Numerology Compatibility Number 26

Compatibility with the 26th Birthday


Please refer to the 1st and 26th birthdays.


Please refer to the 2nd and 26th birthdays.


Please refer to the 3rd and 26th birthdays.


Please refer to the 4th and 26th birthdays.


Please refer to the 5th and 26th birthdays.


Please refer to the 6th and 26th birthdays.


Please refer to the 7th and 26th birthdays.


Please refer to the 8th and 26th birthdays.


Please refer to the 9th and 26th birthdays.


This combination is the same as the 1st and 26th birthdays. The 10 reduces to a 1, (1 + 0 = 1). The Zero in the 10th day does not add any new features, nor does it take away any characteristics of the 1 vibration. At most, it may emphasise certain 1 features.


Please refer to the 11th and 26th birthdays.


Please refer to the 12th and 26th birthdays.


Please refer to the 13th and 26th birthdays.


Please refer to the 14th and 26th birthdays.


Please refer to the 15th and 26th birthdays.


Please refer to the 16th and 26th birthdays.


Please refer to the 17th and 26th birthdays.


Please refer to the 18th and 26th birthdays.


Please refer to the 19th and 26th birthdays.


This combination is the same as the 2nd and 26th birthdays. The Zero in the 20th day does not add any new features or subtract any features of the 2 vibration. In some instances it may emphasise certain existing features.


Please refer to the 21st and 26th birthdays.


Please refer to the 22nd and 26th birthdays.


Please refer to the 23rd and 26th birthdays.


Please refer to the 24th and 26th birthdays.


Please refer to the 25th and 26th birthdays.


The process leading to a relationship between even numbered birthdays is usually based on the principle of like attracting like. The essential nature of even numbers or receptive vibrations is cooperation, conciliation, agreeability, peace, harmony and service. This will not be the case with odd numbers or active forces which create opposition and rivalry rather than attraction and togetherness. At the same time the attraction or sympathy between an even numbered pair may not always be plain sailing. The 26th birthday, for instance, contains certain elements that need to be held in check if a loving and harmonious relationship is to be maintained. A couple born on the 26th day may appear to possess similar personality traits. This may be so to some considerable degree but some of the traits they share may not be as conducive to the ideal as one would expect.

In the first instance, the difference between male and female will be apparent. Although their value systems may be the same, the male partner will manifest the multiple talents and characteristics of the vibrations contained within the 26th day in a different manner to the female partner for obvious reasons of different body structure. In addition, racial, cultural, economic and family backgrounds may not be the same. A couple’s situation will be eased considerably when there is similarity in the latter condition. In the second instance, there is an element within the 26th day that could disrupt the expected harmony in a relationship between Twenty-Six partners. This is likely to be introduced by the fundamental 8 vibration. All Twenty-Sixes are qualified Eight personalities (2 + 6 = 8). Unlike the 2 and 6 forces which are purely receptive by nature the 8 contains certain features akin to odd numbers or active vibrations. These may clash with the 2 and 6 aspects operating within the outer personality of the Twenty-Six. These vibrations combine harmoniously despite their different levels of operation – the 2 from the emotional plane and the 6 from the mental plane. Their combined qualities introduce a balance of heart and mind. Their purely receptive qualities will be responsible for the initial attraction between Twenty-Six personalities and subsequent success of their relationship. A constant endeavour to maintain rich personal lives in loving and peaceful relationships and caring family life are cardinal qualities of these forces. Ambition for high achievement in public life will not take the place of private peace and goodwill. Twenty-Six partners who do enter public life are able to perform the dual role of breadwinner and homemaker and maintain a happy medium between these responsibilities. On the other hand, as the 8 vibration contains certain forces that are comparable to active vibrations they may interfere with the balance a Twenty-Six likes to maintain. High ambition, authority and competition are some typical 8 qualities. Persons influenced by this vibration instinctively take charge of people and situations in which they find themselves. In this respect, they are similar to One personalities. Pure Eights, that is, those born on the 8th day, are natural organisers, directors and administrators who do not accommodate themselves to rules and regulations set by others. Qualified Eights such as the Twenty-Six do not display these characteristics as firmly and openly because their 2 and 6 aspects neutralise to some degree many controlling features of their fundamental 8 nature. The spirit of equality and cooperation introduced by the 2 and 6, however, do not diminish the Twenty-Six’s capacity for system, order and progress in family and public life. They may, on the contrary, increase them by introducing the Twenty-Six’s ability to see many sides of an issue. These desirable conditions may not manifest automatically due to the attributes of the 8 vibration being more assertive than those of the 2 and 6. Twenty-Six partners, therefore, need to make an effort towards compromise, sharing and non-competitive living.

The presence of the 1 vibration, or the number 1 in the birth month, will create a situation in which one or the other of the couple having a stronger decision making capacity and authoritative nature. A partner born in the 1st, 10th, 11th or 12th month or with a Destiny number 1 will assume a more responsible role than the one without this number. If neither partner has this number, or both possess it, a partnership of equals will be their option. This will be much more difficult in the latter instance, as these Twenty-Sixes are likely to challenge each other more often than necessary. Family tradition is an important part of the life of a Twenty-Six. They are also people who endeavour to live within the established order of society. They may not be strict conventionalists, and prefer to occupy middle ground in all their activities. They enjoy group involvement rather than isolated activity. As a Twenty-Six couple will view society with the same perspectives and they will invariably present a united front in most of their ventures. Social obligations will not be allowed to upset the balance they maintain in their overall lifestyle. They show a keen interest in their ordered social life and view life generally in terms of relationships. Social approval is important to them. They do not need to extend themselves too much to receive such approval and popularity. Their egos are not aggressive or in need of self-aggrandisement. Most Twenty-Sixes can train themselves to use objectivity in their judgments and see things as they are, not as they relate to their own ideas and prejudices. In other words, they have the ability to reconcile idealism with reality.

These multi-talented individuals are open to a wide choice of vocations, avocations and recreational activities. The teaching profession, all aspects of the medical professions, business persons, food, accommodation, household products, child care and care of the aged are some of the varied areas in which they possess a natural attraction and expertise. They are ideal partners in a family-run business as most Twenty-Sixes can easily maintain unity of purpose. Sound business sense and altruistic principles work together in the Twenty-Six personality. Their sense of honesty and fair play will not be sacrificed for business opportunism. Nor will they allow their good nature to be used by unscrupulous persons or by hard luck stories. The best features of a Twenty-Six emerge when in partnership with someone of their own mentality. However, those born in the 4th or 8th months or with Destiny numbers 4 or 8 may be over-fond of money and their material possessions. These could upset the agreeability and harmony average Twenty-Sixes strive to maintain.

All Twenty-Six personalities are pleasant conversationalists. They are usually softly-spoken, but may alter the tone of their voice when there is need to emphasise a point of view or issue a definite instruction. They are sympathetic listeners, trustworthy confidants and counsellors. Their opinions are formed after a sifting of facts and figures rather than on impulse and excessive prejudice. Despite the authoritative nature of their 8 aspect not many Twenty-Sixes volunteer their opinions or attempt to take over or influence conversation. Participation and contribution is more in their nature than a desire to force their opinions on others. Their overall nature is to teach, guide, instruct and direct, and these qualities are combined with diplomatic, sympathetic and practical elements. Communication between Twenty-Six partners will be even-tempered due to the fact that both will be prepared to listen and examine facts before challenging each other.

Twenty-Six partners will invariably act as a consenting team in almost all their recreational activities. Much of their time together will be spent in home decoration and maintenance. Twenty-Six personalities are not usually creative artists such as a Three is, but all possess a keen appreciation of beauty and colour. Floral decorations, paintings, sculptures and other objects of art will adorn their homes. As avid collectors much of their money and time will be spent adding to their possessions, which will also include books, music, stamp collections, fine crockery and cutlery. Their kitchens will claim much of their free time due to a natural attraction and expertise in the culinary arts being another asset in all Twenty-Six individuals. Apart from home cooking they can acquire fame and fortune as eminent chefs. As much of their interests will be indoors, little time or inclination will be left for outdoor hobbies such as gardening and activities in natural surroundings. Their gardens will be simple and well maintained, although not filled with a variety of plant life. They are not as close to the earth or Mother Nature as are Four or Seven personalities. The travel bug is also something that does not move the average Twenty-Six. They are much too attached to their careers, businesses, home duties and community activities to spend too much time away. They are not adventuresome people like the Ones, Fives and Nines are. Periodic holidays will be taken in comfortable locations, but the desire to return to their normal routine will always be present. Many Twenty-Sixes may not be entirely home-oriented. They become involved in community affairs in voluntary roles in which their organisational and administrative skills are always appreciated.

Money management will be another compatible feature in a Twenty-Six/Twenty-Six relationship. Though capable of generous spending when necessary they are generally cautious spenders. Acting with discretion rather than speed and impulse they demand full value for money spent. Money is not excluded from their tendency towards collecting things. Financial security is important to all Twenty-Six personalities. They dislike falling into debt. Bills are usually settled on time and mortgages are cleared early whenever possible. They are not skimping individuals and do not deprive themselves or their dependants of physical comforts, a well stocked larder, entertainment and educational opportunities.

In conclusion, it will not be out of order to emphasise the fact that a Twenty-Six couple can handle areas of power and control on an equal basis so that both find they are not deprived of opportunity to express their individuality. In any relationship it is an indisputable fact that we can never receive total satisfaction, nor can we possibly give it to another. This reality is, however, at a minimum state in a Twenty-Six/Twenty-Six relationship. Their hands are open to giving and receiving. The 2 and 6 vibrations are symbols of togetherness and family life and the 8 one of family support and family pride. The greatest advantage in this relationship is that each has found someone to care for, and is also cared for in return. In other words, they relate to each other as helpmates rather than competitors or individualists.


Qualified Eight and qualified Nine personalities are formed by these birthdays (2 + 6 = 8 and 2 + 7 = 9). The advantage enjoyed by Twenty-Six and Twenty-Seven partners will be the relative compatibility of the forces operating within the 26th and 27th days and, consequently, within each personality. Fundamental qualities of the 8 and 9 vibrations are also enriched and amplified without being altered by the vibratory forces operating from their outer personalities. Their relationship will not be burdened by uncongenial elements, either individually or collectively. Self-examination, self-understanding and a fair degree of objectivity are attributes possessed by both. The multiple facets within each personality contain characteristics that are responsive and supportive rather than hostile and competitive. Some contrasting features certainly exist, but they can be made to act as balancing and complementary assets rather than those that are disruptive and weakening. A union rich in the best human qualities is a happy prospect open to these partners.

Led by three receptive forces the natural tendency of all Twenty-Six personalities is to serve, protect, provide, maintain order and harmony and exercise a refined measure of discipline in their environment. Their 2 and 6 aspects draw them irresistibly into love and loyalty for home and family. The characteristics of their 8 aspect create the breadwinner and the competitor in public life. As a result of the combination of these forces, Twenty-Six personalities are capable of undertaking the dual role homemaker and provider with acceptance, and proficiency. They are also people who can maintain a fine balance between professional, business, domestic, social and recreational activities. Average Twenty-Six personalities are known for their rational thought processes, their practicality and a strong sense of justice and fair play. Exceptions may be found among those born in the 6th month where the overspread of 6 attributes may result in an excessive concern for domestic affairs at the expense of other departments of life.

Twenty-Seven personalities are governed by two comprehensive active vibratory forces, namely the 7 and 9. They are also aided by the gentle and genteel qualities of the 2. The 7 and 9 are advanced forces in the sense that their characteristics are spread over wide horizons and governed by intuition and considerable depth of wisdom. Their subjects are directed into global, humanitarian, environmental and spiritual levels of thought and action. The combination of these forces in a single individual greatly enhances these powers. One direct result is the sublimation of ego-consciousness. ‘I’ and ‘My’ attitudes no longer have a hold on the personality. Subjects of the 7 vibration need to probe and gain an understanding of the inner forces of life. It creates the perennial student and inquirer. Such individuals do not live on the surface of things, complacently accepting life as it unfolds. Due to the reclusive nature of the 7 vibration and the diffident nature of the 2 they keep much of their knowledge to themselves, unless a direct request is made by someone they do not suspect of being frivolous or superficial. Their 9 is an inclusive and extroverted force providing the Twenty-Seven with their global outlook on life. People influenced by this vibration do not hesitate to volunteer their knowledge, their counsel and their services. Other 7 and 9 attributes along with the 2 combine to endow the Twenty-Seven with an aura of composed dignity and graceful body language. Their 2 aspect, in particular, is open to moments of extrasensory perception, which should be encouraged. Therefore, all three aspects of the Twenty-Seven combine to create an individual naturally alert to outer and inner forces of life. Their home will be maintained as a classroom as well as a sanctuary to be returned to after a day’s turmoil in public life.

Apart from a few reservations a Twenty-Six/Twenty Seven partnership is certain to enjoy social popularity. While neither partner will actively seek prominent roles in society, more often than not they may fall into such positions. There are little or no conflicting elements within the Twenty-Six in regard to their social needs and obligations. They are, for the most part, communal individuals who display friendship, approachability and adaptability in their interaction with people. They relate easily with all age groups and personality types. At the same time they are conservative people who do not challenge or intentionally rebel against the established norms of society. Although they may be shaped to some degree by their upbringing and environmental demands they will not be caught up in a mode of thought and action contrary to their moral principles and high sense of justice. Family responsibilities and family welfare will take precedence over social activities. Their attitude towards social life will not upset or conflict with that of a Twenty-Seven partner. Unlike the Twenty-Six there is an element of ambivalence within the Twenty-Seven in regard to sustained sociability. The self-sufficient and reserved nature of their 7 aspect and the shyness of the 2 will be responsible for a degree of uncertainty in their needs and attitudes towards social involvement. As their need for periods of privacy is much stronger, their ready sociability cannot be taken for granted. By contrast, their fundamental 9 aspect is an outgoing convivial force able and willing to mix with people of all types and relate to varying social conditions. In most social scenes people defer to the Twenty-Six for their practical, realistic and businesslike approach to life, and to the Twenty-Seven for their wisdom, philosophy and spirituality. These differences in their social attitudes should not create any real problems. Neither entertains an exaggerated emphasis on individuality. In service to others, individually, or as a team their sense of ‘I’ usually declines while, at the same time, expanding and enriching their lives.

Most Twenty-Six and Twenty-Seven personalities are calmly spoken and purposeful conversationalists. Their modulated voices are used effectively in a variety of situations. Uninformed and irrelevant speech will not be indulged in by either. In general conversation they can be attentive, responsive and initiative. As teachers, lecturers, counsellors and instructors they may differ slightly in their manner and approach. The patience to guide and instruct all age groups and educational levels is a special talent in the Twenty-Six. Twenty-Sevens, on the other hand, prefer to impart their knowledge to mature students or audiences. While the Twenty-Six may be able to simplify speech when necessary, the Twenty-Seven may on occasions find language a limitation. Their minds are often flooded with facts and information which they find difficult to channel into simple speech. This problem is usually overcome by prepared lectures or by the written word. Between themselves Twenty-Six and Twenty-Seven partners should be able to discuss their few contentious issues without heated argument or acrimony. They are individuals who can face the ups and downs of life with a fair degree of objectivity, solving their problems in the privacy of their homes. They will not be found arguing in the presence of others. When misunderstandings arise it is likely that the Twenty-Six will be the partner who breaks the ice and initiates the need for quiet discussion because their need to ‘clear the decks’, so to speak, is stronger than that of the Twenty-Seven. Once again, it may be mentioned that the condition that favours their relationship is the absence of aggressive egos that demand the final word, or the presence of weak and insecure egos that need boosting by various irrational ways.

Recreational time can be comfortably divided between individual hobbies and joint ventures. Community service, home maintenance and education of family members will be special interests of the Twenty-Six. They also possess business acumen, practicality, realistic values and organisational and administrative talents. Conditioned to accept only the things they see, hear, feel and personally experience they are not led by imagination and speculation. While these partners may usually be engaged in practical occupations, Twenty-Sevens may be equally busy in mental, cultural and spiritual realms without totally neglecting practical necessities. Twenty-Sixes may be curious and hesitant in regard to conditions beyond the physical, whereas Twenty-Sevens are eager and curious in these aspects of life. The natural predisposition of almost all Twenty-Sevens will be to investigate and study psychic and paranormal realities, which leads them into spiritual dimensions. As much of their spare time will be devoted towards such studies they will not be as attached as the Twenty-Six is to strictly mundane matters. The Twenty-Six is also, for the most part, an indoor person and the Twenty-Seven an outdoor individual. The Twenty-Seven’s creative and practical talents will be applied to hobbies outside the home as gardeners and in all other activities in natural surroundings. They are genuine nature lovers. Both partners are pet lovers but the Twenty-Six may choose indoor pets such as small dogs and cats while the Twenty-Seven chooses larger dogs as well as fish, birds (including poultry) and other strange and exotic creatures. The Twenty-Seven is also a natural traveller, easily moved by the grandeur of nature. Their interest and knowledge of related subjects such as history, archaeology, anthropology, geography and anything touched with age will be used in their travels. They enjoy their journeys as much as their destinations. Any discomfort experienced in remote spots will be taken as part and parcel of their adventures. The Twenty-Six, on the other hand, is not a natural traveller. They are much more attached to their homes, their careers, their social obligations and their businesses. Their sense of curiosity and desire to probe into all facets of life is not as strong. During their holidays they look for convenience and comfort found in cities. Educational and business opportunities will interest them more that exploration of ancient sites.

The controlling role in regard to their finances is likely to be assumed by the Twenty-Six, with the tacit consent of the Twenty-Seven. The Twenty-Six feels a greater anxiety for financial security, stability and a regulated management of income and expenditure. Twenty-Sevens are by no means incompetent or indifferent money managers. The difference here is that the Twenty-Seven does not pay as much attention to money matters due to their greater involvement in other aspects of life unrelated to money. Most will be content to allow a responsible partner such as a Twenty-Six to take over this aspect of their partnership. There is a degree of detachment or non-attachment in their personality structure that does not concentrate on money for its own sake or for the security it may offer. Twenty-Six partners who take charge of money matters usually possess the wisdom and tact to consult their partners from time to time on important expenditure. Impulsive and extravagant spending will not be a practice in this partnership. The Twenty-Six’s generosity may be confined to home, family and their own needs while that of the Twenty-Seven may be extended beyond these confines. Both partners possess the knack of using recreational time for income-producing activities, and in the process, will boost their regular income and spending powers.

Excessive demonstration of emotion will rarely be displayed by these partners. While both possess considerable emotional depth they also possess restraining features that prevent unnecessary and undignified disclosure of emotion. There is an intuitive awareness of love and respect for each other that does not call for too much outward assurance. While both need expressions of love they reserve this for display in the privacy of their homes and not in the presence of others. In general these partners are not people who expect too much, nor do they expect too little from each other. Although they may see certain situations from different perspectives and disagree on some minor matters, they understand each other. Both possess the wisdom to know that happiness or unhappiness depends on the ways they meet life’s challenges and not always on the nature of events themselves. Their slightly different styles can be used to make their life together more interesting, expansive and secure.


Qualified Eight and qualified One personalities are formed by these birthdays (2 + 6 = 8 and 2 + 8 = 10 = 1). For a better understanding of this combination a perusal of the chapter on the 1st and 8th days is suggested. In whatever form these birthdays take, the most distinctive characteristics of the 1 and 8 personalities is their desire to take control over people and conditions in which they find themselves. However, in a Twenty-Six/Twenty-Eight relationship this particular trait and other differences may be altered to some degree without being entirely removed. In Twenty-Six partners the controlling nature of their 8 aspect is not as emphatic due to the influence of the 2 and 6 vibrations. These forces favour cooperation, togetherness, equality, conciliation, harmony and sharing. Persons influenced by them prefer to live and work in collaboration with others, avoiding competitive situations and positions of sole authority, They are neither meek followers nor compulsive leaders, but strive to effect a balance between their inner authoritative nature and their outer cooperative nature. Willingness to share their lives with their partners and dependants is their most valuable feature. Their best talents emerge with a partner whose policy is also one of ‘give and take’. Some may in fact give more than they expect to receive in return. This policy is not automatically followed by Twenty-Eight partners. Controlling and commanding characteristics are enhanced through the combined effects of the 1 and 8 vibrations. This becomes too strong to be moderated by their cooperative 2 vibration. This aspect certainly introduces a measure of politeness and refinement into the speech and body language of the Twenty-Eight but does not reduce their fundamental urge to run their own lives and the lives of those under their direction.

Given different circumstances a Twenty-Six can give orders as well as follow them. Twenty-Eights, for the most part, expect to give orders and not follow orders given to them. Twenty-Sixes follow rules that have been set, but Twenty-Eights may not always do so. This difference applied to the domestic scene could introduce a degree of disharmony until divisions of responsibility have been sorted out. More personality adjustments may be required by the Twenty-Eight in order to prevent intrusion upon or erosion of the Twenty-Six’s individuality. However, this is not a task that is beyond the average Twenty-Eight as they are not without proportionate amounts of the heart’s feeling and the mind’s reason. Their natural urge to take charge is prompted by the need of their 1 and 8 aspects to venture into the world of affairs to earn renown and a high income for personal satisfaction and for the welfare and wellbeing of their loved ones. On the other hand, the Twenty-Six, influenced by the 2 and 6 vibrations is infused with the mentality of parents, guardians and nurturers with strong domestic ties. They are by no means deficient in talents needed for success in professional or business life. A working Twenty-Six will maintain proportionate dedication to both domestic duties and public duties. This may not be in equal ratio, and family wellbeing will be given precedence over high achievement in public life. In this respect Twenty-Six and Twenty-Eight partners will be ideally suited if the Twenty-Eight happens to be the principal breadwinner and the Twenty-Six the homemaker and/or part-time wage earner. The reverse situation may not be as successful as the high ambitious and competitive nature of the Twenty-Eight may be frustrated by the confined, though responsible duties of domesticity. Their authoritative nature may be unduly applied to family members and excessive pressure may be applied to their Twenty-Six partners for advancement in public life. Although the Twenty-Six will be dedicated and competent in whatever they undertake their choice will always be in fields that do not demand ruthless or unfair competition. They will not compromise their honour and goodwill in order to steal a march over others. All Twenty-Sixes can succeed in any business dealing with food, accommodation, household products, news agencies, books, educational needs, child care and care of aged. Many are also found in all levels of the teaching profession and in all areas of the medical profession. As Twenty-Eights are much more ambitious and competitive, a wider range of business, professional and political life is open to them. They are also better equipped to withstand the assaults and pressures of public life. Their emotions will be aroused during these encounters but will always be well concealed. Twenty-Six and Twenty-Eight partners are ideally suited for a family-run business.

Both partners are generally content to live within the accepted rules of society. While not excessively dependent on social life for their wellbeing, both enjoy communication with people in a variety of social situations. Their manner will reveal a controlled form of extroversion rather than exuberance and spontaneity. They do not feel the need to identify themselves with anyone or a particular group in order to feel secure. Their sense of security is created and maintained within their family circle. They could participate in group activity without attachment. Inevitably there are certain differences in their manner and attitudes towards people. Twenty-Eights enjoy reaching a high profile while Twenty-Sixes, in contrast, prefer to keep a lower profile. During social outings the Twenty-Eight is likely to show more endurance, whereas prolonged entertainment may exhaust the emotions and energy of the Twenty-Six. An urge or reminder to bring their visits to a close and return home is first felt by the Twenty-Six. In their interaction with people Twenty-Sixes show a greater degree of patience, sympathy and understanding. Twenty-Eights are not as generous with their time, understanding and counsel. They are more inclined to use the fund of practical knowledge they possess to help people with their practical problems. They function in the firm belief that people should ultimately learn to help themselves and not constantly rely on others. As a Twenty-Six may do, they will not be prepared to carry or support anyone for long. This policy may be applied even to loved ones. They are by nature forthright and definitive in speech and action while Twenty-Sixes, with a greater desire to please, are careful to say and do what is appropriate and harmless in any given situation. They are more alert to the sensitivities of others.

Both partners are pleasant and entertaining conversationalists, although some form of helpful or constructive work is more to their liking than excessive speech. Following an intuitive understanding of each other’s needs many unspoken words may pass back and forth in the privacy of their homes. There is hardly a relationship without its share of challenges and arguments. These partners may have their share but they also possess the capacity to work through their differences. The initiative may be taken by the Twenty-Six due to the greater content of patience, diplomacy, tact and a less assertive ego. They will not hesitate to shut off argument as soon as it arises and create an atmosphere of rational discussion. As the Twenty-Eight’s ego is more aggressive they experience greater difficulty conceding a point or arriving at a compromise. In the long term, however, the Twenty-Eight will appreciate the rich benefits to be obtained from consultation, concession and compromise with a Twenty-Six partner. In a social circle or a public audience both Twenty-Sixes and Twenty-Eights speak only when they have captured the full attention of their listeners. They can also maintain a well timed silence when further speech seems unnecessary. Human relations being their specialty, Twenty-Sixes are patient listeners, trustworthy confidants and counsellors. Twenty-Eights are usually sought after for their sound practical knowledge and experience in business and public affairs.

Twenty-Six and Twenty-Eight personalities are not inclined towards much variety or unconsidered changes in their lifestyle. Their time and efforts will invariably be directed towards acquiring expertise and permanence in a few chosen fields. Free from a vivid and restless imagination they can settle down to mutually agreeable hobbies and recreational activities. Excess of curiosity is not a distracting feature. They may, however, risk over-involvement in their hobbies and avocations at the expense of experiencing the variety and wonders of the world around them. They are not travellers in the true sense of the word. Exciting, remote and strange places do not attract them. They enjoy the comforts and conveniences of cities rather than the discomforts likely to be experienced in travel off the beaten track. Twenty-Sixes are usually attracted to indoor hobbies such as cooking, indoor games, music and literature. They are also found as volunteers in religious institutions, hospitals, schools and other community organisations. As they are not strictly competitive individuals, participation in outdoor sport will be limited to non-competitive activities. Twenty-Eights, on the other hand, do not hesitate entering into all forms of competitive sport. Along with willpower, a relentless determination to win and careful planning they inject a great deal of emotion into their involvement. They are usually sorry losers as their egos are deeply hurt by defeat. They seldom retire from sporting interests when their playing days are over, rather remaining as commentators, coaches and administrators.

A stable financial position will always be enjoyed by these partners. In many instances they progress beyond stable and comfortable living, to attain real material prosperity. Good money management skills are shared by both. Their incomes will be derived from hard work and natural talent and not from any form of gambling, risky ventures or frequent changes in their sources of income. Expenditure will not be allowed to exceed income, and they strictly avoid falling into unnecessary debt. A home loan may be the most they will tolerate. Their spending habits are governed by a judicious combination of generosity and economy. Being discriminating buyers, they demand full value for money spent. While not exceeding these limits, Twenty-Eights may be more ambitious and expansive in their spending habits. Twenty-Sixes do not deprive themselves and their dependants of physical comforts, educational opportunities, entertainment and a well stocked larder, but self-discipline is used in all their purchases. They are well known as people who waste nothing.

A Twenty-Six/Twenty-Eight relationship is one in which self-reliance can coexist with sharing. Life’s problems can be solved individually and by joint action. There will be hardly any need to question each other’s values because neither partner entertains any false or fleeting notions about life. Willingness to accept responsibility is one of the strongest links that ensure a successful union. Both naturally see what has to be done in most circumstances and proceed to do it without complaint or without constantly looking for assistance. The Twenty-Eight has the capacity and inclination to delegate some duties to others, but Twenty-Sixes are more inclined to take on more work upon themselves than delegate some portion to others. The Twenty-Six is also in a better position to reduce periods of separate activity and maintain family togetherness. As mentioned earlier, they are also better equipped for compromise, cooperation and sharing. Some Twenty-Eights may be inclined to believe that they alone are capable of decision making, and as a consequence, encroach upon the individuality and self-possession of their Twenty-Six partners. This habit can be overcome by the realisation that they are in a relationship with someone they could not merely help and direct but also by whom they could be instructed and helped.


An attempt to compare Twenty-Six and Twenty-Nine personalities and a possible relationship between them will certainly be an interesting study of contrasts. Certain similarities do exist and these can be maximised in order to overcome, or at least reconcile obvious differences. The process is not beyond these personalities. It is quite possible that they will be attracted to each other for their differences, and deal with them in due course to their mutual advantage rather than as detrimental qualities. Despite the many different ways in which they manifest their personality traits and talents their fundamental value systems are not too different.

On a comparative basis there is more equilibrium in the personality structure of the Twenty-Six. Practical, emotional and mental aspects of life are reasonably balanced. Self-understanding, self acceptance and self-discipline can be used with greater ease. These same qualities are more difficult to maintain by the Twenty-Nine due to a more complicated and intriguing personality structure. They are receptive to many more influences from mental, emotional and spiritual realms, and qualities of the master vibration 11 are often influential (2 + 9 = 11). A constant need to control a flood of thoughts can create restlessness. This generates not only a personal problem, but also presents problems to others associated with them. The condition could be aggravated in those born in the 5th and 9th months. All Twenty-Nines possess a compelling need for expansion and experience in an ever widening horizon, while the wellbeing and welfare of a Twenty-Six is based on regularity, system, stability and permanence. Twenty-Sixes are cautious and deliberate in their approach to various situations in life while Twenty-Nines, following their precipitous nature, can be bold and impetuous. Consequently, the Twenty-Six makes few mistakes whereas Twenty-Nines expose themselves to errors of judgment despite their considerable depth of wisdom and intuition. However, whenever they restrain themselves and consult their inner forces not only are mistakes eliminated but their judgments and decisions are also invariably of a superior quality. Twenty-Sixes, by their own efforts, set out to create a clearly defined pathway in life. Twenty-Nines are more optimistic and inclined to accept life as it comes. Consciously and unconsciously greater trust is placed by them on higher powers of the spiritual realm.

The Twenty-Six is a qualified Eight personality (2 + 6 = 8). Their fundamental 8 nature is one that needs to be in charge of their living conditions as well as their working conditions. They may delegate duties, but will also expect to remain in overall charge. These characteristics are clearly evident in pure Eights born on the 8th day of the month. They are not as conspicuous in qualified Eights such as the Twenty-Six (2 + 6 = 8). The qualities of the 2 and 6 vibrations controlling their outer personality abate many peremptory features of the 8 force. While preserving talents at organisation and administration they introduce a good measure of cooperation, conciliation, balanced judgment, sharing, tact and diplomacy. A Twenty-Six will not arbitrarily assume a position of outright leader and decision maker, leaving their partners to play second fiddle. They may attempt to mould their partners to their ways of doing things, although this will be done in subtle and tactful ways. This method holds out promise of a successful relationship with a Twenty-Nine. All Twenty-Nines are free souls who will not be dictated to. Any limitation imposed upon their freedom of thought, speed and movement will be challenged. They do not impose their will on anyone, least of all their loved ones. Within reasonable limits they concede the same freedom which they seek for themselves to all persons. They may apply their ample persuasive powers to turn a Twenty-Six to their ways of thinking and acting, and to some extent will succeed. A partnership based on equality, trust and self-determination will be the most likely outcome in a relationship between Twenty-Six and Twenty-Nine personalities.

The 2 and 6 vibrations are among the strongest domestic forces. A Twenty-Six partner will automatically show more concern and pay more attention to domestic matters. They are well equipped to maintain order, regularity, timetables, routine, and balance in their lives. They are people who will willingly and competently take up a dual role of homemaker and breadwinner, and maintain a balance between the two. Influenced by strong domestic and family values they are aware that high achievement in public and social life will not be worthwhile if they fail as spouses, parents, guardians and homemakers. Twenty-Nines are also aware of this responsibility but they may not put in as much effort and time towards home management. While Twenty-Sixes exercise willpower to divide their time proportionately between domestic and public duties without neglect of either, Twenty-Nines struggle to keep a balance between work, social life, hobbies and family life, even though they certainly do not lack in love and devotion to their homes and loved ones. They can easily join their Twenty-Six partners in taking great pride and comfort in their homes and family members, but their problem will invariably remain an over-involvement in various activities outside home. Self-discipline is not as strong as it is in the Twenty-Six.

Clearly distinct attitudes will be displayed by these partners in social life. The Twenty-Six is, for the most part, governed by traditional and conventional values. Twenty-Nines, on the other hand, do not bind themselves to convention or a limited choice of company. While some Twenty-Sixes may entertain parochial or prejudicial views on people and social conditions, most Twenty-Nines are open personalities free from any form of discrimination. An extended social circle is an essential need for most Twenty-Nines, whereas Twenty-Sixes are content to confine their social activity within a chosen circle of friends and relations. Many of their social outings could also be with their business associates. Twenty-Nines never lose their enthusiasm for making new acquaintances and friendships. Their ventures into various social scenes cannot be curtailed by conservative partners such as a Twenty-Six. Cautious Twenty-Sixes seldom, if ever, place themselves in unpleasant social situations from which they may not be able to extricate themselves easily. Twenty-Nines, however, could expose themselves to such situations. Despite the disparity in their social needs and attitudes both partners share a keen desire to make worthwhile contributions to society. They are instinctive teachers, confidants and counsellors. Within their circle of friends and neighbours Twenty-Sixes willingly give up their time and skills. At the same time, they are watchful that their generosity is not misused or taken for granted. Twenty-Nines may not be as cautious. Selfish or self-centred persons may take advantage of the Twenty-Nine’s bountiful nature. Help given by the Twenty-Six will be along rational and practical lines while that of the Twenty-Nine will be based on altruistic and spiritual beliefs. The Twenty-Six can relate equally with youth and maturity whereas the Twenty-Nine does not find it easy to fluctuate between simplicity and complexity. With qualities of a teacher and guide, carefully chosen words and phrases are used by the Twenty-Six in their effort to see that they are understood. Twenty-Nines, on the other hand, possess the nature of a public speaker and lecturer. With fluency of speech they give out their high-minded views in the expectation that they are understood and accepted. The difference here is that the Twenty-Six generally deals in practicalities within a selected range of thought and action while Twenty-Nines are inclined to deal in a comprehensive range of abstractions.

In the domestic scene the meticulous nature of the average Twenty-Six and the easy-going temperament of the Twenty-Nine may lead to complaints by the former and occasional argument. The Twenty-Six’s insistence on punctuality and strict timetables will conflict with the Twenty-Nine’s need for freedom of movement. At the same time, the regularity insisted upon by the Twenty-Six will rob them of spontaneity and the ability to cope joyfully with unexpected changes in their routine. Most Twenty-Sixes refuse to complicate their lives with too much variety and change. Twenty-Nines, on the other hand, look out for change and variety. While many of the activities of the Twenty-Six may be centralised within the home and the local community, those of the Twenty-Nine are likely to be widespread. There is a greater awareness in this partner of the ever changing wonders of the outside world as well as the world within themselves. Many Twenty-Nines consider themselves as students in the classroom of the wide world. Twenty-Sixes are much more concerned with the things within their range which can be seen, touched and brought under their control. As Twenty-Nines are able to see the world as a wonderland, much of their time and resources will be spent on travel. Twenty-Sixes do not possess the same degree of curiosity or fascination. They are urged on by the desire to establish prosperity, stability and security in their lives. Their Twenty-Nine partners will find it difficult to remove them from their familiar activities. Following their practical nature and present moment mentality the Twenty-Six accepts life as it is and proceeds to live it to the best of their ability. Twenty-Nines see life as a riddle which needs to be probed and solved. Many of them may spend much of their time delving into metaphysical aspects of life through private study and in association with study groups. The spiritual nature of the Twenty-Six is usually manifested in service and good deeds rather than an interest in abstract realms. They possess a high sense of moral and ethical values and could be receptive to much of the knowledge gained by the Twenty-Nine in their spiritual adventures. The Twenty-Nine, however, should take care that their views should not be imposed on the Twenty-Six in the wrong place and at the wrong time. A subtle approach is needed if they are to gain the attention of the Twenty-Six.

Disparity between these personality types will be most evident in the manner they handle their finances. This aspect of their relationship is likely to create more disharmony than any other until some definite arrangement is made in the management of money matters. The Twenty-Six, for a start, needs financial security in order to feel at ease whereas Twenty-Nines do not place as much urgency on money put aside for future needs. Money does not occupy as much room in their thoughts. Other aspects of life hold more of their attention than money matters. They are able to get by with faith and optimism. With natural money management skills Twenty-Sixes are cautious spenders and skilful investors. They cannot be prevailed upon to purchase anything they do not need or any goods of dubious value. They are bargain hunters who insist on full value for money sent. A strict business mentality governs all their transactions. Twenty-Nines do not possess the same business mentality. They spend generously and impulsively on themselves and on others because of their opinion that money is to be used and circulated and not hoarded. Hunting for bargains is considered as a waste of time. They can be made to part with their money by slick salespersons because more often than not they find it difficult to say “no”. Those born in the 5th and 9th months especially could be quite irresponsible in their spending habits. These fundamental differences between Twenty-Six and Twenty-Nine partners can only be settled when the Twenty-Six takes over management of their finances while allowing the Twenty-Nine a generous portion for personal use.

The eventual success of this relationship will, in the first instance, depend upon understanding and acceptance of the uniqueness of each partner and their claim to such uniqueness. Thereafter, certain necessary adjustments can be made without undue pressure being exercised by either party. Both are in varying degrees capable of moving out of a limited sense of ‘I’, ‘My’ and ‘Mine’ and moving into a condition of ‘Ours’. Some Twenty-Sixes may be caught up in a degree of possessiveness and pride in home and family. This is not a trait exhibited by the Twenty-Nine. Despite the attention given to family by the Twenty-Six they do not spoil or indulge their loved ones with expensive gifts or excessive emotional demonstration. Self-control and moderation are habits they use and endeavour to pass on to their loved ones. The Twenty-Nine’s emotions are more on the surface. They could be much more emotionally reactive not only with family members but also with all others. While emotional outbursts of joy, love, sorrow and anger are not uncommon in the Twenty-Nine they are held in check by the Twenty-Six. Their recovery from adversity or emotional wounds may take some time, but Twenty-Nines forget and forgive quickly. The Twenty-Six is too fond of analysis and self-defence, and consequently prolongs the process of recovery. People who need something are certain to approach the Twenty-Nine before taking their chances with a Twenty-Six.


Please refer to the chapter on the 3rd and 26th birthdays. The Zero in the 30th day does not add any new features or take away any existing features of the 3 vibration. At most, it may emphasise certain 3 characteristics.


The relationship between a person born on the 26th day and another born on the 31st day will be the same as that between a couple where one is born on the 26th and the other is born on the 13th. It should be noted that the influence of the 3 vibration is slightly stronger in the Thirty-One than in the Thirteen, as it appears first, but this does not make any appreciable difference in their interaction with a Twenty-Six personality.

The chapter on 13th and 26th birthdays should be consulted.