Compatibility with the 19th Birthday
Please refer to the 1st and 19th birthdays.
Please refer to the 2nd and 19th birthdays.
Please refer to the 3rd and 19th birthdays.
Please refer to the 4th and 19th birthdays.
Please refer to the 5th and 19th birthdays.
Please refer to the 6th and 19th birthdays.
Please refer to the 7th and 19th birthdays.
Please refer to the 8th and 19th birthdays.
Please refer to the 9th and 19th birthdays.
This combination is the same as the 1st and 19th birthdays. The 10 reduces to a 1, (1 + 0 = 1). The Zero in the 10th day does not add any new features, nor does it take away any characteristics of the 1 vibration. At most, it may emphasise certain 1 features.
Please refer to the 11th and 19th birthdays.
Please refer to the 12th and 19th birthdays.
Please refer to the 13th and 19th birthdays.
Please refer to the 14th and 19th birthdays.
Please refer to the 15th and 19th birthdays.
Please refer to the 16th and 19th birthdays.
Please refer to the 17th and 19th birthdays.
Please refer to the 18th and 19th birthdays.
The 19th day is unique in the sense that it contains vibrations that symbolise the beginning and the conclusion of a spiralling cycle of human evolution. The number 1 which represents beginning also embodies primary features such as originality, inventiveness, self-sufficiency, self-reliance, initiative, enterprise, vital energy and leadership. An emphatic individuality with strong traits of acquisitiveness and possessiveness distinguish pure One personalities from all others, that is, those born on the 1st or 10th days of the month. An ‘I’ and ‘My’ mentality observed in these Ones should not be taken as selfishness as they are, in fact, generous, loyal, and dependable partners, parents and guardians. People closely associated with pure Ones find that they are generous givers but do not like to share their possessions. As Nineteens are not pure One personalities all 1 traits are qualified by the prominent position of the 9 vibration in their birthday. At the end of the single number spectrum the 9 represents qualities in direct contrast to the 1. It is known as the vibration of completeness. It contains elements of all preceding vibratory forces. While the characteristics of the 1 are personal, those of the 9 are, for the most part, extended to include many impersonal features. Persons influenced by this vibration hold a global outlook on life with non-competitive and non-aggressive egos. They are not motivated by domineering and opinionated tendencies. The 9 is a vibration of maturity, displaying high-minded qualities of wisdom, compassion, understanding, tolerance, generosity, unselfishness, idealism and breadth of vision. An inner awareness of a spiritual force within all living things frees all Nine personalities from any form of prejudice in their interaction people of all cultures.
The combination of 1 and 9 characteristics in the Nineteen creates a special blend of exclusive and inclusive personality traits. An abundance of physical, mental and spiritual powers is nature’s gift to all Nineteens. A free and easy outlet for emotional expression has, however, been denied them. There is a great deal of emotion in these individuals which is usually held in check and released in fits and starts. As all Nineteens are positive individuals, expression of enthusiasm, humour and joy exceed displays of frustration and anger. Also, as Nineteens are qualified One personalities (1 + 9 =10 = 1), attributes of the 1 vibration manifest not only in the foreground of their personality but also in the background. Their 9 aspect, which is a frontal feature, serves as an ever present censor that modifies and rounds off certain unfavourable 1 qualities such as pride, boastfulness, obstinacy, self-indulgence and uncooperative habits. At the same time it expands and enriches exemplary 1 qualities such as ambition, enterprise, initiative, adventure, popular leadership and organisation. Diagnostic ability is a special feature of the 9 vibration and when this is combined with the originality and inventiveness of the 1, the Nineteen personality has unlimited potential for success in all their undertakings.
Nineteens inevitably lose total command of their lives when they enter into a relationship. Compatibility will depend largely on the degree of adjustment they need to make. It is essential that the personalities of their partners are able to match their own. Nineteens have reached a high degree of development that is not easily matched. They will not tolerate overbearing or manipulative partners, nor will they put up with ineffectual and dependent individuals. A Nineteen/Nineteen partnership will, however, be one of relative equals – relative because their birth months may not be the same.
It is not in the nature of things that pure One personalities will be attracted to each other. In the unlikely event of this happening it will not be long before they are at loggerheads. With qualified Ones such the Nineteen, egoistic, assertive tendencies are modified by the 9 aspect. In other words, many of the ‘I’ and ‘My’ tendencies of the 1 are expanded into ‘We’, ‘Us’ and ‘They tendencies of the 9. These dual aspects within the Nineteen act for the most part in unison. The result will be not only the modification of 1 characteristics but also a strengthening of all 9 attributes. 9 attributes without the backing of the 1 tend to be too trusting, generous, impressionable, impulsive and temperamental. All Nineteens are gifted with an above average measure of physical, practical, mental and intuitive resources. They are career oriented people who need a wide and varied field for self-expression. Despite the very real responsibilities of a homemaker Nineteens will find a domestic way of life unfulfilling. As working partners, they need to share domestic duties equally or enlist the help of a third party. Although business, social life and recreational activities may take up much of their time, domestic responsibilities and family care will not be neglected because these are highly responsible and versatile people.
As Nineteens are well adjusted within themselves they move within society in a self-assured manner. They are neither dependent on social interaction for their wellbeing, nor are they reclusive or exclusive. They are extroverted individuals who move in and out of society with poise and dignity, and do so on their own terms. As self-possessed individuals they circulate in a social scene without looking to each other for support. Their contribution to social life is invariably more than they obtain out of it. They may not always remain satisfied with the extent they are able to help others. At the same time many Nineteens feel embarrassed when they find themselves at the receiving end. Benefits they get out of social life and from their careers in public life are obtained through their own efforts and not from favours or handouts from others. Nineteens who have not been conditioned by family or sectarian upbringings are free from all forms of religious, racial or cultural prejudice. Their choice of intimate associates, however, will be made from refined and intellectual sections of society. A mental approach to all aspects of life will be observed in their speech and actions. They are individuals who can function comfortably in the international scene.
Trivial subjects will have no place in the conversation of Nineteen partners. Communication between them and with others will contain a mixture of inquiry, analysis, explanation and instruction, as well as a keen sense of humour. Nineteen personalities usually experience a flood of thoughts and conceptions which they may not be able to verbalise adequately. Despite this possible difficulty they could with practice and experience exploit a potential to develop into outstanding public speakers. A retentive memory is another of nature’s gift to all Nineteens. As conversation between Nineteen partners will invariably remain on an informative and productive level wide differences of opinion will be few and far between. Numbers 3 and 5 symbolise strong speech vibrations. The presence of one or the other of these in the birth month will make oral expression much easier.
As all Nineteens are pioneers within the physical, mental and spiritual realms their hobbies and recreational activities will be varied and widespread. Not all their physical activities will be the same but their cultural and spiritual interests can be combined with pleasure. They are not likely to brush aside anything that is unfamiliar, and will endeavour to improve their natural gifts by constant investigation and exploration. As individuals and as a couple they will not indulge in idleness or feel bored, nor will they look to others to plan and direct their activities. They are adventuresome travellers who will explore more nooks and corners of the physical world than the average tourist. There is a fine balance in the Nineteen personality between generosity and responsibility in regard to money management. Nineteen partners should not experience problems with their earning capacity and spending habits. They are not motivated by impulse but by a combination of benevolence and discrimination.
Nineteens consciously endeavour to apply their high-minded principles to the roles they are called upon to play in private and public life. In an intimate relationship in particular, a spiritual kinship will remain the most important aspect of their union. This will prevent them from standing face to face as rivals and will allow them to proceed hand in hand as cooperative partners.
Please refer to the chapter on 2nd and 19th birthdays. The Zero in the 20th day does not add any new features, nor does it take away any characteristics of the 2 vibration. At most, it may emphasise certain 2 features.
Please refer to the chapter on the 12th and 19th Birthdays. Qualified Three personalities are formed by the 12th and 21st days (1+ 2 = 3, and 2 + 1 = 3). The change in position of the 1 vibration makes little or no difference to the integral personalities of those born on these days. Relationships between Nineteen and Twenty-One partners will be almost identical to those between Twelve and Nineteen partners.
Assessment of compatibility between persons born on the 19th and 22nd days is never an easy task due to the variety of combinations that could be formed. The problem is caused by the 22nd day. There is every possibility that Nineteen and Twenty-Two personalities will be attracted to each other, but the eventual outcome of a relationship will depend largely on the type of Twenty-Two. There is a considerable variety of personality types to be found among these individuals, which is not the case with those born on the 19th day. Anyone in association with a Nineteen will deal with a regular personality type having a relatively clear-cut outlook on life.
Both Nineteens and Twenty-Twos are multi-talented individuals with potential for expression over a wide field of activity. Nineteens fall into a single category of high-minded, self-assured and positive personality types. Their birthday vibrations are of sufficient strength to withstand transformation of personality due to the influence of other areas of their birth date, nor do they need the support of these other areas. As qualified One personalities (1 + 9 = 10 = 1) they are gifted with all positive qualities of individuality, ego strength, vital energy, tenacity, leadership, decision, initiative and resolution. They know their goals in life and go after them with determination, concentration and proper direction. When One personalities undertake a commitment such as an intimate relationship they do not envisage change or failure. A mixture of self-confidence, pride, loyalty and possessiveness prevents them from surrendering control over an undertaking. These positive characteristics of the 1 vibration are strengthened in the Nineteen personality by advanced and expanded attributes of the 9 operating in the forefront of their personality. ‘I’ and ‘My’ tendencies of the pure One are converted into ‘We’, ‘Us’, and ‘They’ attributes of the 9 vibration. While the 1 emphasises egoistic traits of self-assertiveness, self-importance and self-concern, the 9 defuses these traits to a fair extent by introducing impersonal, objective, humanitarian, altruistic, generous and broadminded views on life. At the same time, the self-centred nature of the 1 should not be regarded as selfishness as individuals influenced by this vibration include all their loved ones in their possessive thoughts and actions. They do not hesitate to take full responsibility for the welfare and wellbeing of their dependants. But in doing so, many One partners and parents, quite unwittingly, fall into the misconception of regarding their partners and dependants not as individuals in their own right, but as their possessions. This attitude will be reduced in the Nineteen by the non-possessive and liberated features of their 9 aspect. The love and devotion of a pure One personality will be concentrated on their own with little interest in those outside their family circle. The all-inclusive qualities of the 9 aspect in the Nineteen help them extend their attention beyond family without diminution of love for their own.
The standardised structure of the Nineteen is not found in all persons born on the 22nd day. The number 22 represents a master vibration which infuses a tremendous amount of energy and a great variety of practical skills into the Twenty-Two personality. However, the force that can harness and direct these energies into clear directions and balanced ways is not found in the 22nd day. Twenty-Twos therefore depend on their birth month to provide a vibration that helps them steer a steady course in life with self-assurance and self-esteem. The best they could have is the 1 vibration, known as the activator. Twenty-Twos born in the 1st, 10th 11th and 12th months will be reinforced by self-control, self-direction and emotional stability, and, given favourable backgrounds, they can go far towards using the potential of the master vibration. They are people who not only think big but are also outstanding in performance. With the capacity to overcome impediments that fall in their way there can be no limitation to the degree of success in their chosen careers and enterprises. There is a unique blend of practical skills and spiritual values in these positive Twenty-Twos. A relationship between them and Nineteens will be based on mutual respect for each other’s superior talents. Those Twenty-Twos with the 1 vibration in their Life Path (that is, the number obtained after every digit is added together from the whole birthday including month and year) will be pulled into positive directions. The more they consciously realise their potential the more they will succeed in their undertakings.
Twenty-Twos born in the 2nd, 5th, 8th, and 9th months suffer from an excess of sensitivity, self-consciousness and emotional turmoil which prevents them from maintaining a stable course in life. Over-sensitivity introduces many negative features such as poor self-esteem, misunderstanding or misinterpretation of the speech and actions of others and a defensive attitude in their dealings with others. Being highly imaginative and suspicious they project their negative thoughts on to others and read them accordingly. These are the most difficult Twenty-Twos to relate to as one never knows their reactions and how one stands in their estimation. Over attachment to personal power and material possessions override the finer attributes of their master vibration. Spiritual powers could emerge in many twisted ways. At the same time these negative Twenty-Twos lose none of their physical, practical and mental powers. But humanitarian and compassionate traits are converted into self-centred and selfish thoughts and actions. A relationship with a Nineteen partner will not be successful.
Twenty-Twos born in the 3rd, 4th, 6th and 7th months possess good emotional control and are not as frequently receptive to real or imagined affronts and rebuffs from others as are negative Twenty-Twos. With more self-assurance they are in a better position to live and work in company without creating problems for themselves or adversely affecting the welfare of others.
A positive Twenty-Two will be the only personality that can surpass a Nineteen in all-round personal qualities and practical skills. Their natural talents are demonstrated in non-competitive and unpretentious ways but with a combination of authority and dignity. Many of their natural talents are derived from an inner consciousness of the spiritual nature of all life. Younger Twenty-Twos will first reveal their ideals in several practical enterprises. As they grow older and become free from many practical responsibilities a deeper interest will be taken into spiritual enquiry and practices.
In social life Nineteens and Twenty-Twos do not necessarily follow conventional ways. Both set standards of their own. Twenty-Twos, in particular, could adopt some unconventional and highly individualistic habits. Their far-reaching artistic and innovative thoughts and actions often set them apart from conventional society. As extroverted and multi-talented people both Nineteens and Twenty-Twos are certain to enter into a wide field of social activity. With good emotional control considerable mental and physical energy and quick recuperative powers both partners are able to work under stress and strain without excessive damage to their general health. In all circumstances they carry about them an aura of goodwill, humour, optimism and a high sense of responsibility. Their positive mentality attracts others of like temperament. They look upon their contacts with people not only as opportunities for broadening and enriching their lifestyle but also for contributing much towards the welfare and advancement of society. In any social scene they will not depend upon each other for support and will move independently. They are not people who remain on the fringe of society and will instead enter into it as active participants. Exceptions will be negative Twenty-Twos whose self-conscious nature and personal insecurities will be too receptive to negative thoughts put out by others. Misinterpretation of the motives of others and the need to boost their self-confidence makes them downgrade people. They eventually find themselves isolated from society.
Though Nineteen partners are able to look beyond family and local interests they may entertain certain reservations in regard to the Twenty-Two’s unreserved and extended outlook on life. The difference may be only a matter of capacity and not of inclination. Nineteens may feel that family welfare may be at risk from the widespread activities of a Twenty-Two. This may create concern in the minds of younger Nineteens until they realise the boundless capacity of a Twenty-Two to cope efficiently with all their responsibilities. While both partners are a complex mixture of physical, intellectual and spiritual values the Twenty-Two is likely to remain a step ahead in their desire or calling to contribute towards a strong social structure. However, the headway made by a Twenty-Two will by no means be too distant for a Nineteen partner. They may not be as sensitive to subtle forces and needs of others but with a minimum of effort they can take equal rank with the Twenty-Two.
The potential to develop into charismatic public speakers is present in both. When called upon to speak on any public occasion they are usually oblivious of the powerful impact they have on their audience. They are unaware that their inner forces actually take command. Though rich in knowledge and understanding in their interaction with each other, these partners may not always be able to give adequate expression to their feelings. They may entertain many thoughts and sentiments that are beyond words and which can only be expressed in silent communication and appropriate body language. As both prefer action to words and with a natural awareness of each other’s needs, prolonged discussions will be infrequent.
Unpleasantness over money matters should not be a problem in this relationship due to both being a mixture of generosity and caution. There may be times when the Nineteen displays a stronger inclination towards thrift, and other occasions when the Twenty-Two does so. The same changes of disposition may take place with expenditure. However, neither partner is likely to fluctuate between extremes. Because both are career oriented, the income they contribute will be more than adequate to allow considerable leeway in saving and expenditure.
As the single-minded individuality of the 1 aspect in the Nineteen is expanded by the 9 into awareness of the interdependence of all life, it promotes the bonding that is essential for a sharing and loving relationship. This is made easier by the non-competitive nature of the Twenty-Two. While bonding is natural to the vibrations that control the Twenty-Two they are by no means subservient by nature. They give of themselves freely although they do so on their own terms. They will not put up with interference or dominance. What Nineteen partners need to do is recognise and accept the freedom of expression that is a cardinal feature of the Twenty-Two. They are very likely to do so as they will soon observe that the freedom demanded by the Twenty-Two may cover a wide range but will not be abused. Both partners will not fail to appreciate that their combined contribution will be immensely more than what each could make as individuals acting alone.
A prominent feature in this birthday combination is the predominance of odd numbers or active vibrations. A troublesome relationship can be expected when the odd numbers are the same, but when different numbers are present, a much more favourable situation arises. A 19/23 combination falls into the latter category. The law of attraction of opposites is likely to operate when these personalities find themselves in conditions of proximity that favour observation and exchange of natural talent and personality traits. However, an intimate relationship will still need modification and adjustment to assertive, individualistic and vibrant characteristics present in varying degrees in both personalities. The need to harness these forces and direct them into a single stream of unified purpose without too many self-serving attributes is well within their capacity. In many relationships formed by the attraction of opposites, differences that may have been attractive at the beginning become irksome as the years go by. This should not become a problem between Nineteens and Twenty-Threes as attributes that promote bonding exceed any that could lead to loss of their initial admiration. Both need stimulating attributes to maintain their devotion to each other, and these are present in ample quantity.
The Nineteen is a qualified One personality (1 + 9 = 10 = 1), and 1 and 9 forces mingle in a manner that promotes all the positive aspects of each vibration. This prevents the emergence of their negative features. A powerful personality is created as a result, with attributes that ensure not only personal success, but also personality traits and talents that benefit all persons associated with them. While positive 1 qualities of self-confidence, self-esteem, leadership, decision, clear direction, concentration, enterprise and initiative remain intact in the Nineteen, certain undesirable 1 traits such as egotism, pride, aggression, self-centredness, obstinacy and arbitrary habits are all modified by objective, generous, broadminded, discriminating and enlightened aspects of the 9 vibration. At the same time, certain negative aspects of the 9 such as sensitivity, impulsiveness, indecision, moodiness, despondency, excessive introspection and impracticality are eliminated by the positive nature of their commanding 1 aspect. Twenty-Three partners, while providing many outstanding qualities of their own, will stand to gain a good deal through intimate contact with a Nineteen.
The personality of the Twenty-Three is a compound of three youthful, vibrant, joyful, active, alert and changeable vibrations (2 + 3 = 5). The 2, 3 and 5 vibrations interact without conflict creating a relatively uniform personality structure. Similarities between these forces exceed by far any that are uncongenial or contradictory. Although the Twenty-Three emerges as a qualified Five personality it is not possible to isolate or identify the characteristics of one vibration from the other. They form a multi-dimensional and multi-talented personality with a keen sense of colour, beauty and a vivid imagination as well other personality traits such as a natural charm, curiosity and enthusiasm. Friendliness, humour, and a spirit of adventure contribute to the Twenty-Three’s popularity with all persons, especially with members of the opposite sex. They are inevitably subject to many temptations. They fall in love easily and could fall out of love just as easily. While Nineteens may not experience more than one or two romances before they settle down, Twenty-Threes may experience several triumphs and heartaches. They may not possess the same breadth of experience and wisdom of a Nineteen although they are gifted with optimism, fertile minds, alertness, instant reflexes and a quick intake of knowledge. It is not possible to whisper anything in the presence of a Twenty-Three child or adult as nothing escapes their attention. They may go through life making a few mistakes through hasty decisions or actions, but all Twenty-Threes possess the mental and physical dexterity to extricate themselves from difficult situations. They do not hesitate to use all manner of twists and dodges to do so. Although made in a different mould Nineteens possess the capacity, not merely to cope with a Twenty-Three but also to provide them with sufficient stimulation to ensure their love, loyalty and admiration.
The Nineteen’s desire for system and regularity and the Twenty-Three’s urge for change and variety will be carried into their social life and recreational activities. Both partners are extroverted individuals who can occupy the spotlight with confidence in any social scene. Nineteens possess an aura of authority and depth of knowledge while Twenty-Threes reflect friendliness, joy, humour and goodwill. The volume and range of the Twenty-Three’s activities will exceed that of the Nineteen. They are non-judgmental people who accept others as they find them. With an instinctive sense of discretion Nineteens usually look for greater depth of personality in their friends and acquaintances, resulting in a limited but loyal social circle. Twenty-Threes inevitably experience a quick turnover of friends and acquaintances. Attraction to and from the opposite sex is much more evident in the life of the Twenty-Three. Both partners will be much in demand in the social scene, and the Twenty-Three will be more successful as an entertainer. The Nineteen’s sense of propriety will prevent them from overstaying their welcome as guests or taking advantage of the generosity of their friends. Twenty-Threes may become oblivious of time when enjoying themselves. Both display fine social graces although they do so in different ways. As a twosome they are certain to contribute as much or more than they receive from society. Minor disagreements in their choice of company or social activities should not interfere with a rich social life being enjoyed as a shared experience.
Fluency of speech is one of nature’s best gifts to both partners. But once again, the caution and circumspection of the Nineteen is made evident in their speech while the buoyancy, openness and freedom of expression are seen in the Twenty-Three. Due to an uncontrollable urge to verbalise their thoughts, Twenty-Threes need to talk in order to feel at ease. Periods of silence can be expected in the Nineteen’s company but will be exceptional in the presence of a Twenty-Three. They are naturally sparkling conversationalists who can be relied upon to initiate and keep up spirited discussions on a variety of topics. Their own interests will no doubt be one of their favourite subjects. Their speech is enriched not only by a keen sense of humour but also with attractive body language, especially in facial expression. Touching is also used to convey their feelings, which in turn affects responsive feelings in others. It is never easy to talk down a Twenty-Three as their agile minds and command of language are seldom equalled or surpassed. Nineteens are not without ability in language expression but are less talkative due to not suffering from the same incessant urge to verbalise their thoughts. They prefer to converse on a few relevant topics rather than enter into discussions on a variety of inconsequential matters. Periods of silence and contemplation are essential to their wellbeing. They are not likely to enter into verbal contests with Twenty-Three partners. Twenty-Threes are not as firmly attached to their opinions. They are open to change and correction, and may also persist in maintaining a point of view merely for the sake of enjoying a verbal encounter. They are experts at justification and rationalisation. As Nineteens are not given to random speech, their opinions and judgments are given out after due consideration, and are not easily altered.
Following their many-sided personality structures both partners will try to live life to the fullest by engaging in a variety of hobbies and recreational activities. A clear division between work and play will be maintained. Any work problems will be left where they belong. Twenty-Threes especially, will be adamant in preserving this separation. They are able with greater ease to detach themselves from business or career responsibilities while engaging in the pursuit of pleasure. Although they may not be involved in as many diversions, Nineteen partners will not remain far behind. Variety in the Twenty-Three and selectivity in the Nineteen will continue as distinguishing features. Twenty-Threes could show instant enthusiasm for an undertaking but lose it with equal speed when something else appears more attractive. Nineteens, in contrast, are not as easily tempted away from their chosen interests. Both partners will be known for their sportsmanship. Fierce competition and rivalry are at low levels of intensity. The joy of participation, physical fitness, and social contact will be more gratifying than an ego-motivated need for triumph and conquest. While Twenty-Threes may show a keener interest in physical activity Nineteens may use much of their time probing into cultural and spiritual aspects of life. However, an intermingling of these preferences will be inevitable. Twenty-Threes are natural artists and actors. Nineteens, too, are creative artists, especially as composers of music and conductors of choirs and orchestras. Both partners are keen travellers. Nineteens may be attracted more towards cultural, historical and spiritual centres while Twenty-Threes enjoy centres of art and live entertainment. Nineteens are likely to set aside time for self-study. Twenty-Threes are unlikely to do so on their own accord but may follow the example of the Nineteen in due course. Nineteens are certain to influence them to slow down in physical activity and pay more attention to matters of the spirit.
Money management is certain to remain a contentious issue as the value systems of these personalities are not the same. While Nineteens can be generous spenders they are also cautious and discriminating money managers. Most Twenty-Threes, on the other hand, are generous and indiscriminate spenders. Money is used as a means for satisfying their current wants with no part of it set aside for future needs. They may buy on impulse many things they do not need or may not make full use of. While Nineteens are unlikely to spend beyond their means and always pay their bills on time, Twenty-Threes are not likely to follow these principles. Falling into debt may disturb peace of mind of the Nineteen but not the optimistic Twenty-Three. Family budgeting is best placed in the hands of the Nineteen despite the fact that the Twenty-Three is capable of bringing in income from more than one source. They may not take kindly to the Nineteen’s assumption of this responsibility as freedom to spend money is as important to them as all other freedoms. This problem can be overcome by the allocation of a set amount which they could spend without accountability.
Partners such as Nineteens and Twenty-Threes functioning as a team are certain to obtain more out of life than they would while functioning as individuals. The natural differences in their temperaments should be looked upon as complementary features that promote growth and experience and not as barriers or impediments. Occasional outbursts of emotion can be expected from the Nineteen, but as a rule, their emotions are seldom exposed. As all Twenty-Threes are more aligned to the emotional plane emotional expression is free flowing. Unlike the Nineteen, their emotions are not held in check until they can no longer be contained. They seldom harbour ill feeling, resentment or grudges. In an intimate relationship with a Nineteen some Twenty-Threes will need to contain their demonstration of emotion because Nineteens prefer a proper time and place for expression of sentiment. At the same time, Nineteens may need to get accustomed to unpredictable patterns of behaviour by the Twenty-Three. While Twenty-Threes may try to adjust to some of the Nineteen’s consistent patterns of conduct Nineteens should remind themselves of their natural tendency to take command of their own lives and the lives of others. This has to be relaxed in a relationship with a freedom-loving Twenty-Three. There is no doubt that as time passes both partners will become increasingly aware and appreciative of each other’s positive qualities.
Although complete compatibility cannot be expected in any combination of birthdays there are some that can be accepted as being as near as possible to a harmonious and loving relationship. A 19/24 combination will be one of these. The encounter of active and receptive vibrations will be responsible for initial attraction followed by an enduring relationship based on love and mutual respect. The active forces within the Nineteen personality operate from two ends of the number spectrum. The number 1 symbolises beginning, and the 9 completion of a cycle of evolution. All positive attributes essential for successful beginning such as individuality, originality, decision, self-confidence, inventiveness, ambition, authority and vital energy are found in ample proportion in the Nineteen. At the same time, positive attributes that reveal maturity are also evident by virtue of the wisdom, experience, compassion, understanding, enlightenment, breadth of vision and spirituality introduced by the 9 vibration. The merger of 1 and 9 forces emphasise the positive attributes in each, and in doing so displaces their negative features (1 + 9 = 10 = 1). Nineteen personalities seldom display negative traits of the 1 vibration such as obvious self-love, pride, egotism, greed, aggression and domineering habits, nor do they reveal negative traits of the 9 vibration of indecision, extreme sensitivity, self-consciousness, moodiness, discontent, suspicion and a disposition towards impractical and unrealistic expectations. In short, their 1 aspect provides motive power for maximum use of natural talent and their 9 aspect ensures that the personality is not trapped in an ego-centred framework. Nineteens do not over estimate, advertise or promote themselves in unattractive ways. Their natural self-sufficiency creates little or no need for self-advertisement.
The three receptive vibrations within the Twenty-Four do not manifest as separate forces (2 + 4 = 6). They integrate harmoniously in ways that make it difficult to distinguish one from the other. The emotional 2, physical 4 and mental 6 are represented with equal intensity. The obvious outcome is a personality with a diversity of practical and idealistic attributes, with the capacity to follow a holistic approach to life. Twenty-Four personalities fall broadly into two categories. Despite an assemblage of talent there are some who do not possess the same degree of self-confidence and self-esteem as do Nineteens. These possible shortcomings have the effect of reducing ambition and preventing them from making maximum use of their possibilities. Too often they may underestimate and undersell themselves and allow less talented but more aggressive people to push ahead of them. However, those with the number 1 in their birth month are much more positive in their approach to life. Negative tendencies such as shyness, indecision, self-deprecation and lack of motivation are replaced by dynamic qualities of the 1 vibration.
A factor that will constantly work in favour of these partners is the absence of competition. Not only will they refrain from petty rivalries but they will also remain free from fault finding. A non-judgmental attitude and reciprocity will take the place of these destructive tendencies. The Twenty-Four will be largely responsible for establishing these conditions. They are peace loving individuals who need to live and work in conditions of cooperation, collaboration, and harmony. Nineteens are not without certain competitive tendencies but these can be aroused only in partnership with a competitive partner. A dominant or leading role is not sought after by the Twenty-Four. At the same time, if conditions do not suit them they are able to declare and obtain their needs without being quarrelsome. Diplomacy is one of their strong features. Although there is an absence of aggression in the Twenty-Four they are not without ample means for self-defence. They will not be moved by or put up with arbitrary, overbearing or unreasonable conduct. Nineteens possess superior qualities of leadership which should be used with care in their dealings with Twenty-Four partners. To settle into a consultative relationship will be natural for a Twenty-Four, but a Nineteen will need to make an effort to suspend their tendency to make quick and independent decisions. Twenty-Fours need to weigh and consider before they take action. Both methods will be beneficial as there will be occasions when, as a team, they have to deliberate and others when speedy action becomes necessary.
Nineteen and Twenty-Fours are geared towards thinking in terms of their responsibilities rather than real or imagined prerogatives. The Twenty-Four will display this attribute in unselfish devotion to home and family. The 3 vibrations composing their personality are the strongest domestic and family oriented forces. Attachment to home and family will be the central factor of their lives. However, when circumstances warrant they possess the dual capacity for managing an orderly and disciplined home as well as succeeding in business or in professional life. The helping professions attract most Twenty-Fours. They are also spread over the hospitality industry and businesses dealing with food and household products. As they are not driven by high ambition they remain content with life, expecting neither too much nor too little. Being practical and realistic people they entertain few illusions and so are consequently seldom disillusioned. Nineteens, in contrast, are motivated towards extensive and intensive activity in public life. As their busy careers leave little time for attention to domestic duties they depend on a conscientious partner to assume these responsibilities. The willingness of the Twenty-Four to do so allows the Nineteen to pursue their high ambitions. An opposite situation will be unfortunate as Nineteens cannot confine themselves to full-time domestic duties. The relationship will be disrupted by restlessness, frustration and resentment in the Nineteen for their dependence on their Twenty Four partners.
Nineteens and Twenty-Fours combine as a valued and popular couple in their social circles. Nineteens are extroverted people who invariably occupy prominent positions in society. They do so without anxiety or reservations. The majority of their acquaintances, friends and work colleagues look up to them for leadership. They are neither social rebels nor ultra modern in their attitudes, but move in society on their own terms. They may not adhere strictly to social conventions. Their choice of company is governed by independent thought and freedom of action. Twenty-Fours, on the other hand, fit easily into the framework of social custom. While Nineteens do not hesitate to take an initial step to make acquaintance with strangers, Twenty-Fours prefer to await an introduction or a move from the other party. Their need for social interaction constitutes an important part of their lifestyle. As important as it may be it will not be allowed to interfere with their orderly domestic arrangements. They are mildly extroverted people who endeavour to maintain a strict division between social engagements and domestic privacy. As these aspects are bound to converge occasionally, entertainment within or outside home will not be allowed to override domestic peace and family togetherness. Twenty-Fours do not draw attention to themselves or seek popular applause. A warm and friendly nature remains to be discovered behind a natural shyness and reticence. A realistic acceptance of conditions and limitations they may have to live with is more in keeping with their temperament. While Nineteens try to adjust conditions to suit themselves, Twenty-Fours attempt to adjust themselves to suit conditions.
Clear and precise speech is a gift enjoyed by both partners. Nineteens possess the potential to develop into eminent public speakers. They can hold the attention of a large audience with knowledge, authority and dignified body language. Twenty-Fours can be as eloquent, although on a smaller scale. They are much more comfortable addressing study groups and in person to person conversation. Talk between Nineteens and Twenty-Fours may be divided between periods of speech and periods of silent communication. Twenty-Fours are instinctive peacemakers who possess a flair for saying the right thing at the right time. It will not be easy to provoke these personalities into outbursts of emotional or irrational speech, nor can they be easily drawn into argument for argument’s sake. At the same time they will not hesitate to take a vigorous stand against arbitrary, unjust and impractical ideas and suggestions. Nineteens may fall occasionally into peremptory speech although this will not be carried far in the face of the Twenty-Four’s sense of fair play and down-to-earth values. Twenty-Fours are also aware of the advantage of listening and withholding judgments. They use patient attention as the best means of getting to know people. Usually content to await their turn to speak they do not fall into the habit of interrupting or taking over conversation. Nineteens are much more eager and impatient to express their opinions and relate their experiences, and consequently, do not display the same degree of patience as listeners. Both partners do not demonstrate a great deal of emotion in speech and body language. Nineteens, however, may give way to occasional outbursts of emotion in joy, sorrow, anger or frustration. An even distribution of attributes over physical, emotional and mental levels creates better emotional control and emotional tranquillity in the Twenty-Four. Discussions on intimate issues may not be frequent between these partners, but when they do occur, many problems can be sorted out without too much emotional interference.
Nineteen and Twenty-Fours are quite likely to do certain things apart during their free time and enjoy each other’s company when they come together. To live and love together and yet maintain their individuality will become an automatic arrangement. Nineteens are certain to spend more time in interests unconnected with domestic life. Twenty-Fours will concentrate on indoor hobbies such as cooking, home maintenance and home entertainment. Nineteens are natural travellers and explorers while Twenty-Fours are homebodies. It will not be easy to get Twenty-Four partners out of home as frequently as Nineteens would desire. During their few outings the call to return home is constant within the Twenty-Four. As guests, they do not overstay their welcome. Their natural disinterest in travel and exploration is increased not only by domestic attachments but also by community responsibilities. They are community-conscious people whose manual skills are generously given to friends, neighbours and as volunteers in church and charitable organisations. The desire and ability to pass on knowledge is present in both partners. Nineteens are natural instructors and teachers who do not have to be induced into spreading their knowledge and wisdom. They function at their best at secondary and tertiary levels of education. As Twenty-Fours possess a good deal more patience they are better able to relate to all age groups. They function with equal ease at primary, secondary and tertiary levels. Twenty-Fours may also use their recreational time in money-making hobbies. Following their receptive and gathering tendencies they are also keen collectors.
There is a difference in the scale of values between these partners in regard to money and its uses. Domestic responsibilities taken over by the Twenty-Four will also include the financial side. Governed by strict practical and economic considerations their money management skills at a domestic level cannot be exceeded by the Nineteen. Nineteens are not without financial acumen. They are neither gamblers nor risky speculators, but they could be bolder spenders who choose to pay attention to larger items of expenditure leaving day-to-day spending to their Twenty-Four partners. As Twenty-Fours may be hesitant parting with large sums of money or falling into debt the Nineteens’ optimism will help create a balance in their financial position. Twenty-Fours will not be seen making purchases on impulse or without careful examination of quality, quantity and utility value. Whether in an affluent position or not they are among the best bargain hunters who look to obtain full value for what they consider their hard earned money. Money will certainly be included in their habit as collectors.
The Nineteen’s desire for far-ranging experience and the Twenty-Four’s need for intensity of experience within a defined range of activity should not interfere with their basic value systems. The warmth of their hearts will be displayed through devotion to duty, loyalty and genuine care for each other’s welfare. Love will be shown more in action than in an excess of words and emotional demonstration. The Twenty-Four is more likely to show affection. Both are aware that there is more to life than rational processes and that a subdued ego employed in love and service will not represent loss of individuality. Nineteens may not be as ready to open out and give of themselves freely until they are certain of the receptive and trustworthy nature of their partners. To give first and assess their situation later is the natural instinct of the Twenty-Four. They should not underestimate their worth or allow their partners to take advantage of their obliging ways. Although Nineteen partners are not likely to do so, a measure of watchfulness will not be out of place. Twenty-Fours should also not hesitate to take the opportunity for broadening their horizons through close association with Nineteen partners.
The wide range of numbers or vibrations spread over this birthday combination, and the absence of a shared vibration will remain influential factors in a relationship between Nineteen and Twenty-Five personalities. A cursory examination of these numbers may give one the impression of an excess of opposite features over those that may be complementary or compatible. However, a closer scrutiny will reveal that their characteristics are not as opposed or different in nature as an initial view would indicate. There are certainly attributes in each that create some differences in outlook and attitudes, but there are several others with the capacity to appreciate these differences and use them as complementary assets in a relationship rich at all levels of expression. As these partners become increasingly aware of each other’s positive sides they will avoid falling into the false or misleading belief that one or the other is in possession of more worthy personality traits and talents than the other. Competitive tendencies will cease when much common ground is discovered.
All Nineteens are self-confident individuals who are quite secure within themselves. They do not seek or use outside agencies to boost their self-esteem or help make them make decisions. They do not see others as barriers or threats to their individuality. Interaction with people is used as opportunities for self-expression, growth and expansion as well as for contributing their own multitude of talents for the benefit of individuals and groups. As qualified One personalities with considerable strength of ego they are essentially a combination of authority and leadership on the one hand, and wisdom and understanding on the other (1 + 9 = 10 = 1). While pure One personalities exhibit egoistic tendencies of self-centredness and arbitrary habits, these are toned down in the Nineteen by the influence of their comprehensive 9 aspect. Despite a degree of diminution the self-reliant and decisive nature of the Nineteen may, on occasions, overlook the fact that a partnership is based on cooperation and consultation. They will need to watch a natural tendency to make decisions without consultation. However, on the occasions they do so, their motives could be blameless as their strong protective and caring instincts are much stronger than those that are sharing and cooperative. Many Nineteens achieve personal advancement by using their strength of will and wisdom towards self-control rather than the imposition of their will on others.
In different ways Twenty-Five personalities are as individualistic as Nineteens. They do not seek dominant roles, nor do they accept or conform willingly to rules set by others. With a sharpened sensitivity and alertness they merge naturally into physical, emotional, mental and spiritual realms. Alertness, curiosity, versatility, adaptability and a spirit of adventure are among their strongest qualities. Their need for freedom replaces any desire for command or full responsibilities of leadership. At the same time, they are skilled tacticians and manipulators who will not allow themselves to be dominated or overshadowed by their partners. They get what they want using charm, subtlety, persuasion and a strong sensual impact. Governed by love and respect of their Nineteen partners they are not without the capacity to make adjustments and concessions. But they would do so by personal resolve and not by command or coercion.
The Twenty-Five is not an easily defined personality type. A complex personality structure influences their approach and responses to people and circumstances in uncertain ways. They could change from extroversion, spontaneity and activity to reserve, distance, contemplation and inscrutability. Many Twenty-Fives become engaged in a struggle for self-definition. Their outer 2 and 5 forces are alert, responsive and reactive to emotional life while their inner 7 qualities are reclusive, undemonstrative and secretive. As qualified Seven personalities, (2 + 5 = 7) their struggle for self-determination arises chiefly from a strong pull and attachment to the physical world and an equally strong pull towards abstract and non-physical realms. They may constantly strive to reconcile and relate to all parts of life’s rich pattern. Overall, the Twenty-Five is practical as well as intellectual, and often precognitive. This latter quality may remain dormant in many, but could emerge without much effort in favourable conditions.
The foundation of this relationship will be based on dual conditions of unity in diversity and unity in similarity. These conditions will extend into their social life and recreational activities. Both can enter into the spirit of things in most social scenes. They could also maintain a dignified distance. They are individuals who do not have to make a conscious effort to draw attention to themselves, or to win acceptance or approval by conforming to social demands against their wishes. As a team, these partners soon gain a reputation for substantial contributions to the welfare of the community and especially for their willingness to help in emergencies. Twenty-Fives may need regular periods away from social life for relaxation in their own company spent in natural surroundings and in their literary pursuits. As they are a curious mixture of reticence, reserve and contemplation on the one hand and animation, charm, enthusiasm and vitality on the other, their responses to new or unfamiliar persons and situations may vary according to the frame of mind they are in at a particular time. Nineteens are in a better position to deal in a consistent manner with changing conditions. They are able to face up to and overcome initial effects of unfamiliar vibrations due to their sensitivities not being as easily disturbed. On a comparative basis extroversion is consistent and uniform in the Nineteen but variable in the Twenty-Five.
During their recreational time and in other special interests the more these partners get to know each other the more common ground for outward and inward experience and expansion will be discovered. Entry into metaphysical realms of study may be initiated by the Twenty-Five and promptly followed by the Nineteen. An even mixture of reason, sentiment and practicality will enter into oral communication between these partners. Non-verbal communication will also develop as a supplementary practice. These are additional features they possess in common despite their different vibratory forces. They should not experience much difficulty handling disagreements or clarifying their position in regard to intimate needs. Following their attributes of leadership many Nineteens may at times tend to direct and instruct rather than consult and discuss. But upon reflection, their considerate and tolerant 9 features will be used to modify their natural urge to take command. Forthright and unambiguous speech will be more apparent in the Nineteen while subtlety, flexibility, and secrecy are more evident in the Twenty-Five. Both partners can alternate between commonplace topics of conversation, and practical matters relating to efficient and adventuresome living. As they are united by similar intellectual and spiritual impulses they are also capable of leaving the world of mundane activity and entering into higher realms of study and discussion. Their recreational time will be consumed by all manner of mental and physical activity, Boredom and idleness will be conditions entirely unknown in this partnership. Functioning as a team they are bound to be happier and more productive than by snatching extended periods of personal freedom. The expansive qualities of the 9 vibration and the cooperative and sharing qualities of the 2 will ensure more unified activity and less individual activity. At the same time, both will make certain that sufficient space and freedom is available for purely personal hobbies. As passionate pet lovers, nature lovers and keen gardeners they will not take long to discover a kinship with all forms of life. They are also enthusiastic travellers instead of passing tourists. Extroverted Nineteens may spend more time in the public arena in sport and other community activities while reserved Twenty-Fives, content with their own company, may spend more time with their pets, their gardens and their books and music.
Compatibility will be further strengthened by a similarity in their sense of values in regard to material possessions and money management skills. Generosity and thrift are combined in both. The capacity to earn a good living and maintain a balance between income and expenditure will guarantee their prosperity. Neither partner suffers from an attachment to money for its own sake. By mutual consent reasonable sums of money will be put aside for future needs and the rest will be spent enjoying life’s rich prospects.
If life in general can be compared with a game of snakes and ladders Nineteen and Twenty-Five partners will not look to fortune to bless them with more ladders than snakes. On the contrary, by their own efforts they will ensure an excess of the former over the latter. With equally strong outer and inner reserves their life together will be one of constant progress in material terms and personal development. Occasional reversals that are beyond their control will be faced and overcome with rationalisation, practicality and wisdom. Instead of separating in times of difficulty a strong bonding will be recreated out of mutual recognition of each other’s worth. A true test of their love and personal refinement will be seen in the manner they handle their infrequent disputes. Nineteens may be more precipitate in stating and maintaining their points of view but will, on second thoughts, open out to those of the Twenty-Five. When Twenty-Fives are faced with views different to their own they try to suppress emotional responses and use deliberation, flexibility and patience.
Active and receptive forces symbolised by odd and even numbers meet and mingle in this combination. One of nature’s fundamental laws, namely the attraction of opposites, will invariably create an affinity between Nineteen and Twenty-Six personalities. However, the operation of this law does not necessarily ensure compatibility and durability in a relationship between opposite personality types. A good deal depends on the nature of their distinct characteristics. In some combinations these could be uncongenial with many irreconcilable differences and in others they could be attractive and enduring. A Nineteen/Twenty-Six relationship will certainly fall into the latter category. A general disposition as collaborators rather than competitors will be responsible for the success of their relationship. It will be seen that this attribute is stronger in the Twenty-Six. The urge to give and receive in both will be instinctive rather than acquired. There are safeguards in each against the operation of negative features of the vibrations that form their personality structures. A one-sided or single-minded outlook is prevented by attributes that round off each personality.
The Nineteen is a qualified One personality (1 + 9 = 10 = 1). Although characteristics of the 1 vibration operate at outer and inner levels and are therefore quite forceful, they are reduced and refined by the expansive nature of the 9. The Nineteen personality is in fact animated by vibrations that symbolise both the beginning and completion of a cycle of evolution. With the force of the 1 vibration all Nineteens are amply endowed with attributes necessary for starting or embarking upon life’s adventures. Qualities such as willpower, individuality, initiative, inventiveness, ambition, self-sufficiency, a spirit of adventure and a strong and assertive ego help them stand on their own feet. These qualities may be immensely beneficial to the individual One personality and, by extension, to some others. But the presence of such individualistic characteristics is also the guarantee of the absence of unpretentious attributes essential in a reciprocal relationship. Cooperation, flexibility, tact, conciliation, patience, agreeability and a ‘give and take’ policy will not be brought into a relationship by a pure One partner. The attitude of these individuals will be to take first and give later, and give on their own terms. The Nineteen as a qualified One is saved from many of these self-centred habits by their 9 aspect. At the 9 stage of life an elevated and expanded mentality has been reached. Individuals influenced by this vibration have emerged from a cocoon of ego-centredness into expanded horizons of thought and activity. The Nineteen emerges as a personality whose superior attributes are used not only for self-advancement but also for the benefit of all those who fall within their expanded sphere of activity.
The Twenty-Six, as a qualified Eight personality (2 + 6 = 8), embodies all the attributes of receptive forces which mingle in harmony to create a strong integral personality structure. The absence of the 4 vibration from the range of receptive forces is compensated in double measure by the fundamental 8. Basic 4 qualities of practicality, manual dexterity, pragmatism, duty-consciousness, economy, loyalty and method are all contained in the 8 in an enhanced condition. As there are no conflicting forces within the Twenty-Six they do not experience disruptive characteristics such as restlessness, lack of self-discipline and direction, a desire for change for change’s sake and other desultory habits. The most that can be said in negative terms is that some Twenty-Sixes may lack adequate self-confidence, and underestimate or undersell themselves. This may not occur in those who possess the 1 vibration in their birth month. The 2 and 6 forces within all Twenty-Sixes provide a fine balance between sensitivity and reason. These vibrations have more features in common than most other pairs of vibratory forces. The gentle, patient, serene, and peace loving aspects of receptive forces are displayed to a much greater degree through the 2 and 6 than by the 4 and 8. Companionship, agreeability, harmony, patience, tolerance and loving kindness are some of the many qualities they share. Above all, there is an ardent love of home and family. Conditions that adversely affect their wellbeing are excessive noise, raised and discordant voices and music, argument, displays of anger, competition, and physical violence. Too much of physical contact is also avoided except in a display of endearment. Nothing can be gained from Twenty-Six partners if they are yelled at or pressured into acting against their principles of justice and fair play.
The distinct features that emerge into prominence in a Nineteen/Twenty-Six relationship are the authoritative and decision making habits of the Nineteen and the Twenty-Six’s need to consult, deliberate and weigh and consider all angles before acting. However, due to the Nineteen’s more extroverted manner and the Twenty-Six’s more relaxed style these differences may be, for the most part, an appearance and not necessarily a reality. While the Nineteen’s leadership qualities are direct, those of the Twenty-Six are given out by example and their outstanding talents at organisation and method.
The Twenty-Six is almost certain to take over day-to-day household and family responsibilities. It will only be a foolish partner who interferes in a Twenty-Six’s domestic arrangements. The wisdom aspect of the Nineteen will restrain their dominant tendencies, allowing the Twenty-Six full rein within the home. Order, system, punctuality, strict timetables and caution in most things displayed by a Twenty-Six homemaker cannot be matched by a Nineteen. At the same time, the Twenty-Six partner functions at their best in the knowledge that at their side is a partner whose initiative, wisdom, practicality and strength of purpose can be called upon at any time. The Twenty-Six is not without the ability to succeed in a profession or in business. They are in fact able to successfully undertake a dual role of breadwinner and homemaker. While doing so they will always endeavour to maintain a balance between these areas of life. In their view excessive ambition for success in public life and acquisition of power over others and material possessions are poor substitutes for love, care, harmony and togetherness in family life. A Twenty-Six can be assertive in certain conditions while being supportive and cooperative in others. Their willingness to take charge of domestic affairs allows the Nineteen opportunity to devote time and energy to their careers and other public undertakings. Nineteens are much more career oriented than they are domestically inclined. Both partners possess the capacity to acquire the good things of life, applying strict moral and ethical values in the roles they play.
Compatibility between Nineteen and Twenty-Six partners will be extended from the domestic scene into social life; differences in temperament again acting as complementary assets. Nineteens do not necessarily confine their social life to a familiar circle of friends and acquaintances. Their self-assured and extroverted manner enables them to enlarge their sphere of activity, and they do so without neglecting established associates. They do not take long to occupy prominent roles in social gatherings and organisations. Negative qualities of shyness, fear, suspicion, poor self-esteem and defensive attitudes that hold back insecure individuals from enjoying the full benefits of social interaction do not enter into their thoughts and conduct. They project magnetic qualities of energy, enterprise and trust. People are attracted to them for guidance, inspiration and leadership. Twenty-Six personalities are not motivated by a desire for prominence in society although almost all earn admiration and respect for their warm, friendly and helpful nature. The law of attraction operates on their behalf. They may not be as ready as the Nineteen to initiate moves to make new acquaintances, yet people feel their accessibility much easier than that of the Nineteen. While Nineteens project an aura full of spirit, energy and drive, Twenty-Sixes project one of peace, calmness, quietude, patience and impartiality. However, at a fundamental level, there is a strength of character in the Twenty-Six which will not be assailed by people who foolishly try to take advantage of their easygoing nature.
The Nineteen’s self-confident manner is displayed initially in speech and body language. In person to person conversation and in group conversation they may not be the most patient listeners. Desire to advise, instruct, and impart knowledge is often stronger than a desire to listen to others. It will not be easy to interrupt or contradict a Nineteen speaker. A Twenty-Six, on the other hand, can take turns listening and speaking. Always sensitive to the impact their speech makes on others, they usually say the right thing at the right time. They seldom if ever raise their voices or engage in heated debate or argument. There are not many things they value more than they value peace and tranquillity in their lifestyle. Their strength lies in their ability to exercise self-control and resist any urge to overrule others. With much stronger egos Nineteens may not let go a point of view as readily. Communication between these partners will not be inhibited by their different temperaments because mutual respect for each other’s talents will encourage an exchange of views.
As in all successful relationships, a fair amount of space will be preserved between these partners for purely personal experience. Apart from unavoidable separation during working hours there will also be a mutually agreed period of separation during some of their recreational time. Many of the Nineteen’s interests may be outside home, and those of the Twenty-Six will be within the home. Nineteens are also natural travellers while Twenty-Sixes are generally homebodies. Nineteen holiday-makers can detach themselves from domestic cares and keep on enjoying themselves till they are due to return home. Twenty-Sixes may not divest themselves entirely of domestic cares and will happily look forward to returning to hearth and home towards the end of their holiday or travels. There are also many similarities in their choice of recreational activity which prevent a hard and fast division of private time. They are certain to combine as a community-conscious couple and volunteer their skills and services to many local organisations. The Twenty-Six may be confined to local activity but the Nineteen may extend beyond the local scene. These partners can also combine successfully as hosts and hostesses in home entertainment and in a professional capacity. Nineteens will invariably take charge of entertainment and public relations while Twenty-Sixes function efficiently in the background in charge of food, drink and other arrangements. Many of these tasks are easily interchanged, except perhaps the preparation of food. All Twenty-Sixes are natural cooks. Their culinary skills will be too good to be shared or given over to a Nineteen partner. These are partners who can also influence each other in their spiritual paths. The fact that Nineteens may be more experimental and adventuresome in their spiritual quest and the Twenty-Sixes’ desire to settle down comfortably within an established faith should not be a hindrance to an exchange of views.
There is no doubt that the Twenty-Six will preside over the family budget. They are smart shoppers who use their money with an even mixture of caution and generosity. Money is safe in their hands. As a sense of financial security is important to their wellbeing, a fair portion of their earnings will be saved for future needs. No risks will be taken with their investments because the urge to speculate on ‘get rich’ schemes is not present in their personality structure. Nineteens, on the other hand, are bolder and more optimistic in their attitude towards money. The desire to spend could be more than the desire to save. They usually have little time and patience to monitor routine expenditure. While reserving the right to be consulted over larger items of expenditure, most Nineteens will be relieved by the Twenty-Six’s willingness and capacity to take over day-to-day management of household expenditure. They are people who can make instant decisions on the occasions when such decisions become necessary. The Twenty-Six needs to deliberate and examine value and necessity before making a purchase. However, these are partners who can work together for economic security as well as enjoy all the good things of life.
It has been well said that a structure such as a marriage has to be rebuilt and maintained every day. Complacency is one of the most destructive forces. Twenty-Six partners are not likely to fall into this condition. Involvement in public affairs will not override their love and care for home and family. Nineteens are by no means without the same attachment, but the same balance between home and public affairs may not be present. Their involvement in public life at the expense of a desirable degree of togetherness should not be taken as indifference or weakness in love and loyalty. Their depth of love and care cannot be challenged as all Nineteens possess the capacity to extend themselves without diminishing their love and devotion to home and family. The foundation of a Nineteen/Twenty-Six relationship will be based on a happy merger of active and receptive forces. Once the Nineteen’s reluctance to share the decision making role is overcome a relationship will be formed in which two concerned partners work together within the bonds of love and loyalty. Both partners feel the need for physical closeness, albeit closeness at some distance. They are not touchers or great demonstrators of their emotions. Their depth of love is shown in considerate body language and simple acts of devotion and loyalty.
Qualified One (1 + 9 = 10 = 1) and qualified Nine (2 + 7 = 9) personalities are formed by these birthdays. Nineteen and Twenty-Seven individuals are not of the same mould as those born on the 1st and 9th days. Vibratory forces symbolised by the numbers 1 and 9 are at opposite ends of the spectrum of single digits and, consequently, form contrasting personality types. The 9 vibration operating in the 19th and 27th days provides a strong, sympathetic link which enhances the chances of diverse characteristics of the 1 and 9 being reconciled. Nineteen and Twenty-Seven partners are in a most favourable position for a compatible relationship. This can be achieved without encroachment upon the individuality of either partner.
The Nineteen personality is endowed with all the attributes required by a pioneer, as well as those acquired by one who has experienced the full range of human experiences. The direct result of these opposite qualities within a single personality is a balance between an ‘I’ and ‘My’ consciousness and a ‘We’ and ‘Us’ consciousness. In other words, many exclusive and ego-centred tendencies are tempered by inclusive qualities of a comprehensive mentality. Positive characteristics such as self-confidence, decision, leadership, ambition, authority, willpower, enterprise and originality are refined and expanded while converse qualities of pride, selfishness, inflexibility and an overbearing and acquisitive temperament are all but eliminated. Nineteens have been given the opportunity to use their willpower to govern themselves instead of succumbing to the impulse to exercise control over others. An ideal situation in which they can take charge of themselves will be in a relationship with a Twenty-Seven partner. Twenty-Sevens possess attributes that can bring out the best in Nineteens.
While the emphatic ego of the Nineteen is diminished by the influence of their 9 aspect this process is not needed in the Twenty-Seven. The ego within this personality has already been freed from assertive, demanding, acquisitive, possessive and competitive tendencies. The strength of the Twenty-Seven lies in their ability to delve into their spiritual nature and affect a balance between material and spiritual values. Ego-consciousness does not include the need to project their personality or exercise power over others. For the most part, they are comfortable within themselves and do not look for external agencies to boost their egos. They derive their strength from self-study. By merely being their unpretentious selves they exercise influence over all perceptive individuals who can discern the depth of their personality. The 7 and 9 forces within the Twenty-Seven exercise an irresistible pull towards philosophical, spiritual and mystical trends. In addition, the highly sensitive nature of the 2 vibration helps them in their attempts to enter higher dimensions. It is the strongest psychic force that provides entry into precognitive, clairvoyant and other non-physical conditions. The extent to which an individual Twenty-Seven makes use of this potential will naturally depend on family and educational background and other social influences. While Nineteen partners may not be as earnest in exploration of their spiritual nature their support and encouragement can always be depended upon. Nineteens are not without a strong attraction towards the spiritual side of life. It is only on a comparative basis that the Twenty-Seven emerges as a keener student of metaphysical subjects.
The advantage held by both partners is their ability to establish a good relationship with their individuality and, consequently, a good relationship with all others. Their relationship will not be burdened by negative traits of possessiveness, dependence and distrust. Both take personal responsibility for shaping their destiny. At the same time their individual efforts towards self-advancement will not be isolated. Rather, they will be strengthened by their ability to communicate on mental and spiritual levels. Authoritative, competitive and peremptory elements within the Nineteen will be subdued in the face of the Twenty-Seven’s detached and dignified manner. Respect for each other’s intellectual and spiritual depth as well as their practical skills will override any need for rivalry.
Differences and conflicts can be resolved without creating continued tension. The most a Nineteen partner will need to do is provide strength of purpose on occasions when hesitation is shown by the Twenty-Seven. This may be needed only when the Twenty-Seven is faced with competitive and aggressive individuals.
Although the love of home and family life is inherent in both partners they are not strictly domesticated individuals. Professional life is preferred to a role as homemaker. However, on a comparative basis Twenty-Sevens may display a stronger attachment to a home environment due to their non-competitive nature and innate need for periods of silence and solitude. A Twenty-Seven is likely to retire from public life earlier than a Nineteen. All Twenty-Sevens make unending efforts to establish conditions of peace and tranquillity in their homes. No impediments will be placed by their Nineteen partners in their attempts to do so. As Twenty-Sevens are likely to undertake more day-to-day tasks an ideal situation will be the Nineteen taking a role as principal breadwinner and the Twenty-Seven, as a contributory breadwinner. A reverse situation may exercise pressure on both partners to perform at their best. Nineteens need a broader base to employ their skills and fulfil their ambitions. They are in a better position to confront and succeed in a world of material values and competitive conditions. Twenty-Sevens need a clear balance between public life and personal life.
These partners’ conduct in society will not be different to their relationship in private life. Extroverted attitudes are much more evident in the Nineteen while reserved and observant ways are displayed by the Twenty-Seven. Nineteens can indulge in a greater variety of social activity and do so for longer periods of time with little after effect. Twenty-Sevens need frequent periods away from social interaction in order to recharge their batteries. Interaction with all types of people takes more out of the Twenty-Seven’s emotional balance than it does for the Nineteen. Nineteens open out spontaneously and usually take a leading role in company while Twenty-Sevens lower their reserve gradually. Both partners prefer to spend their time in company that elevates their mental and spiritual disposition. Neither partner is socially dependent. They could be content enjoying each other’s company if they do not find other congenial companions. The pull towards their own company and the company of loved ones or a small circle of friends is stronger in the Twenty-Seven than their need for frequent social activity. Nineteens are always in command of themselves and will not be carried away in social involvement to a degree that could be harmful to their relationship and family life.
Speech is another contrast in their temperaments that serves to complete rather than compete. While the gift of quality speech is present in both it is used in different ways. Extroverted Nineteens are naturally uninhibited and fluent in conversation, debate or oratory. They could raise their voices when there is need to emphasise their point of view. They do not hesitate to talk freely about their own affairs, but they usually do so with humour and imagination. The reserved nature of the Twenty-Seven has to be enkindled before they volunteer anything about themselves. Their voices are kept low and modulated. They are people who prefer to keep their feelings and opinions to themselves and remain non-committal until they are directly asked to give an opinion on an issue. Both partners base their opinions and judgments as far as possible from an objective standpoint. In declaring what they believe to be true or factual they feel little need to use explanations or defensive measures to substantiate what they say. Between themselves this practice works well due to an intuitive ability to understand each other without the use of too many words. Nineteens may be prepared to match wits with others but Twenty-Sevens usually withdraw from controversy as they accept the futility of altering someone’s fixed opinions. Nineteens feel an urge to declare and circulate their knowledge while Twenty-Sevens prefer to keep their ideas and thoughts to themselves.
Recreational activities and hobbies chosen by people are a direct reflection of their personalities. Once again, the extroverted nature of the Nineteen and the relatively private nature of the Twenty-Seven will influence the ways in which they spend their leisure time. The need to expend physical energy in competitive sport is stronger in the Nineteen. Their participation as competitors and subsequently as coaches and administrators may consume much of their non-working hours. A Twenty-Seven’s interest in competitive sport may be short lived due to an irresistible pull towards several other directions. All Twenty-Sevens are nature lovers and consequently keen gardeners and environmentalists. Their special need for privacy and silence is satisfied in their own gardens or in excursions into the countryside. Having a true reverence of nature in all its forms they expand physically, emotionally and spiritually in natural surroundings. They are equally at home with ideas, philosophies, and intangibles. No Twenty-Seven’s home will be without a comprehensive library of books and music. As a strong ego sense, which is usually responsible for blocking spiritual expansion, does not exist in Twenty-Sevens they become perennial students with wide open minds. It will be quite exceptional for a Twenty-Seven’s mind to be bounded by the teachings of a particular religious faith to the exclusion of all others. The Nineteen’s predisposition towards abstract matters is not on the surface of their thoughts as it is in the Twenty-Seven but can be evoked by their partner’s influence. Allied to their interest in spiritual matters Twenty-Sevens possess a natural flair for history and for anything touched with age and tradition. Many become historians, archivists, archaeologists and collectors of antiques.
Intellectual compatibility will be another binding force between these partners. Both feel genuine pleasure and excitement in educational travel, especially to ancient cities steeped in historical lore. They feel intuitively that their present condition or circumstances in life makes sense only in the light of past events of human history.
The earning capacity of both partners is considerable. Although their temperaments are more suitable for professional life they can also succeed in businesses that are not excessively competitive or do not compromise their moral principles. While many seek vocations in education and in the caring professions they could easily succeed as printers, booksellers, stationers, newsagents and in the music industry. They could also do well as florists, nurserymen, market gardeners and landscape gardeners. Good money management skills as individuals and as a team will ensure financial stability. Optimism in the Nineteen and caution in the Twenty-Seven are combined with mutual trust. Their fundamental value systems do not differ greatly. While both recognise the value of money as a source of security they possess at the same time a sense of freedom to engage in a comprehensive lifestyle without being handicapped by over attachment to money and material possession.
Excessive demonstration of emotion will not be a prominent feature in their interaction with each other. Body language and the tone of their voices have greater significance than words and outward demonstrations. They respond intuitively to each other’s feelings and needs. Spiritual understanding will exceed intellectual reasoning. It is most unlikely that one partner will engage in the pursuit of happiness to the exclusion of the wellbeing of the other. Unconditional love rather than a clinging and possessive love will form the foundation of their relationship.
Qualified One personalities are fashioned by these birthdays (1 + 9 = 10 = 1 and 2 + 8 = 10 = 1). Although a spontaneous attraction leading to a lasting friendship between unqualified Ones is unlikely (see chapter on 1st and 1st birthdays) there is every chance that qualified Ones can develop, in the course of time, a genuine interest in each other. Despite a strong sense of identity there are elements within them that can reconcile to a fair degree the self-assertive features of the 1 vibration. Early personality clashes and continued rivalry that could take place between a pair of unqualified Ones need not arise between Nineteen and Twenty-Eight partners. The assertive ego which impels One personalities to take sole charge of situations in which they find themselves is tempered and expanded in these individuals. On the one hand, the need to exercise self-control will always be present. On the other hand, they are helped in this respect by a strong motivation to succeed and not run away from any commitment they undertake. Problems that inevitably arise are regarded and handled as personal challenges. Pride of achievement is a healthy feature in both personalities.
The Nineteen is attuned to a condition in which creative and intuitive instincts are given equal freedom of expression. A positive approach to life is the hallmark of this personality. Self-confidence, good self-esteem, decision, leadership, authority, originality and optimism are some of their outstanding features. They can concentrate on the present, look ahead and no longer dwell on any unpleasant events of the past or likely obstacles in the future. They learn from any reversals in life rather than ponder over them. They are also able to move at will between physical, mental and spiritual realms. Their everyday lifestyle will reflect integration of the various features of these realms. At the same time they are able when necessary to pay close attention to any one aspect without being obsessed by its attractions.
The Twenty-Eight is attuned more towards material and practical aspects of life. However, their personality traits and endowments in general are rather similar to those of the Nineteen. Herein lies the advantages and challenges faced by these partners. The same qualities of authority, leadership, decision and originality exist in the Twenty-Eight. While Nineteens carry about them an aura of charisma and broad-mindedness, Twenty-Eights carry with them a bearing of disciplined order and high ambition. Twenty-Eights may not be as prompt in decision making due to careful consideration of all sides of an issue being needed before they make up their minds. They are also more sensitive or responsive to the emotional plane. Consequently, they may not be as objective or detached in their actions and reactions as a Nineteen is. Concentration on material aspects of life may exceed attention to the intellectual and spiritual aspects. These latter aspects are not absent in the Twenty-Eight, and instead are often allowed to be dormant by their keenness to establish an affluent lifestyle in material terms. They also seek, enjoy and preserve power and influence they usually gain over others. Most Nineteens, on the other hand, may show a more detached attitude towards these ambitions.
The most beneficial influence in this relationship is the presence of the 9 and 2 vibratory forces. The 9 being an expansive and universal power helps in diminution of ego and self-interest. Non-possessive love, generosity, compassion, cooperation, forgiveness and hospitality are some of its superior features. The 2 vibration introduces gentle and genteel qualities dedicated to service, collaboration, hospitality, companionship, patience, sympathy, peace and tranquillity. People influenced by this vibration expect care and attention, and in return they dedicate themselves wholeheartedly to their loved ones. Neglect or indifference will erode much of their self-worth and wellbeing. As Twenty-Eights are motivated by two vibratory forces from the emotional plane their emotional displays are more frequent than those of the Nineteen. Nineteens are not gifted with an outlet for easy release of emotion. Their emotions are usually contained for as long as possible and released in sudden outbursts. Twenty-Eights are sensitive people susceptible to real or imagined neglect or rebuffs from others. While Nineteens are by no means insensitive people they are not as easily subject to these reactions. It is necessary to approach a Twenty-Eight with a degree of circumspection whereas Nineteens can be approached with a fair degree of freedom. Many Twenty-Eights hide a vulnerable sensitivity behind a blunt exterior. In the process of self-definition Nineteens find it much easier to establish their identity. Twenty-Eights may take a little longer to do so.
In this relationship neither partner will settle for a secondary or subordinate role. At an early stage both will understand the futility of competing with each other. Respect for the right of each to have personal opinions will result in a relationship of equals which will prevent one or the other from taking decisions into their own hands. Fundamental similarities in their value systems will allow them to pool their resources and act as a couple and not as individuals. Both possess a sense of pride which prompts them to go out and get what they want by their own efforts rather than look for helping hands or handouts.
These are not individuals who are dependent on excessive social interaction to nurture their wellbeing. Social life is given a proper place in their scheme of things. Both are equipped to surmount any social obstacles and emerge as leaders, innovators and organisers. They will not be found lingering on the fringe of social activity. They are able to alternate between conventional and unconventional social contacts, though preference will be given to the former. As extroverted behaviour may be more in keeping with the personality of the Nineteen they acquire a wider range of friends and acquaintances. They may also pay less heed to social symbols of status and affluence. Twenty-Eights may not be as wide ranging in their outlook and are likely to confine their social life to outer family and those associated with their careers or recreational activity. Social approval is also more important to the Twenty-Eight than to the Nineteen. Evaluation of people and situations is made with speed by the Nineteen whereas Twenty-Eights prefer to take their time before passing judgment. Nineteens use wisdom, intuition and some precipitation while Twenty-Eights use sound practical values and deliberation. There is also a touch of sentimentality in the Twenty-Eight’s appraisal of situations relating to loved ones. Firm opinions are held by both, but Nineteens can be persuaded to modify their views. Twenty-Eights are more adamant. An objective approach to inner realities will depend on the degree each partner releases egoistic attachments. Nineteens may find it easier to do so. Their attraction to abstract matters is stronger. When occasional differences arise Nineteens may score initial points due to their greater objectivity, better command of language and swifter thought processes. In the longer term Twenty-Eights have their way when some of the Nineteen’s arguments are countered by their perseverance and pragmatic assessment of all angles of a situation.
These are individuals who are not shy to talk about themselves. Both project an aura of knowledge and authority when they speak. Nineteens are generally exuberant, imaginative and humorous while Twenty-Eights prefer to confine their conversation to realistic, practical and down-to-earth matters. Communication between these partners will be eased by the absence of duplicity. A high sense of fair play and justice prevails in the decisions they make.
A relationship between partners with a strong competitive spirit is strengthened when it is projected into separate exterior activities. This will be done in a Nineteen/Twenty-Eight relationship. Both possess the mental and physical skills and energy to excel in any form of sport. Following a natural compulsion to get to the top Twenty-Eights tend to become involved in whatever they undertake and are likely to devote more time to their outside interests at the expense of domestic duties. They could take occasional failures to heart and become emotionally disturbed. Nineteens, with their natural objectivity, are not as easily upset because they possess a stronger comeback after reversals. Nineteens and Twenty-Eights are people who prefer city living in units or small manageable blocks of land rather than country life on acreage.
Money management skills are present in both. As partners, they can work together to enjoy an affluent lifestyle and establish economic security. Their homes will be furnished and kept up to date with the best of modern comforts. The advantage in this relationship is that both possess value systems that are not so varied as to create wide or irreconcilable differences. Both possess skills to succeed in professional life or in business. Theirs can be an ideal partnership for a family-run business with the Nineteen acting in the foreground as salesperson and in public relations and the Twenty-Eight in the background as buyer, accountant and administrator. Both possess a mixture of generosity and caution in the manner in which they dispose of their monies. They do not stint on personal luxuries, home comforts, education, travel, holidays and contributions to charity. At the same time, they are neither gamblers nor speculators. Mutual respect for each other’s business acumen will strengthen unity in their business affairs and personal finances.
These are individuals who may feel under compulsion to involve themselves in public life which will inevitably be at the expense of personal wellbeing and family togetherness. In the process of achieving success and renown they may stretch loyalty and trust to dangerous proportions. An effort has to be made to develop a lifestyle that tilts more in favour of domestic and family life.
The most visible feature in this combination is the number 9, and so many compatible qualities can be expected in an intimate relationship between Nineteen and Twenty-Nine partners. With the support of other vibratory forces the vibrations symbolised by this number will without doubt exercise a significant influence on all aspects of their life together. In the first instance, these forces will be responsible for an initial attraction. The 1 vibration has a strong hold on the Nineteen’s personality at outer and inner levels and the 2 vibration has a similar hold on the Twenty-Nine. Compatibility between these individuals will be the result, not only due to the similarities between their 9 aspect, but also the natural magnetism that occurs between active 1 forces and receptive 2 forces. With some minor adjustments, which are inevitable even in the best of combinations, this is a relationship that can be enriched and developed with the best of human values.
The 9 aspect in both partners provides, among several other features, a broadminded, impersonal and humanitarian outlook on life. It prevents an overemphasis on individuality and contributes to the concept of the brotherhood of man. Consequently, negative qualities of self-centredness, possessiveness, egotism, pride and self-promotion are either non-existent or found at a minimum. The influence of the 9 is most beneficial to Nineteens due to the strength of the 1 vibration within their personality structure. While providing outstanding qualities of its positive aspect this vibratory force, if not qualified, could also be accompanied by certain negative features which neutralise many that are positive. Negative 1 features of aggression, impatience, self-indulgence, possessiveness, dictatorial ways and an inability to share are counteracted in the Nineteen by positive 1 features such as decision, willpower, authority, leadership, creativity and adventure. They are in fact expanded and refined by the influence of the 9. The average Nineteen emerges as a confident, caring, capable and dependable individual. They may not be altogether free from the desire to take charge of situations in which they find themselves, but this characteristic can be put to use in positive ways. By remaining alert to their tendency towards peremptory decisions they can remind themselves that consultation and cooperation have to be introduced as a replacement. Their position in the relationship is thereby refined without diminution of any of their positive features. In partnership with a Twenty-Nine they need have no fear of encroachment upon their individuality. It is not in the nature of the Twenty-Nine to arbitrarily assume the role of leader or decision maker. As their personality structure is more inclined towards emotional, ethical and spiritual values than egoistic, practical, economic and material values there is little room left for self-assertiveness, self-promotion and ego-centred habits. What they do resist strongly are inroads into their own individuality. The quality of love, care and devotion within the Twenty-Nine is not possessive and exclusive but emancipated, idealistic and inclusive. Their capacity to indulge in personal freedom without neglect or damage to their relationships is a unique feature in all Twenty-Nines. Partners who attempt to treat them possessively will be faced with a rude awakening. Under the influence of their understanding 9 qualities, Nineteen partners will recognise and accept the comprehensive love nature of the Twenty-Nine.
The 9 vibration is also responsible for the extroverted nature of both partners. Twenty-Nines may display more mindfulness and sensitivity in their interaction with people while Nineteens apply concentration, centralisation and a greater degree of objectivity. As individuals and as a team, these partners are seldom, if ever, on the defensive. They do not see the outside world as a threat to their welfare and wellbeing. With a natural tendency to take active measures to secure their wellbeing and the wellbeing of loved ones they rarely surrender to doubts and fears. Some Twenty-Nines, however, may entertain initial doubt as to their own capacity when called upon to deal with sudden challenges. But the moment they draw upon their unlimited inner resources, such uncertainties disappear. Both Nineteens and Twenty-Nines invariably emerge as a socially popular couple. They make friends easily and take pains to preserve their friendships. Twenty-Nines may be a step ahead in this respect. With a keen sense of social obligation their need for social interaction is somewhat more than that of the Nineteen. Both partners are not confined to traditional ways or attached to a life of conformity. Though traditions are valued and respected they are open to cosmopolitan and adventuresome social activities. As hosts and hostesses they possess a flair for entertainment and hospitality. They are also welcome guests for the animated and enlivening roles they play in any social gathering. Both partners should, however, make sure that their life together does not fall out of balance through an excess of social involvement. Quality time in each other’s company should be give equal or a higher priority.
These are not individuals who suffer from speech impediments or mental blocks when there is need to verbalise their thoughts and feelings. Both possess the potential to evolve as eminent public speakers and engaging conversationalists. They can participate cheerfully in group conversation as well as in person to person contact. Nineteens stand out as authoritative and knowledgeable conversationalists. They are better talkers than listeners. Twenty-Nines display a similar depth of knowledge but are less insistent on holding the attention of an audience. People feel that the Twenty-Nine is more accessible in times of personal need as counsellors and confidants. Enthusiasm, emotion and expressive body language enrich their oral expression. Their conclusions are made more upon feeling, intellectual and spiritual values than on practical and commercial lines. In the Twenty-Nine, the influence of the master vibration 11 will be noticeable when its strength is needed (2 + 9 = 11). While peace and tranquillity are on the one hand essential to their wellbeing they can also be responsible for creating dramatic situations. Outbursts of joy, anger and frustration are all part and parcel of their personality structure. In their approach to life Nineteens can maintain a balance between emotion, practicality and mental and spiritual levels. As an objective approach to all things is more in keeping with their personality they are not as rapidly moved by emotion.
The competitive spirit is active in the Nineteen but is largely non-existent in the Twenty-Nine. This difference will be observed in their choice of recreational activities. Nineteen may participate in all types of sport and compete as individuals with a determination to achieve personal success. As Twenty-Nines are disinterested in competition, combat and rivalry they pay more attention to a team spirit than to personal achievement. They give of their best and accept winning or losing with equanimity. Much of their leisure time will be spent enjoying music and literature and in self-development in privacy or in study groups. Self-expression reaches its highest level when they act as teachers, counsellors and confidants. This is the Twenty-Nine’s unique form of leadership. In service to others their own lives are expanded and fulfilled. Periods of solitude in natural surroundings are also a special need. Their busy lives may not always allow this luxury. Nineteen partners are not too distant from these needs. The only difference here is the stronger draw in the Twenty-Nine towards intellectual and spiritual values and the Nineteen’s stronger pull towards practical and pragmatic values.
As most Twenty-Nines place greater emphasis on their spiritual nature without losing some degree of practicality and Nineteens pay more attention to practical and business aspects of life without overlooking their spiritual needs, the manner in which they handle their financial affairs will not be the same. Nineteen are generous but responsible spenders. Twenty-Nines could be over generous and impulsive spenders. While most Nineteens are discriminating buyers, most Twenty-Nines do not spend time looking for bargains or for full value for money spent. A reasonable portion of the Nineteen’s income will be saved or invested but Twenty-Nines usually find little left after they have given in to their spending habits. Money is regarded by them merely as a means to an end. The law of attraction somehow works in the Twenty-Nine’s favour. They seldom find themselves in destitute circumstances. Their non-attachment to money for its own sake creates faith and optimism in regard to their material welfare. As a result they are able to devote more time and energy towards enrichment of their lives by various other means. Nineteens, in spite of also having faith and optimism, pay more attention to the perils of financial insecurity and the value of financial security. For obvious reasons the management of the partnership’s financial affairs should be in the hands of the Nineteen. Conflict over money matters will be more frequent than differences over other aspects of life. Twenty-Nines need plenty of spending money and resent being made accountable for their spending. Problems can be minimised if they are free to handle a reasonable amount of money.
Fundamentally, this is a relationship marked by an intuitive understanding of each partner’s needs, followed by non-possessiveness and an exchange of genuine tokens of affection. There should be a balance of independence and interdependence. Both partners are types who cannot engage in the pursuit of happiness to the exclusion of the happiness of others, especially their loved ones. Consciousness of their obligations precedes ego demands. Both possess the capacity for quick recovery after adversity. When confronted by challenges they fall back on ample inner resources, often acknowledged in day-to-day activity. Twenty-Nines, in particular, feel the need for frequent attention and appreciation of their worth. In turn, they do not fail to show the same to their partners and all others with whom they are in contact.
Please refer to the chapter on the 3rd and 19th birthdays. The Zero in the 30th day does not add any new features or take away any existing features of the 3 vibration. At most, it may emphasise certain 3 characteristics.
The relationship between a person born on the 19th day and another born on the 31st day will be the same as that between a couple where one is born on the 19th and the other is born on the 13th. It should be noted that the influence of the 3 vibration is slightly stronger in the Thirty-One than in the Thirteen, as it appears first, but this does not make any appreciable difference in their interaction with a Nineteen personality.
The chapter on 19th and 13th birthdays should be consulted.