters get out of control, the Two may resort to tears and the Twenty-Nine to high-pitched tones and to some degree of violence, in order to rid themselves of frustration. Violence usually takes the form of throwing things about and not physical assault. They may also react by retreating deep within themselves.
These are personality types that do not demand time of their own, or take up hobbies in which their partners cannot participate in one form or another. The Two vibration’s gathering nature exists in both, but the Two partner will be the one to concentrate on a collection of some sort. The Twenty-Nine is subject to many distractions and can only be depended upon for support and encouragement. Other connecting interests will be found in the 2 vibration’s attraction to literature, music, dancing, preventative medicine, various forms of healing and psychic investigation. By and large, these partners will find more things in common in their hobbies than in other aspects of their relationship.
Money problems will be created by both partners. Neither party possesses much financial acumen. Their capacity for spending is greater than their desire and ability to make and save money. More will be spent on food, drink, clothing and medical expenses than is really necessary. The 2 vibration’s saving habits are overcome by impressionability, generosity, impulsive buying and a desire to keep up with standards of others. The Two partner will certainly suffer anxiety in regard to their financial position. Optimism is not one of the strong qualities of the 2 vibration. The Twenty-Nine, on the other hand, does not share this anxiety. The 9 vibration, helped by the underlying 11, while recognising the need for money, has a certain indifference and disdain for the accumulation and attachment to money and as a result provides an optimistic outlook. The absence of financial stability creates greater personal insecurity in the Two but much less in the Twenty-Nine.
The free-flowing emotions of both partners will be the source of constant complications and grief in their intimate lives. While demonstration of affection by the Two remains fairly even, the Twenty-Nine’s reciprocity cannot always be taken for granted. Both personalities are subject to fluctuations in mood. They are regularly influenced by the phases of the moon, experiencing their highs during full moon and waxing moon, and their lows at the waning of the moon. However, the Twenty-Nine, due to its complex nature, reaches higher highs and lower lows than the Two is capable of. Two partners will certainly find themselves isolated when the Twenty-Nines go into a form of psychological recession. They are quite inaccessible in this state. The Two, who is unable to face loneliness, will suffer much during these turns. Upon recovery, the Twenty-Nine is usually carried on a wave of enthusiasm into a feverish state of activity. This too could place a strain on the placid nature of the Two partner who resents too much variation in their lifestyle. Both partners openly reveal their vulnerable feelings and become engrossed in their own introspection to an extent that they are not able to help each other. The fact remains that the rise and fall of the Two’s emotional levels and the volatile emotions of the Twenty-Nine do not complement each other, and this inconsistency will always have a negative influence in their intimate lives. Seldom will one be found in a receptive mood when the other is in an active one.
Twos and Twenty-Nines who are born in the 1st, 10th, 11th and 12th months have their emotional fluctuations under a fair measure of control by the practical 1 vibration. These personalities have a better chance of succeeding in a relationship than those with emotional or mental vibrations in their birth month. If one of the partners is born in one of these months, practical values will be brought into the partnership by this partner. If both partners are born in the 3rd, 6th or 9th months their emotional and mental orientation will create several problems in the practical side of life. Constant emotional turbulence can be expected if both parties are born in the 2nd, 5th or 8th months. The chances of success recede considerably in these combinations.
As many as four days of the month are responsible for producing what is known as a Three personality. These days are the 3rd, 12th, 21st and 30th. Three personalities fall into two categories, namely, the qualified Threes, born on the 12th and 21st, and the straightforward Threes, born on the 3rd and 30th. The straightforward Threes may be regarded as fraternal twins, but not as identical twins, as the presence of the Zero in the 30th day tends to emphasise the qualities of the 3 vibration. This also applies to the1and 2 vibrations in the case of the 10th and 20th birthdays. The emphasis is seen in the positive as well as negative aspects of the particular vibration. An essentially positive Thirty will therefore display 3 characteristics in a more noticeable manner than an essentially positive Three. Negative 3 qualities will also be emphasised in a generally negative Thirty. The chapter relating to the 2nd and 3rd birthdays covers the present Two/Thirty combination, but the intensifying qualities of the Zero should be kept in mind.
A Thirty born in the 1st, 10th, 11th or 12th month is backed up by the self-reliant 1 vibration and has therefore the potential to evoke the best qualities of the 3 vibration. The mentally oriented 3 is supported by the down-to-earth qualities of the 1. A partnership with a Two, especially a Two born in one of the same months, will be most successful due to the interaction in a positive manner of the opposite polarities of their birthdays. The practical talents of the 4 and 7 vibrations also provide good chances of success for those born in the 4th and 7th months. However, a lack of self-confidence may prevent many latent positive qualities being used.
A Thirty born in the 3rd, 6th or 9th months will be overloaded on the mental side. Emotional expression will be restricted and practical ability very limited. Both partners will expect to be taken care of in the emotional and practical aspects of life and will disappoint each other. The partnership will be disorganised and financially unsound. Negative characteristics will exceed positive ones in the case of a Thirty born in the 2nd, 5th and 8th months. An inferiority complex will be displayed by an inflated ego devoted to self-publicity. A Two partner’s concerns will be given very little attention.
Interaction between a straightforward Two personality and a qualified Four personality will be seen in this combination. Their relationship will be the same as that between a Two and another qualified Four, namely an individual born on the 13th day of any month. It should be noted that the influence of the 3 vibration is slightly stronger in the Thirty-One than in the Thirteen, as it appears first, but this does not make any appreciable difference in their interaction with a Two personality.
The chapter on 2nd and 13th birthdays should be consulted.
The principal factor motivating a Two personality is the need for companionship, and accompanying this need are many accommodating qualities which make a positive Two one of the most desirable and helpful partners to have in any form of relationship or association. Some of these qualities are cooperation, patience, adaptability, compliance, courtesy, gallantry, charm, diplomacy, hospitality and open-heartedness. Although the Two personality is governed entirely by a passive vibration they are able to adapt to and succeed in a relationship with persons influenced by either active or passive vibrations.
People, on the one hand, are attracted to one another on the basis of their similarity, on the other hand they are attracted on the basis of the extent to which they lack certain qualities and find them in each other. In a Two’s relationship with another who is also the subject of a passive birthday, peace and tranquillity will prevail, but much progress will not be made due to the absence of the driving forces of active vibrations, such as aggression, self-assurance, ambition and enterprise. A relationship with a subject of an active birthday will be a combination of opposite polarities which will produce a healthy exchange of talent. Such a partnership will be progressive and productive as soon as their different talents and idiosyncrasies have been recognised and put into best use. In a partnership with a Sixteen the Two meets the best of both alternatives as the Sixteen is a mixture of the active 1 and 7 vibrations and the passive 6 vibration. While not reducing the motive power of the 1 and 7, the 6 introduces many splendid passive characteristics into the integral personality, such as domesticity, guardianship and the ability to slow down and enjoy the good things of life in the mental, physical and spiritual fields. The Sixteen is basically a Seven personality and is easily recognised by the predominantly active qualities of the combined 1 and 7. These forces will be attracted to the magnetism of the pure Two personality. Once the Two and Sixteen get together they will not take long to reach a fruitful and harmonious relationship, as between these partners there are no vibrations that stand out in direct conflict with each other. They are either complementary or sympathetic to one another. The immediate and possibly the most difficult problem these partners face will arise from the emotional orientation of the Two on the one hand, and the combined physical and mental orientation of the Sixteen on the other. The heart controls the Two and consequently sentiment overshadows their thoughts and actions, while the mind and reason govern the Sixteen. As a result of the contrast in their temperaments they view and experience the world quite differently. The Two is also egocentric in thought and faces the world not only from an emotional centre but habitually relates all experiences to themself. They comprehend situations in which they are involved as being either for them or against them and as a consequence form subjective judgements. The Sixteen, on the other hand, while retaining consciousness of their individuality are able to detach themselves from situations and perceive the world with greater awareness and objectivity. In short, the Two lives a life of sensation and the Sixteen one of thought.
The partnership will be quite outstanding if the Two is a positive personality as problems associated with emotional orientation will be kept under control. With the advantage of three different vibrations including the activator number 1, the Sixteen is already a positive individual. The Two will need to have the number 1 in the birth month or as the destiny number (the result of adding together all digits – the day, month and year of the birth date), or in other areas of influence in the name in order to have a measure of positive control over the characteristics of the 2 vibration and especially a grip on emotional attitudes. One way or another, Sixteens should be alert to the extent of emotionalism in their Two partners and Twos, for their part, should endeavour to enter the mental orbit of the Sixteen. Both will profit by this exchange.
A contest for the authoritative position will not take place here. The Sixteen will remain in overall control while the Two will be content to play a supportive role. Most Twos have a need to feel protected and are attracted to self-assured and sometimes to dominant personality types. While the Sixteen cannot be said to be a dominant or aggressive type they are certainly self-assured and highly responsible people. The pride of ownership is strong in the 1 vibration. When this quality is associated with the love of guardianship in the 6 vibration and the seriousness of the 7, the Sixteen partner emerges as a conscientious head of any form of association. However, these same qualities give rise to the troublesome trait of possessiveness. The Sixteen may be inclined to take charge of the Two partner and their joint affairs and unwittingly smother or prevent many splendid Two qualities and talents from being used. It is important for the Sixteen to realise that the best Two talents have to be drawn out and this is best done when the Two is made to feel needed.
The nature of the receptive Two personality is to gather in the good things of life and they succeed in doing so as they are subject to the law of attraction. They have no desire to go out and do battle for these things in the tension and turmoil of world affairs. They let others do their fighting for them. Given the option, they choose a non-competitive career or profession in which they could concentrate their talents in a cooperative and collaborative fashion, free of the tensions of rivalry and confrontation. Alternatively, Twos will opt for a domestic way of life in which their nurturing qualities could be put to full use. Despite the single-mindedness and ambition of the 1 vibration, the Sixteen is also a relatively non-competitive individual with none of the aggressiveness of the plain One personality. The poised mental processes of the 6 vibration and the strong spiritual or non-material element in the 7 are responsible for tempering many self-seeking qualities of the 1. These two vibrations have much in common with the 2 vibration. Both are clearly non-competitive. The 6 gives an even stronger attraction to domesticity than the 2, and the 7 favours work in the background of activity. However, the love of home and family contributed by the 6 will not hold the Sixteen back for pursuit of a career or business ventures. Neither the 1 nor the 7 is inclined to domesticity and the combination of these will send the Sixteen out into business or the professions. The three stable vibrations forming the Sixteen offer a wide field of opportunity. The leadership of the 1, the mental balance of the 6 and the natural dignity of the 7 ensure success in any chosen field.
Twos are group oriented individuals who are ready to surrender a degree of personal identity in exchange for identity they receive from a group. As truly clubbable personalities they are popular in their groups due to their courteous and obliging ways. The Sixteen, on the other hand, is a socially independent person who neither avoids nor seeks out social contacts. The fiercely individualistic 1 and 7 vibrations combine to overcome gregarious 6 characteristics. While the Two will be involved in the lives of friends and acquaintances the Sixteen will be more inclined to take up a detached stand, having little need to identify with individuals or groups. The Two personality on its own can be influenced by fast talk and their generous and hospitable nature can be taken advantage of by unscrupulous persons. They are also more responsive to other people’s evaluations rather than their own. The presence of the discerning Sixteen will certainly be a guiding influence on the Two partner. Sixteens are able to say ‘no’ in a firm but friendly manner and instinctively make their own evaluations of people and circumstances. They are by no means unfriendly or inhospitable people but their rationality may sometimes portray them as such to the Two. They are merely discriminating people who are conscious of the need to safeguard themselves and their loved ones from unwarranted intrusion upon their privacy and resources. However, there should not be much dissension between these partners in regard to their social activity as neither party is likely to take their inclinations or disinclinations to extremes.
Both partners have subdued speech and this is a quality they appreciate in each other, just as they are put off by the manner of loud spoken individuals. Although the Two’s speech contains much emotion, especially in facial expressions, their voices are kept low and unhurried. On rare occasions only, when they are driven into a corner, as it were, they do raise their voices with a good deal of emotional demonstration. They subside just as quickly into a placid state. They are impartial and attentive conversationalists, though the negative Twos will be somewhat vague and inclined to dwell too much upon their real or imagined illnesses. While the Two partner plays between alternatives and enjoys lengthy discussions, the Sixteen arrives at the heart of an issue almost immediately and makes definitive conclusions. They are able to combine thought and action and dispense with protracted debate and negotiation. The Sixteen is also sparing in compliments, and the absence of emotion and body language in their speech are features that will worry the affectionate Two. The Two needs warmth in all aspects of behaviour including speech and this is an area in which the Sixteen may not be able to accommodate the Two’s needs. However, as the 1 vibration produces the pioneer, the 6 the teacher, and the 7 the researcher, the Sixteen has the potential to accumulate a great fund of knowledge on a wide horizon. As the Two is an excellent listener this partner can gain much pleasure and information from conversations with the Sixteen. The wise Sixteen will make use of the Two’s capacity to see many sides of an issue before making a final judgment on any matter.
All Two persons are instinctive collectors and most of them will be engrossed in more than one type of collection. They will no doubt have other hobbies, but those closest to their hearts will be their collections. The Sixteen is more likely to be a collector of knowledge than a collector of artefacts. The Two may depend on the Sixteen for support and encouragement in collections relating to books and antiquarian objects. Neither of these partners will insist upon spending their spare time in doing their own thing, but both will appreciate some privacy. Arrangements can be made without resentment on the part of either to accommodate this need. When they do get together in their leisure time, (and they will do so more often than not), their choice of indoor as well as outdoor interests will not be dissimilar. The combination of their skills and needs provides a wide field for self-expression, especially in literature, the fine arts, gardening, home maintenance and excursions into natural surroundings. The Two will favour the sea and the Sixteen the mountains and streams.
The Sixteen may be considered to be one of the soundest in regard to finance. All three vibrations controlling the personality provide unusual skills in raising and handling money. There will be no sudden gains but the achievement of prosperity will be done by steady progress. No risks are taken by them, nor do they resort to gambling or unscrupulous dealings. Natural business acumen is used for success in this field. The Two, who is not financially astute will reap the benefits of the Sixteen’s talents in this regard. Twos are subject to feelings of anxiety in regard to their financial position, as they do in other matters. They will be relieved of this uneasiness by the security provided by the Sixteen, who will without doubt, take charge of the family budget. The Two partner will also find that the Sixteen is not niggardly but shows caution and responsibility in handling money. Their decisions are based on a stable set of values and impulsive spending habits of the Two will soon be brought under control.
Sixteens are non-committal and undemonstrative about their feelings. They instinctively hide warmer sentiments behind a somewhat remote exterior. This is the main problem the sentimental and romantic Two will face in their intimate lives. There is a marked contrast in the degree of tolerance each partner has for close physical or body contact, or, in other words, their comfort zone. Although distant with strangers the Two is comfortable in and receptive to close body contact with loved ones. They have a close comfort zone. The Sixteen on the other hand has a distant comfort zone with all people and will clearly feel discomfort if this is encroached upon when they are unprepared. The Two partner will be disappointed initially by the absence of frequent outward displays of affection. However, the Two’s intuition will soon gain a clear perception of the depth of the Sixteen’s loving nature. The Two is a personality type, who, more than others, will react according to the characteristics of their partners. Once the Two has become accustomed to the Sixteen’s undemonstrative nature, their qualities of constancy, trustworthiness and loyalty will elicit the best Two.
Sixteens and positive Twos who are born in the 1st, 10th, 11th and 12th months will make the most successful partnerships. Real problems will be faced with the emotional Twos who are born in the 2nd, 5th, 8th and 9th months. The Sixteens will be most intolerant of their instability on the mental and physical planes. Twos born in the 4th and 7th months will have practical talents that will suit the Sixteen partner and lead to a better balance in the partnership. Those Twos born in the 3rd and 6th months will find much in common with the Sixteen on the mental level but the partnership will not be balanced on the physical level.
People born on the 2nd and the 17th day of any month are instinctively sensitive to each other’s vibratory structure and soon develop positive feelings for one another. Without doubt, the attraction of opposites takes place here. The 2nd produces Two personalities who are entirely receptive and passive by nature and are attracted to and draw to themselves others who are totally or predominantly the subjects of active or outgoing forces. The Seventeen is an unusual compound of the 1 and 7, which are two of the most strong-willed and individualistic of all active vibrations, and the 8, which is the most powerful of all receptive vibrations. In fact, all three vibrations represent, among other things, authority and power expressed in different ways according to the nature of each vibration. The power of the 1 is expressed through ego-centred and autocratic leadership qualities. Plain Ones have an irresistible urge to give orders, whether qualified to do so or not. Subjects of the 7 are neither interested in giving orders nor taking them. With a detached personal dignity, they are individuals who are sufficient unto themselves and look for inner forces rather than extraneous elements for self-esteem and fulfilment. Rather than conflicting with each other the 1 and 7 vibrations are complementary forces. The 7 curtails the aggressiveness of the 1, and the 1 in turn opens out reclusive attitudes in the 7. The intermingling of these vibrations in the foreground of the personality adds beneficial powers to the organisational and administrative talents of the underlying 8 vibration. Though the Seventeen is basically an Eight personality the 1 and 7 vibrations cannot be overlooked. The distinguishing qualities of each of these vibrations disappear in the integral personality. The Seventeen is often a late starter as the materialism of the 1 and 8 vibrations and the non-materialistic attitudes of the 7 take some time to settle down into a cohesive whole.
Twos and Seventeens are not on the same level in regard to the exercise of authority and decision making. The Seventeen will naturally assume the leading role and the Two, who does not seek authoritative positions, will not see this as a violation of their rights. The leadership of the Seventeen will be based on the power of the intellect and sound judgment. The emotionally oriented Two may, in the first instance, feel that many of the Seventeen’s decisions lack sympathy and generosity but upon reflection they will find that such decisions have been made with sound judgment and consideration of practical values. The Seventeen is not only concerned with immediate goals but also with distant objectives. They are neither self-complacent nor indolent persons but are ready to take on responsibility and work steadily towards set goals. Although they will work hard to establish a home in which peace and privacy will be the main features they are not prepared to divide their time between family responsibilities and their public duties. They are almost exclusively careerists or business people who do best in all forms of financial management and real estate. The personality of the Seventeen suits the role requirements of a provider while that of the Two, by and large, suits the role requirements of a homemaker. This could be one of the most compatible relationships if such a pattern can be established. The best Two qualities will surface and flourish in an atmosphere of security provided by the responsible Seventeen. The receptive and nurturing qualities of the 2 vibration are best suited for work within a well established framework either in the home or public life. The Two is supportive and collaborative rather than initiative and innovative. They do not give orders in a direct manner but set an example which others follow. They use diplomacy and tact to get others to do their bidding. They are best suited to a passive form of leadership in which they take sole charge of running a well organised and orderly family unit or office system. In the domestic scene the Seventeen can easily become dependent on the efficiency of a positive Two partner.
These are not partners who are forward and adventuresome in social life. Both parties feel secure when they follow traditional patterns of behaviour and consequently seek friends and acquaintances of similar tastes and manners. Many self-assertive traits in the Seventeen are reserved for business affairs and are seldom displayed in the social scene where a certain aloofness or remoteness can be expected. This is especially so in company they do not approve of. As self-sufficient people they are not as dependent on the society of others as many other personality types. They are neither fearful nor shy in new circumstances and will not hesitate to reject or cut out anyone whose conduct does not conform to their ideas of propriety. Their social life is well regulated and confined to the company of mentally oriented persons. The Two partner is not as strict in their choice of company and is also less capable of freeing themselves of undesirable elements. As Twos are not as self-contained as their Seventeen partners they seek out the fellowship of others in order to find contentment. They gain a good measure of security by feeling similar to others with whom they can share their views and interests and therefore seek affiliation with groups. The Seventeen is usually unaware of any need do to so, and in any case, their tendency towards direct action will find conformity with group expectations and regulations intolerable. The Two partner will find friendship amongst emotionally oriented persons of refined sentiments and artistic tastes. By and large, Twos and Seventeens will be comfortable in each other’s choice of friends and acquaintances. Both parties will steer clear of loud spoken, boastful and vulgar people, even though these persons may be placed in positions of authority and influence. They can remain happy and contented in each other’s company. The Seventeen will be drawn to the warm and companionable nature of the Two and will find little need for the casual society of others. The Two, for the most part, will enjoy the quiet strength and positivity of the Seventeen.
Neither of these partners will be found taking an active part in general conversation. The usually diffident Two is, by preference, more of an onlooker and listener than a ready contributor to conversation. They can animate and sustain the enthusiasm of a speaker by patient attention and pertinent questioning but usually hesitate to give an emphatic opinion of their own. They are usually soft spoken and often adapt conciliatory measures to avoid argument of any sort. The Seventeen, for different reasons, is also seldom prominent in conversation. They are fond of speaking their minds whenever they speak out – a trait not found in their Two counterparts. Seventeens often anticipate the thoughts and words of others and are easily bored by repetition, trivialities, irrelevancies and other commonplace remarks. They retreat within themselves if they cannot find some way of escape from boredom. They speak only when they have something they consider worthwhile saying, and do so with a tone of authority and knowledge. They often exhibit a curious mixture of practical and philosophic views of life which can also be seen in their actions as well as speech. They are not often tolerant of opposing views. The mode of communication between these partners will be similar to their attitudes in conversation with others. The Two needs to talk things over and consider many alternatives before acting. This habit may annoy the Seventeen who prefers direct action. Furthermore, the Two’s tendency to hesitate and to accentuate the negative side whenever anything new is proposed may also aggravate the positive nature of the Seventeen.
Both partners relish a measure of privacy, and mutual respect for this desire will prevent encroachment on each other’s personal time. As neither the Two nor the Seventeen is an actively extroverted person much of their leisure time will, nevertheless, be spent together. They are able to participate in or support each other in several hobbies. Reading will be one in which a good deal of mutual pleasure will be found. The Two will take to romance, travel and psychical subjects while the Seventeen may choose scientific and metaphysical lines. Both will share a keen interest in history and the natural sciences. The Two’s proclivity for collecting things will be enthusiastically supported by the Seventeen, especially when these collections relate to antiquated objects. They should be able to maintain a balance between outdoor and indoor activity as a tendency to emphasise one over the other does not exist in either of these partners. The highly competitive nature of the 1 and 8 vibrations within the Seventeen is restrained by the non-competitive nature of the irresistible 7 vibration. As the Two is also a non-competitive person, in an individual way, these partners will not be drawn away from each other by one of them participating in a highly competitive activity. However, they may join forces as keen followers and supporters of a variety of competitive and non-competitive sport. As the team spirit is natural to the Two while the Seventeen is essentially an individualist their contributions and reactions to situations will show marked differences, but these differences should not lead to argument due to the placid nature of the Two and the Seventeen’s distaste for controversy.
As each of the three numbers forming the 17th day represent highly competent financial ability, their combination makes the Seventeen personality totally reliable in this aspect of living. The Two on the other hand is not oriented towards the struggle for pecuniary gain or competent financial management. This personality depends on a partner for long-term financial stability. The Seventeen habitually shows caution and responsibility in expenditure and cannot be influenced by others while the Two may be influenced both by impulse, advertisement and activation of their compassionate nature. The Seventeen will understandably take over the business side of the partnership with the full consent of the Two and show generosity in spending whenever money is used for a constructive purpose.
Their intimate relations will not be marred by any incompatible differences. They will be more inclined to seek each other out for emotional comfort than look elsewhere. Their sense of togetherness will be strengthened once the Two partner, who has no difficulty in getting their feelings across, understands that the Seventeen is not unduly demonstrative by nature and is often reluctant to discuss emotionally charged matters. The Seventeen, in turn, should become accustomed to the sensitivity, sentimentality and romanticism of the Two. The emotionally oriented thoughts of the Two frequently result in hasty and faulty judgments. The Seventeen, who is more emotionally secure, is less prone to misunderstanding and hasty judgment, may experience frustration and intolerance from the Two’s lack of a pragmatic approach to their personal affairs. The Two has the disadvantage of openly revealing their vulnerability, but also possesses the advantage of a quick recovery from emotional upset. The Seventeen, on the other hand, has the advantage of concealing their vulnerability, but is disadvantaged by a protracted period of recovery from emotional upset. Their sex lives should be very compatible due to the strong receptive nature of the Two and the vigorous active forces within the Seventeen. Here again a good balance can be maintained as neither party will make inordinate demands upon the other. Though the Seventeen will have the stronger sexual urges this partner will be able to exercise consideration and propriety in these needs.
The most successful partnerships will be formed when the Two partner is born in the 1st, 10th, 11th or 12th months. These Twos will be positive personalities in whom the best Two qualities will be displayed. Twos who are born in the 4th and 7th months will also make good partners to Seventeens and will need the Seventeen’s aid in decision making. Twos born in the 3rd, 6th and 9th months will tend towards the mental side of life and will not measure up on practical issues. The emotional Twos born in the 2nd, 5th and 8th months are certain to cause many problems to the practical and down-to-earth Seventeens.
Regardless of the numbers of the birth month and year, people born on the 18th day possess the advantage of forceful vibrations that can lead them to success in all their undertakings including advancement as superior human beings. We cannot always equate success in a particular field with being successful as human beings, but the Eighteen has the potential to achieve both distinctions. Having the natural gift of positivity, they are able to manage their own lives at a very early stage. They also attempt, without being conscious of doing so, to manage the lives of those around them. The 1 and 8 vibrations give the greatest potential for the acquisition of worldly goods and personal progress into influential and powerful positions in public life. The basic 9, which makes the Eighteen essentially a Nine personality, is the most comprehensive of all vibrations, insofar as it is an amalgam of the vibrations 1 to 8. As such, it represents completeness, and the direct outflow of this completeness is the outstanding human quality of wisdom in all persons having the 9 vibration controlling a significant sphere of influence. The influence of the 8 and 9 vibrations introduce strong emotions into the motive power of the Eighteen while the 1 and 8 vibrations contribute unlimited physical, mental and nervous energy to fulfil the high ambitions of the integral personality. The wisdom of the 9 also gives breadth of vision and exercises a restraining effect on the aggressiveness and dominance natural to the plain 1 and 8 vibrations. The tendency to meet aggression with aggression is controlled to large extent and replaced by understanding and diplomacy. Any remaining aggressive tendencies are made to work for and not counter to the welfare of the individual. Eighteens are enthusiastic about life and want all they can get out of it, and rather than wait for opportunity to turn up, they go out and seek the things they desire.
A Two companion, whose personality is in direct contrast to that of the extroverted Eighteen, will almost immediately recognise a polar opposite and both consciously and unconsciously take comfort in the dynamic and resourceful nature of the Eighteen. An attraction of opposite types does, in fact, take place here as the main characteristics of the Two are sufficiently different to those of the complex Eighteen to create a reciprocal affinity. The Two is an individual with the need to feel secure and protected and is therefore attracted to dominant personality types. Fundamentally, the strength of the Eighteen lies in the power to do battle, to compete and overcome outside forces through the combination of drive and sound judgment, while the strength of the Two is held by the power to attract to itself many good things of life others have to strive for, and also the ability to get others to work for them by the use of tact and various other subtle means. Twos are at their best creating for themselves positions of power and indispensability behind the scenes of activity. Many a successful public figure is dependent on a faceless Two associate either in business or domestic life, or in both.
These partners perceive future situations in different ways; the Eighteen with optimism and enterprise and the Two with patience and a touch of anxiety. Though the Two may find association with an Eighteen rather overwhelming at times and consequently allow this partner to gain an ascendancy over them, the principal side effects of this association will be an increase in self-confidence through the unconscious process of identification with the positive nature of the Eighteen. They learn to maintain their identity as individuals and take charge of themselves and their affairs with more self-assurance than they otherwise would have shown. Twos are often too ready to subordinate their identities to more forceful persons. Eighteen’s on the other hand, are self-directed and do not apologise, explain or seek approval of their actions. Twos habitually do so. Freedom from guilt and uncertainty are other qualities enjoyed by Eighteens and not by most Twos.
Despite their high potential to evolve as superior persons Eighteens have certain personality traits that lead them to experience a good degree of frustration and a Two partner could be exposed, from time to time, to these pent-up emotions. Though a high incidence of emotional problems is natural to both partners the Eighteen’s emotions are more intense. As in other characteristics, the Two’s emotions are shown in passive ways while those of the Eighteen are openly exhibited both mentally and physically. Eighteens become emotionally involved in whatever they undertake and show intolerance towards slow-moving people who are unable to keep up with their constructive minds and active bodies. Negatively inclined Two partners who lack initiative and confidence in the future and who cannot stand up for themselves, will often feel the full force of their Eighteen partner’s frustrations. While Two personalities recoil painfully from criticism, opposition and rivalry, Eighteens respond with aggression in these situations. An indirect and tactful manner will be used by the Two partner to avoid ruffling their feathers. Both personality types are inclined to indulge in self-condemnation self-analysis but the Eighteen recovers faster and does not reveal the fact that they have gone through this process. Twos seldom make a full recovery and have a habit of broadcasting any real or imagined inadequacies they find in themselves.
Frustrations of the Eighteen will be aggravated if, by change of circumstances, this partner is prevented from leading an energetic life in public affairs. While Eighteens take great pride in the family name and achievements of loved ones and are always prepared to provide unstinted support in all their efforts, these personalities are not domesticated by nature. Their energies need outlets well beyond daily domestic responsibilities. Domineering and exacting ways as well as moodiness will result if they are restricted to domestic life. The Two, on the other hand, finds contentment within the domestic scene, away from the turmoil and competition of public life. While a partnership of equal authority will not emerge here, a very satisfactory division of responsibility can be effected if the Eighteen takes over the role of main provider and the Two takes charge of the home and family. A reversed situation may not be as successful in the material sense as the Two does not have the enormous capacity of the Eighteen for achievement of power and the acquisition of material possessions, nor, on the other hand, has the Eighteen the patience and self-sacrifice and slower rate of vibration needed for success in the home. The Eighteen will, one way or another, become involved in outside activities to the neglect of routine and essential domestic responsibilities. The Eighteen is not a self-sacrificing individual and gives much less of themselves than their Two partners. Outsiders may receive more of their time than family members. The Two will always feel that the Eighteen should slow down and relax more with the family. However, Eighteens can be depended upon to take instant charge of all major issues and emergencies.
The Eighteen partner looms larger in the social scene having the greater capacity to adjust to all levels of society. The planning and organising part of their social life will be taken up by this partner. The personal magnetism and social success of the Eighteen is nourished and promoted by natural qualities of leadership, sound judgment broad horizons and enthusiasm that is quickly passed on to others. In their attitude towards loved ones, friends and associates they can be tactful and gentle as well as forceful and positive, having a keen perception of the feelings and problems of others. This unusual combination of authority and understanding is another factor that brings in their popularity. They do not compliantly merge into a social pattern or settle and adapt to prevailing customs and rules. They will resist anything the Twos also consider outdated, irrelevant or unjust. Twos also gain social popularity through charm, gallantry, and cooperative ways, though they avoid prominent roles in social life. They confine themselves to small groups and personal friendships. They are non-authoritative, natural people who do not set up expectations they have to live up to. They usually choose to stay with the same group of friends and acquaintances and not branch out into new circles. The Eighteen, on the other hand, does not actively seek new scenes but has no hesitation in entering new scenes when the occasions arise. While the Two partner will be content to follow the Eighteen’s lead in their social life, some adjustments will be required to balance their preferences for outdoor and indoor activity. The Eighteen is essentially an outdoor person while the Two is, by and large, an indoor socialite.
Except on rare occasions, the Eighteen will not be seen indulging in lively conversation and tolerating a free exchange of ideas when in a group. They would rather have their say, often in the form of a harangue, and then turn to some form of physical activity than patiently listen to the several opinions of a number of people or even that of an individual. A combination of knowledge, emotional expression and body language enriches their speech to an extent that they are always able to hold the attention of an audience. The Two, on the other hand, is a patient listener always interested in the thoughts and doings of others. They do not as a rule make emphatic pronouncements and are constantly on guard against topics that may lead to heated argument. They may also be found to be equivocal and evasive in their responses. In their private lives as well, the Eighteen and Two will adapt the same habits. Few words and even fewer explanations will be forthcoming from the Eighteen, often to the chagrin of the Two. Many of the Eighteen’s intentions and decisions will be made and announced without the Two’s opinion being sought. The Two will not only wish to be consulted but would also like to spend some time examining all angles of a proposition before a decision is made. The Two will also be deprived of simple conversation on casual day-to-day topics, especially on matters concerning relatives, friends and acquaintances. Eighteens have their thoughts focused on constructive and profitable issues and are intolerant of reiteration, reminiscence or discussion of any matter that does not produce some direct benefit either to themselves or to others.
In their leisure activities various forms of competitive sport will be taken up by the highly energetic and ambitious Eighteen, whose aim will always be to win. The Two on the other hand, is essentially a non-competitive person whose ego is not injured by defeat as participation is seen as the more important aspect of any activity. Twos and Eighteens may not always spend their leisure time together due to the fundamental differences in their need to discharge their energies. The Eighteen, being constitutionally an outdoor person, needs physical activity to discharge energy and pent-up emotion. The Two, who is disturbed by an excess of physical energy prefers indoor pastimes and their emotions are released in conversation, literature, music, affection for pets and family life in general. However, one area in which outdoor activity can be enjoyed together will be the sea or a large expanse of water to which the Two has a magnetic attraction. This partner can equal or surpass the Eighteen in all water sports. Patience and skills in all forms of fishing is a special Two characteristic. This may be one water sport in which the participation of the restless Eighteen cannot be counted on.
The Eighteen’s expertise in financial management is such that the participation of the Two in this aspect of their partnership will not be called on. Even when the Two is a contributor to the family finances, whether as the chief provider or part-time earner, it will fall to the Eighteen to take charge of the family budget. Although conscious of the value of money the Eighteen is not attached to riches and is therefore ready to spend freely to ensure their personal welfare and that of the family. The wisdom and generosity displayed by the Eighteen in handling their money matters will soon earn the trust and respect of the Two partner who will be happy to be relieved of this responsibility.
A comparison of the emotional expression of these partners shows that the Eighteen is a passionate individual while the Two is highly sensitive. The emotions of the Eighteen have considerable depth and once aroused, they take some time to settle down. Whether they are expressed positively or negatively, their effects are clearly noticeable on the individual as well as on those around them. Those of the Two remain constantly on the surface and are therefore easily excited, but they are just as easily appeased by the application of neutralising forces. They do not have the same stimulating or damaging effects, as the case may be, caused by the arousal of the Eighteen’s emotions. In many Twos emotion is sublimated in a world of imagination and fantasy. These differences in emotional expression are clearly reflected in their intimate lives. The Eighteen is sexually demanding but their needs are so well regulated that the Two partners know where they stand in regard to the Eighteen’s habits. Eighteens are able to separate their physical needs from other activities of life. The Two on the other hand is more romantically demanding than physically demanding and could be capricious in their needs and favours. While a purely sensual approach will inhibit the delicate sentiments of the Two they make excellent lovers in a romantic setting.
Twos born in the 1st, 10th, 11th and 12th months will emerge as strongly supportive partners. They will be able to summon sufficient strength to stand up to a demanding life with an Eighteen. All other Twos will be submissive and indecisive. Those born on the 2nd, 5th and 8th months will bring too much emotion into the partnership. The combination of the Eighteen’s emotionalism with that of the excessively emotional Two will cause problems in all aspects of their lives. Twos born in the 4th and 7th months will be helpful partners in the practical side of life but will need constant direction by the Eighteen. Those born in the 3rd, 6th and 9th months will lack practical application as well as self-confidence.
As the 19th day produces a basic One personality (1+9 = 10 =1) this is the third combination of One and Two, or Two and One personalities. The previous two being subjects of the birthdays 1st and 2nd and 10th and 2nd. While interaction between partners of the first two sets of birthdays is essentially the same, there are some significant differences in a Two/Nineteen combination as many new positive factors are introduced into the relationship by the Nineteen partner and responded to by the Two. However, this chapter should be read in close conjunction with the chapter on 1st and 2nd birthdays.
The Nineteen is no longer a straightforward One personality who is urged on by untouched 1 characteristics, some of which, though attractive to the Two, may yet cause some distress to their sensitive dispositions. Although the Nineteen has the 1 vibration working in the foreground of the personality as well as in the background, the radiations of the comprehensive 9 vibration in the foreground exercise a moderating influence on many aggressive and acquisitive 1 characteristics as well as an expanding influence on many rigid and blinkered ones. At the same time the 9 enhances the quality of all positive traits. The Nineteen may confidently be regarded as a superior One personality.
While being relieved of the need to tactfully round off several rough edges found in the plain One, a Two’s relationship with a superior One introduces the responsibility on the Two to lift their act, as it were, in order to take rank with a more accomplished One partner. To aid them in doing so, qualities such as compassion, forgiveness, generosity, service and extrasensory perception already existing in the Two are introduced into the Nineteen by the 9 vibration. The magnetic force that will draw these individuals to each other and keep them together will be strengthened rather than weakened by these common bonds.
The ingrained propensity of subjects of the 1 vibration to act as protectors and guides is enriched in the Nineteen by the subtle qualities of intuition and diagnosis. They possess a keen understanding of the frailties of human nature in general, and in particular, their own and those of their partners. They are much less ego-centred and self-opinionated than their straightforward counterparts, and, as such, possess the finesse to adjust their perspectives and remain open to new experiences and sympathetic to the opinions of others. The Two partner finds ideal ground for evoking the best 2 qualities. The best 2 qualities do not automatically emerge for use by a Two personality. Peaceful, harmonious and stable conditions are needed for these qualities to be activated. With straightforward Ones the Two faces the risk of being taken for granted and many of their talents and services may go unrecognised. The humanitarian and generous nature of the 9 vibration within the Nineteen will not only appreciate the Two’s worth but also openly acknowledge their dependency on the Two’s contribution to the partnership. The easy-going and emotional nature of the Two may still cause irritation with the fast moving Nineteen, but less intolerance will be shown.
The position between Twos and Nineteens in regard to public and domestic life is identical to that between Twos and plain Ones. However, the Nineteen can be expected to engage in a wider range of activity than the One counterpart. The plain One’s preference for concentration on one thing at a time will be replaced by the ability for involvement in several activities. The Nineteen also has a greater capacity to restore itself after personal loss or business failure. They are also able to adapt to changes in the personality of their partners with greater ease.
The social needs and prospects of those in a Two/ Nineteen partnership are not quite the same as those in a Two/One partnership. Once again, due to the influence of the 9 vibration, the Nineteen has shed excessively individualistic characteristics of the plain One and taken on broadminded and socially compliant ways. As the Nineteen no longer thinks within a framework of fixed ideas and prejudices they are able to cope with a wider circle of social contact and yet maintain independence, self-assurance and a certain dignity of manner. These changes bring about greater mutual satisfaction in the social life of these partners. The guiding and steadying influence that the Nineteen has upon the Two is also enhanced.
The mentally oriented 9 vibration also opens out conversational skills in the Nineteen that are not found in the One. The chances of the Two seeking out others for relaxation in pleasant conversation will be greatly reduced. With fewer self-imposed standards, easier oral expression and an inquiring mind the Nineteen is more accessible and willing to enter into general conversation and discussion of particular issues. The Two’s opinions will be given consideration though the Nineteen’s views may prevail in most discussions.
As many self-centred ways habitual to the plain One have been changed in the Nineteen, this partner will be found joining in most of the leisure activities undertaken by the Two. The Nineteen’s interests will not be confined to practical work and physical activities. Mental and spiritual interests will replace many physical activities. A keen interest will be taken in the delights of abstract knowledge, travel and all cultural activities in which the willing cooperation of the Two partner will always be enjoyed. By and large, a greater degree of togetherness will be established in this aspect of their relationship.
Unless helped by an emotional vibration in the birth month, the Nineteen has no outlet for demonstration of emotion. The absence of this aspect of behaviour and the associated problems it has with the sentimental Two partner is basically the same with a Nineteen as with a plain One personality. However, while the plain One, operating wholly on the physical plane, is able to divert emotion into physical activity and also disguise and contain emotion, the Nineteen is not always able to do so. Due to their keener perceptions, their emotions are easily aroused and drawn up into the mental realm by the 9 vibration where disguise and containment become difficult. However, while the Nineteen is more likely to suffer from bouts of ill-temper for release of their emotions, they can also be more responsive to the needs of the sensitive and romantic Two. Romance will enter into the partnership through the advantages of imagination and adaptability the Nineteen has over its One counterpart. There interaction will be basically the same in regard to the upbringing of children and handling of finances. However, the Nineteen being more broadminded and generous, will place less restrictions on family activities. The changes in the relationship due to the vibration of the birth month will be the same as those in a Two/One partnership.
While the 2nd day of any month produces standard Two personalities, the 20th day produces individuals with intensified Two characteristics. The Zero is responsible for this intensification, as it is in the case of the 10th and 30th days of the month. However, the number or numbers of the birth month always determines the degree of positivity or negativity by which a Two or Twenty will be infused. As the situation between a Two and Twenty partnership will be based on the same interactions as that between a Two and Two partnership the chapter on 2nd and 2nd birthdays should be also referred to. However, the heightened 2 qualities, negative or positive, in the Twenty should be kept in mind as this will have some bearing on their relationship. The influence of a positive Twenty, for instance, can be expected to be stronger upon a positive Two, but this will also depend on other areas of influence. The Two may have a given name with a stronger vibration than the given name of the Twenty which could neutralise the influence of the Twenty’s intensified vibration.
Interaction between a straightforward Two personality and a qualified Three personality will be seen in this combination. Their relationship will be the same as that between a Two and another qualified Three, namely an individual born on the 12th day of any month. It may be mentioned that the influence of the 2 vibration is slightly stronger in the Twenty-One than in the Twelve because the 2 comes before the 1, but this does not make any appreciable difference in their interaction with a Two personality.
The chapter on 2nd and 12th birthdays should be consulted.
As receptive vibrations control both these birthdays the affinity that exists between opposite polarities is not found here. People born on these days may frequently meet and mingle and not experience the excitement or agitation of mental, emotional, physical or psychic faculties that will be felt by those of predominantly opposite polarities. If circumstances constantly place them together, the best interaction that may take place is a mutual sympathy and understanding on account of their susceptibility to similar influences. Their personal relationship will be of a passive nature rather than one with a fruitful and sometimes fiery exchange of different characteristics. Chapters relating to 2nd and 2nd birthdays and 2nd and 4th birthdays should be read in conjunction with this chapter. Thereafter, further details that follow relative to a Two/Twenty-Two combination can be considered.
Although the qualities of the 2 vibration are common to both birthdays there are wide differences in the dispositions of the Two and Twenty-Two personalities. Full control of the personality by the emotionally oriented 2 vibration is found only in persons born on the 2nd. The 22nd has a more complex structure. Apart from the double effect of the 2, there is the base digit 4 which makes a significant contribution to the integral structure of the Twenty-Two. In addition, the 22nd birthday should also be viewed as an un-reduced number in its significance as a master vibration. (The master vibrations 11 and 22 are intense and powerful forces on frequencies higher than any of those symbolised by the single digits. Only a few advanced individuals are able to remain permanently on these high vibratory levels. Some may fluctuate between the influences of the master number and the base digit. For the most part, the majority revert to the influence of the double 1 and base digit 2 in the case of the 11 or the double 2 and base digit 4 in the case of the 22).
An immediate difficulty arises as a result of these complications in the 22nd birthday. How does one determine whether the Twenty-Two partner operates under the control of the double 2 and basic 4, or under the unreduced power of the master number or, is there a fluctuation between these states? These are not easy questions to answer unless there is good knowledge of this partner’s background and present circumstances. However, to begin with, the Twenty-Two’s full birth date will indicate whether or not this individual is positively structured or negatively structured. When positively structured we may consider the personality in terms of the potential of the master vibration. When negatively structured we assess the personality as a Four who is strongly influenced by the double 2 vibration. The activator number 1 as usual determines these conditions. The same principle is used to ascertain whether the Two partner is positively or negatively oriented. The influence of the vibrations of the birth month usually plays the deciding role. The absence of the activator 1 vibration in the birthday or birth month, or the repetition of the birthday number or numbers in the birth month are the usual causes of negative attitudes. However, when the 1 vibration is not present in the birthday as in the case of the 2nd and 22nd but is found in the birth month, positive expression of the characteristics of the vibrations of the birthdays can be expected. (Positive expression can also be gained from other areas of influence but there is greater certainty when the 1 appears in the birth month).
Positive Twos and Twenty-Twos are those born in the 1st, 10th and 11th months. While we can expect a positive Two to automatically express the full potential of the 2 vibration, we should be hesitant to extend this expectation to the master vibration. Rather, we should grant that latent potentialities of the master vibration can become active powers in the proper environment. When an individual lives up to the potential of the 22 he or she cannot be identified with normal 2 or 4 characteristics but with a special or superior set of powers peculiar to this master vibration. The plain Two’s relationship with a Twenty-Two partner will be significantly different to a relationship with the Twenty-Two operating as a Four. Whether or not the Twenty-Two operates on the master vibration, the basic 4 or fluctuates between the two states, this partner will stand out besides a plain Two partner. The high intensity of The Twenty-Two’s vibrations, whether positive or negative, causes an increased energy output and a more demanding nature than the low intensity vibrations of the Two partner.
A spontaneous adjustment of levels of authority and responsibility will take place in a partnership between these personalities. Twos do not seek dominant or authoritative roles. Even equalitarian roles are not expected. As their expertise lies in secondary and supportive roles they look for strong and dependable partners who can provide leadership, guardianship and companionship. In return, they offer unquestioned cooperation and even self-sacrifice. Every effort will also be made to maintain a warm and peaceful relationship. As the composition and direction taken by subjects of the 22nd birthday may vary considerably, a Two partner cannot expect to find this ideal situation with anyone born on the 22nd. Many Twenty-Twos are late starters. They take longer than normal to establish personal identity and direction in life and anyone associated with them while they are in the process of self-seeking can expect an unsettled and perhaps turbulent life. Though most Twenty-Twos have the capacity to successfully combine spiritual, psychic, idealistic and practical activities they are not always free from an internal struggle between the upward lift of their higher nature and the downward draw of their physical nature. In other words, younger Twenty-Twos are tossed around by the powerful forces of the master number until they are able to gain some understanding of themselves. A Twenty-Two who has established self-identity and personal direction becomes a superior, energetic and ambitious personality with high ideals and the practical ability to fulfil these ideals. They may, on the one hand overwhelm the placid Two partner, or on the other hand succeed in evoking the best Two qualities and keeping them at optimum levels of expression. The Two will not in any case be allowed to follow its natural easy-going ways but will be prevailed upon to keep pace with the speed and constantly expanding activities of the Twenty-Two. A positive Two will be able to measure up to these pressures but a negative Two is likely to fall behind. They may end up downgrading their self-image to an extent that will make them a liability rather than an asset to a Twenty-Two partner.
Twos and Twenty-Twos born in the 12th month have difficulty in expressing many of their positive qualities due to an overloading of the 2 vibration. However, with some effort on their part this problem can be overcome. Those born in the 2nd, 5th, and 8th months will be weighed down by an excess of emotion and several obsessions. Hypersensitivity and a powerful imagination will draw exaggerated conclusions from slight observations causing misunderstanding and heartache to themselves and to those associated with them. Rational thought is often immobilised by overreaction. Emotional reaction and obsessive habits may be lessened in those born in the 3rd, 4th, 6th, 7th and 9th month but indecision, lack of self-confidence and poor self-image will be the causes that will prevent many of their talents being put to best use.
All Twenty-Twos are not naturally homebound. Positive individuals especially, feel frustrated when tied down to domestic responsibilities. They demand a wider field of activity where some choose to satisfy ambitions for power and material possessions while others find fulfilment in humanitarian projects. Many adverse reactions will arise if limitations are placed on opportunity and freedom of movement by their partners or environmental conditioning. A harmonious and successful partnership in which a Twenty-Two is the homemaker and the Two partner the breadwinner is difficult to imagine. Even more difficult is one with a negatively inclined Two as the breadwinner. Some measure of success can be achieved when the Two assumes control of domestic responsibilities. This is an area where the Two will be most comfortable and use some of their best talents. It should be mentioned, however, that the Two is quite capable of bringing in a steady income and gaining distinction in the professions, but in a partnership with a Twenty-Two, the establishment of peace, harmony and orderliness has a better chance with a Two in charge of the domestic scene.
Both partners are sensitively organised, with keen insight into the nature of things, especially human conduct. They are able to avoid situations that may evoke emotional stress in one another and communicate with each other without arousing hostility and argument. As both are intuitively aware of each other’s needs lengthy explanations and discussions can be prevented. Individual and mutual problems can be aired and confronted with diplomacy and tact. Uncontrolled and noisy scenes will be avoided. The Twenty-Two will have the advantage of an expanded consciousness and their judgments will be made from a wider frame of reference. Their emotions are usually displayed in different ways. Those of the Two are often in conflict with many highs and lows and are demonstrated outwardly. Positive Twenty-Twos who have established self-identity are exceptionally well adjusted emotionally. Their emotions are seldom displayed. The underlying 4 vibration is responsible for keeping emotion under control. Negatively inclined Twenty-Twos have their emotions churning within themselves causing much personal discontent and damage to their powers of judgment. The emotional relationship between a positive Two and a positive Twenty-Two can be rich and rewarding, but if one or both are negatively oriented, many emotionally caused problems will damage their sense of purpose and direction.
In the social scene the positive Twenty-Two will be seen as a self-assured and extroverted person with a touch of aloofness and inapproachability. They are also unconventional in thought and action. If they are not in control of situations in which they find themselves they will sooner or later succeed in taking charge or else changing the situations. All Twos and those Twenty-Twos who are basically Four personalities are mildly extroverted. They choose the conservative elements of society and view unfamiliar persons and situations with a mixture of suspicion and anxiety. They are group-oriented people who can conform to and participate in organisations that have already been formed by others.
Most Twenty-Twos see a spiritual destination for themselves and endeavour to include their partners in these spiritual pathways. This will not be difficult with a Two partner as most Twos are also predisposed to searching in the non-phenomenal world. While most of the Two’s hobbies will be home and community based, the Twenty-Two will be involved in the widest possible fields of activity. In the management of finances all Twenty-Twos possess an inbuilt safeguard against inefficiency and excess. This safeguard is provided by the thrifty 4 vibration. The Two partner does not have this protection and will therefore depend on the Twenty-Two for some measure of control of their tendency towards impulsive and unwise spending. Both partners are generous with their money and personal time when their sympathies are aroused, but the Twenty-Two, who has the capacity to judge a situation with greater objectivity, will not be moved by persuasion or the influence of unprincipled people.
The 2 vibration endows both the Two and all Twenty-Twos with personal warmth – a quality which is most attractive to those with a strong psychological need to take shelter within these endearing vibrations. They may be considerate and kindly to each other in their intimate lives, but the vibrant, tempestuous and exploratory relationship that exists between persons of opposite polarities will not be experienced in this partnership. They may attract others to themselves rather than raise a magnetic attraction to each other.
The single vibration of the 2nd birthday produces a personality bearing distinct 2 characteristics. The 23rd on the other hand, presents an individual with a combination of 2, 3 and 5 characteristics. It should not be difficult to visualise the problems a Two personality, who thinks, feels and acts in terms of the placid qualities of a single receptive vibration, will face with an associate in public life or a partner in private life who is controlled by predominantly active forces of a multiple birthday. Though the 23rd birthday cannot be identified in terms of a few standard characteristics the three vibrations controlling it are complementary rather than contradictory. Many of their attributes are interrelated and their integration in the 23rd birthday produces an astonishing blend of extroversion, emotion, restlessness, changeability, speed, versatility, alertness, freedom of action and a very accurate eye for detail. The powers of the active 3 and 5 vibrations take control of the personality overshadowing many serene 2 qualities. However, the sensitivity and emotionalism of the 2 vibration are not restrained but added to the integral character of the Twenty-Three. The chapters on the 2nd and 3rd birthdays and 2nd and 5th birthdays, though not quite the same as the present combination, will nevertheless provide some interesting information.
The sensitive Two personality suffers excessively from insecurity, discord, speed and frequent changes in living conditions. They function best in stable conditions and in traditional roles and do not challenge tried-and-true methods of doing things. They look for steady and dependable partners and a calm and peaceful environment. They are prepared to undergo a good deal of self-sacrifice to assist a partner who has the initiative and potential to set up a stable and harmonious lifestyle. Twos are not constituted for aggressive, competitive and dominant roles in public or domestic life. Their resilience, resourcefulness, adaptability and service are best suited in supportive or back-up roles. A Two may not find this ideal situation in a partnership with a Twenty-Three. The average Twenty-Three will not look with favour or understanding upon a dependent partner or one who looks to the other to make the first move in any matter. While maintaining their own independence, personal freedom and initiative, they will expect their partners to do the same. It is just not within their nature to provide the anchorage a Two partner looks for. They are largely free of expectations and too much should not be expected of them by their partners. Although the Twenty-Three will not pose as an authority figure they use their immense powers of speech and body language to get what they want.
As the Two operates, by and large, within a set range of vibratory frequencies, this personality finds it easier to settle down to a domestic way of life. They are not tossed around here and there or pulled in different directions by hyperactive vibrations. The characteristics of the Two are more conducive to a family atmosphere of love and self-sacrifice than the hurly-burly of competitive public life. The Twenty-Three, on the other hand, functions on a much wider range of vibratory frequencies and is able to cope with a complicated pattern of events. Qualities such as adaptability, versatility, alertness, curiosity, enthusiasm, optimism, impulsiveness and excessive mental and nervous energy make it difficult for this personality to maintain a constant course of action or direction in life. Though multi-talented, the Twenty-Three is not always a self-assured and positive personality. An inner insecurity may often lie hidden behind an outwardly carefree facade. This will be especially so if the ego-strengthening 1 vibration is not found in the birth month or in some other significant area of the numerological chart. Several talents may go unrecognised or scattered indiscriminately. The Twenty-Three is exposed to the danger of moving from one thing to another before any degree of specialisation or expertise has been acquired. They form few attachments and trust in their ability to re-establish and adapt to new circumstances. While this personality may revel in these conditions the Two partner finds it hard to cope with the uncertainty of this lifestyle. The restless spirit of the Twenty-Three is not out for the responsible duties of family life. The 3 and 5 vibrations, which in fact control the personality, have no domestic attributes. They are totally extroverted and dynamic forces which keep the Twenty-Three constantly engaged in the challenges and excitement of public and social activity. Something that is quite alien to the Two’s character is the Twenty-Three’s readiness to take chances and take them with a smile and laugh when they lose. Although the Twenty-Three may not provide the constancy in earning power expected by the Two partner, a better balance in their overall relationship will be formed if the Twenty-Three goes out as the provider and the Two remains as the homemaker, or part-time wage earner. There will be highs and lows in the Twenty-Three’s career and a part-time earning capacity by the Two will be helpful.
A Two/Twenty-Three combination will be popular within a wide circle of friends and acquaintances. The Twenty-Three will invariably take the lead in their social activity as this partner’s need for individual self-expression is much more pressing than that of the Two. While the Two looks for periods of quietude and rest in between social commitments, the Twenty-Three will persist in an unending round of activity. They are generally present-moment oriented people who follow the impulse of the moment and enjoy themselves without hoping for better times to come their way at some future date. They know how to laugh and create laughter. Self-expression on a solo basis is natural to a Twenty-Three who has gained self-confidence. They are at once observers and performers due to greatly expanded powers of observation and self-expression. Their stimulating company adds piquancy to any relationship. The result of all this motion on the quiet Two partner is a partial eclipse of the Two’s personality. This will not upset the generous Two, who is in any case more of a listener and onlooker. They will express themselves more as a group performer. They will be content to let their Twenty-Three partners operate in the forefront of activity.
Both partners enjoy conversation, but a two-way conversation between them will be rare as the speed, urgency and expressive body language of the Twenty-Three will once again overwhelm the relaxed manner of the Two. This will often prevent them from making joint decisions. Twos will seldom be allowed to finish their sentences. Their comments and replies will be anticipated, and the Twenty-Three will be inclined to hop from one subject to another to the confusion of the Two’s regular way of thinking. Twenty-Threes are inclined to talk too much and say too little, and the more they speak the deeper will the Two retire in bewilderment into an internal world of placidity. Twos prefer to weigh and consider one thing at a time and could become emotionally upset and confused by a rush of words and ideas. The Twenty-Three who is able to articulate to the full extent of their feelings should resist the urge to talk for hours on end and especially avoid a natural tendency to engage in and win a battle of words. Their immense powers of speech give them a tremendous advantage over Two partners, whose self-expression, in any case, is best displayed through the written word and not the spoken word.
Leisure activities and hobbies taken up by these partners may keep them apart. This will hurt the Two partner who looks for companionship in every aspect of life, but not the Twenty-Three who prefers changes of scene and mixed company. Twos can find their centre in the home and their hobbies are long lasting. The Twenty-Three’s natural aptitude is in many directions and their youthful energy and good-natured competition plus a constant desire for new experiences will see them involved in several activities and frequent changes. They may often be kept away from home and domestic responsibilities.
Very little or no control will be exercised in the financial side of this partnership as wise money management is foreign to the nature of both parties. The many enterprising talents of the Twenty-Three will be used to bring in a comfortable income, but this will seldom be done in a consistent manner expected by a Two partner. A Two partner is capable of earning a regular income but this may not be adequate for the many expensive tastes of the Twenty-Three who is unlikely to subordinate personal wants for the welfare of the partnership. Both partners are fond of spending and may part with their money on impulse. The Two will attempt to put aside something for future needs or for some specific purpose, but their indiscriminate spending habits will make saving a difficult task. Fluctuations of fortune will be experienced on a regular basis.
Both the Two and Twenty-Three are romantically inclined. The love of the Two, in particular, calls for the admiration, encouragement and appreciation of their value by their partners. The love of the Twenty-Three involves no imposition of values on their loved ones. The lifestyle of the Two is less involved and they instinctively devote themselves to their loved ones and expect equal devotion in return. The Twenty-Three is nowhere near as self-sacrificing and their diverse activities take up much of their time and make them unwittingly neglectful of their loved ones. The Two will show patience and tolerance of the Twenty-Three’s transgression, and these individuals will be guilty of quite a few! They will always be involved with people in public and social life. Their personal popularity, their love of beauty, variety, excitement, exploration and flirtation will expose them to frequent compromising situations. Generally, a stimulating, yet unsettled and turbulent love life will exist between these two. Although these partners cannot really be regarded as compatible in the ideal sense, the positive personalities born in the 1st, 10th, 11th and 12th months can achieve a good measure of success. If both parties are negatively inclined, or if one is negatively inclined, the partnership will lack internal guidance and will beset by a variety of problems.
The first thing observed in these birthdays is that even numbers or receptive vibrations are the controlling forces. Viewed another way, odd numbers or active vibrations are conspicuous by their absence. The immediate consequence of this situation is that the magnetic link and interaction formed between opposite polarities will not occur in the case of subjects of these birthdays. They are not likely to experience the lively, stimulating and often tempestuous exchange of opposite characteristics and talents which keep partners of opposite polarities alert and progressive.
Twos and Twenty-Fours may still form attachments on the basis of like attracting like. They are so much alike in many respects that peace and harmony will be the basis of their relationship. On the debit side, however, the partnership may lack vitality, excitement, romance and adventure, as their first priority will always be to secure and maintain a comfortable niche for themselves. Similar situations may occur between subjects of 2nd and 2nd, 2nd and 4th and 2nd and 6th birthdays. The chapters relating to these birthdays will provide much information that can be applied to the present combination.
While there are many remarkable similarities between the vibrations forming the 2nd and 24th birthdays, the latter, as a multiple digit birthday covers a much wider field of expression. The characteristics of Two personalities are seen in a more exclusive form. The full spectrum of receptive vibrations is built upon the original 2 in an escalating fashion. The 4 is a 2 in double strength on the physical plane. The 6 has the triple strength of the 2 on the mental plane and the 8 contains the fourfold strength of the 2 on the emotional plane. The 8 is more often than not referred to as a double 4. The 24th birthday has the advantage of nearly the full range of receptive vibrations operating in strength on the physical, emotional and mental planes. The power of the Two personality is seen in situations requiring concentrated 2 qualities while the widespread talents of the Twenty-Four can extend over situations demanding versatility. They are the genuine handypersons who are constantly called upon for help by less resourceful people.
The cooperative spirit of the 2 vibration, the practicality of the 4 and the responsible nature and guardianship of the 6 combine to make the Twenty-Four an eminently acceptable helpmate to a Two Partner. Any sort of behaviour associated with noise, sudden changes and speed that disturb the peaceful nature of the Two is not found in the Twenty-Four. They go about their work and other affairs with a quiet air of efficiency and dedication. While the Two has no safeguard against emotional injury and spontaneous emotional expression, the Twenty-Four’s emotions are held in control by the physical and mental vibrations which have a firm grip on the personality. Unlike the Two, the Twenty-Four does not get emotionally involved in whatever they experience. As a result, they do not take offence easily and are able to contain their reactions, and approach and overcome problems that may seem insurmountable to a Two.
Twenty-Fours are not overly confident or egotistic persons. They neither project nor downgrade their self-image, but instead, accept themselves without complaint and display a high degree of consistency in their behaviour. They may, at times, fortify their self-image with stubbornness. They will not be found manipulating others, nor will they let themselves be manipulated. The self-image of the Two is never strong and a habitual underestimation of their talents hinders them from giving out their best. Both personalities can benefit from a positive reinforcement of their self-image from time to time, especially in relation to their dealings with the outside world. The chances are, however, that they may not be able to help each other out when one or the other is in need of a strong boosting of self-confidence.
Authority will usually be shared in this partnership, though emotionally based decisions of the Two partner will be promptly but calmly rejected. The Twenty-Four cannot be hurried into action that is not rational or beneficial. A sudden impulsive and unplanned approach to matters is not in their style of behaviour. They use their great capacity for patience, practical know-how and critical faculties of the mind before making any move. Their decisions consequently carry more weight than those of the Two.
Though the attainment of material wellbeing is dear to both partners, neither of them is strongly competitive or over ambitious. The Twenty-Four has more determination and is able to doggedly forge ahead in pursuit of goals. They enjoy responsibility, choose to play safe and avoid risk and danger. They are not readily receptive to new ideas and changes, and choose familiar procedures rather than involve themselves in innovative schemes. The sensitive Two complements these conservative attitudes perfectly. Domestic ties in both partners are very strong and much of their effort will be directed towards maintaining a happy and comfortable home front. Both possess the capacity to resolve any conflict that may arise between the demands of public life and home life. This is a partnership that will be highly successful in a home-based businesses dealing in food, accommodation and other home related products. The Two will prefer periods away from the workforce with the option of re-entry whenever there is need to do so. The Twenty-Four is better suited for the responsibility of bringing in a steady income.
These partners are moderately extroverted individuals who fit easily into the mores of the community. They merge into social life as part of a group rather than in positions of prominence. Their best expression is displayed in service to local activities. As their tastes are very similar, no conflict of interests or separation will take place in their social life. They will usually be found working contentedly together in the background of activity. As individuals and as a team they will be known for the courtesy, hospitality and willingness to contribute their time and talents towards a variety of social, educational and church events. The combination of their hospitable and genial dispositions makes them splendid hosts and hostesses. Both partners will show an interest in culinary arts.
One of the few areas in which marked differences will be observed between these partners is in their oral expression and general conversation. Twos are good listeners, but they also resort to extended periods of casual conversation purely for the sake of maintaining a line of communication. As natural peacemakers they make courageous attempts to settle conflicts, but when matters go beyond their powers they withdraw from further participation. They avoid involved issues and any that may cause dissension and argument. They also carefully refrain from making any remark or opinion that they imagine may cause hurt or misunderstanding. As a result, the more negatively inclined Twos become rather devious and careless in their use of facts. In spite of those efforts, their irresistible urge to divulge information that comes their way is often the cause of embarrassment and other complications. If permitted to do so, they delight in elaborating details of day-to-day events and especially dwell on the state of their health. The Twenty-Four takes an almost opposite form of expression. They are patient listeners provided conversation is not of an illogical or frivolous nature. They are straightforward in their speech with little or no body language. As their thoughts present themselves in down-to-earth and rational directions they are more concerned with giving out facts than worrying about how they are received. When challenged, they obstinately maintain their point of view by uncompromising argument. The Two partner very seldom offers a challenge, but tries persuasion by quiet words and perhaps a few tears instead. Although Twenty-Four’s do not have the slightest intention of causing pain, their forthright delivery often hurts the Two’s sensitive nature. In spite of the Two’s efforts, there will often be periods of silence between them. The Two recovers quickly from an emotional hurt and endeavours to resume communication, but the Twenty-Four takes more time during which negative emotions are released in physical action. Twos enjoy talking about themselves and their affairs as the 2 vibration belongs to the self-centred trio 1 to 3. Twenty-Fours are more objective and talk less of themselves and more of others as the 4 belongs to the group-centred trio 4 to 6.
Being family oriented people a high regard is held by them for the value of shared experiences. Hence, their leisure time is invariably spent in mutually rewarding pastimes. Most of their hobbies will be home based. The Two partner’s interests in reading, writing and collecting things will be keenly supported by the Twenty-Four, while the latter’s interests in fixing things around the house will receive equal support and encouragement. A mutual love of water will confine most of their outdoor activities to a variety of aquatic sports. They are not people who are prompted by a constant urge to be on the move. Apart from movement within the local scene they are happiest when established and participating in community activities.
The financial position of the partnership will be soundly secured by the efforts of the money conscious and frugal habits of the Twenty-Four. More than any other aspect of life, the Twenty-Four gives considerable thought and hesitation before parting with money. While the Two partner will, on the one hand enjoy the security of good financial management their spending habits will be severely restricted by the Twenty-Four. Twos are generous spenders and can be influenced to part with their money by impulse and sales promotion. They will frequently be caught spending on non-essentials. The Twenty-Four, on the other hand, will not be so persuaded and will be constantly on the look about for bargains and demand full value for money spent.
Both personalities possess considerable personal warmth and a loving relationship can safely be predicted. The Twenty-Four will display an ingrained capacity to act as a guardian and protector and the Two as a helpmate, supporter and collaborator. The feelings of the Two are openly demonstrated, but the Twenty-Four evinces shyness and reticence in showing stronger emotions, especially in the presence of others. While the Two is truly romantic by nature and is most concerned with the delicacies and refinements of personal relations, the Twenty-Four, while retaining an appreciation of the romantic side of life, pays more attention to the practical and rational considerations. On the negative side, the Two is inclined to suffer from periods of melancholy, and the Twenty-Four from spells of moodiness. The Two’s problems may be more frequent, but the Two is able to quickly snap out of these melancholy spells. The Twenty-Four takes a longer time to emerge from their moods. These partners are not always able to help each other during these periods of introversion. As a result progress in their affairs is slowed down. Twos and Twenty-Fours born in the 1st, 10th, 11th and 12th months will possess adequate self-confidence and better self-esteem than those born in months without the 1 vibration. The presence of this vibration is an assurance of a good degree of positivity in the personality. These partners have an excellent chance of establishing a successful relationship. If one partner only is born in one of these months it will be this partner who will take over the authoritative role. The partnership will not arrange itself into one of equality. In a partnership where both partners do not have the 1 vibration in the birth month, the partnership will be weakened by lack of resolution in both.
While unmixed and unfeigned 2 characteristics appear in subjects of the 2nd birthday, a highly complex personality structure is seen in those born on the 25th. Multiple digit birthdays may produce either a personality composed of complementary vibrations which work together as a cohesive whole, or one with contrary vibrations which tend to conflict with one another giving rise to an unpredictable and sometimes volatile nature. The 25th birthday is a good example of the latter. Unhindered by internal conflict, Two personalities produced by the 2nd birthday have, not only greater chances of gaining self-knowledge, but also present themselves to others as understandable personality types. Those associated with them will invariably know how or where they stand. This will not be the case with a Twenty-Five. Not only are others puzzled in their attempts to identify the Twenty-Five as a particular personality type, but Twenty-Fives themselves often have difficulty understanding their own changeable natures. In the Twenty-Five the 2 and 5 vibrations on the emotional plane and the 7 on the physical plane do not mix and mingle in a manner that forms a well-knit personality in whom individual characteristics of these vibrations are evenly integrated. Instead, a loosely linked personality is presented in whom these vibrations coexist more or less independently, and inevitably contest each other for independent expression. This situation explains the paradoxical nature of the average Twenty-Five. The 2 vibration demands constant companionship. The 5 vibration looks for freedom of movement and the 7 seeks solitude. The different images presented by the Twenty-Five are, all too frequently, the source of misunderstanding and confusion. A Two partner, who is at once patient and perceptive, will eventually understand, appreciate and adapt to the changing aspects of the Twenty-Five’s personality. Those not intimately known to them cannot however take their actions and reactions for granted.
Although firmly set on the emotional plane the 2 and 5 vibrations have little in common. The qualities of the former are passive and receptive, and represent a force that attracts to itself most of its needs. The latter is an active and energetic vibration that urges its subjects to go out and get what they want by direct means or by devious means if they are negatively inclined. The 2 aspect of the Twenty-Five personality seeks ease and comfort in the gentle pursuits of life which can be gained without exertion of much physical energy and tense rivalry. The 5 aspect drives them constantly into the expenditure of a great deal of nervous energy in a wide range of physical activity. The only common factor is their emotional background. Here again, their emotions are expressed differently. The 2 aspect is sensitive, not complex, and easily hurt, and induces the personality to blame itself rather than retaliate to injuries or insults, real or imagined. Emotions are released in imaginative pastimes, literature and music. The 5 aspect is highly competitive, rejects defeat, retaliates vigorously and does not indulge in the downgrading of self-esteem. They expend emotion in physical activity and frequent changes of scene.
The 2 and 5 are both extroverted vibrations. Extroversion of the 2 is oriented towards people as a need for company and that of the 5 towards action and movement. People that come their way are incidental. The characteristics of the introverted 7 vibration pull the personality away from constant interaction with people and incessant activity, and demands periods of relaxation and contemplation in natural surroundings or in private study. A detached personal dignity and seriousness counteracts many impulsive and impetuous characteristics of the 2 and 5 vibrations. Thought processes of the Twenty-Five are externalised by the 2 and 5, and internalised by the 7.
Without other distracting features, the one-dimensional Two partner will choose between a few occupational categories and specialise in one. The vastly extended field of awareness, curiosity and versatility of the multi-dimensional Twenty-Five leads them into a multiplicity of roles and sudden changes. Specialisation becomes a problem unless the influence of the specialist 7 vibration is used to overcome their restlessness. While the Twenty-Five is able to handle a complicated pattern of events, the Two becomes agitated when life becomes too varied and demanding. The disposition and lifestyle of the Two is better suited to fit the role requirements of homemaking and parenting. The Twenty-Five is much too restless to take up full-time domestic duties to the exclusion of a variety of public and business activity. They are capable of holding more than one position or running more than one business at any given time. Having a good eye for opportunity, advancement and pleasurable pastimes, they are ready to venture into new occupations and challenges. Twos often react to the unfamiliar with hesitation and are inclined to doubt their capacity to cope with new situations and challenges. They choose conventional roles and pleasures instead.
Twos enjoy social intercourse at a conversational level and are also attracted to types of indoor and outdoor activities that call for rhythmic movement, such as dancing and aquatic sports. The Twenty-Five has a greater need for physical activity, and social intercourse is accepted as part and parcel of their outdoor activities. They are socially more independent. They do not avoid social contacts, nor do they seek them out. The Two is able to participate happily in group activity, but the Twenty-Five prefers more personal freedom. They are basically private people and not the socially active types that others mistakenly take them to be. Though they are certainly not rebels in any way their submission to social rules and regulations may irritate their independent spirit. Social arrangements in this partnership will not remain one-sided or be taken to excess by either party as both look for intermittent periods of quietude. Their entertainment program will arrange itself in a manner that will provide these periods in which both can spend time together away from social life. In the company of people they will seek each other out and enjoy each other’s company rather than avail themselves of the opportunity to stay apart. As both possess considerable personal charm, courtesy and tact, they will always enjoy social popularity as individuals and as a team.
Communication between them will be easy as both have the capacity to express their views and feelings in words and enter into intimate consultation and discussion. As their individual levels of tolerance differ, the Two being the more tolerant personality, the Twenty-Five will be more persistent in argument. However, their peaceful and fair-minded dispositions will prompt them to settle their differences by mutual agreement and concession rather than silently and reluctantly put up with unpleasant habits one may find in the other. At the early stages of their relationship they may surprise each other by the added insight of psychic understanding. Thereafter, their psychic sensitivity will be used as an additional means of communication, especially when they are in the presence of others. Although both parties may be wary of strangers, they will be readily approachable to close friends and loved ones who will never experience difficulty in striking up conversation with either or both partners.
The greater variety of sport and other outdoor pastimes taken up by the energetic and versatile Twenty-Five will not necessarily keep them apart from their Two partners. The generous and adaptable Two will happily concede the extra time required by the Twenty-Five. If they do not actually participate in many of the Twenty-Five’s activities, they will offer them their support and encouragement. As mentioned earlier the Two’s talents are displayed in activities demanding rhythmic and flowing movements. The Twenty-Five is also agile and free from bodily stiffness and is equally good at such activities. Being emotionally close and friendly partners they are certain to extend their togetherness into all their leisure activities.
Money matters will not cause disagreement as both have supportive features in regard to income and expenditure. The 2 vibration, functioning in both partners, gives generosity and fondness for spending as well as the contrary element of concern for their financial security. This creates a good balance in their spending habits. The enterprising 5 vibration in the Twenty-Five will open out several opportunities for making money and in all these ventures the active support of the Two can be depended upon. The basic 7 vibration makes the Twenty-Five an excellent money manager with a sharp eye for good investment.
The 7 vibration within the Twenty-Five may cause some emotional restraint but it will not be strong enough to block all physical show of affection. The demonstrative abilities of the 2 and 5 vibrations combined allow adequate emotional release. The Two partner has not the slightest hindrance to emotional release. Both partners are able to respond to each other’s needs with tenderness and spend time in a private world they make for themselves into which others will not be welcome. The fragile feelings of the sensitive Two cannot be concealed and this may be the source of some irritation to the Twenty-Five. The feelings of the Twenty-Five are as easily disturbed but every effort is made by them to keep their emotions in check. The 7 vibration’s distaste for disclosing emotion is used. This does not always succeed as the Twenty-Five is well known for sudden outbursts of temper. However, they calm down as quickly and do not bear ill will or resentment towards the cause of their outburst. Ongoing quarrels or differences of opinion between these partners will be really exceptional due to their peace loving dispositions. As both hold a deep insight into each others’ inner needs, knowledge and understanding of their fluctuating moods they will also be successful in harmonising their sexual needs. This will be an important factor contributing to overall compatibility.
More information relating to the interaction between the 2, 5 and 7 vibrations in people can be gained from the chapters relating with the 2nd and 2nd, 2nd and 5th and 2nd and 7th birthdays. The most successful partnerships will be formed when both the Two and Twenty-Five are born in the 1st, 10th, 11th or 12th months. These will be positive personalities who will be able to form strong and productive partnerships. If one partner is born in any one of these months, it will be this partner who will take up the decision making role. If neither partner is born in one of these months, the Twenty-Five is likely to take charge through the down-to-earth qualities of the 7 vibration.
Since even numbers or receptive vibrations govern both birthdays, relationships between people born on these days will be formed on the basis of like attracting like. This attraction on the basis of similar dispositions does not take place as frequently as the attraction of opposites. However, when it does happen, particularly with partners having even numbered birthdays, they settle down, with a minimum of adjustments, to a life of tranquillity and unity. This situation is almost certain in the case of couples born on the 2nd and 26th. They are so much alike in their outlook and expectations that their lives begin interlocking at several levels from early stages of their relationship. Using traditional means and avenues of expression their first priority will always be to establish and maintain comfort and security in their lifestyle. They do not, as do people of opposite polarities, go through extended periods of storm and excitement during which they discover, compromise and benefit from each other’s different characteristics and expectations. Their partnership will settle down within certain self-imposed limitations to one of peace and comfort. They may certainly lack the enterprise and flexibility derived from opposite sets of talents.
The Twenty-Six is the product of the simple 2 and the 6 and 8 vibrations. In a relationship with this personality the straightforward Two, born on the 2nd day, is confronted with a partner in whom fundamental 2 qualities exist in a greatly escalated form. The 2 vibration is so intensified in the 6 and 8 that many of its prominent characteristics are unrecognisable at first sight. The 6 vibration is firmly placed on the mental plane and the emotional orientation, so characteristic of the original 2, is replaced by balanced and logical mental attitudes, devoid of emotional interference. Mind has taken over from the emotions. However, all other 2 qualities such as diplomacy, courtesy, kindliness, serenity, domesticity, guardianship, sociability and companionship remain firmly entrenched in the personality. The non-competitive and fair-minded nature of the 2 is also carried over in the 6 vibration. The 8 vibration, though a member of the emotional trio (2, 5 & 8), has several powerful and practical qualities more akin to physically oriented vibrations (1, 4 & 7), which disguise its emotional centre. Some of these qualities, seemingly unrelated to the 2 and 6, are competitiveness, aggression, ambition, authority, leadership, self-assertiveness and organisational and management talents. These qualities found at the fundamental levels of the Twenty-Six are heavily tempered by the milder 2 and 6 qualities, and the emotional centre of the 8 vibration is revealed in indirect ways through enthusiasm and dedication to whatever work they undertake. Heart as well as mind is put into all their efforts. The three vibrations comprising the Twenty-Six do not conflict with one another, but merge easily into a cohesive force, producing an individual with superior characteristics of heart and mind. These intensified qualities will inevitably loom larger than those in the plain Two and introduce what may possibly be seen as the main obstacle these partners will need to overcome when the distribution of authority and responsibility is taken up. In a straight confrontation, Twos are likely to resort to submissive or evasive reactions. The Twenty-Six may unwittingly overshadow, cramp or restrict their Two partners in many ways unless both take particular care to recognise and preserve the Two’s easily overpowered individuality. The Twenty-Six can do so by restraining their enthusiasm for orderliness, punctuality and desire to manage the lives of others. The more easy-going Twos would need to make every effort to be themselves and not always follow, emulate or identify themselves with their Twenty-Six partners. However, these are partners who will instinctively recognise that marital adjustments are a mutual responsibility, and as such, will have no difficulty following a goodwill approach to their problems as well as a willingness to trust each other.
Being strongly home oriented and family minded individuals, neither party will expect or take up an exclusively occupational role, leaving domestic responsibility to the other. Either party is capable of dividing time and talent between domestic and public life. The Twenty-Six, being a many-sided personality will show a greater capacity to cope with extended responsibilities in both areas of life. The partnership can achieve more material progress if this partner takes over the role of breadwinner. Two personalities often feel threatened in an environment filled with aggression, competition and self-seeking attitudes of others. They are also too fond of seeking advice without trusting their own judgments. Their best qualities emerge in non-competitive fields and in the domestic scene. The Twenty-Six may take time to make up their minds but they succeed in making logical and critical evaluations and standing by them. This gives them an advantage over the Two in public affairs.
Twos and Twenty-Sixes are group-oriented people with an uncritical acceptance of conventional values. They reduce their levels of anxiety by holding fast to traditional ways, and gain much pleasure involving themselves in the lives of others with similar attitudes as themselves. Well endowed with all the graces of genteel social interaction they acquire popularity in social circles as good confidants, conversationalists, hosts and hostesses and organisers of all forms of local functions. Although their individual efforts will be considerable they will usually be recognised for their contribution in a team. While holding on to old friendships they are always enthusiastic at the prospect of meeting new people. The Two partner may be somewhat reticent at the first impact with strangers, but they are soon able to be their charming selves under the bolder influence of the more gregarious Twenty-Six.
Being equally good as listeners and talkers, oral communication between them will proceed with the greatest ease. They are good storytellers and will always enjoy an exchange of experiences. Despite a few difficulties arising from emotionally based argument, they will always show a willingness to talk things over and communicate without hostility and distrust. Twos are generally soft spoken, courteous, tactful and circumspect, with free expression of emotion. They avoid argument and will not be found interrupting, interjecting or monopolising conversation. The Twenty-Six has the same refinements of polite conversation but the circumspect approach of the Two is replaced by a direct approach through the influence of the 6 and 8 vibrations. The influence of these forces also makes the Twenty-Six argumentative and intolerant of emotionally based points of view. They refuse to enter discussions that are not rational and of some material benefit. The Two partner will sooner or later yield to the clearer reasoning faculties of the Twenty-Six and trust their judgment rather than engage in verbal duelling.
The need for shared experiences, both in action and in speech, is one of the strongest traits common in both partners. Not only will domestic responsibilities be amicably interchanged, but leisure activities and hobbies will be shared by them. On the few occasions when one partner may temporarily choose some independent interest, the other will not feel isolated, resentful or restless. Generosity and understanding will be shown. Both will be aware that home and family ties are too strong to keep either one interested in a self-centred direction for too long. Indoor interests such as cooking, home maintenance and decoration, home entertainment, music, dancing, literature, psychic investigation and spiritual healing will be among many activities that will hold a stronger attraction than outdoor interests. The 2 vibration’s penchant for collecting things exists in both partners. Profit as well as pleasure can be gained if this is encouraged. In the outdoor arena they share a mutual love of water and all sorts of activities associated with a large body of water.
Caution and deliberation is shown in all financial and other business matters by subjects of the 6 vibration and the 8 vibration produces astute and successful money managers. The Twenty-Six will therefore measure all things in monetary terms and automatically assume responsibility for all the business affairs of the partnership. Twos, who often suffer from an unaccountable anxiety over money matters, will gladly surrender this responsibility. Unwise spending habits caused by the Two’s openheartedness and impressionability will be checked when a Twenty Six has influence over expenditure.
Genuine sentimentalists are found among straight Two personalities. They will readily subordinate material gain for romance, tenderness and warmth in their intimate lives. Allied to a Twenty-Six partner, they may enjoy the best of both aspects of life. Though the Twenty-Six is certainly not as sentimental, and may not display their emotional needs as openly as the Two, they have the same desire and need for loving attention, peace, kindliness and tranquillity in their intimate lives. The Two’s efforts to establish an environment of warmth will be understood and supported. Compatibility between Twos and Twenty-Sixes will not be too dissimilar to that between Twos and Twos, Twos and Sixes and Twos and Eights. The chapters on the 2nd and 2nd, 2nd and 6th and 2nd and 8th birthdays will provide further useful information.
The strongest partnerships will be formed when both Twos and Twenty-Sixes are born in the 1st, 10th, 11th or 12th months. These will be positive personalities, able to make independent contributions to the partnership. If one partner is born in one of these months, the decision making role will sooner or later devolve on this partner. If neither of them is born in one of these months, they will be too dependent on each other to make much real progress in the material sense.
A one digit birthday provides a single major facet to the personality of an individual. The numbers of the birth month and birth year provide the minor facets. A multiple digit birthday, on the other hand, has a trinity of major facets as well as the minor ones. A cursory glance at the 2nd and 27th birthdays shows a mismatch in terms of a variety of personality facets. The 2nd birthday is exclusively controlled by receptive characteristics of the single 2 vibration, while the Twenty-Seventh has, in addition to the 2, the active qualities of the comprehensive 7 and 9 vibrations.
As the fixed numerological grid indicates, the 2 vibration is the first of the emotional trio 2, 5 & 8, and the second of the self-centred trio 1, 2 & 3. As a result, pure Two personalities are emotionally oriented and tend towards pre-occupation with their own personality. This pre-occupation is overcome to a large extent if they are kept busy with other attractions and duties. In the Twenty-Seven these characteristics are obscured to a large extent by the 7 vibration on the physical plane and the 9 on the mental plane. Thought processes of subjects of the 7 and 9 are projected out of themselves, out of parochial limitations into the phenomenal world at large and the non-phenomenal world. Despite operation on different planes of expression, the three vibrations forming the Twenty-Seven are not in conflict with each other. The majority of their characteristics are, in fact, complementary. This saves the Twenty-Seven from much internal conflict and assists in achieving proper direction in life. Unlike the sensitive Two, they are able to view and handle events with a greater degree of personal detachment. The basic difference between them is the subjective outlook of the Two and the greater objectivity of the Twenty-Seven.
There is no doubt that Twos and Twenty-Sevens will be attracted to each other. They will do so not only on the basis of the natural attraction of active and receptive vibrations, but also from a remarkable number of harmonising characteristics present in the 2, 7 and 9 vibrations. A quaint blending of personality traits will take place between this pair. The Two partner, with unqualified and spontaneous 2 qualities such as adaptability, self-sacrifice, agreeability, consideration and generosity will have little difficulty accommodating to the more complex ways of the Twenty Seven. Characteristics such as crudeness, vulgarity, violence, cruelty, tension and speed which inhibit the genteel and sensitive nature of the Two are not found in the Twenty-Seven. A cultural and spiritual overtone existing in everything the Twenty-Seven says and does evokes the best positive responses from the Two. Twenty-Sevens, for their part, will soon discover that they have chosen sentimental companions and to the degree they accommodate themselves to this idiosyncrasy, will they receive the support of one of the most companionable and helpful of all partners. The introvert or semi-recluse tendencies of the 7 vibration and the extrovert and international outlook of the 9 are built into the single individual having the 27th birthday. The 7 aspect is inclined towards private self-development and the retention of revealed knowledge to themselves, while the 9 aspect goes public in all activities with a keen desire to spread knowledge. The flexible 2 vibration within the Twenty-Seven has qualities that adapt to and support both aspects and bring about a satisfactory balance between the two. To this extent and in this respect one may suspect a degree of inconsistency within the personality of the Twenty-Seven. The outer person and first impressions generally give out 7 and 2 qualities of aloofness and reflective manners, while extroverted and broad horizons of the 9 vibration supported by other aspects of the 2 hold firm control over fundamental levels of the Twenty-Seven. Unfortunately, many active 9 characteristics are held back by self-diminishing attitudes. This is a problem found within the Two partner as well. Both partners need each other’s support in raising their self-image to fairer levels as their potential far exceeds their belief in themselves. They could do with some of the driving force and ego-lifting traits of the 1 vibration.
Combative, competitive, aggressive and self-assertive qualities which usually promote rapid success in public life are not found in strength in either of these personalities. Quality of life, especially in a non-material sense, is more important to them than the constant pursuit of power and material gain. They are better suited for the professions than the competitive world of business. Though both are capable of gaining high distinction in these largely non-competitive fields, neither of them will neglect family responsibility for professional advancement. Both have a strong attachment to home and family. It is likely that the Two will willingly assume the greater share of day-to-day domestic affairs as the desire of this partner for a life of ease, quietude and security is stronger than the need for involvement in a variety of activity. The influence of the knowledge-seeking 7 and 9 vibrations in the Twenty-Seven may direct this partner into specialisation in whatever field of employment they may undertake. People subject to these vibrations are not really domesticated but will always have a strong attachment to home as a place where they can confidently expect peace. Negative Twos will be too dependent on their Twenty-Seven partners for day-to-day decisions and will therefore involve them in more than their share of domestic responsibility.
There is a paradoxical element in the social needs of these partners. On the one hand, both have a natural fondness for mingling with people of their own genteel dispositions, and on the other hand, neither of them can cope with uncontrolled or disorganised social involvement. Both look for planned periods of quietude and privacy in each other’s company. In the presence of others there is a reserved manner characteristic of both partners. They are keen listeners and observers who avoid the centre of attention. Two personalities, especially, fear loneliness, and need the presence of their partners during the periods they spend away from social contact. They become agitated if left alone at home for too long, or in the company of strangers. Their shyness easily isolates them in unknown company as they will not move around or make the initial move to get to know people. They are usually content to remain as part of a familiar group. The Twenty-Seven, on the other hand is able to enjoy periods of solitude, especially in natural surroundings, and does not feel lost when they find themselves in the company of strangers. As they are so much alike in their basic attitudes these slight differences in manner do not harm the social life of these partners. They are actually quite solicitous of each other in company. The Two’s fear of being left alone will not eventuate with a Twenty-Seven partner. The most enduring quality they have in common is their value of human relations over the struggle that comes with acquiring material possessions and power. They are attentive not only to their own relationship but also to their kinship with others.
Both partners have rich emotional natures. Twos satisfy their emotions through involvement in the lives of family members, through fantasy, romance and intimate conversation. The Twenty-Seven does so through aesthetic pursuits such as poetry, music, art and esoteric spiritual activities. The emotions of the Two, which are always on the surface, are allowed to run freely, while those of the Twenty-Seven are held in check by the down-to-earth aspects of the 7 vibration and mentally oriented aspects of the 9. As they constantly strive to keep their emotions from exceeding what may be regarded as acceptable limits of expression, Twenty-Sevens may be classed as more emotionally mature than their Two counterparts. The winsome manner of the Two stands out in contrast to an aloof and poised stance natural to the Twenty-Seven. The differences in their emotional natures are reflected in oral expression and body language. Twos, for instance, understand and appreciate the volume of communication that could be made through the sense of touch, and so habitually use this means with loved ones. The Twenty-Seven is not unresponsive to this form of expression and may often initiate it themselves.
Oral communication between them will always be easy with the Two given to more emotionally expressive words and phrases. The voices of these partners will always be toned down and free from crude and egoistic speech. Arguments will be extremely rare due to their conciliatory and flexible natures. Left on their own they are not excessive talkers as they not only use body language to communicate but also make use of strong psychic and intuitive links. They become more talkative under the stimulation of the lively company of friends.
As Two personalities take delight in companionship in everything they do they will expect their Twenty-Seven partners to join them in their hobbies and other leisure activities. The Twenty-Seven will not feel under pressure to do so as things that interest the Two such as music, literature, dancing, group entertainment and sporting activities that do not include body contact and fierce competition, will also interest them. Many Twenty-Sevens interest themselves in the pursuit of abstract knowledge. Twos may not proceed as deeply as their partners, but will certainly offer support and encouragement in this direction. The Twenty-Seven will avoid their Two partners during their leisure periods only if the Twos are excessively negative and expose a nagging disposition which is characteristic of the negative side of these personalities. If the three vibratory forces comprising the Twenty-Seven are separated and considered independently, their compatibility with a Two partner will not be too different to the compatibility to be found between a Two and an integral Twenty-Seven. The chapters on the 2nd and 2nd, 2nd and 7th and 2nd and 9th birthdays will provide much useful information, not only in their hobbies and spare-time activities, but also in all other aspects of their relationship.
The generous and compassionate qualities found in both partners will have a significant influence on their money spending habits. Both parties will need to exercise constant care to prevent too many inroads into their financial reserves as a result of impulsive action. Though the 7 vibration within the Twenty-Seven provides good financial acumen, the powers of the liberal 2 and 9 vibrations will often override the caution given by the 7aspect of the personality. The support of a money-wise vibration such as a 1, 4, 6 or 8 in the birth month or other significant area of the numerological chart in either one or both individuals in the partnership will be needed to ensure continuous financial security.
The feelings of the Twenty-Seven are not as often hurt as those of the Two on account of the reasoning powers of the 7 and the wisdom of the 9. The Twenty-Seven’s feelings run much deeper and any injuries received will remain much longer. Twos have no protection against their sensitivity and are hurt easily, but they overcome their emotional injuries much sooner. These differences will be observed in their intimate lives. However, these are not personalities who intentionally or callously cause psychological or emotional pain to their partners. Also, base physical behaviour is alien to both. Strong currents of romance and refinement influence their physical relations. The Twenty Seven will certainly be the more passionate partner while the Two will be the more sentimental partner.
The most successful partnerships will emerge when both are born in the 1st, 10th, 11th, or 12th months. An equal division of authority and responsibility will take place as both will be positive personalities able to make use of their full potential. If one partner is born in one of these months, greater responsibility will evolve on this partner. If neither partner has the activator 1 vibration in the birth month they will both suffer from poor self-esteem and not make full use of their potential.
At first glance these birthdays appear to be governed entirely by even numbers or receptive vibrations. However, closer examination will reveal that at fundamental levels this is a combination of opposites. The 2nd day of any month brings out a personality with easily recognisable receptive qualities of the 2 vibration. The vibratory structure of those born on the 28th, however, is not as readily identifiable. When the multiple number of this day is reduced to a single digit (2+8=10=1) we find that this birthday produces a One personality. Twenty-Eights are nevertheless qualified One personalities on account of the undeniable influence of the 2 and 8 vibrations. Consequently, the relationship between a Two and a Twenty-Eight will not be quite the same as that between a Two and a straightforward One, born on the 1st or 10th day of any month. However, reference to the chapters relating to their compatibilities will provide good background knowledge for appreciating the current combination.
The most conspicuous difference between the personality of a Twenty-Eight/One and the straightforward One arises from the emotional plane. The Twenty-Eight is fortified by two strong emotional vibrations, namely the 2 and 8. This gives the personality ample emotional expression and emotional accessibility. However, negative aspects of emotionalism will appear if emotional numbers 2, 5, or 8 appear in the birth month. The down-to-earth 1 vibration has control over the integral personality, but this remains in the background of the personality and has to be evoked from time to time to control emotion.
The Two will find in the Twenty-Eight the underlying strength of character all Twos look for in their partners before they are themselves able to use their full potential. This strength of character in the Twenty-Eight is provided, not only by the basic 1 vibration, but also by the powerful 8 vibration. Subjects of these two vibrations have a good deal in common, with differences observable only in technique and procedure. Some comparable traits are authority, leadership, willpower, determination, ambition, self-reliance and self-assertiveness, all of which are directed to the pursuit of power and the acquisition of material wealth. In addition, the egoistic drive of the 1 is also found in the 8 but this is tempered by a broader outlook, sensitivity and high sense of justice. The receptive qualities of the 8 are at a high evolutionary stage and are rather deceptive, insofar as they bear greater resemblance to the original 1 than to other receptive vibrations. There is however a refinement and roundness that is developed in the 8 which is not found in the pure 1. The 2 vibration in the Twenty-Eight should not be forgotten as it constantly tempers the forms of aggression found in the 1 and 8 vibrations. The presence of these strong qualities in the foreground as well as the background of a single individual makes the Twenty-Eight a potentially superior personality. The Two partner who, by nature, prefers to follow up and support action initiated by others, will gladly take shelter, as it were, under the resourceful and energetic Twenty-Eight, and within this shelter display the best supportive and collaborative qualities of the 2 vibration. The Two may find the presence of the Twenty-Eight somewhat overshadowing but not necessarily restrictive. The Twenty-Eight partner, on the other hand, will undoubtedly depend on the personal sacrifice and backing of the Two in order to arrive anywhere near achievement of their high ambition.
Most Twenty-Eights come well equipped for the hustle and bustle of public life. In addition to the outgoing positive characteristics mentioned earlier, the 8 and 1 vibrations are among the strongest in competition, rivalry, survival against odds and also in organisation, administration, planning and in relentless effort towards fulfilment of ambition. Motivated by these powerful resources the Twenty-Eight is ideally suited for life in the business world. On the other hand, a Twenty-Eight who undertakes domestic duties will run a well organised, well disciplined and financially sound home. However, this partner may not be personally fulfilled when confined to domestic duties. Such responsibilities which use up the energy resources of most homemakers will not absorb all those of a Twenty-Eight. There will be quite an overflow of energy seeking action outside the domestic scene. With the 1 and 8 vibrations, to think is to act, and the Twenty-Eight’s constant mental creations need ample scope for independent expression. The Two/Twenty-Eight partnership will have greater stability, harmony and success if the Twenty-Eight is the principal income earner. Although the Two can achieve success and acquire fame in a variety of occupations, they are not as decisive, strong-willed and self-reliant as the Twenty-Eight. Almost all Twos will happily accept the leadership of a Twenty-Eight partner in regard to work and money matters while they assume control of household responsibilities. If both partners happen to be professionally qualified and engaged in full-time employment, they will still be capable of organising domestic responsibilities between themselves. The 2 vibration shared by both parties provides the spirit of cooperation.
None of the forces governing these personalities tend towards social rebellion, bohemianism or socially unconventional attitudes. Both become integrated in the established social order. They are mildly extroverted persons whose sensitivity plays an important part, not only in their personal relations, but also in their social behaviour. Both are more conscious than others whether they are welcome or not in any social gathering or whether any gathering suits their fragile sentiments. Twos are more dependent on companionship and social intercourse than their Twenty-Eight partners. They tend to value human relations more than material possessions. Twenty-Eights are more socially independent and so do not seek out the society of others. Often the company they keep is connected with their business or public life. They place a higher priority on the pursuit of success, power and possessions than on nurturing friendships. The Two’s sensitivity adds many stresses to their lives often misleading them into wrong interpretation of the conduct and motives of others. Not having great faith in their own judgments they also tend to seek approval of their own behaviour. The Twenty-Eight, on the other hand, has little time for approval seeking and does not feel the need to explain themselves, as Twos often do. Though not intentionally hurtful, Twenty-Eights instinctively trust their judgments and hold honesty to be more important than tact and diplomacy. They are able to stand on their own feet and not model their behaviour on standards set by others. Twos are fond of identifying themselves with strong personalities, and Two partners will be well advised to emulate this self-assured aspect of the Twenty-Eight.
Unlike all straightforward Ones, the Twenty-Eights are able to verbalise their feelings and join with their partners in communicating through the spoken word as well as the written word. With this combined method of communication a Two/Twenty-Eight partnership will enjoy an intimacy that will be the envy of many other couples. Neither partner will be tongue-tied when faced with emotionally complex issues. Though many of their discussions relating to mundane matters may be emotionally charged, practical solutions will eventually be provided by the Twenty-Eight partner. Communication between them is also facilitated by rich body language and unspoken thoughts. Their sensitivity opens further means of understanding and communication through extrasensory perception of each other’s needs. The body language of the Two is often defensive and apologetic while the gestures and facial expressions of the Twenty-Eight are animated, decisive and authoritative. Although these partners have no difficulty communicating with each other they cannot be classed as vibrant and interesting conversationalists in social circles. Being only mildly extroverted and sensitive natured they do not seek prominence in general conversation. Much of the Twenty-Eight’s authority and self-assurance is expended in public life and a considerably mellowed aspect of this personality is seen in social activity. They are quite gracious when things are going their way but without hurtful intention, they could still be forthright when opposed or contradicted. Twos are natural listeners and observers. They are pleasant and warm personalities who keep their conversation to a person to person basis. On rare occasions only will they venture to take in a group of persons.
As the spirit of competition is strong in the Twenty-Eight, this partner will be involved in many competitive recreational activities. Mere participation will not be sufficient. They will always be determined to win and often become despondent and self-critical when they fail to do so. For Two personalities, participation can be an end in itself. They usually avoid highly competitive games and take up activities that do not call for heavy physical contact. In spite of these different attitudes, these partners will carry their spirit of togetherness into their leisure activities. Rather than demand personal freedom, these are personality types who, within reason, will choose to enjoy their recreation together. Although the Twenty-Eight will generally be the outdoor partner and the Two the indoor partner, they will find many mutually acceptable outlets for joint participation. For instance, all water sports and all forms of dancing will attract both partners.
The underlying power of the money conscious 1 vibration within the Twenty-Eight will, without doubt, be the guiding influence on the financial side of this partnership. Subjects of this vibration demand full value for the money they give out. They are not influenced by sales promotion, but go after the best bargains they can get and invariably succeed in obtaining them. In addition, the 8 vibration provides advanced expertise in money management and investment. Subjects of the 1 and 8 vibrations do not rely on ‘luck’ or good fortune They do not gamble or take uncalculated risks, but set about the accumulation of money through their own efforts. They have practical, self-reliant and energetic business minds that create opportunity for advancement. A good deal of forethought and planning goes into the many bold steps they take in this direction. In their personal relations they are generous and subject to a degree of impulsive action through the combined influences of the emotional aspects of the 2 and 8 vibrations. However, there is a safeguard against excess from the 1 vibration. Furthermore, there are aspects of both the 1 and 8 vibrations which do not accept or give handouts but would themselves accept and offer others the opportunity to stand on their own feet and work for their needs. The Twenty-Eight’s well balanced approach to money matters will be a good foil for the Two partner’s unprotected money sense. Twos have to depend on other areas of influence for strengthening their capacity to spend judiciously. Though the Two personality looks for financial security and often suffers anxiety in regard to their financial position, they are at the same time easily influenced to part with their money.
On the whole, the Twenty-Eight personality accepts personal responsibility for their happiness and material welfare. Twos are dependent on their partners to provide a setting for a peaceful and secure lifestyle (some to an alarming degree). They do not, of course, sit back while their partners do the needful, but in a potentially successful set-up they enthusiastically enter into their full share and often assume more of the responsibility. The Two needs someone who is a support, confidant and ultimate decision maker. These requirements will be fulfilled by a Twenty-Eight partner and result in bringing out the best Two characteristics and talents. As these partners do not suffer communication problems they will not be found operating at cross-purposes. Being emotionally warm personalities, the physical aspect of their intimate lives should be compatible. Their sensitivity may give rise to frequent petty misunderstandings, but these will be quickly overcome as neither partner is capable of keeping up an ongoing argument or difference of opinion. No doubt, there will be a greater degree of compliance on the part of the peace loving Two partner. At the same time the high sense of fairness and justice of the Twenty-Eight prevents them from taking advantage of the Two’s over-compliant nature. A goodwill and trustful approach by one will automatically evoke an appropriate response from the other.
The closest and strongest relationships will be formed when both partners are born in the 1st, 10th, 11th and 12th months. The 1 vibration in the birth month will ensure positive attitudes in the Two partner and give added strength to the Twenty-Eight. The partnership will be equally successful if only the Two partner is born in one of these months. Twenty-Eights can stand on their own feet without the presence of a 1 vibration in the month. A Two who is born in any other month will be much more dependent on their Twenty Eight partners.
A good deal of boldness is needed to suggest that people born on these birthdays hold a natural attraction for each other. An even greater degree of courage is needed to forecast the extent of success they could achieve in a long-term or permanent relationship. The problem faced is the absence of exchangeable characteristics so that each could benefit from the other’s qualities. There are more vibrations in these birthdays with polarities that repel or render themselves ineffective than those with magnetic attraction needed for growth and productivity. The clear-cut Two personality born on the 2nd day has distinguishable and predictable 2 characteristics based on an emotional and ego-centred structure. Many subjective actions and reactions resulting from this self-consciousness can be self-restricting and to some extent, burdensome in a relationship with a generally objective and open-minded personality. The ego-centredness of the Two takes to the passive nature of a receptive vibration rather than that of the ego pushing habits of an active vibration.
The 29th day produces a complicated personality structure. The complexity of the personality becomes apparent when seen in relation to the straightforward Two partner. In the first instance, the outer personality of the Twenty-Nine is governed by the 2 and 9 vibrations. The emotional aspects of the 2 retain a strong hold on the personality, but the ego-centred and parochial aspects are transformed by the comprehensive 9 vibration into an altruistic and worldwide mode of thought. Secondly, in many Twenty-Nines the transformation is speeded up and maintained at a high vibratory rate by the underlying master vibration 11. The number 29 is reduced as follows: 2 + 9 = 11 = 2. In many cases the reduction ceases at the master vibration and the inner or basic personality is considered in terms of this master vibration. In others, this aspect of the personality may be considered in terms of a strong 2. This is not the original 2 vibration but one that is derived from an 11. As such, it has inherited many active qualities of the double 1. The social and cultural background of the Twenty-Nine must be considered to determine whether the master vibration or the 2 is to be applied. The individual could more often than not, fluctuate between the 11 and the 2. Whatever approach is used, the complexity of the integral Twenty-Nine as compared to the straightforward Two partner becomes clearly evident.
The expanded consciousness of the Twenty-Nine follows a more emancipated mode of thought, and is often the cause of a higher incidence of personal problems among many younger individuals when they feel the impact of the established order of society. The complexity of their personality structure creates confusion, restlessness and defective self-understanding. In other words, they go through an identity crisis. When the early stages of maturity have been reached they usually free themselves from many environmental restrictions. Taking greater charge of their lives, they proceed to convert their ideals to practical form. Most mature Twenty-Nines also become aware of a spiritual destination to be reached and, in accordance with their background, make assorted efforts to do so. Their partners inevitably have a difficult time during the uncertain earlier years, and Two partners, who of all people need an established lifestyle in order to flourish, may suffer most of all. At the later stages of the Twenty Nine’s development the Two partner will be obliged to follow the many schemes and changes in the Twenty-Nine’s lifestyle. These are not dominant or autocratic personalities, but an in-depth involvement in their personal schemes carries them on a crest of a wave, as it were. They unconsciously include others in their line of thought and are consequently disillusioned if they find their partners are not on level with their ideals. Although their enthusiasm for particular projects may not last, their partners usually have no alternative but to join them or lead independent lives. The Two personality is not equipped to live an independent life and will inevitably follow the lead of the Twenty-Nine. Twenty-Nines are able to take new experiences as they come, without pondering over them. Their Two partners let too many imaginative fears interfere with their reactions and performance. The Two personality, influenced by the low frequency 2 vibration, will always have difficulty keeping up with the high frequencies of the vibration comprising the Twenty-Nine. A break up of the vibrations forming the 29th day and the Two’s relationship with each, is found in the chapters dealing with the 2nd and 2nd, 2nd and 9th, and 2nd and 11th birthdays. A perusal of these chapters will provide some guidance towards understanding the 2nd and 29th combinations discussed here.
The emotional orientation of both parties is manifestly the biggest drawback in this combination. As the heart governs their actions and reactions for the most part, down-to-earth attitudes, so necessary for efficiency in practical living, will not be contributed to any appreciable degree by either party. The emotionalism of the Two partner is largely predictable and definable, and to some extent manageable. Due to the interaction of complex vibrations within the single personality, that of the Twenty-Nine is unpredictable. The enigmatic nature of the Twenty-Nine will be a problem not only to a Two partner but to a partner of any other personality type.
Both the Two and Twenty-Nine are prone to marked variations in mood and seldom find themselves in a position to help each other during their emotional highs and lows. Their individual levels of tolerance also differ considerably. Those of the Two are usually passive, defensive and complaining, while the Twenty-Nine could be fiery, assertive and decisive. They are seldom able to contain anger in the face of frustration. However, Twenty-Nines show a quick recovery after their flare-ups and the capacity to look back and see the humorous side of most situations.
The Twenty-Nine will, no doubt, assume a larger portion of responsibility for decision making. Though not strictly business minded, they will nevertheless take up the business affairs of the partnership. This partner has the greater capacity and need to function in the world at large. Despite physical and emotional repercussions from frustration and intolerance in their relations with others, they revel in the mainstream of public life, and display considerable resilience in coping with their public responsibilities. The resilience of the Two is also extensive, but is generally confined to domestic life. They find contentment in a home environment due to a constitutional aversion to the tension and turmoil of competitive public life.
Egoistical attitudes are foreign to the nature of these partners. On the contrary, both may suffer a general tendency to evaluate themselves poorly. Although their sensitivity is one of their greatest assets, the over-development or over-emphasis of this quality makes them self-critical and vulnerable to psychological hurts. In family affairs and in social life the Two partner usually falls in with the wishes of others and takes the trouble to please them. Twenty-Nines are no different except when they are engaged in one of their pet schemes. These are socially popular partners who are more interested in good human relations than in seeking material advantages from their social contacts. Neither partner is able to cope with loneliness. When deprived of one another’s company they will seek the comfort of friends and relations. The degree of extroversion exhibited by them is directly related to the vibratory structure of their personalities. Both recoil from any form of grossness in people. They easily drop into place in social circles of their choice. The Two does so in an unobtrusive manner and stays as a welcome member of a group. The Twenty-Nine has greater social mobility and makes a wider impact on the social scene. They are able to handle and take pleasure from a greater variety of personality types. Both partners will be well known for their generosity and hospitality. Here again, they may not be able to protect each other when unscrupulous persons take advantage of their good nature and impressionability.
Non-competitive sporting activities will attract both partners. Indoor games will be more attractive to them than outdoor sport. However, both will enjoy holidays by the sea due to the 2 vibration’s strong attraction to water. The Twenty-Nine has an urge to travel and uses such occasions for cultural development. Positive Twos are ideal travelling companions, while negative Twos may be inclined to be complaining, fussy and lacking in the spirit of adventure. Both partners possess a keen psychic sense which can be converted into non-verbal or telepathic communication between themselves. They may also experience sudden insights into the inner side of life without having recourse to reasoning. Their oral communication will be gentle and refined. Whenever a difference of opinion arises, they will be prepared to talk things over. However, if matters get out of control, the Two may resort to tears and the Twenty-Nine to high-pitched tones and to some degree of violence, in order to rid themselves of frustration. Violence usually takes the form of throwing things about and not physical assault. They may also react by retreating deep within themselves.
These are personality types that do not demand time of their own, or take up hobbies in which their partners cannot participate in one form or another. The Two vibration’s gathering nature exists in both, but the Two partner will be the one to concentrate on a collection of some sort. The Twenty-Nine is subject to many distractions and can only be depended upon for support and encouragement. Other connecting interests will be found in the 2 vibration’s attraction to literature, music, dancing, preventative medicine, various forms of healing and psychic investigation. By and large, these partners will find more things in common in their hobbies than in other aspects of their relationship.
Money problems will be created by both partners. Neither party possesses much financial acumen. Their capacity for spending is greater than their desire and ability to make and save money. More will be spent on food, drink, clothing and medical expenses than is really necessary. The 2 vibration’s saving habits are overcome by impressionability, generosity, impulsive buying and a desire to keep up with standards of others. The Two partner will certainly suffer anxiety in regard to their financial position. Optimism is not one of the strong qualities of the 2 vibration. The Twenty-Nine, on the other hand, does not share this anxiety. The 9 vibration, helped by the underlying 11, while recognising the need for money, has a certain indifference and disdain for the accumulation and attachment to money and as a result provides an optimistic outlook. The absence of financial stability creates greater personal insecurity in the Two but much less in the Twenty-Nine.
The free-flowing emotions of both partners will be the source of constant complications and grief in their intimate lives. While demonstration of affection by the Two remains fairly even, the Twenty-Nine’s reciprocity cannot always be taken for granted. Both personalities are subject to fluctuations in mood. They are regularly influenced by the phases of the moon, experiencing their highs during full moon and waxing moon, and their lows at the waning of the moon. However, the Twenty-Nine, due to its complex nature, reaches higher highs and lower lows than the Two is capable of. Two partners will certainly find themselves isolated when the Twenty-Nines go into a form of psychological recession. They are quite inaccessible in this state. The Two, who is unable to face loneliness, will suffer much during these turns. Upon recovery, the Twenty-Nine is usually carried on a wave of enthusiasm into a feverish state of activity. This too could place a strain on the placid nature of the Two partner who resents too much variation in their lifestyle. Both partners openly reveal their vulnerable feelings and become engrossed in their own introspection to an extent that they are not able to help each other. The fact remains that the rise and fall of the Two’s emotional levels and the volatile emotions of the Twenty-Nine do not complement each other, and this inconsistency will always have a negative influence in their intimate lives. Seldom will one be found in a receptive mood when the other is in an active one.
Twos and Twenty-Nines who are born in the 1st, 10th, 11th and 12th months have their emotional fluctuations under a fair measure of control by the practical 1 vibration. These personalities have a better chance of succeeding in a relationship than those with emotional or mental vibrations in their birth month. If one of the partners is born in one of these months, practical values will be brought into the partnership by this partner. If both partners are born in the 3rd, 6th or 9th months their emotional and mental orientation will create several problems in the practical side of life. Constant emotional turbulence can be expected if both parties are born in the 2nd, 5th or 8th months. The chances of success recede considerably in these combinations.
As many as four days of the month are responsible for producing what is known as a Three personality. These days are the 3rd, 12th, 21st and 30th. Three personalities fall into two categories, namely, the qualified Threes, born on the 12th and 21st, and the straightforward Threes, born on the 3rd and 30th. The straightforward Threes may be regarded as fraternal twins, but not as identical twins, as the presence of the Zero in the 30th day tends to emphasise the qualities of the 3 vibration. This also applies to the1and 2 vibrations in the case of the 10th and 20th birthdays. The emphasis is seen in the positive as well as negative aspects of the particular vibration. An essentially positive Thirty will therefore display 3 characteristics in a more noticeable manner than an essentially positive Three. Negative 3 qualities will also be emphasised in a generally negative Thirty. The chapter relating to the 2nd and 3rd birthdays covers the present Two/Thirty combination, but the intensifying qualities of the Zero should be kept in mind.
A Thirty born in the 1st, 10th, 11th or 12th month is backed up by the self-reliant 1 vibration and has therefore the potential to evoke the best qualities of the 3 vibration. The mentally oriented 3 is supported by the down-to-earth qualities of the 1. A partnership with a Two, especially a Two born in one of the same months, will be most successful due to the interaction in a positive manner of the opposite polarities of their birthdays. The practical talents of the 4 and 7 vibrations also provide good chances of success for those born in the 4th and 7th months. However, a lack of self-confidence may prevent many latent positive qualities being used.
A Thirty born in the 3rd, 6th or 9th months will be overloaded on the mental side. Emotional expression will be restricted and practical ability very limited. Both partners will expect to be taken care of in the emotional and practical aspects of life and will disappoint each other. The partnership will be disorganised and financially unsound. Negative characteristics will exceed positive ones in the case of a Thirty born in the 2nd, 5th and 8th months. An inferiority complex will be displayed by an inflated ego devoted to self-publicity. A Two partner’s concerns will be given very little attention.
Interaction between a straightforward Two personality and a qualified Four personality will be seen in this combination. Their relationship will be the same as that between a Two and another qualified Four, namely an individual born on the 13th day of any month. It should be noted that the influence of the 3 vibration is slightly stronger in the Thirty-One than in the Thirteen, as it appears first, but this does not make any appreciable difference in their interaction with a Two personality.
The chapter on 2nd and 13th birthdays should be consulted.