Leo December Horoscope

There is another solar eclipse on the 4th (the last eclipse of the year). It occurs in your 5th house of children and so children and children figures in your life can experience life-changing dramas. Some of these changes can be very normal – a child goes off to college, or has a sexual awakening, or gets married. The point is that even these good things are life-changing events. They should still take it easy and avoid stressful kinds of activities over the eclipse period, however.

For you, this eclipse is relatively benign. But every solar eclipse tends to affect you more so than others, with the Sun ruling your Horoscope. He is an important planet. So, this event can bring a detox of the body (especially if you haven’t been careful in dietary matters). It brings a re-definition of the self and image. You are changing the way you think of yourself and how you want to be seen by others. This is a healthy thing to do. We are growing and evolving beings and a periodic update is good. Over the coming months you will change your wardrobe, hairstyle and image. Mercury, your financial planet, is also impacted by this eclipse. Course corrections in your financial life are necessary. The events of the eclipse will show you where your thinking and planning have been amiss or unrealistic. Thus, you can make the necessary improvements. A parent or parent figure is also making important financial changes. The finances of the family as a whole get changed now. Siblings and sibling figures should be more careful driving. If they are students below college level, there are educational changes – perhaps even changes of school. The spouse, partner or current love has dramas with friends and with high-tech equipment.

Venus, ‘out of bounds’ since mid-October, finally moves back into bounds on the 7th. She will make one of her biennial retrogrades on the 19th. So, go slowly in love. Career opportunities need careful research; they are not what they seem to be. Cars and communication equipment can be temperamental.

Once the eclipse is over with, the month ahead is fun – party time. Enjoy yourself. Take your mind off your problems and enjoy life. When you come back to your problems you’ll find that they are not as bad as they first appeared and there will be solutions.

  • Best Days Overall: 4, 12, 13, 22, 23, 31
  • Most Stressful Days Overall: 1, 2, 7, 8, 14, 15, 16, 29, 30
  • Best Days for Love: 5, 6, 7, 8, 14, 15, 24, 25
  • Best Days for Money: 4, 8, 9, 13, 14, 18, 24, 25, 28
  • Best Days for Career: 5, 6, 14, 15, 16, 24, 25