Numerology Compatibility Number 17

Compatibility with the 17th Birthday


Please refer to the 1st and 17th birthdays.


Please refer to the 2nd and 17th birthdays.


Please refer to the 3rd and 17th birthdays.


Please refer to the 4th and 17th birthdays.


Please refer to the 5th and 17th birthdays.


Please refer to the 6th and 17th birthdays.


Please refer to the 7th and 17th birthdays.


Please refer to the 8th and 17th birthdays.


Please refer to the 9th and 17th birthdays.


This combination is the same as the 1st and 17th birthdays. The 10 reduces to a 1, (1 + 0 = 1). The Zero in the 10th day does not add any new features, nor does it take away any characteristics of the 1 vibration. At most, it may emphasise certain 1 features.


Please refer to the 11th and 17th birthdays.


Please refer to the 12th and 17th birthdays.


Please refer to the 13th and 17th birthdays.


Please refer to the 14th and 17th birthdays.


Please refer to the 15th and 17th birthdays.


Please refer to the 16th and 17th birthdays.


For obvious reasons the attraction of opposite types will not take place between individuals born on the same day of the month. The other alternative is the principle of like attracting like. This latter condition may also be exceptional between two Seventeens. As with any couples sharing the same birthday, Seventeens will not be identical due to their birth months and other areas of influence introducing differences in temperament. At the same time, the controlling influences of their strong birthday vibrations exercise a firm hold on each personality. There are too many strong-minded and individualistic personality traits in each that do not seek complementary or supportive features in a partner. In other words, Seventeens are generally sufficient unto themselves. They are either individualists or leaders, and by no means followers. A hostile confrontation between these strong personalities can be avoided if their assertive egos are mellowed and both partners concentrate on consolidating and enlarging each other’s strengths. This is not an inconceivable situation. As both are mostly on the same wavelength they could use their commonsense to realise that unity is far more desirable and advantageous than rivalry and division. Once concessions have been made they are certain to appreciate the advantages of combining the assets they have in common. A partnership of equals is their only option. If concessions are not made an ongoing contest for the position of leader and decision maker will be fierce and inconclusive. The birth month, in particular, will exercise a significant influence in their attempt to form a happy relationship. Odd numbers in the birth month may make their task difficult while even numbers will help considerably. Exceptions will be the 8 and 9. The 8 has many features akin to forceful odd numbers and the 9 has many compassionate and understanding features natural to even numbers.

Seventeens need to examine the positive and negative aspects of their own personalities before attempting to control or dominate others. This will be especially relevant in a Seventeen/Seventeen relationship. The Seventeen is a qualified Eight personality (1 + 7 = 8). The 1, 7 and 8 vibrations introduce contradictory features as well as many that are compatible. Acting as a unified force they create a personality that demands high standards of conduct. When such standards are applied to themselves they emerge as a positive force, but when applied to others, their application could result in many negative actions and reactions. Seventeens are generally cooperative, understanding and patient individuals. When the actions of others do not meet with their expectations negative traits such as intolerance, impatience, anger, aloofness and wounded pride take hold of them. A short fuse is a problem with many Seventeens. There is also a contradiction in their personality structure that needs to be reconciled. This could be more troublesome to the individual than to others. Although there are certain similar features between the three vibratory forces composing their integral personality there are several others that are contradictory. The 1 and 8 combine successfully but many of their combined features are at variance with the 7 vibration. The former provide willpower, self-confidence, decision, leadership, ambition, concentration and clear direction. Their combined energies are directed towards practical and temporal affairs. The 8 operates from the emotional plane, although emotion is a concealed aspect of this vibration. Its most evident qualities are method, organisation, administration, executive authority and high ambition. Left without interference the 1 and 8 aspects seek power, fame and wealth in material terms. However, these aspirations are restricted in the Seventeen by the equally powerful qualities of the 7 vibration.

Seventeens are not drawn towards a domestic way of life. Distribution of responsibility in the domestic scene will demand patience, alertness and generosity. Individually and collectively their vibratory forces contain an abundance of attributes that favour successful careers in business or in the professions. Some Seventeens may need to make an effort to broaden their interests and not allow themselves to be tied down to their vocations. They may unwittingly overlook certain role obligations and follow an ego-centred course. In reality, these individuals are highly responsible people. The distribution of their time and energy may often be unequal. However, both possess sufficient self-discipline to control their self-assertive temperaments and reach a position of consultation and compromise.

There are two sides to the nature of the Seventeen which influence their behaviour in a social scene. With a mixture of introversion and extroversion most Seventeens are seen by others as enigmatic figures. An aura of reserve, distance and withdrawal coexists with an alert and inquisitive nature. On the one hand, their love of natural surroundings and solitude reduces the need for much social interaction, and on the other hand, they enjoy the experience of carefully selected company. The advantage in a Seventeen/Seventeen relationship is that both can move in the same social circles. They are strictly short-term visitors and short-term entertainers. A Seventeen will not be found overstaying their welcome and in the same way they become restless and agitated when guests overstay their welcome. Although Seventeens do not always seek the spotlight in a social scene, on the occasions they do, a Seventeen couple should take care to avoid competing with each other. Innate feelings of rivalry held in control in private may emerge in the presence of others. Seventeens could be sensitive to contrary opinions and criticism but they are not moved by flattery. They thrive on honesty and accuracy of speech and react with impatience and even impoliteness when others indulge in inaccurate, long-winded and misleading speech. Between themselves a Seventeen couple will not experience these peculiarities. Quite often they may sit quietly together saying very little. Lulls in conversation do not disturb them as these will not be an indication of coolness, boredom or tension. A Seventeen feels little need to invent conversation or argue for argument’s sake. A Seventeen couple will develop a private non-verbal code for conversation. An outlet for spontaneous expression of sentiment is not present in the Seventeen’s personality structure. They could demonstrate anger and frustration easier than tender sentimental feelings. Inability to unburden themselves when emotionally disturbed or hurt is always a problem. As a consequence, a Seventeen couple may not always be able to talk about their emotional likes and dislikes. There is a need in each to develop a keen perception of each other’s feelings.

Seventeens are endowed with the twin gifts of an earthly nature and a spiritual nature. Blending these aspects will be the responsibility of an individual Seventeen. Physical and material attractions are likely to predominate before their spiritual element gradually enters into their scheme of things. Once these aspects are found in equal proportion an objective view of life replaces a previous subjective view. Attachment to physical and material life is equalled by a sense of non-attachment. Most Seventeens succeed in effecting this equation because self-development is a natural urge. Mature Seventeens will not sacrifice their spiritual aspirations for social prominence or compromise their principles for power and fame. They will enjoy the pleasures of physical life with the awareness of impermanence. By treating life as a learning process they combine the joys of physical life with the exploration of their spiritual nature. The strong element of curiosity in the Seventeen makes them inquisitive travellers. Actual physical travel as well as armchair travel. This will always be for educational purpose. There will be very little or no conflict in other recreational activities. With a rare capacity to combine a life of sensation with a life of contemplation and study they can happily engage as a twosome in indoor and outdoor pastimes. Gardening, which will fulfil emotional, aesthetic and spiritual needs, will be one of their fondest outdoor pleasures.

A business partnership between Seventeens can hardly fail. Business acumen is another of nature’s gifts to these personalities. In private life Seventeens are generous but discerning spenders and astute investors. They do not spend on impulse, nor will they fall for get-rich-quick schemes. In short, money is safe in their hands. Conflict over money matters, which is often the cause of unhappiness and conflict in some relationships, will not take place here.

Seventeens are people who need a good deal of personal space. There will be an unspoken arrangement that will ensure proportionate levels of personal space along with togetherness. Except for an adjustment of their natural urge to take charge of things a minimum of personal adjustment will be needed in other aspects of life. Equalitarian unions are generally the happiest and most successful in material, psychological, and spiritual levels. A Seventeen/Seventeen relationship can devolve into this happy condition. Loyalty will be the clearest indication of the love and regard they have for each other. Although Seventeens cannot openly show their affection with hugs, kisses and frequent reassuring touches the depth of their love cannot be disputed. The urge to give vent to their feelings is usually held back by a stronger reluctance to demonstrate sentiment.


An outstanding characteristic in Seventeen and Eighteen personalities is individuality. In the event of an intimate relationship being formed they will be faced with the need for certain personality adjustments and concessions to their expectations. The most important will be a natural trend in each to take charge of situations in which they find themselves, and to expect others to follow their lead. Active qualities of authority, leadership, decision and self-reliance outnumber receptive qualities of cooperation, concession, tolerance and compromise. However, the predominance of the former over the latter does not necessarily create self-centredness and dictatorial attitudes in these individuals. Although many of their similarities tend towards rivalry and likely confrontation there are other aspects in each that revolt against constant friction and unpleasantness. Both could be dominant without being domineering. On account of their two-fold nature these individuals need to work upon themselves and reconcile their contradictions before attempting to impose their will on others. They do have the capacity to evoke ample natural wisdom to realise that strengthening the features they have in common is far more desirable than using them in ego-motivated competition. As willpower is equally strong in both, there will be no winners or losers in a battle of wills. Their relationship may not be an intertwined one but can be formed into one in which they live happily and successfully alongside each other. Although not evident on the surface, the spiritual element which is strong in both can be evoked to replace rivalry with love and friendship. It is this spiritual element that provides the incentive to look within and discover whether a fault or failing lies within themselves rather than in others.

Seventeens and Eighteens are career-oriented people who will not adjust happily to a solely domestic way of life. Distribution of domestic responsibility which could be a potential source of disunity should, however, not create much dissention because both have it in them to subordinate personal needs for the benefit of their family and home. These personalities do not inhabit different worlds, nor do they experience life all that differently. Consequently, joint decisions should not be difficult. Any concessions should not be seen as a surrender or violation of their rights as individuals, but rather, as a strengthening of their union. A relationship without capitulation is well within their powers. Both, by nature, demand high standards of work and conduct. As both are capable of fulfilling these expectations with a combination of wisdom, intuition and reason mutual respect will be the basis on which they foster their relationship.

Intolerance of the frailties of human nature will be more evident in Seventeens. They need to pay constant attention to their own shortcomings before they condemn others. A short fuse is often their problem. They could frequently become aroused to anger and frustration which may take quite some time to subside. A Seventeen will perform any task voluntarily which they will resent doing if told to do so, especially if they are addressed in a curt or commanding manner. Eighteens are more perceptive and could be more generous and compassionate of the weaknesses they see in others. Their instant reactions could nevertheless be one of anger and frustration when forced into dealing with people less talented and dedicated than themselves, especially if they are in a subordinate position. They are, however, in a better condition that the Seventeen for controlling anger and for returning to normal after an emotional disturbance. Their inner nature has greater understanding and tolerance.

The social life of these partners will be influenced by the reserved and selective nature of the Seventeen and the more cosmopolitan nature of the Eighteen. This does not mean that Seventeens are introverted or anti-social or that Eighteens are gregarious and indiscriminate in their choice of company. The reality is that Eighteens cope better with a larger network of friends and acquaintances. They are better equipped to release their inhibitions and abandon themselves freely in the right company. There is a degree of inflexibility or restriction in the nature of the Seventeen that hinders spontaneous release at emotional and physical levels. There are no restrictions at mental and spiritual levels. They open out freely with people who are of the same disposition or on the same wavelength. With a positive outlook on life both partners can move in society with self-assurance. They are not types that could be trapped into social events not of their liking. Neither partner will be found taking up a guarded or defensive stance. While both are intent on preserving their privacy, Seventeens are more secretive and closed-mouthed about their personal affairs. Eighteens, too, do not advertise themselves or open out easily, but they could, on occasions, share some of their personal affairs with a confidant. Seventeens do not prolong their presence at public functions or as guests in private homes. At the same time they become impatient and restless when their own guests overstay their welcome. Eighteens, too, do not favour extensive stays but their level of tolerance is slightly higher. These partners individually and collectively are socially well adjusted, but they do not stand out as the best conversationalists. They may, as listeners, show attention but this will only be of short duration. They are quickly bored by inane, detailed and long-winded speech. As it is the nature of both to be quite reticent about their personal affairs they see no reason why they should patiently listen to elaboration of other peoples’ experiences and likes and dislikes. Both are able to sum up their own experiences in a few well chosen words and expect others to do the same. They are as comfortable in relative silence as they are in sharp-witted and informed conversation. Person to person communication is preferred to group conversation, especially by the Seventeen. Both have the potential to develop into powerful speakers. While Seventeens specialise, Eighteens may cover a wider range of subject matter. With speech containing clear facts devoid of repetition and monotony both are able to capture and hold the attention of their listeners. A good bonus in this relationship is that they will not annoy each other with irrelevant topics of conversation. As both appreciate periods of silence they do not feel the need to talk just for the sake of maintaining communication. Verbal duels will be rare and of short duration. With a deep insight into life as a whole the need to convince each other about the rights and wrongs of things will not arise. In any case, they are keenly aware of the futility of imposing their will on others and this will apply to their own relationship.

Their recreational activities will be spread into physical, mental and spiritual realms in equal proportion. The ability to see beyond the ordinary and appreciate refinement and quality is a gift enjoyed by both. Individually and as an involved couple they will seldom find sufficient time to fulfil all their desires. Both are natural environmentalists. The vast expanse of nature starting from their home gardens and extending into the ocean, mountains, valleys, rivers and waterfalls are irresistible attractions. Both are susceptible to lofty thoughts and uplifting feelings when they contemplate this vast panorama. Their choice of holidays will be away from crowds and artificial attractions. Their home will be enriched with a comprehensive library of books and music. Seventeens, in particular, are likely to take to meditative practices and the study of history and various esoteric subjects before the Eighteen does. With a natural inclination to probe deeper into matters their involvement in self-education will be closer to their hearts than involvement in public affairs.

As both are highly responsible people dedicated to their careers their earning capacity will be considerable. Money problems should not arise in this relationship. Management of their finances can remain a mutual exercise. It is unlikely they will turn to a third party for help. However, the Seventeen may turn out as the more earnest money manager. They are discriminating buyers and shrewd investors. Eighteens are not far behind but could be more liberal and impatient in their spending habits. They may not spend time looking for bargains as a Seventeen would. They are less attached to money for its own sake. Believing that money is only a means of exchange and not to be preserved they are more optimistic about their future financial security. While Seventeens may not be prepared to take any risks in their investments Eighteens may consider a calculated risk.

Romance, love and loyalty are indisputable qualities in both partners. However, spontaneous expressions of their sentiments are checked by certain austere aspects of their personality structures that recoil from demonstration of emotion, either verbally or in effusive body language. Eighteens may, on rare occasions, overcome their reluctance and give vent to their core sentiments. Seventeens will dearly love to do the same but they usually find that expressions of anger and frustration are much easier than communication of their delicate sentiments. In any case either of the pair will be embarrassed or annoyed in a relationship with an over-sentimental and demonstrative partner. There is every reason to believe that these partners will drift towards each other in reinforced union and not away from each other into separate lives. They may not supplement or even complement each other in essentials but the strengthening of all the assets and characteristics they have in common will form the basis of their relationship. As mentioned earlier, these are individuals who try to maintain high standards of living. They will admire and cooperate in each other’s aspirations. Both possess the capacity to absorb knowledge and enlarge their capacity to cope with life’s experiences. They are not so full of their egos to exclude the opportunities for self-examination and self-improvement.


At fundamental levels the 17th day creates an Eight personality (1 + 7 = 8) and the 19th day a One personality (1 + 9 = 10 = 1). The 8 and 1 vibrations have a good deal in common. The 8 in many ways is an escalation of the 1. In an intimate relationship between Eight and One personalities their similarities will be of a nature that could lead to confrontation and rivalry rather than concession and cooperation. Individuality, authority, leadership, decision and organisation are among their prominent features. Two such personalities may not be drawn to each other either by the attraction of opposites or by compatible features. In addition to the 8 and 1 governing their basic personalities both Seventeens and Nineteens share the 1 vibration in their outer personality as well. This reinforces their individualistic and authoritative nature and the natural tendency to take charge of situations in which they find themselves. Persons influenced by the 1 and 8 vibrations become resentful, restless and often insubordinate in dependent or subservient positions. Their potential is inhibited as it is against their nature to willingly accept the ideas of others and follow their instructions and orders. In an equal business partnership or private relationship a disciplined effort has to be maintained to concede and cooperate.

All is not lost if the forces of destiny bring about a relationship between Seventeens and Nineteens. The attributes needed by them to form a successful relationship are present in the 7 and 9 aspects of their respective personalities. These vibrations contain several refined and elevated qualities which modify and at the same time expand their 1 and 8 aspects into areas of life conducive to understanding and response. Seventeens and Nineteens are actually knowledgeable personalities whose basic traits at physical levels have been extended into mental and spiritual realms. Their 7 and 9 aspects prevent them from forming inflated ideas of themselves and following self-centred ambitions. The nature of these forces tends more towards suggestion and rational discussion than arbitrary command. They project the thoughts of their subjects upwards and outwards rather than downwards and inwards.

Relationships are usually formed when interested parties observe sympathetic qualities in each other or for personality traits and talents that are complementary. Being essentially self-sufficient individuals Seventeens and Nineteens do not look for either of these conditions. A relationship they develop will be one strengthened by mutual respect for each other’s personal assets. They are persons who have little patience for incompetent or erratic conduct. A career as a homemaker may not be attractive to either of these partners. Both are career-oriented people. There may be some initial conflict between their occupation roles and domestic responsibilities. This will soon be settled because both take their responsibilities seriously. With methodical habits inherent in both, domestic duties will not be neglected. All they need is a fair division of tasks. Once this is agreed upon they can be confident that their respective duties will be carried out proficiently. It is not in the nature of either to put up with incomplete or neglected duties. In a partnership of equals they may divide responsibility in the knowledge that one can take over from the other whenever necessary. The natural tendency of Seventeens and Nineteens to give orders and issue instructions can be altered by the less prominent capacity to suggest and consult. The former may be confined to public life but the latter will be evoked and used in private life.

These are individuals who can participate in social life without surrendering any part of their identity as individuals. Confident of their own individuality they do not feel the need to feel similar or different from others. People may use them as role models to some degree but the only role models they may use will be persons advanced at cultural and spiritual levels. They have the ability to separate the true personality of an individual from his or her accomplishments in a particular field of endeavour. In other words, they are aware that a successful sportsperson or entertainer may not necessarily emerge as a complete human being. In general, these partners can enjoy the same company and social activities. Both can be counted upon to handle themselves well in any social scene. The Seventeen may not be too keen on much group activity. They are interested in people but they are not as convivial as a Nineteen. Excess of social demands could be most disturbing. Nineteens are more expansive and comfortable in a wider range of social contacts. They express themselves with greater freedom in unfamiliar company. They could emerge from an emotionally charged situation with fewer after effects.

Most Nineteens do not experience difficulty giving oral expression to their thoughts. Seventeens, on the other hand, are not known for fluency of speech. Many Seventeens find that their thoughts are in excess of their ability to articulate them. This does not disturb them too much as they are not people who give away much of themselves. They prefer to converse with one or two persons at a time while Nineteens easily enter into group discussions. Seventeens could be impatient and intolerant of inaccurate, long-winded and trivial conversation. Often their thoughts may be far distant from the social interaction going on around them. Nineteens are more attentive and tolerant, although they too may draw the line at some time as their tolerance cannot be stretched too far. Both partners are somewhat reticent about their personal affairs. Personal achievements are not advertised as neither has the urge to seek personal glory or bask in reflected glory. Between themselves these partners can communicate on equal terms on both mundane and profound matters. They may entertain different views on some mundane matters but seldom differ on esoteric subjects. They are not argumentative by nature. Differences will be settled by the use of reason and the knowledge that patient clarification of an issue is far more desirable that submitting to egoistic urges to score a point or have the last word.. Both can reduce a problem to its essentials, thus saving time and energy. Consequently, arguments and counter arguments seldom arise.

There is a distinct aspect in each personality that prevents preoccupation with the pursuit of power and success in their careers. Both at some time arrive at the knowledge that no vocation can be as great as being a whole human being. Their individual hobbies and recreational activities will reflect their desire for expansion and fulfilment in other areas of life. Following a natural desire to penetrate into the nature of things and the meaning of life their spiritual nature is brought to the surface. Both possess an intuitive knowledge that there is more to life than the physical and material. The strong binding force in their relationship will be their values at higher levels of thoughts. They are studious travellers who love to wander into far off places and familiarise themselves with older civilisations. Any person, place or object touched with age holds a strange fascination. As true nature lovers they are certain to spend many happy hours gardening, bushwalking, fishing, boating, mountaineering or any pastime that helps them commune with nature. Much more time will be spent together in these hobbies than in social activity. Their attraction to study and nature is more than their need for social activity. Undoubtedly, their family and cultural background will determine the extent to which they reach into these refined regions. The potential is always present for development as knowledgeable and contented human beings who will sooner or later possess the authority and experience to give responsible counsel to others. Seventeens may do so only when approached for help, but Nineteens may volunteer their help when they observe someone in difficulty.

Money is safe in the hands of these partners. Money problems are not likely to disturb the harmony of their relationship. Seventeens in particular cannot be exploited or influenced by importunate requests of self-seeking persons. Nineteens are a curious mixture of shrewdness and generosity. They could, on occasions, be prevailed upon to part with their money unwisely. Seventeens could place limits on expenditure. They may spend more time looking for bargains. With the consent of the Nineteen most Seventeens may take over day-to-day management of their finances. Larger outlays will always be made after mutual agreement. Negative qualities of selfishness and self-centredness are not likely to interfere with their decisions. Both parties give generously to worthy causes.

Seventeens and Nineteens are individuals who need personal distance. They are certain to give each other sufficient time and space without feeling shut out from each other by real or imagined barriers. They are not people who can generate emotions they do not feel. An expression of sentiment when it does occur is always genuine. What they need to overcome is a reluctance to talk to each other about their intimate feelings. Contrary tendencies of explosive emotions and rational evaluation of situations exist in both. Nineteens may recover sooner after an emotional outburst. With views that embrace both material and spiritual values these partners have the potential to succeed in all their endeavours and remain two in form but one in purpose.


Please refer to the chapter on the 2nd and 17th birthdays. The Zero in the 20th day does not add any new features or reduce any existing characteristics of the 2 vibration. At most, it may emphasise certain 2 qualities either in negative or positive ways.


Please refer to the chapter on the 12th and 17th birthdays. The 12th day and the 21st day create strong qualified Three personalities. There is practically no difference between these individuals.


The different numbers or vibrations in this birthday combination may give one the idea that there will be little in common between Seventeen and Twenty-Two personalities. However, a closer examination will reveal that they are more striking for their similarities than their differences. Many of their similarities, if not understood, may indeed create opposition and disagreement rather than compatibility. Differences may arise in practical affairs and their general outlook on life but not necessarily at higher mental and spiritual levels. These latter realms of though and action can be used for creating a good measure of understanding and cooperation between many Seventeen and Twenty-Two couples. With greater understanding and familiarity their interest in each other can be augmented rather than lost. There is no doubt that in the process certain personality differences have to be faced and overcome. Their task will not be easy but their efforts will not be in vain.

Seventeens are qualified Eight personalities (1 + 7 = 8). The 1, 7 and 8 vibratory forces operate in unison to create a stable personality structure which is not likely to fall into any extremes of behaviour. Although other areas of influence may create some differences Seventeens do not divide into many diverse personality types. It is not difficult to foresee how a relationship will turn out with a Seventeen partner. This cannot be said of those born on the 22nd day. Many personality types could be found with this birthday. While all Seventeens are positive individuals motivated by self-confidence and a good self-image not all Twenty-Twos possess these positive attributes. For instance, those born on the 2nd, 5th and 8th months may be deficient in these features. The consequence is a temperament suffering from hypersensitivity, suspicion, distrust of the motives of others and a constant need for self-defence. These personality defects or inadequacies do not interfere with their practical talents because all Twenty-Twos are multi-talented persons. They can, however, interfere seriously or damagingly in their relationships or interaction with people in general. They are in fact difficult people to get along with and their failure to love and understand themselves leads to failure to understand and accept others. The result is incorrect and rash judgments. The 1 vibration in the birth month creates a positive Twenty-Two. These persons can operate at the elevated level of the master vibration that controls this birthday. They are people who can think, feel and act with supreme confidence in themselves. Everything they do is conceived and executed on an amplified scale. Details are left to others. They are a unique combination of practicality and spirituality. One aspect does not exceed the other, although the former may appear more in the foreground. They are true internationalists who look beyond national, cultural and religious boundaries. Needless to say, not all positive Twenty-Twos are given the opportunity to live up to their high potential. The many who do not, instead live out their lives as exceptionally positive and productive Four personalities, with stable and dependable temperaments. In between these two categories of negative and positive Twenty-Twos is a large number with a mixture of negative and positive traits. As mentioned before, their practical talents of creativity are in no way diminished by certain temperamental problems.

The degree of success one can expect in an intimate relationship with a Twenty-Two of any condition is not easy to predict. All Twenty-Twos are free souls who can never be tied down by mundane responsibilities or by the possessiveness of a partner. They cannot be dominated, subdued or induced to enter into cooperative or equal partnerships. They need to conduct their lives on their own terms. They do not surrender all or part of themselves to a partner. Much is reserved for their widespread interaction with people and their involvement in the arts, sciences, national and international affairs and environmental issues. Partners of a Twenty-Two will find themselves in a position in which they are obliged to share the Twenty-Two’s time and presence with others. Seventeens are by nature firm decision makers and organisers who automatically take charge of situations they find themselves in with the expectation that others should follow their lead. They could be quick tempered and intolerant of people who challenge their decisions or those who do not measure up to their standards of efficiency. A Twenty-Two partner may listen to a Seventeen but not follow their suggestions or directions. Selfishness and self-centredness are features that prevent negative Twenty-Twos from any feelings of generosity or expansion of their personality. Their hypersensitivity deprives them of a great deal of happiness and peace of mind that could be enjoyed in an uninhibited relationship with loved ones.

The social life of a Seventeen/Twenty-Two couple will vary according to the type of Twenty-Two. Seventeens are, for the most part, conventional in their choice of social activity. Friends and acquaintances are seldom extended beyond a select number. Subject to ambivalence in their social attitudes many Seventeens may struggle with a desire for social involvement and a contrary urge to withdraw from or curtail their social activity. Their sociability is not always spontaneous. They are certainly short term visitors and short term entertainers. A Seventeen’s guests should take care not to overstay their welcome. With the exception of negative Twenty-Twos all others are open and affable personalities who reach out to a wide range of friends, acquaintances and strangers. Newcomers into their lives are welcomed without reservation. Negative Twenty-Twos are usually fearful and suspicious in their approach to people. They seldom endear themselves to people in any company or neighbourhood. Unable to break out of preoccupation with themselves they are constantly beset by negative emotional reactions. Seventeens and positive Twenty-Twos tend to look within to see whether a fault or failing lies within themselves but negative Twenty-Twos look outwards and see faults and failings in others.

Both Seventeens and Twenty-Twos prefer to act instead of talking about things. The Seventeen, especially, is not an eager or accommodating conversationalist. They become restless and impatient of long-winded and repetitive talk. Many Seventeens will be found either cutting short someone’s speech or moving out of a group indulging in trivial or irrelevant topics. Their thoughts may be deep and far-reaching but their speech is measured and accurate. Inability to give adequate expression to the abundance of their thoughts is quite often a problem. In any case, they are not types who are subject to unrehearsed and impulsive speech. Not only are they careful of what they say but they are careful of whom they speak to. Quite often they may resort to communicating in short disconnected sentences. Twenty-Twos are gifted with fluency of speech which enables them to express their often profound as well as practical thoughts with ease. They are knowledgeable and entertaining conversationalists. Their tolerance of superficial conversation may be more that a Seventeen but it has its limits. Positive Twenty-Twos are soft spoken but purposeful speakers who exercise a magnetic hold on their audience. Both Seventeens and Twenty-Twos feel an aversion for argument or protracted discussion. Between themselves there will be very little need for clarification or elaboration of issues as both possess an intuitive and mental understanding of each other’s views. Both are gifted with the ability to strike at the heart of an issue without circumlocution. A sixth sense or precognitive power is stronger in the Twenty-Two. This individual’s extraordinary reception of psychic forces is often adopted into their investigation into non-physical aspects of life.

Most Twenty-Twos do not need to discover their spiritual nature. The master vibration controlling their personality is essentially a spiritual force which emerges naturally in positive and near positive Twenty-Twos. Many venture beyond the religious faith they have been reared in. Their all-inclusive outlook on life cannot be confined to sectarian beliefs. The spirituality of the Seventeen is not as much a surface force as it is in the Twenty-Two. It needs to be awakened, and when this takes place they emerge as keen investigators of their spiritual nature. While Twenty-Twos may proceed directly into some form of action relating to their spiritual beliefs, Seventeens may spend more time in study and research. Most Twenty-Twos direct their energies into projects that will remain as a lasting benefit to the community. The potential to do so is greater in someone born on the 22nd day than in any other day. However, the extent to which this high potential can be used depends of circumstances of birth. The Twenty-Two’s recreational activities and hobbies will be closely associated with their life’s work. Seldom will they take time off for themselves. The versatility of the Twenty-Two is such that it is not possible to specify the directions a particular Twenty-Two could take. The missions they choose to accomplish could be numerous and varied. Diverse areas such as medicine, music, art, sculpture, literature, entertainment, engineering, architecture, environmental issues and missionary work are just a few. They are individuals who have progressed well beyond national, religious, cultural and racial prejudices. Most Seventeens value and will associate with the Twenty-Two’s choice of vocations and avocations, but not always with the breadth of their interests. Specialisation is more in keeping with the Seventeen’s nature. In public life they may match the Twenty-Two’s talents in administration and organisation but not necessarily in diplomacy and cooperation. Twenty-Twos excel as diplomats, negotiators, mediators and counsellors who can relate to people of all social and cultural levels. There is an element of impatience, intolerance and discipline in Seventeens that prevent them from relating to people who are not as competent as Seventeens expect them to be. Their physical, practical and realistic attributes may be more compelling than their spiritual ones. Whereas, in the Twenty-Two, all these are merged into a single overwhelming force. This is an exceptional merger in the sense that worldly values and spiritual values do not oppose each other. As a consequence, ethical and other high-minded motives govern the actions of positive and near positive Twenty-Twos. Seventeen partners will not be overawed by a Twenty-Two’s scale of values as their own does not differ greatly. Twenty-Twos can always depend on the Seventeen’s stable temperament while Seventeens can profit by the Twenty-Two’s comprehensive outlook on life.

This is not a partnership that is likely to fall into financial difficulties. The Seventeen will ensure that this does not happen. All Seventeens are astute money managers who invariably take over the financial affairs of a partnership. There are discriminating buyers and cautious investors in small investments as well as in larger transactions. The satisfaction of getting the best of a bargain is as important to them as the money that is exchanged. Money management is one aspect of life a Twenty-Two may not consider as important as their several other interests. They are invariably too busy to pay adequate attention to their financial affairs. Exceptions will be negative Twenty-Twos who can be inordinately attached to money and their material possessions.

Before a successful relationship is established Seventeens and Twenty-Twos will face the need for many personality adjustments. The Seventeen could exhibit traits such as possessiveness, authority, inflexibility, intolerance and impatience. Their sense of possessiveness is not of the dependent type or needy type but one that is more akin to ownership. They are dependable providers, loyal and protective partners and parents as long as they remain in overall charge. The moment they are challenged or ignored they could react with indignation and even ill temper. They may be dictatorial but they remain strongly committed to their family. They expect their partners to be equally committed. They are not likely to be given as close a commitment as they expect from a Twenty-Two. The Twenty-Two is a free and elusive soul who cannot be ruled, possessed or ordered about. They could easily cut away from a commitment or maintain a loose connection. The world is their stage and a close commitment will stifle their ambitions. Endowed with twin gifts of practicality and spirituality they can commute between the silence of their inner world and the varied activities of the outer world. They need freedom to engage in these changes. A Seventeen partner will have to share the Twenty-Two’s time and affections with many other interests and people.


Seventeen and Twenty-Three personalities will form a combination in which differences in their general outlook on life and personality traits exceed by far those they possess in common. Seventeens appear as earnest, studious, orderly and generally conservative individuals. Twenty-Threes project an aura of friendliness, light-heartedness and extroversion. Seventeens and Twenty-Threes could easily become attracted to each other for their opposite traits, but it will not be possible to confidently foresee or foretell whether in the long term a particular couple will successfully adjust to each other’s differences and reap the benefits of adjustment. In the first instant a Seventeen could be uplifted and carried away by a Twenty-Three’s charm, sensuality, romance, wit, alertness and spirit of adventure, but they may not be able to abide by their animated ways on a permanent basis unless certain controls on their conduct are made by the Twenty-Three. The Twenty-Three, on the other hand, will feel comfortable and secure in the strength and dependability they see in the Seventeen, but at the same time they may resent the Seventeen’s attempts to control or slow down their buoyant and often volatile conduct.

A Seventeen is a qualified Eight personality (1 + 7 = 8). All Eight personalities, whether qualified or not, take a serious and responsible view on life. This is the essential nature of the 8 vibration. The outer personality of the Seventeen which is influenced by the 1 and 7 vibrations is not too different in this respect. These vibratory forces combine harmoniously with the 8 to form a well-knit personality structure that does not contain elements that pull the individual into different directions, creating uncertainty and changeability. They also introduce many positive qualities of authority, maturity, self-confidence, self-reliance, decision, dependability, leadership, regularity and organisation. Some aspects that could emerge as negative features are a tendency to be dogmatic and dictatorial, intolerance of the frailties they see in others and a lack of cooperation. Seventeens cannot adjust to subordinate or secondary roles in an intimate relationship. There is an innate urgency in all Seventeens to assume the role of authority. When they do not, most Seventeens could resort to resentment, anger and moodiness. Partners who are prepared to accept their authority will find themselves in a secure, comfortable and trouble free situation because all Seventeens are reliable and faithful guardians and providers who are quite capable of fulfilling the responsibilities they undertake.

A Seventeen’s attitudes and expectations may not sit comfortably with a Twenty-Three partner. These are free souls who cannot be held down by rules and regulations laid down by a partner. They have no desire to take control nor are they prepared to be controlled. They are much too involved in their own lives to worry about responsibilities of leadership. Just as the three vibrations within the Seventeen merge agreeably to form a single unit, those of the Twenty-Three do the same. The 2, 3 and 5 vibrations, (2 + 3 = 5), possess much in common. However, a significant difference between those in the Seventeen and the Twenty-Three is the solidarity, constancy and strength of purpose of the Seventeen’s combination and the flexibility, changeability and versatility in that of the Twenty-Three. While an aura of reserve and responsibility is projected by the Seventeen, the Twenty-Three displays one of spontaneity, youthfulness, alertness and imagination. With the capacity to adjust to changing conditions Twenty-Threes accept things as they find them and set out to enjoy life. Creativity in the artistic realm adds to their capacity for pleasure and popularity. Seventeens generally question the whys and wherefores of life and set about finding answers. Regularity is an essential condition for their wellbeing. Curiosity is a quality shared by both partners. It is widespread and external in the Twenty-Three and concentrated and internal in the Seventeen.

Although both partners are career oriented with little attachment to a domestic way of life there is little doubt that the Seventeen will assume a larger measure of control over domestic issues. While Twenty-Threes make instant decisions, subject to change, Seventeens take their time and make firm and abiding decisions. Conflict between domestic, occupational roles and recreational activities will not arise in the Seventeen. They are able to segregate each area of activity. Twenty-Threes may allow one area to overlay the other, thus creating a degree of irregularity or disorderliness in their way of life. While punctuality is important to the Seventeen it is seldom in the minds of the Twenty-Three. Nonchalant attitudes of the Twenty-Three are likely to be intensified in those born in the 2nd, 3rd and 5th months. Their need for variety and change is often uncontrolled. As Twenty-Threes in general cannot be tied down to a life of domesticity a Seventeen partner’s problem would be to assign particular duties and expect them to be carried out on time, or carried out at all. Twenty-Threes may be highly intelligent and versatile but they are constitutionally incapable of keeping to routine and timetables. This could also be a problem in a work scene. Seventeens may react to aggression with aggression but Twenty-Threes use diplomacy, subtlety, humour and subterfuge. There is a free flow of emotion in the Twenty-Three that is not present in the Seventeen. Twenty-

Threes are generally open individuals with few concealed aspects of their personality. However, rapid changes from one emotion to another can be expected in most Twenty-Threes. This is a condition that makes them good actors. While Seventeens do not generate or display emotions they do not feel Twenty-Threes can do so with ease. These are alert and observant individuals with quick reflexes and agile bodies. An inner insecurity may exist in many which is carefully hidden behind an outwardly vibrant manner. Anger and frustration are emotions frequently expressed by the Seventeen but seldom seen in the Twenty-Three.

In their conduct in a social scene the extroverted nature of the Twenty-Three contrasts sharply with the generally reserved temperament of the Seventeen. While Seventeens are selective of the company they move in, Twenty-Threes are able to drop into place in any company. Their stay in any one place or attachment to a group may not be prolonged but while it lasts all Twenty-Threes concentrate on enjoying themselves. Their capacity to extract the best out a social scene is better than most. They need people in their lives but they need freedom as well. They can be involved in a group and still maintain their individuality and freedom of movement. The coexistence of both aspects is used by the Twenty-Three regardless of what others may think of them. Their general tendency is to take care of their own needs and pleasures first. Their free and easy lifestyle may evoke certain negative reactions from conservative elements of society. This could also be the situation in their relationship with a Seventeen partner. Seventeens do not need interaction with people as much as a Twenty-Three does. They could be restful and content in their own company and hobbies while Twenty-Threes could become restless in their own company and begin looking for change, variety and activity. Seventeens are not usually drawn into group activity. While Twenty-Threes display a relaxed friendliness and approachability Seventeens adopt a cautious and reserved manner. People find it much easier to initiate conversation with a Twenty-Three. As entertainment and intermingling with people is necessary to the Twenty-Three, privacy and detachment is needed by the Seventeen. Twenty-Threes are natural entertainers who can uplift the mood of any company. Seventeens are by no means devoid of the ability to communicate and display a dry sense of humour but their best contributions are in company that takes on serious discussions.

The contrast between these two personality types is most evident in oral expression. There is a degree of restriction in the Seventeen’s speech that prevents them from giving fluent expression to their thoughts. The vibrations that form their integral personality are not in fact speech vibrations. Many Seventeens could be lazy or indifferent talkers, but on the occasions they do make an effort they emerge as knowledgeable and purposeful speakers who can easily hold the attention of an audience. Being more fond of action than talk they do not stand out in ordinary conversation. Their limited tolerance of trivial and unproductive speech is another factor that limits their conversation. Twenty-Threes are the direct opposite. All three vibratory forces that comprise their personality structure are speech vibrations. While Seventeens are content to keep most of their thoughts to themselves except when directly questioned, Twenty-Threes have an irresistible urge to express their thoughts. They are talkers in the first instance and possibly performers thereafter. There is never a lull in conversation when a Twenty-Three is present. Introducing a variety of topics with imagination and a lively sense of humour they usually take control of conversation. Seventeens may confine their conversation to fewer topics and go deeper into their subject matter while Twenty-Threes prefer to skim the surface and proceed to another and then another. Seventeens make definite assertions and do not take kindly to contradiction. Twenty-Threes enjoy a battle of wits which usually tests the patience of a Seventeen partner. Their fluency of speech, mental dexterity and rich vocabulary equip them with an uncanny ability to extricate themselves from any tricky situation in which they may find themselves. In a straightforward confrontation Seventeens may present a wall of inflexibility and rationality while Twenty-Threes may resort to subtlety, adroitness, contradiction and confusion. Seventeens would attempt to bring an argument or discussion to a speedy conclusion but Twenty-Threes could carry on interminably. Twenty-Threes enjoy stealing attention to themselves. They could often ignore or cut short the speech of others and introduce their own topics of conversation. Seventeens could cut into conversation that has become repetitive, boring or irrelevant. Both may not realise that their actions could be in most instances be discourteous.

The different ways in which they spend their non-working hours is another important aspect of life in which there are marked differences in these partners. Seventeens are able to create a balance between indoor and outdoor hobbies. Many are natural bibliophiles with interests covering a wide range of subjects. History, archaeology, anthropology, geography, comparative religion and other esoteric subjects are contained in their well stocked libraries. All aspects of music will be an essential part of their daily lives. The 7 aspect of their personality aided by the 1 and 8 will be responsible for research and specialisation in one or at the most two areas of study. They are also drawn into open air activities such as gardening, fishing, boating, birdwatching, bushwalking or any pastime that helps them relax in natural surroundings. Poultry and a well stocked aviary will be kept whenever possible by Seventeen householders. As their restless nature constantly seeks new experiences Twenty-Threes are seldom if ever involved in specialisation. They live abundantly with little time for acquiring expertise in any special area. Yet, Twenty-Threes are perfectly capable of gaining an in-depth knowledge of anything if they put their minds to it. While rural occupations and avocations attract a Seventeen city activities attract the Twenty-Three. The bright lights and city attractions appeal much more to the Twenty-Three than the tranquillity of the countryside. Although these partners may not usually cover the same territory during their recreational time the fact that they have different interests and talents could give them value and advantage as a team. If a joint effort is made the Seventeen’s range of interests can be extended by the Twenty-Three’s imagination and enthusiasm and the Twenty-Three is controlled to a fair extent by the Seventeen’s sense of balance.

Their efforts to bring about a proper management of their financial affairs may meet with some real problems. Seventeens are careful and responsible money managers while most Twenty-Threes could be indifferent and irresponsible in handling money. Patience and impulse in their spending habits will distinguish the two. Seventeens could set distant objectives and work towards achieving them but Twenty-Threes revel in immediate goals. Money a Seventeen would like to save will be spent by the Twenty-Three. Their impulsive and often indulgent spending habits could easily incur the wrath of the Seventeen. For the stability and security of this partnership Seventeens will make every effort to take charge of their financial affairs, but this will not be without some resistance from the Twenty-Three. While Twenty-Threes do need to have some sense of financial security it is only found at a rather basic level. They get more out of life from freedom of expression than from time and energy spent on financial affairs. Their lifestyle will usually be more costly than that of the Seventeen.

Both partners will need to realise that their points of view may not be right or wrong, but different. Seventeens look for control, order, organisation and stability, and usually appear as a figure of authority. Twenty-Threes do not place much emphasis on regularity and future security. They face life with a nonchalance that could disturb many prudent partners. Seventeens are usually impatient and intolerant of those who are not as responsible, attentive and punctual as they expect them to be. Twenty-Threes are critical and intolerant of people who are not as quick thinking, imaginative, flexible and adventuresome as they are. What they need most is love, companionship, communication, emotional and physical contact, freedom of expression and ample space. Some of these demands and needs are contradictory and inevitably give rise to personal problems and conflict with others. In contrast, the Seventeen’s lifestyle is structured by their need for balance and stability.


As the 17th day contains strong active vibrations and as the 24th day is formed entirely by receptive forces, the interplay of opposite poles will remain the most significant aspect of this birthday combination. Yet, the characteristics of Seventeen and Twenty-Four personalities are not as diverse as one would expect from opposite polarities. There are in fact more aspects of their personalities that are comparable and compatible than those that are separate and contrasting. From its inception a Seventeen/ Twenty-Four association will be formed and thereafter maintained through a community of interests and mutually acceptable needs. Both look for balance, regularity, security and stability in their lives. This is by no means an unachievable aspiration as both are well equipped to achieve these conditions. Their joint efforts will be manifestly more productive than individual efforts will be. The Twenty-Four, especially, is one who seeks close companionship and usually enters into an early relationship.

Qualities of leadership, authority, decision and career orientation are prominent features in Seventeens, by virtue of their active forces. They are often too involved in their careers to enter into early relationships. A Seventeen is a qualified Eight personality (1 + 7 = 8). Unlike other receptive forces the 8 vibration contains many active qualities such as ambition, leadership, authority, competition, assertiveness, and powers of organisation and delegation. Seventeens are reasonably well integrated individuals who automatically assume responsibility for their own lives and the lives of their partners and loved ones. On the one hand they act with a strict sense of justice, fair play, responsibility and rationality, and on the other hand, they could display impatience, intolerance and pedantic and autocratic ways. The personality of a Seventeen partner will determine the degree in which these latter characteristics are evoked. The 1, 7, and 8 vibrations within the Seventeen do not blend completely due to certain exclusive aspects of the 7. Although it conforms to the 1 and 8 in practical and many material conditions it also contains a considerable quantity of non-physical values which may be opposed to some aspects of the 1 and 8. It has a direct influence on the material ambitions, self-assertiveness and competitive ways of these forces. A Seventeen could be confronted by a strong desire for personal power and the acquisition of material wealth as well as a desire to surrender these ambitions for a detached intellectual and philosophical approach to life. Many Seventeens affect a balance between these states of mind. They pay careful attention to physical and material needs without losing their spiritual values.

The three receptive forces operating within the Twenty-Four consolidate harmoniously to form a well integrated personality structure (2 + 4 = 6). The 2 vibration contributes sensitivity, emotional release, cooperation, kindliness and adaptability. The 4 provides manual dexterity, commercial acumen and down-to-earth attitudes. Their basic 6 aspect gives balance in all areas of life as well as rationality, diplomacy and a strictly mental outlook on life. However, none of these qualities is the sole preserve of the 2, 4 or 6 forces. They are contained to greater or lesser degrees in each; hence the ease in which they harmonise. Loyalty, love, service, domesticity and community consciousness are qualities present in each, as is the need for peace, harmony and the avoidance of rivalry and competition. A Twenty-Four is not likely to compete with a Seventeen for the role of leader and decision maker. They are not motivated by a need to exercise control over others. They would willingly settle into a role of spouse, companion and supporter as long as their orderly way of life is not upset by arbitrary rules and impulsive actions by a partner. They expect to be consulted and not overlooked. It would be a foolish individual who disregards the rationality and practical talents of a Twenty-Four. Seventeens may at times overlook this duty but they will soon be given a gentle but firm reminder. The nature of the Seventeen prompts them to act too often as an individual while the Twenty-Four’s easy-going, patient and tactful nature will in the course of time exercise a benign influence on the Seventeen’s somewhat authoritative nature.

The role of breadwinner can be assumed with ease and success by the Seventeen. In this capacity they emerge as responsible and dependable partners and providers. Their temperament and skills are not geared towards day-to-day management of domestic affairs. They need a domesticated partner to undertake these responsibilities. A Twenty-Four can settle naturally into this role, although it need not consume their whole life. Twenty-Fours possess the dual capacity of domestic care and the pursuit of a career or business. They are multi-talented people who can succeed in professional life as teachers, doctors, nurses, carers as well as in businesses dealing in food, household products and accommodation. A Seventeen/Twenty-Four family business can be turned into an outstanding success thanks to an abundance of administrative and financial skills.

Social activity is an area of life in which these partners have similar preferences. They are not types who are dependent on social interaction for their wellbeing, nor are they too reserved or reclusive by nature. As neither of the pair is likely to give way to excess in any sector of life, social involvement will be part of their uniform lifestyle. They are not people who go in search of new friends and acquaintances and therefore remain content to move in familiar company and familiar scenes. They avoid the limelight in social activity and choose to remain in the background as contributors in many practical ways. This is a particular preference with the Twenty-Four, who will willingly take on any practical task avoided by those who prefer to talk rather than perform or deliver. Seventeens and Twenty-Fours are always welcome guests and generous hosts and hostesses. Following their regular habits they will not be found overstaying their visits nor are they inclined to resort to prolonged entertainment of their guests. Both enjoy quality rather than quantity in relation to associates and entertainment.

Tactful, accurate and candid speech is a feature in both. Their contribution to general conversation will be constructive and informative. They are patient listeners as long as topics of conversation are of a practical, productive and generally impersonal nature. Both become bored and restless when conversation turns to inane and trivial matters or when an egotistic individual takes over. They are economical in the use of words and free from ambiguity and deceit. Calling a spade a spade is more in keeping with the temperaments of both partners. Although contentious discussions and arguments are carefully avoided they will not hesitate to challenge judgments and evaluations that may be prejudiced or factually incorrect. Between themselves there should not be much differences of opinion as their ways of perceiving situations are not too dissimilar. Although their reactions to people and events are generally predictable it is possible that more indulgence and understanding will be shown by the Twenty-Four. Seventeens often set high standards which many fail to meet and their reactions often turn to anger and frustration.

Hobbies and other recreational activities will not create much separation between these partners. All Twenty-Fours are gifted with a variety of manual skills. Delicate instruments as well as heavy equipment can be handled by them with equal competence. Much of their free time will be spent in a well equipped workshop. All home maintenance will be carried out by them. Outside help will be called in only in exceptional circumstances. The kitchen will also be their preserve. Without exception Twenty-Fours are fond of good food. Their imagination and creative faculties are freely released in the culinary arts. They are also home lovers rather than travellers. It will not be easy to get a Twenty-Four out of home for long periods or on rambling holidays. Wanderlust is not a feature in this personality. The spiritual life of a Twenty-Four is invariably expressed in some form of practical contribution towards the welfare of society. They usually form the backbone of volunteer organisations. While a workshop may be the private territory of a Twenty-Four, the Seventeen is certain to possess a library of books and music. These are, however, not strict preserves and a fair amount of interchange will take place. A garden shed for instance will be shared by both partners. Literature on social sciences and other technical matters will interest the Twenty-Four while Seventeens probe into classical literature and philosophical and spiritual matters. They may spend more time with books and music than with tools while Twenty-Fours may do the reverse. Gardening will be a mutual hobby. Following their practical nature Twenty-Fours will grow vegetables and fruit trees while Seventeens attend to flower beds and feature gardens. Seventeens are not as home-bound as the Twenty-Four is. Travel for educational purposes will always interest them. Seventeens and Twenty-Fours are partners who can arrange a balance between city life and country life. The peace and tranquillity of natural surroundings and the cultural aspects of city life can be enjoyed with equal benefit.

Financial acumen is strong in both partners. Seventeens have no fear of handling large sums of money while Twenty-Fours possess natural skills in spending and saving on a day-to-day basis. These are individuals who will not live beyond their means as they are not in the least motivated to keep up with the standards maintained by others. This is another important area of life in which they have the same values. Twenty-Fours are natural bargain hunters. Seventeens are often too busy to go after bargains as consistently. Neither partner will be influenced by persuasive sales talk or by glowing advertisements. As financial security is essential to their wellbeing the same effort will be given to saving and investment as to expenditure on physical comforts. Joint accounts can be held with complete trust. As mentioned before, they are ideal partners in any business dealing with food, accommodation or horticulture. They are business types who do not over extend themselves, rather starting from small beginnings and gradually expanding. A fear of debt, which is ever present in both, keeps them permanently on the credit side of life.

Most problems in a relationship are caused by inner conflicts and insecurities within one or both partners. They tend to project these on each other instead of solving them after self-examination. When their relationship with themselves is in good order their relationship with their partners is in good order. Although Seventeens and Twenty-Fours are not without some personal idiosyncrasies, being only human, the latter situation is more likely to prevail in their relationship. Their tendency will be to help instead of using each other as objects to relieve personal fears and frustrations. Self-control and self-examination can be used by both. While Seventeens and Twenty-Fours need a certain amount of space, as all couples do, neither partner will express or suffer from fear of separation or commitment. If they entertain any fear at all it will be fear of losing family togetherness rather than fear of losing personal freedom. Their love for each other will not be shown in emotionally demonstrative ways as much as in loyalty, duty and consideration for each other’s welfare.


Partners with this birthday combination are certain to experience variety, diversity and some degree of complexity, all of which can be incorporated into a happy and prosperous relationship. It cannot be said that either an attraction of opposites or an attraction of congenial forces will be the cause of a relationship being formed between Seventeen and Twenty-Five personalities. Similarities as well as dissimilarities enter into this combination creating a confusing situation that may delay appreciation of similarities and reconciliation of differences. But, this situation should not be prolonged because both partners have the potential to draw upon the ability to detach themselves from their egos and view persons and situations with a fair degree of objectivity. The educational background of each will, no doubt, have a bearing on the degree they use this potential. Both personalities are influenced by vibratory forces that are assertive, imaginative, inquisitive, alert and multi-talented. These qualities may not be expressed in the same degree, in similar ways or in the same directions. However, their process of amalgamation over a period of time could turn into an exciting and challenging exercise, as well as one in which patience, tolerance and reciprocity will be essential. These latter qualities may not be prominent in either, but they can be evoked when conditions of love, loyalty and purpose exist. Both partners will make personality adjustments and perform tasks on their own volition which they may not do under other conditions, especially when a partner attempts to overpower them.

The 7 vibration present in each birthday forms a connecting link between these personalities. It will constantly remain as a significant force in their outlook on life. Found in the outer personality of the Seventeen and as the fundamental force in the Twenty-Five (2 + 5 = 7), it influences the ways in which their other vibratory forces operate. There are two sides to the 7 vibration. One manifests down-to-earth, practical, realistic, experimental and investigative qualities and the other a reserved, thoughtful, individualistic and a contemplative nature. The spiritual element is active in this aspect of the 7. A strong tendency towards spiritual values invariably enters into their mundane thoughts and activities. The 1 and 8 vibrations within the Seventeen (1 + 7 = 8) introduces a strong drive for power over others and the acquisition of material wealth, plus the attributes needed to acquire them, such as leadership, decision, persistence, competitiveness, authority, self-assertiveness, and pride of possession. These qualities are not allowed free rein because the 7 aspect reduces much of their power. The individual is given the opportunity to affect a balance between material pursuits and attention to the spiritual basis of life, which in turn, reduces a good deal of the self-important and self-serving attributes of the 1 and 8.

The 2 and 5 vibrations controlling the outer personality of the Twenty-Five operate on the emotional plane. These are fluid forces with a natural tendency towards emotional demonstration, impulse, changeability, uncertainty and restlessness. However, excessive or harmful release of these tendencies is held in check by the underlying 7, which at the same time, supports all other positive aspects of the 2 and 5, such as versatility, flexibility, alertness, enterprise, adventure and the responsible use of freedom. It also evokes the spiritual qualities of the Twenty-Five, which will be initially displayed in their love of nature. All persons influenced by the 7 vibration find great comfort, inspiration and relaxation in natural surroundings. There is a contest going on within most Twenty-Fives between their extroverted and exuberant outer personalities and their private, contemplative and composed inner personalities. While the former condition may be active in younger Twenty-Fives, the latter emerges into prominence as these individuals enter into their middle years. A balance is achieved between their outer and inner lives.

Seventeens and Twenty-Fives are not governed wholly by ‘I’ and ‘My’ attitudes. Although these are not absent, these individuals possess the capacity to look beyond their egos and enter into a ‘We’ and ‘Us’ way of thought. They do not suffer from too strong a sense of their own importance. A compromise between personal space and togetherness can be achieved by both, following the principle of duality in unity and unity in duality. The sharing of domestic tasks so that both feel an equal sense of responsibility may not take place automatically due to the Seventeen’s natural urge to take charge of situations in which they find themselves and the Twenty-Five’s need for freedom to indulge in their penchant for outdoor activity. There is an imperious element in the personality of the Seventeen that does not concede to others, especially their partners, the same entitlement to decisions that they assume for themselves. This attitude may succeed with placid types who are content to be relieved of a decision making role, but not with independent types such as the Twenty-Five. Freedom of thought, speech and movement is the essence of the Twenty-Five’s individuality. They are people who need to be handled with tact and discretion. They cannot be made to follow routine, timetables, rules and regulations set by others. Unlike a Seventeen, a Twenty-Five partner will not seek a role of leader and decision maker, and instead, be certain to exercise influence in many persuasive and subtle ways. Their versatility, enterprise and spirit of adventure cannot be relegated to a secondary position. A partnership of equals in which differences of opinion and consensus coexist will be their only option. When this condition is achieved a partnership rich in material, emotional and spiritual values can be expected.

Social life is another sphere in which the 7 force they have in common will exercise an unmistakable influence. Both personalities experience a pull between a desire for social interaction and a contrary desire to withdraw from time to time from social activity. This is not seen as a counteractive problem as both are capable of holding the centre of attention in any social scene and just as capable and willing to act as observers on the sidelines and withdraw when they feel the need to do so. Family background and general education may determine the extent to which each reverts to these alternatives. Seventeens may be more selective in their choice of company because their range of interests may not be as diversified as that of the Twenty-Five. A structured social life among a few well established friends and familiar activities is preferred by the Seventeen. Twenty-Fives often build their social life on a broader base. They are in a better position to keep up with modern trends and cultivate new friendships. Seventeens may not be interested in keeping up with the latest trends in fashion and social attitudes. The sense of curiosity within the Seventeen is applied to a range of practical and abstract matters while that of the Twenty-Five is applied to people and their activities. Very little escapes their attention due to a sharper psychic sense in this personality. They are able to assess a person’s character after a brief meeting. Seventeens are also able to read character but do not show as keen an interest in doing so. They adopt a rather distant attitude to the positive and negative forces they encounter in social life. Their emotional reactions are not as evident as those of the Twenty-Five. Being more sensitive to atmosphere, the Twenty-Five’s emotional reactions are easily aroused and displayed. There is, however, an inbuilt safeguard that ensures that their emotional reactions are not carried out to harmful extremes.

Privacy, reserve and even secrecy in various degrees are common features in those influenced by the 7 vibrations, and these characteristics are reflected in the speech of both Seventeens and Twenty-Fives. They are not excessive talkers. Seventeens find it easier to abide by the urges of their 7 aspect, and the 1 and 8 vibrations also encourage brevity of speech. Twenty-Fives experience a contest between their taciturn 7 aspect and their talkative 2 and 5 aspects. Persons influenced by the 2 and 5 are fond of expressing themselves through speech which also contains a fair degree of emotion and eloquent body language. Generally, a Twenty-Five is able to create a safe medium between speech and silence. Both Seventeens and Twenty-Fives can remain reasonably objective in their conversation. Ego-centred thoughts do not always govern their speech. In any case, their reserved nature prevents them from revealing much of themselves. In general conversation they obtain much more from others than what they give out about themselves. Placed in dissenting conditions both are conscious of the proper time to expand their views or to say little or nothing. People can successfully get to know these individuals only through close association and not through their conversation.

Similarities in the nature of these partners will be most evident in the recreational activities they follow. The 7 vibration will once again remain influential. Love of Mother Nature will be a strong binding force. Non-competitive outdoor activities may last longer than competitive sport. As home owners their gardens will be among the best in the neighbourhood. The excitement of travel is alive in both. The Twenty-Five’s desire for new and varied experiences will remain in force throughout their lives. Both experience relaxation and inspiration in natural surroundings, so excursions into the countryside will be frequent. The sea may hold a stronger attraction to the Twenty-Five while mountains, valleys, creeks and waterfalls hold a stronger grip on the Seventeen. These are people who can enjoy city life as well as country life. Their relationship with people, their travels and their communication with nature will give rise to the belief that there are realities beyond their normal experiences in mundane affairs. With open minds both will be drawn into the study of non-physical aspects of life. Talent for music, dance and drama is present in potential in all Twenty-Fives. The fluency, flexibility and rhythm in their physical bodies and their temperament exert a natural pull in these directions. While Seventeens possess a keen appreciation of the fine arts they do not possess the same degree of flexibility and versatility to act as natural performers.

Conflict over money matters is often a problem in a relationship. There can be a disparity in the capacity of partners to earn money as well as a difference in the methods they handle their earnings. Seventeens and Twenty-Fives are equal in their ability to earn a good living either as professionals or as business persons. Their spending habits may not be the same. Seventeens earn and handle their money with persistence, prudence and thrift, while Twenty-Fives use versatility and willingness to take chances. They could be involved in more than one money-making venture. Seventeens do not allow emotion to enter into their spending habits. Most Twenty-Fives are generous but not irresponsible spenders. Their spending covers a wider range of goods and entertainment. Twenty-Five will spend more on personal needs than the Seventeen will. However, there is an inbuilt safeguard that prevents the Twenty-Five from excessive spending that could give rise to protest from their Seventeen partners. Serious problems over money matters should not arise in this relationship.

A Seventeen/Twenty-Five relationship is one that should not suffer from unresolved conflicts. These can be dealt with without loss of emotional balance or surrender of their individuality. The process of resolving their differences can take place with a sense of objectivity that does not interfere with their need for intimacy as well as freedom and space. Seventeens are able to focus their minds on a particular issue without letting unconnected matters enter into a discussion. Twenty-Fives may need to leave out irrelevant matters that may force themselves into their arguments.


Qualified Eight personalities are formed by these birthdays (1 + 7 = 8 and 2 + 6 = 8). However they are not similar in nature. Dissimilarities outnumber similarities to a degree that obscure many of their fundamental 8 attributes. The conditions responsible for the differences in Seventeen and Twenty-Six personalities exist in the active vibrations that control the outer personality of the former and the receptive forces that control the latter. As these are of opposite polarities they can change the manner in which the basic 8 qualities are expressed, but they do not change their essential nature. Such characteristics held in common are, on the one hand, moderated and on the other hand, expanded by the outer forces in each. They may be demonstrated in assertive and authoritative ways by the Seventeen and in subtle and persuasive ways by the Twenty-Six. Ambition, executive ability, organisation, administration, financial acumen, sound judgment and a strong sense of justice are special qualities present in both by virtue of their fundamental 8 force.

The natural disposition of the Seventeen is to assume the role of leader and decision maker. Not only do they need to be in control of their own lives but they also assume overall responsibility for their partners and dependants. They do so with care and consideration and would be genuinely surprised and hurt if the position they assume is challenged. A Twenty-Six may not take exception to this situation because their temperament does not seek outright leadership. Cooperation and reciprocity are conditions they expect in a partnership. They also expect to be consulted in all issues concerning household and family matters. Personality adjustments by the Seventeen will be needed in order to accommodate to these expectations. This will not be difficult because Seventeens are not as domesticated as the Twenty-Six. The role of breadwinner is more suited to the Seventeen, being essentially career oriented people. The Twenty-Six, on the other hand, has the temperament and skills to undertake both roles. These differences will have a complementary effect on their partnership which can develop into one rich in love, loyalty and domestic harmony. They are aided in this process by the unified nature of their integral personalities. The vibratory forces in each birthday interpenetrate each other and manifest as single effective units. Unlike some other birthdays the 17th and 26th days do not contain elements that pull their subjects into different directions causing personality conflicts which could reflect negatively in their relationship with others. Being merely human, Seventeens and Twenty-Sixes are not without individual peculiarities. Many could be of cultural origin and should not interfere with the general stability of each personality.

The fundamental Eight nature of the Seventeen is, on the one hand, reinforced by the independent, self-confident and egocentric qualities of the 1 vibration. On the other hand, it is tempered and enriched by the inflexible powers of their 7 force. This vibration evokes the spiritual qualities of the personality and diminishes their strong ego-sense and over attachment to material and physical life. The fundamental 8 nature of the Twenty-Six is reinforced by the rational and analytical thought processes of their outer 6 vibration and the cooperative and adaptable qualities of their 2 force. The 2 and 6 are non-competitive forces which moderate much of the competitiveness of the 8. Seventeens and Twenty-Sixes emerge are reasonably well balanced individuals.

The differences in the outer personality of each will be most evident in their attitudes and activities in social life. Basically, Seventeens are reserved and selective of the company they keep while Twenty-Sixes are amiable and sociable individuals. Aloneness and loneliness are conditions Twenty-Sixes cannot abide by, but Seventeen can enjoy periods of aloneness, and loneliness is not a state that is experienced by them. They do not feel the same need to be in communication with others. While Twenty-Sixes may be involved in group activity in active community life, Seventeens usually remain on the fringe of community activity. A life of conformity with established conventions will be accepted by the Twenty-Six. They are accessible people who seldom step out of character. Seventeens give out an aura that is by no means hostile, yet is also one that is not readily or easily understood. Their social availability cannot be taken for granted. They need a greater amount of personal time. Strong feelings of impatience and intolerance arise when they are prevailed upon to sacrifice their personal time for too many social engagements. Twenty-Sixes are not as begrudging of their personal time. They can, with greater ease, reach out to people of all age groups and educational levels.

With a greater degree of patience, friendliness and diplomacy Twenty-Sixes maintain a standing as good conversationalists. They are quite capable of entering into lively discussions and friendly argument without taking offence, creating offence or compromising their fundamental values. They do not suffer from injured egos when concessions need to be made due to a natural ability to see more than one side of an issue. Their speech is never loud, strident or commanding. They get their points across with modulated voices using a mixture of reason, emotion and pleasant body language. They are also excellent storytellers. Seventeens have not been endowed as much with the gift of speech. They are sparing in the use of words due to their need for much oral communication being much less. Their desire is to get their points across quickly and unambiguously. Storytelling skills hardly exist. While Twenty-Sixes could relate lengthy jokes and interesting incidents in detail Seventeens give brief accounts and confine themselves to one-liners in their sense of humour. In general conversation the Seventeen’s contribution may be intermittent. They present their views in a definitive and often dogmatic manner using the minimum of body language. They choose to work out their problems without turning to confidants, but Twenty-Sixes prefer consultation. A Twenty-Six partner will invariably take the initiative when problems need to be sorted out. As the proportion of ego-consciousness is greater in the Seventeen they find it difficult to unbend or open out. This difficulty will be eased by the astute approach usually adopted by the Twenty-Six.

For the most part, separate hobbies and recreational activities will be followed by these partners. This situation will turn out to their advantage rather than create a division in their relationship. Indoor pastimes such as cooking, interior decoration, home maintenance, music, literature and dance will be areas of interest taken up by the Twenty-Six. Seventeens are natural nature lovers attracted to many outdoor activities such as gardening and relaxation in natural surroundings. Whenever possible, a chicken run and an aviary will be kept by a Seventeen householder. Not all their time will be spent outdoors, however. They are certain to associate with their Twenty-Six partners in music and literature and even exceed them in these hobbies. Without the same degree of rhythm in their bodies they may not be as graceful and successful as dancers. Twenty-Sixes, too, do not confine themselves to homebound pastimes. Community service will draw most of them out of home. Care of the aged, infirm, disabled and the underprivileged will be given special attention. The Seventeen’s contribution to community organisations will usually be as managers and accountants. Social service is likely to remain an area in which these partners derive mutual pleasure and satisfaction. Both are motivated by the desire and the capacity to add to the life of others and, at the same time, remove from their lives any handicaps that prevent them from enjoying a full lifestyle. Travel may not be a frequent occurrence. As homebound individuals, Twenty-Sixes will confine their holidays to limited periods and familiar locations. With a stronger sense of curiosity, Seventeens will be attracted to unfamiliar places, but their adventuresome spirit may be limited by the influence of their Twenty-Six partner.

Problems with money should not arise in this relationship. Both partners have the same sense of values and skills in money management. The ability to spend generously but judiciously is present in both. They are not people who live beyond their means. Being more conservative than modern they do not feel compelled at all times to keep abreast with modern trends. Domestic and local activities being the central factors in their lives their expenses are not high. Both possess the fortunate talent to sit back and enjoy what they already possess instead of constantly wanting change or wanting more. Self-indulgent spending by one or the other is not likely to damage their relationship. As both experience the same need to slow down from time to time and take notice of life in all its wonderful aspects a closeness and togetherness develops over a period of time. The ability to look within themselves for reasons and explanations is another talent held in potential. When it is cultivated consciously it adds another dimension to their relationship. The prerequisite for a loving relationship abundant in the good things of life is open to both. Loyalty, unselfishness, order, regularity, punctuality, accountability and honesty are positive qualities active in both personalities.


As the numbers 17 and 27 reduce to 8 and 9 respectively (1 + 7 = 8, and 2 + 7 = 9), qualified Eight and Nine personalities are formed by these birthdays. The 8 and 9 vibrations are not congenial or complementary forces. Powers of the 8 are directed into ambition for high position, material wealth and authority over others. No restrictions are placed on the ambitions of Eight personalities. Those of the 9 are, for the most part, impersonal, altruistic and international. Pure Eight and Nine personalities, that is, those born on the 8th and 9th days who have different values inevitably experience a fair degree of incompatibility. The chapter on the 8th and 9th birthdays may be of interest. However, a condition of incompatibility is unlikely to arise between persons born on the 17th and 27th days. The 7 vibration prominent in the outer personality of both is certain to introduce many sympathetic and corresponding features. In addition, the 2 and 9 aspects of the Twenty-Seven are non-competitive and non-aggressive forces that exercise a mitigating influence on many assertive features of the 1 and 8 aspects of the Seventeen. These qualified features will enhance their chances of a compatible relationship. All persons influenced by the 7 vibration are attracted to research and specialisation in scientific as well as metaphysical and mystical studies. Anything touched with age or antiquity has an irresistible attraction to them. History and the study of antiquities will remain a special interest as an avocation, if not as a vocation. The 7 vibration will certainly form a connecting link between these partners. Without loss of individuality it will take the Seventeen closer to the Twenty-Seven in many subtle ways. Twenty-Sevens are gifted with the genteel and scholastic attributes of the 7 vibration, and also with the equally genteel, sensitive and intuitive qualities of the 2 and 9. The 2, 7 and 9 vibrations comprising the integral personality of the Twenty-Seven are sensitive, compassionate, and non-combative forces in which a humanitarian outlook exceeds by far a materialistic and self-centred one. The blending of these forces creates a unified personality equipped to see a spiritual basis in all life which helps them confront and adjust to the highs and lows they may experience in life. While ego-consciousness is strong in the Seventeen by virtue of their 1 and 8 forces, it is subdued in the Twenty-Seven by modesty and wisdom inherent in their 2 and 9 aspects. A ‘We’ and ‘Us’ consciousness is stronger than an ‘I’ and ‘My’ consciousness. Experience may show many Twenty-Sevens that to be too sensitive results in a degree of erosion of self-confidence. Due to being more sensitive to the subtle forces of life they experience joy and sorrow more keenly than most. They may be exposed to receiving negative thoughts and negative speech of others, and will react to them more than their Seventeen partners are likely to do. At the same time, while they are not overly demonstrative of emotion they do not miss out on the joys that accompany natural release of emotion. Seventeens find spontaneous release of sentiment much more difficult.

In both Seventeens and Twenty-Sevens there is a sense of responsibility towards all persons and in all their dealings that is not imposed from outside agencies, but has grown from within themselves instead. Upon casual acquaintance they do not reveal much of themselves. A proper estimate of their worth can only be gained in an intimate association. Their relationship will grow upon acquaintance and the closer and longer their association the more they will open out to each other.

There is a natural urge in the Seventeen to assume the role of leader and decision maker. It will be some time before they realise that they cannot retain a dominant or controlling position in partnership with a free spirit such as a Twenty-Seven. They would need to amend many of their dogmatic ways and agree to a relationship based on compromise and equality. Twenty-Sevens do not seek authority over others, nor do they submit to authority dished out by others. They are leaders by example due to their lifestyle being shaped by high ethical values that cannot be ignored by people who come into contact with them. A Seventeen’s tendency to override the Twenty-Seven’s decisions without due consideration will be overcome when they observe the wisdom underlying them. Patience is needed by the Seventeen because the Twenty-Seven is not a hasty or impulsive decision maker. As ego-consciousness is stronger in the Seventeen they are less responsive to decisions made for them. As this tendency is diffused in the Twenty-Seven they are receptive and accommodating.

Although both partners need a peaceful, orderly and harmonious domestic atmosphere they will not choose home making as a full-time career. A domestic life forced upon them will stifle their spontaneity and potential for experience in the public arena. Their sense of responsibility, duty and obligation is such that there will be no shirking or neglecting domestic duties. These are versatile individuals whose cooperative efforts can create a domestic scene rich in all aspects of life. It is not in their nature to make use of others. Responsibility can be shared equally. They are not people who get involved in one aspect of life at the expense of other responsibilities. Both may follow specialised careers but they are not likely to be taken to extremes. While Seventeens may concentrate on one area of expertise, Twenty-Sevens could concentrate on more than one area of work if they choose to do so.

Prominence in social life will not be actively sought by these partners. Although both possess a strong social consciousness they are not dependent on social interaction for their wellbeing. They are self-sufficient individuals who are not easily shaped by circumstances or influenced by social norms, constantly changing fashions. Both are able to stand aside from time to time and observe society at its best and at its worst. It is possible that the Twenty-Seven may be somewhat more accessible to people and their social activities in a more extensive way than the Seventeen will, but this is not likely to cause conflict. A mutual agreement to move in and out of social activity can be made without disagreement. Both possess characteristics that are extroverted and sociable as well as contrary features that are private and reserved. Having a high sense of self-respect these are individuals who pay their way through life. Social obligations will not be neglected. As a couple they will be known as givers rather than takers. They will not be found overstaying their welcome at any social event.

People influenced by the 7 vibration tend towards brevity and accuracy in speech. Prolonged discussions and arguments are strictly avoided. Observation, introspection and silence may be given more time than speech. They are individuals who are not uncomfortable during lapses in conversation. When they do decide to express their opinions they do so unambiguously and with an element of authority and finality. These 7 qualities may be prominent in the Seventeen as their 1 and 8 aspects also favour brevity of speech, accompanied by authoritative body language. In the Twenty-Seven, however, any restrictions in speech are loosened by patient and considerate qualities of their 2 aspect and the expansive nature of their 9 personality. The 2 and 9 are communicative and accommodating forces, and those influenced by these vibrations enjoy conversation of a variety of topics. They take time to express their thoughts and are by no means as impatient as a Seventeen can be. While a Seventeen may be inclined to finish someone’s sentences Twenty-Sevens will not interrupt. Body language displayed by the Twenty-Seven is neither overbearing nor submissive. There is a personal dignity about this personality that captures the attention and admiration of an audience. Seventeens may unwittingly say things that could hurt the feelings of sensitive people but Twenty-Sevens are watchful of what they say and seldom ignore the feelings of others. While both are good confidants, people may be attracted more to the Twenty-Seven. Between these partners unspoken communication will be frequent, and prolonged discussions and argument exceptional.

During their leisure time and holidays Seventeens and Twenty-Sevens are not types who spend their time absorbed solely in the pleasures of physical activity to the exclusion of mental and spiritual stimulation. Each aspect of life will be given proportionate time. These are perennial students who include investigation, analysis and discovery in all their activities. The love of learning could easily become the central element of their lives, thus creating an enduring bond. Much of their considerable potential may be latent while much else is converted into action. Circumstances will obviously determine the degree in which they extend themselves. With a strong attraction towards the natural sciences and environmental issues their holidays will be spent in the country instead of the city. As householders both will be keen gardeners. A good balance between practical knowledge and abstract knowledge will be gained by these partners.

Although there are certain similarities in their money management skills the Seventeen will emerge as the partner who pays more attention to their financial affairs. They are astute business persons who do not let sentiment or impulse enter into their transactions. They cannot be influenced by fast talking sales persons. As discriminating buyers they are constantly on the lookout for bargains. There is a safe balance between generosity and thrift. While Seventeens can never be regarded as a soft touch, the sentimental side of the Twenty-Seven is often exposed to exploitation. Many Twenty-Sevens show a greater degree of detachment from material possessions and are therefore more easily induced to part with their money. In many of their transactions they pay more attention to human relations and ethical values than to clear profit. A successful business can be run by these partners – Seventeens as buyers and accountants and the Twenty-Seven in public relations. Their business will earn a reputation for integrity and reliability. Money problems should not disrupt the harmony of their domestic life. Seventeens do not live beyond their means. Their saving habits are given as much care as their spending habits. Most Twenty-Sevens will not object to the Seventeen taking responsibility for their financial affairs. A Twenty-Seven’s personal expenses may be slightly more, but this should not create any problems.

One advantage held by these partners is their capacity to harmonise their general conception of life around them by using material and spiritual values that do not differ to any great extent. Another is their readiness to avail themselves of the right to retain personal freedom without resentment and without abusing this right. Still another advantage is their willingness to place limits on personal pleasures if they interfere with the happiness or comfort of their partners. Selfishness, which is the cause of much unhappiness in relationships, seldom controls their desires. Although outward demonstration of affection will not be a frequent practice, their capacity for love and loyalty is unlimited and shown in deeds more often than in words.


Seventeen and Twenty-Eight personalities are not likely to be drawn together by a magnetic attraction of opposite forces, or by a sympathetic attraction of corresponding features. If by chance they do enter into a relationship personality clashes are sure to arise sooner rather than later, unless certain secondary aspects of their personalities are consciously applied. There are too many similarities in their primary features that are unyielding and uncompromising for spontaneous rapport or enduring harmony. The major obstacle to be faced and overcome will be the role of leader and decision maker. It is in the nature of both to unconsciously assume this role creating the inevitability of conflict, and dismissing chances of compatibility.

Seventeens are qualified Eight personalities (1 + 7 = 8) and Twenty Eights are qualified Ones (2 + 8 = 10 = 1). Individuals influenced by the 8 and 1 vibrations take charge of their own lives, and at the same time, assume responsibility for the lives of those closely related to them. This natural tendency is also applied in their conduct in public life. They do not function to their full potential in subordinate roles. They could react resentfully and angrily to direct orders given in an arbitrary fashion by superiors. They may be compelled to submit to these conditions at the early stages of public life but they are not likely to accept them in private life at any stage. Not only is this condition natural to their fundamental Eight and One natures but it is also found in the vibrations controlling their outer personalities. The One qualities of individuality, independence, authority, leadership and strength of ego in the Seventeen will clash with similar characteristics in the fundamental nature of the Twenty-Eight. At the same time, the Eight qualities of organisation and management in the Twenty-Eight that set out to control the lives of others will inevitably clash with similar Eight qualities in the fundamental nature of the Seventeen. In short, the 1 and 8 forces present in strength in both partners tend more towards self-assertiveness, competition, rivalry, and confrontation than sharing, corporation and reciprocity.

Despite these seemingly incompatible differences this relationship can be turned into a most successful one by use of many saving graces in the 7 aspect of the Seventeen and the 2 aspect of the Twenty-Eight. There are also certain aspects in their 1 and 8 vibrations that can come to their aid. Many qualities of the 2 and 7 vibrations can be used to break down or mitigate aggressive and self-assertive features of the 1 and 8. Both are non-competitive forces and those influenced by them seek to establish an atmosphere of peace and tranquillity in their lives. A conscious effort can be made by these partners to summon up and use these aspects of their personalities. There are also helpful aspects in the 1 and 8 that will aid them in the process. All One and Eight individuals, whether qualified or not, are possessed with a high sense of duty, self-discipline and family pride. They do not admit that a particular task, problem or undertaking has beaten them. Once a commitment has been made they will not consider withdrawing, altering course or admitting failure. Pride and high self-esteem has a lot to do with this attitude.

A relationship of equality based on consultation is by no means beyond them. These partners are not domesticated individuals. Homemaking as a career will not be a voluntary choice. Either partner will gladly accept the responsibility of being the family’s only breadwinner. In the knowledge that they possess the capacity to give expression to several talents and earn a good living they are types that are reluctant to depend on a partner’s endeavours and income. The likelihood is that both will seek careers as professionals or in trade. An ideal situation will be a family business in which they take turns sharing domestic and business responsibilities until they are in a position to engage domestic help. This can be done without much effort as both are alert to responsibilities in both aspects of life. Mutual trust can easily be developed. The condition they are not suited for is to see through the innumerable day-to-day tasks of running a home on a full-time basis, and the relative confinement these duties entail. Both need an extended arena for their management and organisational skills. Deprived of this opportunity and forced into a domestic role, they could resort to an excess of authority, discipline and rules and regulations in a scene that calls for freedom, relaxation, spontaneity and togetherness.

Many similarities in their social needs and attitudes can contribute to the strengthening of their relationship. A good balance between extroversion and reserve is a feature in both. In order to boost their self-esteem they do not feel the need to project or advertise themselves in a social scene. At the same time, they resent being passed over or given scant attention. The latter situation is unlikely to take place as these are individuals who have much to contribute in theory and practice. They do so with a credibility that can hardly be challenged and which captures and holds the attention of their listeners. They fit more comfortably into traditional elements of society rather than into very modern groups.

Oral communication between these partners will not be a constant feature. Seventeens are not excessive talkers, nor are they patient listeners. As their sense of curiosity is keen, all Seventeens will readily engage in conversation that produces worthwhile information and accurate evaluations. They do not take long to resort to restlessness and intolerance when conversation becomes forced or turns to inane topics. They do not waste words when they express their thoughts or describe events, and expect others to do the same. They give out their knowledge with as much authenticity as they are able to obtain and resent having their views challenged. They do not find it easy to settle down and calmly discuss a contentious issue until a mutually agreeable outcome has been reached. Many have short fuses and resent prolonged examination of an issue. With a greater capacity for flexibility and agreeability Twenty-Eights are not as adamant. They are better listeners prepared to patiently give ear to another’s point of view even if it does not agree with their own. While Seventeens may interrupt someone’s speech and complete their sentences Twenty-Eights await their turn. Once they take the floor Twenty-Eights speak with authority, sensitivity and sound practical knowledge. Their authoritative nature does not entirely override their high sense of justice and correct evaluation of things.

Hobbies and recreational activities taken up by a Seventeen will demonstrate a balance between intellectual curiosity and physical activity. The 7 vibration will be responsible for deciding many of their leisure activities. Those under its influence do not necessarily accept life as it is presented to them. They need to probe into the nature of things, and do not they accept life as a mere physical process. Gifted with the ability to combine the abstract and the practical, many Seventeens turn to studies in history, philosophy, mysticism and related subjects as well as experimental sciences. The 7 vibration also introduces a reverence for nature in all its aspects. A Seventeen householder may pay more attention to the garden and many pets than to household duties. When conditions permit, an aviary, a poultry run and a fish pond will be seen on their premises. This vibration also removes much of the competitive nature of their 1 and 8 aspects. They do not continue long in competitive sport. Many prefer solitary pastimes or activities with one or two close companions to group activity or teamwork.

Pragmatism is a much stronger quality in the Twenty-Eight than is the abstract or mysterious. They accept conditions as they find them and seek to improve them or build upon them. They are down-to-earth people who spend their time in physical and practical projects. Their gentle 2 aspect does not curtail their competitive nature as much as the 7 does in the Seventeen. Many Twenty-Eights are highly successful sportspersons who retain a keen interest in their game or games after their playing days are over. Dancing will be a pastime taken up by many Twenty-Eights and by very few Seventeens. The former has rhythm and flexibility in their body movements which many Seventeens do not possess. Twenty-Eights may be excessively involved in physical activity leaving little time for self-study and literary pursuits. Seventeens are by no means impractical, but more practical tasks in and around the home will be undertaken by their Twenty-Eight partners. The manner in which these partners spend their free time will be complementary rather than confrontational.

Financial acumen is a trait evident in both partners. They are capable of handling income with wisdom and responsibility. Neither of the pair will be inclined to risk their earnings in gambling or in unsecured investments. As a horror of debt is present in both, their aim will always be to remain solvent. Borrowing for the purchase of a home may be the only exception and the amount borrowed will not exceed their capacity for repayment. Their ability to earn a good living can be combined in a family business or in separate employment. Both possess talent to turn a situation to their financial advantage. They are quality-conscious people who demand value for money spent. Preoccupation with their finances may be more evident in the Twenty-Eight due to a greater degree of possessiveness in their personality structure. Seventeens could detach themselves from time to time from their financial affairs when other deeper interests occupy their minds. Although they will not be known as free spenders Seventeens and Twenty-Eights are not ungenerous people. They do not deprive themselves and their dependants of all their needs, nor do they avoid social obligations involving expenditure. While the Seventeen’s generosity will be governed or censored by reason the Twenty-Eight’s could be motivated by sentiment. They are likely to be more indulgent with family members than the Seventeen is.

The need for intimacy and the need for privacy are not so different in these partners to create misunderstanding and emotional hurt. Seventeens are emotionally undemonstrative but their need for intimacy is not lessened as a consequence. More often than not the mere presence of their partners in a harmonious atmosphere fulfils their need. At the same time, many Seventeens need a certain amount of private time due to their need for solitary pastimes. Enjoyment of their own company is an essential part of the nature of their 7 vibration. Twenty-Eights could be more demonstrative of their affections and show a greater need for companionship and a much lesser need for solitude or their own company. Both Seventeens and Twenty-Eights are not always placid individuals. They are capable of emotional outbursts which may take time to settle once aroused. There is also a tendency in both to devote too much time to their careers or business interests at the expense of family togetherness.


With double digit birthdays Seventeens and Twenty-Nines possess many facets to their personalities. Relationships formed by such individuals could be enriched by complementary and corresponding features, or troubled by inharmonious or discordant elements. The former condition is much more likely than the latter in a Seventeen/Twenty-Nine relationship as the interchange of vibratory forces will not give rise to hostile attitudes, rivalry or rejection. In spite of this, a totally congenial relationship cannot be taken for granted as there are obvious differences in the vibrations that form each personality. A significant feature is the absence of a common vibration.

There is a duality in the constitution of the Seventeen which creates a degree of conflict within the individual which could also reflect on their communication with others. This two-fold nature is caused by the essentially outgoing, physical and material qualities of their 1 and 8 aspects – the Seventeen being a qualified Eight personality (1 + 7 = 8), and the contemplative, philosophical and abstract nature of their 7 aspect. The 7 vibration is not without several practical or manual aptitudes but these are invariably applied with a sense of non-possessiveness and detached service. It comes into collusion with the self-assertive and acquisitive ambitions of their 1 and 8 qualities which always work in unison. Fortified with decisiveness, leadership and organisational and executive talents, the acquisition and retention of material wealth, power and fame are fundamental qualities of these vibratory forces. Their combination in a single individual could also create negative features of intolerance, inflexibility, along with dogmatic and uncooperative attitudes. The 7 vibration, however, introduces the much milder ambition of acquiring and enjoying material goods and comforts without undue urgency, attachment or possessiveness. Other distinguishing features it also provides contribute to the absence of the need to control or dominate others. Those influenced by this vibration demand freedom for themselves while also allowing others freedom of thought, speech, movement and a fair extent of privacy. It is an introspective and studious force that invariably mitigates many assertive and competitive features of the 1 and 8. Although some negative qualities of intolerance, impatience, pride and ego-consciousness may still remain, many Seventeens eventually reconcile these contrary aspects of their personality and achieve a balance between material and spiritual values. They learn through hard experience the need to exercise self-control and emphasise their qualities of dependability, loyalty, stability and benign leadership.

The vibrations that form the Twenty-Nine do not run into opposing or conflicting conditions, but interpenetrate each other in harmony and manifest as a single congenial mass or entity (2 + 9 = 11). They represent emotional, mental and spiritual realms with a lowered capacity for practical aptitudes. Many Twenty-Nines need partners with practical skills, down-to-earth and a businesslike approach to life to complement their own high-minded values. Sensitivity is the keynote of all Twenty-Nines. It could be detrimental to their wellbeing as well as exceptionally beneficial. It could be responsible for emotional highs and lows as well as a penetrating insight into life. With the master vibration 11 operating, ethical, spiritual and cultural values take precedence over material, mercenary and physical desires. While the Seventeen’s emotions are, for the most part, restrained and concealed, those of the Twenty-Nine are open and easily released. The Twenty-Nines with an emotional vibration in their birth months could be quite volatile in emotional expression. Seventeens suffer as a result of emotional restriction but Twenty-Nines are able to free themselves, and consequently suffer less. Seventeens keep emotional disturbances and hurts in mind and take an inordinate time to overcome them, but Twenty-Nines are able to soon forgive and forget. Their recovery from any form of adversity is much quicker than that of the Seventeen. Twenty-Nines read character easily while also seeing and enjoying the best in people and understanding their weaknesses and shortcomings. Consequently, their level of tolerance is much higher.

Seventeens need to exercise self-control to prevent their authoritarian tendencies taking charge of this relationship. The Twenty-Nine is a free spirit who cannot be commanded or confined to a set of rules and regulations set by a partner. To rule directly or to be ruled directly are alien features in this personality. They would willingly and enthusiastically perform tasks of their own volition which they would resent doing if ordered about or pressured into performing. Left to their own ways of doing things they wield considerable influence over others by exemplary speech and conduct, leading by example and not in an arbitrary fashion. Consultation, cooperation, compromise and reciprocity are the means used by them in all their dealings. In the matter of decision making more concessions have to be made by the Seventeen. The fact that they are able to make quick and firm decisions while Twenty-Nines may dither between alternatives will test their degree of tolerance and patience. At the same time, Seventeens cannot ignore the depth of wisdom and foresight that govern a Twenty-Nine’s ultimate decisions. Nor can they overlook the sensitivity and sympathetic feelings within the Twenty-Nine. Although Seventeens are not heedless individuals they do not read character or grasp the needs, likes and dislikes of people as easily as a Twenty-Nine does. As a prominent ego does not obstruct their view, a Twenty-Nine is in a better position to see more of the whole scheme of things. In the end the combination of the Seventeen’s positivity and pragmatism and the Twenty-Nine’s wisdom and breadth of vision will turn out to be a distinct advantage in this relationship.

There is a fairly wide gap between their social needs and their general conduct in a social scene. The desire for frequent social intercourse is not a prominent feature in the Seventeen, but is clearly evident in the Twenty-Nine. Consequently, the Seventeen’s sociability or availability cannot be taken for granted. They can be selective of the company they keep, as well as the place, time and reasons for social engagements. For the most part they follow their inclinations rather than surrender to social obligations. Although they are by no means anti-social, their selectivity is influenced by a greater need for privacy, personal time and intolerance of conditions in which they are prevented from contributing or obtaining some practical, cultural or spiritual benefit. When these conditions are found they are very much in their element. By comparison, Twenty-Nines are gregarious people who make friends easily and maintain a wide range of social contacts. Seventeens may have few intimate friends and very few acquaintances but Twenty-Nines will have many friends and many acquaintances. They are much more tolerant of idiosyncrasies they see in others. A good social standing is important to them and they acquire this without much effort. They are essentially givers and not takers with their time, their goods and their services. They do not exclude others nor do they like to be excluded from the centre of things. They enjoy the admiration of others and do not hesitate to give the same in return. Although Twenty-Nines also seek gentility in the company they keep they could expose themselves to the danger of being imposed upon by unprincipled people – a situation that will not be tolerated by a Seventeen. Some differences of opinion may arise between these partners in their choice of acquaintances but not in their choice of friends. Ultimately, the Seventeen may prevail upon the Twenty-Nine to drop fair-weather associates. These partners can be most successful in social life with the Seventeen shielding the Twenty-Nine from possible hazards and the Twenty-Nine opening out new opportunities for self-expression by the Seventeen.

Both Seventeens and Twenty-Nines are subjected to a rush of thoughts that demand expression through speech. Seventeens often experience an oral block and fail to give out all they wish to say, resulting in some degree of regret or frustration. Twenty-Nines are able to release their thoughts fluently and in colourful language. Fluency of speech and eloquent body language are special attributes of the Twenty-Nine. While Seventeen’s may be restrained in general conversation Twenty-Nines are accomplished conversationalists. Seventeens use few words in short sentences to reveal their thoughts and opinions. Accuracy and brevity of speech is their special attribute. They could show intolerance and impatience towards people who are inaccurate and long-winded in speech. A Twenty-Nine may not be as attentive to facts and brevity of speech as a Seventeen partner would like them to be. A tendency in the Twenty-Nine towards embellishment and a desire to create a sensation could often see the Seventeen interrupting their speech. Seventeens usually base their conclusions on reason, logic and a close examination of available facts while Twenty-Nines form their opinions upon feeling and intuitive knowledge. They are usually too impatient to examine facts. Seventeens are often tongue-tied when they need to talk about problems of an intimate or sentimental nature, but Twenty-Nines have no difficulty revealing their problems and attempting to resolve them through discussion. Seventeens express their views with a degree of finality that does not invite challenge or further discussion. Twenty-Nines are patient listeners who are open to debate. Seventeens are best in person to person conversation while Twenty-Nines enjoy group conversation.

Hobbies and other recreational activities will draw these partners closer together than other aspects of their relationship. Both are nature lovers attracted to natural surroundings for the uplifting rewards they receive from the music of nature, animal and bird life and flowing water. They are also perennial students who seek fulfilment in study and research into concrete and abstract aspects of life. Equal time will be given to outdoor and indoor pastimes. As householders their gardens will be well stocked with a variety of vegetation and their homes with a comprehensive library of books and music. Educational travel will be enjoyed by both with feelings of anticipation and exhilaration. The competitive aspects of the 1 and 8 in the Seventeen are turned into a compelling need to understand the nature and purpose of all creation. Competition at any level or in any form is not a feature natural to the vibrations that form the Twenty-Nine personality. With little desire to assert and advertise themselves they enjoy a magnified awareness of life around them and meet fewer obstacles for attaining spiritual growth. Seventeens may encounter more obstacles towards awareness of the subtleties of life due to a larger ego-consciousness and may lag behind a Twenty-Nine partner. On the other hand, Seventeens will always contribute greater stability, discipline and balance in their mundane affairs. Their influence will reduce a Twenty-Nine’s tendency towards excess in their undertakings.

An aspect of this relationship which is certain to create frequent disagreement will be their different attitudes towards money. Seventeens are exceptionally astute money managers. Having a sense of possessiveness they place considerable value on money that has been earned. They are not ungenerous spenders but bargain hunters who demand value for money spent. Emotion and impulse do not influence their spending habits or their investments. Financial security is essential to their wellbeing. Twenty-Nines display almost opposite tendencies towards money and its uses. Money passes through their hands easily as they are not attached to it for its own sake. It is merely incidental to their desires and goals in life. People are more important to them than money. They are, therefore, free spenders often swayed by impulse. A Twenty-Nine will not be found bargain hunting. Seventeens and Twenty-Nines may view the same object, article or prospect and attach to them different values and desires. Twenty-Nines may want to satisfy their urges instantly but Seventeens need to consider the need for any purchase. Financial security is not a serious consideration in the Twenty-Nine’s scheme of things. A curious mixture of faith and optimism governs their lifestyle.

Fundamentally, these partners have the same need for love and attention but they display their needs and expectations in different degrees. Seventeens are not as demonstrative of their emotions and usually keep them in check. As a consequence, occasional outbursts of emotion, especially of anger and frustration, can be expected. As Twenty-Nines are easily swayed by emotion many could be quite volatile and revel in drama, especially those with the 2, 5, or 9 in their birth months. The average Twenty-Nine is easily hurt emotionally when deprived of attention and frequent tokens of affection. Both partners are subject to melancholy. Seventeens may take time to break out of such moods but Twenty-Nines recover with greater speed. Seventeens handle self-evaluation in more positive ways while Twenty-Nines could be too harsh on themselves. In the first instance Twenty-Nines see only good in others but do not credit themselves with the same degree of worth. Seventeens could be suspicious of others and approach them with a degree of circumspection. They may keep in mind the hurts and slights received but Twenty-Nines forgive and forget easily.


Please refer to the chapter on the 3rd and 17th birthdays. The Zero in the 30th day does not add any new features or take away any existing features of the 3 vibration. At most, it may emphasise certain 3 characteristics


The relationship between a person born on the 17th day and another born on the 31st day will be the same as that between a couple where one is born on the 17th and the other is born on the 13th. It should be noted that the influence of the 3 vibration is slightly stronger in the Thirty-One than in the Thirteen, as it appears first, but this does not make any appreciable difference in their interaction with a Seventeen personality.

The chapter on 17th and 13th birthdays should be consulted.