Numerology Compatibility Number 15

Compatibility with the 15th Birthday


Please refer to the 1st and 15th birthdays.


Please refer to the 2nd and 15th birthdays.


Please refer to the 3rd and 15th birthdays.


Please refer to the 4th and 15th birthdays.


Please refer to the 5th and 15th birthdays.


Please refer to the 6th and 15th birthdays.


Please refer to the 7th and 15th birthdays.


Please refer to the 8th and 15th birthdays.


Please refer to the 9th and 15th birthdays.


This combination is the same as 1st and 15th birthdays. The 10 reduces to a 1, (1 + 0 = 1). The Zero in the 10th day does not add any new features, nor does it take away any characteristics of the 1 vibration. At most, it may emphasise certain 1 features.


Please refer to the 11th and 15th birthdays.


Please refer to the 12th and 15th birthdays.


Please refer to the 13th and 15th birthdays.


Please refer to the 14th and 15th birthdays.


A 15/15 combination of birthdays may appear to be one that produces identical personality types. This is, however, not quite the situation as in most instances other numbers or vibrations introduce interesting differences to the partnership. These arise from the birth month, the Life Path number and to a lesser degree the numbers of the birth year. To be twin personalities they have to be born on the same day, month and year. But this too is not possible as other factors are also responsible for noticeable differences, such as the sound vibrations of the couple’s names, particularly the given name. Further variations may exist on account of their racial, religious or cultural backgrounds. Also, male and female Fifteens, by virtue of society’s influences and certain physical differences, will use many of their 15 qualities in different ways. Despite the possibility of differences from all these spheres of influence similarities of temperament in a pair of Fifteens will outnumber by far their dissimilarities.

Many interesting adjectives may be used to describe a Fifteen/Fifteen combination. To say the least it will be an exciting and challenging relationship with never a dull moment. Their life together will be a rare combination of domestic felicity and outdoor adventure. They are certain to experience more of life than would the average couple. A description of a Fifteen personality will reveal why life can be enjoyed in all its ordinary and extraordinary aspects. The ordinary or mundane experiences of a Fifteen are not of a commonplace quality but of a homely, peace loving, family and community-oriented nature. It takes a strong and self-assured individual to excel in these qualities and a Fifteen is just that type of person. Their extraordinary experiences are realised in all manner of physical activity. They will not, however, be carried out to an extent that endangers their personal health and wellbeing or the disruption of their family life. There are strong inbuilt safeguards that prevent them from indulging in one activity at the expense of important others.

The integral personality of the Fifteen is a well-rounded and unified force covering all planes of expression. Despite the fact that each level of expression provides a distinct set of qualities there is no conflict or contradiction within the Fifteen that could create uncertainty and restlessness. These various qualities complement each other rather than oppose each other. Their interaction results in the emergence of the positive side of the 1, 5 and 6 vibrations (1 + 5 = 6). As a consequence all negative features are neutralised. The 5 vibration complements the 1 with quick reflexes, quick perception, physical courage, adaptability, versatility, flexibility, enthusiasm, curiosity, sensuality and an insatiable spirit of adventure. The 1 injects self-confidence, independence, self-esteem and a strong ego. The combination of 1 and 5 qualities if not held in check does not commend itself to a stable and harmonious relationship and domestic harmony. An excess of outdoor physical activity and self-centredness will mar any chances of a generous and well regulated lifestyle. This will not be problem with Fifteens who are fundamentally Six personalities Their 6 aspect will not only harness and stabilise the best 1 and 5 qualities but will also be energised itself in all its positive aspects by the 1 and 5. No negative features of the 6 vibration will be allowed to surface. Its positive features are logic, deliberation, keen mental analysis, fair-play, balance in all things, diplomacy, responsibility, community-consciousness and especially love of home and family. The Fifteen has the dual capacity for enjoying domestic happiness and external adventure. One aspect will not undermine the other.

As both are equally self-confident and resourceful individuals the inevitable consequence will be difficulties in the division of authority. Sooner or later both partners will recognise the futility of one trying to lead the other. Fifteens are by no means followers who look to others for decisions and ideas. They cannot be influenced or manipulated. Their naturally self-confident attitudes may not lead to dogmatic action but they generally need to be the decision maker. A relationship between a pair of Fifteens will eventually evolve into one in which neither is in charge. It will be a union in which two authoritative and enterprising individuals work together on an equal footing. Mutual trust can be established as they will soon recognise each other’s capabilities. Delegation of responsibility to another Fifteen will not be difficult. There may be times when decisions have to be made by one or the other. One can always rely upon the other as they generally react to a given set of circumstances in the same way. If some Fifteen couples are initially prompted to view their life together as a competitive game they will, upon reflection, soon feel much more comfortable in a cooperative arrangement. In other words, when faced with the alternative of making an issue of things and creating tensions or letting go in favour of a peaceful atmosphere Fifteens will choose the latter course. Older Fifteens may do so sooner than younger couples.

Fifteen partners can alternate comfortably and effectively between indoor social entertainment and outdoor physical activity. In fact, both aspects of life are needed for their wellbeing. They blend easily in social life with both conservative and avant-garde sections of society. They are hospitable hosts and popular guests. Although the dual nature of the Fifteen, that is, their combination of the conventional and unconventional, allows them access into all levels of social life, they cannot be trapped into compulsory sociability. Their popularity arises from the fact that they can enter into the spirit of things. Being quite comfortable within themselves they feel no need to boost their egos at the expense of others or to the annoyance of others. Their positive attitudes are such that people do not feel uncomfortable in their company. Their friends and acquaintances are not burdened with their problems which are handled privately and successfully.

In a conversational circle they do not like to be excluded nor do they exclude others. They are animated talkers and good listeners. With fluency of speech and impressive body language Fifteens do not lose the attention of their listeners. While there may not be many arguments between Fifteen partners over choice of company there may be some competition for the limelight over the choice of conversational topics. Fifteens are natural teachers, instructors and demonstrators. Although they speak with a degree of finality they are open to sensible discussion. Arguments with people who do not present logical, factual and realistic views may be frequent. Irrational and unsound statements raise the ire of a Fifteen more than anything else. Arguments between a pair of Fifteens will be exceptional as neither is likely to come up with unrealistic ideas. Although their imaginative powers are considerable their rational minds measure and control all their actions.

Although Fifteens can adjust to indoor or sedentary employment and hobbies much greater fulfilment and success will be gained in a balance between indoor and outdoor activity. Movement, controlled change and variety are important factors that contribute to their happiness in life. As their temperament and aptitudes cover all levels of expression the range of opportunity available in employment and in avocations is unlimited; the only proviso being freedom from interference. They have no fear of new experiences nor do they hesitate to meet strangers or interact with people of all age groups. Their natural talent for motivating people and gaining their cooperation will soon be recognised by themselves and by others. As these are not self-absorbed personalities they are able to enjoy considerable personal freedom through an objective view of things. Fifteen partners can alternate between individual recreational activities and in joint ventures as an adventuresome twosome. Holidays spent together in out-of-the-way spots will be a regular feature. Despite extracting maximum pleasure from holidays away from home both will happily look forward to returning home because the homing call is just as strong as their desire for movement and travel. Their fundamental 6 aspect creates a love of home and all things associated with a loving and comfortable family life. Cooking, gardening, home decoration and improvements will invariably remain a combined activity. Their tastes and preference will not vary to an extent that could create disagreement.

An equal say in all matters will naturally include the financial side. Fifteens are assured of success in whatever business or profession they choose to follow. The fundamental sense of balance within their personality structure prevents them from pushing their ambitions to an extent that could interfere with personal and family wellbeing. They are instinctively alert when public responsibilities or money making ventures are carried too far. The advertising industry for instance may interest them but will not influence them. The Fifteen has the dual capacity to spend and save responsibly. While spending generously on themselves they also take care of their need for financial security. Their high earning capacity and level-headed temperament combine to ensure a good and lasting financial position.

The basic instinct of the Fifteen is for company, or more specifically, for togetherness in a family atmosphere. At the same time a certain amount of space is needed for purely individual pursuits. Fifteen partners can alternate between the two states without feeling left out or neglected. These are two strong-minded partners who can handle their affairs in such a way that they do not expose themselves to the danger of not having their own space or endanger family togetherness. They could be compared with two strong upright columns standing on a solid foundation of commonsense. Old fashioned values and modern ways are complementary features in the Fifteen. In addition their basic 6 nature is controlled by the vibration of love, peace and duty-consciousness. It monitors any self-centred notions that may arise from other aspects of their personality.


Qualified Six and qualified Seven personalities are formed by these birthdays (1 + 5 = 6, and 1 + 6 = 7). We cannot glibly say that these individuals forming a relationship will be at ‘Sixes and Sevens’, so to speak. Such a notion will be quite untrue. Both possess a keen insight into human nature and consequently a ready acknowledgement of each other’s considerable positive qualities. Far from being self-absorbed and defensive by nature their outlook on life is generous and realistic. Differences of opinion may no doubt arise but these are inevitable between two self-confident and resourceful partners who instinctively make their own decisions. However, the vibratory forces that will be introduced by each into a close relationship are of a nature that feels the need to and possesses the capacity to compromise towards a harmonious life together. Consultation will be a habit that will be acquired sooner or later.

Their primary task will be to acknowledge each other’s self-sufficient and individualistic temperament. Thereafter to understand that consultation, discussion and agreement, far from diminishing their individuality, will expand their horizons and add power to their union. This is an advantage that cannot be gained if they act individually or at cross-purposes. A relationship on equal terms will not be difficult as both will speedily recognise in each other qualities such as loyalty, responsibility, rationality and above all love of home and family life. An added advantage is that they are not dependent individuals, nor are they competitive with the need to prove that one is better than the other. The secret they discover is that they are individuals who need space as well as companionship.

There are two vibratory forces which they share. One will be responsible chiefly for the trust and loyalty they give each other and the other for the love and admiration. The 1 vibration as the chief motivating factor in both ensures the manifestation of all positive aspects of each personality. This results in the awareness that they can trust each other to conscientiously perform whatever task or responsibility they assign to each other. There will be no delay in undertaking any task due to hesitation, indecision or fear. This is a condition that will certainly speed up their advancement as a successful team.

Mutual admiration of each other’s talents may not necessarily create the warmth, intimacy, love and unselfishness to be found in a truly close relationship. In a Fifteen/Sixteen relationship these binding qualities are provided by the qualities of their 6 vibration. As the Fifteen is a Six personality, at a fundamental level their inner 6 nature is reserved for intimate and loving relationship with a life partner, for children, parents and other close relatives. This is strictly a family oriented vibration. To some degree their 6 qualities are also extended into community life. Their colleagues in public life may hardly recognise the family oriented Fifteen if they meet in a family atmosphere. The 1 and 5 vibrations of their outer personality with their several motivational and enterprising qualities are generally focused on external activity, especially in their choice of a career or business, and to some extent in social life. However, a balance is always maintained between this aspect and their inner 6 personality.

Although Sixteens are qualified Seven personalities their outer personality is heavily influenced by all the positive aspects of the 6 vibration. In this personality too, the 1 vibration brings out all the positive features of the 6 while the 6, in turn, rounds up any rough edges introduced by the 1. A pure One personality could be boastful, acquisitive and self-centred. These negative features are neutralised by generous 6 qualities. Indecision, worry and an excess of deliberation which are some features of the 6 are, at the same time, removed by the 1 aspect. Venus the planet of love influences the 6 vibration. This is a comprehensive love that spreads over inner family, extended family and members of the community. It is also the vibration of peace, harmony, balance, reconciliation, diplomacy, education and voluntary service. Natural teachers, parents, guardians and psychologists are found with the 6 operating in their birthdays and to some extent in their birth month.

The vibratory forces which create certain definite distinctions between Fifteen and Sixteen individuals are the 5 in the outer personality of the Fifteen and the 7 as the inner force of the Sixteen. Basically the 5 is an extroverted force geared to physical activity, variety, curiosity, novelty, change, flexibility and adaptability. Modern ways are second nature to anyone influenced strongly by this vibration. These qualities are therefore part and parcel of the dual nature of the Fifteen. The 7 vibration, on the other hand, is an unobtrusive force, studious by nature, taciturn and restrained in expression. There is aloofness in all those influenced by the 7 vibration which some people may interpret as coldness or inapproachability, yet others may find them quite captivating. Fifteens belong to the latter category. Curiosity is a feature shared by both. However, the curiosity of the Fifteen is generally confined to the physical realm and that of the Sixteen, while enjoying aspects of the physical realm, goes further into non-physical or spiritual aspects of life. The portion of the physical realm that chiefly attracts the Sixteen or anyone influenced by the 7 vibration are the vegetable and animal kingdoms. Many of these individuals are found among forest rangers, botanists, zoologists, landscape artists, florists and horticulturists. While Sixteens are naturally inclined to commune with nature Fifteens are inclined to challenge the forces of nature in any sport calling for physical courage, physical strength, daring and a sense of adventure.

Some degree of conflict within a Sixteen is possible between their conventional 6 aspect and their unconventional 7 aspect in regard to spiritual matters. Many may remain followers of an established religious faith and their investigative habits confined to the study of their chosen religious persuasion. Others may overcome their fear or reluctance to probe too deeply into unorthodox spiritual practices and investigate a variety of beliefs. Fifteens who take to spiritual enquiry do not experience the same inner conflict. They are much less circumspect or fearful in their approach to unfamiliar territory. Sixteens enjoy more periods of quietude and silence as well as a life with little change and the minimum of excitement. Fifteens have the capacity to handle a peaceful as well as an exciting lifestyle. They are not noisy and unduly restless people but their need for activity in the company of others, or on their own is greater than that of the Sixteen.

As a talented pair having equal levels of confidence in themselves these partners can enjoy a rich social life. Although there may be slight differences in their social attitudes Fifteens can accept people in all their diversity with greater ease, whereas Sixteens could exhibit a measure of distance in company not of their own choosing. Both partners will promptly reject anything they find objectionable or any behaviour that does not meet with their ethical standards. They also place limits on their social activity and time limits on their stay during a particular social event. The Sixteen’s time limit may be shorter. These partners are not likely to compete with each other for the centre of attention in a social scene. The Sixteen will be happy to occupy a less prominent position. They are quite comfortable playing a role of listener and observer and do not feel the need to display or advertise themselves. Both partners will be known for their hospitality. The preparation and consumption of nutritional food as well as other delicacies will remain a combined performance. Although both possess a fine appreciation of cuisine, practice of this art may not be allowed to take up too much of their time. A good balance will be maintained between time spent in the kitchen and other responsibilities.

Fifteens are in a better position to give expression to their emotion and react to situations with a degree of spontaneity. Sixteens do not possess an outlet for free flow of emotion. Keeping their emotional reactions to themselves they usually come across as unflappable people. Although the love nature of both partners cannot be questioned, outward display of intimacy in the presence of others will rarely be seen. Their love for each other and for family members is exchanged through eye contact and other unobtrusive ways. Their regard and affection for close friends will also be sincere and displayed without pretension.

In general conversation Fifteens will usually have more to say than their Sixteen partners. They express their opinions with greater freedom and flexibility. With a combination of reason, clarity of speech and self-assurance they could be formidable opponents in debate or argument. Their competitive spirit is easily aroused in the face of opposition. These traits may be used in public life and at times in social life but seldom if ever, used with their Sixteen partners. The Sixteen will not give occasion for argument as they are equally, and perhaps even more rational and perceptive of the inner side of life. They cannot be influenced into heated discussions but will always be prepared to listen to explanation. Their nature is to say only a little, but say it they will. Their choice of words is precise and unambiguous. They do not feel the need to initiate conversation, remaining content to let others or their Fifteen partners take the lead instead. However, at the right moment they are always ready to make a worthwhile contribution. They are slow and articulate speakers while Fifteens could be a combination of calculation and speed. The voice of the Sixteen will not be raised in either joy or anger but a Fifteen could resort to emphatic and loud speech if they feel the occasion demands it.

As mentioned earlier home cooking as well as eating out will be a mutually enjoyable pastime. This couple’s recreational activities can cover some individual interests and some mutual interests, but for the most part the latter may be followed. Outdoor activity will appeal to the Fifteen more than indoor pastimes. The reverse may be the case with a Sixteen. Fifteens excel in all sorts of sport as their competitive spirit is strong. Sixteens who participate in sport do so for the love of the sport itself and not necessarily for the desire to compete or win at all costs. Domestic responsibilities such as house and garden maintenance will be given close attention because such duties will be accepted as pleasurable pastimes rather than irksome chores by both partners, especially by the Sixteen. By virtue of their 7 aspect, which creates the nature lover, Sixteens are certain to spend many happy hours in their gardens or in the beauty of the countryside. The combination of the 6 and 7 vibrations also imparts a love of books and music. Sixteens read for pleasure and for edification, and books will be used as practical guides to their spiritual and temporal life. Despite their individual preferences there will not be a sharp division between the hobbies taken up by these partners. Fifteens are just as capable of taking up the same activity that attracts a Sixteen and the reverse is equally true. There may be times when a Sixteen partner wishes to spend some time alone with an interesting book or potter about in their garden. Both Fifteens and Sixteens recognise that doing things separately from time to time is important. When they come together in a mutual interest they appreciate each other all the more.

As the value systems of these individuals are relatively the same, management of their finances will not create dissension or the need for separate bank accounts. With equal skills for earning money and for handling their earnings their financial position will always remain solid. Fifteens may display a slight tendency to spend more but this will not be to the disadvantage of their partner or family. Neither of the pair will assume the right to spend on themselves to a degree that would damage their joint resources. As there are not many things they value more than they value a peaceful and loving relationship and happy family life, self-centred spending will never become an issue.

Although individualism is the hallmark of these partners it does not prevent them from forming a strong and devoted relationship, as the destructive forces of competition hardly make an appearance. A slight trace of competitiveness that may emerge in the Fifteen will soon be removed by the totally non-competitive nature of the Sixteen. These are not naturally dependent or cooperative individuals in the sense that they look for certain talents in a partner to supplement what is lacking in themselves. Although they do not need to do so, Fifteens may call upon others to join them in an emergency but Sixteens may prefer to draw upon their own resources. Quick reflexes and alertness in the Fifteen and the composed temperament of the Sixteen will be invaluable in a crisis. A strong union between these partners will be formed out of mutual respect and similar values rather than the need for support. They will certainly appreciate the reality that the contribution made by each will inevitably lead to a broadening of experience. Self-esteem generates the confidence to succeed in any task in which others may fail or perform barely adequately.


An interesting feature in both 15th and 17th birthdays is the existence of odd numbers or active vibrations as outer forces and even numbers or receptive vibrations as inner forces. The Fifteen personality is a qualified Six (1 + 5 = 6) and the Seventeen is a qualified Eight (1 + 7 = 8). There are not too many attractions in each that would immediately contribute towards an agreeable relationship. The peculiar mixture of active and receptive energies that would intermingle in an intimate relationship is not exactly of a compliant and cooperative nature. As soon as they settle down to the business of living together the active parts of their temperament are likely to dominate, creating some delays and difficulties in establishing an orderly and harmonious lifestyle. Individualism is characterised by both personality types. However, as soon as their receptive forces gain a measure of control many initial problems will be overcome. These are vibrations that favour a well organised way of life. A readiness to collaborate in a partnership of equals will be the first requirement. A concerted effort has to be made to accommodate many independent and self-reliant habits. This is quite possible because both partners are positive, self-confident and self-assured individuals who feel no need to safeguard their individuality by adopting competitive, defensive or aggressive measures, which are invariably the habits of insecure persons with poor self-esteem.

Their natural manner is to follow an instinctive urge to take charge of situations and circumstances in which they find themselves rather than dominate others for the sake of power or for boosting their egos. On the occasions they cannot do this they remain detached from direct involvement. They are also rational and objective people who can see that cooperative action, far from diminishing their individuality, will serve to strengthen and expand their horizons, both individually and collectively. They are, however, people who refuse to work on an equal basis with partners or others whom they regard as less talented and resourceful as themselves. This is not a problem that will arise in a Fifteen/ Seventeen relationship due to both being able to recognise each other’s positive qualities from the outset as well as their high potential to succeed in whatever they undertake. As objective thinkers they seek practical solutions to their problems and do not allow their lifestyle to be shaped by others. Either individually or together they apply a constructive approach to life.

Fifteens and Seventeens are generally part two-fold or dual personalities. In the case of the Fifteen the 1 and 5 vibrations combine effectively to generate abundant physical strength and nervous energy. As a result some natural features in all Fifteens are courage, curiosity, alertness, quick reflexes, spontaneity and a keen spirit of adventure. These dynamic attributes are, for the most part, directed into all sorts of activity within the physical realm. There is hardly any bodily activity in which the Fifteen cannot successfully indulge. However a sharp contrast is felt between these outer forces and their fundamental Six personality. All Six personalities, whether qualified or pure Sixes, are home-loving, family and community oriented people. They are dedicated towards service. They are also deliberate and analytical thinkers who cannot be hassled or rushed into unnecessary change in their well ordered lifestyle. With a homespun philosophy that the best things in life cannot be hurried they follow a quiet and peaceful way of doing things, free from extremes of any sort. Balance in all their actions is the aim of the Six personality. These stable 6 qualities restrain all over-exuberant activity generated by their outer forces and provide a roundness to their integral personality, which covers the physical, emotional and mental planes. At the same time, the combination of the 1 and 5 is not without influence upon their 6 aspect. It brings out all the positive features of the 6 vibration leaving no room for emergence of negative 6 features such as worry, indecision and poor self-esteem.

Seventeens are also in many ways dual personalities. Their 1 and 8 aspects are symbols of ambition and power. A keen desire to make a name for themselves in the world is a hallmark of these forces. Their 7 aspect demands the opposite conditions. This vibration is a private, contemplative and studious force with little love for the public eye. The 1 and 8 may be powerful and compelling forces but the 7 is equally so, and exercises a transformation within the integral Seventeen. While maintaining the natural authority, decision and self-confidence of the 1 and 8 it curtails unrestricted ambition for power and fame, especially if these are pursued at the expense of self-development. The Seventeen will not be found overriding or undermining others in order to achieve their ambitions. While restricting a totally material outlook their 7 aspect introduces philosophical and spiritual values. The integral Seventeen is therefore able to call a halt at a certain stage of life to the sole pursuit of material advancement so that they could spread their wings, as it were, into areas of self-enquiry and self-development and enjoy aspects of life unrelated to competitive public affairs. Just as the 6 in the Fifteen prevents them from an inflated image of themselves the 7 in the Seventeen has the same effect.

Both partners are capable of earning a good living. As enterprising and resourceful individuals they do not feel competent and capable in some situations and anxious and uncomfortable in others. With the scepticism of sharp minds they do not accept things on face value or on the recommendation of others. If they reject anything it would be after careful examination of its utility value.

Fifteens in particular can handle a career in public life and the duties of a householder without neglecting one or the other. They derive pleasure from both departments of life. Unlike many full-time workers they do not consider home duties burdensome. Contrary to their reserved nature Seventeens have a stronger pull towards their careers and a lesser attraction towards domestic duties. However, domestic duties to this personality do not include their gardens which they value as a pleasurable hobby. All Seventeens are garden lovers due to the 7 vibration’s affinity with every aspect of nature. In a Fifteen/Seventeen relationship one will willingly attend to household duties and the other take to the garden. This will not, of course, remain a strict division.

In the process of organising their daily lives Fifteens bear in mind their own needs and desires. Although it may not be too frequent it will be this partner who is more likely to suggest or initiate change. Both partners possess a brisk and assured manner of exercising authority. A Fifteen should take particular care to avoid taking a commanding or demanding approach to a Seventeen. An arbitrary or unduly authoritative manner will not be tolerated by a Seventeen. Only a soft and genteel approach will gain their attention. Seventeens, in turn, should curb their intolerant nature and acquire more sympathy and understanding of the foibles of human nature, not only in their Fifteen partners but in all others as well.

Fifteens are not greatly disturbed while functioning within the mainstream of social life. They may not be entirely socially oriented persons as movement and action is more essential to their wellbeing. Instead, social involvement is enjoyed as part and parcel of their lifestyle. Seventeens, however, have the need to remove themselves from social interaction at regular intervals. They are hesitant mixers who choose their company with care. They are more concerned than Fifteens of the impact they have on others and of the impact others have on them. These attitudes are not governed by fear or insecurity but rather are usually the result of impatience and intolerance. Seventeens seldom suffer fools gladly. Many derive greater pleasure from their own company and the company they find in good literature. However, in company of their choice they come out as friendly and solicitous persons, yet with a hint of reservation in their manner. People find a Fifteen more approachable than they do a Seventeen. As Fifteens are well adjusted socially they do not entertain feelings or attitudes of expansion and contraction common to many Seventeens. Consequently, their social range and popularity extend beyond those of the Seventeen. Differences in their conduct should not cause any real problem as nothing will be taken to extremes by either one or the other. A sympathetic understanding of each other’s feelings will invariably determine their choice of company and the extent of their stay at any social event.

Both partners are not without a sense of humour and a good appreciation for the ridiculous. They can easily laugh together. The Fifteen will, nevertheless, emerge as the more talkative partner with an interest in a great variety of topics and readiness to discuss these with anyone. There is seldom a lull in conversation when a Fifteen is present. They can be relied upon to lift the tone of conversation in the event of it flagging. Seventeens are generally specialists in one form or other and therefore confine their conversation to their special subjects. They do not open out unless they are certain they have an attentive audience. The Fifteen’s speech is usually colourful, animated and emphatic, while the Seventeen speaks with accuracy and a measure of authority and knowledge. Once again, tolerance and the lack of it enters the conversational styles of these partners. Fifteens are tolerant of digression, embellishment and some inconsistencies but Seventeens are intolerant of banal conversation or any explanation or statement that is ambiguous or deviates from the subject under discussion. While Fifteens are not egoistical people they are not averse to talking about their own affairs, but many Seventeens find it difficult or unnecessary to talk about themselves. Arguments between Fifteens and Seventeens will be of short duration. Fifteens may enjoy discussion, debate or even argument to some extent but the Seventeen will cut short most verbal contests especially when evidence or reasons are being repeated. Most Seventeens display a natural distaste for prolonged speech.

Vigorous and competitive forms of recreational activity will not be avoided by the Fifteen. Seventeens usually do so and take to less competitive activities. As with the selection of their social events this will not remain a hard and fast rule. Seventeens can excel in any form of non-competitive or mildly competitive sport while Fifteens are by no means without appreciation of cultural aspects of life. Their differences are merely due to the Fifteen’s greater need for physical activity and the Seventeen’s fascination with nature and with unexplained realms of life. Curiosity is a feature they have in common but the Fifteen’s curiosity may be focused on the physical side of life while the Seventeen’s will be on the physical as well as the non-physical. It will not be difficult for these partners to get together as a team for exploration of nature. Many Seventeens experience conflict between their attachment to the physical and material and their instinctive urge to reach beyond the physical and material.

The financial and property assets of this partnership will increase steadily. Both are not only capable of earning a good living, they are also able to manage their income competently. They are generous yet responsible spenders and cautious investors. A horror of debt is shared by both and no risks will be taken with their money and investments. Bills will always be paid on time. On a comparative basis the Seventeen may display slightly better money management skills or a keener interest in taking over their financial responsibilities. This may not be contested by the Fifteen. There should be no need for individual bank accounts or private money hidden from one or the other. Mutual trust will enable them to operate from a common pool.

These are partners who need companionship but there are times when they need it at a distance. As more knowledge of each other’s temperament is gained, their differences will be met with acceptance rather than tolerance. This is made easy as their differences will never be so wide or far-out to be really intolerable. In any event both accept the fact that it is their different personality styles that makes life together an interesting adventure. By giving each other reasonable space their attraction and love will be kept very much alive. Their relationship will not be one-sided as there is a degree of maturity in both that enjoys giving as well as receiving. In addition, one would not burden the other with excessive demands for attention. Disagreements will be handled with a minimal display of emotion. A Fifteen may be more inclined to argument while a Seventeen may reveal a short fuse and quickly resort to anger. These confrontations should diminish in frequency over a period of time as they fall into the habit of making decisions after consultation. Neither of the pair likes to be confronted with a decision that has already been made. Ultimately, each is aware that total satisfaction can never be obtained from a partner, nor are they able to give total satisfaction to a partner. They are both up for the challenge of sustained and mutually beneficial relationship.


The numbers 6 and 9, which are the underlying digits of these birthdays (1 + 5 = 6, and 1 + 8 = 9) symbolise two of the most compatible vibratory forces. As energies of a similar kind tend to group together, pure Six and Nine personalities would be instinctively attracted to each other. However, those born on the 15th and 18th days are but qualified Six and Nine personalities, and as such, may not be instantly attracted to each other. They are likely to encounter elements within themselves and characteristics in each other that deter an instant appeal. This can be overcome by a slower process of uncommitted association in social, professional and other conditions. In the event of a relationship being formed certain admissions, concessions and adjustment need to be made in order to permit their comparable features to combine. When this takes place in the course of time their union will be one of considerable strength in all aspects of life.

In general, negative persons find it easier to observe and be affected by real or imagined faults and weaknesses in others rather than acknowledge their talents and strengths, and take advantage of them. Positive persons take a directly opposite course. As Fifteens and Eighteens are assuredly positive individuals they automatically recognise each other’s natural assets. The 6 and 9 vibrations are mental forces that give their subjects the capacity to assess persons and situations from an objective point of view and with relatively few selfish motives. The love nature of these individuals is enhanced above average by the combination of their different vibrations. Love of family and home and devotion to communal responsibilities is strong in the Fifteen and a comprehensive and far-reaching love in those of the Eighteen includes and extends beyond family and community.

All Six personalities are deliberate and analytical thinkers. Impulsive and emotionally motivated thoughts and actions do not influence their ways of doing things. Nine personalities are guided by wisdom, intuition and compassion. While Six personalities, by and large, abide by high ethical standards and a particular religious faith, Nines are usually guided by wide horizons and often by spiritual values that are not confined to a single system of belief. Though Fifteens and Eighteens may appear different outwardly there is a basic unity in the way they look upon the inner side of life. Governed by such high-minded and influential forces the relationship between these individuals will not only contribute to their own happiness and betterment but will also impact advantageously on a wide range of people in all levels of society.

This is a relationship in which neither will succeed in taking over as head of the household in an outdated manner. Subordinate roles are not in keeping with their temperaments. Both are natural leaders, decision makers and organisers. Each will need to let go a little and not try to control everything within their sphere of influence. This process of adjustment will not be too difficult for several reasons. Both reflect a combination of personality traits and expectations that are conducive to a close family life which easily removes many reasons for conflict. Confidence in each other’s capabilities will allow delegation of responsibility to be made without hesitation. They can also abide by individual decisions due to their value systems not being so different as to impair family welfare. Decisions will eventually be made jointly as both accept the reality that much of successful family life is based on consultation and compromise. They are also types that think more in terms of their responsibilities than their rights as individuals. Family welfare will be given first priority. By mutual consent it is likely that the Fifteen will take on more day-to-day domestic responsibilities while the Eighteen attends to their wider business affairs.

Family life may be essential to their wellbeing but by nature, they are not entirely domesticated. Both need to look for more experiences in and contributions to the world as a whole. Domestic life on a full-time basis will be too restricting. Being excellent organisers they are equipped to handle both aspects of life with equal competence. The Eighteens field of activity may be more extensive than that of the Fifteen. There is a pull towards home and family attachment in the Fifteen that prevents them from stretching their ambitions to a point that may interfere with an orderly home life. They are types that could quit their public careers midstream and take on part-time work or return to domestic life with voluntary community service to satisfy their need for outside activity. As the 6 vibration is one of balance all Six personalities try to maintain a lifestyle of balanced proportion in all departments of life. Eighteens could allow themselves more time and energy nurturing their careers while keeping a close eye on family welfare. With the cooperation of a Fifteen partner they could pursue their ambitions without entertaining anxieties about the domestic scene. Although Eighteens may be equipped for success in public life they are not ruthless or unscrupulous competitors. Their 9 aspect calls a halt to any action that may fall within the realm of unfair or unethical conduct.

Fifteens and Eighteens do not conform to other people’s values, nor are they always influenced by standard social norms. Being individualistic, extroverted and self-assured people they are able to enjoy an extensive social life, always on their own terms. Their contribution to community life will be considerable. Both enjoy the company of all sorts of people. Having a flair for entertainment they will soon earn a reputation as hospitable hosts and hostesses and always as welcome guests. The pleasure they derive from interaction with people of their choice will not be too different. They can participate in their social activities as a happy team unaffected by boredom, shyness or other introverted attitudes. Their busy lifestyle does not obscure their warm and friendly natures, nor does it interfere with their own togetherness.

Fifteens and Eighteens naturally see the bright side of things. The observations, opinions and ideas they introduce into conversation make people feel uplifted by listening to them. As firm believers in self-reliance they do not burden their listeners with any real or imaginary troubles or fears. Both partners are seldom at a loss for words although they are not incessant talkers. They are at the same time good listeners, knowing instinctively the benefits people gain from unburdening themselves. Both can listen without switching a subject to themselves and thereby frustrating the speaker. Their controlled body language exhibits a degree of authority, understanding and receptivity that attracts people to confide in them. Their evaluation of all matters is from a moral point of view. High principles held by them will not be sacrificed for material gain or personal advancement. Little or no misunderstandings should occur between each other or with others as both know how to say the right thing at the right time.

These are individuals who can act as a happy twosome and enjoy as far as possible the totality of life’s experiences in the mental, physical and spiritual realms. Their spirituality is often displayed, not only in help and service they willingly give each other and to others, but also in their keen appreciation of the beauties of nature. They are seldom so wrapped up in themselves that the subtleties of the deeper side of life escape their attention. Needless to say the degree their natural potential is allowed to manifest in the varied aspects of life will depend on the environment in which they have been nurtured. Recreational pursuits taken up by them can cover all levels of activity. They can act as a team or as individuals in a variety of sport as participants, coaches, umpires or administrators. Cooking, home entertainment and frequent outings in the restaurant scene in specially chosen company are other avenues for mutual enjoyment. A keen interest in music, art and literature as well as regular holidays involving extended travel, are more areas for mutual pleasure.

Their spending habits display a mixture of spontaneity and calculated action. Relatively the same sense of values in regards to money and its disposal is present in both. Attachment to money for its own sake is not an enfeebling trait in either. Mutual agreement to keep a balance between spending and saving will not be difficult. It is possible that the Eighteen may emerge as the more adventuresome spender on more expensive items and the Fifteen a more frequent spender on everyday items. A certain degree of ambivalence is present in both in regard to investment. On the one hand, there is a readiness to take risks, and on the other hand, they are prompted by the need for caution. Once again a system of balance will be found after deliberation.

These are astute individuals who handle their lives in such a way that allows adequate space for each as individuals. The more space they receive the more their relationship will be enriched. They are people who do not expect to be everything to each other. Yet, they will make every effort to be close. They feel a responsibility to share their knowledge and experience with others and they do so as loyal and loving partners, parents, teachers, neighbours and counsellors.

As a balance between individuality and togetherness will be established they are not likely to resort to bickering, argument or competition in order to nourish insecure egos. Although both possess an outlet for emotional expression there are other aspects of their personality that hinder a free flow of emotion. Their true feelings may be hidden as a consequence. More often than not it is only through little acts of kindness and consideration that they are best able to display their generous and warm hearts.


The vibratory forces that interact in this birthday combination create a twofold effect upon the individuals related to them. Similarities and differences manifest in variable proportion. On the one hand, there is a comfortable harmony of personality traits and on the other, there are ingredients that could generate disagreement. Confrontation may arise between their divergent aspects at the early stages of a relationship, but their congruent features will eventually overcome many of their divisive elements. The prospect of a truly successful union between Fifteen and Nineteen partners is very favourable.

A tremendous asset both possess is a positive approach to all aspects of life. They do not suffer from obstructive effects of fear, inner insecurity and poor self-assurance. For the most part they see the bright side of things. They do not create bad vibrations in defence of their egos and spread them around. Valuable time and energy is not wasted in such destructive habits of anxiety, self-effacement, over-sensitivity and other negative qualities that hinder full use of their potential. There is little doubt that these partners, without losing their sense of individuality, can exchange their natural talents to form a union of considerable strength and enterprise. Their success in whatever they undertake will not only benefit themselves but will also impact advantageously on all those with whom they come into contact.

Although the Fifteen is basically a Six personality (1 + 5 = 6), the three vibratory forces that form their personality structure cover the physical, emotional and mental planes, thus producing a well-balanced individual. The advantage of this balance is that the characteristics of any one of these vibrations cannot take control over the individual and produce a lop-sided personality. In addition, the merger of these forces draws out the best qualities of each vibration while their negative features remain inoperative. The 1 aspect acts as the chief motivator with its qualities of independence, initiative, self-assurance, clear direction and ambition. Negative 1 qualities such as excess of egotism, self-centredness and pride are greatly reduced by their 6 aspect. A penchant for change, variety, impulse and adventure is the nature of the 5 vibration. These tendencies are directed positively under the influence of the 1 and 6 aspects. The vibration’s natural restlessness, impulse and desire for change merely for change’s sake are not allowed to gain control. The Fifteen’s fundamental 6 aspect is a family and home oriented force. It is also a mental force whose subjects use reason, deliberation and sound moral standards in all their decisions. The power of the Fifteen is derived from coalition of their three vibratory forces and is not reduced by the collision of any of their features. This helps the individual to cope fearlessly with life’s ups and downs.

The Nineteen is a qualified One personality (1 + 9 = 10 = 1) heavily influenced by the all-inclusive 9 vibration. Here again, the best features of the 1 vibration emerge under the influence of the 9. The motive power of a pure One personality is usually concentrated on one or two avenues of development. The presence of the 9 in the Nineteen expands their range of thought and action. Concentration on self and self-centred needs is amplified to include the welfare of others. Sharing and cooperative living are alien features to a pure One personality. Their possessions are exclusively their own. They may give generously but will not share. They are also by nature dogmatic and authoritative and react aggressively to any form of challenge or criticism. These self-centred and autocratic features are largely tempered in the Nineteen by their 9 aspect. The duality of the Nineteen is seen firstly in their qualities which relate to the beginning of a life’s cycle. Qualities such as individuality, self-sufficiency, self-assertiveness and all such features associated with making one’s way in the world through one’s own efforts. On the other hand, their 9 aspect represents the end of a life’s cycle. It covers the whole spectrum of human experience. It is a comprehensive and humanitarian force governed by wisdom, experience, intuition and non-material values. Negative qualities such as selfishness and possessiveness are alien to a Nine individual or one influenced by the 9 vibration. It is a benign influence that has an unconscious impact upon creating high-minded thoughts and actions. In the Nineteen individual the creative powers of the 1 are combined with the magnanimous power of the 9. The Nineteen is an individual who cannot be possessed. They are free souls whose partners cannot claim any exclusive rights to their time and attention. This condition needs to be understood by their partners. Fifteens may not find it too difficult to do so as they too understand the need for a degree of personal freedom. By allowing them personal space this relationship will eventually develop into one governed by love and loyalty as well as mutual productivity.

The Fifteen is likely to be the partner who will happily cope with the responsibilities of domestic life as well as those of public life, and do so with equal dedication. Fifteens do not permit family obligations or work responsibilities to interfere with each other. Not only do they divide their loyalties equally between these two departments of activity, they also set aside some time for themselves. They do not lose their identity as multi-faceted individuals by immersing themselves in either domestic or public duties. Nineteens may not be as domesticated as Fifteens unless they are born in the 4th or 6th months. Their thoughts and aspirations are focused on the wide world of experience, but not necessarily on uncontrolled ambition for acquisition of material possessions or power over others. Their 9 aspect puts a stop to concentration in these directions and introduces a desire to delve into inner and wider aspects of life and to make an impact on society through humanitarian activity.

Although both partners possess excellent qualities of leadership arbitrary assumption of this role will not take place. Both possess inbuilt safeguards through their 6 and 9 aspects that prevent this happening. While recognising that subordinate or dominant roles are not expressive of their true temperaments they happily settle for a partnership of equals. They should experience little difficulty reaching mutually agreeable decisions on almost all aspects of living. They are people who do not self-consciously stay so close to their experiences as to be unable to see the forest for the trees. They are able to take an objective view of most things and therefore do not suffer from subjective feelings of loss of individuality when reasonable concessions have to be made. Both perform at their best when given sole responsibility for a task, but joint participation in certain activities can also be enjoyed.

Fifteens and Nineteens are assuredly extroverted individuals who enjoy an extensive social life. They reach out to others instead of waiting for others to approach them. As they think well of themselves in a sensible way others think well of them too. In the course of their social activity they build bridges between all sorts of people and all age groups. They are not types who feel alienated from their surroundings if they happen to fall in with strangers. They can take in an entire scene at a glance and integrate without a trace of shyness or insecurity. Their essential positivity creates a healthy attitude of mind in all their dealings with people. There may be some friendly rivalry between these partners for taking command of a social scene, but the combination of their social graces will always prevent any form of unpleasantness.

In general conversation these partners display an open temperament that does not hesitate to talk freely about what turns them on or what turns them off. They may be candid but not offensive in expressing their likes and dislikes. They are by no means ego-centred talkers, and are good conversationalists who are prepared to pay attention when others speak and snow genuine appreciation of their views, even though they may disagree with them. The Fifteen may display more expressive body language on certain occasions while Nineteens may on rare occasions give way to outbursts of emotion.

Emotional flow comes slightly easier to the Fifteen while Nineteens often bottle up much of their emotion and resort to explosive release when they cannot be contained any longer. Both find demonstration of sentiment either in speech or action rather embarrassing, especially in the presence of others. They assert their opinions with a natural certainty of manner. The Fifteen’s speech is usually confined to practical or mundane affairs nearer to home while the Nineteen’s may be extended into international affairs and abstract topics. Speech between these partners is, however, not compartmentalised. There are very few subjects they will not discuss between themselves. While Fifteens may display a tendency to discuss matters at some length Nineteens prefer to close discussions as quickly as possible and move on to something else. Arguments may not be frequent and when they do take place little or no ill feeling will be shown. Both develop an empathy with each other’s thoughts in the course of time.

These are individuals who will never be too busy making money or seeking a name for themselves while neglecting a rich private life. Periods of rest may be brief but effective and their recreational activities will be varied. Fifteens may divide their time between physical and mental pastimes, competitive sport, domestic cares such as the upbringing of children, cooking, home decoration and voluntary work in church and community organisations. Nineteens will be more inclined towards emphasis on mental pastimes. As they are not as domesticated as the Fifteen they look beyond everyday tasks and concentrate more on social issues on a wide scale. Once again it may be said that there is not a great deal of difference in the intellectual processes that stimulate these partners. Much of their time can be spent in combined hobbies relating to music, literature and drama rather than any that may be separate. Travel and holidays away from home will be other mutually enjoyable activities. Both feel the need for movement but after a period away the Fifteen may feel a strong homing call and the Nineteen will feel the need to return to their public responsibilities.

A favourable balance will always be maintained between income and expenditure in this partnership. Neither partner lacks generosity nor are they given to irresponsible spending. In most aspects of life they do not like to be held accountable for their individual spending habits. This condition will, however, not arise as mutual trust will be soon established when neither partner reveals a tendency towards poor money management. Both are capable of earning a high wage and enjoying a high standard of living. Money will not dominate their thinking but will be used as an instrumental aspect of life.

Competition in a close relationship invariably interferes with intimacy. While some degree of friendly competition may exist between Fifteens and Nineteens these partners will draw upon their ample inner resources and use a combination of reason, wisdom and intuition to show that a close relationship is more precious than preserving strict individuality at all cost. These are not clinging partners. Their life together will always remain interesting due to the space they maintain between each other and appreciation of their personal mannerisms, tastes, likes and dislikes. Both can face up to certain changes they may need to make. As Nineteens are free souls who cannot be possessed, their love and devotion is given freely but cannot be had on demand or held exclusively. There is a degree of ambivalence in the Fifteen which is, on the one hand, possessive and on the other hand, free and independent as the Nineteen. However, their rationality and communication abilities are able to reconcile the two aspects of their personality. These partners are not people who fear the complexities of life. They function at their best when there is a strong sense of purpose and practical issues to be faced and solved.


Please refer to the chapter on 2nd and 15th birthdays. The Zero in the 2oth day does not add any new features or take away existing qualities of the 2 vibration. In some instances, the most it would do is to emphasise certain attributes of the 2 vibration.


Please refer to the chapter on 12th and 15th birthdays. The 21st and 12th days of the month form strong and versatile Three personalities. There is practically no difference between these individuals. People born on the 15th day will relate to a partner born on the 21st day in the same way they do with a Twelve partner.


Both the 15th and 22nd days create multi-talented individuals. There are, however, several differences in the ways they use their natural talents and differences in the nature of their personality traits. All Fifteens, regardless of the influence of their birth month and other areas of significance, fall broadly into a single category of self-assured and positive individuals. It would be rare for an average Fifteen to suffer from any peculiar personality trait or anti-social conduct. Twenty-Twos, on the other hand may, be found in different classes in regard to temperament and effective use of their capabilities. The birth month and Life Path are important areas of influence that determine how an individual Twenty-Two may perform. Appraisal of the personality of a Twenty-Two is always a risky exercise. The master vibration symbolised by the number 22 is so high-powered that only a small minority of those born on the 22nd live or reach up to its full potential. Many factors within their environment may prevent them from doing so.

Most Twenty-Twos function as superior Four personalities or as average Fours with a combination of positive and negative Four qualities (2 + 2 = 4). Those Twenty-Twos with the 1 vibration in their birth month are in the best position to consciously exploit the potential of the master vibration. With the 1 vibration as their Life Path they are subconsciously drawn towards doing the same. The 1 provides the willpower, tenacity, durability and courage needed to emerge as full-powered Twenty-Twos. The absence of this vibration lessens the motive power and sense of direction for activity in the wide field of humanitarian work which is the specialty of the Twenty-Two. Their talents and capacity to work may not be diminished but their horizons may be narrowed, and also certain troublesome personality traits may manifest that could damage their ability to get along with people. Many such Twenty-Twos could be hypersensitive with poor self-esteem and as a consequence become judgmental and critical. Their reasoning powers would be governed by emotion, especially when their birth month is the 2nd, 5th, 8th or 9th. A chip on the shoulder is a negative trait which not only harms the individual’s wellbeing but also damages their relationship with others. Twenty-Twos who move in positive directions are genuinely superior people as the influence of the master vibration takes them out of self-consciousness and self-centredness into a sympathetic and understanding concern for all sentient life. Along with their high-minded mentality come unlimited practical endowments. All Twenty-Twos are builders. On the physical side whatever they build is done on a large scale so as to benefit as wide a range of people as possible. It is also possible that those who are negatively inclined could act in dictatorial and destructive ways and cause widespread suffering.

All Twenty-Twos are sensitive to psychic or paranormal forces. Their ready access to non-physical realms could engender powers that could be used in beneficial ways or in harmful ways. All Twenty-Twos are people who get things done while others may be wavering. Not only are they endowed with practical ingenuity they are also guided by the inner promptings of an intuitive nature. They use intuition as an unerring guide by which they perceive conditions and solutions instantly. While others may delay action by trying to arrive at rational reasons before making a start most Twenty-Twos go ahead with their task. A Fifteen may not measure up to a Twenty-Two in their intuitive faculties as they rely on their mental processes to proceed step by step in arriving at final conclusions. The difference between a strong Twenty-Two and one who is ineffective is that the former thinks and works for others and the latter does so entirely for themselves. There are of course many who are in between these opposites. The effective Twenty-Twos have a detached and non-possessive attitude towards material possessions and the achievement of power and fame. Those who are severely inclined towards negativity are materialistic and dictatorial. They display the egotism of a self-seeker who estimates success by the amount of their possessions and power over others. Positive Twenty-Twos reveal the sympathetic and true understanding of the humanitarian and estimate success in terms of the amount they are able to contribute towards the benefit and advancement of social conditions.

A Fifteen may not function on the high frequencies of a positive Twenty-Two but they are still able to meet them on reasonably equal terms in all practical matters and mental processes. They may not measure up to a Twenty-Two’s intuitive perception but their rational and decisive nature meets with little difficulty in keeping up with the best of any Twenty-Two. The strong qualities of leadership all Fifteens possess cannot be used in partnership with a Twenty-Two but rather it should be adjusted in a division of responsibility and decision making on a mutually agreeable basis. This will not be a problem as both partners possess qualities of tact and diplomacy as well as a strong desire for goodwill and harmony in their lifestyle. Fifteens and those Twenty-Twos who function in positive ways are also non-competitive people. Self-esteem and self-sufficiency as natural traits do not create the need for gaining ascendency over anyone in order to prove themselves. Both replace competition with cooperation. The Fifteen is a fortunate balance between the need for domestic felicity and self-expression in public life. Both departments are handled with equal efficiency and personal gratification. A Fifteen partner could relieve an extroverted and busy Twenty-Two of many day-to-day domestic tasks, but this role can always be switched if and when necessary. Twenty-Twos who act as competent Fours are practical and homely individuals with limited interest in extended public activity. With different combinations of talent and personality traits Fifteens and Twenty-Twos can agree to divide responsibility. When one finds that the other is better able and willing to perform certain tasks, the other will be welcome to do them.

Almost all Fifteens are socially-oriented people who are able to adjust to social conventions without surrendering their distinctive personality traits and values. This dual capacity is created by their 6 aspect on the one and hand, which is accommodating and gregarious, and their 1 and 5 aspects on the other hand, which are independent and free (1 + 5 = 6). They are popular with all types of people and age groups. By and large, the traditional aspects of social life may be more appealing to the Fifteen than would the unconventional. They are not disturbed by unconventional conduct; however, tolerance of such behaviour will be limited and certainly not entertained in family life. Social involvement at any level will not be carried out to an extent that would interfere with family values and obligations. Many Twenty-Twos enter unconventional social circles. Their conduct is seldom governed by social norms or arbitrary rules set by others. They are usually too busy engaged in various enterprises to enjoy a regular social life. However, Twenty-Twos who function as Four personalities display opposite tendencies. They could be sensitive to public opinion and their good name, and consequently conduct their lives strictly according to traditional forms of conduct. They may dedicate their lives towards upholding law and order and other social institutions. At the same time those inclined to negative traits may take an opposite course by breaking laws in order to satisfy personal desires and ambitions. These Twenty-Twos make themselves socially unpopular due to an unpleasant habit of misinterpreting motives behind the speech and actions of people. Whatever others say or do is seen by them in a bad light. This tendency will be quite disturbing to a realistic and uninhibited Fifteen. Strong Twenty-Twos, on the other hand, project their positivity on others and see the best in everyone.

Communication between Fifteens and positive or near positive Twenty-Twos should take place without opinionated, competitive or self-assertive views, and will be conducted on a constructive basis. The Fifteen may be tempted to be self-assertive when they allow their 1 and 5 aspects to take control but this is usually prevented by their peaceful, harmonious and non-competitive 6 aspect. Fifteens could alternate between flowery speech, animated body language or restrained and precise speech and dignified body language. Once a Fifteen takes a stance on any matter it is not easy to challenge or overturn their views. This is not due to a streak of stubbornness on their part but is more the result of their incisive and realistic thought processes. Positive Twenty-Twos will seldom find the need to contest a Fifteen’s ideas, especially in relation to management of domestic life. Twenty-Twos do not enter into argument as they are able to see that there is more to life than rational processes. Many things that are intuitively known to them are usually beyond words, or the necessity of convincing others. Those Twenty-Twos with negative personality traits are usually one-pointed and dictatorial in their manner and often find fault with the best of the Fifteen’s decisions. Their nature is such that they refuse to acknowledge good in others, and there is a vast difference in the manner of speech between positive and negative Twenty-Twos. One is gentle and kindly yet knowledgeable and expansive and the other dogmatic, arbitrary and self-centred. As negativity in Twenty-Twos is found in varying degrees of recalcitrance, their speech will vary considerably in different individuals.

Occupational and recreational undertakings offer several alternatives. It is not possible to specify what these versatile and adaptable people should follow. What can be said is that they are unlikely to concentrate on one specialty and neglect other potential assets. A wide choice of activity will be most evident in their hobbies and other supplementary interests. Physical exertion and mental stimulus are needed by both. Positive Twenty-Twos, in addition, hold a firm belief in a spiritual order of things which gives them a deeper meaning and value to life. Most of their time will be spent in increase of their store of knowledge, both mundane and arcane, and the application of such knowledge for the benefit of a wide range of people. They are gifted with the capacity to function simultaneously in an objective and subjective capacity and affect a balance between the two. Most Fifteens will accompany their Twenty-Two partners in their spiritual journey, but do so up to a point.

Many outstanding creative artists are found among Twenty-Twos. They are gifted with sensitivity and appreciation for colour, form, design and sound to a higher degree than the average artist. Their Fifteen partners are by no means devoid of artistic talent but neither a Fifteen nor any other personality type can match a Twenty-Two who functions to the full extent of the potential of their master vibration. They are builders not only in brick, mortar, or steel but also of institutions and organisations connected with the spiritual and material advancement of their fellow citizens.

All Fifteens possess a healthy and responsible attitude towards money and its disposal. They are safe money managers who show generosity and caution in daily expenditure as well as in larger issues. Personal expenditure will not be given precedence over family needs. Attachment to or an obsession for money for its own sake will never be a problem. This could, however, become a real problem with negative Twenty-Twos. Irrational fear of insecurity and the idea that money provides power creates an obsession for its possession. Positive Twenty-Twos are quite the opposite. They could be over-generous and disinterested in money and their spending habits could result in some danger to family security. A Fifteen partner is certain to take over management of their finances.

Both partners can handle only a certain amount of closeness. This is an advantage as neither partner can put up with too many demands upon their time and upon their person. Both expect and appreciate independence and self-sufficiency from their partners. Emotional demonstration is restricted. Both release their feelings up to a point. Another advantage that contributes to the success of this relationship is that both can accept change as an essential part of life. An introduction of new ideas will not be summarily dismissed by one or the other.


Qualified Six and qualified Five personalities are formed by these birthdays (1 + 5 = 6 and 2 + 3 = 5). Whereas clear Six and Five personalities (that is those born on the 6th and 5th days) may be regarded in many ways as opposites, Fifteens and Twenty-Threes possess certain congruent characteristics and talents that can be used to advantage in an intimate relationship. However, as their opposite features may be used either as complementary assets or discordant qualities, their comparable features may also be used cooperatively or competitively. These are the unpredictable conditions that are likely to arise in an intimate relationship between these partners. Many adjustments will be called for once they settle down to the day-to-day business of practical living. As contradictory features of competition and cooperation operate simultaneously in both parties, success will depend on the degree their cooperative traits overcome the inclination to compete with each other.

Both are extroverted individuals who possess the capacity to enjoy life to the fullest. But certain definite dissimilarities will be seen in the manner in which they act. The vibratory forces that help an individual maintain clear directions in life and the ability to complete whatever is undertaken before turning to something new is symbolised by the number 1. As this is present in the 15th day all Fifteen individuals can be expected to steer a steady course of action without falling into extremes of behaviour or the temptation to change course midstream. They are in a position to plan and to execute their plans. Though gifted with flexibility and versatility their likes and dislikes are kept within bounds. These are some advantages not present in the personality formed by the 23rd day. The Twenty-Three person emerges as a fascinating compound of desires, emotions, thoughts, imagination and nervous energy, all manifesting at the same time. Consequently, they are pulled in different directions as they are not gifted with the guiding powers of the 1 vibration. They are genuinely multi-talented individuals who could put their hands to anything but their main problem would be the inability to resist the temptation to change course in any venture if the attractions of another course seem greater. However, those Twenty-Threes born in the 1st, 10th, 11th and 12th months can avoid these pitfalls. The willpower and self-directing features of the 1 vibration will emerge as a controlling influence. Those with the 4 and 7 in their birth months can also maintain a reasonably steady course as these are stable forces. Others will find it difficult to resist change and be seduced by the temptation to do too many things at the same time. They will not turn out as good partners for Fifteens who follow a well ordered lifestyle. Restlessness and irresponsibility natural to these Twenty-Threes will be too much to put up with by the level-headed Fifteen. The difference between Fifteens and these Twenty-Threes is versatility that is regulated and versatility that is scattered.

Although attributes of leadership are stronger in the Fifteen this partner will not arbitrarily enforce their authority, assuming that the Twenty-Three will accept a subordinate role. The more decisive role will certainly be taken up by the Fifteen but this will be done with a good degree of circumspection. At the most they would insist on the Twenty-Three’s cooperation in an orderly and well planned lifestyle, especially in the domestic scene. In the case of the Twenty-Three personal freedom is more important than the responsibilities of leadership. They are free and easy in their ways and resistance is only shown when they are given orders or their movements are restricted. As their multiple facets demand attention at the same time, punctuality and regularity are not natural features. The Twenty-Three is not a domesticated individual. As a result, the Fifteen’s sense of responsibility in the domestic scene and the Twenty-Three’s free and easy disposition could invariably result in an unequal distribution of household tasks.

Both Fifteens and Twenty-Threes happily participate in an active social life. Fifteens maintain an equal distribution of social involvement, domestic cares and personal needs while Twenty-Threes do not exercise a similar discipline, and therefore social activities may overtake other needs. While Fifteens display calculated and controlled self-expression in their interaction with others, Twenty-Threes are known for their spontaneity, wit, subtlety, animated self-expression, curiosity and sense of humour. While curiosity about persons, incidents and situations features prominently in both, Fifteens use this trait with caution, whereas Twenty-Threes do not hesitate to make direct inquiries; nor do they conceal anything about their own affairs. Fifteens find it easier to adjust to social conventions but a Twenty-Three’s conduct is not easily regulated by rules laid down by others. Their need for freedom of speech and movement rides high on their list priorities. People get to know or gauge the personality of a Twenty-Three without much delay but the Fifteen can only be known upon delayed acquaintance. Both partners make new friendships easily. Fifteens usually retain their friendships while Twenty-Threes often have a high turnover of friends and acquaintances. Both fit into most social conditions and find something in almost every situation from which they derive pleasure and distribute pleasure. As natural entertainers, hosts and hostesses they remain conspicuous in any company.

Both partners create the sort of atmosphere in which varied and lively conversation can flourish. Fifteens are born with the ability to articulate their thoughts with precision and clarity. Ambiguous instructions or orders are seldom or never given. It will not be easy to overturn conclusions made or challenge statements given out by them. Their speech may be emphatic but body language is restrained. They are patient listeners as long as they are not subjected to repetitions or superficial and inane topics of conversation. Oral expression by the Twenty-Three is not as explicit. Not only do they indulge in changeable opinions, they also often give out inconclusive directions. In those who are negatively inclined a certain amount of duplicity may enter their speech. A Twenty-Three can play many parts in life; hence, their talent as actors and the difficulty in labelling them as a particular personality type. As entertainers they can hold an audience not only through eloquent speech but also with vivacious body language, uninhibited charm and laughter. They are also expert in the use of words to cover up indiscretions or explain questionable conduct. They maintain a high level of awareness with minds alert to new topics of conversation. Rather than go in depth into a subject of conversation they prefer to cover a great variety of topics. Twenty-Threes reveal themselves when they comment on people and circumstances. Fifteens, on the other hand, do not reveal themselves as much due to the caution they exercise before giving out their opinions. Twenty-Threes can be relied upon to fill in gaps in conversation as silence is a state in which they feel uncomfortable. Arguments between these partners may be frequent but without a residue of resentment. Fifteens may be more insistent in proving themselves right whereas Twenty-Trees may soon lose interest in doing so.

The Fifteen is an individual who can enjoy recreational time engaged in home based hobbies as well as in outside activity. They are also more consistent in whatever hobby they undertake. In their free time they live heartily but do so with conscious restraint. They are aware of consequences and do not allow their actions to get out of control. The bounce of youth is evident in the actions of a Twenty-Three. They can hardly be held down by household responsibilities or expected to spend time at home. Constant social activity and a variety of sporting events keep them away from home. The social side of sport is as important to them as actual participation. They are never happy unless their days and nights are filled with variety. They could also be involved in all forms of art, literature or other activity that involves people with similar tastes. They are never too absorbed in the serious affairs of life to deprive themselves of fun and provide others with joy. They soon lose interest in people or projects when something which appears to offer more excitement presents itself. In a social scene a Twenty-Three could become oblivious to the passage of time or the effects their actions may have on others. Fifteens, on the other hand, are time-conscious and aware of the impact they have on others.

The capacity to earn money is equal in both partners, although they may do so in different ways. However, their capacity to spend money is not the same. A safe medium between spending and saving will be displayed by the Fifteen. These people look for value in their purchases and safety or security in their investments. Impulsive buying is seldom or never indulged in. Expenditure will exceed saving in the case of a Twenty-Three. In some instances expenditure will exceed income. Money may go out as soon as it comes in, although the reverse is also true. Their natural optimism often acts in their favour. Many Twenty-Threes could be self-indulgent in their spending habits and so the Fifteen partner’s responsibility will be to see that this is not taken too far. The Fifteen should be consulted before any investment or major purchase is contemplated by the Twenty-Three. This may not always happen as many are driven by impulse. Management of the financial side will eventually devolve on the Fifteen but not without frequent interference by the Twenty-Three.

It has been well said that the happiest peoples are those who have the most interesting thoughts. This is a condition that applies to both these partners. Their thoughts may not always be the same but they are seldom dismal, offensive or contentious. These positive aspects of their personality make it easier for differences to be settled amicably. Their egos are not so strong or sensitive as to prevent them from exchanging humorous quips or poking fun at each other. The Twenty-Three will be the more demonstrative partner as their emotions are closer to the surface than those of the Fifteen. Although a Fifteen may get caught up with reason and analysis and lose some of their natural spontaneity they are by no means unresponsive to the Twenty-Three’s exuberance.


The odd numbers or active vibrations of the 15th day and the even numbers or receptive vibrations of the 24th day may give one the impression that these birthdays would create opposite personality types. This may be true in outer appearances but it will not be the same at the fundamental level of each personality. Both are qualified Six personalities who share many similar features that can be contributed positively towards an enduring relationship (1 + 5 = 6 and 2 + 4 = 6). The attributes of the 6 vibration ensure that differences between active and receptive forces do not become entrenched and are used as complementary assets. The cardinal features of this vibratory force are love, respect, harmony, conciliation, diplomacy, peace and balance in all aspects of living. Aggression, competition, and dominance are alien traits in all Six individuals, whether qualified or not. A Fifteen/Twenty-Four partnership will in fact emerge as a unique combination of complementary opposites and opportune similarities. In many ways Fifteens and Twenty-Fours are counterparts of each other. Both are able to function effectively on the physical, emotional and mental planes – a condition that ensures balance in each individual. Unbalanced and impulsive conduct will not be displayed by either as their 6 inner force will monitor any likelihood of excess.

By comparison, the Fifteen will be seen as the more extroverted, assertive and decisive partner. The active energies of the 1 and 5 aspects of their personality will be responsible for these emphatic qualities. However, these will always be moderated by the unruffled and placid nature of the underlying 6. Most Twenty-Fours do not view life as a competitive game, rather seeing it as a cooperative one, choosing to go with the flow of events. They live their lives at their own pace using caution and deliberation when changes need to be made. They are helpful people who may at times allow others to take advantage of their obliging ways. A Fifteen partner and others who work alongside them will find it difficult to persuade these steady individuals to expedite any activity. They are thorough in whatever they undertake and will not sacrifice quality work for speed. While Fifteens are valuable in emergencies Twenty-Fours are dependable and steadfast in any job that calls for patience and endurance.

The ability to make instant decisions and the ability to weigh and consider matters are balanced in the Fifteen. They are not free from a degree of impatience with anyone who is habitually hesitant and indecisive. They may encounter this condition in some Twenty-Fours, especially those born in the 2nd and 4th months. Twenty-Fours in general, certainly take their time in making firm decisions because they need to examine all practical, profitable and safe angles of a proposition before making up their minds. Although Fifteens possess a decisive nature they do not feel the urge to dominate their partners. They are quite sufficient within themselves and, as such, do not have the need to feed hungry or insecure egos by assuming arbitrary authority. Twenty-Fours are also, for the most part, secure within themselves but in their interaction with some people they may feel uncertain of themselves. They are more sensitive and protective of their feelings because their egos are not as confident. Cooperation, collaboration, companionship, support, guardianship and service are other natural qualities in all Twenty-Fours. When opportunities to express these characteristics are under threat they could be quite assertive, and when they are assured of a non-threatening lifestyle they could be the most easy-going and pleasant people to live with. A Fifteen/Twenty-Four relationship could easily devolve into one in which neither partner is in charge and blossom into a state in which both partners guide each other, using their best qualities.

Attachment to a domestic way of life differs slightly in these individuals. The Twenty-Four is certainly the more domesticated of the two. Most Twenty-Fours possess the skills needed to raise a family and run a well ordered home. Nursing, budgeting, observing timetables and contentment with routine are some of their natural qualities. Many Twenty-Fours would be inclined to reject offers towards domestic help, preferring to do things themselves. Their attachment to domesticity does not mean that they are in any way inadequate as breadwinners. On the contrary, they are exceptionally hard and dedicated workers and shrewd business people. A Twenty-Four can maintain an even balance between domestic responsibilities and work commitments. A Fifteen partner may be quite content to allow a Twenty-Four a greater say in handling day-to-day affairs of home and family. The Fifteen looks towards a well regulated home life but to a large extent depends in this regard on a home loving partner. The active and extroverted features of their outer personality demand a variety of action in the wide world of affairs. Their need for a career in public life is stronger than the relative seclusion of domestic life. Although a Fifteen may be inclined to stretch rules from time to time and the Twenty-Four to stick by rules, both partners can agree to follow the discipline of a well run household.

A good social network will be enjoyed by this couple Neither of the two will indulge in social activity at the expense of domestic felicity. They are not likely to be at odds in their choice of friends and acquaintances. Most Twenty-Fours possess good old fashioned or conservative values. They may confine their friendships to a few trusted companions and a limited number of acquaintances. They are also good and helpful neighbours who respect privacy but are always available in times of need. Fifteens will prove to be somewhat more adventuresome in their choice of new social contacts. They are more at ease when thrust into strange company while Twenty-Fours may place a guard on themselves in the first instance and take their time to open out. For the most part, Fifteens may occupy the foreground in a social scene while the Twenty-Four’s choice will be a less conspicuous yet active role.

Both partners hold strong opinions. The realistic and practical aspects of any issue are clearly seen by them. Fifteens give out their views in a definitive manner that does not invite challenge. Twenty-Fours do so with a quiet conviction and a degree of certainty that also does not invite challenge. However, the Twenty-Four may be able to accept challenge of their views, if it does occur, with better grace than a Fifteen. There is greater speed and loudness in the Fifteen’s speech as opposed to the quiet and deliberate speech of the Twenty-Four. When faced with the alternative of making an issue of a matter or letting go, the Fifteen may choose the former and the Twenty-Four the latter course. Twenty-Fours find it easier to listen without interrupting, and show more patience when listening to the troubles of others. They can await their turn to speak whereas Fifteens may interrupt if they find someone’s conversation too lengthy or repetitious. They would not hesitate to direct conversation to their own affairs. Twenty-Fours too are not entirely free from switching conversation towards personal interests. Discussions between these partners usually result in an outcome in which both emerge content. The practical values inherent in their nature prevent any serious separation of interest.

Fifteens are better equipped to handle change and variety, and they enjoy novelty. Twenty-Fours are generally content in the niche they have carved out for themselves. These differences will be reflected in the manner in which they spend their holidays and the hobbies they choose. They will, in fact, add to the strength of this relationship as their individual interests will be complementary rather than fall into a state of conflict. The desire for travel and a variety of physical activity is stronger in the Fifteen. Home based hobbies such as cooking, home decoration and maintenance and gardening are hobbies favoured by the Twenty-Four. Travel is not an essential need for a Twenty-Four although they will be quite prepared to accompany their Fifteen partners in their travels as long as such trips are not too extended. The homing call is stronger in the Twenty-Four. Fifteens may be involved in a variety of sport due the need to release physical energy. Twenty-Fours cannot resist an urge towards making, repairing and generally tinkering within their work sheds or dens. With genuine manual dexterity they are able to turn their hands to anything mechanical. As both possess a mutual interest in community welfare their combination will be of considerable benefit to local organisations and societies.

The financial side of this partnership will always rest on a solid foundation as both partners are competent money managers. Their earning capacity is high and their spending habits are cautious and methodical. The odd occasion may arise when the Fifteen may splash out but it would be against the nature of a Twenty-Four to indulge in a sudden burst of extravagance. In general, both can agree to monitor their spending habits. They are not types that could be influenced by advertising agencies. While a sense of financial security is essential to the wellbeing of both, the Twenty-Four will show a little more anxiety if their financial position is endangered in any way. The greater optimism and confidence in the Fifteen helps them tide over uncertain times without undue worry. Although the Twenty-Four may worry, they will at the same time put all their ample energies into overcoming any setbacks. As both partners are staunch believers in self-effort their combined energies will ensure a financial position that does not fall below expectation. Mutual trust in money matters, as in other aspects of life, will contribute to the enrichment of their lifestyle.

The few differences in the value systems of Fifteens and Twenty-Fours will be modified and blended by close association. At the same time, they can continue to live and love together, yet maintain their individuality. Unity in reasonable diversity will be the foundation of their relationship. The Fifteen may display more independence and the Twenty-Four a stronger need for companionship. Although both may entertain warm feelings for each other they do not always express them spontaneously. There are elements in each that are averse to outward demonstrations of emotion. They find it hard to be around emotionally demonstrative or emotionally disturbed people. Discrimination will always be used while expressing their love for each other. This is an advantage that helps in the durability of their relationship as one will not feel that the other lacks feelings of intimacy or is likely to reach beyond each other’s comfort zones, especially in the presence of others. These are not necessarily individuals who address each other in sentimental and romantic speech, but their attitude towards each other displayed in considerate body language speaks louder than words.


The number 5 which stands out as a common feature in this combination will exercise a significant and positive influence in a relationship between a couple with these birthdays. However, the 5 vibration is by no means the only effective force. There are other forces which contribute to the enhancement of each personality and which will be conducive to the success of an intimate relationship between the couple. These multiple aspects will be responsible not only for the initial attraction but also for the subsequent formation of an enduring partnership. The advantage here is that the complexity of the various vibratory forces that come into play can be used as complementary assets rather than any that will be contradictory.

Fifteens and Twenty-Fives are individuals who cannot be labelled as particular types due to the variety of characteristics and aptitudes in each. Both possess obvious qualities of individuality, extroversion, self-assertiveness, vitality and the capacity to cope with movement and change. At the same time there are equally uniform qualities of companionship, cooperation, domesticity and the need for peace and tranquillity in their private lives. A degree of self-centredness which may emerge in both is reduced by a counteracting quality of generosity. These contrasting aspects are not necessarily equally balanced in each, but their interaction over a period of time can result in the establishment of a fine state of harmony. Times of excitement, adventure and travel intermixed with periods of rest and quietude will be mutually agreed upon. For the most part, both partners will live up to expectation, as there are no elements in either that would lead them into unconscionable conduct. Inbuilt safeguards prevent such behaviour.

Their mode of living will remain flexible, stimulating, open to innovation and at times unpredictable. Unfair or shabby treatment is usually meted out to those who allow it through negative attitudes created by poor self-esteem. As these are individuals who for the most part act from a position of inner and outer strength this type of experience will not be known by either partner. Each will naturally assume a position of equality. They are not types who yield any aspect of their individuality to arbitrary demands of a partner or to anyone else for that matter. At the same time they will not call for the surrender of any part of their individuality of another. There may be times when both may be tempted to use some form of manipulation to get what they want, but a basic sense of fairness will prevent one-sided demands. They may resent sudden demands but can be safely reached through soft spoken and discreet approach.

Fifteens and Twenty-Fives are equipped for individual action as well as teamwork. Although both expect and readily contribute towards a well run and peaceful home life they are not really domesticated people. The urge to enter public life is stronger than the desire for a less prominent role as a homemaker. The chances are that both will enter into active careers in public life while at the same time taking care that domestic responsibilities are not neglected. They are also individuals whose ambitions for success as public figures will not be carried to an extent that would risk their mental and physical health or interfere with family welfare. They could easily opt out of competitive careers early in life and devote their time to avocations that have always interested them, and which have been held in abeyance. As both are equally competent workers with an equal sense of responsibility, they are certain to succeed as partners in a family-run business of any type.

Individually as well as jointly Fifteens and Twenty-Fives gain popularity in society. Their conduct is not marred by negative attitudes such as fear, imagined slights, rash judgments and lamentations over personal problems. Social activity will not be carried to excess. Participation in social activity will invariably be on their own terms. In other words, they do not follow the crowd. Alert and sensitive to atmosphere they are in a position to extract much pleasure from social gatherings that appeal to them and at the same time reject those that do not. Both can assume dual roles of participants and observers. The advantage here is that one will not demand more from the other because both possess inbuilt features that call a halt to excess of activity away from home. The Fifteen may enjoy interaction with people slightly more than the Twenty-Five. They are more open and therefore more approachable. With the influence of the powerful 7 vibration (2 + 5 = 7), Twenty-Fives enjoy periods of introspection during which they may appear distant and aloof.

Oral expression is never a problem with these individuals, but neither is given to excessive speech. They are articulate and gifted conversationalists. The rationality of their temperaments is mixed with enthusiasm and spontaneity. As a fine balance is achieved in this respect they are able to reduce topics of conversation to their essentials. As they do not prolong discussion of a particular subject they are able to cover a wide range of topics. Body language is restrained but at the same time appealing and influential. They are able to extract more information from others than give out information about themselves. Always happy to discuss with others matters of a general nature disclosure and discussion of their own affairs will be limited. Between themselves very little will be concealed or left unsaid due to their inquisitive and perceptive natures and mutual trust. Telepathy will emerge as an effective means of communication between them. Arguments will be short-lived and without a residue of ill feeling. Their inner dispositions revolt against protracted disagreement and unnecessary tension. While both are quite alert to their surroundings they are also able to concentrate when there is need to do so. The Twenty-Five will revel in periods of silence when communing with nature while Fifteens may do so when performing household tasks and other hobbies.

Being versatile, imaginative and enterprising people they are not likely to spend time on a single hobby or avocation, nor would they confine themselves to a favourite holiday spot. Their mutual need for variety, always within reason, will influence the manner in which they spend their free time and holidays. Physical and mental stimulation, travel and holiday making will always remain a mutual pleasure. Basically, both try to enjoy a totality of personality and a lifestyle that is effective in many directions rather than one confined to circumscribed activity. Material and economic considerations may be given priority during the period of domestic consolidation but behind these awaits the potential for high ethical and spiritual development. Integration of outer and inner desires will be helped by a reciprocal quest for knowledge. It is likely that the Twenty-Five may delve quicker and deeper into psychic and metaphysical matters and the Fifteen who will tend more towards mental and psychological studies. There is a fair degree of idealism in the nature of the Twenty-Five while realism may exceed idealism in the Fifteen. There is also a fondness for the past in the Twenty-Five although it does not interfere with their present functions. The 7 vibration introduces a love for old things and the 2 brings in a desire to collect. Twenty-Fives could turn out as collectors of knowledge, ancient and contemporary, as well as collectors of books, music and other artefacts. Fifteens feel little need to turn back into history. Their desire is to enjoy the present and move forward into the future.

There is hardly any difference in their earning capacity and their aptitude in money management. Both are, on the one hand, prepared to make bold moves when necessary and on the other hand, take adequate precautions against impoverishment and debt. On a daily basis also their spending habits can be a mixture of indulgence and discipline. They are seldom motivated by impulse, nor can they be influenced by fast talking salespersons. They can safely rely upon each other’s judgment on the occasions when a purchase has to be made without mutual consultation. A joint bank account can be operated with confidence and trust.

Although both Fifteens and Twenty-Fives possess emotionally demonstrative vibrations as part of their integral personality there are also other aspects that are quite averse to a show of sentiment and demonstrative body language. This condition creates a certain amount of inner frustration in regard to intimate physical touch. A conflict between the desire to touch and the need to refrain from touching will be experienced. Consequently, they are able to handle only a certain amount of closeness. Their comfort zones are always well shielded. Both tend to pull away from emotionally demonstrative people, especially when they dare to enter their personal space. As ambivalence in their emotional nature is a mutual feature it cannot be seen as a problem, and is actually an advantage. Physical expressions of their love for each other will be made in the privacy of their home and at proper times.


A variety of distinctive vibratory forces will be introduced into this combination of birthdays. A Fifteen/Twenty-Six relationship can begin from an attraction of opposite temperaments as well as an attraction of similar characteristics and expectations. The process of acknowledging the diverse aspects and using them as complementary features, and enjoying those qualities they have in common, offers an exciting experience. Both individuals possess the resources needed to engage in this undertaking to overcome differences and establish a special relationship based on reciprocal love and respect. The 6 vibration operating as an inner force in the Fifteen, (1 + 5 = 6), and as an outer force in the Twenty-Six, will be their strongest connecting link. This is a vibration of balance in all things as well as one of peace, harmony and diplomacy. It is governed by the planet Venus and, in all those influenced by it, love supersedes all other considerations, especially in their relationship with family members. However, while all Six personalities and those influenced by the 6 vibration believe that charity begins at home they do not confine their goodness to family alone but also extend it into the community. While the 6 vibration is the strongest force conducive to domestic felicity, parenthood and guardianship the other vibratory forces introduced into this relationship are not devoid of these qualities. They take second place to the 6 and provide qualities of their own, especially ones that strengthen and expand all 6 attributes.

Characteristics of odd numbers or active vibrations operating in the outer personality of the Fifteen often disguise the receptive qualities of their inner 6. The 1 and 5 introduce assertive, decisive, independent and freedom-loving traits which obscure 6 features such as placidity, calmness, deliberation, cooperation and the need for companionship. People influenced by the 1 and 5 are generally givers but not necessarily sharers in regard to their time, energy and material goods. Those influenced by the 6 are givers as well as sharers. The Fifteen personality is a mixture of these opposite qualities. Yet, the 3 vibratory forces operating within the integral personality complement each other to form a strong personality structure that is positively geared to handle all aspects of life. Physical, emotional and mental elements are collectively responsible for the strength of this personality. The 1 and 5 vibrations acting individually or jointly would not be too favourable towards a home oriented lifestyle. They are much too outward bound and energetic. On the other hand, the 6 vibration without the support of these emphatic forces is likely to introduce certain negative feelings such as insecurity, hesitation, worry and indecision. However, as all three vibratory forces act in unison the Fifteen’s best asset is a balanced distribution of personality traits and talents.

The Twenty-Six is a qualified Eight personality (2 + 6 = 8). The vibrations that form their integral personality are all receptive forces. However, the Twenty-Six is not entirely activated by obvious or recognisable receptive qualities. This would be so if the 2 and 6 outer forces are not influenced by the inner 8. As this cannot be prevented the Twenty-Six has a fair share of characteristics that are more akin to active forces. This is so because the 8 vibration is the only receptive force that possesses qualities of aggression, competition, leadership, organisation and independence. These attributes are demonstrated with an unmistakable aura of authority. Individuals with this vibration manifesting in strength do not accept a second place in their dealings, whether in personal relationships or public affairs. In whatever circumstances Eights or qualified Eights find themselves needing to be the organising force. The Twenty-Six as a curious mixture of receptive and active features can, on the one hand, be cooperative and conciliatory and on the other hand, decisive and authoritative.

Qualities of leadership soon become evident in the Fifteen while system and organisation are revealed as prominent traits in the Twenty-Six. The Fifteen’s natural urge to take charge of the relationship, prompted by their 1 and 5 aspects will, however, be toned down by the companionable qualities of their 6 nature. The cooperation of the Twenty-Six is easily gained as long as arbitrary or autocratic means are avoided by the Fifteen. Life is not viewed as a competitive or governing game by the Twenty-Six, and is instead considered to be regulated by consultation and equality. Their temperament tends towards good management without the need to surrender any part of their individuality. Fifteens and Twenty-Sixes are not as opposed in temperament as their birthdays may indicate. Much common ground can be found by them because both are able to conform to the discipline of an orderly domestic life. Both possess the skills needed to raise a family, earn a good living and maintain a well run household. With only slight differences both think in terms of their responsibilities. Differences in their needs and expectations will be daily modified and harmonised by association. Domestic concerns may be slightly stronger in the Twenty-Six but this will be an advantage as the Fifteen will be drawn into more outside activity.

Fifteens and Twenty-Sixes are socially compatible partners. Community life engaged in moderation will be acceptable to both. At the same time, these individuals are not dependent on social intercourse for their wellbeing. Their social activity will take second place to the comforts and togetherness of family life. Consequently, neither party is likely to be trapped into compulsory sociability. This will be especially important to the Twenty-Six. The lead in social activity may be taken by the Fifteen and followed up by the Twenty-Six. Club membership and related obligations will be gladly taken up by both. Popularity will be gained not only from home entertainment but also for the active roles they take up in local organisations.

Certain marked differences may be displayed by these partners in general conversation. Fifteens may at times raise their voices and give out their ideas in crisp and definitive speech. Their first reaction to a challenge of their opinions will be a readiness to defend themselves and persist in argument. However, if pursued by a persistent opponent they reveal a capacity to appreciate other points of view. They are also more inclined to talk about their own affairs than pay attention to the problems of others. They could easily turn general conversation into narration of personal episodes. Though their speech may at times remain ego-centred they are not uninteresting talkers as they do possess the charm and imagination that holds the attention and entertains an audience. Twenty-Sixes are generally softly-spoken people. As listeners they are more sympathetic than the Fifteen and are able to listen without interruption. When they do speak about themselves they do so after awaiting their turn. The tales they relate usually give out helpful hints and ideas which can be followed up by their listeners. They are not naturally argumentative as most Twenty-Sixes recognise that there are other points of view that are equally valid. They could at the same time remain adamant in the face of illogical and unrealistic statements or arguments.

In their recreational activities and during their holidays Fifteens are more likely to go in search of new scenes and experiences while their Twenty-Six partners may be content with familiar scenes and customary home based hobbies. While there is more vitality in the physical and psychological makeup of the Fifteen there is more placidity and rhythm in the Twenty-Six. Better acrobats are found among Fifteens and better dances among Twenty-Sixes. The Twenty-Six will not always offer resistance to the Fifteen’s search for novelty and insist on the safety and comfort of habits they have become accustomed to. All they need is slight inducement to emerge from regular habits. While the Fifteen may be responsible for the broadening of experience in physical activity the Twenty-Six has the potential to do the same in artistic and literary accomplishments. Not only will the Twenty-Six turn to music and literature but also possess natural talent in the culinary arts. Many turn to the teaching or healing professions as well as businesses dealings with health matters, household requirements, food and accommodation. Many of their hobbies or avocations will be related to one or more of these alternatives. Loyal support can be expected from the Fifteen in any of these undertakings. Basically, these are partners who can together enjoy family life and domestic pleasures such as cooking, home decoration, gardening and other simple domestic pleasures as well as controlled community activity.

The Twenty-Six may need tenacity and strong moral support to face challenges in the competitive world of business. These needs will be willingly provided by the Fifteen. In a family business the Fifteen will invariably take a role as the front person and the Twenty-Six as the strength in the background. Both partners possess a similar sense of values, especially in regard to the disposal of their earnings. Both evaluate things from a utility and profitable point of view which does not exclude honesty and fair play. Generosity as well as caution influence their spending and saving habits. Impulsive purchases will not be made, nor will they indulge in games of chance or any other form of serious gambling. The advertising industry will have no impact on their buying habits A slight difference will be seen in the Fifteen’s readiness to suggest a bold or mildly risky venture and the Twenty-Six’s reluctance to do so. By nature, the Twenty-Six feels rather more concern for their financial security. It is this partner who will take over day-to-day expenditure while major purchases and investments will always be made after mutual consultation. To some extent both partners value money as a symbol of success but not to an extent that could jeopardise their wellbeing through tension, competition and the likely consequences of unscrupulous dealings.

The great advantage in this relationship is that these individuals are able to see things clearly and put their ups and downs or wins and losses into perspective. When things go wrong they will be willing to look to each other for support rather than seek outside help. The degree of flexibility and adaptability present in both is strong enough to help them face their responsibilities and all emergencies that may arise. They are not types that seek various forms of escapism in times of trouble. What little rivalry that may exist between them will be expressed in a refined manner and overlooked in times of strife. Fifteens and Twenty-Sixes are not people who can express their love for each other in so many words or in demonstrations of emotion, and are strong in revealing their love and loyalty in action instead. They will automatically give each other adequate space. However, the Fifteen may need a little more space while the Twenty-Six may need a little more companionship. These differences are certain to be adjusted in the course of time as there are not many things they value more than they value domestic harmony.


There are numbers or vibrations that do not automatically favour compatibility, and there are others that do so spontaneously. Among the latter are the 6 and 9 vibrations. Persons born on the 15th and 27th days are qualified Six and qualified Nine personalities (1 + 5 = 6 and 2 + 7 = 9). They may not be pure Sixes and Nines, yet the prospects of a truly rewarding relationship can be confidently foreseen. Their 6 and 9 foundations will be the connecting link responsible for bringing the other aspects of their personality into harmony. Despite obvious differences in the vibratory forces manifesting through the outer personality of each these differences will in fact enhance and enrich their fundamental 6 and 9 attributes. This will be done by the introduction of additional outlets for self-expression and greater appreciation of the world around them. 9 characteristics can be viewed as an escalation of the 6 in many ways, and any differences that may arise will not be so much in kind, but in degree. Their differences are not likely to lead them into conflict and will be used wisely for an enriched lifestyle. Both partners are endowed with a variety of skills and personality traits that may not be used to their full potential if they act solely as individuals, but in close association with each other they would be in a much better position to draw out and interchange their best features. Negative aspects of their various vibrations will hardly be given the opportunity to emerge.

These are individuals who can only unfold their best in a partnership of equals. Though qualities of leadership, firm decision and organisation are strong in the Fifteen these qualities are tempered by accommodating characteristics of companionship, agreeability and, above all, the desire for peace in their private lives. These latter qualities will not be compromised by arbitrary usurpation of authority over their partners. They enable the individual to ease or let go many dominant attributes. In any case, a subordinate, secondary or restrictive position is not one that will be acceptable to a Twenty-Seven partner. Twenty-Sevens are, by and large, free souls. They do not seek to dominate, manipulate or organise the lives of others, nor do they submit to subservient roles. The freedom they desire for themselves they also willingly grant to others. Placing great value on privacy they need a good deal of personal time. Their ample talents, particularly as teachers at tertiary levels, can only be given out in conditions of freedom of thought and action. Though Fifteens and Twenty-Sevens acknowledge each other’s right to reasonably independent action they will not use it thoughtlessly or selfishly. Both are naturally aware of the advantage of pooling their considerable resources arising from the physical, mental, emotional and spiritual realms. While both need space they also need companionship.

Vibrations of the 15th day provide easy outlets for self-expression through physical, emotional and mental planes of expression. With the assets of these spheres at their disposal Fifteens are free from strictures and limitations. They are also blessed with a fine balance of personality traits. Their 1 aspect provides self-confidence, self-reliance and the ability to steer a steady course in life. It is a force that helps an individual complete an undertaking before turning to something new. The 5 provides flexibility and adaptability. This vibration, therefore, eases a degree of rigidity that can be present in the 1. The 6 acts as a safeguard against any excess of physical activity which may be prompted by the 1 and 5. While maintaining a good balance in all things it provides clear and rational thought processes. The 6 prevents any hurried decisions and impulsive actions favoured by the 5 aspect. The combination of the three vibratory forces eliminates any chance of negativity entering the personality structure. Fifteens are never seen as hesitant, self-deprecating and shy individuals unless an exceptionally harsh and deprived childhood has inhibited their potential. With maturity all Fifteens will emerge from such limitations. All they need is personal freedom.

The 27th day introduces a unique combination of physical, mental and spiritual forces, with the last having a significant influence upon the individual. Emotionalism and sensitivity are among the prominent qualities of the 2 vibration. Extrasensory perception is just below the surface in all those having this vibration as a major part of their integral personality. Investigation and research are among the natural features of the 7 vibration. Subjects of this vibration are perennial students who probe into the physical as well as non-physical realms of life. In their search into metaphysical matters they are not influenced by limiting conventions and dogmas of established religions. On the physical side Sevens are attracted to studies in archaeology, anthropology, history and the entire range of natural sciences. When the Twenty-Seven’s 7 aspect is combined with their basic 9 nature there can be no limit to the range of study and research taken up by them. It is unlikely that a Fifteen will use the full variety of their talents in a single lifetime. In the same way Twenty-Seven’s suffer considerable frustration in finding sufficient time and opportunity to satisfy all the demands of their studious nature. Wisdom and internationalism are the salient features of the 9 vibration. While the 7 favours isolation, the 9 reaches out to a comprehensive approach to life. Intuition guides both vibratory forces. All Twenty-Sevens find themselves in their element in libraries as well as in natural surroundings. The average Twenty-Seven is by no means devoid of physical attributes and the capacity to enjoy the physical aspects of life. They are able to do so without being obsessed or held down by them. A personal problem with many Twenty-Sevens is created by their desire for privacy and solitude conflicting with their desire for social interaction. The latter will always be strictly selective as Twenty-Sevens are types who cannot stand stupidity, frivolity and superficiality. However, their need for association with their peers cannot be denied. A Fifteen partner is unlikely to carry their social activities to an extent that would harm the sensibilities of the Twenty-Seven. Twenty-Sevens are certainly not unsocial or introverted in a negative way. Their 9 aspect reaches out to all types of people. In the right company they come out of themselves and display a fine sense of humour and a vast store of knowledge.

Fifteens are natural storytellers, teachers, demonstrators and instructors. In certain circumstances they could be loud spoken, emphatic and argumentative, and are usually clear and precise in what they say. There are inbuilt features that prevent them from exaggeration and ambiguity. In general, they are better talkers than listeners, but when the necessity arises, they are prepared to pay attention to someone who needs their advice and confidence. Holding firmly to their points of view they do not hesitate to enter into animated discussions. A Fifteen is not likely to find many contentious issues with a Twenty-Seven partner. Twenty-Sevens are not prolific talkers. Thoughtful rather than talkative they enjoy periods of silence and observation more than frequent speech. Having the knowledge that listening is the surest way to get to know a person they speak only after others have spoken. When they choose to speak out they do not contest the opinions of others but instead reveal their own, leaving it to others to accept or reject them. They would not waste time and energy trying to defend their views if contested by others. Philosophical and other esoteric subjects are chosen over purely mundane issues. They are not, however, detached from practical realities. Their thoughts and speech are followed up by action and could alternate between a philosophical or practical approach or combine as a single indistinguishable force. Although they feel a responsibility to share their knowledge with others they do not impose it on unprepared or unwilling listeners. People with personal problems seek out the Twenty-Seven for help while those with practical difficulties seek out a Fifteen. Twenty-Sevens prefer to teach or instruct mature age groups while Fifteens are teachers of all age groups. Both partners possess a subtle sense of humour. They are able to laugh together and laugh at each other without the slightest intention of hurting. They are confident and versatile public speakers able to hold the attention of an audience. Twenty-Sevens seem larger than life when they decide to speak at public meetings. Sincerity and wisdom are their principal assets. Fifteens emit a strong aura of sensuality which is carried over to their audience and captures their attention.

Boredom will be an experience foreign to these partners. Fifteens and Twenty-Sevens are people who do not set boundaries to their hobbies and activities. Their non-working time and holidays will be packed with activity. They are people who are not threatened by the unknown, although sensible precaution will always be exercised in their excursions into physical and non-physical realms. The Fifteen will, for the most part, remain adventuresome and experimental within physical dimensions and the Twenty-Seven will be attracted to the natural sciences and metaphysical research. The natural tendency of the Fifteen is to live and enjoy the present with scant interest in the past and reasonable attention to the future. The Twenty-Seven, on the other hand, has a fascination for the past, a keen awareness of the present and a contemplative projection into the future. They invariably choose interests in which opportunities for their intuitive, investigative and studious nature are given ample freedom. A harmonious environment is essential before they function close to their full potential. They seek and enjoy solitude more than their Fifteen partners. Over a period of time almost all Twenty-Sevens collect a library of esoteric literature and serious music. They are non-competitive people who are not attracted to vigorous body contact sport. Fishing, mountaineering, bushwalking, nature studies and their gardens are among their greatest delights. While Twenty-Sevens are motivated more by mental and spiritual forces Fifteens are energised by the attractions of the physical realm. While Twenty-Sevens can be absorbed in a mystical appreciation of nature Fifteens enjoy nature’s aesthetic value. While self-enquiry is a natural habit of the Twenty-Seven, many Fifteens are likely to be rather sceptical or indifferent to probing into the inner side of things. Fifteens are vital, alert and competitive people who excel in competitive and non-competitive sport. They are more physically active than studious. Their store of knowledge is more practical than philosophical. As some of their natural drives are different these partners give each other ample space. However, while doing some things apart they can also quite happily do things as a twosome. There is no doubt that they enjoy each other’s company when they come together in a single venture such as travel.

The financial side of this relationship will be managed with mutual agreement. Fifteens are likely to be given the responsibility for handling day-to-day expenses as well as savings and investment. They are shrewd money managers who cannot be persuaded into purchasing anything that is of no practical use or anything that has been overpriced in their opinion. Generosity as well as restraint will be displayed in all family needs. Financial security is essential to the wellbeing of all Six persons. The 6 aspect of the Fifteen will therefore ensure a good balance between expenditure and saving. A Twenty-Seven will find that money is handled responsibly in the hands of their Fifteen partner. Wealth in terms of dollars is not a vital issue in the Twenty-Seven’s scheme of things. Beyond recognising that the lack of money or its improper use is certain to interfere with a harmonious lifestyle they do not pay as much attention to its disposal or accumulation as does the Fifteen. They are by no means incapable of money management but the fact is that they would rather spend time and energy in other pursuits. Their belief is that there is more to life than rational processes and exclusive attention to material possessions or material gain. They would gladly hand over this responsibility to a responsible partner. They can be generous spenders who do not pay as much attention to the cost and value of their purchases as a Fifteen would do.

In conclusion, it may be said that the essential difference between these partners, which will be complementary rather than contradictory, is the practical, matter-of-fact and alert nature of the Fifteen and the contemplative, studious and rather detached temperament of the Twenty-Seven. Alertness of the Fifteen is exercised within the physical realm and that of the Twenty-Seven within the non-physical. A Fifteen will need to see and experience before they believe in anything out of the ordinary, whereas a Twenty-Seven is more inclined to first believe and then see and experience the extraordinary. Although fundamentally attracted to refined elements of society the Fifteen is able to handle when necessary, the rough and tumble elements. Twenty-Sevens are almost exclusively drawn to the refined elements and disturbed or even repulsed by greed and coarse manners of the unrefined. There is a basic unity in the diversity of temperament between these partners mainly in the absence of censure in their behaviour towards each other. The Fifteen’s affections are open and often demonstrative. Twenty-Sevens are captured by the vitality and versatility of their Fifteen partners. A warm and gentle nature can be discovered behind the Twenty-Seven’s reserve. While enjoying the individuality of their active vibrations the need for each other’s company will not run out due to the strong connecting link of their receptive forces. An even mixture of freedom and togetherness will form the basis of this relationship.


Qualified Six and qualified One personalities are formed by these birthdays (1 + 5 = 6 and 2 + 8 = 10 = 1). These individuals may not be as compatible as clear Sixes and Ones as seen in the chapter on the 1st and 6th days. Some dissimilarities introduced by the vibrations of their outer personality need to be acknowledged and reconciled before their fundamental Six and One natures can emerge to create a harmonious relationship. In addition, there are certain similarities that could lead them into conflict instead of cooperation. The inner 6 in the 15 and the outer 2 in the 28 introduce non-competitive, cooperative, tactful and peaceful elements in both parties. This common denominator which could help them form a successful relationship may often struggle against other stronger forces of independence and assertiveness.

The 5 vibration plays a significant role in the personality of the Fifteen. Backed up by the outer 1 force this combination demands freedom to act independently on the one hand, and on the other, the exercise of authority over others. Individuals who, for the most part, are controlled by these vibratory forces cannot function in subordinate roles; nor are they conditioned to enter willingly into equal partnerships. If they cannot function as leaders and decision makers they prefer to remain free from commitment or the sharing of responsibility. As neither option can be taken up in an intimate relationship some personal adjustments need to be made by the Fifteen. The redeeming force in all Fifteens which helps them do so is their basic Six temperament. This influential part of their personality will constantly strive to overcome instant urges towards authoritarian behaviour and some self-centred attitudes. Among the main features of the 6 vibration the most emphatic are love, companionship, understanding, balance, equality and above all the need for domestic felicity. The aim of all Six personalities, whether qualified or not, is to establish a peaceful and loving home atmosphere. Fifteens sooner or later reconcile the conflict between their energetic outer and calm inner forces and establish a strong, well balanced, integral personality. Any difficulties they may experience in their younger years when their outer urges predominate will be overcome in maturity.

Just as the 5 plays a significant role in the self-expression of the Fifteen backed up by their 1 aspect, the 8 vibration plays a similar role in the Twenty-Eight with the reinforcement of their inner 1 vibration. Characteristics of the 8 combined with the 1 emerge as the natural temperament of the Twenty-Eight. All persons influenced by these vibratory forces are natural leaders, organisers and administrators. Twenty-Eights need to be in control of their environment and would react adversely to direct orders from others. The extent to which they are equipped with executive ability has no limitation. The demonstration of this asset will of course depend on the educational background of an individual Twenty-Eight. If the opportunity is not available in public life they are likely to transfer it to their private lives with unpleasant consequences. An average partner will not tolerate their authoritative ways. Most Twenty-Eights quite unconsciously take charge of situations in which they find themselves and do so quite competently. They do not take kindly to any challenges to their authority. They may delegate duties as they see fit but resist any usurpation of their position. Conflicts and challenges energise the Twenty-Eight. In public life especially, they can be both aggressive and competitive. While the combination of the 8 and 1 vibrations creates authoritative and aggressive features, the combination of the 8 and 2 vibrations share certain common qualities. Both belong to the emotional plane. Consequently, emotion is alive in the Twenty-Eight and can be used in positive as well as negative ways. The 2 vibration is a companionable, cooperative and supportive force. It is also a gentle yet resilient force that can reduce many aggressive features of the 1 and 8. It combines well with the judgmental powers of the 8 enabling the Twenty-Eight personality to see both sides of an issue.

Distribution of authority and responsibility in this partnership could be a potent source of trouble if a serious effort is not made by both to subordinate individual urges and to conform to each other’s expectations. A union of equals is their only option. A Fifteen can easily take rank with their Twenty-Eight partners and a Twenty-Eight has the capacity to cope with a Fifteen’s powers. Their priorities do not differ so widely as to make joint decisions difficult. The Twenty-Eight’s task in the domestic scene is likely to be made easy as the Fifteen’s drive and ambition for personal success in public life may not be as strong as that of the Twenty-Eight. There are more domestic elements in the Fifteen which helps them undertake a larger share of domestic responsibilities allowing the Twenty-Eight greater freedom to pursue career ambitions. Although family pride, loyalty and devotion to family welfare are strong features in the Twenty-Eight they are basically career oriented individuals.

Because Twenty-Eights are ambitious people who enjoy the trappings of success they would not hesitate to brush aside obstacles placed in the way of achievement of their goals. At the same time, there are elements of delicacy and sensitivity which are not usually displayed in front of others. Their intimates may observe their softer side but not those in business life. These opposite features are usually expressed when appropriate yet, more often than not, they are rendered in combination. The aspirations of the Fifteen are divided between a desire for a successful career in public service and a caring, comfortable and loving domestic life. In order to achieve the latter they place limits on the former. There is more flexibility in the Fifteen’s approach to the various aspects of living. While Twenty-Eights are natural organisers and administrators, Fifteens are natural teachers, instructors and demonstrators. These innate talents emerge in whatever occupation they may engage in. Fifteens may work hard in their public duties but are also able to switch off at the end of the day and turn to domestic and recreational activities. Twenty-Eights, on the other hand, find it difficult to switch off. They tend to bring home their problems. They need much more time to adjust when removed from high-powered activity or power struggles in which they may be involved. Fifteens are in a better position to keep their emotions in check, whereas Twenty-Eights too often allow their emotions to influence their reactions and decisions. Twenty-Eight’s differ from Fifteens in perceptions and attitudes as they are affected by emotional fluctuations much more than the Fifteen is. Mature Twenty-Eights, while still experiencing a degree of emotional turmoil, are able to control their emotions without harmful effects on themselves and others.

Fifteens and Twenty-Eights are socially compatible partners who enjoy social interaction without surrender of their independence. As extroverted and self-confident individuals they do not avoid conspicuous roles in order to safeguard shyness, anxiety or feelings of inadequacy. In addition, they feel no need to endure people or situations that are not to their liking. Fifteens, up to a point, are able to put up with or even enjoy unconventional behaviour by others. They may even indulge in some nonconformist conduct themselves, but this will not be taken to an extent that could harm their reputation or the welfare of their family. Twenty-Eights favour traditional patterns of conduct, but can be influenced by the Fifteen to join in occasional bohemian adventures. There is more sparkle in the Fifteen’s behaviour in a social scene and a wider range of social interests. Twenty-Eights may tend to confine their social contacts to their associates within their careers or business life. Many business decisions and contracts (verbally) are made during social meetings. Most Twenty-Eights profit by the influence of the Fifteen which helps them carry their social life into areas unrelated to their occupation. Fifteens and Twenty-Eights are candid and outspoken when expressing their views. They are seldom objectionable as both use good judgment and practical knowledge before speaking out. The habit of speaking their minds also helps them clear up misunderstandings or prevent misunderstandings from taking place. There is a minimum of ambiguity in their speech which is usually accompanied by authoritative body language and their gestures are attractive and hold the attention of an audience. Although knowledgeable and opinionated as speakers they are not closed to new ideas. Any new ideas or challenges given out by others, however, need to be sensible and worthy of debate. They are not types who indulge in unnecessary or unproductive talk. Anyone who offers contrary views can expect to face analysis, objectivity, deliberation and good judgment. Between themselves, arguments could become quite heated at the beginning, but both will calm down as soon as their rational forces come into play, especially the diplomacy of the Fifteen and the strong sense of justice in the Twenty-Eight. In a battle of wills one cannot be said to be stronger than the other. Fair play and good judgment form the basis of all their relationships.

There are strong competitive elements in the nature of both partners which will be released, not only in their careers but also in recreational activity. Opportunities for release in the latter area are much greater due to broader freedom of choice. Both need release of physical energy in order to relieve themselves of tensions and frustrations built up during working hours. Twenty-Eights, especially, need to do so as they are more susceptible to these problems. While Fifteens may engage in more than one form of sport, either as participants or as officials, they will also have home based hobbies for diversion. Gardening, home decorating, cooking and entertainment are likely to be among their main interests. Once again, a good balance will be maintained by the Fifteen during their non-working hours. They enjoy travel and adventure, but they are not wanderers. Rather than travel from place to place with no fixed itinerary they prefer a definite destination and a fixed date for return home. Twenty-Eights are not natural travellers although it is necessary for their wellbeing that they do so. It may not be easy to get a Twenty-Eight out of their routine or business involvement. Their participation in sport will be as competitors as well as officials. They are excellent motivators and when this quality is combined with their authoritative nature they excel as coaches.

Good money management is a talent present in both parties. Neither partner will insist on holding the purse strings because they will soon recognise each other’s capacity to responsibly handle money. Fifteens may show greater expertise in personal and family finances while Twenty-Eights do better as accountants and treasurers in public life managing other people’s financial affairs. If the Fifteen takes over day-to-day running of their domestic life, Twenty-Eights will be happy just to be kept informed. However, the reverse situation will not be unusual. The time factor will be responsible for the allocation of this responsibility. Whoever becomes the principal breadwinner will have less time to spend during the daily round of household needs.

These are not individuals who will exploit each other or allow themselves to be exploited. As their levels of self-esteem are virtually equal there is no conscious or unconscious urge in either to adopt defensive measures or devious means to prove their worth. Both act naturally and create conditions that facilitate mutual understanding. In other words, they do not have to penetrate facades before each deals with the real person. Being individualistic and self-sufficient people, they go about their business independently, but at the same time, set aside time to be close and work together when necessary. Despite their busy lives family togetherness and family prosperity will be given the highest priority, each in his or her own way. Their ambitions are not necessarily personal or self-centred but used for the benefit and the prosperity of their family. However, it may be said that the attraction to power can cause a Twenty-Eight to overlook or unwittingly neglect some family obligations. A Fifteen partner will either willingly fill in the gap or gently remind the Twenty-Eight of the need to pull back and devote more time towards family togetherness. Twenty-Eights will take heed of this advice as family pride and material wellbeing are just as important to them as it is to the Fifteen. The fact that they may let themselves be carried away by their ambitions is not an indication of indifference to family welfare.


An obvious feature in this combination is the variety of vibratory forces that will enter into a relationship between Fifteen and Twenty-Nine personalities. As a consequence, differences in temperament clearly outnumber similarities. At the same time there is every possibility that these differences can be acknowledged and reconciled. The process may not be smooth or automatic due to self-determination being a strong element in both and this may be given greater emphasis in younger individuals. However, there are conciliatory features in each that sooner or later will be used to establish a large measure of understanding and compatibility.

Two well defined and opposite sets of vibratory forces motivate the Fifteen. The outer personality exhibits one and the inner personality the other. The 1 and 5 vibrations impelling the outer personality introduce features that are extroverted, active, assertive, decisive, vibrant, competitive and adventuresome. The Fifteen being a qualified Six personality (1 + 5 = 6) is also influenced at a fundamental level by placid, peaceful, cooperative, orderly and thoughtful qualities inherent in the 6 vibration. The personality is also influenced by home, family and community-oriented qualities of the 6. This dichotomy within the Fifteen does not create a split within the integral personality. The different sectors actually tend to integrate without creating undue conflict. The end result is the formation of a well-rounded and well balanced integral personality. No doubt, many younger Fifteens may experience problems reconciling their energetic, assertive and self-centred impulses with the sociable, sharing and cooperative nature of their inner forces. In time, when a balance has been formed they emerge as desirable and loving partners, parents and friends.

The Twenty-Nine does not have a sharp division that needs to be reconciled, yet, they are not without problems of their own. Their most difficult task will be to handle the intensified nature of powerful forces that form their integral personality. The powerful master vibration 11 (2 + 9 = 11) pulls this personality towards fulfilment of potential and gives them strengths to do so. Younger Twenty-Nines invariably face an uncertainty of who or what they are and what directions they need to take in life. A constant struggle to find their identity may prevent full use of great potential that lies within them. This also creates problems in their relationships with loved ones. The vibrations that form their personality are essentially of a non-materialistic and spiritual nature. This creates conflict and restlessness when they are faced with the material and practical requirements of a pragmatic lifestyle. They find themselves at a loss against the competitive and hardhearted nature of worldly values. They suffer from frequent change of mood which will be carried into adulthood, but this problem is greatly reduced when they realise that they are in fact advanced human beings, and when they acquire a sense of detachment from many mundane problems. Comparison with others soon confirms their mentally and spiritually alert status. They may take time to acknowledge their superior qualities because they are not assertive, vain or self-centred individuals. In some instances, loss of self-esteem and self-confidence often results in Twenty-Nines underselling themselves and letting inferior personality types get ahead of them in public life. This position will eventually be corrected when their potential is seen by other discerning individuals. As their changeable moods are not easily overcome Twenty-Nines are not the easiest partners to cope with in an intimate relationship. Attempts to hold them down to a confined lifestyle will certainly fail. They are free spirits who can never be possessed. They are also exceptionally loving, compassionate and forgiving people. Twenty-Nines cannot bear a grudge or attempt to get even with someone who has done them harm. Although a peaceful home life is essential for their wellbeing they do not spend much time at home. Freedom of movement is taken for granted.

Division of authority and responsibility in domestic affairs is not likely to create much disagreement between these partners. Differences in their expectations are not so wide as to create frequent disputes. Fifteens may appear more assertive in the short term but, more often than not, in the long term the Twenty-Nine’s wishes prevail. Their distinctive temperaments can be seen in the initial exercise of authority by the Fifteen which is soon modified by reason, and a lasting exercise of intuition and wisdom by the Twenty-Nine. Although the spirit of individuality is strong in the Fifteen it does not interfere with their love of home and family life. Their attention is seldom extended beyond home and community life. Twenty-Nines, on the other hand, possess an extended love nature that reaches out beyond family and community. They are by no means irresponsible partners and parents, however, they need to be allowed freedom to do things their own way. They contribute much more through their own volition than through coercion. Fifteens are likely to insist upon cooperation but Twenty-Nines possess winning ways that gain cooperation and loyalty.

As individuals and as a couple these partners exercise an enlivening and enlightening impact upon society. Genteel social graces are especially evident in the Twenty-Nine. Interaction with people is more important to them than physical activity. The Fifteen’s first choice will be some form of physical activity with social life being a follow on of such activity. Both partners do not feel the need to belong to a particular peer group as getting tied down to a group or society cramps their style. They need to move among people who are different. This is particularly the case with the Twenty-Nine. They do not hold any reservations or prejudices and seek every opportunity for meeting people of all sorts. Some Fifteens may place certain limitations on their choice of friends and acquaintances as there is also a conservative element within their personality. While others feel at ease very soon in the company of a Twenty-Nine they may take a little more time to accept or be accepted by a Fifteen. Twenty-Nines have a tendency to make everyone’s problem their own while Fifteens can take a more detached position. Twenty-Nines may not divide their time between domestic and social life as equally as a Fifteen does. Their social engagements and other activities may take up a greater proportion of their time and energy.

Both partners possess considerable communication skills. When confronted with differences of opinion Twenty-Nines show a greater degree of tolerance and acceptance. Granting others equal freedom of thought they expect to be given the same. They can easily agree to disagree on controversial matters. As they view life from wide perspectives they realise the futility of attempting to convince others against their will. Their nature is such that they cannot put up with constant bickering and argument. As accomplished conversationalists they are patient listeners and knowledgeable speakers. Egoistical notions do not tarnish the high quality of their conversation. Fifteens are also good communicators but their conversation may be restricted by a natural tendency to project their own point of view and pay scant attention to the views of others. They do not see or accept another’s opinions as easily as the Twenty-Nine does. In any case the art of conversation is not as important to them as some form of physical activity. Their speech could be crisp and firm and without expectation of challenge, while the Twenty-Nine’s is mellow, friendly and their views open to discussion. In all practical matters Fifteens possess a flair for clear-cut and forthright action which is reflected in their speech and body language. Twenty-Nines, in contrast, are subject to emotional reaction and impulse which are in turn reflected in their speech and body language. Fifteens are inclined to be judgmental while Twenty-Nines are generally non-judgmental. Despite these differences, lines of communication between these partners will always remain open and productive. When the Fifteen’s initial impulse towards rejection and the Twenty-Nine’s initial emotional reaction are overcome they can talk over matters with reason and understanding. These partners cannot fail to exert a positive influence upon each other. The Fifteen’s contribution will be from a fund of practical knowledge derived from personal experience and the Twenty-Nine’s will be from a depth of wisdom, insight and foresight derived from no obviously apparent source.

These are partners who can share experiences as well as retreat into their own space from time to time. During the latter periods their interests may be of quite a different nature whilst not being harmful to their relationship. Fifteens are exceptionally alert and reactive to physical conditions while Twenty-Nines possess a finely tuned sixth sense. The strength and success of this relationship will be built upon the ability of these partners to alternate between togetherness and separate activity. Travel is an important aspect of modern life in which their different tastes as well as their similarities can be enjoyed. Fifteens revel in places offering some form of excitement and physical activity. Twenty-Nines would rather confine their activities to natural surroundings and avoid vigorous games. In their travels Twenty-Nines turn into students or pilgrims especially at places of deep historical interest and spiritual relevance. All Twenty-Nines are of a mystical frame of mind, whether they are aware of it or not. Fifteens do not remain detached from such scenes. Their attraction to cultural and spiritual realms is only a matter of degree. Both partners are fascinated by the unusual and easily bored by commonplace and routine holiday activity. They are drawn to new and stimulating events without rejecting the old. Sound practical knowledge, academic expertise and natural curiosity enable them to derive maximum benefit from their travels.

Money management is an aspect of this relationship that is likely to cause some disagreement. It could remain a perennial problem as the attitudes of Fifteens and Twenty-Nines towards money and its value are unlikely to change. Fifteens are responsible money managers who maintain a good balance between income and expenditure. There is an inner safeguard which prevents them from living beyond their means. Their general wellbeing is disturbed if their financial position is not adequate or, in most instances, better than adequate. It’s not that Twenty-Nines are incompetent in this respect; they are simply indifferent money managers. They are free spenders who could often live beyond their means. They do not attach value to money for its own sake or for any future security. In their view money is meant to be spent freely. They are impatient and impulsive buyers who do not look for bargains or for full value for money spent. While Fifteens will not be influenced by attractive sales promotion and high pressure sales tactics, Twenty-Nines could be entrapped. Money and material possessions have an important place in their scheme of things but are treated with a sense of detachment. Their nature is generous and unselfish with a greater interest in human values than in material goods.

The Fifteen’s love nature is personal and settled upon family and a few close friends while the Twenty-Nine’s is universal. Their extended capacity to love does not dilute their love for their partners, children and friends. These partners will sooner or later settle down to their respective roles when they come to appreciate each other’s outstanding qualities. Their rewards will be well worth their effort as they are types that can handle togetherness and separation without misunderstanding. The times they spend apart will not be an indication of indifference but an indication of trust and loyalty. Allowing each other time to pursue individual interests strengthens their relationship.


Please refer to the chapter on 3rd and 15th birthdays. The Zero in the 30th day does not add any features or take away any existing features of the 3 vibration. At most, it could emphasise certain 3 characteristics.


The relationship between a person born on the 15th day and another born on the 31st day will be the same as that between a couple where one is born on the 15th and the other is born on the 13th. It should be noted that the influence of the 3 vibration is slightly stronger in the Thirty-One than in the Thirteen, as it appears first, but this does not make any appreciable difference in their interaction with a Fifteen personality.

The chapter on 15th and 13th birthdays should be consulted.