Numerology Compatibility Number 11

Compatibility with the 11th Birthday


Please refer to the 1st and 11th birthdays.


Please refer to the 2nd and 11th birthdays.


Please refer to the 3rd and 11th birthdays.


Please refer to the 4th and 11th birthdays.


Please refer to the 5th and 11th birthdays.


Please refer to the 6th and 11th birthdays.


Please refer to the 7th and 11th birthdays.


Please refer to the 8th and 11th birthdays.


Please refer to the 9th and 11th birthdays.


Please refer to the 1st and 11th birthdays. The 10 reduces to a 1, (1 + 0 = 1). The Zero in the 10th day does not add any new features, nor does it take away any characteristics of the 1 vibration. At most, it may emphasise certain 1 features.


One may expect a couple, who were both born on the 11th day, to vibrate at the same frequency and consequently possess several similar personality traits. However, this is seldom the case as their birth months and birth years are invariably different, and these will be responsible for introducing quite a few dissimilar features. In addition, the vibrations of their names may also create some further differences, and indeed, some similarities. Eleven relationships, as with many others, cannot therefore, be placed into a particular framework as variations of individuality will be considerable. This will be especially so in the present situation as here we are dealing with a master vibration.

At one extremity Eleven personalities could operate within the intensified forces of the master vibration or at the other, fall back on the standard forces of a strong 2 vibration (1+1). We say strong 2 as this Eleven/Two, as opposed to Twos born on the 2nd and 20th days, is formed by the integration of the 1 vibration. This infuses the Eleven/Two with a mixture of masculine and feminine forces or active and receptive forces so that the individual operates with the advantages of both. Full-time operation on the master vibration is, however, the exception rather than the rule; the rule, or the usual being a shifting between the two or an indefinable mixture of the two opposites. Our assessment of an Eleven/Eleven relationship will be based on the assumption that the relationship is between strong Two personalities with the potential to elevate themselves to the heights of the master vibration. The chances of Elevens using this potential depend on the construction of the integral personality and a favourable family background which has encouraged 11 tendencies.

Spiritual and ethical aspirations are natural to all Elevens. They demonstrate their degree of spirituality and moral values according to the structure of their integral personality. Inspiration and idealism are natural conditions in Elevens born with mental or emotional vibrations in their birth months (3, 6, 9 – mental and 2, 5, 8 – emotional). Practicality and inventiveness are natural to Elevens born with the physical vibrations 1 and 4 in their birth months. Those with the 7 vibration enjoy inspiration and spirituality plus practicality and creative powers. Mental and emotional Elevens are exposed to the risk of becoming great talkers, preachers and critics but indifferent doers and performers. Elevens born in the 1st, 10th and 11th months may be too rigid in their thought processes due to an overloading of the forces of the 1 vibration. Inspiration does not flow out as speedily, and indecision could be a problem, especially when situations call for quick decisions. Their imaginative powers are reduced but their powers of concentration are increased. Their inflexibility could create limitations in their lifestyle. They could be quite masterful within the confines of their selected fields of activity but somewhat disoriented and disinterested outside them. Elevens born in the 4th month could be conservative and exclusive in their tastes, while those born in the 7th month could be practical in the physical realm and adventuresome in the metaphysical realms.

Negativity in the form of an inferiority complete and loss of self-assertiveness is rare in the Eleven personality unless there has been a harmful influence in their upbringing. Most Elevens are strong self-reliant personalities, but their individualism has a tendency to inhibit emotional expression and sentimental bonding. Intellectual rapport, loyalty and undemonstrative love rather than emotional exhibitions are the enduring links that hold them together. Highly charged emotional scenes are not likely to be experienced by an Eleven couple.

Elevens could be found among evangelists, missionaries, political and social activists and reformers, inventors, scientists – especially nuclear and space age scientists, astronomers, astrologers, creative artists, fashion designers, psychics, mediums and investigators into the abstract realms of life. All Elevens possess the courage and strength to face and overcome any setbacks in life. Those who have been engaged in regular or mundane forms of employment may retire at the customary age, but they do not retire from activity in one form or another. Other Elevens whose careers or professions do not call for retirement at a prescribed age carry on in their lines of work to an advanced age.

Elevens are innovators and leaders in terms of ideas and ideals. They do not seek to become direct leaders of people merely to satisfy an egoistic urge to become the ‘number one’. Their egos have been widely diffused by the spiritual element, but without interfering in any way with their strong individuality. Consequently, one would not try to dominate the other in an intimate relationship, nor would one submit to the dominance of the other. In this sense they are neither leaders nor followers but independent and individualistic thinkers and actors. Having their own way is more important than being in charge or following the lead of a partner, or anyone else for that matter. They are givers but not sharers of their time, their energy and the few material possessions they like to call their own. In other words they are willing to part with their possessions but not share them. They prefer to do their own thing, as it were, in their own way and in their own time rather than work in collaboration with others. As neither can put up with too much intimacy an Eleven couple could live happily and contentedly in separate compartments and yet remain loyal and united. To the degree an Eleven has unfolded spiritually will this individual feel a relationship with all humankind. The devotion and responsibility of Eleven partners to each other will be relative to their obligations to the world at large.

Most Elevens will be attracted to public activities to a greater extent than to domestic life. Those Elevens who show some attachment to home and family will be those with physical numbers in important areas of influence as well as Elevens with the number 6 in their birth month. The 6 vibration creates a genuine devotion to home and family as well as community. These Elevens are able to achieve a healthy balance between domestic responsibilities and outside interests. A pair of mental or emotionally oriented Elevens may need to make a real effort to share these responsibilities. If not, their personal lives are certain to fall into disorder.

With the possible exception of Elevens born in the 1st, 10th and 11th months, all others are quite modern in their outlook on life and avant-garde in their taste in music, art, literature, social norms, political views and spiritual beliefs. They are naturally attracted to social circles with similar orientation, while at the same time experiencing considerable difficulty coping with those who do not share their advanced thoughts and aspirations. Tolerance and human understanding are not strong qualities. They also risk becoming too subjective through infatuation with their own ideals and visions. In an Eleven/ Eleven combination one partner would not be able to help the other in this respect as both will be blind to each other’s peculiarity. The results of such subjectivity will be personal hurt incurred by rejection of their idealistic schemes by others until they learn to deliver them to the right people in the right circumstances and in down-to-earth and practical terms. They are not as discriminative as they should be in their choice of an audience and consequently often fail to get their messages through. Many Elevens could be self-opinionated and rigidly attached to their views. They do not endure contradiction with patience and understanding. They usually insist on having the last word in most discussions. These characteristics could lead to many arguments on abstract topics between an Eleven couple. In ordinary social interaction most Elevens are confident communicators. A few may need to be drawn out and once they are given the opportunity to talk on their favourite subject it would take a brave and tactful listener to stop them.

The manner in which Elevens spend their spare time and holidays will vary according to the type of Eleven, with practical individuals having different hobbies to those that are mentally and emotionally oriented. However, as all Elevens have advanced to a stage when they are ready to listen to and absorb spiritual truths and, in turn, give them out to others, these partners can join forces and spend much of their free time engaged in similar interests. Their time together may not always be harmonious as they could be too much alike in their headstrong ways to fall into agreement most of the time. Quite often they could be more competitive than cooperative. Yet the common urge to be involved in an improved social order while at the same time advancing their own knowledge of human achievement will keep them together. It hurts most Elevens to see others suffer for whatever reason, and when it hurts sufficiently they go beyond speech and do something practical. Their joint efforts towards the betterment of society will be much more beneficial than individual contributions.

As Elevens are, by and large, givers rather than takers they are averse to failing under obligation to anyone. Consequently, they usually give much more than they receive. Their egos take the form of willpower and self-assurance but not of selfishness and self-centredness. Physically oriented Elevens will be good money managers but not necessarily attached to their money, as such attachment conflicts directly with their spiritual and moral values. They carry about them an atmosphere of authority and also of generosity. All Elevens possess the courage and strength to face and overcome hard times, whether financial or otherwise. It may be necessary for mentally and emotionally oriented Elevens to acquire some down-to-earth values lest they fall short of normal money management skills.

Absence of emotional demonstration and other sentimental intimacies is a problem encountered by those who enter into relationships with Eleven partners, especially when such endearments are needed and expected. However, in an Eleven/Eleven relationship such behaviour will neither be needed nor expected. Love for each other will not be shown in outward demonstrations but through duty, loyalty and an inner awareness of their mutual love. Though Elevens are generally great talkers they could become tongue-tied when it comes to the expression or declaration of their love. Though sexually active, romance in a Romeo and Juliet sense is not natural to their temperament. This is the only aspect of life when the Eleven’s actions have a greater prominence than their words.


Maturity and youthfulness will be combined in this partnership. As these conditions are not always conducive to spontaneous attraction an intimate relationship could develop only after a long period of association. During this term the maturity of the Eleven personality and the youthfulness of the Twelve will be revealed and the compatibility of the two put to the test. At the beginning of their association impatience and impetuosity may be displayed by the Twelve following their romantic and enigmatic nature, although such behaviour will be restrained by a degree of unresponsiveness on the part of the Eleven on account of their undemonstrative nature. Several fundamental differences may be experienced that may prevent one harmonising or blending easily with the other’s concepts.

The Eleven personality is the subject of a master vibration which is beyond the evolutionary stages depicted by the single numbers 1 to 9. Consequently, the adulthood of the Eleven personality brings out their earnest approach to life, as opposed to lightheartedness and optimism of younger souls. The most significant aspect of the Eleven’s personality is the moderation and liberation from egoistic tendencies as opposed to the emphatic and centralised egos of youthful people. The direct consequences are fewer self-centred desires, fewer personal demands and much less attachment to their possessions. These personalities have passed beyond the stage of receiving, and have reached the stage of giving. Fewer demands will therefore be made on their partners. They are in fact happier in the giving of their knowledge, and their goods and services, and usually feel uncomfortable when they are the recipients of favours from others. A purely individualistic mentality has been changed to a more collective mode of thought. Some other typical features which the master vibration endows the Eleven personality are a marked increase in idealism, internationalism and spirituality. A fully-fledged Eleven’s attitude towards life is influenced by the knowledge that there is a non-physical component to their personality and other levels of reality besides those perceived by the five senses.

Inspiration, revelation and intuition are other endowments, although in some, these faculties could be blocked when the 1 vibration is repeated in the birth month. Not all Elevens follow the same pattern of self-expression because the birth month often determines the direction they may take. Those born with emotional or mental vibrations in the birth month could be stronger in theory and weaker in practice. They could be inspirational and magnetic speakers but fall short of practical application of their ideas. Lacking manual dexterity they usually depend on people with practical skills to follow up their ideas. Elevens born in the 1st and 4th months have fewer ideas but those they do have can be transferred into practical form, while those born in the 7th month are the most fortunate. They are blessed with inspiration as well as practicality. Lack of self-confidence, self-esteem and a poor self-image are negative traits rare in the Eleven personality unless there has been suppression of their individuality by a harsh upbringing. However, there is a form of negativity natural to some Elevens which takes the form of dogmatism, rigidity, fanaticism and lack of imagination. These are often Elevens with a repetition of the numbers 1 or 4 in the birth month and birth year. In these instances imagination and flexibility are sacrificed for practicality and one-pointedness.

All Elevens jealously guard their individuality and freedom to live their lives as they think best. Elevens would expect their partners to conform to their ways of thinking and acting rather than accommodate themselves to a partner’s expectations. This is not a form of ego-centredness but is more a problem arising from their inability to share, cooperate and stay companionable. Ego-centredness, that is self before others, is strong in the Twelve for the reason that this personality is formed by the three vibrations (1, 2 & 3) that in different ways engender concentration upon self. All other numbers or vibrations in increasing degrees lead their subjects out of full ego-consciousness into concern for others along with or before concern for self. There are many personal advantages to be gained in the Twelve’s ego-centredness as well as certain disadvantages. The latter may arise when relationships are formed. The Twelve is basically a Three personality (1 + 2 = 3), extensively influenced by the 1 and 2 vibrations. The 1 and 3 aspects provide the energy and ambition needed for personal advancement and achievement, followed by qualities of leadership, authority, decision, determination, and strong individuality. All these splendid traits are directed towards attainment of personal goals while obligation towards others becomes a secondary feature that is often overlooked. However, the self-centredness of the Twelve should not be mistaken for selfishness as this not a quality of their overall personality structure. The fact is that they become too engrossed in their affairs to remain aware of the needs of others until they are reminded of their obligations. The 2 aspect of this personality hardly helps, although this vibration is known for its cooperative spirit. However, it is also known for self-centredness which takes the form of a need to be looked after and generally fussed over by others, particularly their partners. Self-centredness is generally stronger in younger Twelves. They are, by and large, receivers rather than givers while still remaining generous in terms of optimism, good humour, good fellowship and sociability. Discerning and patient partners will observe that despite this preoccupation with their own affairs, Twelves are loyal, dependable and exceptionally resourceful partners.

The Twelve enjoys the advantage of access to the physical, emotional and mental planes of expression, and is consequently an all-round personality. If the birth month is the 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 10th, 11th or 12th it will strengthen the versatility of the personality. If it is any other month a further dimension will be added, giving them even greater versatility.

As individuality is strong in both Elevens and Twelves they could easily create an atmosphere of ‘Yours’ and ‘Mine’ instead of one of ‘Ours’ especially in regard to time. A further obstacle would be the question of leadership or the role of decision maker. Both individuals are capable of making decisions for themselves and standing on their own feet. Consequently, neither partner will be content to play a secondary role. Consultation may be kept to a minimum. While the Eleven partner will not be interested in taking charge or playing a controlling role the Twelve’s natural tendency will be to assume the position of leader and principal decision maker. This is not a situation that will be tolerated by an Eleven who will resist any attempt upon their individuality and freedom to lead their own lives Mutual compromise may be difficult as there are wide differences in the way each sees and experiences life in general. A loose relationship in which one does not interfere with the actions of the other may eventually evolve. Elevens will not find this difficult to accept but Twelves will not be as happy to do so. Their aim is to remain in charge as well as enjoy a close relationship as their need for admiration and personal attention from a partner is much greater than that of an Eleven. Elevens are leaders of a different sort who do not display any interest in direct leadership of people. This is not their destiny, which is, in fact, found within the realm of creative thought followed by the supply of ideas, new conceptions and innovations. Most Elevens revel in New Age thought. Those with practical vibrations in their birth months and other areas of influence are able to transfer their thoughts into physical form and those without physical vibrations remain in the realms of thought and speech.

Both partners are extroverted personalities but their forms of extroversion are not the same. A calculated or deliberate manner is seen in the Eleven while spontaneity is natural to the Twelve. Elevens could also be circumspect and aloof upon first contact with people and risk missing out on the many jobs that are part of a natural expression of spontaneity. Twelves are generally open personalities who do not find it a problem to accept the friendship of new acquaintances. Elevens may look upon their social contacts as prospective converts to their ideas and ideals while Twelves treat their fellows as interesting companions with whom they could enjoy the good things of life. While Elevens may carry about them an atmosphere of purpose and earnestness Twelves reflect an atmosphere of optimism and good humour. Elevens may retain the same outlook in public and social life, whereas for the most part Twelves switch from serious and dedicated public activity to light-hearted social conduct. They stimulate activity in others through optimistic expression of social graces. However, there will be no need for these partners to move in different spheres of social activity. One could complement the other. Elevens are inclined to place good causes before people while Twelves place people before good causes. By influencing each other a happy medium could be established between earnestness on the part of the Eleven and lightheartedness on the part of the Twelve. However, in general conversation they are more likely to compete with each other rather than cooperate or give ground. Oral expression is a natural gift enjoyed by both but neither could be said to be incessant talkers. Once again there is a difference in the manner in which this talent is used. Elevens are often self-opinionated and seldom open to listening to the point of view of others. Twelves are also self-opinionated but can be influenced to listen to the views of others. Elevens are intermittent communicators as they enjoy periods of silence and solitude, although when they do begin to expound their ideas they are often unstoppable. They become so engrossed in their subject matter that all interruptions are ignored. If anyone does interrupt they show no interest, as their line of though cannot be broken. Twelves, on the other hand, do not get as entrenched due to their greater flexibility and capacity to return to their original line of thought. They enjoy a much wider variety of topics and possess greater skills in keeping the conversational ball moving. Although they enjoy the centre of attention they will not monopolise conversation as an Eleven is likely to do once they become engrossed in their subject.

The ways in which these partners spend their leisure hours and the hobbies they engage in will be determined, as in other aspects of life, by the Eleven’s extended orientation into impersonal interests and the centralised mentality of the Twelve. In other words the Eleven emerges to a large extent from self-interest into the world at large while the Twelve is more likely to concentrate on personal interests. It is well known that spiritual truths can only be appreciated by those who are ready to receive them. While most Elevens are ready to do so many Twelves are yet unready. Elevens may spend much of their free time in association with kindred seekers after the meaning of life and the afterlife. Twelves may just take a superficial view of such matters. Worldly and physical attractions will engage their attention. Their versatile talents will be directed into amateur sports, music, drama and all variety of entertainment. They will also be found in the forefront of the fashion industry as models, designers and salespersons. Elevens do not confine themselves to self-study, rather displaying extraordinary talent as creative artists, mediums, psychics, counsellors and social workers. The originality and inventive talents possessed by both partners cover a wide field of opportunity. They could be combined into greater productivity and enjoyment. However, both should take care that external and personal interests are not placed ahead of family responsibilities. At the early stages of their relationship Twelves may not readily appreciate the Eleven’s high ideals although, received in small doses, they could be converted to the Eleven’s international and expanded mode of thought, and be gently moved out of a limited sense ‘I’ and ‘Mine’ into an expanded horizon of ‘We’, ‘Us’ and ‘They’. The Eleven would need to make an effort to control their enthusiasm in this regard as they are more inclined to give out their views in large doses which will not go down well with impatient Twelves.

Certain difficulties are inevitable in the financial side of this partnership. Elevens are not the best money managers. They have evolved beyond excessive attachment to material possessions and consequently also the means by which such possessions are acquired. The only exceptions would be those with the physical numbers 1, 4 and 7 in their birth months. Twelves are proficient accountants but in private life expenditure on personal requirements may often exceed their income. A good deal of self-control will be needed by both in order to save money for future needs or to live within their means.

Demonstration of emotion through warm physical contact, which is a vital factor in expressing and receiving attention, may not be a usual feature in this partnership. The Eleven especially will be undemonstrative with much less need for giving and receiving outward indications of love. Their love is shown through loyalty and devotion to duty, while they expect the same in return. The Twelve may not understand the Eleven’s depth of love as they need a reasonable amount of demonstration and declaration of their partner’s love. Romantic notions are stronger in the Twelve and could, from time to time, convert into sentimental impulses, whereas an Eleven, especially one with physical numbers in the birth month, may not respond as expected. Using the powers of oral expression their sense of humour, self-confidence and optimism Twelves could be flirtatious but not disloyal. Held back by high moral values, general seriousness and lack of imagination Elevens are not attracted to flirtatious behaviour.


A distinctive feature of persons with 11th and 13th birthdays is the strength of their individuality. Usually, the stronger the individuality the longer and more difficult it is for one to settle down to a sharing relationship. Consequently, Elevens and Thirteens are not likely to drift easily into a permanent relationship at an early stage of life. The need for companionship and the comforts of domestic life are not as strong as it is in those in whom domestic instincts are strong. Force of individuality tends more towards independence and separation while relaxation of individuality is more conducive towards unity. Marriage could undoubtedly eventuate as a natural process, but this would come at the proper time and with a carefully chosen partner. Haste, impulse, romance or escapism will not be factors that lead them into a binding relationship. Nor will a relationship be formed through an irresistible attraction of opposites because the vibrations comprising the individual personality structures of Elevens and Thirteens are not entirely sympathetic or complementary. Their rapport will not be close enough to create an immediate urge for a joint venture into an intimate association. This does not mean that a relationship based on mutual respect trust and individual freedom cannot be formed between this pair at a mentally mature age.

The individuality of Elevens and Thirteens is not of the same order. One is formed by a master vibration, and is drawn for the most part towards mental and spiritual realities, and the other is a combination of three vibratory forces of considerable mental power directed into the physical and mental realms of life. Subjects of the master vibration of the 11th day have many different types in their ranks, but may be broadly divided into two categories – those with emotional or mental vibrations in their birth month, and others with physical vibration in their birth month. The latter will be closer to Thirteen partners in their concepts while the former would be more distant. A fundamental difference between an Eleven and a Thirteen is the expansion and diffusion of the Eleven’s ego, as compared with the generally self-centred and energetic ego of the Thirteen. Elevens are usually able to see things in relation to their results, not only on themselves but also on others. However not all Elevens live up to the highest level of the features of the master vibration, but those who do, reveal an international and humanitarian outlook on life and place their ideals and actions before self-interest. Others may do so in varying degrees at a lower level depending on their station in life. Thirteens are more inclined to see things in relation to their effects on themselves and their ambitions. Concern for the welfare of others may arise after they have satisfied their own needs. As their thought processes do not go as far as those of an Eleven they do not feel as compelled to take an active role in humanitarian work by means of the written or spoken word or through direct action. Elevens see the world as they would like it to be, and are therefore unable to resist attempts to effect improvements. Depending on the type of Eleven, some of their attempts do not go beyond the sphere of feelings and speech, whereas others are able to translate their thoughts into action. Thirteens accept life’s conditions as they find them and proceed to get on top of things. They are creators and performers while Elevens are idealists and reformers. The ambitions of the Thirteen are directed towards worldly achievement and success as ‘persons of substance’ is usually achieved. Elevens in varying degrees possess a mystical frame of mind which does not measure success in terms of material possessions, but rather in terms of personal growth and service to humanity.

While a positive attitude towards life will be seen in most Elevens there would be some who suffer from insecurity in the process of reaching their goals. This will not be the case with the Thirteen. These individuals, as a birthright, exude positivity and confidence in their capacity to handle any task they undertake or control any situation in which they find themselves Their personality is an exceptionally talented combination of vibratory forces. The Thirteen is basically a Four personality powered by the 1 and 3 vibrations (1 + 3 = 4). All three vibrations operate with equal force as one cannot be subjugated by the force of the others. Consequently, they combine to create a powerful, resourceful and versatile personality. Characteristics and talents thus created ensure personal success in anything they undertake. Their natural condition is that of a leader and decision maker. They do not progress or remain content in a subordinate position or in an equal situation. Being held down in any way simply cramps their style. Revolt and dissension will be automatic in an intimate relationship if their partners insist on a relationship based on consultation and interdependence. It is extremely unlikely that anyone getting to know a Thirteen would attempt to dominate this resourceful individual. An Eleven partner will not do so as it is not in the nature of the Eleven to seek leadership of people or dominate others in order to enhance their own sense of worth. Freedom of thought and action and equality of opportunity is what the Eleven expects. However, there may be times when they unwittingly attempt to impose their idealistic views on their partners. Due to the mixture of worldly and other-worldly forces operating within the Eleven, younger individuals may struggle to find an identity and will take time to settle down to a conventional and established lifestyle. Material affairs and personal glory will have their place, although they will be viewed with a sense of detachment. Thirteens will not experience such problems with their expectations and directions. They are aware of their wants and proceed to acquire them by the most direct means.

As Elevens and Thirteens are built in different ways they will be attracted to the kind of activity which best suits their temperaments. This will apply not only to the vocations they undertake but also to their social life and recreational activities. In a social scene both will prove themselves capable of occupying centre stage, but will not be willing to share the attention. However, competition for this position is unlikely due to their different diversions and often different choice of companions. Found in the same company they are likely, by tacit consent, to take turns in expressing themselves. Elevens chose company that will be generally in agreement with their cultural, mystical and humanitarian approach to life. Frivolous company will be avoided as a waste of time and energy. Thirteens are much more flexible and tolerant of diverse company as long as they are allowed to play an influential role. With a good sense of humour and indisputable practical knowledge they gain popularity without effort. Friends and acquaintances look up to them as thinkers, leaders and responsible activists, just as they do not hesitate to pay heed to an Eleven as counsellors, philosophers, clairvoyants, reformers and guides.

Creativity is a natural endowment within both partners. In this aspect of life they could complement each other and thus form a close alliance. Both are natural artists, although their art forms may contain slightly different elements. The mystical component in the Eleven cannot be left out of their creations just as the physical constituent will be evident in those of the Thirteen. Both can join forces as fashion designers, composers of music and song, choreographers, interior decorators, window dressers, jewellers, cartoonists, sculptors, art dealers and research scientists. They could enhance their relationship not only in joint ventures but also in individual interests, thus giving each other sufficient space for purely personal fulfilment. Most Elevens possess to a greater degree the capacity and enthusiasm for self-analysis and self-development, especially in relation to life as a whole which would include birth, life, death, afterlife and rebirth. Such Elevens are likely to divide their leisure in pursuit of self-awareness in seclusion, while others may join study groups. Elevens with physical numbers in their birth months make safe and reliable psychic mediums. The dominance of physical and earthly thoughts in the Thirteen leads them into different directions. Energetic physical activity will take up much of their time and energy. All forms of sporting activity will attract them as well as hobbies such as carpentry, mechanics, pottery and sculpture, entertainment as hosts and hostesses, cabaret artists and as fashion models.

Another gift shared by these partners is fluency of speech, but once again it is expressed in different ways and in different circumstances. Unable to divorce their inspirational ideas from practical reality most Elevens mix subjectivity with objectivity when they voice their opinions. Thirteens, on the other hand, can maintain a clear distinction between what is logical and objective and that which is emotional and subjective. In their zeal to expound their views Elevens allow themselves to be carried away and are seldom discriminative in their choice of an audience. Consequently, many invite the ridicule and criticism of people who cannot grasp their ideas or those who are not prepared to listen to what they have to say. In the right company, however, they will emerge as magnetic and sincere speakers. In a relationship with a Thirteen they would need to exercise considerable self-control to prevent a natural urge to impose their views by constant advice and preaching. They fail to realise that their opinions could be one-sided and often impractical. The 3 aspect of the Thirteen personality is responsible for fluency of speech delivered in a voice that has a refined tonal quality. The 1 aspect creates authoritative delivery while the 4 acts as a censor to any excess arising from enthusiasm and ego of the 1 and 3 aspects. By and large, the Thirteen does not invite criticism or boredom as their conversation is well controlled, attractive and informative. With a better overall knowledge of practical living they may often override many of the Elevens arguments.

Due to the down-to-earth values of the Thirteen, responsibility for the financial affairs of this partnership will sooner rather than later devolve on this partner. Elevens usually take a rather detached attitude towards money which they regard as purely a means by which they satisfy their limited material needs; neither do they develop a steady saving habit. While money may not be wasted in their hands it may not be handled as wisely as would a more worldly-oriented individual. Thirteens, on the other hand, are worldly-minded people who are generous spenders as well as responsible investors and savers. A good balance is achieved in money management. While an Eleven may be influenced by slick salespersons Thirteens make their own purchases and look out for bargains without the aid or influence of another party. With confidence in their judgment and a flair for direct action they do not feel the need to follow the advice of others. This characteristic applies not only to money management but also to all other aspects of life. An Eleven partner will no doubt observe the responsible manner in which the Thirteen handles all practical affairs and will be glad to be relieved of this responsibility.

Elevens and Thirteens who have adjusted to their different personality traits will seldom demonstrate their feelings for each other. Both may love strongly but not reveal the depth of their love by sentimental advances. Romantic behaviour and sentimental closeness may be the exception rather than the rule. However, their love will be revealed by duty faithfully carried out, and by loyalty and fierce protection of each other’s welfare. Flirtatious and irresponsible behaviour will be extremely rare, particularly in the case of Elevens with physical vibrations in their birth month. Thirteens born on the 2nd, 5th and 3rd months may indulge in mild flirtatious conduct but seldom take matters to a point that would damage their relationship.


Differences in personality traits, general expectations and ambitions exceed similarities between Eleven and Fourteen individuals. The Eleven is, by and large, a mixture of physical, mental and spiritual/ mystical elements; the last gaining firmer hold as the individual advances in years. The Fourteen, on the other hand, has an extroverted attachment to physical life. Physical strength and courage in any physical activity is evident in these persons. While Elevens are not devoid of physical strength their courage and spirit of adventure will be directed into abstract realms of life in the increasing knowledge that there is more to life than that which is known by the five senses. On account of these differences Elevens and Fourteens may not easily harmonise in each other’s concepts. In day-to-day matters many Elevens may reveal a degree of indifference to mundane matters while the Fourteen may be possessive and down-to-earth in their attitude towards material affairs.

Originality is a feature enjoyed by both. However, the ideas of many Elevens, particularly those whose birth months contain emotional or mental numbers, may remain in the realms of ideas and go no further. In many instances their ideas would be considered far-fetched and inappropriate by a pragmatic Fourteen partner. The thought processes of Elevens with physical numbers in their birth months do not necessarily reach into highly imaginative realms, remaining instead on more realistic levels. These Elevens will be able to appreciate and associate with a Fourteen’s lifestyle better than the others would. However, they will also be found to possess an exceptionally strong individuality, almost to the extent of rigidity and inflexibility, which will not augur well with a Fourteen who could be equally forceful and unyielding. In general, cooperation, sharing and compromise are not common elements within Eleven and Fourteen personalities. They would rather give than share their possessions or their time.

Although they are governed by a master vibration all Elevens do not emerge as particularly high-minded. Their birth month and environmental conditioning divide them into several sub-types. However, the influence of the master vibration is never entirely lost, remaining firmly in the foreground or background as the case may be. As it is obscured in some personalities in varying degrees and clearly evident in others, it is not easy to generalise in the case of Eleven individuals. Inspiration, spirituality, intuition, evangelism, reform, invention and non-attachment to material matters are some essential elements of the master vibration controlling these people. As mentioned before those with physical vibrations 1, 4 and 7 in their birth months are able to convert their inventive and creative ideas into tangible form. The ideas of those with emotional and mental numbers are easily postulated but not as easily put into practice. The expertise of the Eleven spreads over widely differing spheres of activity. The empirical sciences, the occult sciences, all forms of art as well as religious and missionary activity attract these individuals. Whatever line is followed the chances are that the Eleven will do so alone rather than in collaboration with another party. The most they would do is consult and follow any further information they gather if it conforms to their own views.

The Fourteen is a composite of three physically strong and energetic vibrations. Basically a Five personality (1 + 4 = 5), the 1 and 4 elements combine readily to create physically oriented individuals who automatically identify themselves with their strong egos and physical bodies, allowing little or no time for nurturing their non-physical component. Less sensitive to the subtle aspects of life they are exceptionally responsive to the physical elements. They are positive personalities who do not see the outside world so much as a threat, as a challenge. They know where they stand, the directions they need to take and how to get there. Extroverted towards physical activity rather than social intercourse, they are hard workers and hard players. With their rational approach to life emotions are kept under strict control. Spontaneity and impulse are not features seen in a Fourteen. A host of natural talent backed up by self-confidence provides several marketable skills. The hallmark of this individual is the ability to coordinate thought, word and deed.

The individuality of these partners is such that self-direction takes the place of interdependence. While strongly resenting any encroachment upon freedom of thought, speech and action Elevens do not interfere with a partner’s right to independence. They may occasionally submit to an urge to impose some of their high-minded notions on their partners, but they do not carry this habit to an extent that may be regarded as dominance. The nature of the Eleven is inclined towards reformation rather than the exercise of authority over others. The Fourteen, on the other hand, while maintaining their rights, may extend further into the realm or role of leader and often the enforcement of discipline. Self-discipline is not excluded. Most Fourteens possess the natural urge to control, direct and even exercise judgment and enforce penalty. They certainly possess the capacity to give clear directions and the toughness to overcome obstacles and opposition. They are fulfilled when in a dominant position or a position devoid of control by others. Their self-assertive traits invariably lead to success in public life and their ambitions to acquire material wealth and physical comforts, however, these qualities do not necessarily bring success in personal relationships. They may succeed with submissive partners but not with individualistic Elevens or other self-assured individuals. They would need to curb their authoritative ways and the great sense of their own dignity. Decisions on major practical issues will be safer in the hands of these individuals although they would need to be made with subtlety and diplomacy rather than arbitrary action. Neither the Eleven nor the Fourteen can be regarded as domesticated individuals. However, as both are duty conscious and often meticulous in their habits, domestic responsibilities will not be neglected. The Fourteen is likely to willingly undertake a greater share due to their greater capacity for practical application of natural talents.

The mental/metaphysical elements in the Eleven and the mental/ physical elements in the Fourteen will become evident once again in social activity. Elevens can stimulate selected company with their extensive thought processes and innovative conceptions, while Fourteens do so through confident and skilled demonstration of their many practical skills. In general, and allowing for exceptions among the Elevens, expertise in theory and intellectual abstractions will be the hallmark of the Eleven while expertise in the execution of manual tasks will be the hallmark of the Fourteen. Elevens will, for the most part, be sought after for enlightenment and counselling, while Fourteens will be called upon for help in practical needs. In general, the Elevens will be the talkers and the Fourteen the doers.

Elevens may alternate between silence and enthusiastic speech. They may refrain from expressing their opinions until they are given the opportunity to capture the attention of an audience. However, they may not always be selective of their audience and as a consequence, risk being ignored or treated with disdain. Some Elevens are carried away by their ideas and talk excessively on theories they themselves would hardly put into practice. Other Elevens who keep control of themselves could be magnetic speakers who do not risk rejection of their ideas and are welcome in most gatherings. Both Elevens and Fourteens are firmly attached to their opinions. While in mundane matters Elevens may make speedy and often unrealistic judgments Fourteens base their judgments on sound practical experience and after a reasonable period of deliberation. They are however capable of instant action or reaction if the occasion demands. Their conversation is confined to functional, utilitarian, serviceable and profitable matters. Introducing them into serious discussion on abstract topics will be an obstacle faced by many Eleven partners. Fourteens, on the other hand, will at times find difficulty convincing an Eleven of the impracticality or practicality of a project one of them may have in mind. The Fourteen’s desire to discuss and then handle all matters in a straightforward manner and get down to business without delay may come across as being insensitive to the Eleven’s feelings, but this will not be the truth of their intentions. The nature of the Fourteen is fiercely protective and loyal to their loved ones but, at the same time, they need to exercise their down-to-earth values without fear or favour.

Recreational and spare time activities may also see these partners move into different spheres of activity. The competitive spirit in most Elevens has been subdued by their mental and spiritual components, which may be predominant in their green years but will invariably take precedence over physical activity as they grow older. They instinctively tune into their intuitive side and the more conscious notice they take of this gift the more they will allow it to develop further. Literature, art, drama and other cultural pursuits, in addition to investigation into the esoteric aspects of life, will attract their attention. A strong competitive spirit and spirit of adventure into physical realms are exceptionally active in the Fourteen. Less sensitive to the subtle forces of life, but exceptionally responsive to physical forces, they are attracted to and excel in any sporting activity demanding physical stamina, endurance and the will to win or conquer. While Elevens endeavour to ascertain as much as possible from abstract realms Fourteens will extract a great deal out of the phenomenal world. Agriculture, mechanics, carpentry, sculpture and other pastimes demanding a combination of mental and manual dexterity will also attract the Fourteen. While Elevens may not be able to share their inner life with a Fourteen partner they may to some degree influence them towards spiritualisation of thought, while Fourteens could persuade an Eleven to indulge in a larger range of physical adventures. To most advanced Elevens the standard of living is less important than the manner of living. The Fourteen, on the other hand, would place equal importance on both conceptions. These distinctions will become evident in the manner in which they handle money and other assets. Fourteens will pay much more attention to these matters than the average Eleven. While Elevens generally place human welfare and moral issues before profit, Fourteens, as naturally astute business people, place profit before generosity. Elevens would be liberal in their spending habits without too much thought given to value for money spent. Fourteens on the other hand are careful spenders, discriminative buyers and shrewd investors. While the Eleven maintains a large degree of freedom in minor money matters they should follow the decisions of the Fourteen in larger purchases such as furniture, motor vehicles, land and investment in stocks and shares and other financial matters.

The Fourteen partner should remember that love does not flourish in a restricted or dominant relationship. They may need to control their natural urge towards excess of regulation and exercise of discipline. In their firm conviction that all persons should be accorded independence of thought and freedom of action Elevens will not tolerate an overbearing partner. Fourteens may expect greater commitment from their partners while Elevens may seek more freedom and space. Possessiveness could be a problem with a Fourteen. Consequently, more adjustment may be needed by this partner.


The master vibration governing the 11th day has certain unique features which do not empathise easily with those of other vibrations; nor do these characteristics manifest uniformly in all Eleven personalities. This latter feature precludes Elevens from being classified as standard personality types. There are, consequently, several different types in their ranks. Whoever reads through all the chapters relating to the Eleven personality will see that compatibility in an intimate relationship is not achieved as a matter of course. Attempts to create a perfect or near perfect match between an Eleven and any other personality type will always be a hazardous task due to the diversity and complexity of these individuals. Their birth month, in particular, is responsible for creating this diversity. The distinctive nature of any Eleven calls for more adjustment by their partners than by the Elevens themselves. The relationship between an Eleven and a Fifteen partner will be as unpredictable as with any other. The Fifteen, by comparison, is a standard type. The birth month or any other area of influence does not appreciably alter the personality structure created by the birthday vibrations.

In general, the master vibration infuses varying degrees of spirituality and mysticism on the one hand and materialistic desires on the other. Material and economic aims may predominate in younger Elevens but always in latency lay higher impulses of spirituality and morality. Those Elevens with the physical numbers 1 and 4 in their birth months usually operate on the physical plane with down-to-earth ideas and manual dexterity. Those born in the 7th month successfully combine practicality and spirituality. Those with emotional and mental numbers in their birth month are essentially ‘ideas’ persons who would rather pass on their ideas to others rather than put them into form themselves. The tendency to moralise is stronger in these Elevens. Another feature inherent in all Elevens, in varying degrees and emerging according to their cultural background is inspiration, which leads directly to inventive talents in the physical realm as well as the abstract realm. Intuition, when encouraged, leads to clairvoyant powers and spiritual insight. The potential to sublimate their ego and develop impersonal and non-attached attitudes is another faculty in most mature Elevens. Instinctive desires to carry out reform in cultural, spiritual and material living conditions around them are still another. Elevens are found among emancipists, missionaries, reformers, philosophers, sociologists, psychologists, scientists, artists, astronomers, astrologers and mediums. The range of creative talents in the arts and sciences can only be limited by a poor background or environment. However, underdevelopment in an Eleven, if at all, is often overcome at a later date. Negativity in the form of poor self-esteem and a lack of self-confidence is non-existent when they are engaged in their specialty. Regardless of the degree Elevens use their considerable potential, strength of individuality is the hallmark of this personality. Their best work is done alone rather than in collaboration with others. In an intimate relationship an Eleven will always retain and safeguard a good portion of their identity. With the courage and fortitude to withstand the many ups and downs of life they may willingly give a large measure of their time in service to others, and yet not submit or surrender even the smallest portion to the domination of another. This aspect of their personality will soon become evident to their Fifteen partners.

All Fifteens are resourceful, positive, multi-talented and well-rounded personalities. Those who may have been subjected to a barren or restricted environment will eventually emerge as winners rather than losers despite loss of early encouragement and opportunity. Their well distributed vibratory forces intermingle in relative harmony to form a balanced personality structure. Basically a Six personality (1 + 5 = 6), the Fifteen receives tremendous powers from the 1 and 5 vibrations operating in the foreground of their personality. Of the three Six personality types, namely those born on the 6th, 15th and 24th days the fifteen is undeniably the strongest in terms of positivity, self-direction, self-preservation, and enterprise. The combined forces of the 1 and 5 create an ego-centred drive towards self-advancement. However, the fundamental 6 force places strict limits on self-seeking habits. The positive outlook and zest for life, particularly physical life natural to the 1 and 5 forces are moderated and balanced by the calmness, thoughtfulness and unselfish features of the 6. An integration of heart, hands and minds is the best feature of the Fifteen. The 1 aspect responds to the physical plane, the 5 to the emotional as well as the physical plane, and the 6 to the mental plane. Personal magnetism is preserved by the presence of inner security and the constant absence of negative features. All Fifteens are extroverted and courageous individuals able to face unfamiliar situations without fear or suspicion. This cannot be said of all Elevens as many could be hesitant, distrustful and disinterested in people or situations that may be suddenly thrust upon them, unless the Eleven is born in the 5th month.

Organisational and leadership talents are other outstanding features of the Fifteen. The 1 vibration provides leadership, the 5 organisation and the 6 tempers any arbitrary and overbearing traits that could arise from the 1 and 5 elements. Diplomacy and fair judgment are special features of the 6 vibration. Invariably successful as the head of the household Fifteens could be equally successful in public life. There are no limits to their occupational capacity. The dual roles can easily be shouldered by them. In an Eleven/Fifteen relationship a larger portion of household management is likely to devolve on the Fifteen. Many Elevens are not as resourceful in practical affairs as is a Fifteen due to not seeing a situation from a practical point of view. Elevens do not show an interest in direct leadership, but do so by example. Their individuality is too strong to elicit and enjoy the cooperation of others. They do not like to be accountable to anyone and resent being forced into situations not to their liking. They do not take kindly to being told to carry out tasks that they would readily do of their own initiative. Domestic instincts are stronger in the Fifteen than in the Eleven unless the Eleven is born in the 4th or 6th month. However, both partners will not confine their identity to domestic affairs, choosing instead to seek action in public life as well.

The attitude of these partners to social life will be closely related to their domestic attachments and their degree of extroversion. The Eleven’s extroversion and eagerness for general social intercourse is not as free as that of the Fifteen. They are much more selective of friends and acquaintances. While Fifteens can move among people who are different in many ways Elevens develop deeper friendships within a small circle. Home entertainment will be taken over by the Fifteen with the support of the Eleven. Social activity outside home will also be initiated by the Fifteen. The basic outlook of the Fifteen is one of optimism and adventure, and consequently they derive more out of their interactions with others. Some Elevens could border on pessimistic attitudes and anticipation of criticism and ill will from others, thereby dampening their enjoyment of social life. While Fifteens can become absorbed in a social scene the thoughts of an Eleven could be far distant from the geniality of the moment. In other words they do not surrender themselves as much to the mood of the moment. They are also more reticent in making the first move while Fifteens reach out to others without waiting for others to reach out to them.

Oral communication is a talent possessed by both partners. However, the Fifteen will emerge as a well adjusted conversationalist interested in a greater variety of topics while the Eleven will generally confine their dialogue to topics that are of direct interest to them, and show little or no interest in subjects introduced by others. Many Elevens will not hesitate to guide conversation away from everyday topics to those that are more serious such as theoretical and abstract matters. It is not easy to stop these Elevens once they get themselves worked up on a favourite subject. They do possess a tendency to project their ideas onto others and read them into people thereby forming flawed evaluations in many instances. Also, a determination to defend their views against all odds makes open discussion with them very trying. They could, however, be popular and welcome speakers in select circles where subjects of an esoteric nature are discussed. Taking in an entire scene at a glance Fifteens are more alert to atmosphere and consequently resist any urge towards one-sided conversation. They enjoy the stimulation of friendly argument and do not bother to justify their actions or defend their views. The realism of the Fifteen and idealism of the Eleven will distinguish their general conversation. Many differences of opinion followed by heated but brief debate can be expected between these partners.

Courage and enterprise in abstract realms are inherent qualities of the master vibration governing the Eleven and these qualities will be evident in the Eleven’s hobbies and recreational activities. To what extent they will be manifested in a particular Eleven will, of course, depend on the individual’s background. Courage and enterprise in the physical realm are abundant features in the Fifteen. The background of the Fifteen will not have any relevance in the expression of these qualities. Although the individual interests of these partners will reflect these differences, an Eleven will not be averse to a degree of physical activity, nor will the Fifteen be disinterested in a measure of enquiry into esoteric subjects. Their differences could be a matter of emphasis only. Whether on a competitive or non-competitive basis, no sporting activity will be unattractive to a Fifteen. The challenge to face and overcome is irresistible. They are also, through the 5 aspect, ‘fond of a flutter’ although an unhealthy gambling habit will not be formed due to restrictions placed by the cautious 6 aspect. While Elevens also possess the willpower to succeed in any sporting activity they may take up, they may not necessarily commit themselves entirely to such interests. An inner pull towards the study of the nature of things in the seen and unseen worlds will sooner or later absorb more of their attention. Both partners possess the capacity to cultivate their own resources for happiness and self-development and not rely on each other or anyone else for guidance. However, they could also be mutually helpful without too much resistance. The quest for knowledge is active in the Fifteen and the influence of the Eleven will expand their horizons into higher realms while a greater spirit of adventure in the physical realm will be introduced into the Eleven by the Fifteen.

In the administration of their finances the Fifteen is likely to take a more active role. Material and physical comforts are of greater importance to them. Consequently, the means by which these are acquired and preserved are important. Money in their hands is handled wisely. They are generous spenders but astute investors and savers. Elevens on the other hand are not as dependent on financial success, nor are they as cautious in their spending habits and investments. Their personal ambition and admiration of others is directed towards integrity rather than the acquisition of wealth by whatever means. They do not disdain reasonable material comforts but do not become too attached to them. Many Elevens, especially those who give more attention to a more spiritual mode of thought, accept the maxim that contentment does not depend on what one has, but rather what one can do without. Differences of opinion as regards the daily round of expenditure as well as the bigger issues would not create contention between these partners as neither will go to extremes in their personal needs.

As clearly defined self-image and the consequent absence of inner turmoil is a birthday gift to the Fifteen, this condition makes the Fifteen an easier partner to get along with. Most Elevens take time and effort to establish a balanced self-image. Many could be exceptionally talented and resourceful in certain aspects of life but quite lacking in insight and ability in others – a condition that is not always conducive to compatibility. Although neither of the pair is emotionally demonstrative, the Fifteen has a greater capacity to express emotion and a greater degree of personal warmth. The love of an Eleven is deep and abiding, and is usually expressed by duty, loyalty, and service.

Emotion and sentiment are blocked, especially in those with the physical numbers 1, 4 and 7 in their birth months. A relationship with these Elevens could be emotionally trying as tactile communication will be at a bare minimum. A relationship becomes several degrees warmer with a Fifteen if an Eleven could respond occasionally to sentimental overtures.


By virtue of certain exceptional features the master vibration controlling the 11th day creates a distinct personality type. At the same time not all Eleven personalities can be classified as a standard personality type. Their birth months have a substantial bearing on the ways in which the qualities of the master vibration are manifested. Consequently, Elevens are found in considerable variety. They do not find it easy to form close relationships; at the same time it may be said that others may find it a real challenge to form close relationships with Elevens. However, an Eleven/Sixteen partnership could be one in which differences could be reduced to a minimum. While the Sixteen personality may not feel comfortable with all the Eleven’s characteristics this personality has a built-in capacity to understand them. Similarly, the Eleven’s keen sensibility will quickly acknowledge the Sixteen’s considerable assets. A compromise can certainly be reached between the two. Elevens are versatile people, but flexibility and adaptability are not among their talents. Their versatility is confined to specific areas of expression. Strength of individuality, willpower, concentration, steadfastness, loyalty, dependability and service are some of their admirable qualities. Rigidity, stubbornness, single-mindedness, dogmatic views, and lack of imagination are some of their less admirable qualities. Elevens with the physical numbers 1 and 4 in their birth months have their feet firmly on the ground and are blessed with good health, physical strength and practical skills. However, their imaginative powers, tolerance, flexibility and spontaneity are limited. Spirituality and humanitarian attitudes (essential qualities of the master vibration) may be inhibited by self-centred desires. These attributes, however, are free to emerge in all Elevens born with emotional and mental numbers in their birth months; but this takes place at the expense of practicality, steadfastness and down-to-earth values. These Elevens have an international outlook on life, and are likely to hold strong ethical views. Elevens born in the 7th month are the most fortunate in that they retain practical skills as well as devotion to spiritual and humanitarian activity. Some Elevens, despite their strength of individuality, may lack self-confidence and suffer a degree of introversion.

The 16th day creates a Seven personality at fundamental levels (1 + 6 = 7). In addition to several outstanding attributes of the 7 vibration, considerable strength and variety of talents are provided by the 1 and 6 vibrations operating in the outer personality. These are extroverted vibrations while the 7 is reclusive, introspective and self-sufficient. Consequently, a good balance can be observed in the Sixteen. They are neither too forward nor too backward in self-expression. They are able to act constructively when necessary and when they choose to do so refrain from any activity they consider unnecessary or unworthy of their efforts. The 1 aspect provides mental and physical energy, enterprise, self-confidence, initiative and willpower. With the active cooperation of the 1 and 7, the 6 provides logical thought processes. On its own, it contributes an evenness of temperament, diplomacy, community spirit, domesticity and guardianship. Mental and physical attributes are combined with spiritual inclinations without conflict. They do not depend on their birth month to provide them with strength of purpose and clear direction in life, but they do depend on it for easy emotional expression. The 1 and 7 vibrations operating on the physical plane and the 6 on the mental plane do not provide outlets for emotional expression or emotional release. An Eleven partner is in a similar situation. (The underlying 2 vibration in the Eleven is an emotional vibration, although it is subdued by the pair of strong 1 vibrations). One partner can hardly expect much tactile communication or spontaneous demonstration of emotion from the other, and neither would one or the other do so. Consequently, this will not be a problem. The problem for each individual is a fear of letting go, or the inability to forget themselves in a delightful situation, and ‘lighten up’ at bit.

The 6 and 7 aspects of the Sixteens provide many features that are compatible with an Eleven’s mode of thought, but not in all instances with their actions. Humanitarian attitudes, the dissemination of worthwhile knowledge, non-competitiveness and controlled ambition in the material world are some shared features. As both are rich in human values this asset is revealed in the manner in which they spend their leisure time and the careers they follow. Neither of the two is adapted to the cut and thrust of competitive commercial life or ruthless ambition in public life. Adequate success in the material world will satisfy both. Pressure in this direction will not be applied by one upon the other. Both possess the capacity to fulfil all their material wants and then call a halt to their ambitions in this direction, so that they can direct their energies to more worthwhile pursuits.

Commanding and overbearing speech and autocratic action are not natural traits in either partner. Freedom of the individual is a fundamental belief in both. The role of leader and decision maker will not be arbitrarily assumed by either. However, a benign form of leadership and perceptive decision making may be taken up by the Sixteen. Most Elevens will wisely follow the Sixteen’s decisions and directions, as very little or no room will be found for objection. Selfishness and self-interest are not likely to enter into a Sixteen’s decisions. Family interest will have priority over personal wants. However, in the case of some Elevens, the reverse is possible. Sixteens are better equipped to establish an atmosphere of ‘Ours’ instead of ‘Ours’ and ‘Mine’. Elevens are not ungenerous people but they are more self-oriented. They will rather give than share. What they consider is theirs is entirely theirs and not to be used by others. This attitude will, however, not be seen as a problem by a Sixteen partner. While domestication is stronger in the Sixteen home may not be the boundary of their activities. They are quite capable of performing the dual role of homemaker and wage earner or part-time wage earner. The tendency of most Elevens, on the other hand, is towards concentration on a career outside home rather than one as a homemaker. Centralisation is the key word in describing the Eleven. They would rather concentrate their expertise in one area of activity than divide their time between two or more major interests. However, a domesticated Eleven, (there are some among them) especially those born in the 4th and 6th months, will be an exceptionally devoted parent and homemaker.

Neither the Eleven nor the Sixteen can be regarded as socially extroverted and socially active individuals. Both maintain balance between social activity and personal interests. As true individualists they are not subject to social pressures. Both possess the strength of will to reject any person or activity that does not meet with their approval. They are never hasty in forming new close friendships, nor do they attract many casual acquaintances or people of diverse types. Both choose to move in small circles rather than in large groups. More often than not their interests are beyond or apart from those of society in general. Intellectual intimacy is much more enjoyable in social intercourse than superficial fun and frivolity. Consequently a few selected friends will form their social circle. Dining out as a twosome or with another couple may be one of their favourite pastimes.

Sixteens are patient and interested listeners as well as intelligent contributors to general conversation. As consummate conversationalists they are welcome guests and successful hosts and hostesses. Elevens are generally impatient and often disinterested listeners as the urge to reveal their own thoughts and feelings is usually too strong to control. They may either remain silent or take over conversation for long periods of time. Some Elevens may carry on without considering whether their subject matter is of interest to their listeners. They are much more successful as lecturers, teachers, orators, and public speakers in select gatherings rather than in general conversation. While fluency of speech is not necessarily a talent in the Sixteen, it is certainly seen in the Eleven when they become animated while propounding on their favourite subjects.

Sixteens are more likely to nurture their spiritual development in a conventional or orthodox setting such as their local church, but Elevens, particularly those with emotional and mental numbers in their birth months, may reach out further into unconventional and uncharted areas of enquiry. Having achieved a good measure of knowledge quite rapidly these Elevens proceed to pass what they have gathered on to others. Sixteens may teach more by example than by precept. Both should be able to pool their talents and work in conjunction for good causes and public movements beneficial to society. Much of their spare time can be spent together, not only in self-development but in conventional cultural activity, particularly in good literature, art and music. As non-competitive individuals in a general sense they would normally avoid sporting activities that demand body contact and unrelenting pressure to overcome their opponents. Non-competitive outdoor activity, especially in natural surroundings could be the choice of both partners.

In the matter of financial acumen and day-to-day money management the balance that is evident in almost all Sixteens will be responsible for this partner taking over this aspect of their partnership. The advantage they possess is that all three vibrations forming their personality structure are conducive to wise handling of income, expenditure and investment. Elevens with physical numbers in their birth months will be cautious spenders although not necessarily keen on money management. They would rather let a responsible partner handle their affairs while they pursue other interests. Those Elevens born with emotional or mental numbers in their birth months could be somewhat irresponsible in their spending habits and indifferent to financial security. The former category of Elevens will naturally get on well with a Sixteen in their financial affairs, but the latter could cause some problems.

Demonstration of emotion and spontaneous conduct towards each other could be conspicuous by their absence. With an emotionally demonstrative partner such attitudes will be disastrous as the absence of warm physical contact will not help this partner express and receive love by such means. However, as this form of conduct is neither given nor expected in an Eleven/Sixteen relationship it does not, once given, in any way interfere with their depth of love and loyalty to each other. By and large Elevens and Sixteens maintain a stable and understanding relationship without exercise of emotional pressure on each other. An inner knowledge of their closeness will be as sufficient as outward demonstration; the latter would be felt as embarrassing.


Eleven and Seventeen personalities possess the potential to develop a partnership of considerable strength, stability and endurance. Initially, they would not be without individual differences and dissimilarities to be faced and adjusted to, and if not adjusted, to be accepted. However, personality traits and expectations they have in common and which will lead to bonding exceed those that may lead to constant conflict. Both are individualists in the sense that they are, on the one hand, independent, self-sufficient and strong-willed, and on the other, often rigid and intolerant. They are, at the same time, generous, self-sacrificing, loyal and hardworking. Their love, once given, remains deep and abiding.

Both birthdays do not provide outlets for easy or natural demonstration of emotion or a tendency towards tactile communication. Consequently, their emotions are held in check. Although there may be a honeymoon period during which their emotions are given outward expression this situation does not last for long. Love and devotion can be observed in the care and consideration for each other’s feelings and general welfare. One will always be ready to help the other out of a difficulty. On the other hand, both are exceptionally sensitive and may often hurt each other unwittingly, but never with deliberate intent. Such assumed hurts may continue until they begin to understand each other and also realise that many of these problems are created by their own ultra sensitive egos.

Eleven personalities are controlled by a master vibration which provides unlimited potential for self-development and, as a consequence, a beneficial impact on society. The degree and extent to which this is done will depend on the type of Eleven and the individual’s background. The Eleven is not a standard personality type in the sense that we can expect generally the same actions and reactions from all Elevens. The characteristics and powers of the master vibration take different directions depending chiefly on the number or numbers of the birth month and the Destiny number (the result after all the digits of the birthday, month and year are added). Firstly, Elevens could be physically oriented, down-to-earth and practical people if their birth month numbers represent the physical plane (1, 4 & 7). Secondly, they would be emotionally oriented, sensitive and generally impractical people if derived from the emotional plane (2, 5 & 8). Thirdly, they could be mentally oriented and highly imaginative with numbers from the mental plane (3, 6 & 9). A Seventeen will find more common ground with the first category while certain differences will arise with the second and third groups. Such problems will arise mainly from the uncertainty, impulsiveness, impracticability, and in many cases a lack of self-confidence in these Elevens.

Spirituality, humanitarianism and a comprehensive outlook on life are some natural qualities inherited by the Eleven personality through the forces of the master vibration. These are more evident in the second and third categories. Those with physical and practical vibrations are not devoid of spirituality or concern for the welfare of society, but they are not as outspoken, and consequently do not reveal their thoughts as openly. They combine their physical attributes with their spiritual urges, or, in other words, combine ideology with productivity. Self-interest may be stronger. These attributes are also found in all Seventeens. The spirituality of the 7 vibration combines will with the earthliness of the 1 and the business sense and organisational ability of the underlying 8 vibration. Seventeens are basically Eight personalities (1 + 7 = 8) influenced heavily by the 1 and 7 vibrations in the foreground of their personality. Although Seventeens may fall into two broad divisions they are more or less standard types. The vibrations of their birth month do not divide them as much as they do with an Eleven. They may strengthen the personality if the birth month is the 1st, 7th, 8th, 10th and 11th. However this strengthening may also lead to dogmatism, rigidity, and an excess of authority in the personality. The Seventeen opens into new dimensions if the birth month is the 2nd, 3rd, 5th, 6th, or 9th. In joining with a Seventeen partner the Eleven is not exposed to the risk of getting one from a diversity of types. The generally regular nature of the Seventeen greatly reduces the difficulty of understanding their temperaments. But in the Seventeen’s choice of an Eleven they are exposed to the three different or distinct groups.

All Seventeens can be confidently categorised as positive thinkers and actors. They are natural decision makers, leaders and organisers. Their form of leadership is not necessarily an autocratic and egoistic sort as the 7 vibration takes care of any tendencies towards excessive self-promotion and self-centredness, unless, as mentioned earlier, authoritative vibrations such as the 1, 4 and 8 are repeated in the birth month. In a relationship with an Eleven, the Seventeen is likely to play the more significant role when decisions are called for on the material aspects of life. They possess to a greater degree the capacity to make on the spot decisions and adapt to changing circumstances when necessary. Elevens do not assume autocratic or dictatorial roles as freedom of the individual is one of the basic tenets of their personality type. Seventeens, therefore, need to be constantly on the watch to prevent encroachment on the Eleven’s individuality. Although the Seventeen may find certain shortcomings in the Eleven in regard to practical issues, the Eleven, in turn, may consider the Seventeen too cautious and businesslike. By and large, a partnership of equals still emerges as they get to know each other at deeper levels. As a consequence, both will develop, through mutual influence, richness in human values as well as a balance between materialism and spiritual values. Their true bonding will come from their general indifference to popular status symbols of affluence. One will not bring pressure on the other to ‘keep up with the Jones’, as it were. Although both partners could be quite stubborn on points they believe to be right they would not differ widely on moral issues. Differences of opinion may, however, arise on practical matters. Both partners are drawn towards careers outside home. A domestic way of life will not suit either, although home and family will always be a precious part of their life. Domestic duties will have to be shared unless a third party is appointed to take charge of all routine work. Elevens take to professions such as the electronics industry, meteorology, psychology, philosophy, politics, missionary work, and as reformers of social conditions. They also manifest their creative powers in music, art and as explorers and inventors in scientific and metaphysical realms. They are also found as psychics, mediums and publishers or in any activity that has a direct and indirect benefit to human welfare. They should avoid competitive business activity. Seventeens are astute but fair business people. They are attracted to Banking, brokerage, real estate, accountancy, the public service as administrators and efficiency experts and in buying and selling.

Social contacts will be carefully chosen and kept in moderation. Neither partner can be classed as a socialite within the popular meaning of the word. Indiscriminate or mixed social gatherings may be regarded as superficial and boring, as both tend to communicate on matters beyond the general interest of average individuals. There is a fair degree of intolerance in both as neither can suffer fools gladly. They are easily frustrated by the conversational limits of uninformed or prejudiced individuals. While social involvement may not be avoided altogether it will not be indulged in for the sake of an inner urge or need for interaction with people. They are generally sufficient unto themselves. The couple will soon become known as short-term visitors. Although not without a mature sense of humour, they are generally of a more thoughtful and philosophical nature. Consequently, they are more at ease in the company of those of similar temperaments so that self-expression can be indulged in on a reciprocal basis without fear of boredom, misunderstanding or disparagement of their views. In their private lives silence will often be employed as a means of communication. This method will be favoured more by the Seventeen than the Eleven. The Eleven should therefore be careful not to indulge in protracted discourse with the Seventeen.

The natural tendency of most Elevens and Seventeens is to regard life as a continual learning process. Not only will their social contacts be directed to this end but also their personal and combined leisure time. Both are prepared to venture into uncharted regions of study which the physical senses have no access to. Metaphysics, mysticism, parapsychology, mediumship in spiritualist activity and other occult sciences will attract both. Needless to say, the degree and quality of their interest and activity will depend largely on their family, educational and cultural background. It is certainly possible that both or one partner may not show initial interest in such idealistic and profound matters. But sooner or later there is bound to be an awakening interest which will be pursued eagerly. As regards to the Eleven, this individual, once a measure of progress has been made, will not be content or fulfilled until they begin informing and instructing others. Not only do they desire to inform but they also make every possible attempt to transform conditions where they feel there is a need for change and improvement. They may achieve popularity in a section of society similarly open to new knowledge but they may also expose themselves to criticism from those whose minds are fixed. Seventeens on the other hand, by virtue of the reclusive 7 vibration, concentrate on expanding their personal development. They do not possess the desire to convey or impose their knowledge on others except in exceptional circumstances, and only when they have been invited to do so. They are more likely to emerge as writers than speakers or preachers. Their Eleven partners are gifted with fluency of speech which manifests when they become animated when dealing with their favourite topics. Seventeens do not develop the same fluency of speech. On account of these differences in self-expression these partners are not likely to compete with each other. They are more likely to be complementary than contradictory. Both develop a social consciousness and will not jeopardise their position with unnecessary bickering and argument. As strong individualists they remain as far as possible unattached and free from affiliation with clubs, societies and fraternities. A Seventeen may take up some form of office in the short term but will always remain aloof and intolerant of interference.

Responsibility for the partnership’s financial affairs will be automatically taken over by the Seventeen. All three vibrations constituting this personality are conducive to safe and sound money management. Elevens are generally indifferent to careful handling of money matters, unless physical numbers appear in their birth months. Most Elevens will be happy to entrust this responsibility to a Seventeen partner, but they may not always be happy with the Seventeen’s cautious spending habits. Seventeens do not surrender to sentimental impulse as some Elevens are likely to do. Though they are careful money managers they will not place money or material goods before human dignity. Both partners are very much alike in this respect.

The absence of emotional demonstration on the part of both partners will not create misunderstanding or distance between them. Emotions are held in check as both suffer from a fear of letting go. What both expect and are sure to receive are qualities of loyalty, toughness combined with gentleness, consideration and unselfishness. Their love for each other will be displayed by deeds rather than words. In the process of building a good life for each other, and for their home and family, both are equipped in different ways to surmount material hardships and survive hard times when they come along. They can learn to strengthen each other while avoiding direct intrusion into their separate individualities. Some Elevens may need an injection of confidence from time to time, and this will be provided diplomatically and at times forcefully by the Seventeen.


All subjects of the 11th and 18th days of the month are energised by vibrations of considerable power. However, the quality and disposition of power differ in each to such an extent that they emerge as quite distinct personality types. While both are unquestionably individualists their form of individualism is manifested in different ways. One characteristic they share in common is a refusal to surrender any part of their individuality. They may be generous givers of their time and energy but reluctant sharers of their time, energy and possessions. They give on their own terms and not on the demands of others. For the most, part they choose to act on their own rather than in conjunction with others because both need to be in command of their actions and not be told what they should or should not do. This is particularly the case with all Eighteens. Some Elevens, in certain circumstances, will be amenable to suggestion and association with others on an equal basis.

A partnership between these personalities should be based on respect for each other’s freedom and independence. Most Eighteens will use their freedom responsibly. They are more or less standard personality types, as other spheres of influence within the birth date and names do not alter their personality structure to any great extent. However, the birth month of Elevens divide them into three broad groups. Those with physical numbers in their birth month will exhibit a realistic and practical approach to life. With emotional numbers, Elevens will be sensitive and emotionally oriented with a strong artistic appreciation of life. Those with mental numbers are naturally mentally oriented with keen incisive minds, but with loss of manual dexterity. Of the three groups the first will suit an Eighteen partner best in day-to-day interaction. They could, however, remain somewhat narrow in their outlook with little imagination, particularly with a number 1 or 4 in the birth month. This condition could cause some problems with Eighteens as these individuals see a broad picture and are usually intolerant of narrow-mindedness and involvement in petty detail. In this respect the second and third groups match the Eighteen’s outlook and may even go beyond, but they may not meet with the Eighteen’s expectations of orderliness, efficiency and practicality.

All Elevens possess a natural attraction towards the spiritual, mystical, moral, transcendental and humanitarian sides of life. However, this aspect of their personality may lie dormant in many unless their upbringing or subsequent lifestyle has provided opportunities to awaken one or more of its features. Elevens belonging to the second and third groups need only a slight touch or influence by any agency to awaken the urge to probe into esoteric matters and engage in some form of humanitarian activity. The physically oriented group may take some time to do so as involvement in the physical and material sides of life will delay awakening into the spiritual realms. An Eighteen partner is in a similar situation. The spiritual and humanitarian elements are found in the background of the personality by virtue of the powers of the 9 vibration. All Eighteens are basically Nine personalities (1 + 8 = 9) and the 9 vibration is the force responsible for creating the broad and open-minded mentality of this personality. These qualities are not opposed by the 1 and 8 aspects operating in the foreground of the personality. However, their high-minded concepts are often held in abeyance by the material ambitions created by the 1 and 8 elements. Not surprisingly, they may take some time to display an emotional acceptance of anything, abstract or occult. In the meantime they may even display a dislike and fear of anything associated with the non-physical world.

All Eighteens are naturally authoritative individuals. Their sense of authority comes naturally through the agencies of the 1 and 8 which are the most authoritative in the single digit number spectrum. The natural wisdom and general knowledge of the 9, being distinctive qualities of this vibration, add further distinction to the Eighteen. The special qualities of the 1 and 8 work in unison; the former provides leadership and the latter organisation. This combination provides unlimited potential for success in public life. At the same time the Nine aspect acts as a moderating influence on any excess of authority or discipline exercised by the 1 and 8. This is quite likely if the birth month of the Eighteen is the 1st, 4th, 7th or 8th. In addition, the 9 carries the individual into thought processes beyond the material values engendered by the 1 and 8. Care should be taken by all Eighteens to avoid introducing their authoritative ways into the domestic scene to a degree that could inhibit self-expression by other members of the family. An Eleven partner will accept a benign form of conduct and leadership in practical matters, although they will not accept arbitrary action in any form. The relationship has to be maintained on an equal footing. Elevens do not seek outright control of a partner or leadership in the usual sense. However, they do seek to influence others through speech and example. A passive form of leadership or leadership by example will be much more in accord with their temperament. As both partners have no difficulty declaring their individual wants they will realise early in their relationship what their expectations would be, and consequently, confrontation will be avoided as far as possible. Fluency of speech is inhibited in both when intimate and sensitive matters need to be discussed. In order to overcome this problem of expressing their emotions spontaneously and appropriately both need to first overcome the fear of loosening up, and begin revealing their feelings more freely.

While qualities of self-esteem and self-confidence are self-generated in both individuals they are more evident in all Eighteens. Some Elevens may need injections of these qualities from time to time. The self-assurance of the Eighteen is most evident in their public duties and in a social scene. With a natural capacity to inspire confidence and trust they are readily offered positions of leadership and responsibility. Elevens are more restrained in their interaction with others as their natural bent is to work as far as possible without interference and without responsibility for the actions of others. Their best work is produced while using their initiative and creative talents free from interruption. Their powers of concentration are strong and much resentment may be shown when they are disturbed. Eighteens are more flexible and adaptable in this respect.

Both partners are gifted with the acuity to see through the shams and illusions of superficial social values, and are therefore selective of the company they keep. They could be intolerant and critical of superficial speech and action. Their recreational activities may take different directions due to the non-competitive nature of the Eleven and the competitive nature of the Eighteen. While both may engage in sport the Eleven may not remain as dedicated as an Eighteen. Other interests in the mental and spiritual realms will attract their attention as they grow older. While Eighteens are motivated by external power applied to external activity, mature Elevens are self-stimulated towards internal values. However, the Eighteen is not without a deep inner urge to follow a similar path as the Eleven, nor is the Eleven immune to ambition for success in public life. These are, however, their secondary natures. Elevens relieve their feelings and tensions through their interest and creativity in music, art and literature while Eighteens do so through physical activity in which they usually outclass their competitors. Elevens seek time for aloneness in order to deal with the many abstract challenges they set themselves. Time most precious to them is that which they spend reflecting on the world and their own place in it. Eighteens seldom find time for themselves due to their heavy involvement in public activity. Once direct participation in sport is over many Eighteens take up coaching and administrative positions. Their secondary nature influenced by the 9 factor needs to be consciously evoked if it is to be used as a beneficial influence. However, in all Eighteens this is manifested by fair play, honesty and good judgment.

Although oral communication between these partners is not as easy as it should be between individuals in an intimate relationship this difficulty is often overcome by telepathic communication. Elevens are exceptionally fluent when it comes to propounding on their favourite topics, yet they find themselves somewhat tongue-tied when there is a need to reveal their feelings and discuss sensitive issues. Those with physical numbers in their birth month experience the most difficulty in this respect. Although emotion is a strong element in their personality structure Eighteens are in a similar position. They may be knowledgeable and authoritative in all business matters but awkward and embarrassed with sentimental issues. In order to overcome their sensitivity they usually put on a facade of toughness and resort to some means of escapism rather than face up to discussing a sensitive or intimate problem. Not only do Eighteens speak with a ring of authority but they also choose their words carefully. Consequently they expect others to do so and are intolerant of those who volunteer opinions without knowing all their facts. They promptly resort to silence if they cannot escape such company. They do not resort to common clichés which do not accurately portray a person or situation. Elevens, on the other hand, may not be as careful in their choice of words and phrases, especially when they are unconsciously carried away by enthusiasm. Accuracy is often sacrificed for earnestness. Most Elevens should know when to stop or stick to the main theme if they wish to hold the continued attention of their audience. Eighteens, in contrast, do not lose track of the main theme and their naturally commanding presence holds the attention of an audience. For the most part, in their daily activity they are able to keep their thoughts to themselves and reveal them only when the time is ripe to convert them into action. With the exception of the physically oriented Elevens, others may talk more than they act.

The Eleven’s spiritual beliefs should provide them with a strong sense of security without an excessive attachment to material goods and values. This condition is reflected in their attitude towards money management which is not as keen as those of the Eighteen who are exceptionally skilful money managers. Most Elevens will gladly surrender financial responsibilities to their partners, particularly Eighteen partners. They would see that decisions are made much more swiftly and responsibly by the Eighteen than by themselves. A complex and demanding public life does not diminish the Eighteen’s capacity to handle the practical and material needs of family life. It is only in the repetitive tasks of a homemaker that they may be found wanting and need to be relieved of such duties. Practical Elevens will gladly do this as they enjoy doing things by routine, but emotionally and mentally oriented Elevens may not be as willing or competent in handling detail in the domestic scene.

Success of this relationship is dependent on the establishment of a proportionate amount of togetherness and separateness. These partners cannot live in each other’s pockets, so to speak. They must allow each other space and time to do their own thing. The advanced Eleven’s aim in life is not quite the need to seek peace and tranquillity as a Six personality would do, but rather it is to seek the truth about life in all its aspects. As mentioned earlier, Eighteens are devoted to success in public life as their first priority, leaving self-development to be attended to later. By and large this personality will be more forthright in stating their aims in life and therefore more easily understood, but Elevens are more complicated individuals and so are not as easy to understand. They take some time to establish their own centre of gravity due to a natural conflict between the rush and drive of public life and the inner urge to devote themselves to impersonal and objective matters. They are best described as spiritual adventurers who may lose their way at times but keep soldiering on, while Eighteens are, for the most part, adventurers in the physical world with the potential to enter the non-physical world when they wish to do so.


There are many similarities between persons born on the 11th and 19th days of the month as well as a number of dissimilarities. Many characteristics not readily known to themselves or to the casual observer will emerge in the course of their relationship. Spontaneous attraction to each other leaving familiarity and understanding to be acquired later is more likely than a leisurely development of a relationship. Although powerful physical, emotional and spiritual vibrations energise both individuals the attraction in the first instance will be on the mental plane. Outlets for free emotional expression are not as open in these individuals as to those operating largely on the emotional plane. Emotion could be bottled up in both and released in a flood when it can no longer be contained. Their physical attributes, however, can be combined successfully with their mental, spiritual and humanitarian assets. These may not be found in the same degree in both, but their concepts, especially in the human element, could be harmonised to a degree that would enrich their personal development and their relationship with each other. Needless to say, their respective backgrounds will have considerable bearing on the extent to which their potential will be used.

The Eleven personality is governed by a master vibration which signifies an evolutionary stage beyond an instinctive attraction to the physical and material spheres of life. Egocentric habits of thought and action have also been replaced by unselfish and humanitarian habits and richness in human values. These attributes are, however, the unadulterated qualities of the master vibration and are seldom found wholly in an Eleven personality. They may remain latent, to be evoked in various degrees by the individual’s earnestness towards personal development. There are several factors which prevent Eleven personalities from falling into a standard personality type. They may be found in three broad divisions determined not only by environmental conditioning but also chiefly by the vibration of their birth month. In those with the physical numbers 1 and 4 the spiritual side of their personality may be overshadowed to some extent by attention to the physical and material aspects of life. Those born in the 7th month will easily maintain a balance between a spiritual/mystical and a practical/material lifestyle. Elevens with the emotional numbers 2, 5 and 8 possess keen extrasensory powers, but with some loss of practicality, while those with the mental numbers 3, 6 and 9 enjoy a penetrating insight into the physical and non-physical worlds with a proportionate loss of practicality. These two latter classes of Elevens are idealistic but not always capable of converting their ideas into achievement. However, all Elevens, regardless of their type, experience the need for personal adjustment between mundane responsibilities and an inner pull towards a lifestyle devoted to personal development and some selfless service to the community. During the process of self-adjustment they may not emerge as cooperative and companionable as their partners would like them to be. However, all Elevens possess the potential to emerge from egocentricity created by the 1 vibration once the wide impersonal powers of the master vibration are activated.

Positivity in the Nineteen enables them to respond to the best characteristics of their Eleven partners rather than react to any real or unsubstantiated faults. This attitude naturally applies to their interaction with all others as well. As positivity is not a certainty in all Elevens adverse reactions to people and circumstances may be expected in some of them. Subjectivity may be more common than objectivity. Despite the strength of the 1 vibration in both partners the position of leader and decision maker may not be hotly contested due to moderating influences in each. Domination and subservience are states alien to both personality types. Elevens have no desire to exercise personal authority over others; their method of influence being leadership by example. Many Elevens, particularly those with emotional and mental numbers in their birth months, are great talkers and preachers. While they are often powerless to resist telling others what they should or should not be doing they do not enforce their ideas and conditions, nor do they strictly follow up such ideas themselves. They cherish their own freedom and respect the freedom of others. Nineteens, through the benign influence of the 9 aspect of their personality, will respond in a similar fashion by maintaining their own individuality and granting the same to their Eleven partners. They will not, however, tolerate too much of the Eleven’s moralising. By and large, a partnership of equality with a fair balance of interdependence and independence can be happily established. Both personalities are happier giving rather than receiving. This natural propensity will help them tackle and overcome difficulties rather than brood over them and magnify them. One would not expect the other to solve problems that arise from time to time.

While the manifold responsibilities and joys of a domestic way of life may be completely fulfilling to certain temperaments Elevens and Nineteens do not find it so as they are of a different mould. Although they readily acknowledge the responsibilities and challenges of domesticity a more extended field of activity is needed by both for self-expression. However, while there are some Elevens, particularly those with physical numbers in their birth months, who may adjust to a career as a homemaker, Nineteen’s are not likely to do so. Personal fulfilment can only be found by most Elevens and all Nineteens in public life. They need to assume responsibilities and express their talents in a field beyond that of their own kith and kin. This does not mean that they would be neglectful of the need for a stable and harmonious home life. All their ingenuity will be directed to this end in addition to their public duties. It is the routine details of running a home that they may find troublesome, and wish to delegate to others.

Both partners are socially active though they do not depend on social interaction for fulfilment and self-expression. As both constantly endeavour to expand their knowledge on all planes of expression they are easily bored by the conversational limits of insular minded and uninformed persons. With a natural capacity to discriminate between the flippant and stable elements of society they experience little difficulty finding their own level. They are not influenced by others and consequently are able to maintain their own style in a social scene. Both possess a well developed social conscience and are not likely to enter into heated arguments that could create dissention and hurt feelings. Elevens, however, may be inclined to be carried away and talk too much, becoming lost in detail. Some of them possess minds cluttered with theories that have no relation to practical application. They are easily hurt by adverse reaction to their high ideals and standards. Discussions between the partners themselves will usually be handled on a non-confrontational basis. Nineteens seldom find themselves open to criticism as they are much more realistic in their ideas and discriminating in their choice of topics of conversation and of their audience. While some Elevens may feel insecure in unfamiliar company until a degree of familiarity has been established Nineteens do not depend on creating any degree of intimacy before they feel at ease. People and situations are not perceived as threatening or challenging. Consequently, they do not take long to take command of conversation and hold the attention of their audience. There is a natural air of authority in their speech and body language combined with practical knowledge and good judgment. In a social scene it is possible that these partners could cut into each other’s conversation and steal attention from each other when they become animated. Whereas in their intimate lives they are likely to fall into the habit of communicating by means of body language and a degree of telepathy which gives them the luxury of periods of silence.

Both individuals have the tendency towards steady devotion to a favourite project or pursuit; a habit that may involve more time and attention being spent in a personal interest than the enrichment of their relationship and social life. However, any such practice may be unintentional because neither of the two can be accused of indifference towards each other and towards home and family. In order to minimise the risk of separation they would pool their resources and choose the same lines of entertainment, relaxation and social activity. They are both adventurers who reach out to new horizons of experience in the physical as well as non-physical realms. Educational travel, social service, limitless cultural interests and involvement in New Age thought can be enjoyed jointly for mental and spiritual stimulation.

Ambivalent attitudes may be revealed by both partners in regard to money and its proper management. Elevens with physical numbers in their birth months are cautious spenders and good money managers. Other Elevens will be free spenders and somewhat indifferent money managers. Nineteens, too could fluctuate between responsible spending habits and liberality in their tastes and spending. Neither partner would like to be held accountable for the manner in which they handle income and expenditure. By and large, they are not likely to fall into extremes as they are neither gamblers, misers nor spendthrifts. A certain degree of non-attachment to material possessions as well as the capacity to enjoy an equal amount of pleasure from material possessions creates a good balance in both. They will, for the most part, refuse to place money before human dignity. They are also equipped with the capacity to surmount difficult times and to restore and rebuild their fortunes.

The most valuable asset possessed by both is an intuitive wisdom by which things are known to them without recourse to explanation or close scrutiny. This gift should certainly help develop a deeper understanding and harmony in their relationship. They are able to improve their natural gifts by continuous self-advancement knowing that the life of the senses is not the only reality to be experienced. In the process, they would strengthen and aid each other while at the same time avoiding intrusion into each other’s respective individuality. Compatibility is favoured further by the fact that these are not individuals who surrender easily to sentimental expression of their feelings. This condition could also act in positive or negative ways. The 1 vibration which on its own is responsible for egoistic and egocentric attitudes is restrained by the expansive forces of the master vibration in the Eleven, and the equally expansive forces of the 9 in the Nineteen. All things considered, this is a very fortunate combination.


Please refer to the chapter on the 2nd and 11th birthdays. The Zero of the 20th day does not add any new features to the 2 vibration or take away any existing features. It may, however, emphasise certain existing features making the Twenty personality somewhat more expressive of the 2 qualities, whether positive or negative.


Please refer to the chapter on the 11th and 12th birthdays. Persons born on the 12th and 21st days are basically Three personalities influenced strongly by the 1 and 2 vibrations. There is hardly a noticeable difference between a Twelve or a Twenty-One personality. If at all, the influence of the 1 vibration is slightly stronger in the Twelve, while the influence of the 2 is slightly stronger in the Twenty-One.


Anticipation of a definite outcome in regard to compatibility or incompatibility in this extraordinary combination of master vibrations is a hazardous task due to the number of variables that arise in Eleven and Twenty-Two personalities. The problem arises from the fact that they do not emerge as standard personality types. In both instances the vibration of the birth month has considerable bearing on the formation and nature of each personality. Different months create different types of Elevens or Twenty-Twos.

Or, put another way, the attributes of the master vibrations are manifested differently. There is also the influence of their backgrounds which may have favoured or stifled these forces.

A positive or negative approach to life usually determines the degree of success in a relationship, indeed, every aspect of an individual’s life. In most instances it is the 1 vibration with its qualities of self-confidence, self-reliance, individuality, willpower, mental and physical energy, strength of ego and ambition that determine the degree of positivity or negativity contained in the personality of an individual. If this vibration or number appears in the birthday or birth month positivity comes as a natural gift. An exceptionally harmful background and upbringing could be the only reason for a fearful and insecure mentality in such cases. But this is usually overcome when the individual attains maturity.

In the case of the Eleven personality the 1 vibration already exists in the birthday and is therefore not needed in the birth month. If it is present as in the 1st, 10th, 11th and 12th months the result is an overloading and strengthening of certain 1 characteristics which may turn to some forms of negative or restricted expression such as one-pointed thought processes, stubbornness, inflexibility, inhibition of emotional expression, lack of imagination and tunnel vision. These Elevens are oriented towards the physical, practical and material aspects of life. They are confident, competent and thorough in all the tasks they undertake though limited in their choice of activities. Those born in the 4th month possess extraordinary manual dexterity while those born in the 1st, 10th, 11th and 12th months create more with their minds and less with their hands. Elevens born in the 7th month possess a good balance of mental creativity and practicality as well as spirituality. Spontaneous demonstration of emotion is a missing quality in all Elevens with physical numbers in their birth month. They may be regarded by others as emotionally distant or emotionally inaccessible, but the truth is that a great deal of emotion is contained within them. It is the outlet for release of emotion that is lacking. They may not be cuddly types who offer and respond readily to physical contact on a sentimental basis but their love and devotion which is unquestionable are expressed in many practical ways. Touching may not form a necessary part of communication. This aspect of their personality has to be clearly understood by their partners, particularly those partners who expect emotional demonstration or spontaneous response to their overtures.

Elevens with the emotional numbers 2, 5, and 8 in their birth months would be emotionally expressive but not as practical. While there is some loss of manual dexterity this is supplemented by an increased number of artistic talents. They are more flexible and adaptable than those with physical numbers in their birth months. Elevens with the mental numbers 3, 6 and 9 are once again non-touchers. Emotional demonstration is held back but emotion is released through fluency of speech and artistic talents. They possess flexible and fertile imaginations, agile minds and fluency of speech. Loss of manual dexterity is greater than those with emotional numbers.

The master vibration 22 is more comprehensive than the 11. It combines spirituality with practicality regardless of the nature of the vibration of the birth month. However, the vibration of the birth month does divide Twenty-Twos into different types in other aspects, especially in regard to positive or negative expression of their talents and personality traits While Elevens are prevented from into falling into self-destructive or outwardly aggressive forms of negativity due to the presence of the steadying 1 vibration some Twenty-Twos can be subject to these conditions when the piloting power of the 1 vibration is not present in the birth month or as their Destiny number (the sum of each digit of the whole birthday including year), or found in strength in their names. A negative Twenty-Two would be a much more difficult proposition than a negative Eleven. On the other hand, a positive Twenty-Two being a practical idealist and a practical visionary, will be in most instances a few steps ahead of a positive Eleven. The drive behind a positive Twenty-Two is more extensive.

While mind and spirit rule most Elevens, mind, heart, spirit and body (hands) rule the Twenty-Two. With emotional numbers in their birth months Twenty-Twos will be hypersensitive people who lose much goodwill in their interaction with others due to their subjective temperaments. While the subjectivity of the Eleven is mental, that of the Twenty-Twos is emotional. They habitually misunderstand, misinterpret and misjudge the words and actions of others. Consequently, they cause suffering to themselves and unpleasantness and confrontation with others. Twenty-Twos born in the 4th month could be too materialistic, insensitive, greedy and self-centred with personal gain as the prime motive of their lives. Those with mental numbers in their birth months may experience difficulty maintaining a proper sense of direction. They are, however, much better balanced than those with emotional numbers. Twenty-Twos born in the 1st, 10th, 11th and 12th months are clearly positive individuals who possess the potential to live to the full powers of the master vibration. Selfless contribution of their considerable talents towards the welfare of others is the obligation of those controlled by this master vibration; the first condition for success being the control or sublimation of ego, as far as humanly possible. The central object of their mission is to uplift and advance living conditions at all levels of life. To the extent that they allow their egos to control their lives will they succeed or fall short of their mission. Spiritual unfolding will be a complementary task. In this respect an Eleven/Twenty-Two partnership has a common destiny. However, those individuals who do not live up to the superior powers of their master vibrations operate as strong Two (1 +1 =2) and Four (2 + 2 = 4) personalities, displaying both positive and negative aspects of these vibrations. A perusal of the chapter on the 2nd and 4th birthdays may be of interest. Most Elevens and Twenty-Twos fluctuate between the attributes of the single digits and those of the master vibrations. The extent to which they remain within one or the other will depend on the background or foundation of each individual. It will be from their foundation that they will proceed towards greater activity. Mature Elevens and Twenty-Twos do not regard themselves as products of physical evolution, but more as the consequence of spiritual evolution and this will be the basis on which they try to establish their lifestyles. It is also possible that both will be involved in an inner and outer conflict between the upward pull of the spiritual powers of the master vibration and the downward draw of personal and materialistic attractions of mundane life natural to the single digits.

Decision making will be shared between these partners. While each will be able to decide on matters concerning personal affairs they would willingly consult each other in regard to matters relating to their relationship and the management of home and family. Their natural dispositions preclude authoritative and arbitrary action. In private and public life they do not demand outright leadership roles. Yet, others are likely to follow their lead, drawn not only by the selfless example they set, but also by their strength of personality and wisdom. With the exception of some badly negative Twenty-Twos all Elevens and Twenty-Twos pay little heed to the ordinary status symbols of an affluent society. While conscious of fashion and other social conventions they remain independent and unmoved by superficial public opinion. As a consequence, a much greater degree of freedom of expression of their talents and energies is enjoyed by both. Sooner or later a sensitive appreciation of the interrelation of all life is developed and their subsequent actions are governed by the realisation of this underlying unity. As a result dictatorial and overbearing attitudes will be absent. Willpower to perform their chosen duties and an inner guidance rather than strength of ego motivates both individuals. Public life will be more attractive than domestic life. However, most Twenty-Twos and physically oriented Elevens will be able to cope with the practicalities of domestic life as well as the responsibilities of public life. Their responses to life’s experiences will be strong-willed and purposeful.

The depth and breadth of the thought processes of these partners, reflected in speech and action, confuse people who have limited vision and only a cursory knowledge or interest in any level of complexity in life. Both possess characteristics that cannot be readily known or understood by casual observers, and yet, are unconscious of this fact. Consequently, people with whom they interact in social circles may respond or react with some degree of misunderstanding or misjudgement. In addition, the sensitivity of their psychic sense is more advanced and, as such, reaches into subtle regions to which the physical senses of the average person have no access or appreciation. These partners can, however, pool their resources and enjoy each other’s company if they do not meet their peers in social life as regularly as they may wish. Twenty-Twos are better able to cope with people who do not understand or are unable to cope with their ways. While they hold confidently to their convictions they are not intolerant of those who hold different or simpler views. Extremists are seldom found amongst them. Elevens, however, are often intolerant and impatient with those who hold views contrary to their own. Many could hold one-pointed and fanatical views on spiritual matters or adherence to an orthodox religion.

With the exception of physically oriented Elevens, other Elevens and all Twenty-Twos are accomplished conversationalists. Concentration and specialisation are notable talents of physically oriented Elevens. Their conversation is confined to their lines of expertise while other subjects are treated with indifference. Fear of revealing a lack of knowledge, poor imagination and a lack of broad horizons prevents them from venturing into a variety of conversational topics. This is the result of a stronger and more sensitive ego. The Twenty-Two does not nurture their ego as carefully, and therefore, does not carry the same burden as an Eleven. They feel little need to uphold their views or safeguard themselves against the views of others. As the nature of the average Eleven is more visionary than practical their conversation could be protracted and replete with suggestions, ideas, plans and advice. Much that is given out will be genuinely innovative and beneficial, but an equal amount may be impractical. As practical visionaries and practical idealists, Twenty-Twos are much less inclined to indulge in talk, choosing instead to put their plans and ideas into practice through their own efforts rather than broadcasting them, expecting others to take them up.

Both personalities command respect and attention when they address a gathering. However, Elevens should always take care not to labour their subject excessively and cause distraction. Between themselves Elevens and Twenty-Twos enjoy a unique opportunity to exchange fresh ideas and put them into execution. Elevens are not without practicality, but this aspect is often held back by their active minds. The influence of the balanced Twenty-Two can bring out the practicality of the Eleven.

Recreational and other pastimes are not likely to send these partners into opposite directions. Both are relatively non-competitive individuals and participation in highly competitive sports may not be carried into their more mature years, nor will such sports consume their interest in their younger years. The spirit of enquiry and adventure into esoteric realms of life is too strong for confinement, for the most part, within physical activity. A continuous extension and exploitation of their natural talents for the benefit of society at large will be the central object of their life rather than the pursuit of personal fame. Elevens are basically inventors and idealists while Twenty-Twos are builders. On the one hand, Elevens can function successfully as professionals or in an avocation as philosophers, psychologists, astrologers, astronomers, psychics, mediums, evangelists, designers, radio and television announcers, comperes, writers and inventors. Twenty-Twos, on the other hand, possess the singular capacity to excel in any field of human endeavour they choose to undertake. While their range of vision and field of activity will always be humanitarian and international they are able to combine without effort activities on the physical, emotional, mental and spiritual planes.

Neither partner is influenced by an acquisitive instinct. Consequently, the pursuit of money and worldly possessions will not control their lives. (An exception could be a Twenty-Two born in the 4th month). The management of their finances could pass from one to the other or handled by both without distrust. In bigger issues and important investments mutual consultation will take place. However, the opinion of the Twenty-Two which is usually formed from practical ideas should be given serious consideration. These partners are equally equipped to meet and overcome difficult times in terms of money and material possessions, as well as the capacity to treat good and hard times with equal composure.

In conclusion, it may be said that Elevens and Twenty-Twos could in the course of their relationship extend their love of one another into a strong spiritual kinship. Spiritually mature Elevens and Twenty-Twos will not be inclined to affiliate with a particular church or religion but will rely on their own efforts to find inner fulfilment.


Vibrations introduced into this combination are quite extraordinary by virtue of their dissimilarities and diversity. A harmonious blending into a complementary union cannot be confidently predicted. Eleven personalities controlled by a master vibration are not individuals who can adjust to or accommodate themselves to any and every type of partner. Despite the fact that there are different types of Elevens the fundamental feature of all Elevens is an amalgam of spirituality, inspiration, mysticism, humanity, inventiveness, dogmatism, stubbornness, inflexibility and individuality. They do not willingly surrender any part of their lifestyle and consequently, expect their partners to adjust and follow their mode of living. This is a condition that will not find acceptance by a Twenty-Three because freedom is the keynote of this personality.

Elevens fall broadly into three divisions in regard to the proper manifestation of the qualities of the master vibration. These divisions are determined by the vibration of the birth month. Those with physical numbers (4 and 7) in their birth month are down-to-earth and practical individuals. They are also the most rigid, stubborn and determined of all Eleven types. Their concentration is powerful but flexibility of thought and action is limited. They resent any sort of disturbance or interference when their attention is held on any task. They would rather work alone than in conjunction with another. They are givers and not sharers. Their personal possessions (which are not extensive) are preserved exclusively as their own and not to be used or shared with others. Having no outlet on the emotional plane these physically oriented Elevens are incapable of spontaneous demonstration of their feelings and of response to emotional expression by others, including their partners. Consequently, the emotional needs of an emotionally demonstrative partner may be frustrated. They do not realise that some degree of emotional demonstration is expected and desirable. Twenty-Threes who possess normal emotional outlets and expect reasonable demonstration from a partner will certainly experience frustration with these Elevens. With mental numbers in their birth months (3, 6 and 9) Elevens also suffer from the absence of an outlet for emotional expression. However, these Elevens enjoy the gift of oral expression and their sentiments can be released through richness and fluency of speech. They are also rich in imagination and mental flexibility. Due to their agile minds and adaptability these Elevens have more in common with their Twenty-Three partners. Elevens with emotional numbers (2, 5 and 8) in their birth months are much more flexible and capable of revealing their emotions and responding to those of their partners. However, some of the practicality, steadfastness and concentration of the physically strong Elevens has been taken away and replaced by a variety of artistic talents, and these talents will be similar in many ways to those of the Twenty-Three.

In general, all Elevens who live up to the full force of the master vibration are gifted in varying degrees with spiritual restlessness, inventiveness, oratory and artistic talents as well as scientific skills. They are found especially among performers, pioneers, inventors, missionaries, philosophers, psychologists, astrologers, astronomers, mediums, artists, designers and investigators into the occult sciences. However, the reality is that few Elevens attain or express the full potential of the master vibration. The majority operate as very strong Two personalities who tap into the potential of the master vibration from time to time. However, the sentimentality of the straightforward Two is still concealed.

The majority of the Twenty-Three’s characteristics and habits are usually directly opposite to those of the average Eleven. This may create an initial attraction, but in a longer term introduce the need for many adjustments on the part of both partners, and such adjustments may be contrary to their natural inclinations. Although Twenty-Threes are flexible and adaptable people these traits apply to their actions and reactions in life as individuals rather than towards accommodating themselves to the expectations of others. Basically a Five personality (2 + 3 = 5), the Twenty-Three is fortified by the values and assets of the 2 and 3 vibrations. These three vibrations possess several complementary features which combine successfully to create a multi-talented, vibrant, extroverted and largely unified personality. There are hardly any features that pull the individual into opposite ways that create internal turmoil and loss of direction. The Twenty-Three functions as a well integrated unit. The most essential requirement of this personality is the 1 vibration in the birth month. This is needed to keep the individual as far as possible on a steady course with definite goals and the steadfastness to reach these goals, ignoring other attractions. Without this vibration Twenty-Threes are likely to suffer from restlessness, changeability, instability and irresponsible use of personal freedom. In other words, they may tend towards a negative or capricious use of their extraordinary talents. The integral Twenty-Three functioning as a positive personality becomes involved constructively in a wide range of activity in private and public life. They do not feel alive unless they find themselves at the centre of activity. Their minds are constantly open to new opportunities for experience in the physical, mental and emotional realms. The psychic self of these individuals is skin deep and often overlooked. However, to compensate for this, nature has outfitted them with quick reflexes and a keen sense of perception. Concentration suffers due to their awareness of everything that goes and around them. The psychic sense of the Eleven, on the other hand, is deep and seldom neglected. Concentration is powerful. Twenty-Trees seldom find time to reach out to levels beyond the five senses. Elevens, in contrast, are intuitively aware that experience of the five senses is not the true reality of things.

The Eleven’s ego is sensitive and self-protective but at the same time extended into a compassionate and often selfless interest in the human family. Although they hold dogmatic views they do not seek control over others. They are leaders in ideas rather than leaders of people. In a relationship with a Twenty-Three an Eleven would not attempt to assume a role as leader and decision maker. In any case the Eleven would soon realise the futility of doing so with such an elusive personality. The Eleven would, however, expect a fair degree of cooperation, loyalty, dependability and, of course, love. As long as they do not exercise undue pressure on the freedom-loving Twenty-Three, these expectations will be met. However, there may be some problems with a Twenty-Three partner who does not possess the steadying influence of the 1 vibration or the 4 or 7 in their birth months. These individuals could be somewhat wayward or inconsistent in their obligations, at least in the opinion of a strict Eleven.

Twenty-Threes do not possess self-assertive egos but self-love and self-indulgence can be ego-centred traits in them. Freedom to experience life in all its aspects is more attractive to them than the responsibilities of command. They will certainly try to manipulate their partners towards conforming to their ways, but they are not likely to succeed with an Eleven. The best solution in an Eleven/ Twenty-Three relationship is an unfettered arrangement based on mutual trust. Neither of the pair is attracted to a relatively tranquil domestic way of life. Both, in different ways, need involvement in public activity in order to feel fulfilled. Consequently, sharing domestic responsibilities will be a matter to be settled early in their relationship. However, if the Eleven has physical numbers in the birth month this partner will be capable and willing to undertake a greater share of domestic duties. All Elevens in any case do not get caught up in activities outside home as much as a Twenty-Three does. A Twenty-Three will certainly take the lead in all social activity. They should not, however, expect an Eleven to join them in all their outings as these partners need periods of quietude which Twenty-Threes seldom do. The Twenty-Three is a friendly, easygoing person and a good mixer while the Eleven is reserved and selective of company. The Eleven is slow in giving or gaining new friendships but when they do so their friendships are long lasting. Quick friendships formed by the Twenty-Three are not always enduring as they move on to new relationships leaving little or no time to keep up with the old. They are also fashion conscious and enjoy personal adornment. Elevens are not indifferent to fashion although they are largely independent of it and the never-ending demands of popular trends.

Twenty-Threes easily maintain the centre of attention in any gathering. They are never comfortable just as observers or listeners. They are at ease in crowds and noisy surroundings while Elevens do not enjoy crowds or boisterous company. They may occupy centre stage at times of their own choosing and withdraw to a position of observer and listener at other times. The body language of the Twenty-Three is animated and often captivating while that of the Eleven is placid and undemonstrative. They may, however, become quite animated when expanding on a favourite topic and retire into quietude as soon as they have finished.

Twenty-Threes possess a tremendous advantage over Elevens in oral expression. Words, words and more words are nature’s gift to this personality. Elevens cannot enter into a serious discussion or argument on a subject on which they hold opposing views and expect to gain any sort of victory. The quick-witted and eloquent Twenty-Three will always have the last word. They can be constant talkers with an opinion on everything, much to the irritation of an Eleven partner who requires time for contemplation. Elevens, on the other hand, could be too fond of giving advice or preaching to their partners and to others closely associated with them. Twenty-Three partners will of course not put up with being told what they should or should not do. Training in use of words will be of great benefit to both; Elevens to easily articulate their inspired thoughts and Twenty-Threes to control the expression of their swift thought processes. In the public arena Twenty-Threes hold an audience not only by their eloquence but also by their charm, expressive body language and sensuality, while Elevens do so through a mental and spiritual grip on their audience. Both are adept in the use of speech to justify their actions whether right or wrong, or to excuse their reluctance to undertake a task they do not enjoy.

While Twenty-Threes enjoy novelty Elevens are usually cautious and even suspicious of novelty, except in esoteric matters. Most Elevens seek to harmonise spiritual and worldly values. Twenty-Threes, on the other hand, may not allow themselves time and patience to delve into esoteric matters. While they are not greedy or grasping people in the sense of worldly possessions, their chief desire is enjoyment, experience and entertainment, and this will certainly be displayed in the variety of activities they engage in during their leisure hours. Hardly any activity in the physical, mental and emotional realms fails to attract them. They are especially attracted to travel, sport, drama, literature social events and any activity that offers adventure and opportunities for self-expression. Domestic or home based hobbies such as cooking, housekeeping, and gardening are not likely to attract their attention. If by chance they do get involved in any of these, such involvement will be only in fits and starts. Eleven partners do not possess a mercenary mentality either. As givers rather than takers, they give their time and knowledge generously. Interests taken up during their spare time will be directed towards good causes and public movements. They are much more consistent and enduring in their hobbies and other activities. They may start projects with caution and develop a lasting interest as time passes. While Twenty-Threes show a passion for investigation and experience in the physical world Elevens do not reject such activity, choosing to try and control it so that they could allow time for investigation and experimentation within the non-physical world.

One of the most risky facets of this relationship and one in which constant bickering could take place will be in the management of their financial affairs. Elevens are cautious spenders with limitations on what they acquire for themselves and the family as a whole. Although not attracted to money for its own sake their sense of security is allied to responsible handling of money. Twenty-Threes are free spenders over a wide range of products. They do not entertain much concern for security in terms of savings and investments. Expenditure on personal needs is much higher than is their Eleven partners, as will be their generosity towards others. While Elevens may have one source of income that is usually more than adequate, Twenty-Threes with more enterprise enjoy a wider earning capacity, and consequently have more spending power. However, their money needs to be kept in control lest it goes out as fast as it comes in. The Eleven partner should undertake this task, even though it will not be willingly surrendered by the Twenty-Three.

The ability or inability to demonstrate emotion and sentiment is a vital problem these partners face in their intimate lives. Elevens love deeply and sincerely but, in general, are unable to give natural expression to their love either vocally or actively. Those with physical numbers in their birth months experience the greatest difficulty in this respect. Twenty-Threes, in contrast, are able to reveal their emotions and would feel unloved if their expressions of love are not reciprocated. They could be free and easy not only with their partners but also with most others. As genuine romantics they thrive on warm physical contact for expressing and receiving affection. An Eleven with emotional numbers in their birth month may still feel fearful of letting go of their emotions. Most Elevens miss out on the joys that are part and parcel of the natural expression of emotion. They are more content with the pleasures of mental and spiritual enjoyment. This may be of great advantage to them but disadvantageous to their emotionally expressive partners.


The presence of a master vibration in any combination is an indication that considerable patience, perception and adjustments will be needed in the course of a relationship. Usually the individual controlled by the master vibration would expect more adjustments from their partners than they would be prepared to make. An Eleven/Twenty-Four relationship will not be an exception. However, in this instance the Eleven is fortunate because the Twenty-Four is generally a peaceful, relaxed and reasonably complacent personality. They are at the same time rational, realistic and practical individuals who coordinate thought, word and action as a natural process. Knowing the difference between ideology and practicality Twenty-Fours would not put up with theories, propositions, formulae, postulations and hypotheses unless followed up by practical application. They may face this problem of ‘talk without follow-up action’ with some Elevens. The master vibration infuses idealism without the counter-balancing assets of pragmatism and practicality. Subjects of this vibration need practical vibrations in other strong areas of influence in order to materialise their ideas.

Elevens fall into two broad categories determined by the number of their birth month; the first group being those with the physical numbers 1, 4 and 7 in their birth months and the second group – the other numbers in the mental and emotional spheres. Those with physical numbers have the best chance of forming a successful relationship with a Twenty-Four as these individuals share many of their down-to-earth and practical characteristics. Other Elevens in varying degrees lose practical application of their talents, although they gain in stronger idealism, imagination and oral expression of their thoughts. They are restless and adventuresome people involved in a wide range of activity. It is not in their nature to confine themselves to a quiet and conservative lifestyle. Twenty-Fours who favour less complicated lifestyles may be placed under pressure by these Eleven partners. A compromise is always possible with the Twenty-Four moving more towards the Eleven’s ways than the Eleven adjusting to those of the Twenty-Four. This will not be a loss to the Twenty-Four, but rather a broadening of their horizons. At the same time the practical Twenty-Four will be indispensable to the Eleven as their talents will be freely acknowledged and used by them.

The Twenty-Four is a unique combination of even numbers or receptive vibrations. They are basically Six personalities (2 + 4 = 6) and are strongly influenced by the 2 and 4 vibrations. The physical, emotional and mental realms are equally represented in their overall personality structure. Far from being opposed to each other as in many other multiple digit birthdays these vibrations merge harmoniously to form a well integrated personality capable of handling all aspects of mundane living with efficiency and contentment. The ability to sit back and appreciate what they possess without an inexplicable desire for more is one of their valuable assets. However, in public life the extent of their achievement may be reduced and their peace of mind disturbed by a certain lack of confidence in their own abilities along with a non-aggressive nature. A tendency towards unnecessary worry may be another problem. These are difficulties faced particularly by Twenty-Fours who do not possess the 1 vibration in their birth months. The 1 vibration introduces positivity into the personality, and this positivity engenders belief and confidence in their skills and the willingness to compete with others. While Twenty-Fours born in the 1st, 10th, 11th and 12th months can make full use of their natural talents without much effort, other Twenty-Fours need to take themselves in hand and overcome feelings of inadequacy, worry and doubt. The degree of happiness and success in the life of these Twenty-Fours will depend on the degree they acquire confidence in their own ample resources.

In general, all Twenty-Fours are equipped with manual dexterity, and consequently, a natural attraction to physical and manual tasks. Carpentry, construction and mechanical engineering, agriculture, sculpture, and pottery are some areas that attract the Twenty-Four. To add to the overall competence of the individual the 4 aspect provides physical strength and durability for sustained labour, the 2 provides an outlet for emotional release and adaptability while the 6 aspect introduces a rational, realistic and balanced approach to life. Any excess prompted by the 2 and 4 aspects is checked by the 6. Twenty-Fours are also found among those engaged in upholding law and order, community welfare and security. Teaching, counselling and the culinary arts are other areas of specialisation. The 2 aspect of the Twenty-Four has a strong attraction to the medical profession and receives sympathetic support from the 4 and 6. Twenty-Fours who take to medicine become competent surgeons. The 2 aspect provides the aptitude to handle delicate instruments. The personality is therefore able to work effectively with heavy as well as delicate materials. The most prominent feature created by the combination of the 2, 4 and 6 vibrations is domesticity. Love of home and family life becomes the central object of their life. Readiness to renounce much of their own pleasures in order to relieve troubles and discomfort of family members will be a characteristic of many Twenty-Fours. This will not be a prominent feature of the Eleven unless they have been nurtured in a caring family. Elevens in general are not indifferent to family problems but their many engagements or commitments outside home take up much of their time and energy. They are frequently found taking up responsibilities beyond those of their own kith and kin. Twenty-Fours are in a better position to generate peace and harmony within themselves and consciously as well as unconsciously distribute these vibrations around the home. While they carry about them an air of tranquillity the atmosphere around most Elevens will be one of earnestness and a degree of restlessness. Twenty-Fours are acutely aware that the quality of family life is in direct proportion to the amount of quality time spent with their loved ones. Involvement in external activity is not as important to them as it may be to an Eleven.

An Eleven/Twenty-Four relationship will not be one in which either partner seeks to dominate the other. They are both non-competitive individuals who would rather pursue their own pathways than take upon themselves the responsibilities of direct leadership. Freedom from interference is more important to both than the need to control and direct. However, it is possible that the Eleven may try to impose their lines of thought by means of frequent suggestions and advice. Many of their suggestions may be unacceptable to the realistic and practical Twenty-Four. The Twenty-Four will agree to amicable discussion on large and small issues. Elevens may be somewhat more elusive and argumentative. Although Elevens are experts at justifying themselves, whether right or wrong, the reasoning powers of the Twenty-Four will usually prevail. While the family dissenter may be the Eleven the family peacemaker will invariably be the Twenty-Four.

The Eleven is a career oriented individual with little domestic leaning, unless the individual has a 4 or 6 in the birth month. On the other hand, the Twenty-Four is capable of functioning in a successful career or running a profitable business as well as managing a comfortable home. Proper upbringing of their children will be their first priority as education and guardianship are among their strongest qualities. They would rather establish their own routine in domestic duties, especially in the kitchen, than have the Eleven partner interfere. Moral support is what they would expect and this will be willingly provided by all Elevens. Most Twenty-Fours are conservative people while most Elevens are progressive and experimental. Twenty-Fours may need to make a conscious effort to free themselves from preconceived ideas based upon their own background. Elevens with the numbers 1 or 4 in their birth months may be similar, but other Elevens will not shy away from the mere novelty of an idea or circumstance. New ideas introduced by them should not always be treated as unrealistic by the Twenty-Four.

Both partners are attracted to moderate social activity. Neither has an urge to stand out in a crowd or occupy centre stage unless they choose to do so for a particular reason or cause. Within reason, the Twenty-Four’s tendency is to conform to social norms while the Eleven tends to break away or act according to their own convictions. While both are inclined to hold firm opinions the Twenty-Four would address an issue in a non-confrontational manner while an Eleven may show considerable enthusiasm and animation, especially on subjects dear to them. Although Twenty-Fours hold opinions that are much more realistic than many of their associates they do not seek to impose their views on them, but Elevens find themselves unable to resist doing so. Many Elevens are also likely to speak on matters beyond the general interest or knowledge of their social circles. Consequently, they often isolate themselves.

Neither partner is likely to burden the other with incessant talk. Periods of silence and intuitive communication will be practised by both. The Twenty-Four should be careful to prevent psychic awareness being smothered by too much rationality, while many Elevens should learn to express their high ideals in a down-to-earth and practical manner. They should also cultivate pleasant conversation on everyday matters with their Twenty-Four partners. Many Twenty-Fours and physically oriented Elevens could be strangers to subtlety and repartee, and even hostile towards friendly banter. As the mind of the Twenty-Four is usually uncluttered by theories and the mind of the Eleven could be full of theories their cooperative effort could easily transfer inspiration into achievement on physical levels of life.

Recreational activity and other individual hobbies will naturally reflect their different temperaments. One factor that exists in common is non-competitiveness. Consequently, participation in highly competitive sport will not take up too much of their time and money. Another common factor is the habit of discriminating carefully before entering into any new activity. Impulsiveness is alien to both dispositions. Elevens may choose to enquire into spiritual and metaphysical realms of life through personal study and group activity. Most Elevens tend to avoid formal prayers and congregational worship within orthodox religion. They are explorers and creators not only in the abstract aspects of life but also in science, music, art and literature. Twenty-Fours have a tendency to brush aside anything abstract which they do not understand or have no interest in. On the other hand they are genuine handypersons. Manual dexterity being one of their many talents, most of their hobbies will be home based. The greater part of home maintenance will be willingly undertaken by them. They are not restless people who need movement and travel in order to feel at ease. Cooking will be one of their special interests. Not only do they enjoy cooking as a creative task but the consumption of good food, whether prepared by themselves or by other specialists, will always stir their appetites. While individual interests may differ these partners could form a strong team in community service. In their different ways both possess an urge to serve the community. That of the Eleven may be more extensive but that of the Twenty-Four will be more intensive.

While physically oriented Elevens may be exceptions, other Elevens do not take much interest in money matters. All Twenty-Fours, on the other hand, are astute business persons. All financial matters relating to this partnership will sooner rather than later be taken over by this partner. Wise Elevens and almost all who are gifted with wisdom will willingly place this responsibility in the hands of the Twenty-Four. Twenty-Fours look towards financial security as their second priority; the first being domestic harmony. The reality is that both these priorities are closely allied. Although physical comforts are dear to them Twenty-Fours are satisfied with moderate acquisition of material possessions. Eleven partners are not too different in this respect. Consequently, one would not exercise undue pressure on the other to seek excessive material possessions.

By and large, Twenty-Fours find it easier to conform and adjust to the demands and responsibilities of an intimate union and adaptability to the needs of their partners and children. The desire to serve, to care for, to guard and to cure is among their natural tendencies, and these are demonstrated in many practical ways. The principal urge of the Eleven is mental and spiritual expansion on a personal level and the extension of their knowledge into the wider community. These partners can combine their natural talents for mutual benefit and the advantage of the community. Elevens do not find it easy to choose compatible partners and there are not many personalities who can accommodate themselves to the vagaries of the Eleven’s personality. The patient and placid temperament of the Twenty-Four is a rare exception. The absence of emotional demonstration by both may be observed by others but not by the partners themselves. As both are reserved in this respect neither will be affected by the absence of outward demonstrations of sentimentality. However, both possess considerable inner sensitivity as well as the awareness of the existence of sensitivity in each other. One would not consciously injure the feelings of the other.


A complicated situation is likely to arise in this combination unless a concerted effort is made to recognise and accept differences in temperament. This will be a task that may not be easy for either party. On the one hand, the master vibration which controls persons born on the 11th day is in itself a unique force which does not easily integrate with other vibrations. On the other hand, persons born on the 25th day are a changeable mixture of three vibrations with features that do not blend naturally and harmoniously. Consequently, the Twenty-Five has to reconcile many different urges within their own personality before or while attempting to establish a sympathetic relationship with another.

The master vibration provides its subjects with the best opportunities to adopt an impersonal attitude towards life based on good moral and spiritual values. Not many Elevens attain the highest level possible due to the influences of mundane living and environmental conditioning that hinder them from reaching their full potential. However, basic 11 features such as inspiration, intuition, inventive and creative urges and a constant need to alleviate and improve living conditions around them remain active in various degrees. Elevens with the physical numbers 1, 4 or 7 in their birth months achieve considerable success in their efforts as these are people with a combination of mental and practical skills. Those with mental or emotional numbers create mentally but do not necessarily follow up their creations on physical levels. They may provide the blueprints leaving others to execute the practical side.

Not only do the three vibrations within the Twenty-Five create a complex personality structure but also the vibration of the birth month could add further complications. Basically a Seven personality (2 + 5 = 7), the Twenty-Five is influenced strongly by the 2 and 5 vibrations operating in the foreground of the personality. Although these vibrations belong to the emotional plane they are different in character. The 2 is a receptive force which, among other features, introduces sensitivity, shyness or diffidence, easily hurt feelings, calmness, patience, rhythmic physical movement, a tendency to avoid prominent roles in life, a preference for supporting roles and fluctuating emotions. Extroversion is tentative with a need or dependence on companionship. By contrast, the 5 vibration is an active force which is consistently forceful and extroverted with volatile emotions and a need for constant physical activity. Individual self-expression rather than companionship or cooperative action is their natural preference. Other principal 5 features are the demand for freedom of movement and action, an urge for frequent change, unconventional habits, physical courage and agility, rapid decision, alertness, impulsiveness, enthusiasm, resourcefulness, versatility, impatience, motivation and the ability to cope with noise, tension and crowds. The force of the 5 vibration may relegate many gentle 2 features to the background but not extinguish them. They would act as an ultimate censor to the more volatile 5 features.

Characteristics of the basic Seven personality are so unlike those of the 5 and many aspects of the 2 that they may be responsible for much turmoil within the personality. The nature of this turmoil is, however, not so much destructive as it is challenging, and could be made positive and beneficial to the personality as a whole. This aspect does not feel the need for close companionship or the need for constant activity. The need for solitude and the pleasure of their own company is much more essential to their wellbeing than constant association with a partner or society. The 7 vibration introduces a natural aloofness, reserve and often an aura of inapproachability. When these are combined with the natural reserve of the 2 aspect and contrasted with the extroverted, restless and flamboyant qualities of the 5, the Twenty-Five emerges as quite an enigmatic individual. However, this personality can learn to use each aspect to their own advantage – the 2, when diplomacy is called for, the 5 when instant action and quick reflexes are needed and the 7 when disciplinary measures and self-control are needed. While none of us presents the same face under all circumstances some of us present or put on more faces than others. Twenty-Fives certainly show more faces than average. Which of these will come to the fore at any given time will depend on circumstances and the mood of the individual. The 2 aspect puts on a protective cloak against shyness by resorting to silence, the 5 does so through self-assertiveness and the 7 puts on a shield of aloofness against people they wish to keep at a distance.

The complexity of the Twenty-Five involves them in a greater variety of situations than the Eleven, and consequently, a greater number of behaviour patterns. Those born in the 1st, 10th, 11th and 12th months of the year possess a greater capacity to coordinate their contrasting features and act in all important situations as a unified entity. The 1 vibration helps them steer a steady course overcoming tendencies towards ambivalent behaviour. Other Twenty-Fives experience difficulty settling down to uniform habits.

Most Elevens are known as ideas persons although not all produce ideas that are practical. Those with the physical numbers 1, 4 and 7 are creative both mentally and physically while the creative talents of other numbers in the birthday generally remain within material and spiritual realms. Elevens are not always patient and tolerant people. However, if these qualities can be developed to a reasonable extent they would see that their Twenty-Five partners possess many fundamental qualities that agree with their own views on life. Similarly, Twenty-Fives are not known for patience and perseverance, but if they nurture these qualities they would also find that Elevens are resourceful individuals who can associate with them in some of their activities. Such adjustments by both partners are not made through acquired attributes but instead emerge from within when egoistic tendencies are subdued by self-development. Freedom to act as individuals is more important to both than an intimate interdependent relationship, and neither do they favour leadership roles with all their attendant responsibilities. Their desire is to work independently allowing others to do so as well. Subservient or autocratic roles will simply interfere with an Eleven’s dedication and concentration and cramp the style of the Twenty-Five. There is a quirk in their temperaments that does not take kindly to being directed or pressured to do what they would readily do of their own accord. Due to these similarities there will be little chance of one personality being engulfed by the other. Each will enjoy freedom of self-expression while at the same time remain conscious of mutual obligation.

Neither of the two is attached to domestic duties as a full-time occupation. Amicable division of responsibility will be needed. This can be done without conflict as the spirit of generosity and fair play is stronger in both partners than the negative quality of self-centredness. Despite differences in self-expression they will sooner or later appreciate that they possess many basic values in common, especially values in relation to human interaction. Both need to be involved in careers that offer ample opportunity for regular expression of their talents. Elevens may follow one or at the most two occupations during their working life but the Twenty-Five may not only have more than one at any given time but could change occupations many times.

Both individuals in their different ways are actively sensitive to human presence and atmosphere in general – an attitude which influences their conduct in social life. Neither of the two can be said to be overly attached to or dependent upon frequent social interaction. Agreement in this aspect of their relationship will be spontaneous. Both are capable of making accurate evaluations of persons and situations and are therefore able to avoid compromising situations and burdensome people. Elevens usually lock into a particular behaviour pattern and a particular social set. Twenty-Fives, on the other hand, feel the urge to enlarge and vary their social activity. They also feel the need to withdraw from all social interaction into periods of isolation and communion with natural surroundings. They do not need people as much as they need physical activity. Inevitable interaction with people is a secondary feature. Of uncertain emotional constancy their sustained sociability cannot always be taken for granted. They find their natural expression in terms of action and movement to a greater extent than the Eleven. The basic differences between these partners are reflected in the ways they take up hobbies and spend their spare time. The 5 aspect of the Twenty-Five introduces the spirit of competition into their life and consequently, into competitive sport. The combination of the 2 and 5 creates an urge for travel and adventure, while the 7 aspect creates the gardener, the nature lover and the environmentalist. As in other aspects of life this partner could be engaged in several outlets during their non-working hours. An Eleven partner has a choice of associating with one or more of these hobbies. Elevens are not without a competitive spirit but this is soon given up for other more serious interests, such as social service, music, art, literature and any number of esoteric studies. They are creative individuals with several outlets for productive employment of their time. Their Twenty-Five partners have the same opportunity for associating with them in one or more of these hobbies. An exchange of ideas and practical help rather than rivalry should be the basis on which they spend time together on a mutual interest. Travel will always be successful and beneficial to both.

Somewhat similar habits in regard to speech will contribute towards harmony between these partners. They are not people who need to engage in constant talk in order to feel at ease. When speech is needed, each in their own way is most effective in what they say or in the manner in which they express themselves. At the same time, both enjoy periods of silence and self-communication. If these periods are synchronised, as they would be in the longer term, the strength of the partnership will be greatly increased. Elevens go about their business with their minds set fast on the job at hand. They have no desire for conversation during this time and resent being interrupted. Twenty-Fives maintain an attitude of alertness without displaying external signs. Very little misses their attention even though they may seem to be concentrating on a job. Although aware of everything going on around them they too do not engage in chatter. Despite this they can be approached for help as their concentration is not as deep and their recovery from disturbance is much quicker. Both partners are opinionated but the Twenty-Five is more open and more sympathetic towards new ideas than the Eleven. While the Eleven may expound one-sided views Twenty-Fives are willing to participate in open discussion. Personal feelings may not be discussed or brought into the open spontaneously. Both partners will need to make a conscious effort to do so. Elevens become quite animated and fluent when they theorise, postulate or reveal their thoughts and feelings on matters that are cherished by them. Having done so they would usually resort to silence rather than enter into debate or argument. Twenty-Fives are more subtle and circumspect in the ways they reveal themselves.

Fluency of speech and body language are influenced by a mixture of animation, sensuality and aloofness. Their opinions and responses are brief and to the point. They cannot be enticed into long-winded discourse. While Elevens tend to be adventuresome in non-physical realms they are, in comparison with the Twenty-Five, less adventuresome in the physical realm. Twenty-Fives possess a greater or more extended capacity to enjoy life and a greater talent to emerge from life’s pitfalls. In monetary terms their living expenses will be more than those of the Eleven due to their varied lifestyle. Material and economic demands may be important to younger Elevens but always behind these the higher impulses of detachment from material gain in place of non-material values lie in reserve and emerge with maturity. Money is used by them as a means to an end but not as an end in itself. Twenty-Fives possess similar views on money. They may go after wealth and use it with greater generosity but will not be possessed by it. Although they display wider spending habits they possess at the same time a greater capacity for making money. Elevens are selective spenders who prefer quality to quantity. Their earning power will be usually channelled into one area with a great reluctance to change. Despite these differences Elevens and Twenty-Fives could arrive at an amicable arrangement for handling the partnership’s finances. Expansion should be left to the Twenty-Five and censorship exercised by the Eleven.

Elevens are not emotionally demonstrative individuals although their love and devotion is deep and constant. Neither are they responsive to demonstrative action from their partners. All they expect is their love, loyalty and support when needed. In the course of their relationship Elevens will need to get accustomed to the Twenty-Five’s tendency to change from one emotion or mood to another. Often they do not understand and are nonplussed by these mood changes, and there is a regular tendency for the Twenty-Five to withdraw into quietude and their own company. Twenty-Fives will not be faced with this situation as most Elevens, particularly those with physical numbers in their birth months are not subject to mood chances. Elevens with emotional numbers in their birth months may experience some mood changes but not to any large extent. An ideal situation will be reached when these partners recognise that each can handle only a certain amount of closeness, and their mutual need for silence should be balanced by times set aside for togetherness.


A random perusal of the chapters relating to the 11th birthday and others will indicate that the Eleven personality is not the easiest partner with whom a close and sentimental partnership can be established; the principal reasons being their strong individuality, the lack of emotional demonstration and their elevated thought processes. The Twenty-Six personality, on the other hand, is a relatively well-balanced individual well suited for a close relationship. While the Eleven will not actively or intentionally create problems or divisions they are likely to do so unintentionally, leaving the Twenty-Six or most other partners responsible for making adjustments and working towards harmony. In an Eleven/Twenty-Six partnership it will be the Eleven that will reap more benefits, particularly in household and family matters. The Twenty-Six is a family oriented individual whose principal object is to maintain a loving relationship with their partners and all family members and run a well regulated and comfortable home. They are capable of the dual task of breadwinner and homemaker. Elevens, unless they are born in the 4th or 6th months are not naturally domesticated people. Inventiveness, creativity, spirituality, advancement and betterment of living conditions in society are essential traits of the master vibration controlling the Eleven. Consequently, most Elevens need to enter into public life in order to find opportunities for self-expression. Despite the varied responsibilities of a homemaker the domestic scene does not offer sufficient scope for their ambitions. In addition, the strong spiritual element in the Eleven needs interaction on a wide scale with others of like temperament. The multiple talents of the Twenty-Six do not call for an extended field of activity. Home, the work place and close community involvement are more than sufficient for concentration of their skills. Their spiritual lives are also much less adventuresome and can be confined to traditional forms of religion.

Eleven personalities with the physical numbers 1, 4 and 7 in their birth months combine thought and action, or mental creativity with physical creativity. They do not leave their blueprints to others to build upon, instead forging ahead and giving form to their mental creations. Other Elevens are ‘ideas people’ whose thoughts are directed more towards dialogue, moralising and preaching. Their creativity is channelled into literature, art, music and scientific investigation. Their thoughts are not firmly focused on mundane matters.

The Twenty-Six is a harmonious blend of three receptive vibrations (2 + 6 = 8). As all three are of a receptive nature the individual is not pulled in different directions as would be the case with a mixture of active and receptive forces, or odd and even numbers. These individuals know what they want in life and set about achieving these. Those with the number 1 in their birth month achieve success sooner than others as this number gives them a greater degree of self-confidence and drive than any other force. Others may not possess this degree of self-assurance and would need to make a greater effort to succeed in public life. However, the degree of happiness in private life should not be affected. As a matter of fact these Twenty-Sixes may enjoy greater happiness and peace of mind in their personal lives as less of their energies will be directed into public life and more into fostering a happy family life.

Some notable differences between Elevens and Twenty-Sixes will be the Eleven’s inclination to interpret events and the behaviour of others in relation to their own feelings. The tendency of the Twenty-Six is to be more objective. On the other hand, the Eleven’s thought processes are much more extensive in a worldly and other-worldly sense while those of the Twenty-Six are work, family and community oriented. The less complex outlook of the Twenty-Six enables them to present their ideas and experiences in more simple language and the plain speech of daily life, whereas the Eleven, if not kept in control, could be long-winded, pedantic, repetitious and subject to digression. When kept under control they could emerge as outstanding and dynamic speakers.

The Twenty-Six personality responds naturally to the demands of domestic responsibility while an Eleven, with the exception of those with physical numbers in their birth months, needs to make an effort to accommodate themselves to domesticity. The Twenty-Six possesses a greater understanding of the personal needs of family members while Elevens may have to be reminded from time to time. Elevens are more interested in ideals and ideas than people, while Twenty-Sixes are more inclined towards direct experience with people. Elevens are not always prepared to accept circumstances and people as they find them. An inner urge to improve conditions according to their ideas of right and wrong is always active. Twenty-Sixes are more likely to accommodate themselves to existing conditions and accept people as they find them. The best contributions by the Twenty-Six are orderliness and efficiency, and the 2 and 6 curtail the strong competitive nature of the 8 vibration active in the background of the Twenty-Six personality. The 8 vibration also gives the individual a good measure of ambition, business sense, as well as administration and organisational skills. They are happiest when arranging, instructing, and generally putting things in order. They are exceptionally good judges of all mundane matters. In contrast, Elevens may be strong-willed but not always of sound judgment. Idealism often interferes with practicality.

Both are healers. Elevens concentrate on spiritual wellbeing and the Twenty-Six on physical and mental health. Elevens, in their first reactions do not cooperate with ideas not initiated by them, but the Twenty-Six will not initially reject the ideas and suggestions of others. They give sensible consideration to the views of others and ultimately fall back on their own judgment of these views if they are contrary to their own.

Neither partner is likely to arbitrarily assume the role of leader and decision maker, nor will they submit to a subordinate role. Elevens may certainly give advice and voice their opinions but they do not automatically assume authoritative roles. Preservation of their individuality is more important to both than the satisfaction of leadership. The Twenty-Six may surrender some portion of their desires for the sake of family harmony. They realise that they gain rather than lose as a result. An Eleven may not do so as readily. Elevens are exposed to the possibility of one-sided development which often results in eminent success in a particular area of advancement. Once started they seldom alter course. The Twenty-Six would be more conscious of the need to develop as a whole human being, achieving a balance in all aspects of life. As mentioned earlier, the Twenty-Six would undertake a larger role in managing domestic affairs as such duties are more in keeping with their temperament than the Eleven who is more inclined towards investigation and research. Elevens would feel hemmed in if they are burdened with too many domestic tasks. They may not accept the discipline of working to a timetable as readily as would a Twenty-Six. Physically oriented Elevens will of course be an exception.

The social life of the Eleven is likely to be more exclusive than that of the Twenty-Six. On the other hand, while maintaining a selective choice of company, their sphere of interest will be more extensive. As they are not very flexible the company chosen by them will invariably be among persons who are in accord with their interests in life. There is an element of intolerance or indifference in most Elevens towards subjects that do not interest them. Twenty-Sixes are more flexible and adaptable with a greater variety of interests, and therefore have a greater variety of friends and acquaintances. However, their social circle may not extend much beyond the locality they live in. While much more tolerant and accommodating of people whose interests are not necessarily their own they are not as adventuresome as the Eleven. In the local scene the Twenty-Six will gain more popularity than an Eleven on account of their friendly and neighbourly ways.

The Twenty-Six is straightforward in their requests and expectations. They do not attempt to manipulate or unduly influence their partners. Elevens use persuasion and persistence to achieve their ends. As the Twenty-Six displays a good deal of perceptiveness in conversation they know what to say as well as what to overlook and what not to say in any given situation. Consequently, they become popular conversationalists who are able to participate in a relaxed manner in a variety of mundane as well as complex topics. While Elevens usually prefer to engage in conversation with one person at a time the Twenty-Six can easily participate in group discussions. Elevens prefer to be the sole speakers. They could be one-sided and in some cases tiresome conversationalists. Not many succeed in overcoming a natural urge to preach, admonish and counsel. In the process they overlook the reactions of their listeners. Those who are able to exercise self-control are most valuable in company due to the considerable wealth of knowledge they accumulate. The need to choose their audience carefully and give ear to the views of others as freely as they expound their own is a lesson many Elevens need to learn. Some could persuade themselves into believing that their wishes and observations are facts, but the more realistic Twenty-Sixes will tend to overlook many of the Eleven’s arguments that are based on such beliefs. Verbal duelling between these partners will seldom take place as the Twenty-Six rarely counters many of the Eleven’s arguments, and if they do, it is usually in a non-aggressive manner.

Many Elevens may not find as much to do in and around the home during their non-working time, but the Twenty-Six will find a great deal to do, enjoying all manner of involvement in their home-based hobbies. Practical Elevens, however, will happily join their Twenty-Six partners in home maintenance and other domestic tasks. Others will follow personal hobbies in the arts or sciences, particularly in the occult sciences. All culinary activity will be the Twenty-Six’s special preserve. While helping the Twenty-Six when needed Elevens will wisely leave the food department and home furnishing to be managed by this partner. Social service is one area in which both partners can work together. The Twenty-Six may take a leading role with a strong back up from the Eleven. With a greater understanding of human nature and natural sympathy for the problems of others the Twenty-Six qualifies for advisory roles in charities, hospitals, schools and other organisations set up for rehabilitation. The cooperation of an Eleven partner will not be far behind. The Eleven is likely to spend time with groups formed for inquiry into the metaphysical aspects of life. While some Twenty-Six’s may sympathise with such esoteric studies, others may not. Most Elevens, especially those with emotional and mental numbers in their birth months may pursue such studies without the association of the Twenty-Six.

The financial management of this partnership is best left in the hands of the Twenty-Six. Financial security will rate ahead of many other considerations in the Twenty-Six’s scheme of things. Consequently, they become wise spenders and shrewd investors. Despite their expertise in this direction they tend to worry too much about their financial future. Elevens do not place as much emphasis or show as much concern for money matters although they are not without financial responsibility. They would rather leave this to a responsible partner, leaving themselves time to pursue other matters. As neither is inclined to overspend there would not be any dissention over money matters.

Both partners have the knack of reducing a problem to its essentials, and this will be of considerable help in solving differences that will arise relating to their habits and needs. As natural psychologists and teachers the Twenty-Six is in a better position to initiate and discuss personal matters without embarrassment. Attempts to possess the Eleven (which a Twenty-Six is likely to do) will place the relationship under strain. Possession in this context will be emotional possession tinged with an element of jealousy. The Eleven’s individuality cannot be interfered with. However, it does not conflict with the degree of love and loyalty this partner will offer. The Twenty-Six will soon become aware of this aspect of the Eleven’s nature and adjust accordingly. The love and devotion of the Twenty-Six extends equally to family members.


Eleven personalities are gifted by the master vibration 11 with a curious mixture of qualities – creativity, practicality, materialistic values and dedication to work on the one hand, and theory, idealism, intuition and spirituality on the other. In addition the vibration of the birth month has considerable influence upon the way these qualities are distributed in a particular individual. In exceptional instances only are all these features present in a single personality. Those Elevens with the physical numbers 1 and 4 in their birth month generally operate on the physical plane, and it is here that their inventiveness, practicality and tangible values are displayed. The self-expression of those born in the 2nd, 3rd, 5th, 6th, 8th and 9th months is directed to the emotional and mental planes. They are inclined more towards theory, idealism, intuition and exploration of their spirituality. Creativity is seen in the artistic side of life. Finally those Elevens born in the 7th month are able to strike a balance between materialistic and spiritual values and between practicality and idealism.

Individuality is the strongest characteristic in all Elevens. Any encroachment or suspicion of encroachment upon their individuality is certain to arouse resentment and anger. Their partners will soon become alert to this danger and adjust to ways that preserve the Eleven’s individuality. Not many are able to do so successfully but a Twenty-Seven could be an exception. Elevens are generous givers as long as undue influence or pressure is not brought upon them. At the same time, they are not sharers. The possessions they call their own remain their own. They also prefer to concentrate on working alone rather than working alongside someone, or in an equal partnership. For example, an Eleven homemaker will resent sharing his or her kitchen or culinary activity with a partner. Interference even with the best of intentions disturbs their concentration. They would rather perform their chosen tasks alone rather than put up with advice, suggestions or indeed help from another. They are not introverted people but by nature prefer to concentrate on a job without interference. This attitude is not one of selfishness as service is one of their most endearing qualities. They are devoted, loyal and often fiercely protective of their loved ones. This will be especially so with Elevens born in the 1st, 4th, 6th or 8th months.

The multiple digits of the 27th day confirm three major vibratory forces operating within the personality structure. A further component may be added by the number or vibration of the birth month if it is other than the 2, 7 or 9. If it is one of these vibrations, this aspect of the personality is enhanced. The Twenty-Seven is basically a Nine personality (2 + 7 = 9) reinforced by the powers of the 2 and 7. There is a congeniality or rapport between these three vibrations which serves to create a well adjusted individual. The golden threads that run through these vibrations and which create a unified entity are the psychic, intuitional and spiritual elements in each. The mature Twenty-Seven is consequently one in whom the non-physical and non-material aspects of life hold greater significance than the physical and material. These are features of the Twenty-Seven that attract the Eleven in the first instance and subsequently contribute towards an enduring relationship. The Twenty-Seven is, however, gifted with a wider field of self-expression by virtue of the three vibratory forces forming the integral personality. These cover the physical (7), the emotional (2) and the mental (9) in addition to the spiritual element common to all three. Twenty-Sevens with physical numbers in their birth month are proficient in whatever they undertake on the physical plane, particularly in any activity relating to the earth and its produce. They are natural botanists, geologists, agriculturalists, horticulturalists, gardeners, landscape artists and archaeologists. They are moderately extroverted people whose emotions and speech are kept in control and released only when they chose to do so. Other Twenty-Sevens are naturally absorbed in mental appreciation of the cultural advancement of humanity while making their own contribution towards the enrichment of life as a whole. Those Twenty-Sevens who possess the dynamic 1 vibration in their birth month have greater confidence in their multiple talents and consequently advance faster and contribute more while others may have to be reminded of their considerable potential and advised to develop more self-confidence and drive. Twenty-Sevens are generally non-competitive people who set about acquiring their needs and fulfilling their ambitions by using their natural talents, their innate wisdom, their personal dignity and specialised knowledge. As high moral principles are usually maintained in their dealings they refuse to gain advancement or acquire material goods at the expense of anyone else.

Neither Elevens nor Twenty-Sevens possess the urge to take sole charge of any situation in which they find themselves. A personal relationship will not be an exception. Preservation of their individuality is more important to both than the satisfaction of a dominant role. Two dominant egos will not allow two good partners to work together. This situation will not arise in this relationship as neither possesses forceful egos. The firm individuality of the Eleven is evidenced not only in avoidance of a role as sole leader but also by rejection of the role of follower. Nor, as mentioned earlier are they happy working side by side with another. They would happily settle for a situation in which each partner has separate responsibilities. While they diligently perform their part of the bargain they would expect their partners to do the same. Attempts to coerce an Eleven into any action that is contrary to their natural desire and convictions will not succeed. A Twenty-Seven will be too wise to do so. The Twenty-Seven has a sensitive appreciation of the interrelationship of all life and their actions are governed by awareness of this underlying unity. Consequently, they do not attempt to impose their views on others. Elevens are also aware of this unity but, in their enthusiasm and impatience to get things done, are often forgetful of its reality. A democratic arrangement will eventually develop in which both partners tune into the same wavelength and begin to think as a couple. However, it is likely that more concessions will be made by the Twenty-Seven. Both possess a multitude of talents, some similar and some dissimilar, which can be used to their mutual advantage. Rivalry is not a problem that will interfere with their advancement and wellbeing as both are non-competitive by nature.

The individuality of the Twenty-Seven is not as rigid as that of the Eleven. The degree of flexibility found in this personality is not due to weakness or indecision but due to their vastly expanded vision. There is, in fact, no limit to this individual’s adaptability as long as they are not required to infringe on the welfare and wellbeing of others. Despite the humanitarian outlook of the Eleven their ego is strong and sensitive, and this accounts for instances of stubbornness and inflexibility, particularly in those with physical numbers in their birth month. It also accounts for a degree of obstruction in their overview of life. The ego of the Twenty-Seven has been sublimated to a greater degree than the average person and this accounts for their expanded views and greater objectivity. Elevens are usually averse to criticism, whether constructive or otherwise. Their reactions are often instant and resentful. After a period of time they may come around to constructive criticism as if the ideas have been their own. Although they may feel bad, Twenty-Sevens are much more tolerant of criticism. They are capable of ignoring spiteful or unwarranted judgments and profiting from constructive or helpful criticism. They seldom pass judgment on others and when they do so they make sure they possess as much evidence as they could possibly gather.

A good deal of consensus will be found in their social attitudes. Both individuals are generally indifferent to the status symbols of an affluent society and are not easily subjected to its demands. Slow to make new friendships both discriminate carefully before entering into new social scenes. They are easily put off by the conversational limits of superficial minds. They are in positive ways a curious mixture of extroversion and introversion. Periods of quietude and self-examination are essential to their wellbeing. Silence as a means of communication will be used by both. They do not regard themselves as purely the products of physical evolution, or the life of the senses being the only reality. While enjoying mundane activities they also look towards mental and spiritual pleasures.

While social attitudes are generally similar their forms of oral expression are not always the same. Elevens could alternate between silence and animated and hasty speech, while Twenty-Sevens alternate between silence and modulated and careful speech. Elevens could let themselves become carried away on the wings of a favourite topic, often failing to observe that they have lost the attention of their audience. Twenty-Sevens are always aware of the reactions of their audience and adjust their speech and subject matter accordingly. Elevens may use words to cover up uncertainties or justify errors and oversights. Twenty-Sevens would sooner admit to a mistake and have an end to the matter. Elevens jealously guard their ideological background and preconceived notions while Twenty-Sevens are not as fearful of letting go and adjusting to change. While mindful of the views of others they are, at the same time, not as fond of giving out their own ideas of right and wrong and not as judgmental as an Eleven.

A large area of common ground can be enjoyed during their leisure time. As both do not identify themselves entirely with the attractions of physical activity they can indulge in acquiring specialised knowledge of various esoteric subjects. With somewhat similar ideologies they will sooner or later feel an inner urge to explore their spirituality and if they do this together, advancement would be rapid. Elevens are interested in ideas and the exposition of their ideas while Twenty-Sevens are primarily interested in accumulation of knowledge and personally profiting by this knowledge. They give out their knowledge only when invited to do so. The Twenty-Seven will find it easier to delve into impersonal matters due to a subdued ego. As the Eleven’s ego is stronger they may take a longer period to gain impersonal insight into esoteric matters. Both partners are most likely to turn into independent thinkers free from permanent affiliation with orthodox religious groups or societies. In other areas of leisure activity they should not experience any problem giving each other a reasonable amount of self-time as neither of the two suffers from possessiveness or selfishness.

As there is a degree of non-attachment to material goods in both, neither Elevens nor Twenty-Sevens will show eagerness to take control of their finances. Furthermore, as the acquisitive instinct is reduced in both, money will not be the criterion by which they establish their lifestyle. However, each will no doubt give it significance according to their earlier conditioning. In general, management of money matters will be a joint effort with little or no dissension. Irresponsible spending by one at the expense of family stability is not likely to take place. By nature both resent being rushed or pressured into action. Impulse is not a feature that governs either personality. Similarly, neither is emotionally demonstrative although there is a great deal of warmth and emotion within both. They will not feel unloved in the absence of frequent exhibitions of affection. Intuitive knowledge of their love and loyalty will be a stronger bond than any outward show.


Personalities of a very different order are formed by these birthdays. The vibration of the birth month, which has a significant influence on the personality created by the birthday, is not likely to have much effect in closing the gap that exists between these two personality types. The attraction of opposites often results in spontaneous liking between dissimilar types. If this happens between Elevens and Twenty-Eights their differences will manifest early in their relationship generating the need for much understanding, tolerance and adjustment. This may not be easy as both are resolute individualists. At the same time, both are motivated by high principles, willpower and loyalty, not to mention the capacity to love deeply. An agreeable relationship is not outside their reach despite many opposite traits.

Motivated by a master vibration the Eleven personality has the potential to reach beyond purely physical, emotional and mental activity. This condition is more easily attained by those Elevens having emotional or mental numbers in their birth month. Familiar characteristics found in these Elevens, which may emerge spontaneously in some and can be easily evoked in others, are inspiration, idealism, intuition, spirituality, vision, invention, artistic and scientific talent, oratory and activism, especially in social reform and spiritual development. These Elevens are often good ‘ideas’ persons who do not necessarily convert their ideas into physical form, instead usually leaving it to others to do so. Theory may be stronger than practical application. Due to the influence of a host of ideas and ideals their personal lives, especially mundane matters may often fall into disorder. Problems would arise in association with a partner who expects punctuality, orderliness and down-to-earth values. These expectations will be met by Elevens born with the physical numbers 1, 4, or 7 in their birth months. Thought processes of these individuals are directed much more towards practical issues than those that are idealistic. They possess a much better chance of establishing a relationship with a Twenty-Eight once a fair division of authority and responsibility has been agreed upon.

The Twenty-Eight is basically a One personality (2 + 8 = 10 = 1) influenced by the 2 and 8 vibrations. The 1 vibration, which is a strong physical and self-willed force, operates at fundamental levels. The firm individuality of the Twenty-Eight is formed by this vibration, just as it does with the Eleven. However, its influence on the physical, material and practical aspects of life is much more than in an Eleven personality; the influence of the spiritual aspects of the master vibration being responsible for this difference. While the Eleven often reaches beyond the desire for power and possessions the Twenty-Eight by virtue of the 1 vibration concentrates on the active pursuit of these ambitions. In addition, the 1 vibration is greatly reinforced by the features of the 8 which, in combination with the 1, enables Twenty-Eights to reach their goals. A gentle aspect of this personality is created by the 2 vibration but this can often be obscured by the authoritative ways of the 1 and 8. It may, however, check undue exhibitions of ego and desire for self-promotion in circumstances where such performance is unnecessary. It also enhances the sensitivity of the individual. Having two emotional vibrations within their personality structure the Twenty-Eight is a curious mixture of emotion and down-to-earth attitudes. Much of their emotion is injected into the work they undertake, whether in private or public arenas.

The contrast between the Eleven’s idealism and the Twenty-Eight’s practicality will be observed in the former’s desire to be left to their own devices, or without interference, and the latter’s need to direct, control and influence those with whom they interact. The task to be undertaken by both partners in the domestic scene will be the establishment of middle ground based on consultation and compromise. Flexibility is somewhat restricted in both, but to compensate for this as well as an element of stubbornness they are careful and honest thinkers who would be prepared to agree to a fair settlement of controversial issues as long as they are not rushed into decisions. The Twenty-Eight is an extrovert planner concerned with facts and the results of planning and organisation. They would not disagree with the Eleven’s plans if they fall within their pragmatic methods. However, this may not always be the case as many Elevens are more concerned with theory, innovation and experimentation than concrete planning with materials at hand. The combination of the Eleven’s idealism and the Twenty-Eight’s practicality could achieve considerable advancement if patience and understanding are used on both sides.

Conservative attitudes are adopted by both partners in social activity. Their wellbeing is not dependent on an active social life although they are by no means reclusive by nature. Neither of the two will be prepared to surrender their identity as autonomous individuals in exchange for the identity they may receive from a group. Their individualism is much too strong. Imitation and identification are not natural traits. Both feel secure within themselves and this quality, needless to say, is expressed within their own relationship. Sensitive to social approval they conduct themselves with prudence and propriety. Their choice of company may often differ as Elevens tend to be attracted to individuals and groups interested in scientific and metaphysical investigation as well as the arts, particularly painting and literature. Twenty-Eights may not be as studious as their Eleven partners as their competitive spirit is attracted to various forms of sport as participants and officials. Their social life may be centred on their sporting interests as well as their business interests and other public duties. They are not adventuresome in their social life, although many business transactions may be initiated or completed in a social scene. By mutual consent Elevens and Twenty-Eights may happily associate with each other’s social circle in certain obligatory events while allowing each other freedom to indulge in each other’s own activities on a reasonably independent basis. They are certainly capable of giving and receiving love, loyalty and mutual respect but do not necessarily depend on each other for positive reinforcement of their energies. They may influence each other to broaden interests and to change some attitudes but their basic personality patterns are likely to remain unchanged. The Twenty-Eight may display a fondness for receiving a fair degree of recognition and the need to be looked up to rather more than the Eleven. This need may not always be catered to by the Eleven.

The partnership is benefitted by the fact that neither partner is a constant talker. Fluency of speech emerges naturally in all Elevens when discussing or lecturing on their favourite topics which usually relate to social reform and other esoteric matters. Their conversation could be innovative and interesting but not always practical and realistic. For the rest, they remain taciturn, especially when others speak out on their own special topics. Elevens do not interrupt or readily challenge the opinions of others as they are not naturally argumentative people. Twenty-Eights are fluent and knowledgeable speakers who confine their conversations to matters relating to business and any public responsibilities they may have. They are also inclined to concentrate on personal experiences rather too much and risk losing the attention of their listeners. While some Elevens may be quick to pass judgment and give opinions Twenty-Eights do not like to give opinions before examining as many facts or as much evidence as they can gather.

The desire of most Elevens to explore their spirituality as well as foster their sense of mission will be manifested in the ways they spend their spare time. Attracted to study groups and societies dedicated to the advancement of cultural activities they invariably assume influential roles. As most Elevens are non-competitive by nature they do not retain an avid interest in competitive sport. Any sporting activity they take up would be for reasons of health and physical fitness rather than for fame or profit. The Twenty-Eight is usually a conformist in regard to religious beliefs and generally remains supportive of orthodox religious practices. Unless a Twenty-Eight is born in the 7th month they show scant interest in looking into the metaphysical aspects of life. Acquisition of recognition and good fortune for themselves and their loved ones is more important than self-development along spiritual lines. Many Twenty-Eights need to realise that concentrated attempts to achieve the highest degree of success in their chosen fields may not pay dividends in terms of happiness in their family life. This, however, is not likely to occur in the case of those Twenty-Eights born in the 6th month. Elevens should similarly realise that too much attention to activities outside the domestic scene could jeopardise family togetherness. Many Twenty-Eights may use their administrative talents in sporting clubs and other social organisations. Left to their own decisions Elevens and Twenty-Eights may not choose travel and partake of frequent holiday making as a hobby. Apart from a lack of genuine interest in travel far and wide their lives will be too busy to enjoy absence from their normal activities. Consequently, they need to develop some spiciness in their relationship by leaving their individual interests and indulging instead in travel and holidays away from their customary associates and activities.

Most Elevens, particularly those with non-physical numbers in their birth month do not display undue attachment to or concern for money or their financial security. They are certainly not irresponsible money managers but other concerns override their interest in money matters, such as their pre-occupation with their chosen interest in to arts and sciences (including the occult sciences). An Eleven partner will happily hand over the financial side of the partnership to a responsible and knowledgeable money manager. The Twenty-Eight falls neatly into this category. This partner would automatically take charge of their financial affairs. However, they would need to be conscious of the Eleven’s rights and freedom of access to their joint funds.

The separate interests engaged in by these partners should not prevent a fair degree of support and participation in each other’s activities. This will depend on the care each takes to avoid falling into extremes in their individual activities. The Eleven, needs to reconcile possible conflict between inspiration and practicality as well as depth of emotion which they are usually unable to release easily. The Twenty-Eight suffers from conflict between rational thought and surging emotions. Although they are extroverted planners who concentrate on facts and results, they execute their plans with a great deal of emotional energy. Their vulnerable sensitivity is hidden behind an aggressive or authoritative facade. Many Twenty-Eights need to learn how to regulate their emotions effectively, especially in interpersonal matters. Both partners possess strong feelings as regards to their knowledge and capabilities, and can be easily offended by the appearance of a slight or a well meant and constructive criticism. They need to work on themselves with the same degree of care they take to work on their relationship. While this obviously applies to all relationships it is specially the case with an Eleven/Twenty-Eight union.


This chapter deals with an interesting combination of birthdays as both are influenced by the same master vibration – one directly and the other in the background of the personality. The Eleven personality is activated by the unqualified force of the master vibration 11. The important vibration of the birth month influences the way in which 11 features are directed but does not alter fundamental 11 characteristics. The Twenty-Nine, on the other hand, is a qualified Eleven (2 + 9 = 11) and the 2 and 9 vibrations heavily influence the operation of 11 features. However, they complement rather than oppose these features. Additional facets are added to the integral personality by the vibration of the birth month, or existing features may be intensified. This could happen forcefully in a Twenty-Nine born in the 9th month. Intensification of 9 traits introduces a degree of negativity into the personality, such as restlessness and excess of emotion. Repetition of the 2 vibration in the birth month increases sensitivity which could also be displayed in negative ways. The strongest and best balanced Twenty-Nines are those born with the 1 vibration in their birth month. By and large, the average Twenty-Nine is a more complicated personality than is the average Eleven.

While Elevens and Twenty-Nines may be attracted to each other through a similar outlook on life, thus providing several mutual interests, their interaction in a permanent relationship may produce many fluctuations. One difficulty will be the Eleven’s inability to release emotion in the normal course of events and the excess of emotion released by the Twenty-Nine, especially those born in the 2nd, 5th, 8th and 9th months. Another would be the comparative inflexibility on the part of the Eleven, especially those born in the 1st, 4th and 7th months and the changeability and impulsiveness on the part of most Twenty-Nines. Both partners are superior personalities who can call upon several high-minded and magnanimous qualities to ensure conditions of tolerance and understanding. Rather than drifting apart on account of certain superficial negative features they should be able to recognise and understand the occasional nuances in their moods by using their natural wisdom and intuition. Both are essentially honourable people free from selfishness and dishonesty. Another advantage in this relationship is their inner knowledge that there is a non-physical component to their individuality and both will naturally endeavour to steer their personal development and evolution as well as their relationship along moral and spiritual lines instead of allowing life to drift into purely physical directions. If this practice is overlooked in their younger years it will invariably be taken up as they grow older. It must, however, be noted that while both possess the potential to harmonise spiritual and worldly values their family and social backgrounds will exercise considerable influence on retarding or expediting their progress. While both are likely to take an interest in beliefs other than those they were born into the Eleven’s tendency will be to concentrate on one or two lines of enquiry while the Twenty-Nine will be attracted to a great variety of esoteric beliefs and practices. Although their methods may differ their aims will be the same, and this would be the basis on which their relationship develops, and which would also distinguish them from the average couple.

An authoritative leader and sole decision maker will not emerge in this partnership. Being in charge is not that important to either. Freedom of thought, speech and action is more important to their wellbeing than is authority. One will therefore not attempt to place rules or restrictions on the other in the knowledge that they will be firmly resisted. Sooner or later they will settle down to mutual consultation and shared responsibilities. Elevens with physical numbers in their birth month are likely to be more cooperative in this respect than the Twenty-Nine. Practical application of their talents is better in the Eleven than in the Twenty-Nine. Heart, mind and hands combine more easily in the Eleven while in the Twenty-Nine, despite their considerable wisdom, heart (emotion) may often influence their decisions and reactions. As mentioned earlier emotion will be a problem with the Twenty-Nine. On a positive note they are extremely sensitive to the suffering of life in any form. On a negative note this same sensitivity leads to overreaction on their part resulting in personal suffering and disturbance to others. The Eleven’s main problem will be adjusting to the mood changes in the Twenty-Nine. Elevens are not without depth of emotion but their feelings are generally concealed. However, concealment of their feelings often results in outbursts of emotion when it cannot be contained any longer.

Both partners are career oriented individuals. They gravitate naturally towards the professions and executive posts in public service and large businesses and institutions. In these positions they possess the potential to gain real success and distinction. They may not be as successful in running small or moderate businesses of their own as a combination of their high moral standards, the absence of duplicity, generosity, impulsiveness and trust will not compete with some of the unscrupulous principles of people they would encounter in the competitive world of business. Both may need to curb excessive involvement in their public duties and pay more attention to domestic matters. Those with the 6 or 4 numbers in their birth month may find it easier to do so as these are home oriented forces and consequently introduce a better balance in the personality. The Eleven may find it easier to cope with the pressure of dual duties. As both are essentially honourable people they should have no difficulty in sharing duties of a second shift in the domestic scene. Selfishness is not a natural feature in either. Any neglect or oversight would be due to an excess of attention paid to social or public interests. Both may need to establish a balance between domestic and public duties. The Twenty-Nine, while not perturbed by busy and noisy surroundings in public life, has a greater need for release of tension in solitude, natural surroundings or in meditative practices.

A marked difference between these partners will be displayed in their social attitudes and activities. Elevens could be rather circumspect and not entirely extroverted in a social scene while Twenty-Nines are open and extroverted with a willingness to occupy the limelight when necessary. Their body language is animated and attractive while that of the Eleven is restricted. While Elevens are much more even-tempered in most conditions Twenty-Nines could revert to introverted attitudes and reserve. This is a paradoxical element in this personality. Change into introverted behaviour does not often occur in a social scene but is usually held back for expression in the domestic scene. A mixture of conservatism, open-mindedness and limitation will be shown by the Eleven in their choice of company but the Twenty-Nine will invariably remain modern and unprejudiced in their choice and interaction with friends and acquaintances. Consequently, a degree of friction may arise if the Twenty-Nine does not curtail some of their activities. However, when it comes to the company chosen by them, dissatisfaction may only be felt in quantity and not necessarily in quality. By and large, these partners are naturally attracted to the same type of individual whose interests are centred around cultural and metaphysical values rather than those with purely physical interests. The Eleven’s reserve may need to be overcome to some extent.

The gift of speech has been granted to both partners, but used more freely by the Twenty-Nine. As sparkling conversationalists they easily hold the attention of an audience. Their subject matter is never stale, tiresome or repetitious. Most Elevens possess the potential to develop into fine public speakers. However, this is also a talent possessed by the Twenty-Nine. In ordinary conversation Elevens are not as diversified in their choice of subjects. They could also talk about themselves and their favourite interests rather more than they should. Elevens with physical numbers in their birth months prefer person to person conversation rather than holding the attention of a group. While Elevens tend to be subjective in their conversation Twenty-Nines can maintain a good balance between subjectivity and objectivity. Sudden emotional reactions of the Twenty-Nine could result in a burst of irresponsible remarks towards others, especially their partners. However, the Eleven partner will realise sooner or later that it is not what the Twenty-Nine says that matters as much as the things they do. The Twenty-Nine is much too big hearted to do anything intentionally hurtful to anyone, least of all to a loved one. These partners should not experience difficulty finding interesting topics of conversation when they find themselves on their own. The Twenty-Nine will naturally be the more talkative except when they fall into one of their moods. Elevens may be rigidly attached to their opinions and often offer irrational explanations in support of them while Twenty-Nines are open to new ideas and alteration and expansion of their opinions.

Both are essentially non-competitive individuals. In their recreational activities they are likely to be attracted to games that promote a team spirit. Body contact sports may be avoided if they can help it, especially by the Twenty-Nine. Having a similar conception of the reality of life their intellectual and spiritual interests could be shared with definite advantages to both and all those they come in contact with. Much of their non-working time can be spent in cultural activities and in the quest to understand themselves and their place in the universal scheme of things. Both possess the inner urge to make the same contribution to the collective knowledge of society. Needless to say, the speed and degree in which they undertake such tasks will depend on their social and economic standing.

Problems relating to money may arise on account of the Twenty-Nine’s generosity and often irresponsible spending habits. Most Twenty-Nines are unconcerned about financial security as they possess the ability to live in the present with little or no uneasiness about the future. Elevens, on the other hand, are cautious spenders and discriminating givers. While not attached to wealth for its own sake they need a reasonable amount of financial security in order to feel at ease. The Twenty-Nine’s desire to extract a good deal out of life is another action that would be responsible for increased expenditure. However, the Eleven can influence this partner to exercise judgment in their spending. It will also be beneficial to both if money management is left to a greater extent in the hands of the Eleven. Sooner or later these partners can reconcile their differences in regard to money and its usage as both are urged on by their nature towards making a useful and influential life rather than making a living in terms of wealth.

By and large these partners can succeed in their relationship despite superficial differences in temperament as love and loyalty are among their strongest forces. The Eleven will need to tolerate the Twenty-Nine’s highs and lows and their impulsive judgments while the Twenty-Nine, in turn, should make a conscious effort to curb their hastiness. Elevens do not create highly charged emotional scenes. They should try to understand the emotionalism and mental flexibility of the Twenty-Nine and accept the fact that their own fixed ideas or policies may not work in every situation. They should not react in the same way each time they meet with a somewhat similar situation.


Please refer to the chapter on the 3rd and 11th birthdays. The Zero in the 30th day does not add any new features to the 3 vibration or take away any that are existing. However, it may emphasise certain aspects of the 3 vibration.


Interaction between a straightforward Eleven personality and a qualified Four personality will be seen in this combination. Their relationship will be the same as that between an Eleven and another qualified Four, namely an individual born on the 13th day of any month. It should be noted that the influence of the 3 vibration is slightly stronger in the Thirty-One than in the Thirteen, as it appears first, but this does not make any appreciable difference in their interaction with an Eleven personality.

The chapter on 11th and 13th birthdays should be consulted.