Numerology Compatibility Number 18

Compatibility with the 18th Birthday


Please refer to the 1st and 18th birthdays.


Please refer to the 2nd and 18th birthdays.


Please refer to the 3rd and 18th birthdays.


Please refer to the 4th and 18th birthdays.


Please refer to the 5th and 18th birthdays.


Please refer to the 6th and 18th birthdays.


Please refer to the 7th and 18th birthdays.


Please refer to the 8th and 18th birthdays.


Please refer to the 9th and 18th birthdays.


This combination is the same as the 1st and 18th birthdays. The 10 reduces to a 1, (1 + 0 = 1). The Zero in the 10th day does not add any new features, nor does it take away any characteristics of the 1 vibration. At most, it may emphasise certain 1 features.


Please refer to the 11th and 18th birthdays.


Please refer to the 12th and 18th birthdays.


Please refer to the 13th and 18th birthdays.


Please refer to the 14th and 18th birthdays.


Please refer to the 15th and 18th birthdays.


Please refer to the 16th and 18th birthdays.


Please refer to the 17th and 18th birthdays.


The vibratory forces operating within the 18th day are spread along the physical, emotional, mental and spiritual realms, providing a multi-dimensional personality structure for those with the good fortune to be born on this day. There are not many days of the month that contain such a comprehensive spread of potential. Regretfully, the present tendency in modern life towards specialisation may prevent their full potential being used. Eighteen personalities are positive in their outlook on life, in charge of themselves and in command of situations in which they are placed. Self-confidence, self-reliance, leadership, decision, willpower, vitality, ambition, good judgment and a high sense of justice are among their many positive attributes. Negative features such as indecision, irresponsibility, self-deprecation, faint-heartedness, lethargy, and subservience have no place in their individuality. A relationship between two such impressive personality types is likely to be fraught with certain contentious issues as well as with many amicable and beneficial ones. In their own distinctive fashion each partner’s tastes and methods may be as personal and individual as their fingerprints, but at fundamental levels, features they have in common will exceed those that may divide them.

Eighteens may be broadly divided into four categories by taking their birth month into account. Those with the numbers 1, 4 and 7 will concentrate on their practical and physical attributes. With emotional numbers 2, 5 and 8 their artistic talents will be prominent, and those with mental numbers 3, 6 and 9 greater emphasis will be placed on their intellect. In addition, those with the 7 and 9 numbers will pay more attention to their spiritual nature. The Eighteen is heavily influenced by the 9 vibration that brings many positive qualities to the personality (1 + 8 = 9).

As Eighteens cannot function in a subordinate position, especially in an intimate relationship, their first issue that will surface will be the role of leader and decision maker. A partnership of equals will be their only option. This will not be too difficult an arrangement as both think more in terms of their responsibilities and less in terms of their rights. As long as one does not attempt to override the other conforming to the discipline of a partnership and all it entails is well within their powers. They possess the wisdom to arrive at an outcome in which both are content. Once this condition is established other considerations easily fall into place.

Individuals with poor self-esteem usually find it easier and comforting to find faults and weaknesses in others while positive individuals recognise and appreciate their best qualities. Having a good self-image, Eighteens feel no need to boost their egos by undermining others. With their optimistic outlook they consider it poor policy to dwell on negatives they find in people or on their own past failures. Their temperament may be competitive but not subversive. An Eighteen/Eighteen relationship will be blessed by the absence of criticism, complaint and censure. The truth is that neither of the pair will give cause for such objections. They could, however, suffer frustration and impatience in their dealings in public life with people who do not measure up to their high standards of efficiency and responsibility.

Eighteens are extroverted individuals who move in society with confidence and friendliness. As they are not confused about their own identity they do not feel the need to emulate others, follow superficial social conventions or base their lives on an eagerness for social popularity. With comparatively similar social needs and communication skills they may compete with each other to hold the spotlight in a social scene. Many an Eighteen couple may choose to spend more time in each other’s company than in the company of acquaintances. Although they could temporarily fit into any company in which they are placed by special circumstances, they are not likely to follow up new acquaintances and activities. Their social life will normally be confined to an intimate circle of old friends. As their contribution will always be of a positive and productive nature they are welcome and popular guests and generous and entertaining hosts and hostesses. There is a marked absence of shallowness and duplicity in their nature and such negative qualities will not be tolerated in the people they meet. As their objective evaluations of people and situations are not blurred by social dependency they will not hesitate to weed out of their lives anyone they find intolerable or drop out of any situation not to their liking.

Eighteens do not suffer from the negative habit of switching conversation to themselves. They are prepared to listen to others as long as they confine their speech to worthwhile topics. They have no patience with people who talk for the sake of talking. Some form of mental or physical activity is preferred to forced or superficial conversation. All Eighteens hold strong opinions out of which they are not easily persuaded. They are authoritative and definitive in expressing their views but not argumentative. They may listen to others but not necessarily accept contrary views. Eighteens possess an above average ability to place things in proper perspective and will not bother debating with others who are unable to do so. They could, however, be deeply affected by inspirational and thought-provoking speech, although they may not show it. All Eighteens have the potential to develop into eminent public speakers. Qualities of sincerity, eloquence, and intuition accompanied by magnetic body language needed for this role are all present in potential and need only to be awakened and encouraged. The nature of the zealot is also present in many Eighteens. Between themselves Eighteen partners do not feel the need for prolonged discussions as both will usually think alike. On the few occasions they may differ they are likely to agree to disagree rather than enter into unproductive dispute. All Eighteens struggle to keep their emotions under control. They do not show their true feelings through the medium of speech or body language. They resort to some form of action to express the warmth of their hearts or release pent up anger or frustration.

The composition of the Eighteen personality ensures success and popularity in any form of sport. Eighteen partners will be most supportive of each other in their respective sporting activities. Their 1 and 8 aspects working in unison provides physical prowess, an unrelenting competitive spirit and pride of achievement. Their non-competitive 9 aspect on the other hand moderates much of the aggressive and combative qualities of the 1 and 8 and emphasises the spirit of sportsmanship without reduction of natural talent. During their holidays Eighteens do not spend their time relaxing in idleness. With their positive attitudes and vitality they keep busy finding something in almost any situation than can be turned to their benefit. They are always on the lookout for improved ways of doing things. They are natural teachers, instructors, coaches, umpires and officials. Physical activity, however, will not consume all their free time. Both will show a natural urge to increase their store of knowledge in abstract and concrete realms. Younger couples may tend more towards physical activity and travel, but as they grow older there will be an imperceptible shift towards humanitarian, cultural and spiritual matters. This eventuates when the impersonal, generous and comprehensive qualities of their fundamental 9 nature override acquisitive and self-serving qualities.

A good financial position will be secured early in this relationship and maintained throughout. Eighteens do not remain in low income positions. Having all the requisites for success either as professionals or as business persons their earning capacity is well above average. An unemployed or under employed Eighteen will be quite exceptional. A mixture of generosity and rationality will be observed in their spending habits. They do not count the cost in regard to family welfare. There will be many occasions when sentimental feelings towards family members overcome financial considerations. They are not usually bargain hunters as their busy lives leave the minimum of time for shopping around. Their financial position is likely to be governed by high income, high expenditure and adequate saving.

Eighteen partners place a high premium on loyalty. They may outwardly appear distant towards each other but inwardly they will be closely tied. They are undemonstrative people whose love nature involves freedom, but freedom that is not abused. They are not accustomed to explaining their actions or movements. As their scale of values is balanced between realism and idealism the need for questions and answers will seldom arise. Although Eighteens look on the bright side of life with the conviction that everything will turn out favourably they are not altogether free from occasional personal worries. When such problems arise there are few people they would choose to confide in or allow access to their deeper feelings. This could apply even with their fellow Eighteens. They should make an effort to overcome this difficulty relying on mutual respect, trustworthiness and wisdom.


Qualified Nine and qualified One personalities are formed by these birthdays (1 + 8 = 9 and 1 + 9 = 10 = 1). They are individuals who exude power from the physical, mental and spiritual realms. Most Eighteens and Nineteens attend to the immediate business of creating successful careers or businesses as their first priority. A permanent relationship is usually considered once they are reasonably well established. Spiritual development usually takes place during their middle years. The 9 vibration shared by both will, among other attributes, be responsible for this later awakening. This vibration plays a rather unique role in the temperaments of both personalities. In the meantime the 1 and 8 aspects in the Eighteen and the double strength of the 1 in the Nineteen will rule their thoughts and actions.

In the event of these individuals forming an intimate relationship, similarities in their personality structures will exceed dissimilarities. While similarities in some relationships tend towards empathy, sharing, cooperation and togetherness, others often take the opposite course of independence, confrontation and rivalry. The latter condition is likely at the early stages of a relationship between Eighteen and Nineteen partners. The opportunity to overcome their differences is presented by the shared 9 vibration which provides characteristics that overlook egoistic and egocentric qualities that create these problems. This will not be an easy task because many high-minded and sensitive 9 qualities could be overpowered by the pragmatic nature of the 1 and 8 forces that enter into this relationship. Success will depend on the educational and cultural levels of both partners and to the extent 9 attributes are persistently applied.

A brief list of 1 and 8 qualities will reveal the problems likely to be faced by these partners. In the first instance, the 1 force creates leaders, decision makers and firm individualists who face the world with self-confidence, self-sufficiency, high ambition and emphatic egos. Cooperation, conciliation, consultation, flexibility, tact, companionship and sharing are qualities conspicuous by their absence. The 8 vibration is an escalation of the 1. It contains the best 1 features as well as additional qualities of administrative and organisational abilities, competitiveness, delegation of duties and good judgment. People influenced by this vibration are able to recognise potential in others and use it for personal and general advantage; hence their high administrative skills. As the 1 and 8 exercise control over the Eighteen, success in public life either as executives or in business is assured. The same degree of success may not eventuate in family life, despite the fact that they are reliable providers who take great pride in the achievements of family members. The element missing will be intimacy or family closeness. Excessive dedication to work at the expense of family time will be a factor that needs constant attention. Nineteen partners are likely to find themselves in a similar situation. Reinforced 1 characteristics create ego strength and ambition for high achievement in public life. Consequently, both Eighteen and Nineteen partners are natural providers or breadwinners rather than homemakers. The domestic aspect of their relationship will call for careful arrangement as neither party is equipped with the special qualities needed for a domestic way of life. Restlessness, disillusionment, excessive authority and discipline will result if one or the other is held by circumstances to a role of full-time homemaker. Their problem is not avoidance of the very real responsibilities of home and family care but the actual confinement inevitable in a domestic scene. The active and energetic forces operating within both need an extended field of operation. Their best option will be for a third party to take over day-to-day management of domestic affairs. As this may not always be possible a clear division of responsibility will be necessary so that one will not tread on the other’s toes.

In addition to high achievement in their careers the extroverted and positive outlook of these personalities results in a successful social life. However, they are not people who are dependent on social interaction for their wellbeing. They move in society on their own terms choosing friends and acquaintances of their own mental and cultural standards. In no circumstances will they be drawn into or remain in uncongenial company. As both possess similar tastes they will not find themselves in compromising or unwelcome situations. They may, however, experience some conflict between the 1 and 9 aspects of their personalities. An urge to confine themselves to select company and a contrary desire to mingle with all sorts of people is a problem they often encounter. The 1 aspect is rather conservative and selective, and the 9 gregarious, cosmopolitan and international. It is possible that the 1 aspect will exercise a stronger influence on both. As Eighteens and Nineteens do not usually attempt to subdue their individuality their assertive ways may result in competition for the centre of attention in social gatherings. This is a role that both are eminently capable of performing.

The self-assured nature of these partners is reflected in speech and body language. Fluency of speech is a gift bestowed on both, but constant talk will not be a habit in either. Oral expression is reserved for worthwhile speech and good entertainment. More time will be spent pondering on various issues and arriving at conclusions. For courtesy sake no more than a minimum of attention will be paid to casual or unprofitable conversation. As the thought processes of these partners follow relatively similar directions the need for extended explanations or methods of implementation seldom arise. Prolonged verbal contests or argument are not only foreign to their nature but are also regarded as a waste of time. Both possess the potential to develop into eminent public speakers. The attention of their audience is easily captured and held by the power of their personality and knowledge of their subjects. Their eloquence will always be in demand not only on social occasions but also in business, politics, religious and other occupations. They are also people who strictly avoid speaking on subjects outside their lines of expertise. They are patient and interested listeners on unfamiliar topics, but intolerant and impatient with idle talk.

While the competitive spirit is present in both, it is more compelling in the Eighteen. The 1 and 8 represent two of the strongest competitive forces. Strengthened by the powers of both vibrations, Eighteens are formidable opponents in any form of sport. They may not engage in a wide range of sport or other hobbies during their spare time as most prefer to concentrate and develop expertise and acquire fame in a chosen game. As genuine sportspersons they do not ignore other forms of sport but show a moderate interest in them. Their 9 aspect does not remain ineffective but introduces a spirit of fair play and sportsmanship without diminution of their overall skills. Eighteens invariably retain their involvement in sport after retirement from active participation. They usually continue as coaches, umpires, administrators, treasurers, commentators and ardent supporters. Nineteens are not far behind in their participation and skills in any sporting activity, but their competitive spirit is not as compelling. While Eighteens inject a good deal of passion into their game, Nineteens could be more detached or objective. Eighteens play to win and suffer emotionally when they lose. They are so confident in the application of their skills that the thought of losing does not enter their minds. Nineteens do not experience the same degree of emotional reaction. Consequently, their period of recovery after a loss is much shorter. Eighteens and Nineteens are partners who can combine happily in travel and in all cultural activities. Their tastes in these directions are remarkably similar. Their interest in art, music, dance, sculpture and literature will increase as their involvement in physical activity decreases with the onset of age.

The dreams and ambitions of these partners are not boosted by the prospect of receiving help from others, luck in games of chance or speculation on the stock market. Progress in life and any drawbacks they encounter are handled with faith in their own recourses. They are high income earners as well as competent money managers. Their spending habits are a combination of generosity and caution. Their financial affairs can be conducted with mutual trust as neither of the pair is motivated by extravagance, secrecy, distrust or disloyalty.

As an ‘I’ and ‘My’ mentality may assert itself from time to time by virtue of the independent and self-centred qualities of the 1 vibration, their open-minded 9 aspect needs to be consciously evoked to prevent these aspects from gaining dominance. The interaction of these opposite forces need not create conflict or turmoil within the personality. On the contrary, it elevates and emphasises the attributes of the other vibrations. Eighteen and Nineteen partners are therefore gifted with the potential to form a relationship based on self-sufficiency and independence along with opposite qualities of reciprocity and togetherness in mutually acceptable and positive ways. The wisdom of the 9 and motivating power of the 1 can be combined successfully. The high sense of justice inherent in the 8 vibration in the Eighteen will provide additional help.


Please refer to the chapter on 2nd and 18th birthdays. The Zero in the 20th day does not add any new features, nor does it take away any characteristics of the 2 vibration. At most, it may emphasise certain 2 features.


Please refer to the chapter on the 12th and 18th birthdays. The change in position of the 1 vibration in the 12 and 21 makes little or no difference to the integral personalities of persons born on these days. Relationships between Eighteen and Twenty-One partners will be almost identical to those between Twelve and Eighteen partners.


With perhaps a few exceptions Eighteen personalities fall into a single group with discernible and largely predictable attributes. Regularity is one of their principal features. The personality formed by the vibratory forces within the 18th day is not altered significantly by other areas of influence. The 1, 8 and 9 vibrations (1 + 8 = 9) blend in relative harmony to provide willpower, independence, authority, individuality, self-reliance, positivity, generosity and a broad outlook on life. When considering the nature of an Eighteen we need not look further than the birthday to form a fair idea of the nature of this individual. This cannot be said of persons born on the 22nd day. Governed by a master vibration, Twenty-Twos are high-calibre personalities. The birthday alone is not an indication of their true temperament. Unlike the Eighteen, the birth month plays an important role in determining the nature or type of a Twenty-Two. It divides them into three or four broad categories. Twenty-Twos born with the number 1 in their birth month are stable and positive individuals capable of reaching the full potential of their master vibration. Self-direction is their principle asset. Those born in the 4th month will emphasise their physical and practical nature but may not possess the same degree of balance and self-confidence. The 7th month creates a reserved individual who will spend much time probing and expanding into the spiritual realms of life. The vibrations of the 3rd, 6th and 9th months enhance the intellectual and cultural nature of the Twenty-Two. Finally, those born in the 2nd, 5th and 8th months could be problem partners who suffer from over-sensitivity, self-consciousness and a quarrelsome nature. Their natural tendency is to project their own insecurities on to others and form many rash judgments. They could also be manipulative, hysterical, conceited and self-absorbed. However, these negative personality traits do not necessarily reduce their practical and manual skills. At the same time, their inevitable unpopularity may prevent them from giving full expression to their several talents. More often than not they are avoided by others and are found working or living in isolation. A good deal of personal suffering is experienced as these people are not loners but people who need interaction with others. A relationship between Eighteens and this type of Twenty-Two does not hold much hope for success.

Characteristics present in common between Eighteens and positive or near positive Twenty-Twos outnumber by far any that could be disruptive in an intimate relationship. The ability to look within themselves and make reasonable adjustments to circumstances is present in both, though not necessarily in the same degree. Eighteens will certainly find it harder to enter into a relationship of equals due to the nature of their outer personality tending strongly towards individuality, leadership, organisation, authoritative ways and the assumption of the decision making role. Their first actions and reactions will lead them into this position. However, as they are fundamentally Nine personalities they can restrain this habit and evoke broadminded and generous qualities of the 9 vibration if they are in a relationship with a diplomatic, patient and wise partner. This will be their situation with a Twenty-Two. Sooner or later they will acknowledge the superiority of a Twenty-Two’s assets and appreciate the advantages to be gained in a relationship based on consensus. The basic value systems of these partners are very much the same. Each can easily live up to expectations. They may inhabit their own separate worlds but their worlds are not alien worlds. Twenty-Twos are free souls who do not seek to govern others and, in turn, will not be governed. They are leaders by example whose style of living is inspirational, purposeful and productive. They attract others to associate with them in their goal-oriented ambitions. Aware that much of life is compromise they are among very few personality types that could convert Eighteens from their tendency towards control into a relationship of equals. Although Eighteens are also of a high-calibre nature, positive Twenty-Twos who are attuned to higher frequencies of a master vibration are often a step ahead in their perspectives and capabilities. When this situation is faced by an Eighteen it should not diminish their self-esteem. It will instead serve as an expansion of their horizons. Twenty-Two partners will rely on the Eighteen’s willpower, ambition, assertiveness, sound judgment, orderly habits, and their positivity and humanitarian outlook on life.

With extroverted temperaments these partners will move in society with independence and self-confidence. As individuals or as a twosome they create a positive impact on any gathering. Endowed with personal assets beyond the ordinary they are not bound by psychological limitations or a need to conform to other peoples’ values in order to feel accepted. There may be occasions when Eighteens show limited acceptance to some social conventions but Twenty-Twos constantly look beyond the established order and set their own standards regardless of social approval or censure.

Eighteens and Twenty-Twos do not indulge in excessive speech. Attraction to some form of constructive activity is stronger than prolonged discussions or irrelevant conversation. When they choose to speak their conversation is sensible and creative. Both possess the potential to develop into powerful and charismatic public speakers. In their own company they generally get by with a minimum of speech because they generally think along the same lines with much thought transference. They are individuals who are too advanced in realism, practicality and in their spiritual nature to resort to maintaining an egoist point of view in argument or dispute. Twenty-Twos will be found to be more in tune with psychic forces and may often reveal precognitive knowledge of events. Eighteens may take some time to accept these revelations but they will eventually come around to accepting them.

The various forms of activity in public and private life that these multi-talented individuals can enter into and succeed in are too many to be listed. A single lifetime will not see all their creative talents being manifested. They are practical idealists with far-reaching perspectives whose mental conceptions do not remain in a dream state but are rapidly transformed into physical reality. As there is little significant difference in their capabilities one will be able to support or replace the other in most of their undertakings. Either individually or as a purposeful team they are likely to be involved in some form of humanitarian activity either as professionals or as volunteers. Twenty-Twos especially will be attracted to this form of service. Domestic responsibilities and the welfare and wellbeing of family members will be cared for with love and generosity although neither partner will be confined to domestic care as a full-time career. Any public commitment prior to the commencement of their relationship will not be given up. It will be continued either on a modified scale or on an enhanced scale. Eighteens are not without manual dexterity, and their best talents are displayed as managers, directors, instructors, administrators and judges, or in any capacity in business or recreational activity in which their teaching talents can be used. All Twenty-Twos are natural artists and builders with exceptional skills in form and design. Both partners possess a rewarding mixture of mental and physical toughness and a refinement and sensitivity which enable them to succeed in strength and endurance events as well as in rhythmic and flowing events. When participating in sport Eighteens may exhibit a one-pointed desire to emerge as victors. Twenty-Twos enjoy the act of participation and accept victory or defeat with equanimity.

This is a partnership that is open to an opulent lifestyle not only in moral and spiritual value but also in material possessions. Both are capable of earning a high income and using their money with a combination of generosity and good business sense. Mutual trust will remain their best asset in the management of their finances. The method and order in everything these partners do have not been derived from external sources but from within themselves. No conscious effort need be put into their organised lifestyle. No one can complain of having endured delay, uncertainty, insensibility or negligence at their hands. Both assume responsibility with ease, and earn the respect of others and of each other. Consideration for and anticipation of each other’s needs are enhanced by their optimistic views on life. They are not obscured by the presence of selfishness or self-centredness. Their best assets are the ability to maintain their individuality while still remaining alert to their obligations towards each other. In time of need they would turn to each other as their first choice for support. It will be much against their temperaments to confide their problems in a third party.


A relationship between Eighteen and Twenty-Three personalities will reveal many contrary features. The fundamental difference is the natural contrast between maturity and youthfulness. Certain exclusive features in each will inevitably create difficulties if an effort is not made by both parties to acknowledge and use them in a condition of reciprocity rather than one of rivalry and opposition. There are too many positive assets in both that will be wasted if they choose to lead separate lives. If they make an effort to understand each other, not only will their relationship be held together on a rich and diversified foundation, and each partner will gain many personal benefits. Both possess several facets to their personality structures and, consequently, a multiplicity of personal features and aptitudes which can be expanded even further in interaction with each other. Creating a complementary relationship, however, will not be an easy task. The foremost obstacle to be faced and overcome will be the sense of authority, rule and system natural to the Eighteen partner, and the freedom loving, flexible and nonchalant ways of the Twenty-Three. Most Eighteens possess a comprehensive outlook on life revealing a ‘We’ and ‘Us’ mentality while Twenty-Threes, especially in their younger years, are closer to a self-centred outlook with an ‘I’ and ‘My’ attitude.

Equipped with the requisites to maintain a steady course of study or concentration on a chosen career Eighteens set out to fulfil their ambitions. They can ignore other avenues of opportunity for the time being. Many Twenty-Threes may not have the same degree of dedication or concentration on a single course of action until it is completed. The temptation to try other avenues of self-expression is often too strong, thus cutting short their chances of qualifying or specialising. Those who make a special effort usually possess a self-directing force such as the number 1 in their birth month or as their Destiny number. With modern and up-to-date views they turn into outstanding innovators and motivators. The average Twenty-Three’s urge for variety and change, and possibly a scattering of talent will be evident not only in their working life but also in domestic responsibilities and social activity. They never lose their enthusiasm for meeting new acquaintances, developing new friendships, involving themselves in new ventures and seeing enticing new places.

For wholly different reasons Eighteens and Twenty-Threes are not domesticated people. Eighteens are dependable providers who need a partner who is willing to undertake the larger share of domestic responsibilities while they dedicate their time and energy building a successful career in public life. Twenty-Threes are too restless and freedom-loving to be confined to a domestic way of life. They find it much too irksome to abide by routine, timetables and discipline so necessary for running an orderly household. Unless they follow complex and overcrowded lives they become easily bored and careless. They are by no means incapable of carrying out domestic duties but they do so on their own terms and in their own style which may not be in keeping with an Eighteen’s expectations. As the domestic scene in an Eighteen/Twenty-Three relationship may suffer from inadequate attention the help of a third party should be enlisted. If this is not possible a concerted effort has to be made by both to spend more time at home. The hurdles to be overcome before successful sharing of duties will be the Twenty-Three’s resentment of the Eighteen’s authoritarian manner which insists among other things on punctuality, and the Eighteen’s frustration with the Twenty-Three’s easygoing ways which usually lack punctuality. While Eighteens can maintain a clear division between work and play, and doing one thing at a time, Twenty-Threes do not do so. They are happier involved in several projects at a time. Life to them is a playground offering challenges and adventures which cannot be postponed.

The Eighteen’s range of social activity will be extensive but the Twenty-Three’s will be even more widespread. While Eighteens do not hesitate to meet new acquaintances they prefer to move among well established friends and family members. There is a mixture of conservatism and extroversion in the Eighteen which influences their degree of sociability. Twenty-Threes, in contrast, maintain a wide social network in which there is a swift turnover of friends and acquaintances. They are strongly influenced by the 5 vibration in their birthday (2 + 3 = 5), and it demands variety. They are not disloyal or forgetful people but the speed of their lives leaves little time for long-term associations. Although both Eighteens and Twenty-Threes are socially oriented, the Twenty-Three has a stronger need for variety in their social contacts and activities in order to feel satisfied with life. They are open personalities who make friends easily. Found in unknown company, instead of awaiting introductions they do not hesitate to make the first move to make acquaintance. Eighteens may do the same but not as spontaneously. In any social scene both partners will not stay as observers. Twenty-Threes especially, find it hard to resist entering into the spotlight in speech or activity.

There is an infectious vitality and enthusiasm in the Twenty-Three which makes them popular guests and successful hosts and hostesses. They are exceptionally alert and observant individuals with a knack for adapting to changing circumstances with ease and getting the best out of any situation. They are interesting and entertaining conversationalists who cover a wide range of topics which may include a fair amount of trivia. Endowed with the gift of speech they have no difficulty articulating their thoughts. They are quick at repartee and always ready to match wits with others. Many Twenty-Threes could turn into incessant talkers using demonstrative body language, a habit that will not always be accepted by their less talkative Eighteen partners. They do not hesitate to resort to provocative speech and introduce challenge and excitement into conversation. Most of their speech, however, contains a subtle and mischievous sense of humour. Conversation to them is a form of entertainment and not necessarily a means of conveying facts or instructing others. Communication by touch is another means by which they relate advantageously with people. They seldom provide direct answers to questions put to them as they see many alternatives. Their desire is to avoid committing themselves so that they could always change their minds. They do not hesitate to talk extensively about their own affairs but pay scant attention to the affairs of others. Their emotions subside as quickly as they arise. They do not retain or ponder over emotional experiences as these are soon replaced by new episodes, whereas Eighteens, possess considerable depth of emotion with little or no self-exposure. Their body language is restrained. While Twenty-Threes add to their communication skills by means of touch, Eighteens are not touchers. They keep emotional pain to themselves and retain it for much longer periods. Their conversation will be confined to facts and figures with a marked absence of superfluous topics.

The Twenty-Three’s habit of doing more than one thing at a time and the Eighteen’s need to concentrate on one thing at a time will be made evident in the ways they spend their spare time. Both possess the physical and mental attributes for success in any form of sport. Following their differences in temperament Eighteens will focus on one or two forms of sport with a highly competitive spirit and persistence. They seldom fail to gain prominence. Twenty-Threes possess rhythm, flexibility, agility, quick reflexes and an acute sense of alertness which helps them achieve immediate success in anything they undertake. They are all-rounders rather than specialists. These partners will spend holidays travelling instead of settling for home-oriented hobbies. Both are inquisitive and interested in the world around them. Eighteens will enjoy all aspects of nature more than city entertainment while the Twenty-Three’s inclination will be the reverse. This difference is easily reconciled as Eighteens are attracted to artistic, historical and other cultural attractions that cities have to offer. Twenty-Threes are natural artists with a high sense of beauty and colour, and will not remain insensible to the beauty of nature in all its aspects. The little time these partners spend at home will be divided between house and garden maintenance, and entertainment of friends and relations.

Money matters will be an aspect of this relationship that will require particular attention. The dissimilarities in the ways these partners handle their income may result in frequent disagreement unless both exercise self-control. Eighteens display caution and responsibility in their spending habits. Although they possess more than adequate degrees of optimism and self-confidence they still need reasonable financial security in order to feel comfortable. Most Eighteens dislike shopping but Twenty-Threes are compulsive shoppers who acquire many goods they really do not need. The restraining influence of a less impulsive partner such as the Eighteen is needed to control unnecessary spending. Many Twenty-Threes, especially those born in the 2nd, 3rd and 5th months, could be irresponsible money managers. Money is used to satisfy immediate demands with little or no concern for future needs. Their decisions are based more upon feeling than rational conclusions. Eighteens can draw a happy medium between sentiment and reason.

Eighteens, for the most part, have no fear of making a commitment and abiding by their responsibilities. Twenty-Threes may show reluctance to commit themselves for fear of losing freedom of movement. Eighteens make considered decisions and usually abide by them, but Twenty-Threes make instant decisions that are liable to change. These are not to be regarded as good or bad qualities. They become good or bad in particular circumstances. The success of an Eighteen/Twenty-Three relationship will depend on the Eighteen partner acknowledging the need in the Twenty-Three for freedom of movement and refraining from their immediate desire to control them. They should be able to do so, as the fundamental 9 aspect of their personality (1 + 8 = 9) provides understanding and non-possessiveness. Twenty-Threes, for their part, need to exercise responsibility in their use of freedom, and remain aware of the fact that they are in an interdependent union. In short, both partners will need to make earnest attempts towards evoking parts of themselves they do not often release. A tendency in each to make decisions without mutual consultation has to be overcome.


Almost all requisites needed for a successful marriage or relationship exist in this combination of birthdays. Depth of love, loyalty and duty consciousness are among the strongest qualities in Eighteen and Twenty-Four personalities. In addition, there is a strong similarity in physical and rational aspects of life that will give them a good head start and also remain undiminished throughout their relationship. These are not people who easily walk out of a commitment when problems arise. Both possess the capacity to identify and solve their differences. They do not, of course, manifest their characteristics in the same degree and with equal speed, but the essential outcome will invariably be to their mutual satisfaction. It is not in the nature of either partner to engage in the pursuit of their own happiness at the expense of the other.

An obvious difference in their temperaments will be seen in the Eighteen’s tendency to take immediate charge of situations in which they find themselves, and the Twenty-Four’s expectation to live in a cooperative and consultative relationship in which one partner does not rule or organise the life of the other. The nature of the Eighteen is also to make quick decisions followed by prompt action while Twenty-Fours take their time to consider all angles, and so move cautiously. A blending of these different modes is quite possible and will result in considerable benefit to their partnership. Although the Eighteen’s first inclination will be to take over the decision making role which is prompted by their authoritarian 1 and 8 aspects it can be neutralised by their fundamental 9 character which is one of understanding and compromise (1 + 8 = 9). The benign influence of a Twenty-Four will also contribute towards this adjustment. Twenty-Fours are people who need not be told or reminded of their responsibilities, especially those within the domestic scene. They shoulder their responsibilities, whether in public or private, in a painstaking and competent manner. They do not dictate to others, choosing instead to teach, instruct and lead by example. Those Twenty-Fours with the number 1 in their birth months or their Life Path will stand up to their Eighteen partners from the inception of their relationship sooner than those who do not have this vibration. They will do so in a firm but diplomatic and unruffled manner. Other Twenty-Fours may take some time to appreciate their own multiple talents and to assert their individuality. A partnership of equals will be established as soon as Eighteens use their innate wisdom to recognise the multiple assets of a Twenty-Four.

Eighteens are career oriented people and dependable providers. An ideal situation that suits them is to be allowed to carve out a successful career in public life while a partner or a third party takes care of most domestic duties. It is the resultant lack of time after concentration on their public responsibilities that prevents them from undertaking too many domestic tasks. A Twenty-Four partner, in contrast, can easily take charge of domestic responsibilities as the three vibrations that form their personality are the strongest domestic forces (2 + 4 = 6). Love of home and family can become the central element in their lives. However, Twenty-Fours need not be fully engaged in domestic duties. They are capable of undertaking the dual role of breadwinner and homemaker. Those who enter public life do not entertain ambitions as high as an Eighteen. They believe that sacrifices made for eminence in public life cannot compensate for neglect or failure in the domestic scene. Investment in family welfare first and career second will be their aim. A family-run business between Eighteens and Twenty-Fours is bound to be a success.

Another compatible feature in this relationship will be found in social life. Their range of social activity and conduct in a social scene may not be the same, but mutual enjoyment of social life will not be spoilt by rivalry, any unusual behaviour or different choice of company. With an even mixture of traditional values and progressive ideas both can relate to all age groups and levels of society. For the most part, however, they will choose a life of conformity and seldom step out of character. In a social scene Eighteens may take a more prominent role while Twenty-Fours choose a less conspicuous position from which they can observe rather than be observed. Allocation of time and energy towards career, home and social life will be more even in the lifestyle of the Twenty-Four. They are easily disturbed when life gets out of balance. They are friendly and accommodating with new contacts and not necessarily feel the need to extend their range of friends and acquaintances. Contentment with what they have is a rare gift of nature enjoyed by all Twenty-Fours. Their Eighteen partners do not place limits on social contacts as they are motivated by ambition to extend themselves as far as possible in all aspects of life. Their choice of company will not, however, be indiscriminate. They usually choose to move among people who are knowledgeable and productive in thought and action. Superficial and self-centred people are avoided by Eighteens and well as Twenty-Fours.

Both Eighteens and Twenty-Fours find language a limitation when they try to express their deeper feelings. Emotional expression is also limited in body language. Communication by touch, for instance, is restricted to very rare occasions. They experience no limitation when they apply themselves to practical matters. Both possess natural skills as advisers, instructors, teachers and demonstrators. Their speech in any of these roles is forceful, clear and unambiguous. When engaged in any form of work their practical nature takes precedence over their emotional nature. The opinions they hold are not easily changed as these have been formed after much reflection from practical as well as ethical points of view. As these partner’s values are not too different their evaluations will not lead to lengthy discussions or disputation. They are not people who enjoy prolonged conversation, preferring instead to be engaged in some form of creative work. Between themselves and with others they may invite and enjoy rational discussions while carefully avoiding argument just for the sake of argument. Although they may not be enthusiastic conversationalists Eighteens have the potential to develop into powerful public speakers while Twenty Fours are better in smaller groups and in person to person conversation.

The competitive spirit motivating the Eighteen and the largely non-competitive spirit in the Twenty-Four will be reflected in their choice of recreational activity. In any sport they specialise, the nature of the Eighteen is to seek a forward position of attack while that of the Twenty-Four is one of defence. When their playing days are over both may remain as coaches, umpires or in administrative positions.

As domestic attachments are much stronger in the Twenty-Four more of their leisure time will be spent in home based hobbies. They find contentment in any form of work because the way a thing is done is as important to them as the finished product. Besides home beautification and maintenance, cooking will be their special hobby. Manual dexterity is another of nature’s gift to all Twenty-Fours. Everything that needs to be repaired, updated or maintained in good working order will be undertaken by this partner. Most Twenty-Fours are also conscious of their obligations towards the community in which they live. Volunteers found in charitable organisations, local churches and neighbourhood watches are often Twenty-Four personalities. They are not passionate gardeners. Their daily schedule leaves little time for gardening. Eighteens, too, will have little time for gardening although they are certain to take up this department of domestic life and genuinely enjoy the little time they are able to spend in their gardens. Eighteens are not without other practical talents. Many Eighteens may exceed their Twenty-Four partners as handypersons. The difference here is the Twenty-Four’s stronger attraction and concentration of practical matters and the Eighteen’s extension into a greater variety of public commitments that keep them away from home.

Money problems which often disrupt an otherwise happy relationship will not arise between these partners. Both are responsible money managers. Day-to-day handling of their funds is likely to be taken over by the Twenty-Four. They are businesslike, economical and trustworthy as shoppers and bargain hunters. Having a natural fear of debt their bills are always settled on time. Liabilities are never allowed to exceed assets. A percentage of their income will always be put aside for future needs. They do not let sentiment or impulse influence their purchases or investments. Financial security is most essential to their wellbeing. Eighteen partners will be glad to be relieved of money matters relating to running of the household. Most Eighteens prefer to manage other peoples’ money as bankers, accountants and financial advisers than worry about their own day-to-day expenditure. In private life they are not as cautious in their spending habits. Though by no means irresponsible or impulsive they are bigger spenders due to their desires and ambitions being greater. If a loan has to be taken the sum they have in mind is likely to be larger than one envisaged by a Twenty-Four partner. Their optimism may persuade a Twenty Four to change some of their prudent spending habits while the Twenty-Four, in turn, will patiently curtail any risky ventures suggested by the Eighteen. These different attitudes can be reconciled without much disagreement as their fundamental value systems do not differ to any large extent.

As mentioned earlier, the need for freedom of movement, personal space and independent decisions is stronger in the Eighteen while the need for togetherness, cooperation and consultation is stronger in the Twenty-Four. These basic tendencies in the Eighteen are not abused due to there being several inbuilt features of wisdom, loyalty and a comprehensive outlook on human nature which replace any self-centred attitudes. There may be a certain amount of conflict within younger Eighteens between physical/material and humanitarian/spiritual aspects of life. As they grow older the former desires begin to recede giving a wider and deeper expression to the latter. Twenty-Fours do not experience this conflict in the same degree and therefore do not experience a marked change in attitude. The 2, 4 and 6 vibrations mingle harmoniously to create a personality structure in which physical, emotional, mental and spiritual elements are evenly distributed. Younger Twenty-Fours may not show as much self-confidence as younger Eighteens, but life’s experiences will eventually overcome this inadequacy and give them proof that they are as competent as their Eighteen partners, or anyone else for that matter. There is no doubt that both Eighteens and Twenty-Fours reach their highest degree of development in a harmonious relationship with a member of the opposite sex. Fear of rejection prevents both from revealing much of their emotions. They love deeply but do not show their need to love and need to be loved. However, in their situation actions will speak louder than words.


Eighteen and Twenty-Five birthdays form qualified Nine and qualified Seven personalities (1+

8 = 9, and 2 + 5 = 7). The strong humanitarian and spiritual elements within the 9 and 7 vibrations will exercise a profound influence on Eighteen and Twenty-Five partners. Although their inner nature may share many basic values, these will not be in evidence in their outer personality. The 1 and 8 vibrations and the 2 and 5 contain too many opposite qualities to ensure immediate compatibility. As these outer forces will be responsible for their first actions and reactions their qualities can be used as complementary features through the law of attraction of opposites, or allowed to be turned into a state of opposition and rivalry, resulting in disharmony. The chances are, however, that the former conditions will develop through the powers of their fundamental natures which contain qualities that enable them to see beyond the confines of egoistic and egocentric desires. These are latent qualities that will emerge as soon as Eighteens and Twenty-Fives are confronted with difficulties likely to jeopardise their relationship. Whatever situation these individuals are in they become aware of inner resources of strength they could summon when problems arise.

An initial urge to take charge of persons and situations they find themselves in will be the major adjustment to be made by Eighteen partners. Their strong 1 and 8 aspects combine to provide willpower, independent decisions, authority and executive talents. While these are certainly desirable qualities for success in public life and may be allowed free expression, a good deal of modification will be needed in an intimate relationship. The wisdom to make this adjustment need not be acquired by education or much personal effort due to it being evoked from their inner 9 nature. Eighteens will gradually realise that it is better to use their willpower to rule and control themselves instead of attempting to dominate their partners and other family members. Young adult Eighteens may feel under compulsion to reach the peak of their professions or businesses at the expense of other considerations. Older Eighteens realise that the race to get to the top and remain there does not pay dividends in personal health, happiness and in domestic harmony. Most Eighteens possess a dual nature by virtue of their practical values, on the one hand, and cultural, humanitarian and spiritual values on the other. They are not pulled into too many different directions which could divert them from their main course in life. All they need is to affect a balance between the two major aspects of their personality.

The character of the Twenty-Five is more complex or multi-dimensional due to the greater variety of contrasting features that operate in conjunction with many congruent qualities. A real effort has to be made to understand themselves and coordinate these various aspects in order to prevent aimless thoughts and actions ruling their lives. The vibrations of their outer personality belong to the emotional plane providing exceptional sensitivity and awareness of conditions around them. Instant emotional reactions may be either enjoyable or turbulent. These are usually reduced or restrained when Twenty-Fives give themselves a few moments to evoke their emotionally stable 7 nature. Companionship is a basic need for all those influenced by the 2 vibration. Its qualities of shyness, caution, agreeability, hesitancy, gentleness, conformity and cooperation within the Twenty-Five conflict with 5 qualities of extroversion, daring, adventure, freedom, independence, assertiveness and non-conformity. Freedom, especially, is the basic need of all those influenced by this vibration. This a confusing mixture of attributes faced by Twenty-Fives. However, in reconciling these opposites they are assisted by certain similarities within the 2 and 5, such as adaptability, flexibility, changeability, friendliness, hospitality and curiosity. Underlying the varied 2 and 5 attributes are resolute 7 characteristics of reserve, firmness, contemplation, deliberation, poise, practicality, spirituality and curiosity. Curiosity is a quality peculiar to all three forces. It is directed by their 2 aspect into the habits and customs of people, by their 5 aspect into all forms of physical life as well as people, and finally their 7 aspect delves into the past and into their spiritual nature. The complexity of the Twenty-Five not only makes self-understanding difficult but is also often an enigma to their Eighteen partners. Eighteens will not understand them until their own 9 qualities of wisdom, understanding and tolerance are evoked.

Levels of extroversion and reserve in these individuals are such that their social life can be combined within the same network of friends and acquaintances. However, an interesting difference which will not interfere in their combined activity is that the sociability of the Eighteen emerges more from their inner nature than their outer nature while the reverse is seen in the Twenty-Five. The outer personality of the Eighteen could be selective and often disapproving. They may take time to open out and accept people as they find them, but after they do so their sociability can be quite expansive. Twenty-Fives open out spontaneously but their sociability is not long lasting due to a need for frequent retreat within themselves and into the peace and quiet of natural surroundings. An excess of interaction with people takes a toll on their contemplative inner nature. Eighteens, as well, benefit from periods away from social life. They could immerse themselves too much in their careers and other public responsibilities. The truth is that both feel the need for social involvement although they also feel the pressure of any excessive social activity. Both are aware and alert participants in any social event. They do not care to be excluded from general conversation or activity nor do they exclude others when they occupy positions of responsibility. They may at times compete with each other for the centre of attention but for the most part they are likely to take turns as actors and organisers. There is a reduced sense of psychic sensitivity in people with assertive egos and an increased sense in those whose egos are non-assertive. Many Eighteens will fall into the former class and many Twenty-Fives into the latter. The 1 and 8 vibrations in the Eighteen are aligned mainly to the physical and practical aspects of life with psychic perception remaining in the background, whereas all three vibrations forming the Twenty-Five personality have precognitive and clairvoyant qualities on the surface or foreground of their personality. To what extent these are used depends largely on their upbringing.

In different ways both partners are gifted with powers of speech. The Eighteen’s speech reveals in the first instance their disciplined, orderly and authoritative nature as well as their accurate judgments and evaluations. The Twenty-Five’s speech reveals in the first instance a democratic temperament with free thinking and flexible views, expressed with vitality and enthusiasm. Many things which seem absolute to the Eighteen become relative when they fall back into their 9 nature and their views become less dogmatic. Twenty-Fives find it much easier to acknowledge the relative nature of all things and are much less adamant in their views. When Twenty-Fives fall back on their 7 nature all trivialities are left out of their speech which is then confined to topics of a realistic and profound nature. Eighteens do not find it easy to articulate their thoughts on sensitive personal matters. They choose to handle their problems rather than share them. Twenty-Fives do not have much difficulty talking about their affairs and sharing their problems with those who have earned their trust and respect.

The general nature of the Eighteen, is to follow a set plan and make any changes in their habits only after careful consideration. Twenty-Fives, more often than not, follow their inclinations, though at a certain stage are capable of restraining themselves. Eighteens are often too down-to-earth, methodical and busy to allow sufficient time for romance and frivolity to enter into their lives. With a penchant for using their imagination Twenty-Fives can create a happy medium between fantasy, romance and realistic values. Eighteens may choose one or two recreational activities and concentrate on developing expertise in them by using their natural assets of self-discipline, endurance and a strong competitive spirit. Twenty-Fives may spread their interests over several activities, especially among those requiring rhythm, flexibility, stimulation and adventure. They are often found among life’s adventurers because much of their time and energy will be spent in outward and inward exploration. The physical and metaphysical realms attract them with equal force, with the latter gaining a stronger hold on them during their more mature years. Eighteens may concentrate more on physical and practical affairs until their latent spirituality is touched by the influence of a partner such as a Twenty-Five. As both Eighteens and Twenty-Fives possess a strong sense of curiosity their free time can be spent happily together in travel and adventure as well as in indoor educational interests. Books will be used by both as practical guides to self-development. Gardening will also be a mutually enjoyable and uplifting hobby.

As both partners are capable of earning a good income as professionals or as business persons their financial situation will always remain secure. They are much too resourceful to remain unemployed or underemployed. In addition, both possess a well distributed sense of values concerning money and its usage. An even mixture of generosity and caution guards them against excess of frugality on the one hand and irresponsible spending on the other. The strength of their 9 and 7 forces prevents them from over-attachment to money and material goods. These are not allowed to become the central factors in their lives. Human relations take precedence over material considerations, especially in their more mature years.

Talent for gaining cooperation from others is present in both. Eighteens use their gift for organisation and delegation and Twenty-Fives use their extroverted, versatile and adaptable nature. These individual characteristics will no doubt be used in their relationship with each other as much as they are used in interaction with others. Differences that may arise from time to time will not be allowed to magnify or rankle, as the combination of practicality and spiritual values soon override any egoistic tendencies when they fall back on their fundament natures. An advantage in this relationship is that they are not dependent individuals. For want of self-reliance one will not unnecessarily impose on the other. They can enjoy their individuality as well as their companionship. They may not be people who express their love for each other in so many words but they are strong in showing it in their actions and general demeanour. The restraints in each, which prevent spontaneous effusions of emotion, are to their advantage as neither partner can handle excessive emotional display.


The success of this relationship will be based on the attraction and blending of active and receptive forces. An ideal partnership tempered by complementary assets is a joyous prospect faced by Eighteen and Twenty-Six partners. Their personality traits and talents are, however, not merely complementary, but also contain many similarities that can further strengthen their union. The absence of competition and rivalry will be one of their great advantages. Inner conflict within individuals which invariably reflects negatively on their relationship with others will not be a problem with either partner. Apart from minor idiosyncrasies both Eighteens and Twenty-Sixes are stable individuals with no damaging personality problems or peculiarities which could interfere with the harmony of their relationship. If any incongruous features exist family and cultural background could be the cause, not their birthday vibrations. Both partners are capable of making concessions when minor differences arise.

The main difference between these personalities will be seen in the Eighteen’s positive outlook on life, their speed and decisiveness, assertiveness and self-assurance and the Twenty-Six’s prudent, dutiful, deliberate, cooperative and supportive nature. The Eighteen’s natural tendency is to assume overall charge of situations in which they find themselves, leaving attention to detail to others. Twenty-Six personalities do not seek a role of leadership, expecting equality and reciprocity in their relationships.

The Eighteen is basically a Nine personality (1 + 8 = 9). It is their outer 1 and 8 forces that are responsible for active characteristics such as self-confidence, willpower, leadership, authority, individuality and certain overbearing qualities. These characteristics are refined and rounded off by their fundamental 9 attributes of wisdom, altruism, broadmindedness, compassion and high moral principles. These 9 qualities emerge without resistance when Eighteens are in a non-combative situation as they would be in partnership with a Twenty-Six. However in the process of releasing their expansive 9 attributes they do not lose any of their positive assets. The Twenty-Six is a qualified Eight personality (2 + 6 = 8). The 2 and 6 forces which operate in the foreground are among the most loving, serving and receptive forces. Cooperation, conciliation, sensitivity, consideration, friendliness, kindness, peace and an unhurried temperament are their most obvious features. Attributes of their fundamental 8 vibration do not operate in the Twenty-Six in the same manner as they do in the Eighteen. In combination with the 1 vibration in the Eighteen the competitive, authoritative, ambitious and businesslike qualities of this vibration emerge to the foreground, but in combination with the 2 and 6 in the Twenty-Six other aspects of the 8 such as the practice of a high sense of justice, discrimination, clear judgment and acknowledgement and appreciation of assets they see in others are released. The ego of the Twenty-Six is much less emphatic than the ego of the Eighteen. Their integral personality is such that they seldom get out of balance. As these personalities seldom act out of character they are easily understood and easy to live and work with. As consensus and togetherness are much more essential to their wellbeing than ego-centred needs they do not place an exaggerated emphasis on their individuality. Domestic and family ties are exceptionally strong. Home and loved ones are naturally the central factors of their lives.

Most Twenty-Sixes possess the dual capacity to earn a good living as professionals or business persons as well as run a well ordered home. They are attracted to the medical, teaching and caring professions or to businesses dealing with food, accommodation and home products. The hospitality industry contains may Twenty-Sixes. Given a choice, all Twenty-Sixes will invest in family welfare first and a career second. Eighteens are essentially career oriented individuals who find themselves in an ideal situation with Twenty-Six partners. The hallmark of all Eighteens is their executive talents. Young Eighteens do not remain long in subordinate positions. They soon reach higher levels of authority and responsibility. Eighteens are not unmindful of their domestic duties. As responsible and capable providers all they need is a partner who can take over day-to-day duties while they concentrate on providing the best for their family by reaching highest possible levels in their professions or businesses. A secret of their success in public life is their ability to delegate duties. Leaving side issues alone or for others to take over they are able to focus their minds on larger and important matters. While the domestic scene is a zone in which the best talents of the Twenty-Six are manifested, public life is the realm in which Eighteens give out their best.

These partners reveal only slight differences in their social needs and in the manner in which they conduct themselves in a social scene. The sociability of the Eighteen may not be as spontaneous and affable as that of the Twenty-Six, nor would it be extended over a variety of age groups and social levels. Most Eighteens prefer to confine their social life to a few intimate friends who are often chosen from their business connections or sporting interests. It will not be difficult, however, to have them extend their social involvement occasionally beyond familiar ground. Once they find themselves in a social scene, whether or not of their own choosing, they assume an active role and enjoy themselves without too much effort. It is not in the nature of the Eighteen to remain unobserved or inconspicuous. Although the Twenty-Six has a greater need for social interaction they do not seek the centre of attention. Preferring to observe than be observed they take up less prominent roles as workers, helpers and counsellors. By helping and serving others their own lives find fulfilment. Moving unobtrusively among different sorts of people and age groups they can adjust themselves to most situations without creating negative reactions in others. They are more tolerant of presumed shortcomings in others than their Eighteen partners are. Directness in personal communication is not part of their temperament. Eighteens, on the other, hand could be forthright in their opinions and judgments, or choose to avoid persons they do not approve of. Both Eighteens and Twenty-Sixes are, for the most part, conservative people. Yet, a clash between conservative ideas on the one hand, and progressive ideas on the other, are not likely to disturb their sense of wellbeing. Both are content to let changes in their lives take place gradually. However, Eighteens may take the initiative towards any changes more often than the Twenty-Six is likely to do. As long as the domestic scene is not disrupted or placed at risk in any way, the Twenty-Six will not disagree with any suggested changes.

Eighteens are naturally authoritative in oral expression and body language. Twenty-Sixes are generally soft spoken with body language that puts people as ease. That aspect of the Eighteen which tends towards autocratic speech is softened in personal relationships by the forbearing 9 qualities of their inner nature. This is most essential in their communication with sensitive Twenty-Six partners. Expecting others to treat them in the same polite and considerate manner that they use themselves, Twenty-Sixes are deeply hurt by abrupt, commanding and dictatorial speech and crude body language. Eighteens need to be drawn into conversation while Twenty-Sixes are natural conversationalists.

The spirit of competition within the Eighteen is much stronger than it is in the Twenty-Six. It will no doubt have a bearing on their choice of recreational activities. They are certain to engage in many forms of competitive sport and remain in the sporting fraternity as coaches, administrators or ardent supporters after their playing days are over. Twenty-Sixes, on the other hand, will maintain a balance between their participation in sport and in several other interests. Many of their favourite hobbies will be enjoyed within the home. In addition to interior decoration, and normal housekeeping cooking will certainly be one of their special interests. They are also natural collectors of books, recorded music and objects of art. The Eighteen’s tendency to devote themselves to their selected public activities often prevents them from spreading their private interests into as many areas as the Twenty-Six will. Community service is another area in which Twenty-Sixes extend themselves. Their awareness of self-interest is usually lost in unselfish service with charitable and religious institutions. They may or may not possess academic qualifications as teachers, psychologists or counsellors yet people with personal problems are invariably attracted to them for help. Their Eighteen partners may not always associate with them in their community efforts but can easily be persuaded to provide support with their special talents whenever needed. All Eighteens possess the initiative and enterprise to venture well beyond local activity and into humanitarian work on an international scale. To make use of this potential they would need to surrender or curtail certain personal ambitions. Most Eighteens are likely to do so once they have reached a certain level of success in their professions or businesses. As both Eighteens and Twenty-Sixes are energetic workers and of a somewhat conservative nature with restricted emotional expression they need to abandon themselves once in a while to fun and frivolity. This can be done during their holidays away from home. Eighteens need to be pulled out of their deep involvement in public affairs and the Twenty-Six out of their domestic attachments. Once this is done both are types that can enjoy their time away. Eighteens could easily become engrossed in their holiday activities and show some reluctance to return to normal life, whereas Twenty-Sixes will always be ready to return home after a reasonable time away.

Problems with money will not disrupt the harmony of this relationship. Both partners are responsible money managers. Most Eighteens will be quite content to delegate the responsibility of domestic expenditure to their Twenty-Six partners who, in turn, will willingly undertake this task. The Twenty-Six will also be responsible for patiently saving a portion of their income, however small, for future use. Eighteens are more optimistic in regard to their future but will have no objection to the Twenty-Six’s saving habit. Much of the Twenty-Six’s peace of mind depends on the knowledge that a sum of money is available in the event of loss of regular income. Eighteens do not live beyond their means but are likely to think on a more generous scale when involved in larger purchases such as properties, motor vehicles, holidays and other costly items.

Both partners are able to view life with a fair degree of objectivity. Unnecessary problems arising from self-centred views and emotional reactions will not be put in the path of either. They may demonstrate their love and loyalty in slightly different ways but both can live and work for each other rather than for themselves. Essentially, both personalities are givers rather than takers. Eighteens may be better equipped to handle the trials and turmoil of public life, although they need to return to the peace and harmony of a well managed home. The assurance that comes from knowing that there is peace and uniformity in a domestic scene managed by a Twenty-Six helps brings out all the love and devotion existing in their nature. As Twenty-Sixes are attached to a life of conformity more than a life of uncertainty and challenge they do not miss the incentives of public life. They could be much more content to devote their energies towards maintaining a stable home environment while engaging in part-time work of a non-competitive nature. Ultimately, the best influences in this relationship will be the benign influence of the Twenty-Six and the enterprising influence of the Eighteen.


Qualified Nine personalities are formed by these birthdays (1 + 8 = 9 and 2 + 7 = 9). However, attributes of the 9 vibration do not manifest in the same degree and with equal freedom in these qualified Nines. The vibratory forces operating in the outer personality of each are responsible for marked differences. Despite exterior distinctions there are inner forces in both that promise a harmonious and loving relationship. Complementary features in their outer personalities and kindred features in their fundamental personalities create attraction instead of rejection. Some 9 attributes operating at fundamental levels which are certain to exercise a controlling influence on their relationship are unselfishness, broadmindedness, consideration, forbearance, generosity, loyalty, sensitivity, wisdom, and above all, a sublimated ego. Some 9 attributes which are extended beyond their relationship are extroversion, hospitality, a global outlook on life, strong humanitarian tendencies and the concept of the unity of humankind. As these 9 attributes are qualified by the outer forces in each partner they do not, as mentioned earlier, manifest in the same pristine manner as they would in those born on the 9th day. Although modified in certain ways, they are expanded and strengthened in others. In the Eighteen personality for instance, they may be relegated to a secondary influence, especially in younger Eighteens, by their 1 and 8 forces. These vibrations complement each other with attributes that are generally contrary to those of the 9. They inject self-confidence, self-assertiveness, individuality, authority, leadership and high ambition for power and material advancement. Consequently, Eighteens feel the need to take charge of situations in which they find themselves. Subordinate roles inhibit their talents and stifle their ambitions, creating restlessness, frustration and even insubordination. Fortunately, most Eighteens are relieved from the danger of such attitudes by the combination of their natural assets and the inevitable recognition of their worth by others. They speedily advance into positions of authority and responsibility in which their executive talents could be put to full use. When entering into an intimate relationship Eighteens would instinctively take up the decision making role. Although their 1 and 8 aspects are not conducive to cooperative living they are not allowed to turn into arbitrary and inconsiderate habits by their fundamental 9 nature. Their 9 temperament has the effect of rounding off and refining all sharp edges of the 1 and curtailing the 8’s tendency to organise the lives of their partners. At the same time, the best 9 attributes are brought out by the strength and positive nature of the 1 and 8. The integral Eighteen can be projected by an act of will into a balance between ego strength and diffusion of ego and a broadminded and enlightened outlook. Establishing this balance becomes easier with older Eighteens. Younger Eighteens may understandably take some time to do so because they would be engaged in building a career for themselves in public life where their affirmative and assertive qualities are needed.

The Twenty-Seven/Nine is in a more fortunate position in regard to integration of personality. Unlike the Eighteen, their personality structure is not separated into two distinct sections. Their 2, 7, and 9 forces combine harmoniously to form a personality structure that is receptive and responsive to the subtleties of physical, emotional, mental and spiritual aspects of life. The direct result is depletion of ego and the consequent absence of assertiveness, aggression, acquisitiveness, and the urge to control the lives of others. The power of the 2 vibration brings to the surface extrasensory and precognitive faculties. A penetrating insight into psychological and spiritual aspects of human nature is a natural attribute of the 7 vibration. The 9 provides intuition, wisdom, diagnostic ability, altruistic and spiritual values. The combination of the three relatively similar forces within the Twenty-Seven provides many advantages, although it is not without some disadvantages. However, any disadvantages are relative to the conditions in which Twenty-Sevens find themselves. Such conditions could be a work scene or a domestic scene in which they encounter loud noise, aggression, competitiveness, selfishness, antagonism, vulgarity and insensibility. They may be resilient, but they do not possess the resistant and combative qualities of the Eighteen. Consequently, their usual means of self-defence is strict avoidance of people and situations likely to create turmoil in their lives. Trapped in circumstances not of their own choosing they use their considerable powers of diplomacy and elasticity to move away at the first opportunity.

There is no doubt that the Eighteen will initially make most of the decisions relating to their partnership. Following the promptings of their inner benevolent nature and the benign influence of the Twenty-Seven their decisions will not be self-centred or self-serving. Younger Eighteens may occasionally lapse into self-seeking habits but these safeguards will prevent them from self-indulgence at the expense of family welfare. The combative nature of the Eighteen is easily aroused when faced with opposition, especially of a challenging nature. It will not be evoked in a relationship with a Twenty-Seven. Characteristics that can negatively affect an Eighteen are not present in a Twenty-Seven. An unobtrusive but indispensable role will be taken up by the Twenty-Seven. These personalities are strict individualists who do not attempt to lead, nor will they be prepared to follow. A more than average amount of privacy, personal space and respect for their individuality are conditions demanded by them. They give out their best in a partnership of equals based on communication, cooperation and domestic harmony. Many of their unique personality traits are inhibited in conditions of discord. They handle their disagreements with discretion and diplomacy. Constant or even occasional disputation goes against their nature.

Eighteens are capable of making snap decisions while Twenty-Sevens take time to reflect before converting their thoughts into speech and action. Self-confidence, ambition, optimism and a sense of urgency are stronger in the Eighteen. While pragmatic, realistic and utilitarian values influence the Eighteen’s decisions in the first instance, Twenty-Sevens are prompted by altruistic, idealistic and inspirational impressions. Eighteens are not without ethical values, nor are Twenty-Sevens without practicality. The difference is merely on emphasis. Both partners on second thoughts or upon reflection usually arrive at the same conclusions.

Social skills are highly developed in pure Nine personalities, that is, those born on the 9th day. They are modified in qualified Nines to some extent by the nature of their outer forces. Following their self-confident nature Eighteens do not hesitate to take up prominent roles in social activity. Twenty-Sevens play a reverse role following their sensitive and reserved temperament. They do not open out until trust has been established. For different reasons both partners are selective of the company they keep. The Eighteen’s range of friendships may not be as diverse as that of the Twenty-Seven, despite their extroverted nature. There is an element of conservatism in the Eighteen that holds them within a group of friends and acquaintances drawn usually from their associates in professional or business life. Although the Twenty-Seven’s temperament may border on shyness and reserve and a discriminating nature they possess a wider range of interests, and consequently, a wider and varied range of friends and acquaintances. Both partners move in society with cultivated social graces and dignified body language. A polished aura of authority is seen in most Eighteens and a genteel outward authority in all Twenty-Sevens. Some dominant features may be displayed in Eighteens born in the 1st, 4th or 8th months which may detract from their popularity, but the natural manner of the Twenty-Seven will not change, whatever their birth month vibration. Both partners are unable to suffer fools gladly. Eighteens often do not conceal their distaste and intolerance of stupidity, but Twenty-Sevens conceal their aversion rather than cause hurt to those who are quite unaware of their condition.

One has to be tactful when disagreeing with Eighteens. Although they keep open minds their authoritative nature resents contradiction or challenge when they express their opinions. Unless they are in a rare expansive mood they do not enter into debate or argument. Twenty-Sevens, on the other hand, can entertain other opinions, although they may not agree with them. They are rarely provoked into hostile reactions when their own views are challenged. They usually allow others the same freedom of thought and expression as they demand for themselves. As it is not in the nature of a Twenty-Seven to invite combative qualities of an Eighteen partner very few arguments will take place between them. These partners, in fact, do not require an excess of verbal communication to feel comfortable in each other’s company. They are not compulsive talkers. By nature as well by an act of will they know what to say in all circumstances, as well as what not to say or what to overlook. They consciously avoid falling into the trap of saying something or doing something that cannot be retrieved.

Hobbies and other recreational activities may separate them for a while. Yet this condition will be beneficial rather than harmful to their relationship. All Eighteens have the potential to excel in competitive sport while Twenty-Sevens are not likely to choose or remain long in body contact or highly competitive sport. There are many other mildly competitive or non-competitive pastimes they find more attractive. While Eighteens may spend more recreational time in physical activities Twenty-Sevens include many intellectual and spiritual outlets. There is a conscious and unconscious awareness in the Twenty-Seven that spirituality is as much part of their identity as their physical, emotional and mental aspects. As people who are able to go beyond egoistic thought and action they enter into abstract realms with greater ease. This condition is also present in the Eighteen, although it needs to be extracted or triggered off by an agent such as a Twenty-Seven partner. While Eighteens generally follow conventional and group or team-oriented recreational activities Twenty-Sevens often break away and engage in individual hobbies such as gardening, fishing, canoeing, bushwalking, birdwatching and other nature-oriented pastimes. Choice of pets will also reflect differences in these partners’ temperaments. Eighteens are dog lovers, and the bigger the dog the better. Twenty-Sevens choose smaller dogs as well as cats, birds, fish and other exotic pets. Literature, music, meditative practices and study groups are indoor hobbies taken up by Twenty-Sevens. The Eighteen’s concentration on their careers or businesses and involvement in sport, either as players or officials, leaves little time for as many personal hobbies as those enjoyed by the Twenty-Seven. Left to their own devices their busy public life also deprives them of time for self-study and self-examination. It may often be used as an excuse for deeper entry into the study of esoteric subjects which are certain to attract the Twenty-Seven. Eighteens and Twenty-Sevens can team up enthusiastically in local or overseas travel. As keen observers and investigators their journeys will be made as interesting as their destinations. The curiosity of the keen student is on the surface of all Twenty-Sevens and just below the surface in the Eighteen.

There is a difference in their sense of values in regard to money and material possessions. Eighteens are good money managers and at the same time big-hearted spenders on all matters relating to themselves and their dependants. Their natural self-confidence prevents feelings of insecurity from disturbing their composure and does not restrict their spending habits. They are by no means irresponsible spenders, speculators or gamblers but the fairly high standards of living they aspire to consume much of their income. Twenty-Sevens are also good money managers although their spending habits are much more cautious. By and large, most Twenty-Sevens do not possess the same degree of optimism as the Eighteen does. Consequently, there is a greater need for financial security. To achieve this condition they remain careful spenders and shrewd investors. While self-denial, if needed, is difficult in an Eighteen, it is easier for a Twenty-Seven. Material luxuries will be enjoyed although they are not as important to a Twenty-Seven as is a comprehensive lifestyle embracing not only material wealth but equal proportions of emotional, mental and spiritual opulence. It is likely that the Twenty-Seven will take over expenditure relating to household matters, much to the relief of the Eighteen who would prefer to confine their attention to larger issues. Disagreements over money matters will be exceptional as the fundamental 9 nature in both partners introduces trust, generosity and unselfishness.

So far, it will be observed that superficially, Eighteens and Twenty-Sevens may not have several points of resemblance, but basically, they are similar personality types. Theirs will not be a union in which one demands greater commitment or submission from the other. They are also free from dependence and possessiveness. Both flourish in a condition of adequate togetherness and reasonable space. It is not likely that there will be much difference of opinion in what could be reasonable and what could be unreasonable. Loss of emotional control resulting in highly charged emotional scenes will not take place. Both are able to deal with conflict without losing emotional balance. A life of shared experience with important decisions made by mutual consent can be established. Indications of love for one another will not always be observed in what they say, but rather by the things they do and their general attitude expressed in courteous body language.


Attributes of the 1 and 8 vibrations are the central forces within Eighteen and Twenty-Eight personalities. When two such individuals enter into any form of relationship the many similarities that emerge are of a nature that easily invite or incite competition, rivalry, defiance and unyielding attitudes. All persons activated by the 1 and 8 vibrations, either as an outer or inner force, possess strong egos that do not surrender any portion of their individuality upon demand. They are dependable, generous and protective of their loved ones, but they are so on their own terms, not at the direction or desires of a partner. Initiative, decision, leadership, organisation, ambition, self-confidence and self-reliance are among several dynamic qualities introduced by the combination of the 1 and 8 forces. In short, both Eighteens and Twenty-Eights need to be in charge of situations in which they find themselves. In public life they gather around them an efficient team of subordinates and in family life they expect to remain the head of the household.

Despite their assertive nature they have a great depth of love, devotion and loyalty. In an intimate relationship there is a fundamental need for reciprocation of these attributes. This is a condition that can be established if these partners overcome some of their commanding habits. There are aspects in each that will help them in their endeavours to reach over to each other in cooperation instead of rivalry.

Eighteens are qualified Nine personalities (1 + 8 = 9). Their basic personality structure will reflect outstanding 9 characteristics of understanding, compassion, unselfishness and broadmindedness. Competition in order to establish ego strength is an alien attribute in all those influenced by this vibration. Quite spontaneously and often by an act of will their inner nature will be responsible for rounding off, modifying and refining all rough edges and arbitrary features of the combined 1 and 8. One aspect of their integral nature will not function in complete suspension of the other. The Twenty-

Eight is a qualified One personality(2 + 8 = 10 = 1). Fundamental 1 characteristics emerge with strong indications of self-interest and self-importance. In a Twenty-Eight/One these traits are moderated by the same process of polish and refinement that takes place in the Eighteen. In this personality it is the combination of the 2 and 8 vibrations of their outer personality that modifies many arbitrary habits. They are removed to a fair extent from ego-centred thoughts and actions. The 2 vibration is a gentle, receptive and adaptable force which introduces the spirit of cooperation, service, agreeability, unpretentious ways and the ability to see another’s point of view. Individuals influenced by the 2 thrive in conditions of quietude, peace, harmony and reciprocity. They are sentimental people whose love is demonstrated by expressive body language. The 8 vibration does not act in combination with the 2 as it does with the 1. While high ambition and executive talents merge well with the 1, other aspects of the 8 such as a high sense of justice, discrimination, insight and concern for the welfare of others combine with the 2. This combination invariably reduces much of the self-assertive quality of the Twenty-Eight’s 1 aspect. Here again, a single aspect of the Twenty-Eight does not function independently, but in combination of the other two.

There are also similarities between these personalities that are non-confrontational. These could be used to overcome power struggles. Both are inclined to measure life in material terms. With thoughts strictly along constructive lines and an infectious enthusiasm for work they do not settle for second best in whatever they undertake. They may be inclined to put too much emotional effort into their work. Excessive or unnecessary frustration could destroy work satisfaction when their initiatives are hindered by plodding associates or unenterprising higher authority. These partners are not domesticated individuals. Their skills are best suited for success in public life as executives or in a business of their own. Domestic duties will not be an adequate outlet for their natural talents. A non-working Eighteen or Twenty-Eight will find the confines of domestic life severely testing. As a direct consequence, excess of energy may be used negatively on their partners and other family members through many rules and regulations and a marked absence of tenderness. This would be an unfortunate situation as both possess considerable depths of sentiment and sentimentality despite a commanding facade. It is a condition that need not be anticipated as it is unlikely that one will take up the sole role of homemaker. Particular care should be taken by both to ensure that family togetherness is not endangered by over-attachment to their goals in public life. With the little time left to them after a busy working day domestic responsibilities have to be shared equally, or the assistance of a third party enlisted. There are responsible features in both that can be evoked in order to avoid one partner being forced to undertake more duties than the other. Unselfishness, chivalry, consideration, generosity are some prominent features in the 9 aspect of the Eighteen and companionship, support, sharing and adaptability are desirable features of the 2 aspect of the Twenty-Eight which can be used in the division of their domestic responsibilities.

Their careers or business interests will invariably impact on their social life. Both will be inclined to confine their social activities to associates found in these areas. At the same time, neither partner feels the need to take refuge in close friendships or to participate in constant social activity in order to feel fulfilled. They can move in and out of society on their own terms. Although the desire for warm friendships is not absent both are often too busy for frequent contact. On the occasions they do get together with old friends their meetings are genuine, meaningful and enjoyable. Some of their social activity will certainly be with a view to promoting their careers or business interests. These partners should make an effort to extend their range of friends and acquaintances into areas unconnected with their occupations. Almost the same standards will be applied to the company they choose due to both leaning more towards conservatism and realistic values rather than superficiality and unrealistic values. Neither of the pair can be drawn into lengthy conversation or prolonged discussion on particular issues. Oral expression is direct, concise and unambiguous. Both prefer to be engaged in some form of mental or physical activity than spending time in unproductive talk. Their method of bonding will not be through sentimental words but through silent awareness of each other’s needs and consequent supportive acts. Eighteens and Twenty-Eights will become aware early in their relationship that neither partner will tolerate their views being criticised, challenged, ignored or ridiculed. They will learn to be quite circumspect in their approach to each other and in their reactions when differences of opinion arise. However, as both generally think alike in practical matters disagreements can be kept to a minimum. If both can surmount their sensitive or touchy egos consensus on most matters will exceed differences. This can be done if a degree of humility is allowed to enter their thoughts and reactions.

As the competitive spirit is active in both partners it will be given expression in several forms of physical exercise. Participation in competitive sport will serve as a necessary outlet for their combative energies, which may otherwise be used negatively in their interaction with people. It will also release tensions built up during working hours. Both are types that need to slow down from time to time and divert their energies to areas other than their vocations. The potential to reach championship status as professionals or amateurs in sport is present in both. Their interest in sport does not diminish when their playing days are over but is turned into administration, coaching and umpiring. Any form of rivalry existing in other areas of life may be suspended in mutual support of each other’s sporting interests. Travel is another area in which they can get together as a cooperative team. Individually, they may be involved in business travel which may be regarded as an irksome necessity. Their attitude will change during holiday travel. The urge to reach their destinations as soon as possible will change into a relaxed mood that makes their journey as interesting as their destination. This change may not take place instantly as both are types that cannot instantly switch from one set of circumstances to another. They take time to unwind.

Both partners possess a natural talent for good financial management. Personal wealth will be gained through their own efforts. An occasional calculated risk in expenditure and investment may be taken by the Eighteen but not by the Twenty-Eight. Physical comforts and a good name in society are important to both. As partners and parents they may not always display sentimentality and the need for frequent intimacy. As loyal, proud and supportive individuals, they do not count the cost of essentials and luxuries and do not deprive themselves or their dependants of the good things of life. Reaching agreement on family expenditure should not arise as a problem. It is not likely that one will surrender to the other control of their finances. Control will be tied in with their arrangement in regard to equality in their relationship.

The important lessons Eighteens and Twenty-Eights need to learn is to understand, manage and control their own nature before they try to manage others. Eventual management of others, which is a natural trait, will be much more effective and successful thereafter. Their egos in their younger years may project outwards displaying an emphasis on self-centred thoughts and actions. Although the potential is present, they are not immediately inclined towards objectivity. A sincere effort has to be made to overcome definite likes and dislikes.


There is a distinct individuality in persons born on these days that will not be surrendered in any circumstances, nor will it be shared unless they are in company of individuals of similar temperament. An intimate relationship will not be an exception. The desire to preserve their individuality and the efforts they make to do so should not, however, prevent an initial attraction and the subsequent formation of a loyal, loving and prosperous partnership. This can be a relationship that will mature on the principle of duality in unity and unity in duality. Nevertheless, as much they may vary individually there is a unity at fundamental levels of their personalities. Differences in each are to a large extent complementary rather than contradictory. Both possess qualities that enable them to overlook and in some instances circumvent a few inevitable differences. The few adjustments that need to be made by each will be made easy by the qualities of the 9 vibration present in both. An Eighteen/Twenty-Nine relationship is certainly one that is full of promise.

Control of their authoritative nature will be the major adjustment the Eighteen partner needs to make. Authority is in fact a positive aspect of this personality. It is introduced by the combination of their outer 1 and 8 vibrations. All Eighteens project in varying degrees dynamic qualities of leadership, decision, willpower, initiative, self-confidence, strength of ego, good self-esteem and high executive skills. These are powerful attributes that ensure success in public life. For success in an intimate relationship, however, many assertive and managerial tendencies of their 1 and 8 aspects need to be scaled down. This can be done as all Eighteens are qualified Nine personalities (1 + 8 = 9). At an early stage of this relationship Eighteens may be inclined to display more self-serving habits than any that may be cooperative, and do so quite unconsciously. Life’s experiences and the non-competitive and benign influence of the Twenty-Nine will gradually help unfold their generous, broadminded, non-competitive and selfless inner nature. Competitive impulses will be removed from personal relationships and reserved for public life. Sooner or later Eighteens will realise that their Twenty-Nine partners can love and be loved only in conditions of freedom and respect of their individuality. Twenty-Nines are firm believers in liberty of thought, speech and action. They expect to be given the same freedom they allow others. Possessiveness and the laying down of arbitrary rules and regulations will be the quickest way to lose the love and loyalty of a Twenty-Nine. As younger Eighteens may take some time to realise that their only option is a partnership of equals, younger Twenty-Nines will need to exercise tolerance, patience and understanding. This may not be too easy as they could be impatient and impulsive until with maturity they draw upon their considerable store of wisdom. The very essence of the 9 vibration is the quality of wisdom. At the same time, at whatever age, outbursts of emotion either in joy, sorrow or anger can be expected from a Twenty-Nine because emotion governs much of their actions and reactions. They do not hold grudges and are quick to forget and forgive any real or imagined hurts. It is only when their emotions are in turmoil that they may lose some measure of self-control. There is a remarkable absence of censure in their ordinary dealings with people. They would rather attempt gently to point out or correct faulty behaviour than try to change them in a dictatorial manner. The strong influence of the master vibration 11 will bring out the best of all the qualities of this birth date (2 + 9 = 11).

Once a partnership has been established on an equal level a free exchange of many outstanding attributes will quickly enrich this relationship. The Eighteen will contribute strength of purpose, optimism and ambition directed towards material prosperity while Twenty-Nines will use these same attributes towards advancement of cultural, humanitarian and spiritual values. These are primary urges in Eighteens and Twenty-Nines but they can be reversed and used as secondary urges by both. Cultural and spiritual awareness in the Eighteen is by no means wanting. Their greater concentration on physical and material welfare takes up much of their time and energy. On the rare occasions they are not busy they will not hesitate to associate with their Twenty-Nine partners in all cultural events. There may be some degree of hesitation with some Eighteens in regard to investigation into their spiritual nature. Twenty-Nines possess the capacity to enjoy physical and material joys of life while still maintaining consciousness of the spiritual aspect of life.

Although both spend a great deal of energy towards building an affluent lifestyle they find domestic life a confining condition. They are attracted much more to careers in public life. Eighteens are a competent combination of practical knowledge, good judgment, willpower, business sense and self-discipline. They are not swayed by emotion. They are trustworthy and responsible providers with the potential to gain eminence in commercial activity or as professionals. Twenty-Nines are a well-knit combination of service, cooperation, good fellowship, adaptability, charity, and strong humanitarian tendencies. They are people who expect to be treated in the same honourable manner in which they treat others. This creates a problem with those Twenty-Nines who enter into business dealings. Unscrupulous persons could easily take advantage of their generosity and trust. Twenty-Nines gain pre-eminence in professions, such as the medical, academic, foreign or diplomatic service and in humanitarian agencies. As both partners possess expanded and enterprising ambitions in their chosen fields they may not place limitations on their activities in social and public life. Domestic responsibilities and family togetherness may not be given adequate attention. Both should remain alert to the real possibility of this situation being created.

A rich social life will be enjoyed by these partners due to both making friends easily. Although Eighteens are self-confident and self-assured people they are selective of the company they keep, while Twenty-Nines are gregarious and broadminded. The Twenty-Nine’s need for personal contact with people is greater than that of the Eighteen. Twenty-Nines always remain a step ahead in the degree and range of social activity. Both partners possess the desire to make a worthwhile contribution to society. They do not feel fulfilled until they are involved in some form of community service. Eighteens make their best contributions as teachers, coaches, and officials in the sporting arena. Twenty-Nines perform best in charitable institutions and in group activity as teachers, confidants, and counsellors. In both partners the desire to serve is stronger than the desire to be served. Eighteens do not pay too much attention to the impact their strong personalities may have on others, one way or another. Twenty-Nines are alert and sensitive to the impression they create. Both partners are generous and hospitable hosts and hostesses. As in public life there may be some who take undue advantage of the Twenty-Nine’s trust and generosity, but Eighteens do not let this take place.

The natural authoritative nature and considerable practical knowledge of the Eighteen will be clearly evident in their body language and oral expression. The innate benevolence, broad-mindedness, goodwill and absence of prejudice will be displayed in the speech and body language of the Twenty-Nine. Both partners have the potential to develop into charismatic public speakers. Many Eighteens will seldom need a prepared text when called upon to speak. Twenty-Nines may experience initial fear which is soon overcome when they lose themselves in their subject and when their higher self takes over. As their egos are more relaxed Twenty-Nines enjoy spontaneous laughter. As conversationalists Eighteens may not open out as readily as the Twenty-Nine will. They limit their range of topics to matters of relevance. They would rather be engaged in some form of creative mental or physical activity than spend time in conversation on mundane matters. Twenty-Nines, on the other hand, are enthusiastic, curious and popular conversationalists who can vary their topics from mundane, everyday matters to deep esoteric subjects.

The urge for self-examination is more acute in the Twenty-Nine. A good deal of their leisure time will be spent investigating their spiritual nature. All Twenty-Nines who have been blessed with a favourable upbringing, especially one free from economic hardship, reveal a mystical appreciation of all aspects of life. They do not need to be introduced by other agencies into accepting other levels of reality besides the physical and material. Psychic and clairvoyant awareness is another of nature’s gift to all Twenty-Nines. These powers may emerge involuntarily or be evoked by conscious cultivation. As strictly non-competitive individuals Twenty-Nines are unlikely to participate in highly competitive sport. As their personal space is exceptionally sensitive and carefully safeguarded, body contact sports will be avoided. They are nature lovers and travellers. Their recreational time will be spent whenever possible in natural surroundings and in educational travel. Eighteen partners may take some persuasion before accepting a Twenty-Nine’s interest in esoteric studies and practices. In due course their fundamental 9 nature will inevitably accept many of the Twenty-Nine’s convictions. The Eighteen’s assertive and competitive nature seeks outlets in competitive sport and other physical and manual activities. Creativity in the physical and mental realms is strong in the Eighteen while creativity in the mental and spiritual realms is more active in the Twenty-Nine. This difference is only a matter of degree as Eighteens are by no means without spiritual awareness, nor are Twenty-Nines without practical skills. Both can use their differences as a means of maintaining some personal space. One will not intrude upon the hobbies of the other, but will provide understanding and support when needed. They will rest in the knowledge that there will be togetherness in family matters, entertainment, holidays, travel and above all, in love and respect for each other.

Money matters may be one aspect of this relationship that could cause occasional disputes. There are distinct differences in their sense of values, especially in money and its uses. Eighteens possess a generous, yet cautious and responsible attitude towards money. It is valued as a hard earned asset to be used with discrimination. Twenty-Nines could be over generous, impulsive and indifferent towards financial security. Money is regarded merely as a means towards an end. Some degree of responsibility may be shown by those born in the 1st, 4th, 6th and 7th months, but others will always remain free spenders with neither the time nor patience to shop around for bargains. Disagreements between these partners can be minimised when the Eighteen takes control over expenditure on larger items, allowing the Twenty-Nine free rein on smaller purchases. This is the situation that is most likely to develop in the long term when Twenty-Nines realise the advantage in acceding to the Eighteens greater sense of practicality and bargaining skills. This is not a partnership that will fall into financial difficulties and remain in this condition. The capacity for quick recovery from misfortune or setbacks in life, whether financial or otherwise, is present in both. There are tremendous inner reserves that will be drawn upon. The Twenty-Nine, in particular, will display a swifter recovery as their reactions to adversity will not be as deep.

Although these partners assert individual traits in their perceptions and actions they eventually converge and meet on may common points of agreement. In their personal needs Eighteens could be more possessive and demanding a greater degree of attention. Their love and self-esteem is nurtured by the knowledge that their partners and family members look up to them with love and respect. Some Eighteens could be affected by negative feelings of jealousy. Twenty-Nines, on the other hand, are open-minded and free from jealousy and possessiveness. Their love and self-esteem is based on trust. In partnership with an Eighteen their trust will not be betrayed although they need to overcome a fear that they may be tied down by possessiveness. Eighteens should try not to introduce this fear. The quickest way to lose the love and devotion of Twenty-Nines will be to treat them as possessions.


Please refer to the chapter on the 3rd and 18th birthdays. The Zero in the 30th day does not add any new features to the 3 vibration. Those born on the 30th day are pure Three personalities. There is, however, a possibility that some features of the 3 vibration are emphasised in persons born on the 30th. A positive Three or Thirty will not experience any difficulty taking equal rank with Eighteen partners. These are Threes or Thirties born with the 1 vibration in their birth months. Others may adopt various strategies to keep up with the strength and maturity of the Eighteen.


The relationship between a person born on the 18th day and another born on the 31st day will be the same as that between a couple where one is born on the 18th and the other is born on the 13th. It should be noted that the influence of the 3 vibration is slightly stronger in the Thirty-One than in the Thirteen, as it appears first, but this does not make any appreciable difference in their interaction with an Eighteen personality.

The chapter on 18th and 13th birthdays should be consulted.